Monkton Times, 25 Oct 1912, p. 1

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THE MON ON TIMES VOL. IV--No. 6. MONKTON, ONT., FRIDAY, OCT. 25, 1912. Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Propr etor SOOO09 450995099 OO9OGO99O0O 99H O80 0000069900949 00 F000 O$ Grand Showing of NEW FALL GOODS ig operations. However with the tage. goods in all lines. Millinery Owing to the fact that our store has been more or less disturbed by the build- We have been handi- capped in showing our New Fall Goods hope to serve our trade to better advan- We have been very busy unpacking large shipments of» new and _ up-to-date Annual Fall Dress and ready-to-wear hats show- ing all the latest styles and novelties. Friday and Saturday October 4th and Sth EVERYBODY IS CORDIALLY INVITED addition added we Openings WEBER & MONKTON'S 3 3 3 3 : e 3 3 ; 3 3 3 3 e : ; ; 3 | ; ; $ 3 3 e 3 3 ; ; : S 3 3 : ; 3 ; 3 3 3 : : POPULAR: 4999S SSS SOOO SOC OOHOGOOOOSS SHHOSHOOHHOOOOOOOSOOOOOOOD BETTGER STORE PPS CEPHOOD GE ODO GOSS SPO ID OG SOG OSS SHSO HGH GHG HG HG GOOG OS OSGHGSOGO OLS HGH FOG OH SG SHPOS HOSS OSS SH OS GSH SH PS OODEY HOHSHHSH PSG HOGS GSOHOHS OL OG HOGS O9HSHFHO0HO4OF54H44000000 s Do You Realize As the money you can make selling fruit treest The present demand for Nur- ; surery Stock is the greatest in the 2 history of the business. Everybody who has tthe Jand'ia planting or pre- oaring to plant. ¥ WE WANT NOW : For Fall and 'Winfer months a reli- able man to 'sell im Monkton and surrounding district. Good pay. ex: clusive territory. and all the advan- With the development of rural mail and the rapid growth of tha rural telephone the farming community is in clover in the way oft modern con- veniences and comforts. In the next few years many autos will bd found in possession of tillers of the soil and distances from town be obliterated as far as travel is concerned, There i no doubt about the world moving.-- St. Marys Journal. STRAYED On the premised of the wndersigned B tages in representing an old estab- ; lished firm. Over 600 acres under|Lot 3. Con. 16. Elma. about three 4 cultivation, Established 85 years.|™months ago. a one-year-old Heifer. - Owner cam have same by proving Write PELHAN NURSERY CO,.TOR | property amd paying exenses. WIL- ag ONTO. ONTARIO. BERT HUSTON. a 008099 S0F 000909999 9S0904H8 OOD ODI VG TOL GHGLDIHGHSISHTS on Coal : Gasoline Stoves 30 % Discount Oil and 2 ' Big discount on Wire Fencing A full line of Stoves & Ranges M. E. BETTGER, Monkton 'Ontario The Monkton Times IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING Monkton Ontario SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year. $1.00 ; six months, 50 cents; three munths 25 cents in advance. Subscriptions not so paid, $1.50 per year CONTRACT ADVERTISING SPACE YeAR 6 Mos. 3 Mos Mon ~ column...$50.00 $30.00 $16.00 $6.0 ¥% column.. 30.00 16,00 9.00 4.00 % column.. 15.00 9.00 5.00 2.00 Linch... 5.00 3.00- 2.00 1.00 Right cents per line for first insertion and four cents per lineforeacn subsequent insertion will be charged for all transient advertisements. Advertisements without specific direc- tions will be inserted until forbidden and charged accordingly. MALCOLM MAcBETH, Publisher and Proprietor Miss Emma Buttery. of Cranbrook. spent Sunday the guest of Miss M | Robinson, | The Misses and Mr. E. Wugdell. of Mitchell. spent Sumfay at Mr. Jas. Graham's. Mr. Pat. Nicholson is at present confined to the house with am attack of sciatica, Mr. Norman Schaefer, of MitcheH, spent Monday at the residence of Mrs. A. Huggins. Mr. Thos. Scott. of Sarnia, is at vresent visiting his grandmother Mrs Findlay McEwan. ; Mrs. Gid Litt. of Sebringville, is at present visiting at the residéno« of Mr. John White. : Mr. J. T. Gill is holding the first ball of the season in Erskine's hall this Friday evening. Rev. J. D. Fergusson will on Sun day avening next preach on "Wintes sports and amusements." Mr. Riehard Robinson. erieff. oalled om his- sister Miss Robinson on Saturday last. "Dr. McCrae. of Mitchell, and Rev J. D. Fergusson. of Monkton. will ex- change pulpits.on Sunday. Noy. 3rd. Mr. Isaac Hord. of Mitchell, who came out to attend anmiversary ser- vices here on Sunday spent the day with friends in the village. Miss Ethel McNaught has establish- a physical culture class in Monkton and is meeting with splendid success in the way of getting pupils. Mr. Wim. Bettger returned on Tues- day evening from Roeldan, Sask., where he has been for the' past two months. He reports work as well advanced for this time of the year. Mesdames Brown, Fergusson, Ers kine. amd Misses Terry and Holman left on Tuesday as delegates ta, the Presbyterial meeting which was held at Stratford on Tuesday and Wed nesday, On Thursday last Mr. Robt. Adair were called mourn the loss by death of their ithree-weeks-old son. The funeral took place to Elma Centre cemetem on Sunday last. Mr. David Smith. of Ellice. has sold his farm to his brother-in-law Mr. John McEwan for the sum of $9,500. Mr. Smith has not yet decided what he will do but we fear that; he will hearken to the oall of the West. Confirmation services were held in the Lutheran church on 'Sunday last when eight candidates were con- firmed by Pastor Heugli. The morn- ing services were conducted in Ger- man while the services of the after- noon were in English. The church was crowded to its fullest capacity at both services. The season, motwithstanding the amount of wet weather, seems to bv favorable to horticulture. Mrs. A Huggins has at present growing in her garden a fine crop ofraspberries and strawberries. A Jume rose busb has again~ burst into bloom, The berries have matured and are quite large and plentiful. Mr. G. Weber received word the other day to the effect that the barn belonging to his brother on the old homestéad in Wilmot township had been burned to the ground witH the season's crop and a mumber of im- plements. They had been engaged in filling a silo and it is Supposed that of Mon- M and Mrs. upon to athe fire originated from the engine The C.P.R. telephone gang passed over this section of the line last week stringing copper wires from Goderich to Hamilton for the purpose of des- patehingtrains. It is expected that phones will be installed. and the sys- tem in operation by December lst. This mode of tnain despatching will have an advantage over the tele- graph system in that trains will be equipped with apparatus which cap be connected with the line in cases of emergency. Anniversary services were held in the Methodist church on Sunday last when Rev. J. W. Baird. of Mitchell preached two very able and interest ing sermons. The response to the cah to wipe the debt off the church was very handsomely responded to by a contribution of $750. This will enable the managing board to wipe out the debt on the chureb and the pleasant duty of burning the mortgage wil) fall to the pastor Rev. A. Moorehouse at ap early date, Two Berlin boys aged about 15 and 17 years respectively stole a horse and rig from a shed in that city and drove all over the country visiting St. Marys. Mitchell and Monkton where the horse which had been driv- en hard for about 110 miles with little to eat but grass played out. De- sirous of getting to Listowel and un- able to get the fagged mag any fur- ther they appropriated a horse inthe hotel shed here that belonged to Mr. Henry Riehl. The boys being tired fell asleep and the horse left to guide himself headed for home. The owner missing the animal telephoned home to find out if it had returned and was informed that it had with two boys asleep in the buggy. They were! apprehended by Mr. Robt. Harvel. county constable. who informed Con- stable John Coppin, of Mitchell, of the two lads. He came after them | and endeavored to take along the! overdriven horse buf he had to put | it in at Bornholm, Chief O'Neil, of | Berlin. was communicated with and, he oame up and took the boys back to that city where they will' likely have to stand trial. The boys have been iim oustody before and if they do, not change their ways are likely des- | tined for a life of crime. ~ oe Rites Mr. John Engler. of Grand Rapids Mich.. and Mr. Con. Engler, of Grey, are at present visiting Mr. J. Schade. Along with the man who tampers with his milk should be classed the man who cells "held" eggs for fresh ones. Arrangement are made for a con- ference between the Railway Commis- sion. the Grain Commission and rep- resentatives of the western railways to discuss railway facilities for the sample market to be established in Winnipeg. According to the report of Gover- mor John Cook. it only cost 11 cents ver day each to maintain the 105 pris- oners at the county jail during the past year. That shows in what way the cost of living can be reduced.; Gill keeps the best bread. -'buns, cakes. ete. Mr. James Terry spent Monday in Milverton. Mr. A. F. MacLaren. ex-M.P., spent a day in the village last week. 'Miss Jessie Golightly spent Sunday with friends ati Dublin and Mitchell Mr. Munro, of the Sterling Bank, spent the week-end at his home in Auburn, : Mr. Jake Weber and Mr, and Mrs Milt. Bettger spent Sunday. and Mon- day at New Hamburg "and Stratford Messrs. Weber & Bettger have add- ed to their grocery line the celebrat- ed Heinz goods. Ask for their pure mince meat for Thanksgiving mince pies. Any member wishing to have any 'at plainer food with fewer frills} particular book placed in the Monk- and extras. ton Public Library will have -- their The Galt Reporter says; "We arelrequest considered by handing the pleased to learn that Hon. James'name of the book to the librarian be- Young after being for some time dan-' fore Nov. Ist. gerously ill. took a turn for the better, It is reported that Michigan has an and though still weak and feeble. has immense potato crop this year and been steadily improving. His numer- that potatoes are selling at 28 cents ous friends all over the Dominion a bushel in Detroit. This is good will be glad to hear of. his complete news. and will. we hope. preven& a recovery." recurrence of last wimnter's "famine Benjamin La Fon Winchell. presi- nrices in Ontario. dent of the St. Louis and Sam Fran-! Under a law passed in the tima of cisco Railroad. is quoted as estimat- Richard III. the Corporation of Bail- ing that Missouri. Oklahoma and Tex- iffs in Montreal have been ordered as raised 500,000 more carloads of to pay $50 to a musician who in 1910 wheat and corn this year than in had secured judgment for $50. but by 4911. and that the combined cotton the negligence of a bailiff the defen- crops of Oklahoma and Texas will dants' got out of towmn. taave an actual cash value of more The American Bureau of Labor esti- than $400,000,000. mates that the purchasing price of a Early on Monday morning the Don- dollar has decreased in the United egal cheese factory was burned to States from 100 cents in 1897 to 70 the ground, The factory was the cents in 1912. Sauerbeck estimates property of Mr. John Knipe, Monk- that the purchasing power of a dollar ton. How the fire orgimated is a mys- in England has decreased in the same tery. The building amd equipment time from 100 cents to 78 'cents. was protected by an imsurance policy Mr. W. M. Reade. of Berlin, who to the extent of $2,000.. The barn be- was appointed as deputy judge early longing to Mr. Geo. Acheson which {np the spring owing to the illness of was a considerable distance away His Honor Judge Chisholm. amd "has was also burned and it is supposed been performing the duties of the that the fire originated from burn- office in a most capable manner. on ing cinders from the cheese factory. Thursday last received his appoint- In amswer to enquiries made by Mr. ment as junior judge of Waterloa H. B. Morphy K.C..M.P.. regarding county. the establishing of rural mail routes The new time card of the C. P. R. in North Perth. the following reply will go into effect on Sunday next. has been received'; "Two mew routes While it is not known definitely what hive alrecdy been atithorized ome from trains will be effected on the Guelph 'Atwood and-one from Listowel. and & Goderich line it is. expectedthat the these will ba inaugurated as soon as morning train going west will arrive satisfactory arrangements can be about a half hour earlier and the fmade. Regarding the other routes evening train going east about a for which application has been made. half hour later. some ten im number. which have been Mr. Robert Cody. inspec'or of cheese under canvas for a month or more. factories charged thirteen patrons of the delay is due to the lack of dis- the Ellice and Logan cheese factory patoh of the residents in sending in before P.M. Trim. of Milverton, last applications. as there is mot morethan week with skimming and watering fifty per cent on any of them. Fur- their milk. All pleaded guilty and ther efforts. however. are being made were fined from $10 to $20 each. The to secure the required number of ap- total amount collected im fines amount vlicants in order that the rontes may ed to $215. This should be a salu- be established at as early a date as_tary lesson to all patrons of factorics wossible --Listowel Standard. "Patronize home institutions" cries A sensational discovery was made the country editor from week to week in Chesley last week when the cellar "That is right." says the merchant. of Dr. Morgan's house was found to "give it to those who go to same be nothing less than a "blind pig." 8ther town to buy goods." Then from whence local boozers were fur- with his heart filled with kindness nished with their beloved brands of to the loyal editor. he sendg his: job cure-that-thirst goods at so much per work to Kalamazoo. or utilizes a piece bottle. cash. Dr. Morgan was located of wrapping paper to write am order at Pinkerton for a few months be- on for goods or send a statement* to fore hanging out his' shingle as anM. » customer. Funny isn't it. D. in Chesley. The general public was Mr. J. HU Schmidt. for many years more than surprised to learn that his ogitor of the Stratford Kolonist. died vremises had been converted into a 4+ his home in Stratford on Friday sanitorium for the promotion of whis- evening. Mr, Schmidt was a native keyism. The fact leaked out through of Germany having been born in the the prosecution of a couple of fcllows town of Lingelbach in the year 1835, who made themselves a nuisance te Por g short period of time he lived the town after getting filled up No jy [Indiana and reported for a Cincin- one knew where or how. Some ofthe nati paper the celebrated Lincoln -- loud-talking amti-local optionists had Douglas debates in 1856. In 1858 he uttered slanderous reports' that pro- -etyurned to New Hamburg and be- voked prosecution and investigation.' game principal of the school there. and eventually let the cat out of the' Fe also taught for some time in Wat- bag. The medical man who yielded 'gyio9. In 1869 he formed a partner- to' the temptation to make some easy ghip with Mr. Thos, Hilliard and pub- money was fined $200 and costs. or jjshed the Waterloo Chronicle until thereabouts. while the two drunks. 1g72 when he bought the Stratford were muleted $20 each and costs. Kolonist which he published until The news of the death of the late 1907 when he sold the publication to Mrs. Elizabeth Joy which took place tha Berlin Journal since which he has at the residence of her daughter.Mrs gontinued runming a job office. In Hugh McEwen. Stratford. on Tues- 1936 eontested North Perth in the Lib- some years ago along with her broth- ¢79) interest@a@6r the Legislature but day Ootober 15th. in her 80th year) \45 defeated by Mr. Hess by a smal) eceased was borp in the County of majority. : Armagh. Ireland, and came to Canada fyiekcon Bros.. of Elma. entered a some 60 years ago along with her protest on Fair Day against the judg- brothers. Messrs. John and Robert ment of the expert judge in awarding Hamilton. who resided mear Listowel 4 5¢ prize for heavy draft team to After her marriage to her late hus- Robb Bros. of Elma. Persons were band. who predeceased her a_ few'colected to express an opinion as to years ago..they first lived near Woof ~ the award and the two competitors stock. coming to Logan mearly '40 'asked to produce the teams. Messrs years ago. where they bought the Robb refused to do this and@ quite a west quarter of lot 9, con,.14, where controversey took place. The matter they lived until after the husband's came up at the Directors' meeting ov death. when they moved to Stratford Saturday After fully discussing the During their residence ,in Logan they oase it was decided to withhold both made many friends who admired the jst and 2nd prizes and return Messrs deceased for her kindness and her Dickson the readiness always to lend a helping pjckson Bros. refused to accept the hand to those in sickness and trouble ond prize ribbon when offered She was a devout member of. the the Judge. The Government appoint- Presbyterian ohurch and attended if od judge adhered to the course he hed regularly when health would permit | followed when protest was put. in Of hate years she has been failing There has been considerable rivalry but has had the loving amd tender petween the above mentioned well care of her two daughters, Mrs. H known horsemen this weason which McEwen amd Miss Mary. especially made it more difficult for the Society the latter. who has been her comfort- to arrive at a settlement between th: er during the bright days as well as' parties concerned. Both have extra the dark days of her declining years.' good stock but in the ring only one An old mystery is about to be solved gan take 1st prize. Jas. Airth. of in Walkerton regarding the burial of Chatsworth was the heavy horse John Haag. the only murderer ever Judge at Brussels Fair@®Brussels Post banged in Bruce. According to the; Having issued a warrant for the story told by the late "Daddy" Gee- arrest of one of the workmen on the son. who was caretaker of the old bur dam here. Chief Ferguson was notified ial ground here. Haag's coffin went bv phone om Friday that the wanted into the grave empty and Haag went man was hovering around the GW. R out of the cemetery alive. The mur- station. Making tracks for that part derer is alleged to have been aftér- of the town the Chief appeared onthe wards seen tending bar im a Detroit scene in time to see a mam'jump a lgaloon. The tale of the old sexton fence aud run frantically over 'the is as sensational as the escape from lamdscape As the fleeing individual the Paris tombs of Jean Valjean. In continued to lookl back at thei Chief- February 18681itseemsa man mamed , bain im his flight. the officer conclud- Stephen Neubecker. while returning 'ed that the game he was searching from Seaforth with the proceeds of a,for was in sight. and spurred on by load of grain he had sold. was robbed , visions of a spectacular arrest. the ind murdered near Formosa by aman Constable followed im hot pursuit af- who jumped onto his sleigh and batt- ter him. After clearing several fen- ered his head with a club, hanged om December 15th. After be-~; Kineardine, was placed in a coffin and given Geeson. caretaker of the cemetery. | of her house and intercepting the (for burial. Several years afterwards |Chief informed him that that was her, the sexton told that the rope had nev-; husband he was chasing. On the of- er done its work and that the body |ficer explaining that he was looking bad come into his hands alive. Hejfor a suspect from the dam and that stoutly maintained that an empty cas-; the man im front had aroused his sus- ket was lowered in 'the grave and that vicion by beating a hasty retreat. the the supposed corpse walked out of the |woman, laughed and solved the mys- cemetery. The proposed sale of the|tery by saying that she had of late old burial ground to Mr. A. I. Sher-|been threatening hubby with arrest rington. whose farm it abuts. andthe |if he wouldn't go to work. and cn eonsequent order that has gone forth|seeing the officer approach the man for the removal of the bodies interred |had concluded that the justice shop there. will afford an opportunity to "was after him and like am escaping discover what credence can be placed; iail-bread commenced to move out in the old sexton's story.--Walkerton from the threatened prison fare. -- , Walkerton Times. S | THE STERLING Bank' OF CANADA BE BUSINESS-LIKE Put your household affairs on a business-like basis. Open a Savings account and pay household accounts by cheque, Ty's the safest and most satisfactory way. Your savings account earns interest as well. HEAD OFFICE: Corner King and Bay Streets, Toronto Capital Paid.UpiiicnatiGsc iis Reserve and Undivided Profits......... Otel Asset. (035.2. So sce ee 44,000,000 Besides offering an incentive to 3 Save. a savings account affords a ss safe and convenient method of keep- ing the accumulating dollars. Safe custody is of paramount im- portance--eithen for the hard-earned savings of the worker or for trust funds. The Bank of Hamilton invites your savings acoount whether large or small. Head Offies HAMILTON Branches at Atwood, Listowel, Milverton and Mitchell DIRECTORS' MEETING. Miss Addie Lowrie returned to Tor- Pursuant to adjournment the "Dir- onto on Saturday after spending the eotors of the Elma Farmers' Mutual summer at her home here. Insurance Company met in the Agri- Miss 8S. Smith. of Tralee, spent the Gultural Hall, Atwood. on Mon ay, past week with her brother Mr. Geo. 'the 14th October. 1912. Messrs. Cow- Smith. . : 'an. Stevenson, and Shearer being ab- Mr. RJ, Brownlee is able to be gent. The minutes of the last mect- out again after being confined to ing were read. confirmed and signed, the house for a few weeks. ,The following losses by lightning were Mr. R. B. Hamilton and Miss Addie adjusted and paid; Adam Torrance. Gillespie were delegates at the Ep-! Mornington. heifer killed $30.00; ; worth League convention at St.| Martin Linseman. Maryboro. house Marys last week. ; | damaged, $100.00; Henry Mogk, sr.. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Young visit- Ellice. two lambs killed. $10.00: Stew- ed with his father Mr. Wmj Young'art Hammond Elia: barn damaged and other friends during the past $3.00. week. { It was moved by Mr. Rothwell. sec- Anumber of ladiesof Kinox church'onded by Mr. Baker. that an assess- attended the annual meeting of Strat-!ment of 3 per cent. be levied on all ford Presbyterial Society at Stratford | oremium notes in force on the 31st on Tuesday and) Wednesday. October. 1912. and that the collect- Mr. M. H. Reid is attending thejjons be made at the Bank of Hamil- Provincial Sunday School Conven- ton at Atwood, Listowel and Milver- tion at Hamilton this week. 'ton at the Sterling Bank, Monkton. Mrs. A. McFadden Has been con-'and the Metropolitan Bank. Millbank. fined to her bed during the past/trom Nov. 15th to Deo. 16th 1912 week. EES. : ; Applications for imsurance were aec- Mr. Wesley Lowrie is laid up with meeting adjourned till Tuesday the an attack of rheumatism. |19th day of Nov. 1912. tod meet at the Mrs, D, Wray, of Linwood, amd Mrs. 'yeyal time and place. Allison. of Listowel, spemt a day last J. R. Hammond, Sec'y week with Mrs. A. Wray and Mrs. onannat ' Moffat. |'ELEVENTH-HOUR ENTRANT Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith. ¥ Sunday with friends at Tralee. NORTH WATERLOO FIGHT Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Chalmers re, turned home Monday njght after a| month's trip to the West. j test for the vaoant seat in the Legis- Mr. Earl, Mr. W.B. and Miss' F,j lature in North Waterloo mext Mon- Freeborn were visitors at Stratford, 4ay. Nominations held at Berlin on on Monday, | Monday at which Returning Officer, The Woman's Institute will hold, @eorge Davidson. presided, reswited their regular monthly meeting at the, '9 four mames being submitted, Yon- home of Mrs. W. B. Freeborn on | Servative. Socialist and two Indepen- Tuesday evening Oct. 29th, at 8 o'clock | dents. all of which will appear onthe An interesting programme will _ be ballot paper. tiven by the girls ofthe Tustitate. Candidate ©: H, Mills was pfoposed All ladies are cordially invited to at-, >Y four prominent Conservatives and "ILL BANK. {N spent There will be a four-cornered con- tend, Matthew Wayman, upholsterer, Tor- Mr. SWithson McFadden, of Well-| Oto. was named by prominent local esley. has recently .purchased a hand-, Socialists. Ex-Mayor Allen Huber some high grade Gerhard-Heintzman and James Taylor Uttley, both of pjano from Mr. Jas, Henderson, of ; Berlin. who designate themselves as Milverton, ; Indepemdents, signed their own nom- Mrs, 8, Miller. Miss 0. Fenm and imation papers. which were accepted Miss Beamer. of Milverton, visited , bY the Returning Officer. Mrs. A. Miller on Saturday last. The entrance of J. T. Uttley into Mrs. F, K. Hughes left Wednesdny , the fight is an eleventh-hour surprise $2.00 in entering protest. | Dresden, by} John ces the pair got' onto the road and did {them so. There is but_a small Haag was convicted, of the crime andja marathon down the gravel towards} of money at credit and this it is de- As the two were rapid-| sired to hold against getting ing taken from the gallows the body tv lowering the world's long distance! crass seed and the sowing of it to}record. an excited woman rushed out the spring. We desire that the ; early spring. by getting them plough- qf to spend a week in Thedford an}, He is a young mewspaper correspon~ dent. Candidates Mills. Huber and Wayman delivered brief addvesses, whioh were attentively listened to by ; about forty persons, Candidate Utt- ley waa-not present when called( up- on to address the gathering tne da tact COMMUNIGATION The Editor of The Times. Dear Sir.--May I. throngh The Tim- DONEGAI es direct the attention of the people ------ ooo --especially the young people of Monk Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Matheson and ton to the requirements of 'the play- daughter. K atie. spent the week-end grounds and park recently secured in in Goderi , I ) ' 'rich where the ave our village. There is danger. now & handsome reuldiines Fg preven that the ball season is over for this They intend moving: in the 'Sea fut vear of losing sight of these and of yre. vatk yi neglecting to get the grounds ingood! Mr Neil Math ' } ' atheson of , ; shape for next year, A little effort and 'gpent Jast week woder the ik sie phe be mow may prevent a great voor, eiccbbel ca deal of disappointment later. Owing We are s men § a are sorry to report the seriou: to the very wet season the director- illness of !Miss Winnie Acheson te ate was not able to accomplish all hope ' that is desired. The grounds must | ae tae a Pg eo tt be got into shape for seeding in the Sunday at Mr. and Mr. David Hs. ed and levelled this fall or there will! 'Miss Clara Scott. of Wall j be delay and perhaps the loss of the nd : . day : on vi season mext year. It is hoped that rea, . ee 7 BBtne when the Directorate takes action as Anwiversary service will be held it will do shortly that there will be wm the Methodist sharch on Octeber a generous response on the part of 27th. Services at 2.30 and 7 pm many and that the work will be giv-| On October 10th. a little girl came ep free. wntil at least the grounds' to brighten the home of Mr aa have been got into shape. It will Mrs. Maurice Dick. ' ' then be. comparatively easy to ached | oe) ae ete 'Sum NEwTon. ; nn Mr. and Mrs, Clark (nee Miss Hatt- in ie Wilson) spent a eouple of days last sow-| week at the home of Mr, Jas. Lockie good ,ing be done at the right time, and before leaving for their future home in Arkansas, Mr. Chas Attig, of Stratford, visit- eda couple of days this week at his home. 'Mr, W. Irwin. I. P.8.. of Stratford, visited our school last Thursday, A number of our ladies attended the Women's Institute meeting held in Milverton on Thursday. Miss Florence Wagner spent Sat- urmday in Milverton. Mrs. Tabbert. of Linwood. is visit- ing with her son Mr. John Tabbert, that no disappointment arise as a re- sult of any neglect on our part. This | Park. let it be understood, belongs | to the whole community. It shoulde regarded as the play ground of the whole community--of old amd young. If a little bit of thought and interest be given it. a very great deal, of en- joyment and pleasure. may be had from it by all. Indeed the commun- ity should take not a little pride im the spot which is common to all. Yours very truly FERGUSSON, Secretary J.D. Monkton, Oot, 22nd.. 1912. If you eat Gill's pickles you'll want more. Bet eco ¥

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