Monkton Times, 18 Jun 1914, p. 5

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rece at Came How to make a peice et } > Gangford. was the seene of a very '$ Bill Stretch- Demonstated at Weber & Bettger's Clearing Sale of | Seasonable Goods. | Half Price Others at Great Reductions. White Dress Muslins All our White Summer Waists at Sacrifice Prices to reduce our stock and just in the hot weather season, when people are looking for these lines. Millinery Season: Closes June 20th Beginning Friday, June rath, we will sell all Trimmed Hats and Shapes at 25 per cent. discount This is an opportunity for the ladies of Monkton and vicinity to secure summer millinery at reduced prices STORE CLOSED on the afternoon of Friday, June roth. Colored Dress Muslins =-- WEBER & BETTGER _MONKTON'S POPULAR STORE EOTOPOTOTOPOPOPOPOTOTOTOTS EOLOESTOLOTHEOLOLOTO FOTOS FLOUR! WHOLESALE and RETAIL ' , WE HANDLE: The "Harvest Queen" Brand > One of the best on the market Wholesale ta BREA and Retail ai A. HAYES, Baker Wedding Gakes a specialty - = FOLOTOPOTOTOTOT OTOTOTOLONS FOTOTOTOLEOLOTOLOLOTOLOLOT® | | distanee, on Frade for EGGS MONKTON, ONT FOPOTOE OTOL O TOTO TOTO TOTOTO 1-05-0504 O1% Bo Boake ote shocecko checks sheote ck Ces aie Sie ik Wie ie Nie Nit ee et > ot ra ae aS EEEEEE EGE or Fe ae ae ee a a ee ee ee ee be ad Co Bs Zeeks Boake Berke obs Ch aie ie She We De ae > as Re es de es fe + * ste + 2 & & e & Es em & + BIC CLEARING SALE ~ To make room for spring goods, we are offering goods at following prices 'Mantle Clocks, regular $12.00, now..... is z oe. ay Kitchen Clocks, different designs, reg Alarm Clocks, reg. $2.25 for......$1.75......Reg. $1.50 for.: bb bbb bree = Scott. TS OR. for S00 ccc cate Brooches, reg, $12.50, for $8,50........ eS G00. for = D.0U sc ccyscces eV O.UU Pots aes us 4.50 for...... "Everything is going to go at'same reduction, don't miss this chance ., We also have a good line of Silver Polish reg. 25c which wwe are going to clear out at ldc. Soe as a 00 SL MAN Gabi peadiniaie dent 2 rw 3 "6 8.00 LNCS BS ekaas 6.00. oo " + 6.00 aay Pics ktoepesear cee S000 dildy $3.70, now cesses. 2.75 1.10 Watches, -reg; $20.00, for $29.00........4.Reg. $16.50 for...... 12,00 a! : aes 8,00 for:..... 5.00 J. A. HANSON, m afoofoedofoeonteoteedeofesdoederdecdeoteode obeedesdeebeobeebe ebeedeedeeds sfeobebeobebeobebobeteebe obec obecbebecbebedebdeteeee "The Jeweler" onkton, = Ont. ELE EEE EEE EEE EE EE EEE EEE POE EET EET BEET % Bake she ade B -- POSSOSSSSHSHSSHSOOSS SH OOO SDODOES 000090000000 OG9OOO0 e Gome Quick ! Women's Tan Colonial Pumps reg. $3.00, for : PS EDOSSOL SOHSODHSSSSPOHADHOOESSHOSOSSO 000000000000 00000000090004 0000099900009 9O0006 © 9000006000400 000 "~-GROPP--LANGFORD At high noon on Wednesday. June 1Oth. "Stone Cliffe Farm" Grayel- pretty wedding when friends ind relatives witnessed the marriage of their second daughter. Hester E.. to Mr. Geo. F. Gropp son of Mr. and girs. Geo. Gropp Mornington, The cuests were received by the groom's sisters. Misses Jean Gropp attired. in dresses of lace over Alige blue silk. fhe marfiage ceremony which took bv Rey. W. H. Cooper, pastor 'of the prideassisted by Rev. T. J. Robin- gon. the bridal party taking their places in front of a beautiful horse- shoe of ferns and white snowballs en- twined with white satin ribbon. The bride was given away by 'her grand- mother and entered to the soft strains of the bridal chorus played by Miss Violet' Zimmermann. cousin of groom. who was attired in a gown of brocaded crepe over tango silk. The bride was beautifully owned in a dress of white brocaded satin with 7 pearl. trimmings. also wearing a veil of white tulle with Juliet cap. decor- ated with fern and lily of the valley and carried a boquet of bridal roses, Miss Eunice Langford. sister of the bride. made a very pretty bridesmaid and' wore a becoming dress of cream shadow lace over yellow satin and carried the shepherd's crook of tulle and pink carnations with ferns, The eroonp, was supported by Mr, Andrew Fleming' \of Poole' Little -- Eileen Gropp sister of the groom, made a oretty flower girl in a robe of cream silk and carried a beautiful basket of smilax. roses. sweet, peas and lily of the valley. : ribs hee gift to the bride was t (handsome pendant ,.to the brides- es. to the groomsman a cameo tie pin lace. ; After congratulations and while the register was being signed Miss Violet Zimmermann sang: "Oh Promise Me after which the bride and groom led the way to the dining room where a sumptuous dinner awaited them. The tables were artistically decorated wth barnations. peonies and snow balls, Short toasts followed the dinner be- ing given by Drs. Tye and 'Tindale Revds. Robinson and Cooper and Messrs. W. D. Weir. M. MacBeth. and Wm. Zimmermann, Guests were present from Granton. AL roronto . Seaforth, Millbank, Monkton. *Glenallan. Stratford. Linwood and Mitvérton as well as the immediate vicinity. The many beautiful and @ifts. among them being seyeral] Leheques. testified to the high esteem jn which the bride and groom. . were held. by their many friends. Mr. and | Mrs..Gropp will reside at. "Fairview \ atm'? néar Milverton. ---- ee .GRAVELRIDGE. "Among those who attended the 1-Gropp---Langford wedding from a Wednesday last were; 'Misses; Mary Webb and Jennie Lind- 'say, of,,Granton; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 'Kerr and.Mr. and Mrs. W. Shannon. tof Seaforth. Mrs. Jas. Armstrong and daughter Jean. of Stratford. Miss ,Beea Hanna. of Toronto. is 'spendiaig:a few weeks with Mrs. Jas. Tiannac" : Mrs. Andrew Verner. of Stratford. lreturned home Friday after. visiting a couple of weeks at the heme of her brother. Mr. John Langford. Mr. Geo. Ballantyne. of Toronto. was' a visitor with Mr. Carter Mc- Keen Sunday. Mrs: Henry is at. present visiting her daughter. Mrs. Jas. Hanna. We are glad to report that Mrs, Nat. Lannin is recovering from her recent illness. 'Mrs. Neil and two children. of De- troit. are spending a few days with her sister Mrs. A. Kress. _ Mr?'O-° McKee attended thé wéd- ding of' 'his cousin on Thursday at Stratford. Among the floral tributes were placed' on the casket of little Jackie' * Hanna 'last wéek were; -- Wreath: mother and father; wreath. R°J. Ranney and family, Port Elgin. wreath,' Misses, Hanna. Toronto; Half Moon. pupils and teacher of U.S.S, No. 12., Mornington; anchor. Union Sun- day Schook® Brunner; sheaf. Mr. and Mirs)*Loney Toronto; spray. Master K. Wellman. Brunner. 'Tis 'hard to part with those you love. 'Mis hard to part 'tis true. Tisn't half as hard to part with some as it Is to part with you. ' t Mother and Father. "THE LATE NOBLE TAGGART A somewhat wrongful impression was. conveyed to our roeders last weck 'in an article relating to the demise of ', former resident of the' village Mr. Noble Tarrart which was. taken from be Teronto daily....We..publish _ here- with a later account of the old gen- ptlerafi's passin®, away p *M® Woble Dagdart" secighty-seven vears of age who lived with his two daughters" at 871 Manning avenue dropped dead at his home on Sunday evening 'heart failuré*being attribut- ed fis*cauisé of his death. Mr. Taggart had been in apparent good health haying attended church jin the morning. In the afternoon he insisted on his two daughters accom- jvaning a friend who was visiting them down to their -- sister's Mrs. M. Watson. 1506 Queen street. He had been alone about three hours when his grandson Mr. Harold Wat- son and granddaughter Miss Beatrice Taggart upon returning home discov- ered- him in a prostrate condition, '+ Doctors Wickson and Williams were called in immediately and pronounced him dead. stating that life had been extinct for about ten minutes. FIREBUG AGAIN BUSY AT LISTO- ' WEL. A serious fire supposed to be of an @icendiary origin. threatened to wipe out an entire block of buildings in Listowel Sunday afternoon. Originating in G. H. McDonald's flour and feed' store. the fire quickly gutted the adjoining buildings. the McDonald Hall 'annex and A. CG Champ's barber shop and pool room. A valve broke in the pumping station at a critical moment and there was no water pressure for eight minutes while the- flames with alarming swiftness. ij the pumping station. however, was fortunately soon righted, and con- trol was gained of the fire. This is 'the fourth fire of a suspect- ed incendiary origin in this tewn in the past two weeks. and detectives are at work in an endeavor to lay the hand of the law on the offenders. It is understood that all the build- ines burnéd in Sunday's fire are coy- ered by insurance. Not only have we the fools who rock the boat. but there is the ever- present danger from the man who is | overload the water wagon. and Florence shadow |* place on the verandah was performed |. maid and organist pretty péarl brooch | and to the flower girl a pretty neck- | costly | which | gained headway | The trouble} his driver last week and purchased \- The best gift watch -- 'accurate - durable + absol- utely guaranteed. --At prices for every purse. ~--Difterent sizes for every Fn: RFF Jew:lr and Optician - MILVERTON, ONT. Lil INTE P. H. BASTENDO WELLESLEY COUNCIL, The Wellesley Township. Council met pursuant to.adjournment at' the Township Hall, Crosshill Monday June Ist. 1914 .at ten o'clock in the forenoon. All members were present, A, B. Robertson. the reeve. presided. were read and adopted, It was moved by J. Reidel. seconded by R. Lintick that a number of ac- counts presented be paid and the reeve issue orders for same, Carried. | The Court of Revision re the assess- 'ment roll opened at the hour of 2 p.m. | The following members subscribed the declaration of office;--A. B. Rob- ertson. J. Reidel, R. Lintick. J. L, |McKay and F, ©, Lackner. '~ Moved by A. /B. Robertson. second- led by J. Reidel, that F. ©. Lackner | be chairman of said court, Carried. veals the chairman reported as fol- 'tows ;--We. the members of the Court "of Revision beg to report that no action be taken in the assessment of Miss Jane O'Connor. that the assess- ment of John Dechert, Jr.. be reduced $200. that the assessment of*John H. Schaner. be reduced $100. that the lassessment of John Dechert bealower- Ree $200. J./S. Wismer's be reduced $205. and the assessment of Dan Yehr be lowered $200. one dog was struck off Alex, Stahle's assessment. The assessment.of John Riehl, lot 7. concession 9, w.s.. $1800. was changed 'to Jacob B. Miller. the assessment of Mrs. H. J. Lackner' lot 6. con. 15. ':$8.800 was changed to John and Fred Scherrer. the assessment of Mrs. John Brennér. village property 10 'was changed to Geo. K. Brenner. the property $1100 was changed to Mrs. John Brenner. and no action was tak- en in the assessment of Mrs. P. Grey- rbichl, As:there were no other ap- peals before said Court. therefore the assessment rolls are herewith finally revised for the year 1914. all of which is respectfully submitted. C. F. Lackner: Chairman. Moved by A. 'B. Robertson. seconded by John Reidel. that 'Court resume in open council, Carried, Moved by J. Reidel! seconded by R. Lintick. that By-law No.---- to amend By-law No. 650. in so far as it relates to the rate or amount per day for statute labor performied in the Town- ship .of Wellesley te read the first and second time. Carried. The council now formed into a com- fmittee of the whole on the by-law No, 695. Moved by 'A. B. Robertson seconded by R. Lintiék that John Rei- del be chairman of committee on By- law 695. Carried. The sum: of $1.50°per dav of cight hours for statute labor for one:man was imserted in said by-law. which was dated June 1st, 1914. Moved by F. Lackner. seconded by 1. L. McKay that By-law (No. 695. a: filled in. be read a third time and passed. Carried. Moved by John Reidel. seconded by F. Lackner. that this council now ad- journ to meet agaim at the township hall. Crosshill. Monday. July 6th. 1914 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Carried. WELLESLEY. Wellesicy bowlers in a county lea- gue game defeated Waterloo on the local green but were one shot down against Preston. in that town:on Thursday Jast. Mr.'and Mrs. P. Wagner..and fam- 'ily are' away on a motor trip. through Michigan touching Saginaw. Ithaca and other points. Mr. W. Berscht visited Berlin on '\*Chursday Jast. Many attended the circus at Berlin on Thursday. = Rumor has 'it that Mr. Jacob Mill- er may bé our next postmaster. Missionary services were 'held in the Lutheran church on Sunday. Rev. Wugazzer of Sebringville. was the preacher. Collections totalled $60. Political meetings will be held next Wednesday evening in the interest of Dr. Heist. the indepéndent candidate. and on Tuesday. 23rd in the interest of Mr."C:, H.\Mills.. Conservative can- didate." The Ladies' Aid of the Lutheran church intend holding a lawn social on school lawn om June 25th. Gooa program is being prepared. At a meeting of the Woman's Insti- tute last Wednesday Miss L. Belling- er was made the recipient of a nice leather club bag im appreciation of her services as secretary for the past eleven years. She lately resigned much to th: regret of the members, BRUNNER. Dor't forget the garden party on Mrs. C. Walker's lawn on Jine 26th. Miss Viola Doerr. of Milverton. visited at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. A. Westman and children. of Gravelridge, spent Sun- dav with the latter's sister. Mrs. T. X Whitney. Mrs. McEwan and ittle daughtpr Edna. of Monkton. visited for a few days with Mrs, C. Walker. 'Mr. and Mrs. G. Schweitzer. of Newton. spent Sunday with Mrs. C. Doerr. Mr. Gordon and Miss Atice Whit- ney spent Synday with Mr. Schlotz- hauer. of Rosto€k. ee eee DONEGAL. Mr. Charles Struthers raised a large straw shed on Saturday last. Mr. Howard McCourt disposed = of another intending to do a little faster driving. . xk : Prayer-meeting service will again be held at Mrs. Jas. Cuthbertson's on June 24th. conducted by the Rev. T. J. Robinson. r League anniversary services. Were conducted in the Methodist church on Sunday afternoon by Rev. Wren. of Brussels. and in the evening by Mr. Hales. of Stratford. : <2 Trinity church. Elma. will hold their annual garden party on Mr. Allan McMane's lawn on Friday even ing. June 26th, , The minutes of the previous session After considering the several ap-" acres." fassessment of Henry Arnold village' OUR MID-SUMMER CLEARING SALE Starts Saturday, June 20th. ee We are offering you during this Sale, the Best Bargains ever offered to you in Milverton. :: READ THIS LIST: ' Ladies' Corsets, regutar price 75c 39 Ladies' Corset Covers, regular 35 eleating Sale (asics ee clearing sale ...../ 2 19 Seen ee wee wee ene Corset Cover Embroidery, reg, asc.clearing sale, oo.3..:. Ladies' House Dresses, regular $1.25, clearing sale 15 79 Ce aes Night Gowns, regular price $1, Riese Sal. yc escev ss soe Ladies' House Dresses, a better quality, reg. $1.50, clearing .69 95 | Linen Sheeting, regular price 35c clearing sale...... ee ie Ladies' Long Crepe Kimonas, rey. $1.25 and $1.50.,....... 28 98 | Ladies' Black and White Lisle Gloves, reg 500, clearing zo Ladies' Aprons, regular 35 cents clearing sale Voi034 19 15 Bungalow Drapery, regular 15¢, clearing sale...... Sacha cheb Ladies' White Emb., Dresses, ~ reg. $5 to $10, clearing, .; 10 4.49 Linen Tea and, Turkish Towel- 'ling, reg. 12c, clearing sale Ladies' Raincoats, rey. $7 to $8; clearing sale... :..4...... .08 4.99 Ladies' Lawn Waists, reg. $1.50 Clearhnny SRA os, oa war aad Ladies' Black Silk Coats, reg. $15, clearing sale. ....... 19 5.98 | Ladies' Crepe and Voile Waists, reg. $1.50 to $2, clearing... Ladies' Foulard Dresses, reg. $2, clearing sale..,... Bev aaes 98 1.59 Children's Rompers, regular 50c Ole FIN Gs SAIRL Sin. se asians ox Reductions on all other goods in the store especially in Gents' Furnishings. ::: ::: .o9 BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN SAME AS CASH. Milverton-Elmira Bargain Stores LEARN TO SWIM ane Walkerton Telescope One lesson is blazoned out ip -- the tragic story of the sinking of thé 'mopress of Ireland. and that is the importance of mastering the art -of swimming. One of the few children who were rescued owed. her life 'to her ability to keep afloat. and adult swimmers not only saved themselves but were enabled to render timely aid to their less fortunate compan- ions in misfortune. Timber Sale Tenders will be rgceived, by the un- dersigned up to noon of the 15th day of July 1914. for the right to cut the Red and White Pine timber on berths 4,.2-and 3. Township of Blyth. in the District of Nipissing. For maps and conditions of sale ap- ply to the undersigned. or the'Crown Timber Agents at Sudbury and North Bay. W. H. HEARST, Minister of Lands. Forests and Mines, Toronto. May. 4th. 1914. N.B. No unauthorized publication of this notice will be paid for, 4-6 Timber Sale rere ee Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to noon on the 6th day July 1914, for the right to cut the Red and White Pine Timber on Berths 1 B. 1 C. and 1 D. in the Mississaga Forest Reserve tributary to the north shore of Lake Huron, each Berth con- taining an area of 36 square miles. more or less, For maps and conditions of sale ap- vlv to the undersigned or the Crown Timber Agents at 'Thessalon. Sault Ste. Marie. Webbwood and Sudbury. W. H. HEARST. Minister of Lands. Forests and Mines. Toronto. April 18th, 1914. N.B. No unauthorized publication of this notice will be paid for. j4-3i Sale of Pine Timber on Magetami Indian Reserve re Tenders willbe received by the un- dersigned up to and including the 6th July next for the. right to cut the Red. White and Jackpine timber ove: eight inches in diameter on the Met- agami Indian Reserve. situate on the |Metagami River im the District of Sudbury. For particulars. descriptions. etce.. 'apply to the undersigned, : W. H. HEARST. Minister of Lands. Forests and Mines Department of Lands. Forests 'and and Mines. Toronto. 22nd May, 1914. No unauthorized publication of this notice will be paid for. . j4-5i fom LILES pleted 2 y Cream Wanted! We will pay the Highest Market Price for Cream e delivered at the factory. ; Ls CANS SUPPLIED FREE Yours fora i uve. Pearl Creamery, duane" SOS SO GS ODDS OOSSO OHO OOOO OS 0405404009 OO64OSO0SHSOOOOS The Warm Weather is With us Again and for this weather we have "New Periection Oil Stoves" f Also DETROIT VAPOR GAS- OLINE STOVES. Th se stoves burn just like natural gas and require NT ee LAN \y r With 2 and 3 burners at right prices. only one lighting. Come in and we will shiow'you-that any child can run them_and be absolutely§safe. c AAD Mao os F PORE Sit See our HAMMOCKS at all prices. ; Screen Doors and Window~Screens Frost Wire Fencing--The best in the land. M. E. Bettger @ Co. Hardware Merchants, MONKTON 9 OSS4OO459 SS GVHSS SO SESH OS 2S GOSSESSOEHOSEUSSEHSCOOROE i i 0O00OO00604 04260004 06566660000000600 SNS | Laaaaaad SOSHOOOSHOSHOO OOS FOOSE OS S9999S999 OO SSO OOOOH & HEPOCSEOESOOOEO lt Pays to Dress Well 'Nothing gives a man more prestige than to be Well Attired" You can have this done at the minimum cost at This Shops ss. HERE ha sjust keen plac- ed on the shelves a splen- did line of Scotch Tweeds of a new pattern for fall and win- ter wear, that will make and wear well. Call and see our stock, We guarantee youa fit. OS OEDIOSHLNOSDOSHNHEDINGHANHANGHHOPSEAHDAISS GOOD The Up-to-date Tailor, O. DUFFIEL Monkton, - Ontarin- eoeeocecercesceeecoessessocetueae>----- 0OSOO9O9 SOOO SH0FH9OOHGHHSS (FS COVTHOHSODSGHHSISSGOHOOOSD ees ee ee

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