x ftchingand Burning Pimples Spread, -- Clothing Irritated, Used Cuticura = "Soap and Cuticura Ointment. Well in Three Weeks, 4. \ - High River, Alta.--"My baby was a 'gufferer from an itching and a burning on chest and back. 'The trouble began with a f . fine small rash and got quite @ size. The pimples spread until his whole chest and back were covered. Some of them | festered and on some the top looked clear, He was fretful OX and cross and was always rubbing. His clothing tr- ritated him. The trouble caused itching, burning and loss of sleep. His chest and back grew worse and worse; they were a mass of itthing * pimples. The' trouble had lasted two or three weeks and we tried remedies but they failed. Outicura Soap end Ointment afforded relief in about ten days. IK washed the eruption with hot water and Cuticura Soap four times a day, then used the Cuticura Ointment and in three weeks he was well again. He owes it to Cuticura Soap and Ointment." (Signed) Mrs. Alice Wolford, Nov. 1, 1912. _. For red, rough, chapped and bleeding hands, itching, burning palms, and painful finger-onds with shapeless nails, a one-night Cuticura treatment works wonders. Soak hands, on retiring, in hot water and Cuticura Soap. Dry, anoint with Outicura Ointment and wear soft bandages or old, loose gloves during the night. Cuticura Soap and Oint- mont are sold by druggists and dealers every- whore. Fora liberal free sample of each, with 82-p. hook, send post-card to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept. D, Boston, U. 8. A. -- DESERTS FROM GULF STREAM. Second Gulf Stream in Atmosphere --Chilled Passing Over Sweden. The Gulf Stream, as every one knows, is a broad river of warm wa- ter which starts in the Gulf of Mexico, wanders across the cold Atlantic Ocean and bumps into the British Isles giving them a warm climate and no end of fog and rain. But few people know that in the at- mosphere above there is a second Gulf Stream of warm, moist air. This slow, damp breeze strikes the British Isles and does not car- rom off like the Gulf Stream, but continues over Europe. As_ it passes over Sweden, Finland and northern Russia, these cold lands chill the wind and cause it to drop its moisture in the form of rain. The lakes and rivers of these northern countries are all supplied by the moisture taken up from the Gulf Stream. The rotation of the earth makes this wind veer gradually to the southward about the time it has given up the last of its moisture and warmth. As a mighty draft of dry, cold air, the Guif Stream wind moves on across the plains of Rus- sia. As it approaches the Equator the wind warms again but becomes ever drier. At last as it sweeps over Turkes- tan, Arabia and Sahara, it evapo- rates like a great sheet of blotting paper all water it meets, forming the deserts of Turkestan, Sahara and Arabia. Fortunately this de- vastating wind now leaves the con- tinent, becomes 'the trade winds and returns to its starting point at the Gulf of Mexico. Several somewhat visionary schemes have been suggested for al- tering the course of the Gulf Stream. One of the immediate re- sults of any such changes would be the shifting of the present deserts to other parts of the world. ole Be Careful, Sammy. Sammy--"O, fader, I did meet a lovely girl at the party last night-- ruby lips, diamond eyes, and teeth like pearls.'"' Father--"That vos all right,'Sammy; but has her peo- ple any money? Becos vhen I met your mother, Sammy, she had dia- mond eyes, and ruby lips, and teeth like pearls, and her old fader, he aay, 'She's a jewel, my boy; you take her with my blessing.' And the jewel and the blessing's all I ever did get, Sammy. Ah, mine boy, you've got to be very careful now- a-days."' For Fickle Appetites Post Toasties. and Cream Hit the Spot! Toothsome, crisp bits, that have the natural sweetness of white Indian Corn, Thoroughly cooked -- rolled thin as paper--then toasted to a delicate brown. Easily the most delicious flavor of any flake food nown. ; ' Toasties are convenient ------ready to serve direct from package -- an easy solution of the "what to eat" problem. : - --sold by Grocers. - Canadian Postum Cerea! Co., Lud Windsor, Ontario. . ep, & ISSUE "14 LORD DERBY'S BULL. -- | According to Lord Derby, Home Rule must have as many lives as the proverbial cat, for in a speech he LA GRIPPE'S VICTIMS.[ You Can Only Recover From Its After Eff:cts by Enrich- ing the Blood : Few diseases so shatter the health as la grippe, or influenzs. [ts vic tims all tell the same <tory. They are left despondent, weak and wretched in every way. -They have no arabition tired, UD, The Earl of Derby. made not long ago he perpetrated this amusing 'bull.'? "At the next election," he said, "we have got to give the third, and I hope the last, death blow to Home Rule." ole Learn To Say No. John was very crestfallen indeed, and had promised his wife that never more would he be tempted to waste his substance in riotous liv- ing. 'Yes, I know," sighed the good lady; "but I'm getting to doubt your promises. The great trouble with you, John, is that you do not seem to be able to say 'No.' Learn to say 'No,' and you will find much less difficulty in life. Will you promise me that you will never leave off trying till you have learn- ed to say 'No?'"' 'Yes,' said the contrite John. "That's all right! And now can you let me have a lit- tle money this morning?' 'No,' said John, with apparent ease. oh A GRAND MEDICINE FUR LITTLE ONES Mrs. D. L. McIntyre, McIntyre's Mountain, N.S., says: "Baby's Own Tablets are a grand medicine for little ones and I am well satisfied with the results obtained from them." Mrs. McIntyre's testimony is the same as that of thousands of other mothers. Once a mother has used the Tablets she will use noth- ing else, for the results are sure and the Tablets are guaranteed by a government analyst to be perfect- ly safe. They are sold by: medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. i Trained, Freddie--Are you the trained nurse mamma said was coming? Nurse--Yes, dear, I'm the trained nurse. Freddie--Let's see some of your tricks, then! Minard's Liniment ©o., Limited. | Gentlemen,--Ibeodore Dorais, tomer of mine, was completely cured rheumatism after five years of suffering, by the judicious use of MINARD'S LINI- MENT. The above facts can he verified by writ- ing to him, to the Parish Pricet or any of his neighbors. a 6 us- of A. COTH, Merchant. St. Isidore, Que., 12 May, '98. WILL AVOID STIMULANTS. Abstinence to Be Rule of Shackleton's Expedition. Total Total abstinence from alcoholic stimulants will be strictly observed during Sir Ernest Shackleton's trip across the south polar continent. He and his men propose to work long hours, including eight hours marching every day, but for stimu- lant they will rely on nothing stronger than tea or cocoa, The tea will be taken at midday to refresh the men for afternoon march, and the cocoa the last thing at night to preserve the body heat during the hours of selep, Sugar will figure largely in the rations. .On his last expedition Sir Ernest and his companions took two or three lumps of sugar every two or three hours, and he says ten min- utes after cating they could feel the heat going through their bodies, The men thus far chosen for the expedition are between 30 and 41 years of age, Shackleton, who is 39, believes that men are at their best between 25 and 40. A man, he says, does not reach his full strength until he is 25, and, what- | ever may be the superiority of youth in the way of spring, nerve, and enthusiasm, these do not weigh against the staying power of an oldér man or the balanced judgment of one who has experience behind him. The working day arranged for the transcontinental party calls for an hour of preparation after waking, then a four-hour march, an hour's rest, and another four-hour march. Sleep time, which in pleas trips 'has been observed between 6 p.m. -and 6 a.m., will be cut to eight | hours, vos | Sir Ernest is busy arranging tho 'details of the expedition, which is regarded as the biggest undertaking ever attempted in polar explora; tion, since the distance to traverse from Weddell Sea to Ross Sea is 1,700 miles. : % _The more dollars a man has be- j hind an argument the more con- vineing it is. falls an easy prey itr or trength; can sleep, and Suffer from headache : hes and ner- snegs. his weakened condi- The body in danger. ines the real pneumonia, and even to consump- tion. Nearly every form of nervous trouble thas been known to follow an attack of la grippe. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills give the quickest and most thorough relief from the after effects of this trouble. They build up and purify the blood, drive the poisons out of the system and give strength and tone to the whole body. The following is an example of their power in cases of this kind. Mrs. R. A. McLean, Wentworth Station, N.S., says: "Two years ago Herbert E. Free- man, a young boy living with us, was attacked with la grippe. At the time he did not have a strong constitution, and we feared the trouble was settling on his lungs. He was not able to walk fifty yards without being out of breath, and his general vitality was very low. For months he continued in this position, notwithstanding all we did for him, and it was at this crisis that we got Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for him. By the time he had used three boxes there was a noticeable improvement, and this was followed by his being able to do light work, and later he had all the strength of a growing boy. His cure was looked upon as remarkable by all who knew him, and I am giving the result in the hope that it may be of benefit to someone else."' Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. | SMART AND CYNICAL, Some people are like wheelbar- rows--they don't go unless they are pushed. A run of bad Juck invariably ex- ceeds the speed limit. The young regret that they are not understood; the old, that they are. Whom the gods destroy they first make popular. To be important is one thing; to look important is another thing-- but to feel important! There you have the fellow who enjoys his own society. Saying the right thing at the right time isn't in it with keeping still at the right time. % Cultivation o?7 Cocoannt. Apart from the utilization of ita kernel for copra, over eighty dis- tinct and separate methods have been found for the utilization of the cocoanut, with its fibre covering and its products, and the most impor- tant concern foodstuffs. Every year jabout eight thousand million nuts z,/ are cultivated ; of this quantity only | about 30 per cent. find their way to jthe European and American mar- i kets. Cocoanut oil, of course, is used on a collossal scale for the manufacture of nut butter, margar- ine, soap, candles, and lard, and also as an illuminant and a lubri- cant. ----- ---_-- Death Nearly Claimed New Brunswick Lady Was Restored to Her Anxious Fam- lly When Hope Had Gone. St. John, N.B., Dec. 15th--At one time it was feared that Mrs. J. Grant, of 3 White-St., would succumb to the deadly ravages of advanced kidney trouble. "My first attacks of back- ache and kidney trouble began years ago. For six years that dull gnawing pain has been present. When I ex- erted myself it was terribly intenslfled. If I caught cold the pain was unen- durable. I used most everything, but nothing gave that cortain grateful re- lief that came from Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. In- stead of being bowed down with pain, to-day I am strong, enjoy splendid appetite, sleep soundly. Lost proper- ties have been instilled into my blood --cheeks are rosy with color, and I thank that day that I heard of so grand a medicine as Dr. Hamilton's Pills." Hvery woman should use these pills regularly because good health pays, and it's good, vigorous health that comes to all who use Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake and Butternut Pills. te A manufacturer advertises :-- "There are no beds stronger or cheaper than ours." How about an onion bed? ' Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Reh ees refund money if PAZO CINTMENT?: fails to cure Itching, Blind, or Protruding Piles. First application gives relief. 60c. Every mother knows that her son ought to marry a princess. ' Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff, Consultation. "Did the doctor pronounces you sound as a dollar?" : "Yes; and sent me bill for five," _-. Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids, Doesn't Smart ~Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic' 'Tubes, 25c, 50c, Eye Books Free by Mail. An Eye Tonic Good for Ail Eyes that Need Care to bronchitis, + SAILORS oa guese Book. --* q Some 'remarkable advice to gaa: farers is given in -. .'d Bostuenese book, published for thé guidance of mariners. Amongst other thi gs it Beautifully 'deals with the ric bts of captaihs to. assault, Salors, And the methods in whee the attacky are to be legally met, ey a The sailor Is advised to bear calmly any 'bal abuse that an irate skipper may hurl at him, but ii words passed to blows he was to run away into the bows and firmly take his stand beside the anchor 'chain, Should the infuriated master, armed with a belaying pin or other lethal weapon, chase him to his stronghold, the mariner was to slip chain. Should he still be pursued, he was to call his mess-mates to witness that the master had broken the rules by. circumventing the chain, Then, at last, he was to defend himself--and let us hope he would do it well! Other little matters of discipline are set out, and they show a noble effort to make the punish- ment fit the crime. The ship's clerk, a privileged per- son who acted,as bookkeeper, pur- ser and cargo-master, was liable to be branded in the forehead, to lose his right hand, and to forfeit all his property if he made a wrong entry in the ship's book, or connived at such an entry. A seaman who fell asleep on his watch was only put on a diet of bread and water, unless the offence was committed in hostile waters. In that case he must be stripped naked, flogged by his messmates and ducked thrice in the sea. If he were an officer, however, he would only lose all food except his bread, and have a pail of water flung over him from the head down- wards. OY EARS' THROAT TROUBLE AND INFLUENZA CURED EMINENT DOCTORS FAILED TO CURE--HAD GIVEN UP HOPE. This Case Does Prove That When Catarrhozone {fs Breathed Every Trace of Catarrh Disappears. Milford Haven, Da., Mar. §--Every- one in this neighborhood knows of the long suffering frem infiuenza and catarrh endured by Mrs. D. Gurney. To-day she is well. Her recovery is dus entirely to Catarrhozone. This is her own statement: "I was a great sufferer frem catarrh in the head, throat and nose, and endured the manifold tortures of influenza for five years. My life was despaired of. Catarrh was undermining my strength very fast. I used treatments from eminent doctors, but all failed to cure me. I had given up hope of ever be- ing well. Then I read ef a wonder- ful cure made by Catarrhozone, Im- mediately I sent for Catarrhezone, and before I had used one bottle I was greatly relieved. To-day I am cured. We would not be without Catarrho- zone in our home--it's so sure in colds, coughs, bronchial and throat trouble. I feel it is my duty to pub- licly recommend Catarrhozone." Get the large dollar size of Catarrh- ozone; it contains a beautiful hard rubber inhaler, and medicine that lasts two months. Smaller sizes, 25c. and 50c. each... Beware of imitations --accept only Catarrhozone, sold by all reliable dealers or by mail from The Catarrhozone Company, Kingston, Ont., and Buffalo, N.Y. % Aunt Huldah claimed that sho was well past the century mark, though the date of her birth was shrouded in mystery, Whether she was as old as she claimed or not, there could be no doubt that she had lived to a good old age, and one day a bright young newspaperman conceived the idea of interviewing her on the subject of long life. 'Sho!' sniffed Aunt Huldah. 'Anybody kin grow to be old. Dey ain't no trick in dat." 'But how?' queried tthe reporter. 'All you got to do is watch out and don't let no automobile run over you." Yo Cure a Cold in Ons Day Take LAXATIVH BROMO QUININE Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. B®. W.-GROVE'S signa- ture is on each poe 25c, HOT WATER CURE FOR ROSES. Just Cover the Btenn But Not the Flowers. "Boiling water will revive flow- ers that are s0 wilted that almost anyone would throw them away as worthless," says a woman. She was scraping down the limp stems of some full-blown roses that droop- ed dejectedly. 'Iam doing this lightly, you see,"? she continued, so that the hot water will soak all through the stems." After she had finished the scrap- ing, she put the flowers into a deep pitcher, went to the stove, and took from it the steaming hot-water ket- tle. Then she poured the hot water into the pitcher until it just covered the stems, and left the roses above the surface, "There! In a few minutes I shall have fresh flowers for the dinner table," she said. And her visitor saw just what she had prophesied-- a mass of roses that looked ag if they had nevor thought of 'wilting. "T always try the boiliog-water eure on roses before I throw them away," she concluded, 'Very few people know about it, You musta't lay the flowers themselves in the hot water, Just let it cover the stems,"' ----"_. In the Usual Way. "When I married you," said Mrs. Nagers, "I thought to reform you,"' "Yes,"' answered the husband, "and like a number of reformers | you seized the first opportunity -to become a boss," Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago | Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. ' oe ' Res s : Set Out eae =e ej Pe rth} round to the farther side of the ; 5 CURED BY NERVILINE. _ Anyone: would marvel at my recov- ery, writes Mr. Leonard Lotham, a young man well known about Chat- ham. I had inherited a rheumatic ten- dency through my mother's family, and in my early days suffered fright- fully. About three years ago the pain and stiffness settled in my left knee joint. I was lame and walked with a very distinct limp. Nerviline was brought to my notice and I rubbed it into the stiff joint four or five times a day. It dispelled every vestige of 'pain, reduced the swelling, took out the stiffness and gave me the full use of my limb again. I don't believe there is a pain-relieving remedy, not a sin- gle liniment that can compare with Nerviline, I hope every person with pains, with sore back, with lameness, with lumbago, with neuralgia--I do I am convinced will quickly and per- manently cure them." If Nerviline wasn't a wonderful painless remedy, if Nerviline didn't quickly relieve, if Nerviline wasn't known to be a grand cure for all rheu- matic conditions, it wouldn't have been s0 largely used as a family rem- edy for the past forty years. No bet- ter, stronger, or more soothing lini- ment made. Get the large 60c. fam- ily size bottle; small trial size 25c.; sold by any dealor, anywhere. a. WHEN IS MAN OLD? Remarkable Statement Founded on Facts. If the average length of life of mankind continues to increase at the same percentage of gain of the last century, the time is net far dis- tant when 150 years will be the usual span of a human life, says Byron ©, Uitecht in Technical World Magazine. remarkable statement, but it is no more remarkable than the facts up- on which it is based. The average longevity in the United States at present is placed at 44 years. .Records kept in ths New England states show that in 1789 the average life was 35 years; in 1789, 40 years; in 1895, 45 years; and in 1903, 47 years. The increase of longevity in Europe is still more significant. In Switzerland in the sixteenth century the average life was only 21.2 years, but in the sé- venteenth century it had reached 25.7 years. The eighteenth century was marked by an average of 33.6 years, while the nineteenth century saw an increase to 39.7 years, Let the estimates of Professor Finkelnberg of Bonn University an- swer those skeptics who gloomily assert that people do not live as long as they used te, that we are becoming a race of weaklings and that civilization is proving the un- doing of mankind. The average life over all Europe in the sixteenth century was eighteen years. Now it is 40 years, a gain of more than 100 per cent, in three centuries. The more progressive and civiliz- ed a nation, the longer is the aver- age life there, for it is shown con- clusively that the countries of the United States, England, Germany, France, Sweden and others have greatly lengthened the chain of life, while the average in India at pre- sent is only 23.6 years. In 1881 the average in Indta was 23.7 years, and 200 years ago the average was nine- teen years. China's average human life is but fractionally different from that of India, x Nap in a Nutshell. Marks--Are you reading this new history of the Napoleonic tragedy that's being printed ? Parks--No, To me the tragedy of Napoleon may be summed up in two lines. The divorce of Josephine was the prelude; Elba the interlude, and his last battle the Waterlooed. Thirty Deaths From Razor A physician in Ohicago states thirty deaths have reeulted from paring corns with a razor. Avoid blood poisoning by applying Patnam's Corn and Wart Ex- tractor. Purely vegetable. Painless and eure is Putnam's Extractor, 2. at all dealers. Sometimes single blessedness is a greater failure than marriage. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. The amateur poet is going some when he earns enough money with his pen to pay for the ink, Mr. J. &. Arsenault, a Justico of the Peace and station master at Welling. ton, on the P,E.I. Ry., says: "Four years ago I fell on a {freight truck, sus- taining a bad cut on the front of my jeg. I thought this would heal, but instead it developed Into a bad ulcer, and tater into a form of eczema which spread very rapidly and also started on the other leg. Both legs became 0 swollen and sore that I could only go about my work by having them bandagod. . "T consulted two doctors, and tried all the salves, liniments and lotions I heard of, but instead of getting betier IT got worse, . Me y JOA wk "This was my eoudition when T first box of Z2m-Buk, Greatly to m de. light thet first box gave me relief, con- tinued to apply it to the seres, and day by day they trad ack T could gee that at leat L had got hold of something which would cure me, and in the ond it did, "it is ney ever a year since Zam-Buk got my | worked a qure in my ease, and thero hag becn no retxxn of the eczema," , Purely herbal in composition, Zam-Buk 33 & sure eure for all skin diseases, cold sores, chapped hands, ulcers, blood-poixon- ing, varicoso sores, pilés, ringworm, inflamed patches, cuts, burns and bruises, All druggists and storea sell at 500, box, oz post free fren Zem-Buk Co., Toro Deion: » Toroate, for Knee Joint Stiff Three Years) Pn a = | Every woman is a good house- keeper--or, at least; it is wisdom to} | hope they wili try out Nerviline which |' This may seem a} tell her so. - suburbs on earth if you care to look for them. Z The self-made man credits him- self with the boosts that have been given him by others. If we are going anywhere and Don't talk so much. People do not pay any attention to 99 out of every 100 words you utter. _The more things a man learns from experience the more things he would like to forget, but can't. a Low Colonist Rates to Pacific Coast Via, Chicago & North Western Ry., March 15th to April 15th from. points. in Canada to Salt Lake City, Ogden, Log Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Kootenay District and Canadian Northwest points. Through Tourist e@leepers and free ro- clining chair cars from Chicago. Variable routes. Liberal stopovers. For full in- formation as to rates, routes and litera- ture, write, or call on B. H. mnett, General Agent, 46 Yonge Street, Toronto. oe The man who poses as a lion in society is usually a bear at home, Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Ete, Too often the hero worshipper is his own hero. THE CHOICEST SUGAR No choicer or purer sugar ean be produced than St. Lawrence Granulated White Pure Cane Sugar, Made from choice selected cane sugar, by the most modern and You will find many of heaven's | have anything to do after we get | there, let us make a start! Canadian Hair Restorer Highest grade beans kept whole and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength. Flavored with delicious sauces, They have no equal. PARMS FOR SALE W. DAWSON, Ninety Coiborue Toronto. f YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A Frult, Stock, Grain, or Dairy Farm write H. W. Daweon, Brampton. or 98 Colborne &t., Toronto. : H W. DAWSON, Colborne St. Toronta. ------- Gj ASKATCHEW AN IMPROVED FARM, 9 fully equipned with or without stock. | Write owner, 625 Wilton, Toronto. --------= u. Streok WANTED. GENTS WE WANT YOU. WRITH Dominion Shade Adjuster Co., Wind: -- sor, Ontario, We will pay you $120.0 to distribute religious literature {n your community, Sixty days' work. Experience not required. Men or women, Oppor: | tunity for promotion, Spare time may be used. International Bible Press Company, 182 Spedina. Toronto, NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. G COD WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN KH York County. Stationery and Book Business in connection. Price only $4,000, Terms Uberal. Wilson Publish- ing Company, 78 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. : NURSERY STOCK, ye RASPBERRIES, pIPty Varieties. Free Catalog. McConn & Bon, Grovesend, Ontario. ; MISCELLANEOUA TUMORS, LUMPS, ANCER, internal and external, cured with ont pain by our home treatment. Wri ne hefore too late. Dr. Bellman Medi Oo., Limited, Collingwood, Ont. ' ETO... perfeot machinery, it is now offered in three different sizes of grain~ each one the ehoicest quality. St. Lawrence Sugar is packed in 100 Ib., 25 Ib. and 20 ib. sealed bags, and also in 5 Ib. and 2b. cartons, and may be had at all first class dealers, Buy it by tho bag. ST. LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINERIES LIMITED, MONTREAL. + Before and After Using. Restores Grey Halr to original color. Two migh! use from same bottle, hair of one becomes black; the other blond or other color as they were in youth. Stops Falling Hair, Dandruff, Itching. Cures all Scalp Diseases, Produces New Growth, -- Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. Price 75 cents or two for Qne Dollar (postage paid) Not sold in stores, address : Canadian Halr Restorer Go., WINDSOR, ONT. -- The average woman hater can give no satisiactory reason, Bruce's Seed Oats Bruce's Conqueror, Anew variety from Northern Europe, very heavy yielder, straw is strong, of medium height, grain is plump, thin skinned, pearly white, and makes splendid Oat Meal, It is hardy and ripers medium early, Peck 40c, bushel $1.25 here. New 0.A.C, No. 72. A new variety, of exceptional merit, an immense: yielder aud of fine appearance, Itisa branching White Oat, early, and the straw Is good and strong, the hullis thin and the grain weighs well, Peck 60c, bushel $2.00 here. New 234 bushel cotton bags 3¢ each extra, Prices of above postpaid, 11b. 80c, 2Qibs. S5c, 3 Ibs. 80c, 4 Ibs, 95c, 5 Ibs. $1.10, 6 tbs, $1.25. We can also offer Daubeney, American Ban- ner, Siberian, Abundance, Scottish Chief aud Green Monntain, also Black 'Tartarian and Black Victor, HR Wt__Our illustrated 112-paga F R E K Catalogue of Vepetaule Farni and Flower Seeds, Bulbs, Mants, Gar- den Implements, Poultry Supplies, ete Write for it, JOHN A. BRUCE & CO., Limited Seed Merchants HAMILTON, ONTARIO ONLINE Ete oe oe gincteatnterenssiciney 'Fhere are other "'Vaseline"' heme--each te show you fs our free '*Vaseline" booklet, Feceipt of your address, Write today, Note -- Insist on "'Vaseline"-- (Consolidated) 4880 Cachot Ava ERT T a Got a Sore Throat? Capsicum aseline TRADE MARK REGISTERED Capsicum "Vaseline" is splendid for all pains in the chest, rheumatism, neuralgia, gouty complaints, ete. More ecient than the old mustard plaster; easier to apply, and Gleaner; wil! mot blister the skin. Apply externally only, preparations that should be in every p ecially made for its particular uses. Ask your druggist CHESESROUGH MFG. CO. "Well, sonny, there is nothing as good fora cold or sore throat as this Cap- sicum "Vaseline."' 'Just rub that well into your chest--and swallow a teaspoonful of plain White '*Vaseline.'* Inthe -- morning you'll feel fine-- soreness all gone." All the family will be interested in the practical home hints given Your copy will be mailed you on made only by MONTREAL § ak Se agentes the Glands and exp brood mares in times of Prevention," free. Druggists sel! : @ SPOHN MEDICAL an per. sla the "and sure for Brood Maros, depend on any powder in this class of Booklet, | Syohn's Cure, A5 Per Cent. Solutio Of This Cempound Will Kill Germs Catarrhal Fever and Infiuensa unde ier r ; r the mier Given on 'the Horse's Ton i i i the alimentary canal, mt inlenthe Bian oe of DISTEMP PINK EYE | EPIZOOTIC thrown into the Blood, Germs of Disease. Absolu aby Colts and all others. Diseases. Give it : Causes, C = Coy Bacteriologists, Cosien, * ee ae | "Distemper,