lola ¥ The Milverton Sun) Main Street ‘be tu the office by noon Monday, and oRapait ideal BEVERY za Sano aenaee eek teh ; The Sun Printing Office be MILVERTON, ONT. ecriptlon rates: —One year, $2.00; ax 1.00 In advance, Advertising rates: es applicat ie a eae its without 9) ic eee Teen ee ebid nd charged aes chaaive for contract advertisements mr ‘OLM MacBRTA, Mabie end a ‘BusinessCards ‘ Medical. Drs. Tye & Nicklin. Otice: Ponte DRv@ StoRM, MILVERTON RERAOn1 s asin, 2 to 4 pm, nd 7 to 8 pam. t DR. F. J. R. areata Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat yeild in medicine, University Barristers, Solicitors, &e. Gordon Bock STRATFORD, ONT. Money to Loan. ®. 7. HARDING WG. OWENS —W. . GOORIN, oh Notary Public. W. D. Weiry - Auctioneer for {he Counties of Perth and Waterlo caebvabiie deste. aller c\uaace denen nud affidavits made Vitlage clerk, Qmce: Weir block. aver Bank of Nowa Scotte A. Chalmers, - Notary Public Cunforaicer: jeovtrot Mi J.P. for Kea) estate bought and sold. A few chotce farms for immediate sale, arringe License the County of Perth. NONKTON, onraria | & | VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND SUR IN N Office: Barr’s old stand RoR Besse Vis" Hoteles The Queens Hotel Rest eae ALIo8 asm ers and oth Two large Beatie tins GUO. F, PAULL, Prop., Milverton, Ont Societies. Milverton soaks No. 478 ALF. & A.M. G. «C.. Meets every Mond one eventing on oF before full wee ever month dl {a their halt iting brethren Saye wele ‘W. Hones, W.M, cen Bap og Best Silver Star Lodge No. 202 Meets every Rriday alght ut 7.00 in thetr hall over Bank of Hamiito SGiMitig ohstlrent alwotte Svein ©. Fiokbeiner, Wm 1. NG. We are agents forthe _Appleford Counter Check Book Co. This firm turns out only high-grade work “at very reasonable prices. See our samples and get our prices before ordering. © 7-Sun Office THE WONDERS FRUIT at Every a fn i Gt Nests ‘eorimunications to Agronomist, 72 Adelaide St, West, Toronto. Clesming /Milking-Machines. | ‘The bast answer is the exnerienee WNT-ACTIVES who are ‘The. following saat of, cleaning Hise ins Sa ee milking-machines has been Migs alee Semen aaa ‘and gravel, <<. ‘oul ps : restion, ibe aeeteeeat and should sire wood | Saag te alerts is eee tonne ick 01 r it with canvas and straw. after cach milking, immediately. jne concrete floors ingide the barn or fines. ne machine with cold or lwke- hog house in cold weather is not at- Naas ae s is done by attach: tendet aa ‘such ne danger from ig the inaehiiie co the pump line, pnt fre ick or Kid- Ne see Nea fae Trouble, eesti Pain in immersing the ‘teat cups ine pall c is is necessary to #0 mix, place and aor aienitae itentment ees pol ting ¢ pte ite Sia at ea ne euitbe ees before therwork “Reuita-tives” is the only medicine then immediately immersing 1% @XPosed. to freezing temperatures.) ‘ade. from Fruit—containing the them outs Nee should be done ten as do this: medicinal principles of apples, aereatid Sand and pebbles or broken stone| ~ oranges; figs and-primes, combined n nate ‘pail, containing hot! ed must be free from frost or lumps} with valuable tonics and antiseptics. water and a soda solution, repeat the of oe materials, 50c a hox, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢. same procedwy t this time, wash! thesé materlalé contain frost| “Ay ‘all dealerscor sent postpaid by y busi of the eerie and rub- i a lumps they must be thaw-) pruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. ber tubing, Run the brush in teats é ed out before using. cups. Repeat the ewe ueing.e 3, As cement formis but a relatively See rinse wal iio Draw a chlorine Rage veel bulle of the materials in any tion thro: the machine (chlorine aie of concrete, it need not be heat- PLANNING THE HOME GROUNDS spinon described lon: Warm the metal forms and‘ rein- will be obt rare Saldtion is) foreing before placing concrete. -Re- sed. Never move ice and snow and frozen con-| te Wall of the house or the corners of Every two wes S ‘lean ans _the crete remaining on the forms from coal ee 7 her side. tes aca line, e by draw- preceding work. xen can be warm- eos of a wall, it defines the wal ¢ hot se ‘colton ‘ough the ne ce Sh ae a jet of steam een he pea eae tex from merges iit Bourret ct “the pests this ae though pinneesls have, been} oeeite e acre solution to be Recess of the line. heated and the ¢ lacie wt phe ers ss ra sually provision SSAdentE neke! ne ediately after minh uP peat laee| i catia Sokal cs wees the pump. Gang Core oui ae sauch. chile Heutzenet protected from tuwe without an vis eke te drawn into the vacuum line, clean the Lay uierocerabareh at once. Thereford | it. windines af bie ba ir abalag pipe immediately after milking ect the concrete immediately after| tawn sath a to eek eis tie nea stn onthe ett of. niethe: Canvas covering, ey: slightly curved.” 12 sie ee | f the bucket) housing-in the work, or hay o: Sante ieee ee i 1 oy D1 e re- sl ma ‘re leaned after each milking. properly applied will furnish ae r Still other uses for. shru: ehlorine solution— quired protection for different jobs. In Bieta tesliegice tke of com- addition to these means, small ol kes eee ee rcial chlorinated lime i gals cone ene eo eee erelal chlorinated lime in tw oncsthtigs atived “GR: ceateta deve acenntaltee ot arate: ox: bankonne lons 0 Coe Pa Deon ene Structures. | : ibbery are] that t Sli a ae ey es [sane dines, Unreasonable “98° = may..seem, ally Se apes on id for’ .smiiler | Tiehisoe breale hard n- ly. inereas ee plan straight line unless you want a inadue t looks awkward. Shick, you ne ‘ai (ghanaet Whatever it was, Get it on paper and ¢ a foot ‘ce: Tt must be remembered will seem greater and ee eshesner othe ground than they an on paper, but it is neverthe- Tess the only satisfactory way of get- ting a Comprehensive idea of what the results wi One thing moré to remember: the grounds forget the |planning to decorate. ‘around the house, do not ‘barn and the other farm buildings. | They, together with the garden, and | possibly the home orchard, are all a | part of the farm home and should be treated as such. The house and yard se not be decked out like a city lot and the other buildings left out things in one season, but plan them all now so that they will fit together and resolve fimly. to carry out some art 0: year, Dart, te ee somethin | a S2 oo Ontario's feld crop value reached| the record figure of $396,000,000 in| | pe 4920. none’ too soon to start j making. up your list of seeds, bulbs, and nurser: stoi | Pots and ee are now mad semicircular, wi flat side, 0 of bate URSA ET RS Deleted | yereties By this device two ishes may be ae at once with the required for on { % seinen, Guard against ay heat. | dav! Temperatures which may ay be low} ie eter zaletion enough to freeze the concrete may,| a long tim eee cones its hardening for rable | This al ne To make oe chlorine lation in a consi Do not exp THE SUNDAY SCHOOL which the tubing and ci re kept, ee placed ts the Seinieratire | use one pint of eek site rind elution is low, and Ee dow sae some une FEBRUA eas "sltin shou ne ee i caved ati ‘ilu ai should be used ut cf ‘ Stuns o" when pla a eee warmer er weath The Marriage Feast, St. Matt igus cee ayed or interrupt re 1 The hee OR DOR incwhich, the tubs oS covered ing and cups ate kept should be kept }, cMered aoieinleni ek all times brssanes of slime or di Time and P mast hi e ion a. Teams Sere in rac 5 salem. irt'in the solu- Tp severe aes continue this pro- Gonnectitig Links— oi wail-daitiny itscunetutneae, "The EuGuonviin BEMARaR five: days. Do nok hand |machine must be thoroughly washed remoye forms from concrete work to0 iN priests Lee Gee Ne Var ore Since ii ai Beteas kes A to the chlorine solution. In Preparing the cows ee milling, the care should be used as mee i hand. It is eee Nee, the teats be i Gleam tes cleanin ined. en concrete sometimes very! Hi Sissay Paecetlcesormencts that “has thoroughly hardened. | When frozen coner had Yemple; and had driven out the traf ckers money-changers, whos business uck W mer it vail ofien pe ‘ike oa petty hardened Make Concrete Fonts When You Need 3 it has hardened or simply frozen, The: peered een remove one board Just n of a for aha caeets feeding” Bees now rm, pour| of) warning. flea Gh Weter a floors and sidewalks are most neede! hot aac on os sancti or turn the we have the third of these great par-' ter ignorance th —in snowy, sloppy Sones flame of a plumber’s blow-torch or a|ables—a warning against rejecting regard of what was becoming on such, ga | “But we can’t do concrete work in| jet of steam under pressure against! the ea s ‘od, $0 sp Shiens ; an occasion. 4 freezing weather, ean we?” some folk, the eonerete f the conerete is frozen,| fom 6 Oo euipok cuits per: Application, bask. e heat will soften it. abtecin Linke 44: 15-24, The lesson may very well he taken SESS I. The Invitation,1-10. | to ee 4 fie ee well- Cinsiructed and ¢ | Which made iage. The highly-privileged people of our Chris- Are You Prepared to to Fight a 1 Fire? teat, ou ant iac wolSxtend ES re a er several days. In ancient Hebrew invital jon | e va ne Jt eenweey to prophecy Hie pee pininy “Obs Mes: Very clear—a call to be-followers of A little’ group stood in front of the| and a stream of water clinngad. wit pane Jangdon | reat feast See Ie, Jesus Christ, si }post office discussing the fire at the| this gas is thrown on Bawiea. (sey eee te hain Tege ok the OF Bod te George Halsey farm. Carbonic-acid ps is the = found in| new kingdom, the new social order, 2°85, of ui vice ich “ orge have any insur-|soda water. Fire cannot burn in it.| with its simple taith-and:its laws of fOvally Spread before) ns, ae ve idn’t Ge | ance?” someone inquired. The acid-and-soda solution in these| love, which He seeks, eee “No,” was the reply. “He said the| extinguishers are usually mixed. by pete eal ted ee rate was ‘too high, so he never took! ittverting the apparatus, although in| and common folk are invited. ‘The ert out any. ‘The fire began | ue a rubbish] Some makes you must use a lever or) invitation, is not new; it was sent heap near the barn. There wasn’t any| handle to break the acid bottle. An-jforth long ago by the hands of pro- oe Pee bs mete Wine ainolied other kind of carbonic-acid extin-| phets and wise teache! is renewed | the had r guisher throws espe-| by John and Jesus and their disciples y hey | oe ald me?” mene tcs thé speak- PO ts a Sits SES on, “that there was only a small blaze when first discovered; that if there cially good for. burning oil, gasoline, re ome, sent. fo Ribas Se anion, Oe aon acid extine| Graciously the kin auishers ss tliat 5 e| may fi flames, but they had to run to the| at see 20 to 25 degrees Fahrenheit, Kcee theimeaie by the time they got above zero,*the acid ordinarily at wind about 29 degrees above zero, but after it has stood for awhi Ais moisture from tl its freezing point to x above that of water. vent this to to put the extinguisher in an air-tight box in which an elec- tric light is kept burning. Extinguish-| ing of the parable was plain e1 moun to the ee and Pharisees, aie witl ’\ fierce loo: ngry words now gathered nes selfish interests; their’ EB pe losses in this | eountr enormous of | about Yos,000,000, ‘This is the actual loss, without considering the sacrifice of life and the many millions of dol- lars necessary to maintain fire dopatt: ments and fire appliances. ret perts tell us that by the timely use Hf chesaf@al fire es the res could b che: no loss at many of these fire: kep! 6-7. He was wroth. There is | something similar is highly effective | doubt as to what a King of that, fime : A would destroy those to a few hundred dollars| against gasoline or oil fires, hence it) wicked murderers and burn their city. emical fire extinguishers are espe-|18 much used in automobiles and gar- e: ese words a plain e| ages. as fifteen ee reduetion on ruler, priest, and the trance premiym.for auto-| scribe of what lay. ators the Jewish | mol bie is vaualy allowed, when the Boole Ae the city — temple of car is new, if equipped with’ an ex- ey Were - 0 Singles oF thie kinds es years late the blow tal, ex timeashers, like other fite Satin aanihens should be inspected regu- were: destroyed. yemnant was scat- er containing carbo sons partment is too far away to be de- pended upon. ‘chemical Oe extin- jected Christ ii 7 Fae & Many farmers are pooling iad in- terests and purchasi rs to~ gether in avon lots. Hess Wace cated it aby pa ol of suiaher mop, ‘common ly us tered abroad; no effort from that t This yeas ses cit eae ser in their! day to this’ %0 eeeatautett = ess in ing alw: uard your] Palestine has: met with suc! is ssid copper ee Hobdsas . solu The ae of} am " ness which y th | better RY 6TH rebellious, or indifferent, or intere ted, or proud—they were nd so-in the multitude, both n ho self- not highways, bad and g the as and a on ey Such is the solemn warn- Siig ich the parebiecwree . The Wedding Garment, 11-14. 11-14, and was patronized by the chief citing “sanaeitcssuel pean fore removing for | priests, and now they come to Him’ garments would have in rele. Before removing forms, €X-/ and demand to know who gave Him and would have been mine tho work earefully to see wheth- this authority. To them and to others ail the guests. So it y gathered about Him in success, wealth, pow- that the invitation Sarre and that others pa Sard ee ean oe ra & into the guest, chamber and take our places “atthe banquetiig’ tablet: Ts it posi a unworthy 0 ome other race, or color, shal nted, worthy? God's be so often repeated in our ears, does us great honor s honor His Son, . ny Tesui * Christ, by a quick and glad acceptance. id to. th faith and real’ obedience—a ri ‘aitl is n a matter of reproach that the Church conbaine hai bad and good, and that among the professed followers of Jesus there are wee who do not do ut Jesus anticipated beginning. iis” 0: etter so—better 1 should be universal, and the door o @. banqueting-hall- wider open—far than men of exclusive! Pharisaic spirit should have had the keeping of the door. Tt is enough to know a ete ate foe of bicarbonate soda, with a sep-| house or bitdig ‘against ‘the demon a 10. Not. Worthy That is tks fin-| pany of His elect. The of the arate glass bottle sesteining gsulonori verdict upon, £ who scorned and] banquet will be a day of judgnient, acid. When the two ch are a a ed tl eeiig’s invitatio: it is{ “For many are called but few ar carbonic-acid - aie ae iio Buy Thrife Stamps. not merely “chat the cy were Beatle, ‘or ch a aay. be a small Pe for spring planting, | i ski | ey so| hew 22: 1-14. Golden Text— |i 4: 23. : ‘| jaw or in the t Becaus' ELDISON’S NEW DIAMOND” AMBEROLA is the world's greatest phondgrs h valve and will talking machines" and. the Free Trial shis? cally your own terms! Hurry rigdit down to Sr Teiae this Fr to wait your tar, A. 0. SCHNURR, General Merchant, Linwood, Ontario, lat ~ vt Toronto, — g milk tubes from the| 4. Mi ater should always be in the cold as though they did not be- Lato assistant. New York Ophthal: haat Obi WRipseteries tathe pointe ere a jong to it. A farm is bo me and Fee nh Golden Square Throw How | inflation type of machine), and place Although adding common, salt to Among your New Year resolutions [means of making money bat it is a tals, Loudon. Eng. the teat-cnps agd tubing in a chlorine| jing water, maaes vent freezing of phos was the ss invention to im- | home eet ea gneretore all the build- Hoirs—1 gs 20, 8 Dm. sterilizing solution. made fresh every time [prove the looks Thome during ings should be treated as a part 0 daily. Eve 0, 8, Wednesday {day. It is important that the tubes fresh conerete nil eee the coming ee noF ea me Ways to Catch Skunks. | and Saturday ould Se by appointment | he placed in the solution carefully, s . js uihene ian. ith ‘ Tf it is a windbreak you are plan- it (Phone 267.) # int gioal ts will remain, Place| tity of salt which may if} at n othing succeeds with-| ning-and fee an apimoprate ie Skunk and civet cat are not hard Sith ea BS. Water! ae “Ss, STRATFORD. th MObiige tH. tHe aclution-alowlys and|Sstnay aeeneet ct ie concrete: ts ait plan. It is not enough to read) (ony thinking windbreak—it traps Once you become familiar with tate, When he saa oe cach a manor ae to allow the a | Zot €0-be affected, parole eee this suggestion and, make a ae ald be sted pidchate tie we tbale Habita. you will find that they. farm. owner a little Inte, complained Seen ie a Disc enee point ‘xing | indefinite promise to yourself that you PONS ty) RAMU Oe closer than a’ Will spring even naked sets mapanlOhe ctchi veaians ae pENnist: ah the buckets and covers thor-| Waters it does not supply what i most| ate eestainly going fo do. something Prdeedest td tbe buildings and may ally. Covering isnot absolutely nee- night the owner, called his men and i D.S LD.S. ” ets and covers thor! needed—heat and warmth. It delays,| t ee eee place. hunted aw essary. Yet, if you take pains to con- gaye them the foll c dé. SEBBEN, ah ry Le Dds coay after a use. These Sout of be two hundred away tHibeeere Blo e-washed in the same manner as oka ot er ate Gea a cag it that bunch of shrubbery in plenty of chance to include them all, cea) your traps, you are almost si Opp. City ml ‘ STRATFORD, Neeiinbldiety ea pleat pails and cans,| fe concrete to the desired perman-| the vahite of the lawn, always ir the] ino stock will appreciate it quite ag to catch wandering mink or sages ‘. and thoroughly sterilized with ste os be way of the lawn mower, or of S0Me-\much as you: will yourself. which otherwise you would m Femains undén nstomer oe 7 to 9 o'clock | When Kip ataenh RANA Ore Sand and pebbles or aes stone| thing else, that you were going to) IF yo nies raw of shade trees} ‘The simplest way. to eateh ss drops in on us ae eae We hurt: Open unite rom 7 to 9 ofclod adline te ume that saw, fag and mixing water must be heated so, move over to the side where it be-| in Peau Or th ” extend it to in- and civet cat is to arrange traps at the feelings of a-eu hex beet ae of the air system,|that the concrete when need shall{longs? Shrubbery is a great addition] clude the barns, the barnyard and the the den entrances. | .No bait ing ohne eee to him. For alls (This rae spaia pert rats Plog have a ieee eee es from 75 deg.| to a home when Le is properly ei paddocks. It ties them all to the, Kind is need ded. When it ‘ Fw it may have cost me $1,000 in” H.B. Morphy, K.C | ged, bat it is best to be Sore thet e5| to 80 deg. F. Some sands are injured| but it must be remembered that its| home. Animals need shade as much| Whe pee or not a burrow is occupied, usiness. : ze uf. Norphyy A.C eutsehnatleaked ® moisture will| Dy too muc me applies| value depends ep eRey wae eects. jy ‘ouhave but to examine the interior fy iiietinetions axe leat aml Waeberiseek interfere pith therpulaae to rea varieties of pebbles and Ieee ahs handsomest bush that plan your drives in the same way. for bine, ne or black and series ever are doing; and place your tions.) After assembling. is arte rokei ne.. A tem! ture not ex-| yer grew may be ruined By putting S ae barn is beeing < be proud hat n these are seen, f self at: the dis boee TS a alean, fresh water.| ceeding ‘0. de eg: By will aan i'n the wrong place. If any'one of Arrange things -s it. will spec ice. each .week+ the machines Pr ost satisfactory. Place con-|Yours is not ‘placed ‘to the best d= me to the bat ahtare and then Sig is pros asesha rte salsters pgarerati itt immediately after mixing so that| vantage, now is the time to resolve keep it in sch shape tht you are ro! droppings, etc Sis ee good an. impressiot-as¥o Harding. Owens & Goodwin | *ied thoroushly. rushes. should ‘Rome of the heat will be, lost before See | ashamed to have it se open ue Ce ee arding, Owens ROOM T- used-in cleaning the tubing feat. Placing in fone eee hrubbery has several uses. It may!” Of course, you seer aval theset te etnots to find a a burrow. . Remembering animals do not move about ae i are best employ, boards, form a U sired stalk r each | bloody meat in the back part. Hees a ives Se ‘such penis near a hole will often a number of_pelts in one night, With only aset.a Ste bua single| ‘The sta eof if can-be obtained“at:a has been popes by an ood peatches often may te as mining engineer so that it acts as @ ter may along he ane where mals travel, bunting food. ses piéeés of meat hung spout a fo08 tenth he tra ffalitble detector. of the presence aim inflammable the atmosphereyy and gives warning by emitting @ a loud= gases in the ground, with each ing note, » action of the device bait, will bring suc st to ppe: tie the deco: flame, inc! Sets coneeuled’ under “Wedes “often ends ‘of which ar bas a Doe and emit a covered, ho will Ea get placed at t v gas is a in too Br m ces of small, dr: get fur. obje 0 tak a ause their odor; es u ia to ne them’ ae ci e, Ho! erethh Newsp rom Peat. ¥ sorrow I experimented vith Singlish, experimenters have demon —the bes! ms trate he yf b ae of ku and othi ing the quar 0 as not un a i When ae in five or six just Tt is ve imes for gotbee that me back o ecate the spine. sire needs the } Saat he is to live up 0 exp | be carliest form. of “hodeaaam holes in the t a Hee heute pele probably a rough sereen of’ branche 45 have-the of trees woven ether and erecta e a di bullets a out unde to protect the * SHADOW TEST avoid denger will | get into di Bee the at the scent of the tail, glands lie a £ he aly all. p bring full lue, and ar sat vabre pleted e handle than amaelly ones. ine a smal “He Looks Into the Eye" Sop it te almom stop trappi ¥ THIS METHOD, it ts simoe 7 to get the tye, thereby v loath ing. the fect right at its sou to ondtia ly. Weak Muscles Strengthened Headaches Cured, Cross 2 Eycs in many cases siratahien ned The Cash Value of pote | It was a busy sea: the on! the“tarti Of a Seading“Yorkouire breeder, The owner (you poe ree- ognize him if ed hi away on some erent tne . An Groueraitie tite yard Bia ps husitesine Ged stepped, out, who wanted “to see the ae The man in charge of jen glasses are fitted by advanced sy ster ‘chien is | accurately examined with aS scene cucottame DB. H. BASTENDO Eyesight eee, MILVERTON. = - ONT: THE SUCCESSFUL MAN TO-DAY— Is the one who gives careful attention to clothes. To him his business-suit is of as m|