ig TN acvegetpe ranaca corse perenne Smee ET aa rekeealaheaee, 3 pres eres bi 2) eek "Tt's a Long Walk To a Better Stock' That Would Make a First Rate Motto for This Store , OR GENERAL COMPLETENESS, for all the time readiness, we can't see how it would be possible to surpass This Store's useful- ness to this community. For everything that you wear. For all that you eat. For almost all that you use every day in the year We stand prepared to supply you with. Simply give this store it's due. Appreciate it for what it is And we will be well pleased and so will you. FOR THE LADIES WE HAVE: New Spring Dress Goods a New Spring Wash Goods New Prints and Ginghams New Sheetings and Cottons FOR THE MEN & BOYS WE HAVE: New Suits, New Fancy Shirts New Work Shirts, Smocks and Overalls We expect in a few days to pass into stock a car of Redpath Sugar. Get our prices off car. MONKTON'S POPULAR STORE | of old age. linterest and mo litt Hesdendendoofeofoctortectecde cdo foctecdn doce ofechedentecde feafecde ofecte Borde ode ofondoodecheede edoodo oe ohoodsberdoobe chooks oberdoobeede sdefoeds HAVE YOU SEEN OUR LARGE STOCK OF JEWELRY ? We are showing an excellent display of WATCHES, CHAINS, LOCKETS, RINGS, TIE PINS, CUFF LINKS, JEWEL CASES, and BROOCHES at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES We carry a complete line of PARISIAN EBONY GOODS, FANCY WRITING PAPERS and PERFUMES. A SPLENDID LINE OF SILVER POLISH ON HAND ok. A, HANSON, Sofiiod. -- Ont. So echo fosfesdonto cdo sfonfecbontecdonteefonteofecfontenfecfectocfe ecbosfocoedoetecferbesteedonecteed Seeded debe tee sheebe ofeage cae he ah 9 fof ofeedeedecfesdeobosdendocfondeefecfeokooteafeetecfocfeetecfesfeets *, C3 ah efoode eedoedoekeode choege fochoeds efookechocbe rhe fe ehe Seseepubeeebteeebebobeteeettededobbeb beet Se ae ae he ea ee eS Se Se ea ee eM a _ Big Reductions in Felts ees Sale commences Monday, Feb. 2nd, and will last two weeks Men's Felts, regular $2,75 and $3.00, for . .. 1,98 Women's Felts, regular $2 and { 68 ) SRE SOP Wawel tees ave) ru neneves Oi Misses' Felts, regular 1.60 and { 18 id 98 OOo ee ewe er eeeer sees oh GRE Re a SRR Cee Youth's Felts, regular 1.30 and Re LO 1OP | Aiecaay sv cote 8 cane eas ¥e A Big Reductions in Nen's, Women's and Children's Dongolas A didi Ma hg B - ey pea a nN moo Utes MB opang Jiiaic Bat, £h, ie a8 5) cienimiaircesteetasck) Cd SAE + Pvccehamun tc domes a time inevery.ywomants life whon she uudergoes an inportant. change... This is a critical perfod.. It is df time when a woman needs her full health» 'ateatrongth. ~ For your: own sake you ' <p. ohawld anticipate this. 3 eS, Og ' * \\ ; "The latestin sade tonic for women. ; ical science is + contained in Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical lating the actiou..of the bowels. and low spirits disappear. tentment take their place. Aicd Sfition of 1008 . Sold in tablet or liquid form by Medicine Reges, on Bie, ra Dealers--or send 50 cents for sample box valid's Hotel, Buffalo ------------oooooo -------- WN: Sn , AY NOG UN 4 org : ne . ae rhe " 2 'Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ages has been recommiended for over forty years as a It is. helpful in the equaliza- tion of the circulation.of the blood and in regu- Nervousness Happiness and con- MONKTON. -- ES Mr. Frank Tarr leaves on Saturday for Saskatchewan where he will spend the summer and probably the future. A number from here attended the funeral of the late Charles Brough- ton at Elma Centre on Saturday. Mr. Broughton was for many years an esteemed resident of this locality. There will be a carnival on the rink here on Thursday night. : Mr. Robert Crawford and Miss Effie Crawford. of Milverton. spent a few days this week at Mr. Henry Ronnenberg's. A number from here attended the assembly at Atwood. on Tuesday. Mr. G. Weber is spending a few days in Toronto this week and Mrs. Weber and family, leave Thursday to spend a few days in New Hamburg. The Monkton hockey team goes to Mitchell on Tuesday. We hope that they. will come home with the red ase from here attended a dance at 'Bornholm on Friday even- rhe Logan boys held a dance 10 Erskine's hall on Friday evening and a right royal time was spent by all present. Messrs. Dalling and Mur- jed the music. ear a of the young people of the village walked out to Mr. James Holman's on Friday evening and ens joyed a taffy pull. The evening was in a social way. eT. y. Robinson. of Milverton. was in the village on Monday. Little Prince the little sorrel horse owaied by the Battin family for the past twenty-eight years and eu known in this locality died last wee - and Mrs. Ben Schade ~ spent Ble, with friends at Fordwich. é Mr. Wm. Holman is leaving this week with two cars of settlers ef- fects for Rosetown. Sask.. He : taking a number of horses in each aoe. Alex. Harris who resides with Mr. John (White met with an unfor- tunate accident the : When endeavoring to get his breaks fast he fell forward on the stove an burned his hands and has had er keep them packed in cotton en sweet oil since. This was one time that. Alex. got more hot stuff than he cared for. The Ladies' Aid of Knox eee i socic rriday | purpose holding 2 social on Ee aitix Feb, 27th. Refreshments d. Admission 10 and . ¥ ic i dially invited. ents. The public is cor : Ae Thomas Bruce has returned to her home in London after spending a few days visiting her cousin. Mrs. 8. Smith. 17th con.p | Mr. Samuel Smith b: his. daughter Candace left on ee dav morning to attend the Goo Roads Convention in Toronto. nee A case that created considerab e t t le indignation mes (Magistrate Davis © sard before Magistrate : See nelt on Friday afternoon behind slpsed doors when. it _should bate been given all the publicity eee Rev. Hugh Ferguson. inspector ae Children's Aid Society charged Ay £8. Thos. Waugh and her 15-year-old son with assaulting and beating a elev me vear-old girl that had been adoptec in the family. The case was a cet volting one as the little girl bore evidence of usage as oS black apd blue marks and her face with numerous scratches. She said that she had been kicked and beaten with a broom handle by the wonlan. She also told that when she was scrubbing, the floor the boy said satis she was not w orking fast enough aud he took her bY the hair of the head and dragged her about se Rev. Dr. McRae offered a few = marks of. a laudatory character x his parishioners but_ his face aegis have blanched in face of the apa The charges were admitted in oth Waugh was fined $5 and $3.70 costs and the son $10 and $3.70. costs. The child was taken in charge ky the Children's Aid Society. These. cases of child beating are too frequent and the lash ghould be ap- plied instead of letting off brutal of- fenders with, a mere fine. will be 'serve cases and 'Mrs. Contributed--Died at Monkton on | Saturday Feb. 21st. seven of the so called Mitchell O.H.A. juniors and buried in whitewash after an battle with the fast travelling Monks. The half time bell saw the score standing 9;0 in favor of Monkton and at full time 26;9. Cheer up Milver- ton. you are not the only team of the boiled shrimp variety. Mitchell will look fine in their new suits of whitewash, The Milverton schoo! kids also met their huckleberry when they were handed a vientiful supply of kalsomine by the young Monks the other day. In six games Monkton has scored 105 goals to their opponents 10. The Monkton goal keeper was uncon- scious when 5 of the goals were scor- ed. Wonder what the old town will do next? Remember that Gill's special sale of graniteware. pillow shams, dresser covers. boys' sweaters. round aprons | and work.aprons for ladies and small wares will continue until Saturday March 7th. Call and share in the bargains. Oranges 20c. doz. bananas 20c. a dozen at Gill's. Mr, and Mrs. W..J. Draper who have been visiting for some time with friends in Monkton and Elma left Tuesday for their home in Bran- don, On Tuesday evening our 'hockey team went over to Milverton by spec- jal train accompanied by 165 enthus- iastic supporters. Although they met defeat the game wag/intensely inter- esting throughout and brought to- gether the largest, crowd of spectat- ors that ever assembled in' Milverton rink, The proceeds at the door was over $108. ; Mr. Philip Bradshaw. of Logan, was married last .week to Miss Jean Crawford who has been residing with Mr. David Harrison. Mr. John Bettger returned on Mon- dav from Thedford where he -- spent ten days doing plumbing work. The fame of Ménkton's plumbers: is: so wide spread that their services are frequently required a long way from home. Nothing like having a reputa- tion for being a good workman. eh. Jack? Rev. J. D. Fergusson and: Mr. John Flood attended Presbytery meeting at Stratford'on Tuesday. Mr. George Manton, of Ottawa. is 'spending a 'few days at his homie here; Miss Minnie Manton who has been]. spending two weeks at* her home here retursed to New York on Mon- dav, Yne Grand Trunk Riiway has ex- perienced consideratie difficulty late- ly with tramps who frequent tlre 'side door Pullman" cf the road. and thus beat their Lcssage as well as the com- panv atone and the same time. AlI- most everv freight train into London and particularlv the way freights. has several of this clan aboard. Frequent Iv they are detected slinking beside a train in the darkness. in which case they are "nabbed" by the watchful crew. other morning. ' accompanied by | having received terriole | her body was covered with | the house. hour's | ~ NEWTON. Miss L, Siegner, of Hamburg. is | spending a couple of weeks with her, aunt. Mrs. ©, Yost. Mrs, Williams and son, of Linwood. | have returned home after spending a' week with the former's father. | Miss Pascoe... of Mitchell. is spend-' ing a week with friends in and around Newton. i Did you hear the boys on their re-, turn from Milverton last Saturday. after the hockey match? You did) not. well neither did we. But for all' that they certainly felt good. Result | was 9-3 in favor of Newton. and we | "can. take our win the same as our | losses with good spirit. ) | An interesting meeting of the Wom en's Institute was held Thursday at, the home of Mrs. J. §. Lockie. Mr. Sharp who h&s been spending | the last two weeks with Mr. andj Mrs. Jas. 8. Lockie returned home on | Saturday last. Mr. P. McDonald deserves the warmest thanks of the skaters here for the splendid oper air rink he has | made for them Miss Stella King spent the week- end with friends in Wingham. ; Mr. John Marnbull. Sr.. we are | sorry to say is no better. | Miss Doerr. of Gadshill. spent a week with her cousin. Hya Reinwa'd Master Russel and Miss Eva return- ed home with her and spent Sunday. Mrs. H. 'Wagner and Miss Carrie spent Saturday with Mrs. John Neil- son in Stratford. ne ee ore ee ee ee LOKKING. Mrs. Wm. Calder while out driving last Saturday was precipitated from The finest form in which you can use healing Witch Hazel and Soothing Cucumber. It keeps the skin white, soft and smooth in spite of exposure or roughening work, 25c a bottle, at your Druggist's. 199 é NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED, MONTREAL, oYorforfecfonlocfecfeolenfenleeLenloofeolenfeolerfenfoolerforfoolerferferiorl 'Are You Insured HE CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS offers protec- tection for wife and family at minimum cost. Investigate it! iS S. Spencer, €.R. i: N, Zimmermann, B.S, Seleeelebtebleebieieleteielelteleleinted | Fo Fon%e-¥ 8 o-Pee Pores lestonteo! he bar tee Daw Sead ar ie' bee See Yar Yar Yar iC the cutter and sustained injuries re- sulting .in her being unable to per- Mrs. Wray of Millbank. spent a | dav last week at Mr. Wesley Alling- ham's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chalmers' and family of Poole... visited a few days with Mr. Thos. Tanner. Mrs. Alex. Coote returned on Sat- urday after visiting a few days with friends near Milverton. Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Byron spent Sunday with friends in Millbank. Mr. Henry Holzschuh spent Satur- dav in lmira. Miss Hilda Bailey took in the con- cert in Linwood Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Long and daughter. Cora spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coote. Mrs. M. McLaughlin is spending 2 few days with friends in Atwood DIRECTORS' MEETING. wee The directors of the Elma Farmers' | Mutual Fire Insurance Company met | for. general business on Tuesday the (17th February 1914. All the mem- | bers were present but Mr. Grieve. |The minutes of the annual meeting iand the last director's meeting were read. confirmed and signed. The | secretary was instructed to cancel | policy 9017 J. W. Wilson also to file {communication from the Underwrit- jer's Association. Applications for in- |surance were accepted amounting to $102.800.00. The meeting adjourned \ till Tuesday the 17th March to meet iform her regular duties. | BBO FOSS BERS! QROOGBOPBOPOS PEGS POSS SE BOOB PUBLIC NOTICE! W RS C.BOEGEL, LINWOOD keeps on hand Coal, Lime, Cement and all kinds of Building Material, such as Lumber, Lath, Shingles, ete. Cider and Apple Butter of the best quality made. Jacob V. Meyer, Manager ENTER LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLECE Any time and grow with us. For particulars address EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, Principal Going east a.m, 8.41 8.49 9.00 Going south a.m. tat the usual time and place. | J. R: | A man named Stone and a i/named Wood met on a street in a | | nearby city and thev stopped for a |few remarks. when a woman in aj 'particularly noticeable sheath gown ;passed. Simultaneously Wood ed to Stone and Stone turned to} Wood. then both turned to rubber. Martin Kucker. former C. P. R | agent at Tilbury Ont.. and now locat- j;ed at Jeanette Station. in Tilbury Bast. discovered a honey mine at his jhome. Noticing bees flying around \the ccrner of the house on warm days jhe started to investigate and found | between the ceiling and the first floor and the flooring of the second storey of the house a bees' nest that sontained 1.000 pounds of honey. The Gueplh Mercury says it is doubtfui. if parents and' teachers are as persistent as they were formerly in bringing to the attention of the | children the evil effects of cigarette smoking. Itis a mistake to suppose that by one stroke of legislation an levil can be effaced that should be |continually fought and combatted by +advice and warning given in the greatest academv in} the world -- the 'home. We might add that better than advice and warning on the parts of adults would be example. When |\parents. teachers doctors. ministers. {lawyers journalists and others of light ;and leading are willing slaves of the nicotine habit how can the boys be \expected to refrain? SNAPS IN FARM _ PROPERTY 100 acre farm 70 acres clear. brick 'house. bank barn. Price $460). Terms easy. 100 acres nearly all cleared. easy. 100 acres | $2500, | All within 5 miles }eood roads. Rural, mail and | phone passing by these farms. Apply to; % A. CHALMERS MONKTON. ONT. good house. barn 45x70. $3.800. Terms 50 cleared. no buildings. of Monkton. tele- 6:44 12.01 7 5 16.51 12.07 7 Hammond. Sec'y.; S24 i345 7 17-01 12.20 7.57 Peffers Railway Time Tables Canadian Pacific Guelph and Gederich 8.28 38.03 ...West Monkton... 11.44 7.28 SA 7... 5. Milverton: 11.30 7.14 125. ....... Millbank... 21.23. 7.08 2 ieee Linwood Je 11.13. 6.56 Linwood and Listowel Neer Linwood Jct,.. Grand Trunk Northbound Southbound 49 5 Stations 6 48 a.m. a.m, p.m. 37 Brunner 9.32 1,17 5 Milverton QO Newton 20 1.04 & Going west p-m. a.m. p.m, Going north a.m. p.m. 12.10 7.35 11.49 7.20 £495 TiC 11.20. 7.00 p 4 26.1104. 4 9.14 12.57 4.2 j man |~ (_ > GOOD SALESMAN turn- } eS WANTED For every town and district where we are. not re- presented. Fruits are bringing high prices, and nursery stock is in demand. Make big money this falland winter by. taking an agency, Experience not necessary Free equipment Exclusive territory Highest commissions paid Write for full particulars STONE & WELLINGTON "Ponthill Nurseries" TORONTO - ONTARIO Dec, 1-3-m A SS Sebe See bocberde fondo bebe bebe ded deed be ee hE R.Y. FISH &CO, LINWOOD ccs Dealer' in Coal, Cement and Lime Motar Stain, Ete. Grain, Flour and Feed and Furniture Hae cho nde ohn eho ehoehn ade coef obs eon obs oe oho ae oso ollie eee ee ols ede obs > = Above Goods Constantly Kept on Hand ofooke fe ee ofe ogo feos obs efoefoode obs ofr ode ao ofe fe afe fe ofa efefer hag PY Lanta fake loeb anole ls of ead of ole oe obs ole fool ebe aie alan - tot FAR-SIGHTED FARMERS HERE are now open for entry 125,000 free homsteads in Western _ Canada. The bulk of these are located along or near the CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY, which is recognized in the West as the PIONEER FARMER'S RAILWAY. : From March 3rd to the end of October, Homeseekers' Excursion tickets are on sale every Tuesday and are good to return within two months from date of issue. Prior to August these tickets may be extended for two months on payment of $5.00 to agent at destination for each month or part thereof. Stop-over permitted at any CANADIAN NORTHERN Station West of Port Arthur, Some Canadian Northern Publications "Fort -Five Vital Questions," "Peace River, Alberta, and How to, Reach it," "Western Canada has a Home for You," *'Thirty-Five Thous- and Free Homesteads."' : For Tourist Car accommodation and all particulars in addition to above publications, apply to your nearest C.N.R. agent, or to General Pas- senger Department, 68 King St. East, Toronto, Ontario. : GILLS CHEAP SALE | , During the "Lenten Season" I will sell all kinds of Canned Fish at reduced prices. Our salmon are extra quality and prices away down. Maple Leaf Salmon, regular 25, fOr ..........sseseenneeeeeseeeawneeses Unicorn Brand Salmon, regular 20c, for .............. Cascade Brand Salmon, regular 15c¢, 2 cans for Cascade Brand Salmon, half sized cans, each ..........,.cscebereeees Canned Peas and Corn, per Can.......eccseseseenes SN ine ah see as 0 Rios Cafihed Tomatoes 15¢ €ach Or 2 OP. Mvcicesincy. scavsasacssWaseneasey 25.05" Canned Finnan Haddie 15c each of 2 fOP.....cccececsececseegter teres oA. Biel Kippered Herring 15¢ oF 2 fOr .....cs:ssessssseensenenceceesesersempeenns 7 oA McDonald's Little Sardines 10c can or 3 for ...cscceeeeeeseeeeenees Rey Brunswick Brand Sardines, in oil, 5c can or 6 for............-.s00 255° Graniteware at Reduced Prices J.iT. GILL, - Monkton SSSSSVHSSHHSISOSISISSOSHESLS GOSS LS OSHOSHSSSSSOSHSSSSOCSLE = POEOPOEOL OF OLS EOL LOO TOES FOLD OESLOEHLOT OL OTOEO LOLS FLOUR! WHOLESALE and RETAIL WE HANDLE: The "Hapvest Queen" Brand One of the best on the market Wholesale and Retail tna'scn' BREA 2, r OE SOLOTOE OL OLOLOLOLOPOTOLOTO + FOE OL OO OF OTOTOTOLOLO FOLOTOEOTOTOTD ¢ ; A. HAYES, Baker ¢ Wedding Cakes a specialty - «= MONKTON, ONT e $O4OF OS OF OES TOs OF OFS FOTO LOLOTOTOLOLOLOLOLOLOTOLO TSO lt Pays to Dress Well 'Nothing gives a man more prestige than to be Well Attired" You can have this done at the minimum cost at This Shop. ,.r HERE has just been plac- ed on the shelves a splen- did line of Scotch Tweeds of a new pattern for fall and win- ter wear, that will make and wear well. Call and see our stock, We guarantee youa fit. The !p-to-date Tailor, LO. DUFFIEL Monkton, = Ontario oo | DUSTBANE | put the ee's (ease) in sweeping -- ei IT KNOCKS THE DRUDGERY OUT OF ~ SWEEP-DAY Cleans Carpets Order a tin to-day at your grocérs or from your hardware: man. . 1 Don't ask for sweeping 'compound - 4 .Brightens Floors PHOSSSSSSSHHSSSSSHSH POSSESS SHPSSHSEDOHOSSHHOOOOS OED OOOSD e SEEDS! GRASS SEED of all kinds, CLOVER, TIMOTHY and ALSIKE on hand Farmers-can save some money by buying early 7 as the tendency of prices is to go up, ; : 3 e 2 STOVES, RANCES and HEATERS Have.all been reduced in price. Now is the time to secure a bargain. " DR. HESS' STOCK FOODS ON HAND M. E. Bettger @ Co. ; Hardware Merchants, MONKTON : e e DPOSSCSPOHSOSHOOSSOS SOO OOTESOSD BEDOOTI DODDS OS HOOD OSCE POOS OO O4S9OSOS OOS HOH S 0H OOOOH 9904000 6400000400600000000 eee