Saws 15c¢ te Basirs 15c¢ "The Peop MILVERTON Warranted Goli Fillet Rings i5c le's Store At the Spring Assizes held at Mil- ton Charles Price pleaded guilty toan indictment for criminal assault. He is a Barnardo boy eighteen years old. and worked on a farm in Nelson town ship. His victim is a child five years of age. Chief Justice R. M, Meredith sentenced him to three years in King- ston penitentiary. Mr. John McAteer. of the Western Hotel. Guelph. has on exhibition in his hostelry a hen's egg which weighs exactly 42 grains. a little less than THE LATE WILLIAM K. WEIR. Mr. William K. Weir. of Stratford. formerly of Millbank. passed peace- fully away at his home om Morning- ton St. on Sunday last after a linger- ing illness from pernicious anaemia. Deceased was janitor of Falstaff school for the past nine years. He was in his 59th year and was born at Ayr and was the eldest son of he late Samuel Weir. of Millbank. He was held in the very. highest regard one-eighth of an-ounce. He noticed the report in a recent issue referring to a small egg laid by a Plymouth Rock hen at Berlin. The egg in Mr. | McAteer's possession is slightly lar-| ger than a swallow's egg and was the first egg laid by a pullet. He al-| so has on exhibition a goose egg | which weighs 12 ounces. | | WANTED ply at The Sun office. FOR SALE A good Durham cow due to freshen in May. Apply to A. POSLIFF. Lot 29. Con. 15. Elma. Milverton P.O. pd. EGGS FOR HATCHING Anconas--the great winter laye1 --none better. Eggs 75e. per 15. ROBERT MORRISON. Milverton. FOR SALE General Purpose ,Mare rising four vears old. For further particulars apply to OTTO SCHMEHL. R.R. No. 2. Atwood. lipd FOR SALE Three-yeer-old general purpose colt. good size. sccond-hand piano. g new. second-hand Singer sewing mach ine. in good condition drop head. For further particulars apply to gr. W. GUENTHER. Milverton. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALF A good frame dwelling house. bricked inside. Store in front. five rooms upstairs. Good well. some fruit and an acre of land. Stable and hen house on property. For fur- ther particulars apply .to FRANK NORMAN. Millbank. YENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be received on or be- fore the 15th dav of May for work on school in S.S. No. 4, Mornington Shingling roof 45x28 ft. square pitch painting outside of walls. two coats. Work to be completed in vacation, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A. M, DAVIDSON. Secre- tary. Newton. a16-3i seaaene ones TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be received up to Monday May 4th at 8 o'clock p.m. for the building of two steel bridges with concrete abutments for the Township of Mornington. Plans and specifications may be seen at the of- fiees of the Reeve or Clerk after April 22nd. A marked cheque for fiftv dollars must accompany each tender, The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. ALEX. BEGGS. Reeve, a16-3i NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of Ros anna Boyne. late of the Township of Elma. in the County of Perth Widow. deceased. The creditors of the above named Rosanna Boyne. who died on or about the 3rd day, of November. 1913. are requested on or before the 25th dav of May 1914. fo send to' the under- signed Solicitor. for the Administrat- or of the said estate. full particular: of their claims against her Estate. after which date the assets of the said Estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto. having regard onlv to those claims of which notice has been received as above. This notico is given pursuant to Section 55 of "The Trustee Act." Dated this 24th day of April. 1914 F, H. THOMPSON. of Mitchell, Ontario . Solicitor -- for a23-5 Administratoz COMMERCIAL. Pall Wheat. cscs 8 OR 6 Barley per bushel............. 48 50 Oats | AAS NEW cic ndy 2700 Peas"! He RRs ciaes. see Flour, Jewel per cwt....... 2 75 85 ' Banner percwt....... 2 85 90 * 5 Jewel per ewt...... 3.05 3 05 Bran por ton......c.seseeeeeee 84 OO 25 00 Shorts per ton......1:s0 25 OO 25 00 Hay per tomierserseree ..14 00 14 00 Hogs liveweight... 865 8 65 Potatoes per bag....we TH 1 0% Onions, Large....sicciresees 2 TUPKeyS..cccccss seesecsen recess 22 Ducks, dressed.-..s....00. 10 14 Chickens. 2's) \.ccasete cere : 14 Hens VE cern es : 10 Di ig. hee concat beret ¥edsanebe res 15 TAWOW. ives cates ose seynesceresy 6 Butter ics .cece ceccenecutsessccee 23 EQgs vescecserserssecesarecsecees 18 - 18 by all who knew him. About 24 vears ago he married Miss Nellie Cowling who with one daughter. } Della. survives him, He also feaves four sisters and two brothers; Mrs Alex. Hammond. Wellesley: Mrs. W Strachan. Ethel: Mrs. Alex. Strach- an Penn Yan. N.Y.: Mrs. T. Thomp son. Binscarth. Man.: Mrs. 'Thomas Brimstin. Lonebutte. Alta: John Mil} bank. and James. Hamilton, Mr. Weir was a member of the session of Knox Church. Stratford and was ; : i , ; ' jactive in e¢hurch and christian circles. [wo boarders to share a room. é Py The funeral took place on Tuesday morning from his late residence tr the G.T.R. stetion. The services at jthe house were conducted by Rev. Robt. Martin. The casket bearers Dickson. Thos. Neilson. Andrew Mun- dell. Wm, Ireland and Wm. Camp- boll.' The out-of-town relatives pres Hamilton; On ar- Mr. James Weir. brother. Miss Tilly Weir sister. Galt. rival at Newton the funeral taken charge of by the 10.0.F. ar the cortege proceeded to Millbank where the remains were interred Knox church cemetery. The floral tributes were many and beautiful Among them were. three links by the 1.0.0.F... wreaths by Knox church session and chojr and Ladies' Aid and Sheriff and Mrs. Magwood. an anchor by Falstaff school staff. sheaf of lil- Mr. and Mrs. T. Hammond. Mr. and Smith. Mr. and Mrs. J> H. Johnston. ¥.P.S. Knox church. star by Della @@ elass. cross by Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Angus. EteR NS Straw hats have suddenly come vogue these days. who are making maple been kept busy Thos 1round here have ine owing to the esvecially goo of sap last week. The syrup is. however. nearly over for the Master Morgan Welsh. of spent a few days last week TM. Watson's. i teyenson. of Holstein. we ouest at J. Little's. "s, W, S. Stock. of Tilsonburg, vis ited at Mr. Robt, Dowd's recent ye Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnston and fam- of near Listowel, spent last Mor ety lv os . a) me lay visiting friends in this vic ; f i icinity The residents of this vicinity were = day night. To all appearances the moke and flames issued from a building and the telephones were not spared By the liberal use of these }?nstruments | the cause of the excitement was mere lv a burning pile of brush lit by Mr. |W. Taylor and which was burnin fiercely. CARTHAGE A number from this vicinity at- tended the spring last Friday. Mr. and last week for the West. School reopened op Mondav after the Easter holidays. Mr. W. Moore made a large ship- ment of live stock from Tralee sta- tion on Monday. Farmers in this vicinity are anx- iously waiting for seeding operations to begin. Mr. and Mrs. W. Long. of Milver- fom. spent Sunday at Mr, W. Walk er's. Assignee's Notice to Creditors In the matter of David Wray of the Village of Linwood. ty of Waterloo Implement Agent Livery Stable Keeper Insolvent. Notice is hereby given that the above named David. Wray has mad an me under The signments and Preferences Act and amending acts of afl this estate and effects for the general benefit of his creditors. A meeting of creditors will be held at fhe office of J. Cecil Hamilton Barrister. in the Town of Listowel, in the County of Perth. on Saturday May 2nd..1914. at the hour of 1.80 o'clock in the afternoon. for the pur- [nose of receiving a statement of af- ifairs. for the appointment of inspect- 'ors. fixing their remuneration ind for lthe ordering of the affairs of the es- tate generally. Creditors are requested to file their claims with me the Assignee with the proofs and particulars there- of required by the said Acts before the day of such meeting, ; And notice is further given that after the 2ist dav of May, 1914. T will proceed to distribute the assets of the Insolvent amongst the partie: entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which notice shall ihave then been given and that I will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed. to any person or persons of whose claim |T shail not then have had notice, J. A. KELLY, Assignee. Listowel. in the Co A By J. Cecil Hamilton. > ~ Listowel. Ont,, His Solicitor. 'Dated this April 21st, 1914, were Messrs. Sheriff Magwood. James | nt were; Mr. H. Weir. cousin, Galt: | 'es. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Clark sprays. | Mrs. W. 8. Carter. Mr. and Mrs, J. H. | surprised and startled to see a red}. glare in the southern sky. apparently | vhout the ninth line. early last Fri- | te it was ascertained that |" ¢ z show in Listowel! | Mrs. John Dietrich pft | "For God's Sake, Let Me Stay!" He pleaded with all the intensity his weakened body and soul could master. His voice trembled. Tears lurked in his strained, anxious eyes. "I have traveled for two days on the train," he said. "I have been turned out of my boarding house. I have been turned out of a hotel in my own town. admission. Nobody wants me. sake, doctor, let me stay." For God's This man had been a railway conductor. | He had money to pay for his needs; so he applied to the Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium for treatment of the disease which held his life in its grip--consumption. But those sufferers without money and without friends, | what of them? With their hopeless know- ledge that people shun them, they believe it futile to seek relief. If their lives are to be spared they must be sought out and sup- plied with nourishment, medicine, and treatment. Todo this costs money. Will you contribute a trifle to help in this effort | to save lives? Please act quickly. Winter has brought keen suffering. Contributions to the Muskoka Free Hos- pital for Consumptives will be gratefully | acknowledged by W. J. Gage, Chairman Executive Committee, 84 Spadina Avenue, or R. Dunbar, Secretary - Treasurer, 347 King Street West, Toronto, The horse still helds his own. TT z4uto. the flying machine and the mile- a-minute Pullman palace car bavea!! failed to give him the knock-out. The exhibition in Guelph at present dem onstrates that the raising and breed ing of good horses is today more than jever before an important industry, It |mav be because a horse has life and individuality that he is able to with- stand the newest inventions and still remain king of ring. Whatever the cauSe. a l-rroomed spirited horse will al ot far mor attention than =< Guelph Mercury An order in council under the adulteration jestablishing standards |} orescribing -conditions gov j}use of coloring matters in foods. lis provided that if only harmle joring matters are used. cheese ctioi rance" dr is permiss- . us? caramel as eclorire mat- "al without deelaration of such col- toring. In all other cases of arti jeoloring the presence the colorir } matter must be declared on the labe} lin easily legible type. | The. Kineardine-Walkerton itor w'ch has been in existence ; 'r half a centurv and which was i of the first mail routes es j}ed in the county will be closed on | July Ist. and the people alons the }route will thereafter be served by a }more modern institution--rural free ijmail delivery. The proposed with- iwal of the Kincardine-Walkerto from the scenery. recalls the a changes that re along the old Du this vehicle has t tablish- sixties than thi 1c. Durine the early (stage passed no. less the ott | having ecased of their ov been dried up by local o ltrend to the city hgs a ulation along the route. : \larger farms and smaller villages. which the stage man has of late iyears encountered on his trips levidence of the rural exodus that has i been going on. The vanishing of the i stage marks the exit of the last re- lTiet of the pioneer days.--Walkertonu s-Herald bears Kdgar and Morris Chal- mers. of Poole. returned ou Monday after spending a few days with their eousins here Mrs. James Smith and family vis ted a few. days Jast week at Mr. Jones'. Miss Mary Connolly of Guelph. is ing with her mother this week. - Coote and daughter. tha. are at present the guests of Mrs. Byron. We regret, to report the serious ill- ness of the infant daughter of Mr, Wm. Lambert who is at present un- der medical care. GUARANTEED RELIEF FROM ALL BOWEL ILLS If your bowels are out of order, instead of u some harsh salt or other physic, take a Rexall Orderlie tonight, and tomor- row you will feel great. They taste good and act so easily that there isn't a particle of griping or purging, nor the excessive looseness that follows the taking of salts and most pills. They soothe and strengthen the bowels, promptly relieving the consti- pation, making it unlikely to occur again. We don't believe there is any other bowel remedy anywhere near as good, and at the same time 60 easy pleasant to take as Rexall Orderlies. We know you will agree with us and believe you thank us for telling you about them. If they don't sat- isfy you in every way, come back and tell Masters Miss Ber- us and we will give back your money with-. outa word orquestion. Youhaveno reason ~ to hesitate when we give you the opportun- ity,.as we hereby do, to try them at our risk. In vest poeket tin boxes;"10c, 25c, 50c. You can buy Rexall Orderlies only at The Rexall Stores, and in this town only of us, PUBLIC DRUG STORE. f i ! feo The local hospital refused me | the bride ws | vice with tray and to the \oirl a pearl pin. The North Perth License Commis- ford.on Saturday afternoon. was also Inspector Kemp. The Board is as follows: W. S. Dingman. chair- man. Alex, Abraham. George Diehl. A number of accounts were read by the chairman and passed by the commission. os é : ~The matter of application for licen- 'ses was then taken up. Inspector R. :T. Kemp recommended that all the ihotels in the city be granted licenses and also the two liquor shops. those |} In regard to the Arlington hoetl there was some papering to be done. Mr. George 'Diehl moved and Mr. Alex. Abraham seconded, that the ten hotels in the city be re-granted their licenses. ; On the recommendation of the In- spector. the three hotels in Listowel and Mr. A. Ringler. shop dealer. were allowed licenses. In regard to Mornington. the Com- mission were forced to cut off two hotels. A petition was read signed by sixty-eight ratepayers of the vicinity of Hesson. praying that the hotel of that place conducted by Mr. Charles Tuohy be given a license. After some discussion. it was de- cided to @rant licenses to Mrs. Gies. of Newton.and Mrs, Mulcahy, of Mill- bank. It was felt that these were jarger places and therefore deserved the first consideration. The two hot- els cut off were; J.C. Tuohy. Hesson. and Albert Dahms. Poole. These men were given three months to sell out. Mr. Smalley- caretaker of the City flall. was granted $10 by the Commis- sion The following tavern licenses were vranted ; Wallace--Henry Otto. Gowanstown Milverton;--Chas. Ritter. Grand Central. Geo. F- Pauli, Queens, North Easthope--Ed. Dahms. Amul- ree. John McKenzie. Gadshill. Mornington--Rachael Muleahy Mill- bank. Catharine Gies. Newton. Ellice--Pat. Hishon. Sebringville. Mrs. Francis Hunter. Brunner. Wingefelder. Rostock. Sophia toff. Wartburg. Listowel--R. S. Paul, Grand Cen- | tral A. Rood. Arlington. Wm. Bris nell. Mannell House. Jos. 'Boehmer, | Queens. : Stratford--Queens. H. Meier. Man- sion House. J. H. Killer. Commercial. J. J. Haggarty- Royal. J. A. John- ston. Crown. R. McArdle. Windsor. J. T. Gillespie. American. T. F. Merli- han. Empire. Mrs. Margaret Wilson. City J. J. Heppler. Arlington. Jas: Moir. NCE MacKINNON--R# A pretty wedding was solemnized at Medicine Hat on Wednesday evening April 15th. when Miss Ressie Clara May. Rance. A.T.C.M.. daughter of Mr. C. G. Rance and Mrs. Rance. of | Toronto. was married to Mr. J. G. Mackinnon. 1909 graduate of the Schoot of Practical Science. Toronto. Jdest son of Rev. N. D. Mackinnon and Mrs. Mackinnon. of Caledonia. Ont. The wedding took place in: St. Jarnabas' Anglican Church. which -sioners met at the City Hall. Strat- |. The members were all present as| was decorated with palms and the | ceremony was conducted by Rev. Mr. Davis. The bride was married inher travelling suit of navv blue. with 2@{ dainty modish white and blue hat to | attended by Dr. | match, She was ; gold erepe | Annabel MacEwan. in cloth. with hat to match. while the | n was supported by Mr. Samuel hort. The wedding march was play-| ed by Mr. George W. Stewart. and the church was well filled by friends from Medicine Hat. Edmonton and the | east, Mx. and Mrs. Mackinnon | left | at 8.30 o'elock for Hdmonton. where they will spend a few days before | ing for Henningville. B.C.. via the | ellow Head Pass. } ee ROBINSON--HASTINGS A very pretty wedding was solemn- ized at the home of Mr. James Hast-| ings on Wednesday April 15th. when their eldest daughter. Ida May. was j married to Mr. Richard Robinson, of Grey township. Rev. J. Little per-} formed the eeremony. The bride | gowned in embroidered ninon over | Duchess satin with customary veil | and orange blossoms. entered the drawing room with her father to the strains of the bridal chorus from Loh- engrin played by Miss Mary Little. Little Miss. Elmer Mundel. of Mit- chcll. made a charming flower girl. During the. sigtiing of the register | Miss Myrtle Little sang "Because" | i rooms wére prettily decorated in pink and. white. The groom's gift to a beautiful silver ser- | flower The bride's roing- |} away suit was of midnight blue with white' hat, MEN YOU SHOULD KNOW Have you ever seen the Minister of tailways and Canals: the Minister} of Finance: the Minister of Customs or the Postmaster-General. How manv of the Ministers of the Ottawa Cabinet do you know? Don't you ,~ The Sun offers you an opportunity think it would be interesting to at \ioast know the faces of the men who are governing Canada? l under an arrangement recently clos- «ad with The Toronto News in which by subscribing to both papers for 12 months at a cost to you of $2.50. you will be sent tubed and postage pre- paid. a splendid photogravure of the Rorden Cabinet. 17% x 22%. ; Send in yvour subscription to this office and-we will see that ture is sent. you at once. ear ee ee et cong em ce COUNSEL The greatest trust between man sel. For in other confidence men com mft the parts of life their lands. their goods. their children, their cred- it some particular affair; but tosuch as they make their counsellors. they commit the whole: by how much the more they are obliged to all faith | and integrity. The wisest princes need not think it any diminution to their greatness or derogation to their sufficiency to rely upon counsel. -- Bacon. MARRIAGES. - | Dahms--Hyde--At the Lutheran Par- sonage. Wellesley. on Thursday. Ap- ril 9th. by the Rev. H. Battenberg Philip Charles Dahms to Miss Mary "Mav Hyde. all of Wellesley Tp. DEATHS. Candler--At (Milverton. on Sunday. April 19th. John Candler, aged 79 years and 4 months. ' Manser--At Brunner. on Monday. Ap- ril 20th. Henry Manser. in his 84th year Pid ' Ward--At Claremont. April 19th. Rob- the pie- | and man is the trust of giving coun- | ert W. Ward. in his 77th year (un-'|. : I cle of Mr. S. H. Pugh and Mrs. Geo. | Roe.) Here, in the Boy's Department, parents will find New Norfolk Suits, Knicker Suits -- Russian style and Buster Suits; Hats, Caps, Shirts, Neckwear. The materials are so varied and the styles so handsome that the only real way to. understand what we. have prepared is to bring the boy in and view the showing. + t For the Men who want New Apparel for Spring A large and stylish showing of New Spring Coats, Suits -- Hats, Shirts, Neckwear, Gloves, Etc., has been assembled.. Men, who want new apparel for spring will find in our men's store a showing of smart spring toggery that stands | second tonone. The suits are in the smartest styles of the season, styles that are neat, becoming.and conserva- tive, while possessing the snappy style and man of the world appearance that well-dressed men demand, and all - are perfect fitting. The Hats, Gloves, Shirts and Neckwear are of the best makes, and a complete: nange of sizes styles: and: shades are represented. Make comparison of our values. No obligations to buy. ' = Waist Specia 20 dozen Fancy White Waists, SPCCiAl neseereda a9 each 'Correct' Corsets To make the spring at tire complete, it abso- lutely is necessary for you to have a perfect- fitting cerset. Visit our corset depertment where you will find all the leading and up to-date models at rea- sonable prices. Girls' Dresses and Spring Coats Call and select your Girls' Dresses or Spring Coat from our immense stock, Ladies' and Misses' Raincoats At $3,99----A very serviceable coat of double texture English Paramatta waterproof, fawn shade At $7.00--Tan, navy and black waterproof coats At $10.00--An English Raincoat of unusual quality best make, perfect in every way. x Ladies' Separate Coats Our range includes every new style and shade. Many exclusive inodel coats have been put in stock. Prices range $7.50, $10, $12.50, $15 and up. English Serge Suits $12.50 A practical stylish suit of English serge, in black or | blue. The short jacket has notch collar and re- veres, lined with sateen and finished with but- tons. Skirt ts also finished with buttons. Price $142.50, Other prices $15, $18 and $10, Spring Hosiery Ladies" Black Hose with silk ankle ......... .. 250 pair Black Lisle Hose, all sizes sich edies Wee ee ee Ladies" Penman's Pure Cashmere Hose ..,...50¢ pair 2 pair for every pair that don't give satisfaction Ladies" Out Size Black Cotton Hose........:...25¢ pair Children's Fine Ribbed Black Cotton Hose -- extra value, stainless dye, 6 1-2 to 10 .......... 1S¢ pair. Boy Scout Hose--An extra strong school stocking, double knee fine ribbed, extra heavy......25¢ pair LadiesSummer Vests 2 for 25c New wide frillings 20 pieces to select from in white and. cream net and lace and Dolly Varden Chiffon Frilling at 15 to 75e per yard Gloves Ladies' elbow len- gth '*Chamoisette"' gloves in cream or Rabatect ...50c per pair. Short Chamoisette rive 250 PST Pals" AND WHY YOU SHOULD BUY HERE Because "Harmony" is the Essential Quality in the Furnishing of a Home Our present display of Wall Paper is the largest in this vicinity. You will find it most comprehensive and at- tractive. All the beautiful designs and color effects are here in pleasing variety. Nowhere will you find $0 : much beauty and distinctiveness at so little cost. Wall papers are one of the foundations of the home beautiful -- begin right by choosing them from the England stock. oh ENGELAND & SO "The Store With the Stock' " MILVERTON,