Monkton Times, 4 Jun 1914, p. 5

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'ON'S POPULAR STORE. Re Lr pe = - oe : ks ee. sate ei ; Aa ye HAVE, RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF ~ New Goods that were not 'on the market when _ we made our first spring purchases, These. oods you will find newer And more attractive than thing shown before. The lines include .__ Waists, Hosiery, Silks _ Wash Goods, Embroideries, Laces -- -- Ginghams and Buttons _ Have also restocked the Millinery department with a lot of new shapes and trimmings. Our millinery busi- ness has proved very satisfactory. A trial order will 'convince you that our styles are correct and prices to Suit evérybody, Our aim is "TO PLEASE," House Cleaning Time x - Our Housefurnishing Department is stocked to over- flowing with these popular goods at popular prices. Linoleums and Floor Oilcoths Carpets and Rugs Curtains and Curtain Netts Curtain Poles and Blinds ' Highest Prices Paid for all kinds of Country Produce WANTED: 300 Bags Potatoes * a WEBER & BETTGER --- \to report. recovering... FLOUR! WHOLESALE and RETAIL CEE EOE Se "WE HANDLE: "Harvest Queen" Brand One of the best on the market Cash or Trade for Wholesale zs BREAD wWrrketait ek EGGS A. HAYES, Baker Wedding Cakes a specialty MONKTON, ONT 3 EGEDL OLS LOL OLDE OL GEOLSEBES FOL OO OO FOES FOF OOO LOS OF OTOEOEOEOTOTOTOTOLOLOLOLOTOLO LOS : ebb bbbbb bbe bbb bbb PPE PEEP EE PEPE EEE EEE BIG CLEARING SALE To make room for spring goods, we are offering following prices Rotor cre orrt (EL PRPRRRER IE Beer se 0 Seetitee a a se OU BOO NO oie ds seasycccdpnoastanaersgnies eueenad itchen Clocks, different designs, regular $3.70, now giv... 2:75 Alarm Clocks, reg. $2.25 for......$1.75...,.. Reg: $1.50 for......... 1.10 Watches, reg, $20.00, for $15.00...... vsesee REG. $16.50: for......12.00 Sees 14.00, for 10,00 eareus 8,00 for...... 5,00 Brooches, reg, $12.50, for $8.50......-...0000 10.00 for...... 7.00 Bote E00 for OBO ir.s. cegseeess 4.50 for...... 2,25 Everything is going to go at same reduction, don't miss this chance - Mantle Clocks, regular $12.00, now "a oe es 10,00 te 8.00 as sé tbs LA egies " aee +6 oe = 4s se = ve _w e also have a good line of Silver Polish reg. 25c which we are going to clear lic. : PAS TIANSON, hone sabeobectosfootoofocfoobecfecfecbechecferbecbecheobecheobesbetet: Se ee ee Se Se Se SS Se OS ee *% eebesbondendoedecoocbe aboot oobocberbeebosdesdoeds ofa cfoobooeboefecooobe obec eecoobesboobesbonbeafeeteete efectos LO POPREDOSISSOSSSESOOOOO DOS OTSOLOSOODODODOOOOOOOO® % @ > v Gome Quick! Women's T. an Colonial Pumps 'peg. $3.00, for FOSHODES OOS GOSSESSOSOHDDOOCOHOSSHO OED |v. Hurst. G. Riddell. ) CPSOSS SOOT OOESOOO OOS we) me ces Last wick we one of tv to Goderich. Jake threw his line out as far,as any of them and was Mr. John Quipp, of Elma, whose silo collapsed when it was well under way through faulty material has got the debris cleared away and the work of rconstruction completed." "" s" Miss (Nellie Dewar who has. for some time been suffering from an attack of appendicitis is we.are glad The Monkton football team suffer- ed a defeat at Atwood on Thursday, evening the score standing 1;0. - : Rev. A. Moorehouse accompanied ty lay representatives Mr. Edward Bett- aér left on Tuesday for Sarnia to: ats tend' the sessions of the London con- ference. ; Mr. John Sanders whose condition of health has piven his friends more or less concern all winter is at pres- ent in a very feeble state of health and is now bedfast. mere bose Complaint has been made to the lo- cal constable that on Sunday evening last as some young men were driving north after the church services they raced horses along the road and in- dulged in a good deal of swearing. The parties are. knowm and we ask the offence or there may be a reck- oning in the police court. MB. The Sacrament.of the. Lord's Sup- per will be dispensed in Knox church next Sabbath: morning. Preparatory services will be conducted on Friday afternoon by Rev, W. Moffat. of Mill- bank. . 3 he five-year-old son of Mr. Albert Quipp of the Maitland met with a very painful accident on Saturday last which nearly cost him his life. He was riding on the roller in company with his grandfather Mr, Albert Quipn when he fell. asleep and rolled off and fell in front of the heavy roll- er which passed over him. Besides being badly bruised he received an ugly wound across the forehead caus- ine the skin to drop down over his eye. The wound required eleven stit- ches to close it. The little fellow is now doing well but will undoubtedly carry a scar as the mark of the: inci- dunt: -¢4 3 Mr. George Struthers is at present busily erdgaged in remodelling his liv- erv stable. The old boarding is be- ing taken off and tongue and grooved boarding is being put on, A new roof is also being placed on the building which will make it a splendid build- ing for almost any purpose. : Mr. and Mrs. John Schade and family and Mr. and Mrs. N. Ross motored to Fullarton on Sunday where they spent the day. Mrs: :J.iJ{ >) McCarthy of "Erin Lodge® Logan. will give an "At Home" on Monday afternoon June 8th, from four to six-o'clock in honor of her son Rev. Thos. McCarthy. Mr. and Mrs. G: Weber and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Merryfield spent Sunday afternoon and evening with friends at Mitchell. Messrs.' Edgar Wilson and Wm. Bettger motored' to Berlim on Sun- dav last where thev spent a couple of days. Miss Helen Baier returned on Sat- urday last' to Chicago after spending a couple of 'months at her home here. She was accompanied by her sister Miss Susie Baier. The pulpit' ofthe 'Monkton eircuit will on Sunday mext be occupied by Rev. Mr. Thompson. of Willowgrove. Mr. Thos. Reidy. of Kennicott and tax collector of Logan. we regret to hear is at present quite ill from ap attack of kidmey trouble. (Mrs. Thos. Williams of Prince Al- bert. Sask. Mrs. N. J. Dee and son Buster. Mrs. J. Manning and Miss 'Hannah McCarthy of Chicago are at present visiting at the home . of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. d; McCarthy "of "Erin Lodge". Logan. Mr. O. Duffield has had his Hup motor car revarnished. It emerged from its garage on Sunday and looks as well as the. best of them. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert McIntyre. of | 'Fullarton. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hanson. The Monkton cheese factory com- menced operations on Monday. "Wir, and Mrs. H. Falieux and daughter Catherine and son Edwin andMr. and Mrs. F. Knoblauch of Detroit, motored over by way of 'Sar- nia and are visiting' at Mr. H. Ron- berg's. gers aya Mrs. Leonard Schade and daughter Oletta and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Horne Spent Sunday at Mr. E.. Benneweis. Login. Mr. Adam Zimmermann, of Morn- mngton spent a few days last week with his daughter. Mrs, W. Parrott. 'Mr: A. Hays has placed in his shop a mew silent salesman. Gill's* is 'the place to secure iron )pedsteads and wool and felt mattres- Fe we y Bacide the electrical and rain storm that passed over this vicinity oi Fri- day evening the implement house of Mr. Brian Barker of thé 4th con. of Logan was struck by lightning and burned, A binder that was almost new was burned along with consider- able other machinery and implements Mr. Edwin Hance aged 51 years. die@ at his home in Mitchell on Fri- day after a brief illness. He had not however. been enjoying robust health for some years. He was formerly a resident of Elma township but gave up farming here and removed to Mit- chell about 17- years ago. He is sur- vived by -his wife. son Irving - and daughter. Ruth. Mr. Hance was a Methodist in religion and a conserva- tive ih politics. ---------- scHOOL REPORT. (The follwoing is the report of ss. Nox 5. Mornington. for the month -- of May. Names are' in order of merit. 'hose marked with ani "x" were ab- sent for one or more exams. Sr. IV--E. Peffers. A. Hawthorne. F.. Boyd: M, Hawthorn A. Cook. J. Boyd. V. Reid x." ts / Sr, If--F. Dobson. W. Reid. C. Herrfort. L. Riddell. B. McKay x. E. Reid x. ' Bs 2 jr. I1I--H. Whaley. M. Dobson, H. McGregor. G. Hawthorn. I. Scott x. Sr. I{[--Olive Peffers. I. Reid. F. Cook. A. Herrfort. Jr. ll--L. McGregor. B®. McGregor. pr--S. Hawthorn M. Hurst <Ne Johnston. H. Hawthorn. M. Whaley. D. Albrecht. E. Dobson. S. Kuepfer. EF. Scott x. Aggregate : Mildred Jewett. 35. average 31. Teacher. "NOT IF THEY KNEW IT 'Port, Arthur Chronicle About 100,000 womer in Chicago voted. but no women candidates were Ye -lelected. The notion that under wom- tan suffrage the mem would all vote one way- nd the woman the other is -----s-- I inadvertently omitted |) |ehe name of Mr. Jacob Schmidt -as Mr. John Schade's fishing par-) /rewarded with a good catch of the'. '|finny tribe. So them to take this hint and not repeat: f | i ws eat -"STEAMER GREYHOUND = [| ANNUAL EXCURSION| Goderich to Detroit and Return fs GOING Ps JUNE 12| RETURN isc JUNE 15 | ROUND TRIP $1.50] ' BALL GAMES (3th and /4th | NEW YORK & BOSTON | | "~~ In Detroit % SPECIAL TRAIN Leave Stratford 6.30a.m. Round Trip $3.00 - erm STRATFORD OVO OEE + 2 a] ae GODERICH BAND MOONLIGHT EXCURSION JONE Lin WHITE, STAR LINE ©!, A250 | MRS TYE GETS 2.000. Two thousand dollars is set aside for Mrs. Susan Tye. widow of the late W. D. Tye. formerly a railway mail clerk in Londom division. who was killed in a railway wreck onthe Grand Trunk in February. 1911. and mother of Dr. P. L. Tye. of Milver- ton. in the supplementary estimates of the present fiscal year. which were tabled by Hon. T. W. White in the House of Commons on Thurs- day last ; Mrs. Tye is a resident of Goderich from which point her husband ran on train No. 39. now on the schedule at No. 219. om the Buffalo and Gode- rich line of the Grand Trunk. The accident occurred on February 4.1911 when the express and a heavy freight engine running light met in head-on collision near Richmond, four miles east of Drumbo. Six persons met death. Engineer Turner, fireman, ex- vress méssenger. Mail Clerk Tye and a passenger in the smoking car. Tye was either killed outright or was burned to death. his.body never hav- ing been recovered. Mail Clerk, W. 4. May also a resident of Goderich at the time and now of the Lendon staff was running with Tye and sustained injuries in the wreck that laid him up for 13 weeks. Mr. May expressed his gratification upon learning of the action of the Government in Mrs. Tye's behalf. Mr. H..jB. Morphy. M. P. for. North Perth. was untiring in his efforts on behalf. of Mrs, Tye MALCHO--DEBUS A pretty house wedding took place on Tuesday May 26th. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Debus. when their youngest daughter. Mary Mel- 'Inda. became the bride of Mr. Albert Maleho. second son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maleho. Rev:-Mr, Blunck con- ducted the ceremony in the beautiful- lv decorated parlor before about 90 invited guests. The bride wore a beautiful dress of white picque cos- fume with bead trimming and tassels @ bridal veil tucked uy with lily of the valley and carried a boquet of vink and white carnations. She was assisted by her cousin. Miss Lydia De- bus. who wore also a white dress and carried a boquet of carnations. The groom was supported by his brother. Mr. Fred. Malcho.After the ceremony all retired to the dining room where a sumptuous supper awaited them. The table was tastily decorated with bridal roses. evergreen and carnations The. bride received many beautiful and handsome presents. The even- ing was spent in music. singing rnd dancing which was kept un till day- light. The music being rendered by Mr. Ellison. brother-in-law of the bride. The many friends wish Mr. and Mrs. Malcho a long and happy wedded life. BEACITIFYING THE HOME Canadian Farm Is there any zood reason why beauty .of surroundings and attract- ive appearance are not consistent with convenience and healthy condit- ions in the farm home? It is possible to have all combined in the one home and in fact to improve on some of the old home surroundings that lin- ger so long in the memory of today. In building a home. health. conven- ience and adaptability for the pur- pose for which it is intended shold come first. But the beautifying of the surroundings should not be neg- lected. The home will be more at- tractive. and. the value of the~ farm itself. increased by judicious tree planting and the making the home surroundings beautiful. It may be more difficult to secure trees today but the effort will be worth while. ' GRETZENGER--RIEHM A very pretty wedding was solemh- ized at the home of the bride's par- ents in Listowel on Tuesday. May 26. at four o'clock. when Miss Ida Riehm' became the happy bride of Rev. Karl: Gretzenger. pastor of the Evangelical church at Melville. Sask. Rev. Wm. Drier and Rev. 'S. R. Knechtel offici- ated. ' Rev. and Mrs. Gretzenger willleave on Monday June Ist for Melville Saskatchewan. where they will make their home TROW--WING Tuesday afternoon last at the Hyan- gelical parsonage. Berlin. when the daughter of Rev. pnd Mrs. M. L. Wing .Rose Ethel. a graduate of the Stratford General Hospital, was mar- ried to Mr. Clarence T. Trow. of New York City son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Trow. of Stratford. Ont. in the pres- the eeremony was performed by Mrs. father of the bride. Mr. and Trow will reside in New York. "picts ee cash price paid for wool adjournment. all the mem 'oath, it was moved by 7. E. Gill. sec-' | ing changes be made;Wm. Barthel be | Joseph: Moore be assessed as- joint 'of to Separate 8.8, No. 1. McKillop struck off said | property: that Arthur Par tiaiice be , Carried. 'ried. Moved by P. Gaffney. seconded l by J. Mogk. that R. G. Jarmuth be daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Riehm:} A quiet wedding was solemnized on | ence of the immediate relatives. The}. -- Togel--At Dorking on May 28th, to Pe [pebbrehennprenaniaie "The Bargain Store" -- "Council met this * the Reeve aet as chairman, Cart isd. After*making and filing the required Ho. WOR 7. | onded by J. Mogk..that the follow, ws Z % : , ae gee " ; : 3 assessed for Lot 22. Gon. 2. and Jas.' Mere "FRIDAY and SATURDAY © Jackson's © and James McCutcheon's rie iesmcd i tbe names, be struck off; that John and 7 * Ges owners on the Moore properties _in-- stead of farmer's sons, that W. half Lot 31 and E, half Lot 32. Con, 4. be assessed to Thomas. John and Joseph Moore as J.O. and P, Rowland's name be struck off. said propertiés to be assessed to 8,8. No. 8. Logan. instead Ladies' Crepe Waists, reg. 1.50, 1.75, for 1.1 Ladies' Voile Waists, ae $3 ce 1198 Ladies' Long Silk Gloves, all colors, re- gular $1,25 and $1550. ssecésss dhssaess 750 Shadow Lace, reg. 15 and 20¢ for....,,., 10¢ Ladies' Work Aprons, reg. 50 and 75c...25¢ Linen Towelling, reg 12%e for. ....004...4.9¢ and Logan: that Dennis Costello. be assessed for Ny pt..Lot 16, Con. 12. 1 acre for $400 and. balance of said portion.of Ny pt. Lot 16, Con. Tot B acres for $250.00 to remain assessed to Mrs. Mary Longéway; that. Wm. Connolly be assessed for N. W. pt. Lot 15. Con. 12. 40° acres and Dennis Costello's name be ' - ~ 5 | Men's Trousers assessed as J.O. instead of F.S. on Lot : i 5. Con, 16: that 0, Duffield be placed at Big Reductions on roll as M,F, on Lot N. pt. 13.Con. | 16: that Richard Rose\. be placed on : : roll as F:S. Loti 20. @bn. 9. and that this Court do now adjourn to the 29th day of June next at 10 o'clock, a.m. HE HE HE HE HE ME HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE NE HE HE HE HE HE HE HEHE HE HE TE TE HEHE HE HEHEHE HEHEHE Trousers, regular $1.50 for v..............$ +98 Pi e 2.00 for 1.59 af 4 eA en] See rere tree Oe 2 B50 TOF innit cecal ean Overalls, regular $1 25 for ............6., .90 Men's Silk Socks, reg. 50c, for. .... 39 Men's Straw Hats, reg. 1,50 to 3.50... .98 Boy's Underwear, reg. 35¢ for 19 Boy's Summer Sweaters, reg. 50c, for....29¢ Penne pee wenns Moved by P. Gaffney. seconded bv J. Mogk. that this council mow re- sume business of the township. Car- ee oc paid $90.00 as salary and $2.00 pos- Lak tage for services rendered as assessor for 1914, Carried. Moved bv -Z. E. Gill. seconded bv P. Gaffmey that the Cullerton Law Cost 'By-law No. 506 as now fully read be finally passed and the Reeve | nd Clerk sign and seal the same. Carried. / Accounts amounting to 6104.50 were ordered paid when it was moy- ed bv Z. E. Gill. seconded by P. Gaff- ney. that this council do now adjourn to meet again on June 29th at the usual time and place. Carried. Marvin Leake, Clerk. «tee woe The ~~ ilverton Butter and Eggs Taken. Bargain Store PFAFF BLOCK, MILVERTON Ceathan EE te ain BEEBE TR IRIE TRIB IEEE IE IEICE IE IE IEF REI past the farm of J. W. Barker not=; iced the hogs coughing. He immed- iately notified Dr. Rowe. Government inspector. and Mr, Baker's herd of 48 hogs was destroyed. The author- ities believe they have the disease stamped out. FECHA IIIOOCIEL iCk Woe cholera has broken out in vreciated by the travelling public No. 3. now leaving Toronto 10,20 p.m. will Iéave at 5.40 p.m. running 'through solid to Winnipeg and Van- | couver. carrying only the highest | class equipment. |' New Train known as Now% leave Toronto 10.50 pm. <£ {through solid' to Winnipeg carrying standard sleeping cars. dining car tourist sleeping oars. colonist cars. first-class coaches ete. Equally good service returning from the West. Particulars from Canadian Pacific ticket Agents. or M. G. Murphy. dis- trict Passenger agent, Toronto, will IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT RE- <Funning GARDING CANADIAN PACIFIC | CHANGE OF TIME MAY 31. { In connection with the coming | change of time on the Canadian Pac- | ific Railway effective May 3ist. many | improvements in train service has been made. notable among these be-) ing the inauguration of solid de luxe trains carrying compartment--lbrary observation car electric-lighted stan-| dard sleepers. together with standard | dining car service between Montreal --Toronto--Detroit--Chicago yia Can- adian Pacific and Michigan Central Railroad. commencing westbound May 3ist and eastbound June 3ist. "hese palatial trains will be known as No. 19 and No. 22. . the former leaving Montreal 8.45 a.m. arriving Toronto 5.40 p.m. leaving Toronto 6.10 p.m.. arriving London 9.15 p.m. leav-_ ing London 9.23 p.m. arriving Wind- sor 12.10 a.m. leaving Windsor 12.25 a.m.. arrivine Detroit 11.35 p.m. (cen- tral time) leaving Detroit 11.55 p.m. arriving Chicago 7,45 a.m. | Train No. 22 will leave Chicago 9.30 a.m. (central time) arrive Detroit 3.55 p.m: leave Detroit 5.05 p.m. (eastern time) arrive Windsor 5.15 p.m. leave / Windsor 5.25"p:m--arrive London 8.10} p.m.. leave London 8,18 p.m. arrive | Toronto 11.20 p.m. leave Torcato | 411.40 p.m. arrive Montreal 9.00 a.m, | These two trains will be operated | through the Michigan Central tunnel | between Windsor iand Detroit. | The new Toronto--Winnipeg--Van- | couver service should be greatly ap- | AADAAADAAAAAAAADAAAAAADAARAAAD ADA AAA ahd ibd bdeiaie The Warm Weather is With us Again and for this weather we have "New Periection Oil Stoves" Also DETROIT VAPOR GAS_ Th se stoves burn just like natural gas and require With 2 and 3 burners at right prices. OLINE STOVES. only one lighting. Come in and we will show you that any child can run them and be absolutely safe. POOSSOOE SONGS HOSOSSHOSOOHHNOOOOOD See our HAMMOCKS at all prices. Screen Doors and Window Screens Frost Wire Fencing--The best in the land. M. EE. Bettger @ Co. Hardware Merchants, MONKTON DVSVSSELVOG ISHS SS GOOSOS HS FOCSOHSOHSOOHFOSEOSOCHCEHOOSE @ ; @ ¢ @ : 2 @ $ . 4 2 ¢ + ¢ Ad 4 @ ® @ @ e @ @ @ @ @ @ od 2 6 @ 2 . 4 o e e @ OHOOS SOOSOSOOOO0O8 ee ee - Properly painted and decorated interiors are attractive in "appearance -- sanitary and easy to keep clean, The modern housewife is doing away with the old dust collecting carpets and is using rugs and a modern floor finish, such as S-W Inside Floor Paint for a painted finish--S-W Floorlac ~ for astained and varnished finish, or S-W Mar-not for a clear varnish finish on hardwood floors. The woodwork.of the room is either painted, white enamelled or stained and varnished. > ~- "The walls of the room are finished with S-W Flat-tone in one of twenty-four beautiful - shades, the selection of expert decorators thoroughly familiar with the demands of modern decoration. S-W Flat-tone makes your wall a suitable background for your furniture and pic- tures. The finish is a soft, velvety surface, impervious to dust and dirt, and washable at any time without injury. It will last for years and is much superior to dust and germ collecting wall paper, kalsomine or other water paints that need frequent renewal. We have studied the necessities of the interior decoration of the home and you will be surprised at the various S-W finishes we can give you at a moderate cost that will assist you to make your home attractive, comfortable and sanitary. 5 sie y ? Finkbeiner Hardware Co. "HARDWARE, STOVES, PAINTS, ETC : MILVERTON Are you & member of t ee Dri Are you a member of the _ Mr, an Mrs. Geo. Logel Bi sheet

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