OF CANADA cme Eni EREEEEEASASS SS ARETE Rais a Ee ~ ots 'SAVE, Sake No. 113 The ladder to success rests. ona bank account, -- HEAD OFFICE : Corner King and Bay Streets. Toronto oy GENERAL MANAGER: A. H. WALKER : "MONKTON BRANCH: F. w. ARMSTRONG, Manager etropolitan Bank | Head Office : TORONTO CAPITAL PAID /UP $1,000,C00,00 RESERVE FUND UNDIVIDED PROFITTS...... $182,547.61 $1,250,000,00 Farmers' Business Receives Special Attention "$1.00 will open a Savings Account, Blank Sale Notes supplied Free of Charge,and Collections made at reasonable rates. Milverton and Millbank Branches: D. C. Brown, Manager Millbank Branch open every Monday, Wednesdayland Friday gay «~Branches also at STRATFORD, LINWOOD, ELMIRA and GUELPH > | phone system and are i | midt accompanied by Ne} i hune. ~The case ia MOHR'S GROCERY PINE APPLES 13c or 2 for 25c, 5c and 20c EACH HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Bank of Hamilton Capital Authorized ae NN $5,000,000 Capital Paid-up.. «» 3,000,000 Surplus 3,750.000 he Men Behind echt strength as much A Banking institution from the men who direc the actu al capital invest ts affairs as from d. Money deposited in the Bank of Hamilton is guarded by men well known for business in- tegrity and acumen--men who value security more than high profits. To this policy is due asurplus which is one quarter larger than its Capital--the result of over 40 years con- servative management. MILVERTON BRANCH: P, J. FASKEN, Agent Main Street, 38 MILVERTON | Mrs. e ie Li a ne es st il tf i iL einem | fi 4 hee Avivo Ganlakit Celebrated Oana Portland Cement 25.0. ems, St. gaat Lime ; ae | ed to the fact that frank'ng privleges | by ' James Bhebbebteetebterneniee bes eo LOGAL NEWS + 'Hebdebiebhbdnditoteitt dbbedetebeh ia There are at tenant two cases of /measles in the village, King George celebrates his 49th birthday to-day (June 38rd.) ' Miss Rittinger of Neustadt, / present visiting her Mrs. John'\Pfaf. y Mrs. Adhm Fike. of Hanover. ; Spending a.few days with Mr. Mrs. Peter' Schwartzentruber. 'The Ladies' Aid of the Milverton Methodist church will hold a garden party on the evening of June 18th, The Generai Assembly of the Pres- byterian Chur of Canada opens on Wednesday nig®t at Knox church. | Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. A: P. Hampel. of Ayr..Jeft to-day (Wednesday) for a trip to the Pacific coast and will be ay for six weeks, 4 Bila Tye-and-J. We Bare. V.S. Sy saakine extensions §o their tele+ acing quite a at pranehatee: is and number of new pkones, Mr. Jas. W. and M@s Mary Sch- Tiss Frieda Schmidt. of Brummer! spent Sunday with friends in Wartburg. Virocns: Robertson, of Stratford. the liberal candidate for North Perth vas in the village on Tuesday meet- jing a number of the electors; Cards of Thanks and In Menibriam | notices not exceeding two verses 50 cents per insertion. In Memoriam notices of three Stanzas or more BI per each insertion in Sun.. At the convention to be held here the North Perth Liberal-Conser- jvative Association on' Wednesday Mr. Torrance. ex-M.P.P.. will un- doubtedly again be the candidate for the Legislature. Dr. Kidd. of Atwood, had supamoned before Magéstrate Ter- of Listowel. for nufsing a case measles: and leaving without a health officer's certificate. was withdrawn. the nurse aying the costs. The services inthe Methodist church Sunday next have been withdrawn ow to the pastor being at confer- ah Sarnia for which piace Rey. is Mr. D. J. Nicklin. bank, is lay delegate. With regard to the recent tragedy in the St. Lawrence we should not be too ready to condemn the Storstadt crew as being indifferent to the fate of the Empress of Ireland's passeng- ers until we hear the other side of the story. There will be a full in- vestigation. The friends of Mrs, Wilson Ranney will regret to hear that she is at present seriously ill. A consultation was held on Monday. evening by "Drs. Pp. L. Tye. of Milverton. and J. A. Robertson. of Stratford. A _ trained nurse is now in charge and it is to be hoped that she will again make progress towards recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Cochrane. Bast street. St. Thomas, announce the lengagement of their daughter. Mar- gwaret Lowry to Mr. James Arthur McDonald. of Toronto. son of Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. of Tavis- 'tock. Ont.; and formerly of the Sover- eign Bank staff, Milverton. The mar-| riage is to take. place in June. a nurse of | medical of Mill- | _J, J, Elliott, Atwood VS, Boake: Exhibition Park. Friday evening. - From now on no doubt the tippy canoe will be claiming its usual quota of victims, . Atwood leaders in this district will meet Poole football team at Mlyert a on Friday evening, Mr. George Elliott. of Winnipeg ar- rived home Tuesday for a month's va- cation with his parents. Mr, and Mrs. About nine people out-of every ten. mispronounee the name "Connaught" The accent is on the first syllable (kon-at) and not on the latter, The big parade to-morrow commen- ces at the intersection of George and ran into a bunch of horses and killed who was several guilty of performing an illegal oper- | 'ation on | burglary. land absent-minded air as though | Kee, ee will leave on Thursday | ~~ ; Door Main streets. (Mr, H. Miller's corner) All automobile owners and drivers are myvited 'to join in the procession, As the Kincardine train: was near- ing Wingham: on 'Monday: morning it three of them. The engine as a_ re- sult was ditehed and both driver and fireman was injured. Mr. Roy 'Riddell. V.S.. of Norwich. weeks ago found is wife. was on Friday last sentenced to five years hard labor at Kingston penitentiary by . Deputy Judge J. G. Wallace. of Woodstock. Summer has come. The hardy few who have donned straw hats are no longer sneaking along the streets as} though they had just committed a Pretty soon the man with- a straw will assume a_ furtive he out had forgotten something. The Independent Tire 'Company Guelph has been taken over by a new board of directors. including Pres'dent Reiner, of Wellesley, Frank Campbell of Mitchell and Mr. Dunn of Strathroy They opened up gn Monday again with fifty hands and of __Lost--Gold chain" bracelet between Evangelical church and {Engeland's corner. Finder kindly leave at The Sun office. On Thursday evening Atwood doe- feated Monkton football team by a score of 1-0. Mr. Norman McGuire. of Milverton. refereed the game, Mr. Joseph Kertcher. has \recently |: renovated his butcher shop and slaughter house and is again onthe road supplying meat to his customyers, A 'western paper says: "The ap- pointment of Young Prince Alexan- der of Teck would almost seem as if Downing street wanted to balance accounts with Canada for having, | About 1.30 a.m. Listowel was again startled by fire' bell this time the cement works of Mr. J, C. Hay was discoy- ered to be on fire. The fire was of incendiary origin and great alarm is | felt in the town as this makes the | third fire in about two weeks beliey- | ed to be the work of a firebug. A plagwe of June bugs is over all] the land. and unless a general cam- | raign is made against these nuisan- ces gardens and flower beds are | certain to suffer. An easily made | trap is to put a lighted lantern by a partially filled pail of water. into | which the insects drop by the thous- | ands, This: means that many of the females are destroyed. thus prevent- ing the iaying of millions of eggs. | That disease thrives in Ontario | schools to a deplorable extent was | the declaration at Toronto of Dr. S. Millen. of Essex. when speaking before the Ontario Health Officer's | Association. He said 30 per cent. of | the deaths among students were from tuberculosis while only 7 per cent. of the deaths among other people were from this cause. He had yvisit- ed one school which was scrubbed BP, expect to double the number shortly. | The officers of the Anglican A. Y. P. A. of Perth Deamery were elected at the session of the Deanery on Friday morning, They are as follows President. Mr. B. Lancaster. St Marys: Secretary Mr. -B:. Bamford. Listowel; Executive Committee. Mr. Dodds. St. Pauls; Mr. F. Dayis. Mit- chell; Miss 8. Standeven. St. Marys: Miss Pearson. Sebringville: Miss Me- Millbank. It is time to shaking all the the farm butter vaying the. same put an end to this farm eggs and all up in two bags and price for all the eggs and the same price for all the butter whether the former be fresh of half hatched or whether the but- ter be the produce of skill and clean- linmess or rancid axle grease from dirty stables amd dirty kitchens. Farmers' Advocate. | roofs, onlv four times a year. and others which had cracked floors and leaking Eseape from the Jail Farm carries with it a penalty of two years in Central Prison. if the man who es- caped is caught and the magistrate deems it advisable to impose that term, Another prisoner escaped last week and he. too. is still at large. During the three years that the farm has been in use only seventeen have taken leave in this manner and of this number all but three were re- eaptured and brought back. This av- erage is very much better than that of many prison farms in the United | States. Mr. Geo. Redford. of Elmwood the inventor of the Imperial Bag Holder was in town last week making and demonstrating a new trap which he recently had patented. The trap is The new C.P.R, time card came in- to effect on Sunday last and some | of the changes are quite radical. The morning train from Goderich is a few minutes earlier. while the afternoon train from Goderich is an hour and 20 minutes earlier passing through here at 1.57. The morning train from Toronto is 45 minutes earlier while the evening train from Toronto nearly an hour later. Both the Rep. and Confed. that Mt. Forest business men advertisers and hence the pop- ulace are mail order cranks. Let us enlighten them further; their bwsi- ness men print their stationery with rubber stamps. a thing unheard of is admit are | A close inspection was given to jevery station along the line from Tor- | onto to Sarnia by the Grand Trunk} |Safety First Committee. and all w ere | found to be in.good condition. --- Stratford Herald. We wish they could be steered up against the anti- | quated ramshackle that it would be eross exaggeration to call station | | house at Milverton. |} The summer meeting of the Mil- \verton' Women's Institute will be bheld Friday uJne 12th. at the home | of Mr. Wellington Smith. .Newton: Miss Janet Preston. of Napance, Dom- estic Science Graduate. will give. a demonstnation on sewing. besides | which will be a musical program. All \fadies whether members of the Insti- | tute or not are cord: ally iny:ted to be | | present. | . for the first time in the history of the Orange Order im British America a westerner has been appointed Grand Master of the Grand Lodge. Loyal Orange Association of British Amer- ica. The new Grand Master is Dr. D. 'D. Ellis of Fleming Sask.. formerly of Stratford. Mr. H. B. Morphy, K.C M.P.. of North Perth. has been ele i ed Deputy Grand Master. The next meeting will be at Winniper in July 1915. aes «Two old 'fishermen had imbibed overmuch and. overcome with a great desire to sleep they stretched them- selves on the warm beach sands and were soon sleeping heavily. The tide crept in awaking the one uearest to the water,as wavelet dashed a Sy liquid. into asleep he started auantity of his | mouth, Half ¢ to, arise saying saying. "It's time we wis awa' oot o' this house. They're changin' the drink on 'its.' ; Chief Hartmier has received in- structions to enforce the curfew law which requires that children under the age of 16 must not be found up- on the streets or in any public place except in the company of a pareat or guardian after the hour of 9 o'clock p.m. The council should strengthen the Chief's hand by giving him en- thusiastic support in his enforcement of the law. The law is intended for the protection of children and should not be permitted to remain a dead letter. There would be less talk . of white slavery and fallen womanhood if a more rigid discipline was exer- cised by patents with regard to the == /hours theirs ildren keep. Notice is given by the Postoffice Department,warning the public that postmasters are being instructed to prevent enclosure of letters in parcel post. Fines aré being imposed and collected for breaches of the regulat- ions in this respect. It is also an- nounced that the Postoffice Depart- '}ment has postponed the inauguration of insurance for parcel post. Definite instructions with regard to the mat-. ter will be issued shortly. In the meantime postmasters are authorized |to register parcels, Attention is call- | axe denied to members of the Com- | mons ae 'Senate 6n parcel post. Par- | members of the Senate of Commons must be a, rate of Aaah = bd -pre- as | in. Harriston or any other up-to-date feommunity. Why don't they eut their own hair over there? Some of them look as though they did.--Har- riston Review. The district annual meeting, of the | North Perth Women's Institute was held in 'the Public Library. Milverton. on Friday afternoon, Delegates were present from branches at Listowel east. Listowel west. Shakespeare Hampstead. Millbank and Milverton. Reports were received from the var- ious branches. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year President. Mrs. Wm. McKee. Mill- bank: Vice-President. Mrs, J, M. Mc- Callum. Shakespeare; 2nd Vice-Presi- dent. Mrs. R. J. Tanner. Newton Sceretary-Treasurer. Miss E. Crook- shanks. Millbank. The Dominion Buffalo herd at Wainwright. Alberta. is increasing so rapidly that the Government now has no less than ps | hundred animals When. the herd ws secured several vears ago there were only half of this number and no less than 152 were added by ime the past year alone. mation was given by Hon. Dr. Roche. Minister of Interior. during the dis- cussion of his estimates the other day However. the attempts of the Gov- ernment. to propagate reindeer have not been as successful. Fifty were secured from Labrador a few years ago through the assistance of Dr. Wilfrid Grenfell. They were taken to Fort Smith in the Peace River country but 17 were lost in transit 'and others were lost in a stampede caused by the annoyance from flies. The Government has eleven left. Dr. Roche said they had not multiplied Like a bolt from the blinding blue came the wireless message early on Friday morning May 29th that the Empress of Ireland. the Queen of Canadian waters. bound for Liverpool with 1478 souls aboard had as_ she was clearing the mouth of the St. Lawrence been struck amidships by the Norweigian Collier Storstad. car- tying cedal from Nova Scotia to up- river ports. and sunk in ten minutes. So swift and sudden was the doom of the ship that hundreds of passen- gers went down in their state rooms. Of the 955 passengers only about 175 were saved, Of the crew of 432 about 240 were saved.. No ocean trag edy in Canada's historv has cost so many lives. So brief was the time that about all the wireless operator could do was to give the 8.0.8. sig- nal which was heard at Father Point about 40 miles distant. Two govern- ment steamers were immediately dis- 'patched to the scene but the Empress had gone down long before their ar- 'rival but man¥ still swimming in the water or clinging to the wreckage were rescued. The steamer Stérstadt had also picked up 'many. So rapidly did the vessel careen that life boats 'could only be lowered from one side and only two were put in the water before the vessel took her plunge to the ocean floor. Many of the pass- engers are Canadians; almost every itv a t Ont co |of all sizes. raninpal is caught by the head, Though lin jail." natural inerease dur- j This infor- | designed not only to catch but to kill almost instantly fur-bearing animals It is a bait trap and the not yet put to the practical test of a season's trapping this new trap finds great favor with the sporting frat- ernity the point in its favor being that the animal caught being almost imstantly killed will mot damage his limbs or skin in efforts to get free, | Lucknow Sentinel. The people of the berta object to the "Alta." and representations have been made to the Postmaster-General on the matter It has been decided to} discontinue the use of the contract- ion 'Alta.' in the postal service and to recommend that letters acd other } mail matter for the Province should | bear its mame in full. The represen- | tations made to the Postmaster--Gen- eral were that the word "Alberta" was not too long to be used in full. and that it is significant and eup- honious and may become a_ trade mark of great value in marketing the products of that Province. One of the most common awards in police court cases is '10. or 30 days That is. if the accused man has ten dollars. or can get it. he goes free. Otherwise he is locked up up in jail. Is this right? Or take it another way; The man who can pav a fine is really able to buy 'his way out of prison. At least he is enabled to keep out by reason of 'his financial standing. There's something not ex- actly right or fair about the practice If a man has done anything that calls for a jail sentence in the way of punishment. the possession or ab- sence of cash in his pocket shovld make little difference to the treat- ment handed out to him by the auth- orities.--Harriston Review. Mr. Hugh MecDougald, Third. aven- ue east. has in his possession. a re- ceipt that takes ome back to the pio- neer days. It is a receipt for the sum of ten pounds. sterling. the first pay- ment of one-tenth to the government for lot number 16. 8th and 9th con. cessions of the township of Elderslie in the county of Bruce. The date is November 23rd. 1853. and the office of A. McNabb government agent.who signed it. was at Southampton. Mr. McDougald was one of the original settlers in the section of Elderslie re- ferred to. and cleared off several hun- dred acres of land there. Mr. Mc- Dougald possesses a very retentive memory and many are the interest- ing incidents he can tell of the early days in what was the Highland sett- lement of Elderslie. of. which town- shiv he was for years a councillor in addition to filling other positions of trust.--Owen Sound Times. Details of the proposed revision of Book of Common Prayer for' the Church of England in Canada. as agreed upon by the general commit- tee on revision. have been made pub- lic. and show a number of minor changes "designated to remove arch- aic expressions. as well as to give lit- urgical sanction to a number ~ of fehanges. which already have the san- ction of usage. Some of the addit- ions include a number of new senten- ces at the beginning of the morning and evening prayer. and new special anthems are included for use on holi- days. After the prayer for the royal familv two new prayers are inserted. one for the Goyernor-General of the Province of All contraction of | ant-Governors 6f the provinces. al family and all in authority. A compromise has been made in regard to the Athanarian Greed; "Whoso- ever will be saved. before all thirigs it is necessary that he hold the Cath- olic faith. etc. together with the other damnatory clauses. have left out. It is left with congrega once sent her a Dufferin," i! Sunday morning | the | tile | | Gert at $25. j the drawing .of the gravel at\85e | the south side ;moved or repaired, 'duties to commence 'Dominion of Canada and the 'Lieuten- and the other a prayer including the roy- | been | -- MLYR TON COUNCIL, * Milverton git met this p.m. in regular meeting Keeve Zimmermann j in the chair. members all present. Minutes of the former regular. spec- ial and the sittings of the Court of Revision read and approved. ' Orders -were issued for the follow- ing amounts; School debenture No, 1 $1129.66. to Li: Parker; Treas. Schoo] Board 400.00; C. Talmage. Jamp ligh:- | er. pt. salary 10.00: P. Neumeister. peetahing sign for park and eemetery 15.00: Thos. Atkin. labor on Pacific avenue 28.20: John Yundt. labor on street and levelling Pacific avenue. 1.00. V. Gerth. teaming and grad- ing 56.70: John Carson. lookimg for shade trees 1.50. ) On motion of W. H. Grosch: second- ed by Geo. Guenther. the above ac- counts were ordered to be paid, The following tenders were reeiy- ed for street sprinkling. from Charles Welker at $24.00 per month and V. provided that he gét er vard. On motion of LL. BE. Peiffer. seconded by Geo. Coxon. that tlie tender for street sprinklingybe let to 'Chas. Welker at $24 per month, same streets and distances as last year. The matter of building a cement walk from William street to the res- idence of Charles Spencer was discus- | sed and' eouncil decided "that a side- walk was required and decided to ar- range for the building of it, John Yundt asked that the sidewalk on of John: street be re- Left inj abeyance until council view the. state of the sidewalk. Moved by W. H. Grosch and second- ed by George Coxon. that Henry Reis. be appointed inspector under The Buildings Protection Act for the year 1914. at a salary of $2000 and that a by-law be drafted,in accordance. at once, Council then adjourned. W. If Weir. Sie Clerk. Auto cylinder oil for sale office, Atwood ys, Pooks. Exhibition Park Friday evening. Canada is to have the biggest tel- | escope im the world. It is to be a 72- inch reflecting telescope. and with the observatory holding it will cost about $200,000. At first it was sup- at Sun | posed it would be erected at Ottawa. but it was thought best to find out what point in the Dominion other- wise suitable for an observatory had the largest number of days in the vear with a clear sky. After a_ pro- longed test it was found that that piace was Victoria British! Columbia. Through the switchman throwing oper the main track switch before the mail cleared at Palmerston on Friday last the London and Owen' Sound train coming from London at 6 a. m. was derailed upsetting the mail car in the ditch. Mail clerks Murray and McDonald of London were both in- jured the former was badly shaken }up and shocked while the latter had his leg badly cut. Rey. John Little. North Mornington ,ehurch has been chosen as orga' of the Canada Temperance Act ¢ | Oaign in Perth county. The appoir ment was made on Friday last sub-committee of the executive. ¢ committee had for some days bee ing over the eligibles for the impo tant position and finally decided t Mr, Little was the man for the - ition. Mr, Little is a man of co erable executive ability and had number of years experience in a bus- iness capacity before entering the ministry. Mr. Little is an enthusias in any cause that he espouses and works for the object at which he aims with tireless determination, Rey. John Little is a son of t late Johm Little. of near Aberfoyle. He received his ear--- lv education in the sehools of Well- ington. He learned the blacksmit ing trade and for over ten years in company with his brother conducted -- a large blacksmithing and carriage business in the village of Conn near Mount Forest. He felt impelled: to enter the ministry and gave up his business and attended Knox College -- from which he graduated in 1893, His -- toma in the Owen where he ministered for about nine vears, His next charge was Holstein -- remained for over eight years. About -- to North Mornington where he has been successful in his ministry and where the deepest regret is expressed © on every hand at his intended remoy- al, uity of interesting womer in the work in which he is engaged It is probable that Little witt about June 21st. A proclamation has been issued dis- -- inations for the new Legislature will take place on June 22 and elections om the 29th. FOOTBALL ATWOOD vs. POOLE EXHIBITION PARK MILVERTON FRIDAY EVG. JUNE 5 Game Called 6.30 Sharp ADMISSION : 10 and 15 Cents and C.P. Rys., except west Sound on the C.P.R Tickets at specially reduced valid for return until June Pes FAR: G: Homeseeker's Excursions To points on the Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Railway, Haileybury and North in Northern Ontario. From all points in Ontario and Quebec on the Grand Trunk of Chalk River and north of Parry rates, good going June roth and 20th. See your nearest Railway Agent for full particulars or apply to Peae, T. & N.O. Ry., North Bay, Ont. sales, that multiplies plate glass windows windows do, * Foolish Saving A penny saved is not always a penny earn- ed, Sometimes it is two pennies lost. The merchant who spends nothing on advertis- ing loses much more than he saves, The money spent for plate glass windows is not looked on as lost ; spent on better interior lighting. nor is the money Anything that increases favor, that adds to customers is very pro- perly regarded as a good investment, iu Advertising is a good investment--just ¢ as are. Advertising sells more goods to more persons than shop- 'A WORD TO THE PUBLIC. Do you resent having a merchant address his messaye to you in the form of an ad--- vertisement in our columns? On the con- trary, is not your impulse to respond to a: friendly overtures : ee \ Puslineh town- hi ship Wellington county, and was born, first charge was Chatsworth and La- Sound Presbytery -- its he Saugeen Presbytery where he -- three and a half years ago he came ~ Mr. Little's success lies in hisfac- _ younz men and Mr, 3: preach his farewell sermon ~ solying the Ontario Legislature, Nom- --