a i {4 ST MONKTON, ONT., FRIDAY, FEB. 27, 1914. Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Proprietor < Be ee SAVE, hecause--- Economy is the price of prosperity. HEAD OFFICE: Corner King and Bay Streets. Toronto GENERAL MANAGER: A. H. WALKER « Head Office: TORONTO CAPIIAL PAID UP : ' - : ; RESERVE FUND and UNDIVIDED PROFITS foe Pye opoliten Bank $1,000,000.00 1,432,547.61 DRAFTS and MONEY ORDERS way of remitting money, Issued payable wherever desired. The SAFEST and CHEAPEST z " 7 j ening. Milverton and Millbank Branches: D, C. Brown, Manager Millbank Branch open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday ## Branches also at Stratford, Linwood, Elmira and Guelph | AN WE HAVE IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF Grass Seed, Timothy and Clover 8 sorccc. sone. Call and get your supply before the prices go up. Linseed Meal, Cottonseed Meal, Oil Cake and Gluten Feed Full line of Poultry Supplies on hand. BALED STRAW FOR SALE. I. D. ATKIN, Milverton) cc tl a ) MOHR'S GROCERY (| Polly Seeded Raisins 2 pkgs. for.... Maple Leaf Peas and Corn, per corn .............. Gr AOBEREIUE RATS cs rpcten cis cccadecastpenscsrvicivteassde 2 Ibs. Roasted 'Coffee, reg. 25¢ for,......:..c0.-005 Granatated Sugar, 18 ibe: for i... dic ivcciterss. Fels Napthba Soap 4 bars for .........:ccsecieccveessese Spanien: Onions. pet 10.60. 55...0) a eae OO ER 9 OTE TS 102 i Rens ea a a be Fresh: Fish, all- Kinds, per Wess sckc citvieesscedscace i Hn CH HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCI J. G. HAMILTON Sole Agent for Coal D. L. @ W. SCRANTON STANDARD ANTHRICITE PORTLAND ST MARYS BEAUTIFUL HAIR -- Makes every woman beautiful, and all who desire to make the most of their appearance have , the opportunity of pay- ing a visit to Prof. Dorenwend OF TORONTO who will be at QUEEN'S HOTEL. MILVERTON Monday, Mar. 9th with an immense stock of the Latest Fashions in Hair Goods. A style to suit every individual. "Ladies with Thin Hair" Call and seé THE DORENWEND SANI- TARY TOUPEE, which is a perfect pro- tection to the head. For natural effect, strength, durability, hygenic qualities, Uer. are unequalled. Besides this they will make apa man appear years younger This Toupee is protected in all countries and may only be purchased from us. Do not fail to call and see them and remember date. THE DORENWEND CO., of Toronto, Limited "The House of Quality Hair Goods" 103-105 Yonge Street sf TORONTO, ONT, + - LOCAL NEWS % % + Va oheebeSeagouhasde chy she eo stenac$s shecheateel obels Eoegecde efuobeetseye Miss Minnie Nurse spent Sunday at her home in Macton. seesedebobdeceseteboboecedeteeebcededegeices | Mr. Sid Spencer spent Sunday with + friends at Macton, The: largest stock of spring goods | ever shown. Engeland & Sons. Mornington pathmasters will be in- stalled Monday next. March 2nd. Mr. Robert Morrison has Mr. H, (E. Grosch. of Toronto. spent! son, a few days last week at his home. Miss Cora Schneider spent a few i days with friends in Brunner. | | spent Sundav with friends in Listo- hwel. Misses Florence and Mae _ Elliott We are glad to report. that Miss | Edna Hopf is able to attend school | amain. Ash Wednesday the Lenten Yesterday being marks the opening of | season. | Miss Essie Posliff. of |spent a few days with her aunt.Mrs. | Kd. Denyer. ; Mrs. Nurse of Lumsden. ask... is ;spending a few days with jaround Milverton. | Miss Pauline Berger left on Wed- | nesday for Toronto to attend the millinery openings. Miss Mima Hartmier of | Normal Sehool spent the week-end at i her home in Milverton. | | | \ford. is spending 2 few days with her friend. Mise Mabel Ranney, Miss Nellie MacBeth left on Thurs- Regina. weeks | day last for her home in iSask. after spending a few lwith friends in Milverton. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Williams and family left on Tuesday for their home |iat Landis. Sask.. after spending month or two with friends in Milver- ;ton and Elma. A | Rev. A. D. and Mrs. Gischler en- ed the members of the junior at their home on Tuesday ey- Luncheon was served and a very enjoyable time spent. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martin. jr-. and family of Mornington leave Thursday of next week for Minne- i Man: where they will reside in future. Mr. Martin has: rented his farm to Mr. Philip Cook. The funeral of the late Charles iton took- 'place from the fam- ace on Saturday last to the Elma ~ Centr t ment took place. The ia Rey, F cemetery where ratulate are to be con | the services of Mr. H. Donald. .the celebrated lentértainer of Toronto. | jcert in. Ritter's Hall. M |Monday evening March 9th. land hear this celebrated singer. | bank. will officiate at both services in | | He will also conduct the services in Grace church. Millbank. ist. The funeral of the late Peter Mac- MiacBeth took place to Douglas Hil} tv on Thursday last. were conducted at the house by Rev. iy. J. Robinson and Rev. W. H. Coop- The following acted as pallbear- } Henry Miller. Martin Berger. lWm. Hartmier and Samuel Whaley. Pinkerton and churches. The Stratford Beacon speaks as fol- lows of Victors- Troupe of entertain- ers who will appear in Cook's hall on Saturdav evening this week, Mi. W. Sylvester as pianist rendered some yerv pleasing selections. which were very much appreciated by the large audience. Messrs. H. Warren soloist: iR. Langdon. instrumerttalist. and W. Kinsman. acrobat. were verv loudly applauded, As a colored comedian Mr. T. Brock kept the audience in a i busv replying to the encores demand- ed bv them. The numerous prophecies of an open winter that were heard on every hand during the late fall and_ early winter. though a verv pleasant one. |has been a very steady one. Snow | fell in sufficient quantity as to make | good 'sleighing on Dec. 52nd and has continued ever since with every pros- pect of it continuing well .on into March, This onlv goes fo :prove the leontention of scientists that there -are no signs among animals or humans or even in inanimate nature that would indicate what the atmosphereic conditions may be for a longer period than 48 hours ahead. A most successful meeting of the Trinity A.Y.P.A. was held in the home see and have a demonstation of' THE DORENWEND TRANSFORMATION, T: ey will give a chafm and attractiveness to an otherwise plain face and will assist any wom to keep her youthful appearance, They are superior to all others in effects: they pro- duce when adjusted, in quality of hair and efficiency of workmanship, "A FREE DEMONSTRATION IS OFFERED TO ALL" Wigs, Transformations, Pempadours, Bangs, Fronts, Waves, Switches, Braids, Etc. '"'Gentlemen, if you are Bald" of Mrs. Smith on last Friday evening. The vice-president Miss Ada' MceMane provided. a very excellent literary program. Four carefully prepared papers en 'Heroines' were read to an appreciative audience. Those who have from time to time prepared papers for the meetings know full well the labor they entail and when it is remembered that the four pap- érs on 'heroines were written by Miss (WeMane we must certainly give ex- pression of our appreciation of her value as an active member of our association. After the close of the meeting the kind hostess provided a light Junch. The next meeting willbe held in the home of Mr. Fred Scel- hoff. Friday evening March 6th. Al) are welcome. The concert under the auspices of the W.M.S. of the Methodist church. held on Thursday evening was large- lv attended and was one of the best ever given by local talent here. Miss Javhon Nicklin's selections on the vio- lin were greatly appreciated by all lov ers of high class music and she was heartily encored. The duet of the Misses Fewings of Millbank. called for an encore. While the whole pro- eram was excellent. the "Little Shak- ing Quakers" and the operetta. "An Old Rag Sociable." "The Nobleman and the Beggar." deserve special tention. It is a long time since a more enjoyable concert was given. The program lasted over two hours and there was not a dull number in it. The lecture room was well filled but, if the general public had known of the fine treat in-store for them there would not have been standing room. Mrs. W. H. Cooper. who -- had the responsibility of preparing the ; program is to be conzratulated. Mrs. John Dobson: is visiting daughter Mrs. Hollefreund in Strat- ford. Messrs. J. P. Griffin and T. M. "Al- ton. of Nelson. spent Saturday im the village. Ladies call in and-see our stock of ladies' spring suits and coats. Enge- land & Sons. : Mr. Fred: Loth. of Barrie. spent a | few hours on Saturdav with his bro- {ther W K. Loth, Wingham. } Boys' and men's suits arrived. Call and see our splendid array of suits. Engeland & Sons. friends | i til Noy. 1st for $2.00. | Miss Margaret Campbell. of Strat-| structurs |* Rev. F. K. Hughes. rector of Mill- |Ohrist church on Sunday March ist. cemetery Brant township. Bruce coun} The services| |The service at the graveside was con-} | =| ducted by Rev. Mr. Mason. pastor of | winter have all gone awry as the | Daily Mail and Empire can be se- cured at the Sun office from now un- Mr. J. H. Schmidt. of Tavistock spent a day or two with friends in | the village this week. Stratford | Miss Myrtle Orr returned home on | Thursday last after spending a week | visiting friends in Stratford. | Mrs. Albert Wilson ahd son Jim, of | Atwood, spent a few days last week tat the home of Mr. Jas. Torrance. | NEP SP: The last and best carnival of the season will be held at the rink on Friday evening February 27th. See advt. on another page. Rey, A, D. Gischler is he Dominion Alliance Prohibition Convention at Toronte this week as representative of the Evangelical church. St. Thomas beasts the largest stee i water toy in Canada. The new > has just been completed and is 144 feet high with 0.000 gals. It cost $ part of the new wate ment scheme of the ¢i The old Baptist been sold to the Lu Rev. Denef's. fer $ 916 and is sly es pit organ chu was built ago and} is in good The Lutherans got a snap. get possession ip Tuly next.-- ePost. A ; ford cou this year. ngineer of New .000 damages to the brid Ow | reportec | raising of the water in the lake through works of the Dominion Govy- afternoon} ernment. The Government refuses to service in Trinity church Elma. Key.} (Ff, T. Deacon will take charge of the; pay the damagesabut offers to - pay ; $300 for an automatic pump to take | eare of the overflow from the septic on the first Sunday in Lent. March} tank. | The Board of Education of Berlin is opposed to the introduction of mili- tarism in connection with school stud- ies, A petition was presented from a class of forty boys for permission to quest from the Collegiate Institute students to be permitted to hold tar- get practice was likewise treated. "Right in the heart of them (Eng- ine justice never passed by a great wrong. You can hear carried by breezes from north. soutb. east and drawing nigh. How long will thes injustices last for myriads of men. There is a good deal of force in the following by a Misscuri editor; "A gentleman requested that we publish the cause of the high cost of living, Our views in a condensed form are that we've let a lot of timber go to waste and are now buying wire fen- feces and lumber from foreign count. 'tries: we throw away our grease and | ashes and buv soap; we raise too | manv dogs and. buy too many hogs; we raise too many weeds and buy too manv vegetables: we catch a_ five jcent fish with a four dollar rod: we build a schoolhouse and send our children off to be educated: we send our bovs out with a'fortv dollar gun and a ten dollar dog to hunt five cent rabbits and ten cent birds. and lastly we mortgage our homes to buy four priced automobiles that we don't know how to operate or keep up It is the cost of 'high living"? and not the high cost of living that ails this country." In a raid designed to get evidence against every place in Teeswater where liquor was suspected of _ being sold illegally Provincial Officer Phip- pen on the night of Saturday. Feb. 7th, seized a quantity of beer and wines. most of which came from two places of four of which were investi- gated. The Clement House. Jacob. Holzhausen. proprietor. and the Ven- dome Hotel. Jacob Lambertus. prop- rietor. were the two where the offi- cers got the liquor. At the stores of John A. Bolo and G. H. Hasenflug no liquor whatever was found, The raid was the result of a score of com- plaints bv citizens. North Battleford will soon have an up-to-date creamery. On Tuesday a contract was. signed between D, F. Stewart. B.S.A... dnd the Board of Trade whereby that gentleman -- un- dertakes to erect a $10,000 creamery within 45 days after it is shown that there are 1000 milch cows in the dis- trict. comprising an area fifty - miles north of the river. and fifty miles west om the line of the C.N.R. The building will Be erected on lot 3. block 59. which land will be. deeded to Mr. Stewart oni completion of the creamery. An enterprise of this nat- ure should be a good paying proposit- tion in North Battleford. It will also be of immense benefit to the farmers who will have a ready-market for their cream.ectc. Mr. Stewart is a man thoroughlv experienced in the work. shrewd. and capable. and the venture will doubtless bea suceessful from the start. The Optimist swishes Mr, Stewart the best of good luck.-- ; worth Battleford. Optimist. x decided |on Friday evening last. The not to put in a supply of ice this sea-!was evenly contested after the her {combination was worked by Ithro attending MILVERTON WON FRIDAY EVEN- ING FROM STRATFORD | The annual ANNUAL CONVENTION ere convention of -- the Milverton defeated a picked team of | Mornington Township Sunday School city leaguers from Stratford chaper-| Association was held in - -- ee ,church. Millbank. last Wednesday af- 'ternoon and evening. oned by Charlie Lightfoot at the rink game ors got their bearings and some fast teams. At the commencement the locals continually bombarded -- Strat- ford's nets and the half ended 5-2in their favor. In the second half Strat- ford played better hockey checking back hard and working some fast three-man combinations. A delay was occasioned through an attempt of Ref- eree McGuire to pull a triple somer- sault and smash up the bell with his spinal column. It was found neces- sarv to tow the official to dry dock for repairs but after numerous stars had ceased to obscure his vision play was resumed. Stratford added two tallies in this period to Milverton's 1. the game ending 6-4. Milverton team was minus the services of their de- fence men Spencer brothers but Smith and Schaefer who replaced them play- ed a stellar game. Charlie Lightfoot | | Millbank * : |Thompson. Milverton: Adalt Bible indulged in a light practice with the boys. He showed some nifty stick handling but. lacked: condition to pull off any spectacular stunts. < Oa ode MILVERTON 11--MONKTON 0 The -- Milverton--Monkton whict match attracted wide spread interest spectators. 165 of whom came by special train from. Monkton. The | Mon apacity of | vorks improve- |! ence was strengthened by Stewari | Bivour. the speed artist from Welles- ley. The boys were lined up 'at 8] o'clock and Milverton soo demon- ted their superiority. The. con- the half Holman. a Monkton for- d unfortunately received a nasty sh on the head through being hit th the puc ed with six men, In the second period the spectators were treated to was compelled to keep the time-kcepers busy at the penalty box. The locals were the worst offenders although many of the penalties were 1or offences. Milverton beat Bamf tlev ord. of Listowel. had charge of the game and his work was worthy oO of hockev and we-have little doubt but that they can trim the fastest team in this district on their own sheet of ice. The line-up was as follows:-- Monkton--Goal. Ufttley: Defence. Yendt Terry: Rover. Wiggins; For- /wards. Holman. Merryfield. iolman. Milverton--Goal Brown' Defence. Bivour Spencer: Rover. Wanless* | Whitney: Rover Forwards. Pugh. Orr. Hasenflug. te 'SOUTH MORNINGTON AGAIN VICc- ; form a cadet corps under the direct- | lion of the Strathcona trust fund. but | | the request was refused. Another re- ;: James Hamilton, Benjamin John- | p TORIOUS South Mornington hockeyists again defeated the northeners on Saturday evening last by a score of 7-5. The game was fast and both teams work- : lish cities) everywhere you have ugly jed and checked like demons. Follow- Cargill Presbyterian | quagmires of human misery seething | Was the line-up .-- land fermenting. We pass them bv} |} every dav on our wav to our com- |fortable homes, We forget that div- South--Goal. Witt: Defence. J. Orr Opper: Forwards Chalmers. H. Orr. R. Orr. North--Goal. Donegan' Defence. H. | Waddell. P. Waddell,: Rover. Donnel- 'ly: Forwards W. Waddell. T. Wad- west. the ominous rumbling of the dell. Davidson. chariots of retribution which are } Referee. McGuire. Milverton bo 'LINWOOD. JUNIORS D EFEATEB | women and children. created in the | |image of God? How long." -- Lloyd | | George at Glasgow on Feb. 4 1914. roar of laughter and was kept rather | The Linwood Colts were, defeated | by North Mornington's husky septette at Milverton on Monday evening. The |score stood 3-0. North Mornington | was assisted by Geo. Harron Listowel's 'net guardian. who turned aside every- thing that came his way. Linwood boys played food hockey but the township boys carried too much avoir- ;dupois and stopped them: when thev threatened to score. Linwood's -- line- up was as follows;:--Goal. Koebel: Defence. Friedmann. Schummer +, Cen- tre S, Friedmann: Wings. Deckert. Ogram, Referee. McGuire. e Elmira plays in Drayton to-night (Wednesday) in the semi-finals. Seaforth were defeated in N.H.L. semi-final game at London on Monday nicht. ' The Wellesley--Listowel game bill- ed for Milverton rink to-night has been postponed until next week. This game promises to be one of the best of the season, es ee rer ee oe Mr. Jobn R. Grant has commenced his duties as town assessor in accord- ance it is alleged. with a clause in the statutes which provides that. ifa successor is not appointed at a cer- tain date. the assessor of the prev- lous year continues in the office auto- matically. The majority of the coun- cil favored the appointment of Mr. J. W. Dowd but this was bloeked when three members of the council left the chambers before the necessary be- law was given the third reading. pre- venting a quorum. "Many fakirs were caught red- handed on the grounds of fairs last vear. Thev were in some eases tak« en before the Justices of the Peace and those kind gentlemen imbued with the milk of human kindness per- mitted them to go on suspended sen- tence and awav thev went to ply their wilv tricks at some other fairs.' In these words did Mr. Lockie Wil- son condemn the fakirs at the coun- trv fairs while addressing over 600 representatives at the Fairs Associa- tion meeting last week, "TI am pre- pared." he declared. "to ask the At- torney-General to take away the com- mission of anv magistrate who does not severely fine these men." Mr. 'Wilson should mot get it into his pious and autocratic noodle that the magistrates of this county kave to dispense justice according to his or anv other man's way of thinking. The magistrates of Ontario are just as capable of filling their respective pos- itions as Mr. Wilson is his and this bombastic talk comes with poor grace from aman in his position. visit- | > 4 | votional exercises by both | Mr. R. B. Hamilton, The Business |Committee being appointed the chair- }man called on Rey. J. Little, Burns. | who gave a stirring address on the {"Model Sunday School | dent." iler. Milverton, /of the various departments are: Ele- ion of 'the first half found the} home team leading bv 6 ¢oals. Dur- I | Miss Laine has a happy wav of }speaking and her \ received. : nd the game was fin- | jin Millbank served tea in the base- }ment of the church which event was some strenuous hoekey and Referee j with five shots. Bev. Bam- | highest praise. Monkton boys. con- | |sidering the fact that they have only 3 *-}an open air rink, play a stellar brand there in last spring's floods bv the } Knox {The convention was opened with de- the president Superinten- "The Primary Teachers' Tools." | was ably dealt with by Miss Bertha Laine. superintendent elementary diy- ision Ontario Sunday Schoo] Associa- tion. é The round table confefence -- con- ducted by 'Miss Laine was very in- teresting and helpful. On report of the nominating com- mittee the following officers were elected* Pres... R. B. Hamilton Mill- bank: YVice-Pres, Wm. Watson. Burns: Sec.-Treas.. Rev. A. D. Gisch- The superintendents mentarv Div.. Miss F, Freeborn Secondary Div.. Mrs. --bL. Class. S. Corry Britton: Home De- partment. W. B. Kines, Milverton: i'Teacher Training Wm, Henderson, | Millbank: Missionary. M, H. Rejd, Millbank: Temperance Richard Coul- iter. Milverton; The evening session }was largely attended. The meeting ghout this section was played on' Tuesday evening before a crowd of | was presided over by Mr. R. B. Ham- ilton and after devotional exercises lablv conducted by Rey. F. K. Hugh- les, Rev. W. Moffat gave a splendid <ton team was assisted by Wie-| 1s of Goderich. while Milverton de- | address. "What is it in the teacher and his teaching that leads to sue- cess." The importance of consecrated teachers was impressed upon those present, Miss Bertha Laine. of Tor- onto gave another timely address: "Meeting the needs" She dealt with the importance of having -- a Cradle Roll in every Sunday School. addresses were well The ladies of the various churches highlv appreciated by delegates and convention visitors. Everybody re- marked it was good to be here. It is said by those who attended prev- ious conventions that the convention in Knox chureh was one of the most successful in th. history of the or- eanization W. D. WeIR'S SALE REGISTER Tuesday March 8rd--Stock and im- plements on Lot 1. Con. 13. Welles- lev. Western Section Mile East of |Hesson for James Kennedy. Friday-March 6--Stock and imple- ments on lot 16. con. 9. Mornington, 21-2 miles north Millbank for Joseph S. Kuepfer. : Tuesday March 10th--Real Estate. Farm Stock Implements and Grain for Jno. Reis Jr.. Lot 14. Con. 14 Ellice. Thursday-, March 12--Real Estate. stock. implements. household effects. hav and grain on south 3-4 lot 15. con, 2. Mornington. for executors of Wm. Opper estate ee a a Ladies call in 'and see our stock of ladies' spring suits and coats. Enge- land & Sons. Harrv Buller. a young man who has a cobbling shop at Ridgetown. has been deaf and dumb since child- hood. However. when a gun was fir- ed off nearby he could feel the shock. He felt the tremor of a gun dischar- ged the other day and going into the house told his mother in his own wav of an itchy feeling in his head. Later he was taken with the grippe and now that he is recovering his hearing is coming to him.and he also has the power of speech. Being un- able to talk for some twenty-five vears the change seems strange to him but he is making good headway, 2) OF THANKS. Mrs. Chas. Broughton wish to express their deep apprecia- tion of the kindness and sympathy ex- | recent | bereavement, tended to them during their Notice is hereby given that all payments due the Mornington & Wellesley Telephone Assoc« iation, Limited, for rental, tolls etc., must be made to The Met- ropolitan Bank at Millbank or Milverton. By order, G. R. HARRON, President W. J. ZOEGER, Secretary ALEX. HARRON, Treas. Millbank, Feb. 20th, 1014. i eam ] ONE NIGHT ONLY SAT., FEB. 28th COOK'S HALL "Victors" | Greatest Troupe of Vaudeville Specialties | Touring the Season, | Comedians Swiss Bell Ringers Sand Dancers Coon Specialties Instrumentalists Acrobats POPULAR PRICES Reserved Seats can be had from BusinessCards DR.M.C:- TIN DALE,L.D.S, (Sueerss to Dr, Lederman) HONOR SR» DUATE TORONTO UNIVERSITY .own and Bridge Work a specialty, Office: Over Metropolitan Bank, Milverton Medical, F, PARKER, M.D, PP. L. TYE, AUD, DRS. PARKER & TYE OFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILVERTON Hours--10 to 12 o'clock a. m.,and 2 0 4 o'clock p, m., and 7 to 8 o'clock p. in, DR. A. F. McKENZIE, M.D, Physician and Surgeon MONKTUN, -- ONTARIO Office hours: So far as possible from 1 to 3 p.m, and in evenings, DR, F. J. RB. FORSTER, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat only.' House Surgeon New York Opthalmie and Aural Insti- tute. Clin, Assistant, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, Golden Square and Mooretield's Eye Hospital. London, Eng, Office : 53 Waterloo St., opposite Knox Church, Stratford. Phone 267. Bera H. B. MORPHY, KG: Barrister, - Notary Public, - Conveyancer Solicitor tor Bank of Hamilton. LISTOWEL, MILVERTON, ATWOOD Offices: Listowel, Milverton Money to Loan RoR SBLEWE PIG Cs Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto Office : Gordon Block STRATFORD, -- _ ONTARIO Veterinary. J. W. BARK, Veterinary Surgeon Milverton, Graduate of Ontario Veterin wy College, Toronto. Treatsall disease of domesticated animals, Qalls by tele ohone or otherwise promptly attended to Societies. A MILVERTON LODGE, No. 478, MAE & A.M., G.R.C., Milverton, meets every Monday evening on or before full moon every month in their ball ix J, E, Weir's Block, Visiting breth- renalways welcome. J. G. Hamilton, W M.; W. J. Zoeger, Secy. I. O, O. F., 'Silver Star Lodge," No, 202, Milverton i meets every Friday night at 7.8u p.i. in their hall over Bank of Ham ilton. Visiting brethren always wel- come, KE, Siegner, N. G., W, K, Loth, fF, Secy., N. MeGuire, R. Secy. Notary Public. W. D, WEIR, Notary Public, Ane- bioneer for the County of Perth and Waterloo, Conveyancer, Deeds, Wills and Mortgages drawn and Affidavits made, Village Clerk. Office in the Weir block over the Metropolitan Bank, A. CHALMERS, Monkton, Ont., No- tary Pubiic, Conveyaucer, Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses, J, P. for the County of Perth, Real Esta'e bought and sold, A few choice farms for immediate sale, Hotels. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil- verton, First-class accommodation for sommercial travellers and others. Three large sample rooms. Good stabling, Best brands brands of liquors and cigars, Chas, Ritter, Proprietor, : QWUREN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont, The best accommodation for commercial travellers and others, Two large sample rooms, Only the.choicest of Wines, b1- quors and Cigars at the bar. Good warm stables. George F. Pauli, Proprietor. 'THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin | brade, and family | ° NOTICE ! ! | Mr. P. Cook. pays special attenton to Commereia Splendid sample rooms, -- Bes | wives and liquors served at the bar | Rates $1.50 per day. Wm. Wirt, Prop Capital Pald U $3,000, \s : Reserve $3,750,000, ~ Total Assets Over $48,000,000, HAMILTON The Small Depositor SMALL depositors in this bank are given the same courteous treatment and thorough consideration that are given customers with large accounts, The aim of this institu- tion is to encourage sys- tematic saving. Many a fortune began witha single dollar. which furnishes evidence that the amount of the first deposit is not as important as the fact that it is a beginning. Every six months 'the highest current interest will be credited to your account, MILVERTON BRANCH; P. J. Fasken, Manager ATL LIAL SSE pp PS A SARSSEAAR NAD Soo \ AeA Ee Nag NMA a Ae SAAS