bbb bbe bbbbbhbbieis bb bebbbbiebbeb bbb bebe ..» GRAND .... CARNIVAL a ~ MILVERTON RINK FRIDAY, The Last and Best Carnival of the Season le hookesfoofoalsefonfoolands cfoedeofoebeofeofeofeoeefe oooh ofeede fe ode + * *. * ofeoge cheats FEB. 27 feu edeeke Men must wear hobble skirt, waist, opposite end of hockey If not, come and see the men try it. saeco cece ete obsolete sele cece debe bob ecco desbebsbob fsbenbtetetob tek obec ohh decease debe pete Ist--$3.00 Best Comic C Ist--$2.00 Best Girl's Costume Ist--$1.50 cash Ind 2G Best L $2.00 Lst-- eolecbeeleebecteebeodect feats. tst--$2.00 Ist--$3.00 ist--$2.00 lst--$2.00 Ist--$2.00 cash. a 2nd-- 1st--Goods to value of $3. z z 7 » 3 ea + +} + +} + + + "bp + + + +} } +b Co + 4 y + of * nahe ahs . . jo eee Did You Ever Try to Walk on Ice Without Either Rubbers or Skates ? Football for a puck, broom for a stick, no rubbers or skates on just the ordinary slippery sole of their shoes to guide them in their play. 3 --$1 worth skating tickets Best Character Boy's Mile Race, 16 years and Two Big Novelty Hockey Games (SUITABLE PRIZES GIVEN) LADIES' and GENTS' HOCKEY MATCH Ladies will wear ordinary costume. ladies' hat and veil and play with stick. - Try it yourself. So abe ote oFe ole os « Che he it aie be ae sde: c Married men against single men. 2 te sfeskeck sfo ode obs os So ede coh Be docge $75.00 1s PRizes $75.00 Best Character Costume, Lady 2nd--$2.00 ostume, Lady 2nd--$1.00 4 4 vears a y Skater By ee gn gS 2nd--$1.00 Ladies' Race on $1.00 €- ayn mMmo (ser eT 9 ed oe | + AL 2nd--$2.00 Best Comic Costume, Gent 2nd--$1.00 under 2nd--$1.v0 Best Boy's Costume Ticket for balance of season Open Race for Men, 20 laps 2nd--Box of 10c Cigars 4 Best Comic Organization *Box of 10c Cigars 0 O shebebeb oa . +. Admission 25c Seeks choke stecdestectacteite beokeckects cfeofecteste cdosteot feof eeofoofesfecfecfefecfececfoote cfecfeofestectecteeteetes Se Me he a ae ae ae ae a ae +, ' Milverton Band will be in Attendance Doors Open at 7 o'clock Judging at 8 p,m. No skaters will be allowed on the ice without a costume until after judging ; Children 15¢ | Ok Se ¢ . : £ GP tte ola ek neko oly ihe Peake aks os ake ate ol PIGS FOR SALE 15 young & SON, pigs, I, ZIMMERMANN HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALF A frame house and barn on lot of one and three quarters acres ad join- ing ©.P.R. station. Millbank. House 1% stories 28 ft. bv 20 ft. with con- venient rooms and Closets. stone cell- ar with concrete floor. summer kit- chen. 12x14ft.. enclosed porch 6x6 ft, Barn 35x21 ft. with concrete floor and hay loft 2 horse stalls. 1 cow stall, pig pen hen house, and carriage house a well. fruit trees and shade trees 1% acres plowed. buildings in good repair, Price $1,000. $400 down balance at 5 per cent. on time to suit purehaser. W. M. YOUNG. = Mill- bank. t.f FARM FOR SALE. The valuable farm of the late H. J. Lackner situated on Lot 6. Con. 15. in the Township of Wellesley eon- aisting of 187% acres. about 35 acres in bush; 20 acres sown to fall wheat. a portion seeded to grass. the balance plowed, Upon the premises ia a mod- ern red brick house with all conven. -iences a large bank barn with straw shed attached. a good driving bouse and hen stable. a young orchard be- ainning to bear. good supply of hard and soft water. The farm is conven- ientlv situated being 3% miles from Linwood 5 miles from Elmira and ¥ mile from school. For further infor- mation apply on the premises or to F. ©. LACKNER. Hawkesville. ov JOBIAH S. STAUFFER. Waterloo. st COMMERCIAL. ST Be CT aaa sg - Barley per bushel é Oats we +b Peas ' Flour, Jewel per ewt....... 2 '+ Banner per cwt......, 2 5 Jewel per ewt...... 2 Bran per ton s......0csc00e 0 24 Shorts per tons. isidcucin 26 eT RAY «POV AON Selige sax iecaivael 0 Hogs liveweight............7 Potatoes per bag............ Onions, Large ss.ic.s.. eceeee gts Cd ERs epee Sere hae Ducks, dressed...... Chickens «| sence NEW 1.0 +0- wt en eeereenes ve FOR SALE A lot containing a brick house and acod {frame stable for particulars az plv to GEO, DENSTEDT. Station. . 7. - a ------------ ee ~ FOR SALE AT LINWOOD V. R. Berlet. is offering his well located property containing--a store and dwelling combined. an extra dwelling A splendid opportunity for any kind of business, V. R. BERLET, TENDERS FOR DRAIN. Sealed Tenders (marked tender for drain) will be received by the under- signed up till two o'clock D.m. on Sat- struction of a drain in the Township of Elma. known as "The Ellice Mait- land Relief Drain." price per cubio yard and the number of yards to be determined by the en- aineer in charge and must give the names of two sureties and be accom- panied with a marked cheque for $100,00. Plans. profile and specificat- ions mav be seem at my office. At- wood. For further information apply to Wm. Scott. Reeve, Monkton. Ont.. or the 'undersigned. " The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted, GEO, LOCHHEAD. Clerk of Elma. Atwood. Feb'y. 14th. 1914. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. co ee In the matter of the Estate of Eliz-| abeth Voll. late of the Township of | Mornington. in the County of Perth, Widow. Deceased. Notice is herebv given that all per- sons having claims against the estate | of Elizabeth Voll. late of the Town- ship of Mornington. in the County of Perth, Widow. deceased. who died on Brunner | a good barn and garden | urday March 7th. 1914. for the con- | Tenders to state | ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION Friday last presented with a couch jand the following address by the fhembers of the Methodist church. Millbank. Poole. Feb. 20th. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Mayberry.-- Having learned with regret You are about to.remove from this let- you go without some special ex: pression of 'the high esteem in which /you are held bv each one of us. We |have noticed your faithfulness in at- | tending to wour duties as citizens and your interest in every good cause. We {shall miss 'you in the community. in the Sunday School and church where you and your family have been so constantly feund. We shall miss you (Mrs. Mayberry in the W.M.S. 'and Lliadies' Aid where you have always 'taken an active interest in promoting our work, We ask you to accept this /small token of our good will and | friendship and want it to remind you (of us occasionally ini your new home. | We assure fyou that you carry awav | with you the hearty good will and | friendship of a vérv large circle of | fellow workers and we hope to meet | you when the work is completed in |that city that hath foundations whose | builder and maker is God where there will be no partings. | Again assuring 'you of our warmest / wishes for your prosperity and hayppi- ness in 'your new home. We are ' yours on behalf of the congregation of Millbank Methodist church. W. H. Cooper, Miss E. Crookshanks. Mrs. W. F. Rutherford S. W. Coulter R. B. Hamilton Dear Mrs. Mayberry.-- Our gathering reminds us that we have come to the parting of the way. Your sisters of the ionarv Society in Millbank ex 3s their sincere your friendship and the p years. ¥ have shown and devoted th? you ha ; { t tion of yourself ossik that you go to continue other he ht | this good wor in the homes | Our | richest | you and your loved | watch over and | vou all joy and peace | sphere of life and thoughts be unity i Siened on behalf sign Mrs. W. Mrs. R. Mag Aenes Gillespie. Millbank. February 20th | Mr. and Mrs. T.. Mayberry and Fa.ily Dear Friends.--I[t was with regret | that we learned that you had decided ito leave our community but we are glad to have this opportunity of once | more meeting with you in your hom lin Poole. You. have | help us at all ti | manv ways. that we r } losing verv dear friends. joys and | shared together, {at this time could lings towards you. We are glad that your new is not so distant. but that we have you with us often. We wish to express. uo very slight measure. our appreciation of your kindness and our love to you and therefore ask you to accept these diners, | "rusting that 'you will always have pleasant memories of Poole and that vou may have every success in your new home. : Signed on behalf of the family, £. J. Mayberry | KH. Magwood. | Poole. Feb. 28. 1914. always been so | eng and "in ralize sorrows have and no mere Our word hom: | Dear Wilham,-- |} It was with regret that we learned fof your coming departure from our | midst; | _Your Sabbath School teacher and | classmates take this opportunity "of pexoressine their appreciation of your friendship and help bv your kindness and unselfish thought for others you have endeared yourself to our hearts. We trust that the cords of friend- | | ship mav not be severed. though sun- | dered far yet bv faith may we often meet around one common merev seat. We shall miss you from our elass and League for we have been en- couraged and helped by your pres- well as by the prompt and cheerful attention paid to all duties devolving upon you as a member of each. And while we are sad at the thought of parting we believe you go to your new home to shine for the Master. May you be kept safe and secure from all ill. blessed of God and made to be a blessing. We ask you to accept this pin as a slight expression of our esteem. Signed on behalf of the class, Agnes Gillespie. Hilliard Magwood. or about the 2nd day of December. | 1913. are to send the undersigned Ex- | ecutors on or before the 14th day of | March, 1914, full particulars of their | further take notice that on and after | the said date the Executors will pro- | ceed to distribute the assets of the | estate among the varties entitled | thereto. having regard only: to claims | of which thev shall then have re-} ceived notice. ; Christian Stever. Henry Voll. 1 : Executors. Howard Mayberry. Dear Melville.-- We.the members and teachers of ed with regret of your departure from our midst. We no more will have the pleasure of your cheerful and pleasant companv in our class, We ask you to accept this bible as a slight token of our love and es- teem towards you. As you read its footsteps in the straight and narrow Mr. and Mrs. T. Mayberry were on 1914 /Many exclusive features "the Canadian Pacific Railway in con-| that the only all-Canadian route. community we felt that we could not | Woman's Miss- | , » during } we are all sulaced with | * willing | we are} been | express our feel- e | place last August and Hallman alleg- can | | the time of the ceremony. theugh in a{ | claim verified according to law.: and| Millbank Sabbath School have learn- | | good stabling |} acres of hardwood bush. 90 acres un- |< | This is one of the best farms in El- ; : from Milverton high and dry. Will be i blessed truths may thev guide you | sold at a bargain as the proprietor |is going into mercantile business, | plv to the proprietor JOHN REIS on 8. the pret S206. Wa D. Mt HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS AND SETTLERS' TRAINS TO THE WEST _Those taking advantage of above ; Excursions should bear in mind the offered by It is ~ Only line operating through trains to Western Canada. No change of de- pots. Only line operating through standard and tourist slecpors to Win- nipeg and Vancouver. All equipment is owned and operated by" Canadian Pacific Railway affording the high- est form of efficiency. : Homeseekers' fares will be in effect -nection with a trip to the West. class tickets will be sold via Canadian Pacific Railway from Ontario points (Azilda and East) af very low fares-- for example. from Toronto. also West. and North of Winnipeg¢g and return $35. to Edmonton and re- turn $43. Other points in proportion, Fares from points East of Toronto will be slightlv higher. Return lim- it two months. Homeseekers' trains leave Toronto each Tuesday. during March and Ap- ril. Each Tuesdav during March and April. the Canadian Pacific will run Settlers' trains to Winnipeg and West and for the accommodation of sett- lers travelling with live stock and ef- \fects. a colonist car will be attached 'to the settlers' effects train. This lear will leave. Toronto on regular | train at 10.20 p.m. and on arrival at ' West Toronto it will be attached to |settlers' effects train as mentioned | above. : : : | Wor those not travelling with live [ giook and effects. special Colonist cars will be attached to regular trains | from Toronto*running through to | Winnipeg without change. No charge |is made for accomodation in Colonist | | cars. | . . jated on regular train leaving 110.20 p.m. Full particu | Agent a irs from any 9.0. P : G. Murphy Toronto roundup of hotel | Waterloo took olice court Solomon trav aken meted 3 were These who plea ines were: ] irts and | God's | © | Mr Hollinger. | Jacob Zuber. near | "blind pie? $ $40: &; Rummis j maugh. Bam- Lin- | + Louis Phils. tre ask utzweiser The cases of A. Gentz and Casper | | Mogk. Elmira. were adjourned for a} week. In answer to charges of sell-| |}inge Hquer up to 11 p.m. whereas the | iact requires that the rural hotels; close at 10 o'ciock. they set uv the | | defence that they had been granted | permission to do so bv the village |council and license inspector. Other i charges are pend' %@ and will be dis- | posed of next week. Several charges | were withdrawn. Jcratken erli Hallman entered action in the court annulment ef his.mar > to Catha j man on the ground that his wife is insane, The marriag took no intimation of as given to him es that tion w such afflic- before or at That Police Magistrate Watt. of Guelph. is a believer in the deterring effect of corporal punishment was ev- idenced when he decided that two boys should be thus punished for stealing several small articles, With the parents' consent the boys were given a good, sound spanking by two policemen. A couple of weeks ago Magistrate Watt sentenced a wife- beater to 10 days in jail and five lashes of the cat-o'-nine-tails. Mr. F. H. Spence. of the inland revenue department. acting an in- structions received from the excise of- ficer of Guelph. secured a sainple of the coal oil used in the lamp in the explosion that injured Mr. J. F. Mce- Kay. A test will be made of the oil for the purpose of ascertaining whe- ther it is up to the standard. This is done to ensure oil being kept up to requirements laid down by the gov- ernment in order to guard against the possibility of explosions. Mr. MceKav is doing as well as can be cxpeeted. He will be laid up for several weeks Berlin News-Record. FARM FOR SALE. Farm for sale. Apply to GEORGE GUENTHER or W. D. WEIR. FOR SALE Six young sows due to farrow in Apriland May Price $25 to $30. A)- so two ipure-bred Yorkshire Boars. 6 and 8 months old at $16 and $25. 8. J, MILLER, Millbank, ~ oy} - FARM FOR SALE. That valuable farm consisting of Lot 14 in the 14th Concession of El- lice 100 acres. Good frame dwelling house with kitchen and woodshed., drilled well. water system in both house and barn. Bank barn with and straw shed. ~° Ten der cultivation 9 acres in fall wheat. lice. Well fenced well drained. close to school on good roads about 5 miles Ap- « each Tuesday March 3rd to October | 27th inclusive, and round-trip second- Tourist sleeping cars are also oper | oronto | R. | "'Dis-| out by | Spring Goods Arriving Daily| | ule Su 8 nk gol | at i ff fe "Beautify Your Home With Engeland's Wall Papers' -- We have the largest and most complete line of Wall Paper that we have ever shown. We carry the the paper || by what yot stock, no waiting until goods arrive. me with you. Bring back what you have over. You only pay for You do your selecting and take see our Selections of Patterns and Colorings We will consider i AES SEAL SS EL Women who do their own house-work will be interested in this lot of HOUSE DRESSES -- which have just arrived and are priced at | $1.00 | $1.25 = $1.50 to $2.50 ee dresses to select ee favor tc have you call and pass judgment on our selection. Spring's Newest Wash eso Fabrics are here A splendid showing of all that is newest and best in early spring Wash Fabrics is now here in a wide variety of styles and prices. PRINTS, GINGHAMS, GALATEES, CREPES, VOILES, PIQUES, REPPS, VESTINGS, LINENS, RATINES, FOULARDS, Ete. A truly remarkable display. Many of these Wash Fab- rics make pretty evening gowns. Come in any time and look them over. Dress Goods Quite in keeping with the fashions are the new Spring Dress Goods and Suitings. Soft worsted fabrics that lend themselves charmingly to the popular draped, peg-. top and tiered skirt. ; Many are in short lengths, some are suit , ends (exclusive) only one of each color. 50c, 75c, $1.00, 1.25 and 1.50 per yard 36 in. Black Paillette Silk, Special 89c Be Sure and see our Whitewear Specials | "The People's Store" Women's Night Gowns Women's Waists 89 .69 OPENED THIS WEEK We have a large range of Fancy Silks which make dainty Waists and Dresses, SEE OUR SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Wome n's Underskirts af . * |ENGELAND & SO