The Milverton Sun ped ccanton Times EBVBRY sacomavar PORTING The Sun Printing Office ‘Main Street = VERTON, ONT: Subscription rat months, $1.00 {a advas Advertising rates on splat, op Ia teements without # rec wile tuserted until forbid and charged ae: cord anges for contract advertisementa mc at wate a oe by noon Monday, ALCOLM MacBETH, MATGitinher and Proprictor, * BusinessCards |: Medi Drs. Tye & Nicklin Office: Puntre Dave SvoRs, MULYRRTON Houra: 10 to 12 a.m, 2 to & pm, aud 7 to 8 p.m, One year, $2.00; “ate |” Address communications to mano 72 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. More Attention to Farm Forestry. Reg situation in rural districts could i enerally improved by furnishing side income resulting) juctive ployment _throughou' |sote the sale a a Heseeeeie | the year. ‘These and other induce- nents urge Ontario farmers to a more phen ye gat tea neencseht) careful. study of modern methods of posts, materials for construction: and) PTOGUCInE, Saal mexiering their wood- repair, products of the sugar bush, How You Can Get Good Hatches. easy to forget that hatching Nally living objects, 3 ch, Moi hi soit shold back flood proves and builds up the soil eat to the aticacdiveniens “ot rural pvt i scenery. ual V ie ae cibtingehedD ce inean: incnbatbr, bes ‘apidly increasing attention) —.4se they realize that there are deli aoa wow Being, given to, this Gesu evan ia ie “But they periment iof farm is due very| wiit’handie eggs, befor aoe. in- no other ition isan egg is an egg,” and that breaking is “the only way they can be fargely to the much higher prices re- cently paid for forest aoiets Tim shee with m “an ber is a national necessi ‘The\coun- them DR. F. ne R Linea Eye, Ea Grednate: in’ medicine, Cpcae wea ‘ork Ophthal wale ean anal a witute, mnpreneey ‘and Golden Square Throat , London, rs—L0 to oF “eam. 2 to, a aaily, Evenings—7 Wed jand Saturday Solr or by aapotnee (Phone 267.) &3 Waterloo s a STRATFORD. try was suddenly cee Rang the to its defenseless position should, es aaa apse patties The Dehs (rede that the germ in it is moi ae rita eve f Ae i yes hardy than after hatehing has et ere an a Be th ih ane Sencan the! {" this: respect ahaa iain vot availeble. stocks | °™ ane is ‘true, before the hatching sot have been responsible for the Aight in aie oie a lumber “quotations value willatter a little warm er has cea esata eacied seta ioaly ee these uuds, sae te show higher level in years to come ae iene enlace eowe that seid during the past can hardly be ques- sails eee eer eae toned SR Tacs a eiegla of sup. So it is with the germ in the hateh- ing egg. I ormant when laid, but ‘The farmer should make his wood-|q little heat will start it growin; lot permanently profitable. When the lesson that all departments of the) temperature will ‘either kill it or ma- dF. SeDBEN, DD, .S., LDS. farm should cont netbute a reasonablejterially wenken i, A great many k, ator’s income is gen-| eggs get heated in the laying nes' Opp. City aay - ae TRATFORD erally bane ist and piss acticed, the) An egg laid in the Hits migh' hone 99: rr will see to it that land te under different laying ©. Bos ease Open sea from 7 to 9 o'clock farme sulted ‘tor eulivated crops will | iy aantas late tteee i growing from these hens swould bo: engugh to Through he Peco ueson ae a renter | ira up the ee and sant germ xbundat es of superior qual- growth TE very te H.B. Morphy, K.C. ity by pit ecdiba them from fire, thin- jously Ww 5 oe eiiecan: Willet Solicttor for Bank of Hamilton ee eee acee irae ee planting tetore tt Peaches ‘te regen It is camels Sie Heaton Camebon be reco ait, toe farmers sineome | therefore io REND hatching art cde will be enhanced. The farm manage- kar in an even pe aera - og oudRA ie Nt ment problem will By partly ee in more aire factor mtpney to tim that he will be better able to employ so pieunetay Laine ten sat at Harding, Oweas & Goodwin Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Gordon Block, - 8 Money to Loan. |.7, WaRDIke Ww. G. OWENS Ww GuopwiR, be {in men ‘and tedms cca ge ipslelguiatees. If you have ever oper ths, The attempt to combine stock! an incubator yor pene ee th ing and forestry will be abandon-! and. provide moisti need ed by the thoughtful farmer, who will! But did you rather wrive to keep the floor of his| moisture ates putting the eggs in woodlot grass Herat en-|the machines? The egg shell is just rine growth of a dense for- e will come to ees ieee as a WN. w. ary Pon Aeclodshiifow tie Counties ot Per ‘and Waterloo, Conveyancer, deeds, willa, mor gages draw and anaes cy Otic: prey ny over Bank of No Scott: = eos A. Chalmers, - Neue ‘Public! i id oe Issuer Of Marriage License 1 the Couaty of Pertl weal estate a task and soll. A few choice facnis for ymmediate sal MONKTON, ONTARI EN Oaty Public th ‘rom t of the ea a be ipled if he gives it the accorded other Tease tt Once the moisture has left tl cannot be replaced, so that it thie tact tor is not considered we start off with ch too dry for best hatches. a Perhay ape no apie in the Domin- | fon offer: sing opportun-| ty than cool, moist air, and ..| ities for the adoption of modern woodc| serb water from an egg ever so m eres ; nn practices ‘than does Ontario. The! more quickly. So when hatching eggs Pirin for) are to be held for a day or more th bi of her] should be wie variety | The cellar is often the best place, and Se: ess Aig pa: a for the produc-| the tebe the worst. tion of wood to meet every human} If you {iis eed. Here may be found extensive oO pas not well suited to the oes of of ic ate rove nd eggs often, ; it you will getting heated enough to Office: Barr's old’ stand R, E. Beggs, V.S. VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND SU. IN development, and will ee ice in place which i ih neither too warm nor too dry, you wi results, I doing this ots rine two factors eating and drying, which spoil more hatching eggs ene anything the) else. other crops, that may well be d to tareaeeg work. The best marina & in the world are eae and trans- portation lines and woodworking fae- ae were built for eck this particular class of products. Since ues farming ’ predominates, Hotels equivalent in syrups, of Iate years has The Queens Hotel shown a tendency to decrease. 1851 to 1861 we are told the average GPoutirr® yearly production was Coot 0,- fest ncontedodation for souamercial tray: Sort over the vegetables a esti-} 000 pounds, from 1861 to ‘eT about} i andiother mate the amornt neede home! 17,500,000 pounds, from 1871 to 1881, Sansatensine use, All that can be spared wai prove! 19'000,000 pounds, and from 1881 to G80. F. PAULL, Prop Milvertoa, Oat aes okies fee the hens and help} 1891, 22,500,000 pounds. The latter was the pinnacle of annual production, © Milverton Posee No. 478 F,. M. G.R.C, Meee ae ak eveulng on or before fen moda “a lenges in thelr hall v Bar brethrea always ee W. Henvy, W, . L, Nicholaoa,Sesy? ie Ganaltion until they-can' use: the | range every day. Mangels are cheap-| year was ,200,000 pounds, and er than sprouted oats and are good Phan been ia ter years the average has been little health producers but possibly they are] Jess than 20,000,000 pounds. It is] t | not ee by the hens as much asi thought that perhaps with the in- | oat 5] crease in. price ee has ae piace recently greater ion may looked for. va is vera that tie value of the yearly manufacture of| a! Dey co hoppers can be made wu sketching the side Silver Star Lodge No, 202 13.0% sis Meets every Pri 7.80 ta thete Shudeee mane St sesatiten Visiting brethren always welcome . ©, Piukbetner Wan. N.C. N. Zimmerman PinSeey. _Rec,-Seey se and use the boards | tenoved e close up the front and top. Use a small cleat in the front of ce sugar and ie is $2,000,000, and iew of a iy the aid of a packin “Then that 50,000 people are employed in the We are agents for the Appleford Counter Check Book Co. i This tin turns out only high-grade work at very reasonable prices. See our samples and get our prices before ordering. ™ Sun Office uu ver think ms race - se as porous before it is in the machine] py, afterward, and it will lose moisture| ; placed in a cool, damp place.| 0°, gather your hatching es op te for in the next decade the average per | tip for the year end-| Sea | CONSTIPATION THE SUNDAY SCHOOL ~ AND HEADACHES Caney Relieved by. this Grand Achebe Pret ast ce x MR, ALFRED DUBOISSEAU 482 St. Catherine St. E., Montreal, “For three years, I was a terrible sufferer from Indigestion, constant Head- aches and Constipation. I took various medicines for the trouble but nothing seemed to do me any good. Then, a friend erate me to try ‘Fruit-a-tives free of Indigestion and rendaches, the Constipation is cured, and I have gained considerable weight ; and my goneral health is fine. “Fruit-atives' is a grand medicine and a fimg and ilace—Tuesday, April 4, wyer, a greatest commandment. The firs third of nee questions form the les- son for ve e a Tribute Money, 15: The Pharisees; a ratios tion aside as of meant that it is Triste ouctewints teanesties name which means the “Separated Ones.” “They were the soul 07 the opposition to Jesus, opposing Ein on position | keeps of Debo: and religious grounds” (Anderson). Toms frequently denounced their hy: counsel; concocted ede against the common FEBRUARY 13 Lessons on Citizenship, St. Matt. 22, tetas 34-40. Golden Text, St. Matt. 22: 37. no importance com- a D. 20; The Temple Cour! at Jeru-) pared with the spiritual one. On au: salem, per oceasi oN tha Ms iar e 4 e people were filled er Th S OF seCanngeting LnksWhon Jesus en-/ahout dthes, wid wealthy snl other e Stamp aby of asin hott ay Sie Pd ot Ga? We leas as] tay? : 3 public. tea Pharisees : di G ad snp heathy He us| fnching of Senn wag son's Genius pis iolen et Se ea 8 stone iin ie tea shan Menenl os is questioned them stout the baptism of | BS 9 a4 the ing is that when Jess) ig clear and unmistakable. hn (Matt. 21: 24-28) and added the tg 4 sega) ced cid ies Edi 1g Arab Parables, of the ‘Two, Sond and tha peat role 2 etapa It places Edison’s Amber- icked Husbandmen, 21: 28-44. 1 : a ve ‘ i Pharisees wished to arrest Hin, but riteamce. Caesars faded into insig-| ola a far seis be ae feared the people, Matt. 7 machines’? and ordinar esus then spoke the vibable Ot the CR etna gs Sbnf seen ne fa dy y Marriage Feast (see last lesson, Matt. | Poca of euthories, oe ewe. eur phonographs that there is Be ee a an atea orto | comeeIbutlbE: for. the welfare of the} no comparison. You don’t the Pharisees and Herodians about past “render to Caesar) Have to be amusical expert su our Provinces declared that the man more anything fan he could use, was lacking in pat 10 held more land, What om he mean? our dut; to make the tallest and, largest con. y and sate to realize that the Amber- ola is the world’s greatest phonograph value, Any- one who likes music cannot fail to note the tremendous difference. EDISON’S NEW DIAMOND AMBEROLA sy. I cannot nS ad its favor.” pea plot. Entangle Him; ensnare| Yet there a SORE e that ie KEW haa yeueh ae musical tene, that ‘RED DUBOISSEAU. cea ae oe oh Gece irds. : nine pe ; a great deal es our nce you've heard it, no metallic « is ‘talk; literally “ rd,” either eculation is ire H iN “talk Pri ao mad fom fi the question they’ were to ask or the| immense at West that are sounding phonogapho ee Julpeg.end valnadis. fo dare | answer they hoped he would give. |locked up, The same is true of tim @ machine’’ will ever please you pleasant to take, their action being 16, 17. They sent thle tta:| Uiatte: and’ other Tt in, The genuine Diamond gentle and mild, yet always most ijlew; young “Tt may be|, But there is Saitie way also of| Repreducer d ay with needles. atfective we the leading letiars felt them- pe ipeenealy indestructible dn Am- selves to 80 Jesus eras Ol ist ordinary Bie. a box, 6 for $2.30 tia ase 250, | they ‘were not likely, to succeed muri records by snaliy Yemen At all dealers or sont postpaid it thew srentinueea ith the Her=| y - le Frult-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. |odians; a polttieal aa deriving orejalt for the commo Name your own terms an aa name from the support which it gave| how surprisingly easy it is to .. |to the dynasty Herod. 8 an Aml petals thanks to Me Blnckeap eRaspberrics. y hoped for the restoration of the Ni n you refuse In my experience the blackesp will pahonel, ieoedom sen We oe store and listen to the Amberolat thrive best on a rather rich clay loam ume, Dictionary of the Bible). Master; en Ed Come right away—don’t forget— that is naturally me drained. Thales | abi,” the titie of a Jewish | Ca evell declared before ake "went toner] please. soil sufficiently rich, ect Thou art true; th: t in-| martyr able Cae Fs ryan should be| sidious flattery. ey approack k at ‘oadcast at. tl of ten| aS a teacher they trust. = God; the kind of life anc vitl under, must not be overlooked. be broken up and the gi the best possible mechanical condition before planting. The distance at which blackeaps are in commercial. plantations rom) along the row at the proper distance OF ios eae ss wg Sa apart, the roots spread out, and the nly a boy—and yet, to-morrow you soil pulled in over them with a hoe or| their Bs : Large vs. Small Tractors. | may look for him in the ve small steel rake, and the job finished aernas ) oUt thes pretemied to be| The farmer of the le must be alrank of the world’s activities. Even by turning hrown out of the| Pecrchers after truth, they were really| mechanic rather than a day laborer,| now ho is turning over in hie minds furrow -back over ots of the) striving to entrap im wary| remarks D. D. Gray, t] pl eines and a better farm plants with a one-horse turning plow.| words. The tribute money. The tax} of the Central Experim than ies fat or his grandfather Clean cultivation is necessary, as the! could be Paid gnlgcine Ronen, meney-|Olawas in the” Bee ever owned. raspberries and weeds, cannot thrive|Penny; the Roman denarius, worth| {he Agricultural Gazett That are you doing together, Therefore, the berries will| about, 17 cents in our money. Image.| this, of course, must boy? you. liy: give way and code "take full posses-| The ee bore the tho ger im-| 4 literal sense, but rat! you can, clean, hon ne ares sion, unless they are kept under con-| 98° UR pperstrl es See Bre? Ses ing that the future agricclturist must| board? Are you giving The 4 ie 1 a: money combine with a multitude of sills and a character that will he or rl lived under Caesar’s protection; Jesus| things he requires to know, a greater] you be satis ae a leave him $1,000 left it to themselves to decide if they! knowledge of mecha’ n he has{ and think that enough? seni ray taxes to Caes: into eee had. ees this sugges-| To-morrow yea will be leaning on. SR BS duties to God,| his te oe Gray tells of| this boy of yt Are you. isi Sige een spiritual things, 93) seconde that ha en Kept at the| him. strong apetnat that nave well as to their political rulers. Whete| Cecvral Farm on the cost of operat. | these duties clash, those owed te, God| ing three makes of tractors. ‘The cost| _ A dollar is a dollar earned Seg REE at ping es at induce the development of coun lsteralic or pie branches, and also cause a. mol urdy growth of the cane, which ‘vill “fortify it to a greater or lesser extent against strong wi or any man. Brposei cas flattery, phasis on His fearless outspokenness| "to this questior one nd ihe and ee ‘ofthe Phar: go-geainst. popular feeling, which w do t does not define the limits of political ‘ity. Y. 22. Marvelled; “wondered;” the ..| reply a genuine surprise, they had not} to Trouke it paeeTbiet abet: Fle sautdeaden| out of their hands so completely an 50 easily. Il. The Great Commandment, af 40. The Pharisees. See on aS aa V. 34, The Sadducees; a sect of the Je vals to the Pharisees, who did not ue to greater speed poss Ths Gost ge pidering | stones a glo ada ehatl Bey lay "en pene igrire ary} requlr it of | ' citizenship is love. Ag enn pee coral: gardest not the thoughtiess to ov: our i te. ara not moved by outward ap- | stitutions. But will not bo, things ‘will be settled rig! Fataenesd by. wealth or pow pres-;0f love—no oth ige. It is lawful; from a religious ' changes Roe int of view. Tribute; the tax levied, the hearts of the peo y the Roman Government, to which’ ® task of cine seri the Jews were subject, Caesar; the!2da. Our hig cities are filfed wit Enperar of Rome. If Jesus said foreigners and betw. d 50. per cent. 0 our part to Christianize them, ai | their attachment to the country will 1f rt. € care o! ot operating the smaller tractor is own to be cise, eee the Sse of pmeaeg the larg th ith the smaller is more sp rust, but in a all this forest, field 44 748 £ egard| not to fall o A. 0. SCHNURR General Merchant Linwood - Ontario and stream. So long as you h o brains oa ut with you! over politics or religion, eel a ably get by if you are willing to works industry at the height of the season, eitds) and prevent much damage by] believe in the resurrection, and whoj pe: hope asa lip to ke the birds from| which is of very short duration, ex.| blowing over during heavy storms.|had sought to discredit Jesus by show drawing out the mash with their bills. ae ors only five or six weeks at|‘These lateral or side branches form] ing that a belief in the resurrection | iece of wide-n cohad poultry wire] the t. Stringent laws against the| the bearing wood ig sueceeding| was absurd, knowing that Jes dhe pak | stretched across the opening will en adulteration of the product have been| Year, TOO al eS hae ant a alg, muazid ‘| You Can’t Figure It U; | able the He %e Fanti but Deron t aradl pecially in. eusbe where greatest possible number of side o| ailence dienes eS at nisihe en igul 12s | ing of the mash. Open receptacles for Soa er aes e branches be secured to eee large| the defeat Or thelr Hvis: and hoping|., © een count up the kemels’on Sn: | ser ving dry haa do not work well] established and the Paes Maple se c1op of berries. The second pruning,| tos where nen had failéd, at-| 2" oe corn, but you rever ee count } accord ing to our experience, as the| and S\ Co-operative Agee which is of quite as much importance, tented oe ita the ea single kern ens frequently scratch in them. Association has been organized may be done the following spring, an Vs. 36. A lawyer; one of the He j is “only a iors i) heh it is snowing and blowing it sists in cutting out all the old wood or interpreters the law. plain, commion- “tHe Looks Inte the Eve | is much satisfaction to know that tl aS that bore fruit the previous year, and is the great commandment? | toes may be of shoes. ae |hens have hoppers of dry mash serv-| Dominion Department of ~ | cutting back the side branches of the at? as (Aalbers may “be ‘be. “and cold, But} BR % nee atts owe ea error, ing them cafeteria Leshions with the Aids ew canes to ten or eleven inches in|? “ < fvee| WFapped up in that. boy are possibil- Bi weork Ne dose Dy, toxin ing tno 2 ‘riculture. that determine greatness in Ww. ites Shae noc hoi vt ak <i thie aye; ehereHy ao ati at balanced ration which is as near 4 length. All the old canes and ends|mhe Jewish scribes reckoned up 618 an being can esti. ies ye tat ite to | possible to ideal for egg pesgetion: The Report ofthe Minister ofsAgri-| Cut from the laterals of the present commandments i in ie ee. | 0 course it is not exactly like the} culture at Ottawa, son’s fruiting canes should be rak-| some were “ Mac Oe es} ing March 31st, 1920, makes reference The manufacture of sugar and of the si “| co-operation in sae on. Pr e the varieties of ats ‘oduction, it was carried on thro activities while marketing abintertelayrtale xtoita be darad tor by the where sae ial_arrangemeni es arated inert ee Geli MinistePeovers br addition, the tion, Modern m have great i bapeived Hiergeiiclasa tite ted | to an ever-increasing demand. Quebec Fruit, Ent | province is the centre of the industry. ae oles de iene f Eeuational Institute, Publications, and Experi ong the new ac- tvs s eported a the record of ltry and special Piet rpsliey * the Live Stock Branch, cially reported to be responsible for) with relation to the supplying of feed five million pounds, and the Maritime} to unfortunate a for half a million pounds! p,, Sintes cae tities % eeu The other provinces of Canada| hy the eee. Branch, which is the calculations.| shown t it out, during the ‘rom a time- Ete ae a 2 halt penis copies rear, of publications. After many years Pyrenees mountains ae ee pierced | well illustrated and technically detail- witha ebuinel: that will permit Frenca aad Span‘ ‘Iroads to be connected, the production of maple sugar, and its So eg Publicity, is the author. Ventilate your farm buildings. Air once breathed is as harmful to ani- mals oan yas a = Berend time, as ein; jed publication it is also learned that it is to human b |help to keep hens thrifty and makes|to a conference of representatives of | Would prefer to cut-out old dead canes | them Federal and Provincial Departments| #8 soon as fruitage is over if th te at which an oeriens ent was reached] are ae en of disease. ee se | Canada’s Maple Products. | which will, to a large cee ae they never be allowed t in a | ate overlapping and allo close| to rot, ether party sca and chet ! ‘agreed, | tha ough prov veal an I Dominion Depare men paged the| o iS How sweet and gracious even in com- mol ne plackcap, are most generally spoken cl s. Both aré cultivated in the same manner. Courtesy. peec! Is ee Bae oe which men call urtes: It cranes ‘aliens into. trusting ends, And aver its owner passport ‘round orld. Thrifty Boy. Mother—“Ob, ready! T thought you were trying to economize, ere I find you Wi with both ate pales a you reday_—“"Why; One piece of bread does for bo' of course, mother. th.” facial kt aS No sine how bright a dollar may be;.put it into a good savings bank, 3} which ‘elmeel te: ee one: clas S01 ean di “light,” and yee belon; Hens ia other . 37-3! 38. it. easy greatest (“first’’) mandment, eee. = Le Ie ‘of ‘God the utte of m= th i cg “the “eve! of | al al | bee inal the’ love of Gat oe the love of nei ater the boy right now and what ae oy evel t he can tell you of range of tw tree cat ; he can tell you id crea wz before h stonish you by ‘his Friel of e pias lovers plas of t res. of Headaches Cured, Eyes in many cases straightened when glasses are fitted bc he the advanced system. Children'sayes Accurately examined without asking questions, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! a | "Ave ight iit See MILVERTON. bor, making the latter a der aS former oan a form of it ion” (Anderson) Pharisees the love of the taken the place of the per tod, while no pla their system for the Auten bas cf neighbor. V. 40, On these two . all the dite and the prophets. The ae int f-the whole Old Testament is love. No Keeping of any single law is of value, 3 love prompts us ts ait. rises ee all petty gel ue questions to the spirit of love, wi Sof duty doing. ‘The pias Applied. 1, Jesus showed us that religion above the intrigues ee “politicians, | The Herodians and to entrap Jesus, and man, aut if cussion the fever Hon-of allegiance to Rome. i “You bring thi and tt will soon have more cents. THE SUCC Is the one eh clothes. To him ‘ a hee Try us MAN. TO-DAY— consequence as the clothes he wears for social m > i a besides style, finish and correct 0. DUFFIEL ESSFUL ives careful attention to his | is business suit is of as much rtance of e re for your next suit. THE TAILOR, He simply brusked the political que MONKTON J | ONTARIO GS