ee Ea Pe ' » : anc apn Bad Blood CASTE PREJUDICE. is the direct and inevitable result of irregular or constipated bowels and clogged-up kidneys and skin. The undigested food and other waste mat- ter which ie aliowed to accumulate poisons the biood and the whole system. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills act directly on the bowels, regulating them--on the kidneys, giving them ease and strength to properly filter the plood--and on the skin, opening u the pores. For pure blood and health take Dr. Morse's " Indian Roat Pills FARMS FOR SALE. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. An Illustration as to How It Works Out in India. Any system of caste works mis- chief wherever it may be practised. It makes the upper class arrogant and the lower class servile.. It is in India that its evil effects are most frequently and plainly witnessed. In her account of 'Our Tour in Southern India," Mrs. J. C. Mur- ray-Aynsley tells a story which il- lustrates the annoyances that at- tend the observance of the caste rules. Tt is related of a missionary who was some years ago attached to the Cottayam Mission that he was walk- ing one day, accompanied by a na- tive of the slave caste, when he saw a Brahmin making frantic signs and calling out to them. Telling his companion to remain where he was, the clergyman walk- ed on, and asked the Brahmin what was the matter. He received for reply the statement that the Brah- min was acting thus to warn the low-caste man to keep away from him the requisite distance of ninety- six paces. UNDRED ACRES--COUNTY HALTON; Good House; Buildings; Orchard. Cheap and on easy terms. gadis pag ACRES WITH GOOD buildings and apple orchard; about five miles from Hamilton. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. 92 AORES--FIVE MILES FROM LON- * don market, soil clay loam, two acres orchard, frame house, bank barn. Will exchange for city, town or village property, or for larger farm. The West- ern Real Estate, London, Ont. MALE HELP WANTED. S60 TO $100 MONTHLY WAITING for young men as Telegraphers and Station Agents after six months' at- tendance here. Advancement rapid. Day idance he ranceme ; "Oh, so many paces!"' said the an ail Courses. rite for free book 18. ves 'e -a at i Dominion School Railroading, Toronto. missionary. Show me exactly, if = you please, how far that 1s. MISCELLANEOUS. Unsuspectingly, the "Brahmin ee ee LUMPS, eto. I= | walked off the road to indicate the / rnal and external. cured without ; 2 é ain by our home treatment, Write ot proper distance, on which the mis- Ob late. iT. man edica 7 Dorad Tatiinawoek OR sionary beckoned to the slave to EARN SILVER PLATING--PARTICU ene ED A ie aera oe Tavs fee. apecialties: Agenéy. Box Brahmin leave the path open for this humbler-born brother. When in Trichoor, I myself more 1836, Winnipeg. than once saw a man of the people, (Maypole Soap 2 DYES SO when he was addressing his super- With Maypole ior, hold one or both hands before his face. I was told that this is a token of respect. It is done that the breath of the» low-caste man may not offend the nobility of the other. WEAK STOMAGHS Necd New, Rich Blood to Restore Them to a Healthy Condition. Actually in need of food to nour- ish the body and yet afraid to eat Soap there 1s no trouble aad no muss in home . dyeing. Dyes cotton, wool, silk or mixtures. 24 colors-will give any shade. Colors 10c. Black 15c--at your dealer's or postpaid with booklet "How to Dye" from < 108 \_F. L. BENEDICT & CO. Montreal Now is the Time to Thin, ib because of the racking pains that Maple follow. That is the condition of the Syrup sufferer from indigestion--a choice between starvation or merciless Business Kocid ne. Consult any of your neighbors who have used the "Champion" Evapor- ator. They will tell you to install before the snow is on the ground. Costs no more to buy now than in March. Write for free booklet. THE CRIMM MFG. CO., LIMITED 58 Weilington St., MONTREAL, QUE. The urgent need of all dyspep- tics, of everybody whose organs 0 digestion have become unfit to per- form their important duty, is for stronger stomachs that can extract nourishment from food. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills give weak sto- machs just the strength they need by enriching the blood supply, thus giving tone. and strength. to the stomach and its nerves, and enab- ling it to do the work nature in- ltended it to do. Thousands of eases of indigestion have been cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, of which the following is but one instance. Miss L. A. Brown, Port Albert, Ont., says: 'For a number of years I was a terrible sufferer from indigestion, and as a result I became completely run down, and suffered from backaches and nerv- ous troubles as well. I had to force myself to eat, but never enjoyed a meal owing to the awful pains that followed eating. Life was becom- ing a burden,,and as medicine after medicine failed to help me I felt I was doomed to go through life a constant sufferer. Finally a mar- ried sister strongly urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I have reason to be thankful that I followed her advice, as they have fully restored my health, and I can now enjoy all kinds of food with- out the least discomfort, and my friends say I am_ looking better than I have done for years. At all events I know I feel like a new per- son, so shall always praise Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The following conversation once took place between two Quakers :-- "Martha, does thee love me?' ask- ed a Quaker youth of one at whose shrine his heart's holiest feelings had been offered up. "Why, Seth," answered she, "we are commanded to love one another, are we not?' "Ah, Martha, but does thee regard me with the feeling the world calls love?' 'I hardly know what to tell thee, Seth. I have greatly feared that my heart is an erring one. I have tried to bestow my love on all, but I may have some- times thought perhaps that thee was getting rather more than thy share."' Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Ike Pilsin is authority for the statement that if the fellows who bragged that their words were as good as their bonds paid him what they owed he'd be able to keep his word oftener. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, &c. And Toot it From a Motor Car. "Tf you were on the horns of a dilemma between a nice poor young man or a horrid old rich man, which would you take?' "Td take the horn of plenty."' CANCER PREVENTION. Some Simple and Valuable Rules to Maintain Immunity. The following hints for the pre- vention of cancer are given by Dr. J. Fletcher Little, Medical Officer of Health for Harrow-on-the-Hill, England. Er) When warts, moles (especially eee oor dark colored), and other skin growths are exposed to constant frritation they should be immedi- ately removed. Avoid excessive smoking, as it predisposes to cancer of the lips, tongue, cheeks, etc. Inhaling cig- arette smoke tends to cause cancer of the vocal cords. Avoid irritation of the tongue and cheek by broken, jagged teeth. Taw place, which at times makes it agony Take great care of the back teeth or grinders. Money spent on the for you to go about your household } | "ees yee t at duties? If 00, Zam-Buk will give you | | teeth wi pring a greater return z : Ti than any other investment. relief, and wiil heal the frost-damaged' }] | 4 14 ox So ateoh facd ] kin, "\Anoint the sore places at night bio ene Sa aoe shea ists Soa : oP ent 1) drink, which induce. cancer of the Zam-Buk's rich healing essences will throat sink into the wounds, end the smart-|| Avoid taking large quantities of ing, and will heal quickly. & \jeed arinks and ices. Mrs. Yellen, of Portland, says: "My Masticate alt food thoroughly. as hands were #0 sore ~~ cracked that it | food imverfectly chewed causes was agony to put them near water. nie irritati alimentary wie Oy Wik 3b they WOuld kbiart and | ehre '3 irritation of the alimentary burn as if I had scalded them, I seemed | Cane > , Avoid: aleoholic drinks, as they mie unable to get relief from anything : : ut on them until I tried Zam-Buk, are a predisposing cause of cancer, land diminish the average prospects ana ib succeeded when all else had failed. It sipegt she be cracks, gave} of survival by 30 per cent. baggiyoreinaper= es eee nace | To not delav when cancer is sus- Cold-Sores Are your hands chapped, cracked or sore? Have you "cold cracks" which open and bleed when the skin ie drawn tight? Have you a cold sore, frost bite, chilblains, or a " _ SERS ROS ENR | pected. Farlv recognition and Bam-Buk also cures chafing, rashes, winter | | prompt removal deprive cancer. of eozema, piles, ulcers, Sestering sores, sore heads : and backs, abscesses, pimples, ring-worm, etc., its terrors. cute, burns, bruises, soalde, sprains, Of all LA druggists and stores, or post free from the Zam- Buk Co., Toronto. Price 60¢ a bow. Not a Permanent Return. "JT see vour married daughter is home again?" "Yes but only for a visit, my dear, only for a visit." f\sent year and much of next year's RAISING OF SILVER FOXES NEW. RESOURCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Animals Cost $5,000, But Returns Run Forty-five Fold in Seven Years. Like a chapter from the Arabian Nights is the story of the silver fox industry in Prince Edward Island, with the difference that the latter is tangible, open to inspection, and capable of verification, says the Charlottetown Guardian. That the smallest province in the Dominion, heretofore regarded as without natural resources except the fertility of its scil and the proli- fic life in its waters, should sudden- ly find itself in possession of a sin- gle source of wealth rivaling the gold mines of the Yukon, is a mat- ter of no small moment. And this is what Prince Edward Island has found within the past few years in its fox industry. As is the case of the gold mines, the available wealth from the fox industry is, as yet, an unknown quantity. Unlike it, however, those who have "digged" in the latter, with ordinary forethought and pre- caution have, we believe, without exception, Found Gold, many of them most liberally. There is an idea prevalent that the money exchanging hands for foxes here is all Prince Edward Is- land money, passed from one neigh- bor to another in exchange for fox- es, and that, after all, the industry brings no additional wealth to the province. This is not so. Within the past few days a gentleman from Port Elgin, N.B., bought five pairs of foxes from, Tignish and Alberton parties, paying for them $50,000; a gentleman from Moncton bought four pairs, also from parties in Tig- nish and Alberton, at the same price, $10,000 a pair; a gentleman from St. John bought two pair in the same locality at the same price, and wanted two more pairs, but could not get them. Hon. John Ag- new, of Alberton, informs us that he has had almost daily telegrams from parties in the neighboring pro- vinces making all kinds of offers for foxes, but that there are none for sale. The island stock for the pre- stock is already sold. A Financial Factor. One of the banks in Prince Coun- ty took in $80,000 in three days re- cently, all fox money, and the greater part of it from outside the province. Another took in $60,000 in a week, most of it from New Brunswick. One country branch bank in Prince County among the fox ranches has more cash on depos- it than the local head office, and all this from the fox business. We have it on good authority that in Prince County alone half a million dollars changed hands during the past sum- mer for foxes, and that at least two- thirds of it came from outside the province. We understand that this year the addition to the provincial income tax, as a result of the fox business, will be about $10,000. 'A business that in so short a time has risen to such proportions is surely worth talking about, worth promoting, and worth letting the world know about. Now, as to the value placed upon silver foxes. Five thousand dollars for a little black fox seems am ex- orbitant price, extravagant, risky, and all that. But in foxes, as in other investments, the cost is exor- bitant or the reverse in proportion to the returns. We have an authen- tie record of a single female black fox which in seven years produced 45 descendants, which lived and were sold. These at the prices rul- ing to-day would be worth $225,000, a pretty liberal return in seven years for an investment of $10,000 for a pair. Shipped to London. At a public meeting of fox-ranch- ers a few days ago Hon. Charles Dalton made the statement, and submitted his books to prove it, that in 1910 he shipped to the London fur market between 40 and 50 skins. For these he received an average of £970 each, or $1,350. Moreover, of all the:skins that brought over £100 Mr. Dalton had 60 per cent. This fact along with the other equally significant fact, that of all the black foxes in captivity in the world, 85 per cent. are in Prince Edward Is- land, goes to show that Prince Ed- ward Island may safely be regarded as the natural headquarters in the world to-day. The possession of such an indus- try is of incalculable benefit to the province, and, if guarded, and it deserves to be, will before long make the province one of the rich- est in the world. This is not an advertisement for the fox business, nor an attempt to induce inexperienced, unbusiness- like investment in it. It is as easy to lose one's all in the fox business as in any other, if entered into without necessary business precau- tions. : Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. ED. 4. ISSUE 45--*12 It is Criminal to Negiect the Skin and Bair HINK of the suffering -- entailed by neglected skin | troubles -- mental because of disfiguration, physical be- cause of pain. Think of the pleasure of a clear skin, soft, white hands, and good hair. These blessings, so essential to happiness and even suc- cess in life, are often only a matter of a little thoughtful care in the selection of effec- tive remedial agents. Cuti- cura Soap and Cuticura Oint- ment do so much for poor complexions, red, rough hands, and dry, thin and falling hair, and cost so little, that it is almost crimi- nal not to use them. Although Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment are sold by drug ists and dealers everywhere, & postal to "Cuticura," Dept. 5M, Boston, U.S.A., will secure & liberal sample of each, with 32-page booklet on Skin and Scalp Treatment, CHINESE LAUNDRIES. os Manchester Sees Them Increasing Rapidly. Manchester, England, is about to take measures to bring about bet- ter hygienic conditions amongst the Chinese laundries, so many of which have lately been established in the city. The Manchester correspon- dent of the Lancet says: 'It ap- pears that the number of small Chi- nese laundries conducted by China- men has increased at an astonish- ing rate, and at present about 40 are established within the city area. On the advice of the medical officer of health, the sanitary committee has now decided to issue special no- tices in Chinese characters warning against spitting on the premises, and pointing out that penalties will be imposed for any offence in that direction. There is a prevalent belief--but whether based on fact or not, it is difficult to say--that spitting is very prevalent in some Chinese establishments, and that this act is not confined to spitting on the floor. Spitting is said to be a part of the process in some laun- dering businesses, as in the ironing process it is stated that the opera- tor expectorates freely on the arti- eles which are being dealt with, and that as an aid to the sustained se- cretion of saliva chewing gum is largely practised by the laundry men. we "PROUD AND GLAD" Because Mother Looked So Well After Quitting Tea and Coffee. A woman was almost distracted with dyspepsia and heart trouble. Like thousands of others, the drug--caffeine--in coffee was slowly but steadily undermining her nerv- ous system and interfering with natural digestion of food. (Tea is just as injurious as coffee because it contains caffeine, the poisonous drug found in coffee.) "For 30 years," she writes, 'I have used coffee. Have always been sickly--had heart trouble and dyspepsia with ulcers in stomach and mouth so bad, sometimes, I was almost distracted and could hardly eat a thing for a week. "T could not sleep for nervous- ness, and when I would lie down at night I'd belch up coffee and my heart would trouble me. It was like poison to me. I was thin-- only weighed 125 lbs., when I quit coffee and began to use Postum. "Prom the first day that belching and burning in. my stomach stop- ped. I could sleep as soundly as anyone and, after the first month, whenever I met any friends they would ask me what was making me so fleshy and looking so well. "Sometimes, before I could an- swer quick enough, one of the chil- dren or my husband would say, 'Why, that is what Postum is doing for her'--thew were all so proud and glad. 'When I recommended it to any- oné I always tell them to follow directions in making Postum, as it ig not good to taste if weak, but fine when it has the flavor and rich brown color.'"' Name' given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Read the little book, '"The Road to Wellville,"' in pkgs. '"There's a reason."" Ever read the above fetter? A new ono appears from time to time. They ars genuine, true, and full of human interest, vis Vegetable Battery. Scientists tell us that-there has been discovered in the forests of India a strange plant which pos- sesses in a very high degree aston- ishing electric and magnetic pow- er. The hand that breaks a leaf from it receives instantly a shock equal to that which is produced by the conductor of an inductive coil. At a distance of six metres a mag- netic needle is affected by it. The energy of this singular force varies, but in times of storms ics intensity increases in striking propartion. One never by any chance. sees a bird or an insect light on an electric plant; nature seems to warn them that they would find their death. me : Tt takes a truly great man to con- | These NOT MUCH LARGE TIMBER. But Much Pulpwood Found in Lac Labiche Region. The Forestry Branch of the De- partment of the Interior has had a number .of parties out during the past season continuing the exami- nation of the unexplored districts to find out the supply of timber on Dominion Lands and determine the lands which should be reserved per- manently for timber - purposes. parties are generally in charge of graduates of the Forest School of the University of Toron- to. The work for the season is al- most completed and the parties are now returning from the field. Two of the parties have already re- ported. Mr. 8. H. Clark examined during the past season the district lying north of Lac Labiche and east of the Athabaska River in Northern Alberta, which is along the route, which was proposed for the Alberta | Great Waterways Railway. The) season was wet, and, as the district | was found to be covered largely by | muskeg, the examination of it was difficult. The muskegs were almost | impassable, and the few trails that | were found are in poor condition. In spite of the condition of the trails quite a large number of peo- ple were going in to Fort McMur- ray to locate. It had been reported that there was considerable large timber north of Lac Labiche, but the examina- tion brought out the fact, which has too frequently been the case, that the quantity of large timber is small and only in a few scattered areas. There is, however, a large quan- tity of immature spruce and jack pine, which needs only protection from fire to be a valuable crop for pulpwood or lumber. The land is generally covered with muskeg, and the soil, nowhere first-class, be- comes lighter and sandy towards the east, where it consists of sandy jack pine ridges with muskeg be- tween. The undrained muskegs make the timber growth slow, but the whole district is more suited for timber than for agriculture. We MOTHERS RECOMMEND BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mothers having once used Baby's Own Tablets for their little ones will always be found using them as long as there is a baby in the home. The Tablets are acknowledged by thousands of mothers as being their best friend in keeping the lit- tle ones well. Whether it be con- stipation, colic, indigestion oF worms; whether baby is suffering from cold or has simple fever, or whether his teething is difficult, the Tablets are the one sate remedy which will speedily cure him. They are guaranteed by a government analyst to contain not one particle of harmful drug and may be given with benefit to the new-born babe or growing child. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Oo., Brockville, Ont. Te At the tender age of three, mas- culine conceit had gripped that small boy with a relentless clutch. He had kissed a little girl of three, and she was rubbing her lips vigor- ously. "You mustn't do that again," said the boy's mother, "She doesn't like it. Just see how hard she is trying to rub your kiss off.' 'Oh, no she ain't,"' said the boy, "she's rubbin' it ne" Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. Far Better. Miss Wafiee--"George said I was the best singer he ever saw." Mrs. Hitt--"Wouldn't you rather be the best singer he ever heard 1?' Cure For Consumption.--For consump- tion, weak lungs, lingering coughs, laryn- vitis and bronchitis. Names and addresses of those only given a tew days to live by specialist and doctors, after taking this cure are alive and well, will be sent on request. Write Wm. R. Copeland, 511 Pape Ave., Toronto, Ont. True. Romantic Husband--Ah, how I'd like to be back again on the old farm. Prosaic Wife--Huh! But I notice you had no desire to be back until you knew the harvest work was done. A druggist can obtain an imitation of MINARD'S. LINIM from a Toronto house at a very low price, and have it labeled his own product. This greasy imitation is the poorest one we have yet seen of the many that every Tom, Dick and Harry has tried to intro- duce. Ask for MINARD'S and you will 'get it. Neglected Duty. "She blushed for shame.'"' "Why?" '""When- someone questioned her the other night she had to admit that her children had kept her so busy she hadn't had time to read the latest novel." Sample free if you write National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, a&#rr*ted, vince other people that he is great. = GLOVES The best for all occasions. Always suitable. PERRIN - eke Always stylish. See that the tride mark is on every glove. --= Mutual deception is a popular; game during courtship. | FEATHER DYEING snam and Curling aud Kid Gloves cleaned | Protect -- Preserve -- Beautify Cleanin These can be sent by post, lc per oz. The best place is BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO MONTREAL. LAN GrevurR'sS Bamples and JAMES LANGMUIR & CO., Limite 1874} Bathurst Street ssle Stains CREOSUTH Booklets on Application TORONT: BROWNS i} Hh \ ; } WAN TREES" an Sif > 7" we 5 owe LS = 2G ROWN'S NURSERIES, WELLAND COUNTY, ONT. SS) very days @gainst breakage Cords slide when you move. No pulleys, no harness--just comfort I Genuine stamped "EZE" an buckles. 5c. sictvaid for 80s, TEZE PRONOUNCED EASY) USPENDER Pair Ineured 365 rx) ) THE OTH ANNUAL ONTARIO EXHIBITION 4 HORTICULTURA FRUIT, VEGETABLES, HONEY a ed orenreow = THE ANNUAL te 10 P.M. THE KiNG SUSPENDER CO. TORONTO,CAM, | TOHONTG Wow 120168 Coee ee SINGLE RAILWAY FARES From All Points in Ontario FLOWERS, ie oft. Try i Get a 100 pound granulated sugar. impurities whatever". MONTREAL. ccc RReweuber the 4 | --test it--see for your "St. Lawrence" with any other high Note the pure white color of 'St. Lawrence"--its uniform grain--its diamond-like sparkle--its match- less sweetness, 'These are the signs of quality. And Prof, Hersey's analysis is the proof of purity --"99 99/100 to 100% of pure cane sugar with no Insist on having 'ST. LAWRENCE GRANULATED" at your grocer's, ST. LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINERIES LIMITED, 664 self -- that 'St. Lawrence Granulated"isas choice asugar as money can buy. bag--or even a 20 pound bag--and compare -grade - Should Have Good Light for Studying A poor light strains the eyes, and the injurious effects may last for life. An oil lamp is best. The light from the Rayo: Lamp, shade. ™ Rayo THE IMPERIAL TORONTO MONTREAL Lamp is soft and mellow. Youc for hours without hurting your eyes. The RAYO is constructed scientifically. best lamp made--yet inexpensiv Lighted Easy to clean a styles and for all purposes. Dealers Everywhere OIL COMPANY, Limited WINNIPEG ST. JOHN HALIFAX an read or work under it: e and economical. made of solid brass -- nickel plated. without removing chimney oF nd rewick. Made in various It is the in to-day selling the finest candies to all your friends. Fach of these wonderful stores contain a complete stock of fine Chocolates, Bon- pons, Butter Scotch, Lozen- gers, Candy Balls, Kisses, oto., ete., all in lovely glass jars and metal candy oases, the fame as in any big candy store. We also provide a fine counter with drawers for stook, the magnificent set of candy scales you see above, complete with weights and platforms, a fine set of bright metal scoups to serve the candy with, a stock of Bon. & bon boxes, candy bags and in fact every neoessity of the candy store business. Then besidesall this won- dorful stock of eandiea end store fittin Toronto. Some cnal a Bnet Jour BARR, qaew ezotorae MPLETECANDY STORE. BOYS AND ciRLS. OWNA CANDY STORE OF YOUR OWN. This elegant store is the greatest money making and pleasure providing outfit ever offered and you can start Jete with bank. n itself. Boys and wonderful store. Dept. 0. It ie an exnob model of the big eash re; isters coating $100 00 each and rings Up every wale made. It is o Jock and keysand ie a wonderful pres ris, get this candy store and -- will be the envy of all your friends. We will give it to you plete with the elegant cash register and all, if you w: soll among your friends, only SQ bottles cfour delight! Royal Japanese Perfumes at only 100. each. in six lovely odore--White Rose, Carnation, Lily of the Valley, Heliotrope, Wood Violet and Jookey Club, 7 up in fine large bottles with beautiful gold floral Bverybody wants this lovely perfume at only Wo. & bottle. 1t sella like hot cakes. Bend and get the perfume to-day. We trustyon wt ft. When sold, return our money, on} complete candy stors, exactly as Dlustrated above, r ay 'and all, will be sent to you ABSOLUTE Fi EE, This iso wonderful off girls. he the fii NATIONAL PRODUCTS 309, They come abola. th $3.00, andthe to bright boys vet in your ne borhoed to get fs Addrese, LIMITED TORONTO, CANADA. i