Monkton Times, 14 May 1914, p. 4

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Royal Hotel. received a cheque from the Berlin Brewing Co. for the amount /of his fine. ;amounted to $50.00.--Ripley Expre:s His expenses in the trial Wilson was fined in Walkerton by Magistrate Tolton for selling -- local option beer stronger in intoxicating power than is allowed by the law. _ Sut. ae We ee a A for young men who ~ want snappy styles (live wires) that - ghow style and go in both fabric and tailoring. The young man who knows ean find his spring suit here no matter how. particular he may, be. 'Classy sicice and patterns _in new suitings--every detail of smart suit making worked oar :: The clothes made by .M. FLEISCHHAUER : are both hi and "fashion." EELINGEON SMITH. Moles, Blemishes, Warts, Etc., perman pal ently removed by the Electric Needle... - MRS. W. COWAN > Will be at the Grand Central Hotel on May 19th ------ -- feieeibons . "FOR SALE A new top buggy (Wingham) only 'ned once. Terms easy. Apply to baa ag : ae ae Potatoes for sale. two varieties, for table or for planting. Apply to J. W. STECKLY, Lot 35. Con. 15. Elma. Milverton P.O. a30-2p FOR SALE ------ A good ash, sideboard with mirror | and nicely finished ash table 6 ft. by 30 inches with two drawers. En- quire at Sun office. FOR SALE . - Three-year-old general purpose colt, good size. second-hand piano. good as new. second-hand Singer sewing mach ine. in good condition drop head. Brand new top buggy. red gear, high axle $73.00. For particulars apply to F. W. GUENTHER, Milverton. TENDERS WANTED. -Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to Friday. June 5. for painting outside and inside. oiling floor, etce.. of school house No. 9, Elma WM. RANNEY, See. Milverton, .p. o. Milverton. May 18. °14 14-4-p About those new Diamonds of ours Have you seen them yet ? Well, Sir, you musn't miss them. _ To us they look better than any we _ have ever asked you to look at. ee All personally selected stones, And we took our time and didn't make any mistake about it. And don't YOU make any mistake _ about it these diamonds are abso- lutely perfect in every particular. Newest settings in Ladies' Brooches rs Rings, I Lockets ; Gentlemen's Rings Studs, Necktie Siac ete. A pleasure to us as well as you, to heve you see them. _ P. H. BASTENDORFF Jeweler and Optician . Eyes Tested Free Milverton, Ont. CENTRAL "STRATFORD, ONT. _ Become a specialist in Business: It offers more opportunities than # any other calling, To reap the full measure of success you must bave the best possible training, This is Ont- ario's Best Business School. We give individual attention. You may enter our classes at any time. Three Depart- | ments -- COMMERCIAL, SHORT- ~ HAND and TPRLEGRAPHY. Wriie at once for our free catalogue. k D. A. McLACHLAN, ~ ~ Principal j RAILWAY SYSTEM _ HOMESEEKERS os EXCURSIONS . 'Round. trio tickets to points in "Mani+ _toba. Alberta and Saskatchewan via - Chicago. St. Paul or Duluth. on Sale gach "TUESDAY until 'October 27th 3 ive: at low fares, = > whioegiee Tourist Pullman. eee to WINNIPEG on above dates. leaving -Yoronto 11 p.m. No change of cars. Return limit two months. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is | 'the shortest and quickest route be- tween Winnipeg Saskatoon and 'Rd- -monton. with excellent through ser- vice to Regina. Trains now running _ into Calgary. : : Berth reservations and particulars at all Grand Trunk ticket office: or write _€. E. Horning. D.P\A.. Toronto. Ont. 3. ©, CUNNINGHAM Phone 1, Agent GREAT LAKES | NAV IGATION. Seeammers will leave Port MeNichol Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, -- ~ Thursdaysand Saturdays at 4 p.m. commencing May9, for & Sault Ste. gisele Port Arthur and ' ort William, The Senne Manitoba. ean, from | Port McNichol, Wednesdays will call at Owen Sound, leaving at notat 10.30 p m. same day, - STEAMSHIP EXPRESS will leave Toronto 12.45 p.m,on 'sail- wooing: poacg dn tet J direct connect- ~ ion wit Steamers at 3 Port *MeNichol, To Western Canada in Comfort via z Canadian Pacific. ~- arding Rail and Ocean B. ire, fon or write See ROPOUtO Ss as: Saik ha tsfrom ¢c. Murphy, D. S, Local Agent || DE 2 Department 'of Public Works. Court of Revision Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll for the Township of Moraing- ton. for the vear 1914 will be held at Newton. on Saturday May 28rd. at 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon, All appeals against the said As- sessment Roll must be in the hands of the 'Clerk of the Municipality be- fore the 18th day of May. 1914. WM. WADDELL. Clerk. Court of Revision a oid 'Notice is hereby giveti that the Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll for the Village of Milverton. for the year 1914. will be held at.> the Council Chamber. Milverton. on MBdn- day~1st day of June. A.D., 1914. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon "All appeals against this said As- sessment Roll must be inf the hands of the Clerk of the Municipality be- fore the 15th day of May. 1914. W. D. WEIR, CLERK NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of Ros anna Boyne. late of the Township of Elma. in the County of Perth - Widow, deceased. The creditors-of the ghore. named Rosanna Boyne. who died on or about the November.:1913. are requested on or before the 25th dav of May 1914. to send to ° the under- signed Solicitor. for the Administrat- or of the said estate. full particulars of their claims against her Estate. after which date the assets of -- the said Estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to. those claims of which notice has been received as above. 'This notice is given pursuant to Section 55 of "The Trustee Act." ' Dated this 24th day of April. 1914 ¥F. H. THOMPSON. -~of, Mitchell. Ontario Solicitor -- for a23-5 Administratoz "SEALED TENDERS sieiccud a 'the undersigned and endorsed Sten der for Drill Hall, Listowel. Ont.° will be received at this office until 4.00 P.M.-on Monday. June 1st. 1914. for the construction of the aforesaid building. Plans. specifications and form of contract can be seen and forms of ten der obtained at the office !of Mr. Thos. A. Hastings. Clerk of Works. Postal Station "F" Yonge Street. Toronto. on application to the care- taker of Post Office. Listowel. Ont. and at this Department. Persons tendering are notified that tenders will not be considered unless made on the printed forms supplied. }and signed with their actual -signa- tures. stating their occupations and places of 'residence. In the case. -of firms. the actual signature. the nat- ure of the occupation. and place -- of residence of each member of the firm must be given. Hach tender must he accompanied by an. 'accepted cheque on a charter- Honourable the Minister of Public Works. equal to ten per cent. (10 p.c.) of the amount of the tender. which will be forfeited if the person tender- ing decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so. or fail to complete the work contracted for. 'Tf the tender be not accented as Hi cheque will be returned. |Z The Department does not bind it- 'self to i the. snes or any tender. _ See ts " DESROCHERS. Secretary. = Ottawa. May 6 1914. . ewenapers will be pai this advertisement ' Thos. H. Wilson. proprietor of the a Bae.) Soh |to Baden on Saturday and Sunday. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR: of Miss Edith Martin on Sunday af- Jon June 3rd at ed bank. payable to the order of the | HAWKESVILLE. Mr. Bert, Ludwig spent Sunday at St. Jacobs." ~ Mr. and Mrs. 'Julius Siedelbauer: 'of Berlin. visited his mother Be say" Tuesday. --- 5 : Joseph | Hacniiay was a visitor t Mrs. John Schlitt and little. daugh- | ter Loretta. of St. Jacobs. visited her parents here for a few days. Misses Edith Martin Friedman and Mr, Albert sais spent Saturday at Elmira. -- Mr. and Mrs. August. Lang 'Mr. and Mrs. Motz and little son of Ber- lin. were guests = the Union on Sun- | day. is "Mrs. Fred. Dalla and Mrs. David Donald spent. Friday at Linwood. Among those that spent Sunday at). Mr. F. C. Lackner's rer a Oscae Schweitzer and Miss Loui Wabl. of Petersburg: Mrs. C. ati. _ Miss Frieda Wahl and Mr. Walter Wahl. of St. Agatha. and Mrs. J.. Herrle and daughter. Miss Sylvia. of Heider- berg. ace : Division Court was held here \Wednesdav- Judge Reid being charge. Mr. Louis Baechler spent. Thursday at Elmira. Mr. Lloyd Elsley, of Galt, renewed old acquaintances here last Week. Mrs. ©. H. Bulmer spent a couple of days at Glenallan. Misses Clara Friedman. Vera Hein- buch and Miss McLee and 'Messrs. Norman Ament. E. Stumpf and 4H. Fitzgerald were visitors at the home on in ternoon. The Methodist Ladies' Aid will meet the home of Mrs. Thomas Hilliar at the Sand Hill. Mr. M. Forwell. of Waterloo. spent Sunday at his home here. Messrs. Fred. Lee and' Walter Roit of Floradale. spent Sunday im our burg. Messrs. Alf. Hewitt Feather spent Sunday at the mer's home near Linwood. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dorsch and Mr. Harry Huber of Waterloo, spent Saturday at Mr. Louis Huber's. Messrs. Washington and Arthur Bricker spent Sunday at. Linwood. "Miss Mildred Spies, of Berlin vis- ited at her home over Sunday. Mr. Alvin Ottman and Miss Flor- ence Sugden spent Sunday at Water- loo. Mr. Harry Miller. of Hesson, spent Monday in the village. "Miss Addie Snider spent a couple of days in the Twin City. Mr. and Mrs. Miller and children. of Berlin. spent Saturday here. Messrs. Edwin Haid and Joseph Dentinger spent' Monday at Water- loo. and George for- nee en ene carers mene mee POOLE Messrs. Andrew Fleming and Wm. Richardson spent Sunday with friends near Milverton. Messrs. Stewart and Howard May- berry spent Friday at Stratford. Messrs. Andrew and Edward Gropp accompanied by their mother and niece. Miss Pearl Mohr visited with Elmira friends on Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Berkner and children. of Milyerton.- spent a few days with her sister. Mrs, Wm. Opper. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Yost, of Ham- burg spent Sunday with Mr, and} Mrs. Solomon Bonn. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Dewar. of Kingwood. Mr. and Mrs. A. Robert- son. of Nithburg. spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Flem- ing. : . Mrs. John Moenck. of Hamburg is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Fetter. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Sechmehl. of Donegal. spent Sunday last with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs, P. Schmehl. Miss Flossie Connell. of Stratford. visited over Sunday with her cousin. Miss Amy Sharer. Mr. George Richardson arrived here on Monday to. assist his brother. Mr. Wm. Richardson in blacksmithing. Mr. and' Mrs. Albert Dahms spent Sunday with Nebraska friends. Miss G. M. Stinson spent the week- end with Stratford friends. ene cm erm ne ee ot SP St em BURNS. Miss Calder and Miss Della berry of Listowel. spent a few last week at the home of Mrs. Dowd. Mrs. J. Little is attending the an- nual meeting of the W.F.M.S. being held in Toronto this week. We are glad to report that Master Eddie Loney who has been = with measles is recovering. May- days | Robt. | and mat _ 'ily of Listowél. spent Sunday Mr, and Mrs. J. Dowd. of the town- line east. spent Sunday on the. line} recently. : Mr. Omer has hauling milk "to the Britton cheese factory lately. The Carthage route} is held by Mr. John Reid. of Fern: | == | | Hastings begun | bank, : A number from here attended the | funeral of the late Hugh Jack Mondav last. --~ The fine weather and good are bringing the automobiles again. on roads | out | 5 8 ne ee ee ee SRUNNER. 5 i oN Pe eee eta tah acy @ Mr. Fred. and Miss Edith Sass. of Rostock spent Sunday with their sis- ter. Mrs. J. Reis. Mr. and Mrs. Mohr. of Rostocg. visited for a day with their daugh- ter. Mrs. G. Denstedt. Miss Viola Doerr. of Milverton. spent Sunday with her mother. Mrs. C. Doerr. Miss Lucy Mayberry returned home after spending a couple of months at. Gravenhurst. Mr. and, Mrs. J. Clark attended the funeral of the latter's brother. Mr. David Speck. of Harrington. on Tues- day. Friends in this vicinity will regret to hear of the death of Mr. Andrew | Walker. of Collingwood. \ 0O9S560000000595099000800 ~ ALWAYS TIRED May Find Help in This : Letter. Fo Swan Grable. Mich, a«] cannot iceat too highly. of. your medicine. When through neglect or guid, always tired feeling, I geta bot- > \ builds me up, gives me strength, and re- stores me to perfect health again. It is truly a great bless- ing to women, and I cannot speak too highly of it. I take pleasure in recom- mending it to others."--Mrs. ANNIE Cameron, R.F.D., No. 1, Swan Creek, Michigan. Another Sufferer Relieved. Hebron, Me.--"Before taking your remedies I was all run down, discour- aged and had female weakness. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound and used the Sanative Wash, and find today that I am an entirely new woman, ready and willing to do my housework now, where before taking your medicine it was a dread. I try to impress upon the minds of all ailing women I meet the benefits they can derive from your medicines," -- Mrs. CHARLES Rowe, R. F. = No. 1, Hebron, Maine. If you want special advice write to Lydia E, Pinkham Med- icine Co., (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter wil be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. LINWOOD, Miss Nellie Wray returned to her home in Tara on Tuesday. Mrs. Merkely and Mrs. Schaefer. of Waterloo. spent Sunday with Mrs. Cook. Mr, Elgin Freeman. of Elmira. spent Sunday in our burg. Mr. Jacob Bisch. of Waterloo, spent Sunday at his home here. Messrs. Gohl Eydt and Koebel. spent Sunday in Berlin. Miss Ruby Goetz spent Sunday at Dorking. Miss Jean Bigam and Miss M. Helm of Millbank .spent Saturday with Mrs. Thos. Calder. Mr. Milton Goetz. of Toronto. is spending his vacation at his home here. Mr. Henry Wilker, of Tavistock. spent Sunday with his brother here. Mr. Geo. Fairfield and Mr. Flem- ing of Listowel. were business visit- ora in our burg on Monday. Mr, Antony Koebel.,6f our village. disposed of five young foxes to a Tor- onto lady last «aay. Mrs. Ed. Dierlamm and children. of fuistowel. spent Tuesday with her mother. Mrs. Bundy. Mr. and Mrs.'Geo. Bell. of Car- thage. spent' Tuesday with Mr, Thos. Calder, De Wilton. the hackney stallion owned bv Jas. Semple. of Mifverton. will be at Friedman's hotelon Thurs- day night. HESSON 'Messrs. Alex. Schnurr and Leo Helm. of Waterloo. spent; Sunday in our vicinity. Mrs. J. Pfeffer. of Milverton, spent Sunday here. Messrs. Lobsinger and sister Miss Annie. of St. Clements. spent Sun- dav in and around our neighborhood. Mr. Francis Donley and friend .of Milverton renewed acquaintances in Hesson on Sunday. Mr. H. Arnold. of _ St. Clements. motored here one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. Heinbecker ~ and Mr: and Mrs. W. Schmidt.:and fam- with Mr. and Mrs. E, ©. Knoblauch. . Mr. Harry Miller who has been en- gaged in the blacksmithing business in Hesson for the past year departed on Monday and intends locating in the West. We regret his departure but trust that the shop will not be lelosed long as there is a good steady of 'trade here. with a large number : e | steady customers. The shop can' bought at a bargain. Wedding bells are ringing. serreecooorooooosooooeore NEWTON WOOLLEN MILLS CASH or TRADE Pure Wool Yarns, Tweeds, Blank- ets; Flannels, Sheeting, Wool Batts, Etc. You will save money by buying PURE WOOLLEN GOODS HENRY CG. WACNER 3 Lg 2 : ® Cd e e C4 e e ¢ e @ 6 @ : 2 @ ¢ e @ @ e 3 @ @ e@ ¢ bd Just Arrived !| A large stock of Building Material consisting of Gamient. Lump and Hydrated Lime, and Shingles We sell the best quality XXX B.C. Red Cedar Shingles at $2.70 a square 'See our Well Assorted Stock of Furniture ee! which we sell at Closest Prices. all kinds of grain bought and sold. A stock of Mill Feed always on hand, ; _ SCRANTON GOAL a speciality. R < FISH, > Linwood | Woe {church was a decided success. 'LISIOWEL : Mr. Frank Weak, ee ne) had a studio in Virden. Man.. since he Jeft the employ of: Mr, C. A. Lee. our Yo- cal photographer. married one of: Oak Lakes' popular young ladies. Mr. Melvin Robb. of Atwood.- who has been attending college in Toronto left for the Canadian Soo on Wednes- : dav where he has secured a position as book-keeper and will also assist on one of the international football teams Mr. Randolph Erskine. of Atwood. passed through here on. Friday morn- img last on his way to Moosejaw. Sack | where he intends going into the teach ing profession, -Rev. Little. of North. Mornington, was a visitor in town on Friday. Mr. G. Weber, of Monkton. motor- ed to Listowel on Friday, 'Mrs. W. Zimmermann Milverton. was the guest of Mrs, Stricker for a few days last week, -- Messrs. Lester Hacking and! Dry E A, Roos spent the week-end at 'Port Elgin. Mr. J. Gordon Burt who went to Edmonton some time ago returned to town on Friday. He reports business very quiet in the West. Misses Hattie Hammond of Atwood. and Irene Coulter. of Newry. spent Saturday evening in town, Messrs. H. C. Saunders and oe Harron were visitors in) Stratford on Monday. Mrs. Foerch. of Lansing, Mich,. re- newed. acquaintances in town over the week-end. Mrs. Morphy returned to Ottawa last week and accompanied Mr. Mor- vhv to Stratford on Friday where they were guests at the Duke © of Connaught's reception. Dr. Dingman suffered a severe AS tack of diabetic coma while on one of his trips to the country last Sat- urday. Small hopes 'were held out for his recovery at first but he has improved somewhat since then. While doing some "tall" speeding Saturday .evening on Main street D. Fraser's horse. of Molesworth. struck 'Mr. Geo. Wahl who had stepped off the sidewalk and the latter sustained some very painful injuries. Miss Mae Daly who has spent some time in Guelph and Berlin returned to her home near Trowbridge this week, ' The Breithaupt Tannery Co,. ~ of Berlin. have been removing the yats out of their old tannery in town and dumped the refuse imi the river with the result that it has killed all fhe fish in the river south of the town. We understand a complaint has been issued against the Tannery people Listowel plays the first game | of football next Tuesday night in either Poole or Milverton. Monday May 25th. promises to be a big day in Listowel. Under the capable management of a strong eom- mittee a full day's programme has been arranged. Monkton interme<- iate football team and Harriston base ball team will clash with local teams as part_of the program. See the Trades Procession at 10 a.m.--a mon- ster parade. A word to the wise is sufficient.--Spend the day in Listo- wel and you'll not regret it. Single fare on all railroads mil) GANK, Alex. Reid. of Berlin. visited Jas. Mr. his grandparents Mr, and Mrs, Reid last week. : Mrs. Geo. Wray spent a-couple of days with friends in Stratford last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fridav to visit and Stratford. 'Mrs, F, Pearce and Louise and Olive are visiting friends in Woodstock. as © Mr. R. B. Hamilton was a visitor with Linwood Epworth League last week. Misses Lizzie Bigam and Helm were visitors at Linwood Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Cockerton and child- ren and Mr. M. and Miss J. Ruby of Hamburg spent the week-end at Mr. Norman Ruby's. Quite a number~from--here. attend- ed Miss Charlotte Tanner's birthday party on Saturday. All report hay- ing a good time. Rev. W: Moffat. Mr. R. B. Hamil- ton and Miss A. Morrison attended the Perth Sunday: School Convention at Listowel on Friday. Miss Jennie Reid and Miss. Alice spent a 'few days with friends at Berlin and Elmira during the past week. ; Communion of Lord's Supper will be observed in Knox church Sunday May 17th at %1 o'clock.: Rey. .Nich- ol. of Listowel. will preach prepara- tory service on Friday at 11 a.m. At the annual meeting of the miss- ionary society in the Methodist church last week the following officers were elected: President. Mrs. Geo... Love: Vice-President. Mrs. Robt. Magwood, Secretary. Miss ~Thurza Fewings Treas, Miss Flossie Coulter, Mr. Donald Jack left. Tuesday a business trip to the West. At the A.Y.P.A. meeting May 4th at Millbank Rev. F. K. Hughes-read an instructive paper on "The Cathe- dral." Next Monday evening: May 48th. Mrs. Hughes is in charge of the topis "Church Symbolism." Ev- erybody welcome. BOw KING. Mer. ..A; 1D: faylor. of Stratford. spent a few days here this week, Mr. Dyke. of Stratford. has pur- ehased the store here. He will handle an up-to-date stock of groceries and David MeCloy left friends in. Listowel daughters, with Marion on on eas ~! merchandise. A number of sheep have been wor- ried by dogs in this vicinity: Owners ft dogs should be made to pay for the property .destroyed. Miss Irene Connolly of Miacton, vis- ited with her sister. Mrs. MeMinanim this week. Miss Johanna Schiebel spent a day last -week with her sister. Mrs.- Geo. Logal. Mr. and Mrs. Hurst..of Stratford, have moved to our village. Mr. and Mrs. Boppre intend mov- ing this week to their 200-acre farm at Gadshill. Mr. and Mrs. John Weir and fam- ily of Millbank. spent the week- end at Mr. Thos, Tanner's. Miss Ruby Goetz. of Linwood. spent Sunday at the home of ir. a we MACTON. A large number from here attend- ed the Jubilee services held in the Methodist church. Glenallan on Sun- dav evening when Rev. Walter 'E. Traleaven. a former pastor of the church preached to large and appre- ciative congregations. The tea meeting held on Frid .y e-- ening in connection with the Jubilee services of the Glenallan Methodist R. J. Traleaven. of Toronto. ies a Sete avery entitled "Say So! which prove ver, inter structive. : oe cee = Next 'Sunday General (7 [4. LADIES' SPRING SUI range of 'suits. It | will be a pleasure to show YOU these splendid gar- ments. They are as near perfection as human skill -- can produce. Our prices are moderate, from $12.50 to $18 S E3 * Misses' and Children's Dresses Smart little dresses for the misses and the little tots, in Chambray, Repp, Gingham, and Percales. Prices range from........, 50¢ up to $2.1 [) "Stylish Wash ! Dresses Ladies' Wash Dresses made _ of Chambray, Print, Per--- cales and Ginghams. All nicely made and trimmed. | Prices $1 up to $3... Ready-to-wear Clothe... We have a good range in Tweeds at $8. oo, Worsteds at $15, Navy Blue Serges at from $10.00 to $12. 00. On Friday and Saturday we will give a $1.00 W. G. & R. Shirt with every suit. ae Free BOY'S SUITS We have a large as- sortment -- 348 suits in-stock, We can give you suits at all prices from $2.50 to $10. On Friday and Satur- day we will give one Boy's Negilee Shirt with each Boy's Suit purchased here. Specials for Friday and Saturday 12 Ladies' Waists (soiled), regular up to $2, for......... seisetern rf 36 Ladies' Vests going at 3 for os 24 Ladies' Kitchen Aprons going at each 36 Ladies' Kitchen Overalls, going at each .. Misses' Gingham Waists, regular 85c, fer 108 Bath Towels, regular 13c each, 2 for 280 yards Ginghams, regular 12 1-2 to t5c yd. special 10 yds. for 2 Hair Netts for 2 pair Ladies' Black Cotton Hose for... EGGS . 22¢ 10 pkgs. Rennies' or Simmers' Seeds for 3 pkgs. Household Ammonia for 2 lbs. Icing Sugar for 3 tins Comfort Lye 2 tins Sterling Salmon for... STORE OPEN WEDNESDAY EVENING UNTIL 8 O°CLOCK WM. K. LOTH "The Arcade"? S odist Church of Canada. will occupy the pulpit in the Methodist Church | Glenallan. Dr. Carman is one one of the most forceful speakers in Canada | and everybodv should avail themscl- ves of the opportunity of hearing him | Miss Jean Allingham of Linwood. | -- Sunday at her home here. eeding operations are about com-} Sor i z vieted for another year. thuake ta oe ee ee the favorable condition of the wea-| EDWIN G.MATTHEWS, Princ ther. | * pe LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE Any time and grow with us. Parlor, Den, Diningroom, Bed. - room and Hall Furniture Rugs and Linoleum 'We sell the ; f Gerhard Heintzman| "Prestolene" Piano Gloss Pianos. Makes Furniture Look New The "Home Trade" Player Piano at $527.50. SSS The "Home Trade" Piano at $185.00, See the Cadillac Vacuum Sweeper

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