-- MOTHERS NEED CONSTANT Ja STRENGTH. To Care for the Growing Family, and Her Household Cares. When there is a growing family to care for and the mother falls ill, it is a serious matter. Many mo- thers who are on the go from morn- ing to night whose work, apparent- ly, is never done, heroically try to disguise their sufferings, and keep an appearance of cheerfulness be- fore their family. Only themselves know how they are distressed by headaches and backaches, dragging down pains and nervous weakness ; how their nights are often sleep- fess, and they arise to a new day's work tired, depressed and unre- freshed. Such mothers should know that these sufferings are usually due to a lack of good nour- ishing blood... They should know that the thing above all others they need to give them new health and strength is rich, red blood, and that among all medicines there is none can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for their blood-making, health restoring qualities. Every suffer- ing woman with a home and family to care for should give these pills a fair trial, for they will keep her in health and strength, and make her work easy. Here is strong proof that these Pills do what is claimed for them. Mrs. Henry Thomas, Dryden, Ont., says: "When my second child was born I was so weak and run down that I could scarcely walk across a room. My baby was emall and weak also, and cried and worried night and day until I dis- covered that the child was starv- ing, as my nurse had turned almost to water, My husband got me a supply of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I began taking them. The first beneficial effects were noticed in that my child began to thrive, as my nurse began to improve, and baby slept better and naturally. It was not long until I began to feel FEW CANNIBALS THERE NOW. Finnish Traveller Tells of Fairy ales of New Guinea. : Fresh details of interest concern- ing. the little-known land of New | Guinea have recently been brought | home by the Finnish student and | traveller, Dr. Gunnar Landtman. Few parts of the world still con- | tain so many remnants of the life | of the pure savage as does this vast island, and for many years past ib. has naturally attracted a large | share of 'attention from all who} make a study of anthropology. Un- til recently cannibalism was preva- lent, but it is now confined to a few tribes, and when Archbishop Don- aldson was among them some years ago he found that the natives, many of whom had been converted to Christianity, were extremely un- willing to talk about their old ways. Mr. R. W. Williamson, who returned last year from @ stay among the Mafulu savages, had, however, another story to tell, for this section of the people can still enjoy a banquet of human flesh. They do not slaughter their vic- tims merely for greed, but wait un- til a battle or private fight can give them both a meal and the excuse for taking it. In other respects he described them as being a simple and quiet race, with an extremely complicated religion, the origin of which they did not in the least know. They believed that the fig tree and certain other plants were haunted, while their lives were, to a great extent, spent in fear of sorcery. Dr. Landtman entirely confirms these stories of their wonderfully jmaginative nature, and he relates how they tell remarkably long and complicated tales of romance, in which the fortunes of hero and heroine are marred by the machi- | nations of witches. In most of their stories can be seen a dim resem- blance to the fairy legends of Eu- rope, a point which should attract 7 the attention of the student of com- the improvement ' myself. and I | parative religion. Of their morals daily gained new strength, and |he speaks in the highest terms, yet baby was growing very rosy and | he relates that their code allows a fat. I continued using the Pills | ceremonial exchange of wives. while I was nursing him and found Much more matter of interest is myself with all the vigor of good likely to be published when Dr. health, and able to easily do my | Landtman brings out the whole his- housework, which had been so great | tory of his travels among this a drag on me before. I am now strange people. _The Papuans, who never without Dr. Williams' Pink | comprise the majority of the inhabi- Pills in the house, and take an oc- tants are a people of fine physique, casional dose when I feel tired. I and, according to the latest reports, can strongly recommend these Pills | @re fond of sports, in which the wo- to all nursing women, especially if | men join with the men, the game weak or run down."' being not unlike our English hock- Sold by' al sf ' ey. Many of the tribes in the moun- Saupe "aig - per agen coe ota tains still live by raids on lowland boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- districts, but in other parts whe ver jams' ee ' Ae ple are quietly earning & living ra Medicine Co., Brockville, | ¢.om cultivating the soil. ---------- GUARD BABY FROM COLDS ROYALTY TREASURES SPADES They Are Relies of Tree Plantings ~ While on Visits. At this time of year, when royal 3 oe. i] ING OSCAR" are much more than ' S delicacy. Their FOOD VALUE Is unsurpassed. They furnish just the nourishmert needed when a heavy meal is neither acceptable nor desirable. Cet Them From Your Grocer Trade supplied by John W. Bickio & Cresning, Hamilten tching and Burning | on Face and Throat 3S io | Sores Disfigured So He Dreaded to | PXtsontens ---- among Appear In Public, Ne Rest Night or wrias oiled hes teeing e : a a ees is springing \ Day. Cutlicwsa Ointmen? Cured, up, this being the customary me- ee = a aes of such visits. | months ace and threa' + is usual on these occasions to ) brok t and ie ve 7. I "id no} bother about at best, but ™ --| Offer the distinguished tree planter j ates ge a pe tan spied so |& new spade with which to perform : an oat and the rath i i ripti burning itching sores became so painful that ieee aihesward Ren eae pose: which is preserved as @ re- PS, ' GLOVES | The world's standard of Pee glove perfection. Fit See that the trade mark is on every glove. | I begar to seek relief in different medicines, but none seemed te give meany relief. The sores disfigured my face to such an extent that I dreaded to appear in public. peas | suffered tersiialy and could get no rest night or day. At lest a friend advised me to try the Cutleura, Remedies. I had about given up hope, but thought I would have one more try, and so 1 used a little Cuticura Ointment, and i helped me from the start. I continued using it and in six weeks' time 'was completely cured, and can say I would advise anyene suffering from skin disease to use Cuticura Ointment, as it is the best hesiing balm in the world." (Signed) Roscoe Good, Seven Persons, Alta., Feb. 18, 1911. Durability. FRUIT GROWN IN LONDON. Quite the most interesting collec- tion of these tokens is to be found at Sandringham, where a whole avenue of trees has been planted by one or another member of the royal family, from the late Queen downward, or by some hardly less well-known persons. Each tree bears a label giving the date and the name of the distinguished visi- tor who planted it. One wonders where the costly but useless gifts, silver trowels and the like, which royalty perforce accum- ulates, are kept and what becomes of them. Tradition has it that there are cellars full of presentation al- |bums, addresses inscribed on vel- lum, and other truck of the sort, at Sandringham and at Buckingham Palace. Smoke and Fog Fail to Injure Sev- eral Varieties. Despite the smoke, horticulture flourishes in inner London, Eng- land. Ripe edible fruit growing in the heart of the metropolis may seem an absurdity to those who do not know that half a dozen varie- ties or more are grown and enjoyed annually within the old fashioned eab radius of Charing Cross. Ih Staple Inn there are the de- lightful old service berries, from which the most luscious jam and jelly are made, and the garden of a famous old house in Chelsea, are as good as the Kentish kind. Then in Finsbury Square there are mul- berries which grace the table of the Lord Mayor, and there are two vines in New Square, Lincoln's Inn, which yield well and are the pre- requisite of the benchers. Peaches are grown in St. John's Wood, strawbarries in Porchester Terrace, and rhubarb on a roof in Queen's Gate. , Ly GOWNS FROM LONDON. Wife of New Mikado Dresses in the European Style. Take A Sceopful @i Each-- Side By Sige ake "St. Lawrence" Granuleted in one seoop--and any other sugar in the other. Look at "St. Law- rance'? Sugar -- its perfect crystals -- its pure, white sparkle-- its even grain, 'Test it point by point, and you will see that St FOUND RELIEP ONLY FROM CUTICURA SOAP AND OINTMENT "My little girl when only a few weeks old broke out on the top of her head and it be- came a solid scab. Then her cheeks became raw and sore and after trying different remedies found relief only from using Cutl- cura Soap and Oimtment. It lasted six months or more, but after a thorough treat- ment with the Cuticura Soap and Ointment never had any return." (Signed) Mrs. W.8.. Owen, Yadkin College, N. C., May 26, 1911. For more than a generation Cuticura Soap and Ointment have afforded the most suce cessful treatment for skin and scalp troubles of infants, children and adults. A single cake of Cutieura Soap and bex of Cuticura Oint- ment are often swMicient. Although sold by druggists and dealers throughout the world, @ liberal sample of each, with 32-p. book on the skim, will be sent free, on application te Potter Drug & Chem, Corp., 54 Columbus Ave.. Boston, U. 8. A. FROM ERIN'S GREEN ILE KEWS BY MAIL FROM LAND'S SHORES. Absolutely Best . SPENDS $95,311,200 FOR WAR. is one of the choicest sugars ever refined--with a standard of purity that few sugars can boast. Try it in your home, : Analysis shows "St. Lawrence Granulated" to be "* 4 oe r Cas okie '99 99/Too to Xr Pure Cane Sugar with no impurities whatever" wt "Most every dealer sells St. Lawrence Sugar." Italy Must Inerease Taxation to Cover Expenditure. According to an official report just published the war with Turkey cost Italy exactly $81,600,000 up to August 3. This sum represents the expenditure sanctioned by Parlia- ment for the War Office and Navy Department and which naturally has already been exhansted. As the daily cost of the war is caleulated at $236,400, a further sum of $13,711,200 must be added to the above, which consequently up to the end of September amounts to $95,311,200. It is hoped to pay up the costs of the war by the surplus from the budgets from 1911 to 1918. The average yearly surplus is about $13,000,000, so that increased taxa- tion will be necessary to cover the cost of the war. ws HAD BAD SORE FOUR YEARS ST. LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINERIES LIMITED, - MONTREAL, 654 -------- meyers os : FARMS FOR SALE, H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, -- Toronto. : "4 . : et Ine The new Empress of Japan, like her predecessor, dresses in Euro- pean style. In the past she bought most of her own gowns in Paris, but the 'fitter' of the shop in the Rue de la Paix which she favored was offered a princely salary by -a firm in the West End and migrated to London and with him some of the wealthiest clients of the Paris house. Once a year or so a representa- tive is sent to Tokio for personal instructions and orders. The Em- press herself is of course an artist with all her country's instinct in color. She frequently designs her own gowns. H UNDRED ACRES--COUNTY HALTONs | Good House; Buildings; Orchard, Cheap and on easy terms. ' ; moveand | QUEVENTY-SIX ACRES WITH GOOD these"EZE"' ' buildings and apple orchard) about . five miles from Hamilton. cords slide, Shoulders | 4. _W. DAWSON, Toronto, . = free, shirt O NE HUNDRED ACRES FIVE AND Half miles from London i Happenings in the Emerald Isle oe Interest to Lrish- men. Two fresh outbreaks of foot and mouth disease are reported in Fer- managh. The death took place suddenly of Paul Stokes, a resident of Silver Street, Nenagh. Dr. McDonnell, Dublin, has been elected tuberculosis: medical officer of Roscommon, County Council. P. J. Kelly, assistant surveyor of County Derry, has been appointed chief surveyor for County Donegal. Dr. E. M. McDonald was ap- pointed medical officer of health un- der the Insurance Act, for Carlow County. The death has occurred at his residence, Meanus, Castle Island, of John Horan, at the age of 102) years. At Ballyclare Petty sessions, Mr. John Furniss, of Straid, was sworn in as a magistrate for County An- trim. Mrs. Kiely, for thirty-nine years school mistress in Tipperary Union, has resigned her position on pen- smooth, but- tons secure. soil, clay loam and sand. loam; ri Rack Patr Im- | house; rood out-buildings; gogd fa an sured Against | in good condition. eal Batate, Breakage for | London, Ont. 2 365 Days ee REAL ESTATE WANTED. 5Oc. \ ELL YOUR PROPERTY QUICKL gibtehose 3 for eash, no matter where aed Particulars free. Real Estate Salisman ie The King Co., Desk 5, Lincoln, Neb., U. 8. Suspender Co. TORONTO Canada Western -- 3 Zam-Buk Has Healed It! Mrs. Wilson, 110 Wickson Ave., Toronto, says: "About four years jago a sore spot appeared on the iright side of my face. This spot in- creased in size until it became about half an inch in diameter and yery painful. I went to a doctor, but the ointment he gave me did ii MISCELLANEOUS not have any good effect. The sore : Fae tet TUMORS, LUMPS. | eto. Im, leontinued to discharge freely, and | "BLACK AND BLUR'? BRUISES. | pain by our home treatment. rite we was most painful. I had it cauter-| The color of blood is due chiefly Broad' t\ieiecsa Behmae Medical Coy ized, tried poultices, and all kinds} to iron in the little blood-cells. ath of salves, but it was no good, and} When the iron is kept in these little | J, HABY SUVER PLATING FaewCe I continued to suffer from it for | plood-cells, which are living and | 196, Winnipenrsit eo ties -AGOERT.. BO four years ! | travelling around in the blood-ves- "A sample of Zam-Buk was one | sels, the color is red. Hit the skin day given to me, and I used it. Al-| hard enough to break some of the though the quantity was so small, | little blood-vessels beneath the sur- it seemed to do me some good, s0 face and the little red cells escape anion I purchased a further supply. from the injured blood-vessels, Gunner Underhill Barton, of the "Bach box did me more and ish er about for a w hile in the tis- R. F. A., met with a fatal accident more good, and, to my delight, be- | sues, and dies. When they die, the at Newbridge when he was thrown | fore I had been using _Zam-Buk | roa that made them red before} company, Montreal. ' arris three weeks, I saw that it was go- then changes to black and blue col- off a gun carriage. t ; S' : re ns ' Miss Windross, who recently re- | 8 to heal the sore. In less thaa | OT8. After a while the iron 1s ': 5 = J sisned as Matron of Wexford Coun- | 4 month it was healed! ree ies by rh srg called - Nien S Suits . Infirmar V has been granted a | ED know a lady in the est of the | ay mphat ACS, - és ma as over. oer Best Work in Canada, x l eity, whose husband sufferod for| into nice red cells. The iron 18) BRITISH |vears with an open sore on his leg. jtaken up very much more quickly } P. On my recommendation, Zam-Buk | by the lymphatics phen sae ert was tried in that case. The other blue spot is rubbed and massaged.. ao I MALE HELP WANTED. y OU GAN BASILY EARN $60 TO 878 monthly after attending hbre st months. We teach railway station ork for Oanadian Reilways. Free Bodk 38 oxy plains work and wages. Dominion School Railroading, Toronto. ee A DOCTOR'S TRIALS Sometimes Gets Other People. He Sick Like Even doing good to people is hard work if you have too much of it to do. An overworked doctor tells his experience : "About three years ago as the result of doing two men's work, at- tending a large practice and look- ing after the details of another business, my health broke down completely, and I was little better than a physical wreck. "T suffered from indigestion and | constipation, loss of weight and | appetite, bloating and pain after | meals, loss of memory and lack of nerve force for continued mental application. "JT became irritable, easily an- gered and despondent | without | cause. The heart's action became irregular and weak, with frequent attacks of palpitation during the first hour or two after retiring. --k GREAT YUKON HUNT ENDED. The mother can guard her little ones from colds during the damp, | cold fall days by the use of Baby's | Own Tablets. The Tablets act as a) gentle laxative, keeping the bowels | working freely and the stomach | sweet--that is the secret of prevent- | ing colds. The Tablets will not only prevent or banish colds, but will cure constipation, indigestion, expel worms and make teething easy. They are sold under the | guarantee of a government analyst | to contain no harmful drugs and may safely be given to the new- born babe. Sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ot Among the nations of the world Specimens of Every Bird and Beast Obtained. N. Demers, who, with Clement §. Lewis, contracted to collect the | fauna of the Yukon for the Domin- ion Government's Victoria Memor- jal Museum at Ottawa, has return- ed home after a most successful ex- pedition of several months' dura- tion. Specimens of every beast and bird from a mouse to a moose and from a humming bird to a bald eagle were obtained. The country in which the hunting and trapping were carried on is at the headwuters of the Liard, Nuset- lin and Hoole rivers, a vast area that afforded opportunity for ob- taining specimens of every known BN AXD WOMEN Wah START 4¥ you in the mail order business, pad nn a $25 to ig weekly. Ro, cane rassing. 'or particulars send « Wallace W. Smith, London, Ont. aie W 4NZED LADIES TO LEARN PLAIN and light sewing at home; whole or spare time; good pay; work sent any distance; charges paid; send stamp for full particulars. National Manufatturing FR. -CH-OLEANED pret pt, DYED Gold Medatist AMECICAN PY"ING CQ, . 0. BOX. 233. MONTRAAL RAN GREWER"S CRBOSOTH pension of $180 per year. Several thousand pounds' worth of damage was done by a fire which broke out in the factory of McDon- bird and animal in the Yukon terri- tory. Mr. Lewis is a fur trader of long years' experience and thoroughly acquainted with the country and the seven famous Bibles are: The Scriptures, of the Christians; the Koran, of the Mohammedans; the Eddas, of the Scandinavians; the Tripitaka, of the Bhuddists; the "Some Grape-Nuts and cut ba- nanas came for my lunch one day and pleased me particularly with the result. I got more satisfaction from it than from anything I had on further nell and Son, Limerick. The body of a man named John William Lough, aged about fifty, was found in the Ulster Canal at Magherarney, Smithborough. and warehouses of day, when I saw her, she told me that it had healed the sore com- pletely. Zam-Buk is a sure eure for ecze- ma, piles, abscesses, ulcers, scalp cuts, sands.--Known far Pills That Have Benefited Thou- and near as a gure remedy in the treatment of in- digestion and all derangements of the stomach, liver and kidneys, SlhingleStains Protect -- Preserve ---- Beautify | Samples and Booklets on Application JAMES LANGMUIR & CO., Limited 1874, Bathurst Street TORONTO sores, ringworm, burns, scalds, bruises, and all skin injur- jes and diseases 50c. box, all drug- gists and stores, or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. eaten for months, and The premises investigation and use, adopted Grape-Nuts for my morning and evening meals, served usually with Five Kings, of the Chinese; the Three Bedas, of the Hindoos, and | the Zendavesta, of the Persians. Parmelee's Vegetable. Pills have brought relief to thousands when other specifics have failed. Innum- erable testimonials can be produc- the Indians of the district, without whose aid it would be almost im- possible to make a success of such an undertaking. Mr. Demers spent Myles, "May of Ballinrobe, have been destroyed by fire, and damage to the extent of $5,000 was done. _ Mr. R. G. Elney, Downpatrick, BE "Maypole Soap > CLEANS AND DYES years in the wilds of the Yukon and made a particular study of the fauna of the north. Mr. Lewis is still in the Yukon finishing up the work, In the collection are two abso- lutely white lynx and also two white porcupines with silver-tipped quills, These albinos are, of course, freaks of nature. A Million Persons Breakfast every morn- ing on Post Toasties Suppose you try the food with cream and sugar, as part of break- fast or supper. You may be sure it will be a delicious part. "The SMemory Lingers" Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd Windsor, Ontario. Won Fame on its Merits. -- The unbounded popularity that Dr. Thomas' Eelectric Oil enjoys is not attributable to any elaborate adver- tising, for it has not been so adver- tised, but is entirely due to the merits of this Oil as a medicine. In every city, town and hamlet in the country it is sought after solely be- cause of its good qualities. ROB WOMAN DEAD 200 YEARS. Valuable Jewel Taken From Coffin of Duchess of St. Albans. | What is belived to have been the | act of London vandals--the robbery | of a woman dead. two hundred years is stirring the indignation of the pious people of County Tipperary |and spurring the Irish police in an | investigation which promises to lead to a world-wide chase. | 'The sexton of the old graveyard | at Newton Anner found one morn- 'ing that the ancient tomb of the | ducal family of St. Albans had been lentered. The old bronze door had been forced, pieces of coffins, old velvet and decayed linen and bones long buried were scattered about lthe vault, He notified the rector, land the clergyman sent for the po- llice, Investigation proved that the ghouls had ceased their grewsome work at the crypt where a famous Duchess of St. Albans was interred two centuries ago. It was found later that two men with a strong Cockney accent, evi- dently Londoners, had remained in the village and had left hurriedly without settling their account early lon the morning of the discovery of ithe outrage. In their room at the 'inn was found a clipping from a | London newspaper giving particu- | lars of the valuables buried with | many famous people and describing | particularly am emerald necklace land rings which were pleced in the vault when Sophia, Duchess of St. Albans, was laid to rest by her husband, the duke of two hundred | years ago. | Pi calitietnliscepes : | } | ! the less a man will try. | 'The harder a woman is to please | cream and a sprinkle of salt or sugar. "My improvement was rapid and permanent, in weight as well as in physical and mental endurance. In a word, I am filled with the joy of living again, and continue the daily use of Grape-Nuts for breakfast and often for the evening meal. "The little pamphlet, "The Road to Wellville,' found in pkgs., is in- variably saved and handed to some needy patient along with the indi- cated remedy." "There's a reason." Name given by Canadian Postum Oo., Windsor, Ont. Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time te time. They are genuine, true, and full ef human interest, Se fer Four new Dreadnoughts are to be built in England for the Dutch Navy, but the guns are to be sup- plied by Germany. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Eto. -- Logical. Edith--"Why did she him?' Ethel ing." Edith Ethel vagant marry "To eure him of drink- "And did she sueceed 2' "Oh. she's so extra- it » Ves ; t afford -- has been awarded with a testimon- jal from the Royal Humane Society for saving some persons from | drowning. Mr. W. Luttrell, eon of a mer- chant at Roscrea, was _knocked down by a train at the junction of the Birr and Nanagh lines and fa- tally injured. The Right Hon. Garton Thomas William, Baron Emly of Tervoe, County Limerick, has been appoint- ed a deputy lieutenant for the County of Limerick. A Lot of Them. The world is full of men who have made good, so don't get the notion that you are the only one. ---- We have no hesitation in saying that Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is without doubt the best medicine ever introduced for dy- sentery, diarrhoea, cholera and all summer complaints, sea sickness, etc. It promptly gives relief and never fails to effect a positive cure. Mothers should sever be without a bottle when their children are teething. In one year the cotton crop of | Egypt amounted to 757,350,000 lbs. eel Minarc's Liniment for sale everywhere, Aaland CLEVER COW THIS. The London (England) Express says: A valuable cow belonging to Mr. R. Brown, of Blue State Farm, Fonbridge, on being frightened by boys recently, jumped into the ca- nal and swam through a tunnel over a mile long, emerging at the Colne end. On the way it met a steam tug towing an empty boat, a nd it *s supposed that these went over it, as there would not be room enough for them to pass each other. The cow was very much exhausted by its swim, and had to be helped out of the water, but it recovered after- wards. mes. In case of skin diesase Zam-Buk Soap, 25c. tablet. i Taking Ne Chances. At a domestic little Emily was briefly the best way to from souring. Her answer was and to the point. should leave it in the cow." That economy is A Pill long or met with so much Permelee's Vegetable Pills. further advertisement than Having firmly established standard vegetable preparations. ---- British Empire in the Antarctic square region amounts to miles. 1,500 Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. ---- Only Resting. He yelled going to be good? ed crying?' ing." use also lesson asked to state keep: milk certainly brief Tt ran, 'You Prized.--There have been many pills put upon the market and pressed upon public at- tention, but none has endured so favor as Wide- 'spread use of them has attested their great value, and they need no this. them- selves in public esteem, they now ry rank without a peer in the list of at the top of his voice for two hours, and then stopped. "Well,'? said his mother, "are you Haye you finish- "No,'? said Tommy, 'T have nob finished; I'm only rest- ed to establish the truth of this as- gartion. Once tried they will be found superior to all other pills in the treatment of the ailments for which they are prescribed. Licenses for public-houses did not come into force until the reign of Edward VI., when in 1552, by an Act of Parliament, every alehouse had to be licensed either in sessions or by at least two Justices of the Peace. A Well-Known Man. Minard's Liniment Oo., Limited. Dear Sirs,--I. can recom end your MINARD'S LINIMENT for Rheumatism and Sprains, as I have used it for both with excellent results. Yours truly, B. LAVERS, St. John. A few years ago in the United States cotton-seed was used to fill up swamp-holes or was thrown in- to streams; now it is made to yield $135,000,000 a year. Sweet and palatable, Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator js ac- ceptable to children, and it, cloes its work gurely and promptly. Jerry's Diagnosis. Little Jerry Clancey was invited Dr. Fiorse's Indian Root Pills are just the right medicine for the children. When they.are constipated --when their kidneys are out of order --when over-indulgence in some favorite food gives them indigestion --Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills will quickly and surely put them right. Purely vegetable, they neither sicken, weaken or gripe, like harsh purgatives. Guard your children's health by always keeping a box of Dr, Morse's Indian Root Pillsin the house, They ,, Keep the Children Well y to a church picnic, and as he was a general favorite, he was supplied generously with the good things that had been provided for the oc- easion. Later in the day one of the ladies noticed Jerry sitting in an obscure part of the grounds and wearing an expression of much unhappiness. "Why, Jerry, what's the mat- ter?' she asked, kindly. "Haven't you had enough to eat y? "Yes'm," said the boy, listlessly, "Pye had enough. I feel as if I didn't want all I've got."' | society. what they're going to make of me."" -- | Toronto. Gives rich glowing colors, fadeless in sun or suds, Dyes cotton, silk, wool or mixtures. Use it yourself at home. No trouble-- no muss. 24 colors-- will give any shade. Colors 10¢,black 15¢, at your dealer's or postpaid with booklet How to Dye" from F,L. BENEDICT & CO, Montreal) Sas ren Ss Tact. She--Here's a man says women are not honest. He--Well, aren't they always robbing men of their peace of mind and their hearts? There may be other corn cures, but Holloway's Corn Cure stands at the head of the list so fay as re- sults are concerned. Of the 3,424 known dialects in the world, over one-fourth are Asiatic. Minara's Liniment Cures Dandruff, Changed. "When my two girls wore born I used to wonder what T wae goisg to make of them."' "And now??? "Now they're grown up and in I've begun wondering Sample free if you write National Dru & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited,