as The Young Man's fae SU ie ~ We have clothes for young men who "want snappy styles (live wires) that show style and go in both fabric and tailoring, The young man who knows can find his spring suit here no matter how particular he may be. |nesday might was a success, Sunday in our burg. HAWKESvVILLE. Miss Laura Privatt. of Oregon, is spending a vacation with her sister Mrs, Fred. Spies. Miss Esther Spies attended Evangelical Sunday School tion at Berlin on Thursday. Among those that attended Ring- line Bros. circus on Thursday 'were: Messrs, M. C. Tanner T. Wallington. V. Lackner. B, Geesie. L. Baechler. J. Huber and the Misses Lou and Vera Huber, Edna and Henrietta Baechler. ' Mrs. Alex. Crawford. of Linwood. shes a visitor to our burg on Thurs- Lay. ; The croquet party which 'as 'held 'at Mr. Gordon Peterson's on Wed- the conven- The Women's Institute was held here on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Koebel, Jr.. and little daughter Magdeline of Linwood. were visitors at the Union on Tuesday. " Mr. and Mrs, F. C. Lackner and son Harold were visitors at Berlin op Whursday. Fak ; Mr. Louis Huefner. of Rochester. NY.. is visiting at his home here, Mr. Bert Ludwig spent Friday night at St, Jacobs as usual. Miss Mabel Schoener. of Heidel- burg spent Thursday at the home of her brother. Mr. Wm. Schoener. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kuntz spent Sunday at St. Agatha. . - Mrs. John Ament of Caledonia. U. S.. and Mrs. Beasinger, of Hesson called on Mrs. Albert Ludwig on Thursday. Mrs. August Ahrens Is a visitor at the home of her daughter Mrs. A, Schweitzer at Berlin. Mr, H. Beggs, of Linwood. meeting spent Mr. Louis. Huber lost a valuable WOMAN IN TERRIBLE STATE Finds Help in Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable _ Compound. _ Cape Wolfe, Cariada.--'"' Last MarchI was a complete wreck. I had given up -all hope of getting better or living any length of time, as I was such a sufferer from female troubles. But I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and pair of twin boys two months old and neighbors for they all know what a wreck I was, te ar "'Now Iamhealthy, happy and hearty, and owe it all to Lydia E. Pinkham's . remedies. You may publish this letter if you like. I think if more women used your remedies they would have better health.""--Mrs. J: T. Coox, Lot No. 7, Cape Wolfe, P.E.I., Canada. Because your case is a difficult one, and doctors having done you no good, do not continue to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. It surely has remedied many cases of female ills, such as inflamma- tion, ulceration, displacements, tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, and it may be exactly what you need, The Pinkham record is a proud and of Glenallan. were visitors at today I am in good health and have a | growing finely. Isurprised doctors and | ay 3 MILI BANK. Mrs. James j eee iting her daughter. Mrs. Wm. McKe Ma, Jas. Lowrie. of Toronto. 'is ais iting his family here. Roe : Mrs. Richard Jackson. of Alma. and on Mr. and Mrs, D. B. Grieve week, ; See A number of our people took tn last | the moonlight exeursion to Goderich last week. ~ soy Master George Brunner friends at Stratford last week, © Mr. and Mrs. David McCloy visited week, : tg a Mr. and Mrs; McLaughlin. of 'Tra-. lee Mr. Strome and Miss Cookman Geo. Smith's on Sunday. - = Misses Bella and Helen Jack visited with friends in Stratford last week. Sunday with friends in, Galt, Mrs. Statton. of | Listowel. spent vart of last week with friends here, Mrs: P. Helm is visiting friends in Wellesley this week, Mr. J. and Miss S.' McKee. of At- wood, were visitorsat Miss E, Strong's on Sunday -- Mrs. Mewhinney of Milverton, vis- ited over Sunday with her sister. Mrs, Hugh Freeborn. A friendly game of football was played here Saturday night between Crosshill and Millbank juniors result-. ing 1-0 in favor of Millbank, Mr. W. K. Freeborn visited his sis- ter. Mrs. Hugh Hamilton at Welles- ley on Sunday. ' Miss A, Coulter. of Poole. yisited at Mr. W,. Coulter's during the past week, Mr. John Jack. of Stratford, visit- : Roe. of Milverton. ac- companied by little Ethel Roe is vis- | Mr. Will. Magwood. of Fergus, ealled visited |} friends in Dorking during the ~ past Miss Lizzie Bigam ~ visited over } Closing Hours: PS AMUON DAY asnisaiscrscon 7.00 p.m. tL TUESDAY: y.ccsss0004,07.00 DM. | WEDNESDAY 8.30 p.m. Ladie - Spring Coats Only . four left which must be cleared. NO PROFITS WANTED. Closing Hours: _ THURSDAY............7.00 p.m, ~ "The Arcade" ra 'This Week Only. s' Suit Specials -- FRIDAY ceccic0 soasenees 1600 P.M SATURDAY .........10.00 p.m. \# In order to clear out these suits, we will sacrifice the lot at the following © -- greatly reduced prices : 1 Suit, regular price $20.00, this week only $16.75 $14.38 $12.75 $11.75 $9.75 These Suits were all new this spring 3 Suits, regular price $18.00, this WOK ONY. ins sissies sete Saxishass 1 Suit, regular price $16.00, this WECK-ON]Ysrsssseroascassoreneaaresorses 2 Suits, regular price $15.00, this Week ONIY ssi..0.5,0>2 boats cal (Rev apnvie 3 Suits, regular price $12.50, this week only...... Spree ee eee . peerless one. It is a record of constant victory over the ob- stinateillsof women --ills that deal out despair. It is an es- tablished fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetableCompound has restored health to theusanus Gr such suffering women. Why don't you try itif you need such a medicine ? horse on Friday. * Messrs, Fred. Baechler and Charles Hoelseher, of Elmira, spent Friday in our burg. Mr. F. 8. Svies\ has disposed of his store and property to Mf, Hohmier, of Baden, The purchaser will take pos- session July ist when Mr, Spies will move bis houschold effects into Mr. J. Bricker's house. : Mr. and Mrs, Stephenson and shildiren ed with friends here this wéek. Miss Janet Preston. of Napanee. gave a very interesting talk on*Wo- men of. To-day" im Ritter's hall Fri- day night, Mr. Sam Henry. of Milverotn. was a visitor 'at Mr. Hugh Freeborn's on Saturday. Miss Jean: Young arrived home last week after spending some months at Duluth with friends, Sunday next June 21st. will be observed by Oddfellows &s Decoration Day when they will assemble at 2.39 _ p.m. and proceed to the cemetery and decorate the graves of their departed LINWOOD, brethren, .A cordial. invitation is éx- Spade tended to all to join in paying this Mr. and Mrs. Christ Lantz and/tpibute of respect. to the dead. family spent Sunday near Wellesley. he Woman's Institute will hold Mr, Jos. Brenner is wearing a|¢heir regular monthly meeting at the 'broad smile these days. Its a little |gome of the Misses Harron on Tues- boy. | J day June 23rd, at 2.30 pm. Roll _ Quite a number from here attend-Jgal]. recipe for canning fruit. @ssay> ed the circus held in Berlin on Thurs} parents opportunity in the homé: "by day. i! Mrs. Geo.. Gibson ,essay. The value of Dr. and Mrs. McEachreni and little | gheese as.a. diet; by Mrs. A. Chalmers Helen. motored to Harriston Thurs-| Aj} ladies are invited to attend. : eae ET , ; Anniversary services will be held Messrs. Weitzel and friends of |in Knox church, Millbank on Sabbath Elmira. spent Sunday in our burg. first morning and evening when the Mr. Albert Schnurr. of Chatham. |Rey, Dr. McCrae., of London, will con- is spending a few days at his home| qyct the services. The Dr. is a popu- here. lar preacher and was recently appoint Classy colorings and patterns in new suitings--every detail of smart suit making worked - out, 1: The clothes made by M. FLEISCHHAUER are both "fit" and "fashion." $10.00 Coats for 58.35 $14.00 Coats for *11.25 Leave Your Order for STRAWBERRIES With us Now. Ph two we or Arthur. motored here on Seiday and spent the day with~ tir. M. C. Tanner. Mrs. Henty Frey. is visiting friends in the Twin City, Messrs, Milton and Earl Hisev. of Glenallan. spent Sunday in the village | Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Messinger spent Sunday at Waterloo, _ Miss K. Ballard, of Galt, visited un- der the parental roof ayer Sunday. .. Mrs. Stedelbauer returned to her home here after spending a vacation with her daughter at Berlin. . cp eee mene MILVERTON COUNCIL. "Miso Agent tor 20th id -- C ited Gentury Brand | aan OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT EONS Pass Railroad Inspection Only watches that will pass a very M4 te for acca are allowed "The Arcade'"' 3 Milverton, -. Ont. = Milverton council met Monday ev- ening in special session in council chamber. Reeve Zimmermann in the chair. Councillors present, Guenther \ Pfeffers Coxon, Minutes of last meet- ing were held for regular session, The Ament: Backs. Kerr. E. Waddell td) he Halves. Rocher. Bamford, Harron: + f Forwards. Yule. W. ae Kelty. | ff Z McLachlan. Cavell. The Listowel | f' teams have made a very creditable Your New Suit showing this year, not having lost a Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Manser. and ™ P. H. BASTENDORFF Jeweler and Optician ~ MILVERTON, ONT. reeve stated that his object in calling the meeting was for the purpose of providing .ravel for cement, Thos. Riley agreed to furnish gravel at 50 cents per yard and Gerth and Gatcke agreed to draw the gravel at & cts. '}per yard. Moved by W. H. Grosch. = seconded by George Guenther. that the drawing of the gravel be let to Are You Insured HE CANADIAN ORDER.OBF .., FORBSTERS pftese PEATE Se tection for wife'and family at ~ minimum cost. Investigate it' S. Spencer, C.R. :: N. Zimmermann, R.S: Vv. Gerth and J. Gatcke at 85c. ver yard, : Council agreed that Frederick Noll be engaged to build walks should his health enable him' to do so. if not that some other person be engaged. Messrs. Pfeffer. Spencer and Hon- derich waited on council with a view to having the roads in front of their respective places oiled or watered. Po TocPecteclootect. Cae Was ae bat 2 ae) Council computed the oiling of Maia STRATFORD, ONT. BECOME a specialist in Business. : It offers more opportunities than any other calling, To reap: the full measure of success you must bave the best possible training. This is Ont- ario's Best Business School. We give indiyidual attention. You may enter our classes at any time. Three Depart- ments -- COMMERCIAL, SHORT- HAND and TELEGRAPHY, Wri-e at once for our free catalogue. > °° i D. A. McLACHLAN, ~ ~ Principal i street at $85. The matter was lett in abeyance until council would inter- view ratepayers interested and = see what they will contribute towards the sprinkling. et Orders were issued in favor of C. Ropp to the extent of $4.00 and Wm. 'McNeelands 3.00 for the use of the road machine. Council then adjourned to again in regular session. W. D. Weir. Clerk. ne ere rYEFFERS. ene ome ant meet Stratford. |, Rev. F. Matheson. of North conducted the services 'at Mornington church on Sunday. ; ( Mr. Louis Schmidt's gang of mas-' ons are busy at. Mr. Jas. Holmes') $ NEWTON WOOLLEN MILLS 3 SS "CASH or TRADE ? mn. aT? us Pure Wool Yarns, Tweeds, Blank- ets, Flannels, Sheeting, Wool Batts, Etc. You will save money by buying - PURE WOOLLEN GOODS S 99000009009 000 0909000008 ---- : | $ 4 3 $ 3 @ INK sre i\ SYSTEM y \ HOMESEEKERS' --- BXCURSIONS | Round trip tickets to points in Mani- - toba. Alberta and Saskatchewan via - Ohicago. St. Paul, Duluth, or Sarnia amd Northern Navigation Company on sale each' Tuesday until Oct. 27 tn- _ elusive. at low fares. - Through Tourist Pullman Sleepers to WINNIPEG on above dates. leaving Toronto 11 p.m. No change of cars. Return mit two months, . ~The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route be- tween Winnipeg Saskatoon and Ed- - monton. with excellent through ser- vice to Regina. Trains now running 0900900000000000000000000% new home. © Messrs. Matthew Dobson and C. E. Barrett were in Stratford last week acting as jurors at the assizes._ "Mr. Solomon Kuepfer 'has left for a trip to Indianna. ; Rev; Morrison and Mr, John Me-! Court. of Milverton. called in this vic- inity last week. Mrs. C. E. Barett and son Camp- bell' yeturned Monday after spending a few days in Stratford. Masons have nearly completed the work on Mr, Jas. Peffer's new barn. 'Mr. Ed, Broughton. of Monkton. visited recently at Mr. Jas. Hurst's Miss Annie Freeman spent Sunday at Millbank. Mrs. Will. Dick and family. Stratford. are visiting at Mr. Peffers'. ' 'Miss Mary Dunbar. of Millbank. spent Sunday with Miss Lizzie Steven Mir. and Mrs. Jas. Peffers spent a day with friends at Milverton. -- or H. -ONEGAL. Trinity church garden McMane's on Don't forget party at Mr, Allan June 26th. Mr. and Mrs. Allan McMane ltended the funeral of little Hanna last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCourt visit- ed at the home of their brother and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McCourt on Sunday. : Rev. Mr. Morrison visited at Mr A. McMane's last week. "Mr. BE. Gilmer left for the West on Tuesday last. : Misses Ollie McCourt and Lillian Struthers. of Newry visited their cousin. Miss Enid MeCourt last week Mr. Robert Buchanan is still verv ill. t Road day. at- Jack work is the order of -- the _ HESSON Mr. and Mrs. B. Calligsway. of Stratford, are renew ng acquaintances around our burg. cinta. Calgarye: * a0". 3 Berth reservations and particulars at -allGrand Trunk ticket offices or write ©, E. Horning. D.P.A,. Toronto. Ont. = ENTER fj LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE "Any time and grow | ise Tt MM ees For partie rsaddress EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, Principal _ '|folks of this vicinity spent.a very en- Mr. and Mrs. J. Friedman, of Lin- 'wood. spent Sunday in our vicinity. Messrs. Emil and Jos. Vietenheim- er spent Sunday at Elmira. Mr. Wm. Schneider and friend of lmira. spent Sundav with Mr. E. C. Knoblauch. : Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Haid. Jr.. held a dancing party at their home on Tuesday evening at which the young joyable time. _Mr. John Moran spent Saturday at Elmira. : Misses Kate and Elnore Kennedy spent Sunday here. : tlaughter Jettie spent Sunday in Wellesley. Mr.-and Mrs. J. W. ~ Collins and Miss Esther Berlet and Mr. Norman Ament motored to Tavistock on Sun- Gave". Mr. Clarence Gerth. of Waterloo spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. V. R._ Berlet daughter Esther. of Berlin. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Spahr. Mr. Jacob Schmetzer spent day im 'Elmira, "Mir. and Mrs. John McLéan - family. of Wallace. spent the week- end with Mr. John Dunnington. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hahn Sunday in Milverton. Master Glen Wray. of Acton, spent a few days at his home this week. "Mrs. John Ament. of Plainwell. Mich.. spent a few days of last week with Mrs, Jos. Ament. Mr. W. 0. Bundy made a_ business trip to Listowel on Monday. Mr. Arthur Sanders spent Monday in Milverton. The Epworth League of the Meth- odist church held a, picnic on McPher- arid spent Andrew Mon- spent urday. Mr. and Mrs. Dannecker. Jr.. Mr, and Mrs, Schneider and Mr. Danneck- er. Sr. of Stratford spent Sunday with Mrs. Cook. '* Quite a number from here attend- ed the garden party held in Mornington on Tuesday evening. Mrs. West of Hamilton. is spend- ing a few days with his sister. C. Lantz. Mr. F. H. Schummer will hold big 7-day sale commencing Saturday June 20th. See large bills. : "POOLE ow nnn very ill. (Miss Marion Schmehl. of Berlin spent last week at her: home here. Mr. R. P. Salvadge-spent Monday of last week in Stratford: Mr. and 'Mrs. Jacéb. Schweitzer. of near Milverton visited Friday even- ine at Mrs. P. Helm's. Misses Tekla and 'Marion Schmehl spent Friday with their brother, Mr. L. Schmehl, near Milverton. Mr. Walter Siegner. of Berlin. vis- ited a few days with friends around here. Mr. ana Mrs. Geo. Berkner. of Mil- verton. were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. M. Opper. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schmehl, of ee were Sunday visitors at the home of the latter's brother, Mr. Ed. Gropp. Mr. Harold Burnett, of Hespeler. is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fleming. KINGWOOD. Statute labor is the order of day. Messrs. Allan and spent Sunday under roof. Misses J. McMillan and H. McGreg- or spent Sunday with their friend Miss Edith Hammond. | Mrs. Dick and daughter are present visiting her sister. Mrs. Kelly. Miss I. Perkin spent the week-end with Miss Sadie Hammond. "Mtss Mary Schmidt has returned home after a month's absence. Mr. and Mrs. J. Snider spent. Sun- day with the latter's parents at - Lis- bon. x BETHLEHEM. Mrs. Wm. Calder spent a day last: week with her sister. Mrs. S. Henry of M'lverton. Mr. Albert Hackett and Miss Gil- christ took in the League picnic on Saturday. : Miss Edith Crawford called friends in' Millbank on Thursday. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Wm. Milner is on the sick list We wish the Glarence Yost the parental H on aes aes : |fim a speedy recovery. Filtered gasoline 25 cents per ga:- | Mr. and Mrs. Smith. of Palmerston son's Flats near Wallenstein on Sat- North Mrs. a Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Opper. of Toron- to visited the former's father who is ed moderator of the synod of Hamil- ton and: London.. A Zarden party will be held on Monday 22nd. on -- the beautiful lawn of, Mr. D. B. Grieve An interesting. programme has been arranged consisting of solos. -- trios. quartettes. . recitations. a brass band will also' discourse sweet music dur- ine the intervals, Dr. McCrae and other ministers will give addresses. Supper will be seryed between 6 and 8 pm. A refreshment booth will be on the grounds. -. ggg poss LISIOWEL 'Mr. Geo. S. Tatham. of Sudbury, is spending his vacation with his par- ents in town. { Mr. Stanley Rogers. of Toronto spent a few days under the parental roof. Mr. Lorne: Champ who has heen in charge of the King Edward barber shop for a few weeks. returned to Dundalk on Thursday last. Mr. Dave Mulcahy was a visitor in Lucknow over the week-end. Miss R. Grosch. of Milverton, was 2 visitor in town this week. Mr. Jas. Biffin. of Stratford. wasa business visitor in town last Friday Quite a number from here. motored to Stratford and Berlim to see Ring- ling's circus last' week. ' Mr. W. Zinkham spent a few days with friends in Preston and Berlin, Mr. Clarence Mulcahy. -of :Milibank. was a spectator at the Tavistock--L's towél junior feotball match on Mon- day. The game resulted in a win for Listowel by a seore of.4-0. Mr, Alex. Anderson, of Brussels, refereed to the satisfaction of all. . =: Listowel intermediate football team clinched this district .by two... wins over Atwood Jast week, the scores be- ing 3-0 at Listowel and 2-0 at At- wood, The teams lined up as follows: Atwood--Goal. Fisher; Backs, Morri- son. Petrie: Halves... McMane. Robb. Anderson: Forwards--Smith, -Inglis. Thompson.* H. Robb... Listowel--Goal. @ame and have only had 2 goals scor- ed against them in 8 games but they tallies 13 times. The intermediates an exhibition game with Monkton at. the celebration there on Fridayi**= ? Messrs, H. B. Morvhy*0d dames Torrance were speakers at theion- servative Rally on Monday nighties. Watson and E. Sargenti took in «the Galt Horse Show on Friday of. last week, ; Saas Mr. R. 8S. Robertson. Liberal candi- date and Rev. Magwood. of Toronto. brother of Sheriff Magwood. . were speakers at an enthusiastio.» Liberal meeting held here om . Wednesday ' Spring crops. look exceptionally good, ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dowd are spend- ing a few weeks with theim daughter. Mrs. Sunderlane. of Walkerville... Mrs. Wm. Johnston and children spent the week-end at the home of her father. Mr. J. Davidson here, Dr. R. McAllister. of of Toronto. visited,, North Mornington constructed, On Sunday next, Rev. deliver his farewell sermon to will preach the pulpit vacant. ame tec ever come into style..«;.. succeeded in finding the stakes< for' play their last scheduled gamé imthe' district on Wednesday night' and alsoz Before placing your order, come in let us show you our new lines of suitings. We guarantee to Messrs. John Scott. R. S. Pauwtusk Saskatch- ewan. visited -friends here, last week. Mr. L.C. Wasson and family took | in the circus af Stratford last. week,.) Mrs.. J. D. Wiatson:.and son Alvin. | congregation | sent a large representation to Presby- iH tery meeting in Stratford last Friday..| Mr. W. R. Dowd held a bee Thurs- | day when a large cement tank Was, J. Little will | the') people of North Mornington. The fol- lowing Sunday, Rev. Nicol, of Listowel What a time the ladies will | have. eetting: into autos.if the hoop skirts please you in both fit and price. "S$. N. SMITH, wee MILVERTON, ont. & " a aaa it ss mee SS | Garden =i House Plants . . | WEIR'S RESTAURANT | : , Sacra tae eal =e mb 06D GaEEEED > CED J --_= 3 A fresh supply arriving every morning To the Woman Who | PME Roslizes She Needs Help You are nervous. You have "crying spells." You a dejected. You don't sieep well. You Aue Sacdeachas You | & have lost ambition for your work. You are beginning to '| @ feel old' and look old. These symptoms, more than likely, are produced by some weak- ness or derangement. ee at | CANADIAN PAGIFIG RY- Improved Train Service 'Effective May 31st NEW LIMITED TRAINS "THE CANADIAN" Via Can. Pac. Ry. & Michigan Central Ry. Trough Michigan Central Tunnel via Windsor, Ont. Westbound Daily Eastbound Daily EASTERN TIME GENTRAL TIME Leave Chicago (Central Sta- Hone Cai ies 9.30 a.m. Arrive Detroit( Michigan Cen tral Depot) cn cvecteee- at 3.55. D0. Leave Montreal (Windsor St. RVanie oe aera a 8.45 a.m. Arrive Toronto ...5.40 p.m. Leave Toronto .... 1.30.40 Pan: Leave London Arrive Detroit (Michigan Cen- tral Depot) 12.35 a.m." EASTERN TIME Leave Detroit( Michigan Cen tral DepOt) 25. ener cs 5.05 p.m. Leave London Arrive Toronto Leave Toronto Arrive Montreal (Windsor St. Sb Ise? BR seem eeerrere 8.55 a.m. CENTRAL TIME Leave Detroit( Michigan Cen- = tral Depot). 11.55 p.m. Arrive Chicago (Central Sta- : THOR essa sis adevesesearesaeese 7.45 a.m. Only One"Night on the Road in Each Direction Solid Electriclightéd Trains with Buffet-Library-Compartment-Obserya- tien Cars, Standard and Tourist Sleepers and First-class Coaches: between Montreal and Chicago in each direction. : Standard Sleeping Cars will also be operated between Montreal, Toronto, Detroit and Chicago via Canadian Pacific and Michigan Central. Railroads through Michigan Central Tunnel via Windsor on Trains No. 21 Westbound and No. 20 Eastbound. : ap Particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents, or Write M. G. Murphy. Dist. Pass: Agent, Corner King and Yonge Sts., Toronto. ton in anv awantity at The Sun office. Pas spent Sundav at Mr. James Ogram's. $ (in Tablet or Liquid Form) | Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will aid you in regaining youthful health and strength--just as it has been doing for over forty years for women who have been in the'same condition of health you now find yourself. It soothes andinvigorates. It upbuilds and uplifts. Your medicine dealer will supply you in tablet or liquid form, or send 50 one-cent stamps for trial box, Address Dr. V. M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Easy to take. SES CORA CF «METRES GIA TN CE ARE ls CE OR Parlor, Den, Diningroom, Bed- 5 room and Hall Furniture | Rugs and Linoleum We sell the r Gerhard ; Bie Heintzman| Prestolene' Piano Pianos. Gloss Makes Furniture Look New The "Home Trade" Player} Piano at $327.50. The "Home Trade" Piano at $185.00, See the -- Cadillac Vacuum Sweeper Z See our line of Baby Carriages and Collap~ sible Go-Carts | Also Express Waggons R. McMane, Furniture Dealer : @@ and Undertaker ee Milverton, Qat.