ped "comfortab:y" for weather wearing, are the There's individuality in every model we make to your meas- ure § Come in and select the Summer Suits-- Aa apeeoeofetetectesfobedesesfobedeteeeofesteteceofebatese ' : Oa - HLESSON e - Pete A ofoofeofeodoeteebeodonfoeteoterteedecfeodeefeeferdeate fecfeafoefents Chas, Gohl and daughter. Mab-. and Miss M, Lantz. of Linwood t Sunday in this neighborhood. . L. Meyet. of Linwood. moved this farm above Hesson last week, Mr, and Mrs. J. C, Moran Jeft -- on ' y for the former's home © at Wi ina where they will spend a mont oe nsf Congratulations are due Master Frances Vietenheimer who passed his ntrance examination, Mr, Harold Kieffer left on Saturday for Chicago, A Rey. Fr, Dantzer spent Saturday in Listowel. j Mr. Eugene Helm and friend spent nday with Mr. and Mrs, J, Schie- bel. of Linwood, Mr, Albert Helm and sister Ida left on Saturday for Berlin where time by his brother, We are sorry to report the sad ac- eMlent which befell Mr. Jos. Dock- stadder who sustained a broken-arm and fractured thip from a fall off a goaffold at, Mar. MoPherson's house of "Macton, © Mrs. J. \friedman. and family, wood, spent Sunday in our bure. Miss M, (Keyes, of Stratford, spent Sunday with Mr aud Mrs. W. Keyes. of Mrs. R. Grof and grandson Master} Wilfrid are spending a few weeks at etroit. Mar, and Mrs..&d, Brenner, of 'Lin: | wood. spent Sunday here, «, and Mrs. Bresanahan and son ussel yisited here for a few days. Mr. and Mrs, Hereott. of St. Clem-} ts. spent Guiday with Mr. and Mrs. Beisinger, Sone ee ee hs i ate ote obs Soateote ote ote nhs te : be) x : 7 VONEGAE ¥ a *. se a 2 o © Se steste feat ofa stectoote ode ede ofeeecterfesfeatenteotaadeeteste detected Miss Ollic McCourt spenta few days. th her usin. M'ss Enid MoCourt. We are pleased to report Mrs. Wm. | s is comvalescent after avery | Struth severe illness. "Mr. Vernold Seott is spending his vacation with his sister, Mts. Wm, Matheson: Mr. and Mrs. few. days with friends on the -eancession. Mr. and Mrs. St. Marys and spent a pleasant time | Tre with friends in St. Marys and Med- | ines ima. * Mr. Will Matheson is sporting a new buggy this summer, Miss Edith Leslie visited her cousin | Mrs. W. J.. Matheson last Wednes- day afternoon. Lisses ho were injured through . Shbebbhbbhbebhhbbebhrhet '|SUFFERED <3 jion this fall. The farm consists of 100 the ; former has been engaged for a short Wellington and Mrs. RHdwiy Wilson and daughter Lillian | "Motored from Brantford and spent a 8th W. D. Scott drove to, A. O. Schnurr + Annie and Lizzie Struthers | being, McLeod sr SP oe . eeneoe eS Roh ae a 23M aM a Se ae a 2 ing the cement walks of our village, He is mow busily engaged in laying a walk from ish's corner south to Mrs. Boegel's, eee Miss Dolly McKay left on Friday last to «spend a week or two with friends at Listowel and Chesley. Mr. Ferdinand 'Fornwald. of Neu- stadt. spent a few days last week at the home of the Misses Heimler, Mr. J. W. Burnett has disposed of | his farm on the townline of Peel to Mr. Enoch Dehler who takes possess- aores and the purchase price. we: un- derstand. was $5,000, 0 Miss Enid Roe. of Toronto. is present spending her holidays at her home at "Fairview." | Sate Mrs. Ceoil McLeod. of Exeter, is at present visiting her sister. Mrs. 0. Baber: 8" eee eee = A serious accident befel Mr. W. 'Doughstetter a carpenter in the em- ploy of Mr, 'Ed. Helm while working oan a house belonging to Mrs. McPher- son, of the Wellesley townline. A scaffold on which he was working gave way with the result that he was precipitated to the ground with great violence breaking an arm and a leg and being otherwise bruised and im junad. He was taken to his home at Hesson where he is suffering con- siderable from the bruises he received Mr. Doughstetter was married -- only about two weeks before his accident, Mr. John Knght 'and family pa s- ed through the village on Monday to their home in Guelph after spending a week at the home of Mr. -- Albert Kn ght. of Crosshill. Mr. David, Wray and family who have for many (years been esteemed residents of the village will this week move to Stratford where Mr. Wray will continue in the Deering imple- ment business, Mr, W. J. Collins. our enterprising station agent has purchased a new 40 h.p. American Buick motor car. He will give at a bargain his Ford which Mr. Henry 'Poomer. our indefatig-|. able pathmaster, is still busy extend- | at | (eee { Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and ~~ EVERYTHING For Years, Restored To Health _ by Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound. Canadian women are continually writ- ing us such letters as the two following, which are heartfelt expressions of grati- tude for restored health: - Glanford Station, Ont.--"I have ta-. ken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- mame pound and never found any medicine to compare with it. I had ulcers and fall- ing of womb and doctors did me no good. I suffered dreadfully for years until I began taking your medicine. I al- so recommend it for nervousness and in- rd digestion. " -- Mrs. HENRY CLARK, Glanford Station. Ont. Chesterville, Ont. -- "I heard your medicines highly praised, and ayear ago I began taking them for falling of womb and ovarian trouble. '*My left side pained me all the time and just before my periods which were irregular and painful it would be worse. To sit down caused me pain and suffer- ing and I would be so nervous some- times that I could not bear to see any one or hear any one speak. Little specks would float before my eyes and I was always constipated. **T cannot say too much for Lydia E. Liver Pills, for there are no medicines like them. I have taken them and | recommend them to all women. You may is equipped wight up to the minute. Mir. Wm. Eydt of the bank staff} returned from his holidays on Mon-! day. | Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parsill accom- | panied by Ma. and Mrs, Byers left on | Whuursday last for a trip through the | Northwest, They will however. spend | most of their time at Edmonton. Mr. L. A. Heimler spent Thursday | of last week in Guelph om business. | Work on the county road south of | the village has beeh at a standstill! | for the past month owing to some | hitch over the class of material being {put on, It is to be hoped that i ations may soon be resumed as oper- the | road is in bad need of repair and will | |pbe well nigh impassable in the wet weather of the fall. ). Mesars, J. KE. Stumpf and | ¥reeman. of Elmira. spent Sunday | Linwood. : |. Mr. and Mrs. N. Roe and family hYeft for Mount Forest on Wednesday fmorning to attend the wedding 4 'their son Frank who is GTR. ; thiee. Myr. an Cc ) Bert motored to Con j aay, 2 where they 'spent oF { Mrs. frien Rey. and tomo. spent Mr, Lorne Mrs. Hansen nie Monday with Rev. Reble jerlet. of Toronto is y! iting this home in Linwood. Mr. arid Mrs. Av Kaufman ar tly of Berlin, are visiting i Heinbuch's, Loire. -C. County President e (iiivistian. Temperance Union ¢ igod a branch here on July ith. following officers were elected; A Mrs. D. McEHachren: Vice-Pres... Mrs, Sea.. Mrs. W. Lie Vail; .as.. Miss Dolly MeKay. The meet will. be, held regularly .on 'third Miunsday of each 'month. All the ladies in the vicinity are cordially in- vited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins and son. 'of Wallace. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Dunnington. Mrs. A. QO. Schnurr and Mrs. nt T.«sday at Berlin. at S. Boehmer. of of The es C, thrown from the buggy recently are! on Le 2covery we are pleas-' "the road to recovery we ATE Pleass pis as gutepopefededeohdeied bebek detdeehetebtet ed to state, -- Mr. Will Deckert. of Glenallan, Mr ayton Deckert. of Berlin. and Mr. and' Mrs. Seelhoff and ay and visited at the homes of essrs. J, and Henry Seelhoff. ee A a Seber reeetb bret eet ee CROSSHILL x afoofecdeodente cde tectect- ste oteotentnels foods feedeofeeteede beets ede Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hastings mpanied by a number of friends from Waterloo motored to Crosshill \Sunday and spent the day at Bel- I Bess . Robert Foster pnd Allan spent Sunday with friends im Milverton and Poole, : rs. Thos. Rennie and son Arthur "visited Stratford friends recently. 'Messrs. Hugh Frame and Hugh sutts. of Waterloo. spent Saturday in Crosshilf' a and Mrs. Burnett. of Linwood. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Richnrdson. Mins. Coote and little granddaugh- . Helen Barbour are visiting with mds in Guelph. : : ee ee en ee LEELA HP EETE TEE EP EES + Be Me See ee ee Ae i Me i Mildred Ogram, of the 13th Wellesley pent a part of hes tion with Miss Edna Newton. -- rs 8, 'W. Holt and Miss W. 4B ingham spent last Saturday after "hoon in Linwood. Rev. John 'l, Hyslop will preach Systematic Giving." in the Glen- n Methodist Church. - Everybody . farmers in this vicinity have 'about completed haying. The orgy jvin Nurse. of the 7th line gnent Sunday at his home ames in the tario / sasha League will be played ee RY during Old Boys' Week daughter. Milly of Milverton. motored here oo | acs; | leven te | ote it GLENALLAN Miss Winnie Kitley is at spending her vacation under the par- ental roof, ' | Miss ©. McKinnon is the guest of his brother. Dr. McKinnon. | re- Rev. J. and Mrs. Hislop have few | turmed home after spending a | days with the latter's parents in Col- | Mr. and Mrs. C. Cookman have left for Chicago after visiting with the! former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Cookman. of Glenallan. Mrs. Clark and daughter were the | guests of Miss Bessie Johnston -- this) week 'also Mrs. Robert Lytle and son.; Mr. Wm. Tyack. of Hawkesville. | spent Sunday in the Glen, | Mr. Earl Lavery and Miss Allie Smith. of Elmira. paid a visit to the | Glen on Sunday. \ Mr. George McMillan. at present visiting his mother. of Ottawa. is; canlicitie tentnonte: dete eke. oe "A Mexican." says a staff aoe pondent of the New York Outlook. | "gan go three days without food and} without water. and his horse can do! likewise. I have seen wounded men! undergoing the most painful operat- | ions in the hospitals of the Constitu- tionalists. but I have never heard one | whimper. Without turning a hair they stand pain that would make an} Anglo-Saxon faint or ery aloud. Their ; stoicism is the stoicism of the Indian | land their bravery is the heedless. un- | reckoning counage of a blood-crazed sayage on a rampage." : Cold storage 'regulations have been made more stringent. Among recent changes reported from Ottawa. one provides that subsidized cold-storage warehouses must. give the public pre- ference over dealers in the use -- of space. It is declared a violation of! the law for space to be refused the public in a cold storage warehouse. if | Stanyped from thick, | faluminum isure of r ete in t RS | seofnbetectesbobsteteceobesbestetoobobobedeseohobebetesteoi | present - publish this testimonial." --- Mrs. Str- PHEN .J. MARTIN, Chesterville, Ontario, Canada. OR broiling (or frying) ap- petizing steak or chops the "Wear-Ever" Fry Pan is excellent because it stores up such a large amount of heat that it sears the meat immed- iately, cooks thoroughly 'and Preteeenets Rebbe * " MILLBANK ss * Petebtobtobtobelobed bdebstubtobtubetebdobee Miss Olive Berringer. of Detroit. spent part of last week with her sis- ter. Miss Lottie Berringer. Mrs, Murray Patterson, of Auburn. = at Mr. R. ©. Clark's Thursday ae D. E. Aine and children. o..are visiti i wir Pie oe ae ir. Albert Lowrie. of Cuba, is vis- iting Mas. ace thwring ee ir, R. B. Hamilton gave a very in- teresting report last Thursday nthe at the Methodist League of the In- fermational League Convention which he attended recently at Buffalo, mother. Fewings and E. Gale attended the Lis towel--Brussels football 'match at the at pe mee last week. . H. Stewart spent Friday with Mrs. Wm. Robertson at Tithmeabd: Miss Hannah Johnson returned to her home at Guelph after spending two weeks with old friends in and around Millbank, cs Mr. and Mrs. Dane. of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs, and Master Howard Mc Kee. of Ethel. visited at Mr. Jas, Crookshanks part of last week. Mrs. Oatley is visiting her sister. Mrs. Warren Brownlee. Mr, Clayton Stewart. of Glenallan. spent Sunday at Mr. Alex. Miller's, Miss Wray...of Mount Forest. is visiting her cousin. Mrs. W. Moffat. We are sorry to report Mrs. R. C. Clark on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Chas.' Pender attend- ed the funeral of their brother-in-law Mr. Connolly 'at Hamilton on Satur- day. Mr. and (Mrs. F. Martin, of Guelph. called on friends here last week. Miss B. Tanner and Miss Hazel Love spent Monday at Mr. T,. Crook- shanks. Linwood. Mr. R. 8B. Hamilton occupied -- the oulpit of Trinity church, Stratford. on Sunday last. Mr. Dave Muleahy. of Listowel. visited over Sunday at his home here. We are pleased to note that Miss Bhima Tanner passed her recent ex- am'nations at Stratford Normal. The Women's Institute will hold their July meeting at the home of Mrs. J. Ridheson on Tuesday. July 98th. at 2.30 pm. Topic; "How to improve our spare moments.' Mrs. B. 'Walay; "Care of plants for winter blooming." Mrs, W. Bureh. Roll call. Original Rhilymes. All ladies wel- come. THIRTY-ONE YHARS AGO A subseriber forwards us the foll- owing which was cut from tha Mill- bank correspondence of the Stratford ago as s quickly. 'Wear-Ever"' Fry Pansare yard sheet | bth of an} ne els inch thick Fhe evormous pres ill stamp lg@r Ov Mr, Dave his home in ] Mr. and M son Ariel are Toronto. sang Methodist. church Lu and Leonard | Rogers. Toronto, spending | their vacation in town. ; Mr. Robt. Hanna. of the Soo. is spending a couple of with his parents in town. | Mar. and Mrs. W. R. Clayton{ spent a few days with friends in Toronto. Mr. D. Hibner-of the Hibner Fur- niture Co. was a business visitor in town on Thursday. of last week. Mr. Lester Hacking motored Stratford in his Saxon runabout Friday. Mr. C. Rocher returned to Wiarton on Thursday. Mr. Frank Kelly is spending holidays at Oliphant. | Dr. &. A, Roos. of Mt. Forest spent | Sunday with his parents in town. The famous "Mutt" band accompan-! 'ied the special train to Brussels last \(Wednesday and provided music ead' fun for the large crowd present. | Messrs. C. Muleahy. S. Fewings and Geo. Smith. of Millbank, took in the ot 1 | Vanadian weeks | | | Nae to} { op | | | his | | football match at Brussels going by of Mitchell. special train. The stores in town are closed | every Wednesday afternoon from 1j o'clock during July and August. | Dom't forget the big football match | in the W.F.A. semi-finals Owen | Sound ys. Listowel in the Rink Park} here Friday July 24th. The boys in blue and white are deserving of your support--tell your friends. Mr. W. Zinkham spent a few days with friends in Berlin. S Mr. and Mrs. John Watson spent a. short time with friends in Niagara Falls. Miss Myrtle Howe. of the Guelph General Hospital is spending her va- cation with her friends in town. Quite a few of the sports accom- pamied the football team to Owen Sound on Tuesday. Replace utensils that wear out with utensils that "Wear-Ever'"' | NEW LIMITED TRAINS "THE CANADIAN" Between tspace is occupied by goofs of the com- pany owning the warehouse. Ware- house keepers are forbidden to make | contracts disposing of all their space "to one or more dealers to the exelus-) 'ion of the public. Fines up to fifty 'dollars are provided for each violation | Most of us mowadays know _ that @6unday extends from midnight of s seventh day to midnight of the t. but in the earlier times. these hanged. In Saxon England the clesiastical legislation. In ~Scotland. . to this day the last) hours -- of rday are observed with due de- "um by old-fashioned folk as a kind ude to the Sabbath Sa "the boundary marks wete constantly be- | "{ |ing ¢ "'Sabbath began at 3 o'clock on Satur- -\day and "he transition to tha pres- | | lent time Jimits was a matter of ec- small) Montreal = Toronto « Detroit - Chicago Via Canadian Pacific and Michigan : Central Railroads via Michigan Central Gigantic Steel Tubes between Windsor and Detroit. Leaving Montreal 8.45 a.m,; Toronto | 6.10 p.m., arriving Detroit 12.35 a.m, » and Chicago 7.45 a.m. daily. Equally good service returning. Through electric lighted equipment. Toronto = Winnipeg -Vancouver Toronto-Vancouver Fxpress No. 3 Jeaves Toronto 5.55 p.m. daily. Van- couyer-Toronto Express No, 4 arrives Toronto 11.45 a.m. daily. Manitoba Express No, 7 leaves Toronto daily except Sunday 10.50 p.m. arriving © Winnipeg second day. Ontario Ex- press No. § leaves Winnipeg 9.25 p.m. and arrives Toronto 5.15 p.m. daily except Tuesday. -- twith his. friend llast week. i (ting i with Mr. and Mrs: 1 i will give an address in 'ad friends at St. ; Loretta and Rose spen ; Macton. Beacon thirty-one years 3 to 4 men who sh were present-d "+¥ cn Lulu. Rot Miss to her home in Mr. James "st Miss with ock. ewart S xy "TX VO Masters Lorne Ruppert Grody were success Entrance examination. Rev. Mr. Eschoo. a Persian ter and graduate of Knox the church here on Thursday evenig in the in- terests of the work of the Presbyter- ian church in Persia. A silver collect ion will be taken. Some of the farmers cutting their wheat. The school board have Dowd. of Listowel. and ( for the senior and junior rooms respectively of the school here Mrs. Duncan Stewart and Misses Mary and Dorothy of Stratford, are wisit of Mr. dames visiting at the home Stewart. have started engaged Miss te sa "-- . ries PON ee Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Moss.nger spent Fridav at Berlin. Miss Pearl Stork. of St. Jacobs. spending a vacation with Mr. Mrs. 8. Scherrer. SE Mr. and Mrs. Louis Baechler visit- Agatha on Sunday. that spent Saturday Mr. HAWKESVILLE is and Among those a J at Mr. Peter Dentinger's were d Mrs. : Knipfel and daughters Beatrice and ma. tn and Mrs. Fred. Lackner spent tast Tuesday 'at St. Agatha. Mr, C. Boegel, of a vis itor at the Union hotel om Thursday. Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred. Donald spending 4 vacation 'with their son at Preston. Mr. anc le Toronto. are visi nts here. ey Nelson Snider and daughter Eva spent a few days at 'Toronto. Mrs. Jackson and little daughter Margaret. of Preston, are visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Senior. Mr. and Mrs. August Ahrens spent Sunday at Heidelberg. Mr. John Walter 1 Mrs. Benjamin Ballard, of tors at the former's and daughters t Sunday at If WORKED Christian Endeavor A young lady took down the re- ceiver and discovered that the tele- phone was in use. "J just put on pan of beans for dinner." she heard one woman 1 another. She hung up the rece.ver and waited. Three and then. exaspera Particulars regarding Kail & Ocean tickets from C,P. ticket agts. or write .G, Murphy, D.P.A,, Toronto, PF. W. THOMAS, = Local Agent the conversation. "Madam. I smelt 'your beans burning." she announced | gnisply. A horrified scream greeted | the wemark. and the young lady was jable to put in her call. -- of |. Messrs. Geo. Smith. ©. Mulcahy, s. f inter- & minis- | College.! Miss Pascoe, | Lloyd Kuipfel, Mrs. David | Toronto. was a Viss | are } a ; complacently informing | \ Closing Hours : © MONDAY. ..sesseess....7,00 p.m, TUESDAY .............7.00 p.m. WEDNESDAY.........8.30 p.m. ae FRIDAY .......-06 "The Arcade" ve We, Hot Weather Specia -) SATURDAY «s-....--10.00 p.m, ae * ial PAG This week there will be Hot Weather Specials in our Ladies' Department. ~ 10 per cent. off all lines t lb. Rio Coffee for ....... calling at the store. Ibs. Foy Sugat {orc ecaiats sc DOL Rissa houses Oe In Muslins, Ginghams, Prints, Ratines, Silks, Dress Goods, Lawns. PRODUCE SAME AS CASH I = Specials for Saturday Only dozen Men's Felt Hats, reg. $2 and $2,50, all one price .......4-seerepeee dozen Men's Straw Hats, reg. $1.75 to $2.50, all OME pPric€.....-eerserreeeeceeres dozen Men's Ties, regular 50c each, all one pric€....sssccceseeere rerersee see cee dozen Men's Shirts, regular $1 to $1.25, all OME PHiC€,....cscsssreeererencectareres vas et PL 2S 1.38 .29 69 GROCERY DEPARTMENT b. Golden Rio Coffee for....... Bee ta 1 | Ibs. Tapioca for ....s1.. + seeeeeee vives LOC x All those who have not received one of our "Home Trade" Catalogues, can do so by Have a look through these cat Clocks, etc.%We can save you 25 per cent. on these goods. alogues for your wants in Jewelry Everything guaranteed. | | | W. K. LOTH, mi "The Arcade"' verton, - Ont. yy Chureh Rev. t and Mrs ys in Wall isted at m H, Kreutzweis and relative: in 1 short time. sence O14 tev. few d mer as Mrs. friends 4 POOLE id 2, db Se ekeetesherteckestecteofe + ate che abe ake be eke ohe shocks sSenhe stead. CS ae ale ae ae ae ae She at se ae a he at a 2 | Mr. Geo. Forbeck. of ratford. spent the week-end at his honie here | Miss Katie Anderson, of Brunner is spending the holidays at the home of her uncle. Mr. Robt. Fleming. { Mr. and Mrs, John Moench. Gamburg visited Sunday with ifatter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. (letter, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Salvadge spent Sunday last with friends in Donegal | Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schmehl spent \@uesday with friends in Stratford. ahs Book eae oats of the H | Mrs. W. T. Shearer returned home 'on Wednesday last from Nelson after |Nelson after spending several weeks / holidays with friends there. | Messrs. Louis.. Philip and John Op- 'per and Carl Opper visited over Sun- | day with friends in Berlin. | Miss T. Schmehl called on friends lin Milverton on Sunday last. | Miss Jean Fleming is visiting with | her sister. Mrs. Duncan Dewar. of Kingwood. | Mr. Louis Schmehl. of Palmerston. | visited Sunday at his home here, | Mr. Bauman. a student of Berlin. | preached in the Lutheran church on Sunday. | | | BROUGHTON-- YOUNG | A quiet wedding was solemnized at "the Listowel rectory on Wednesday \fafteamoon. July 8th. at one o'clock 'vhem Miss Lillie Young became the l.wife of Mr. Geo. A. Broughton. both of Monkton. Rev. H. M. LTang-Ford officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Broughton will take up their residence in Monk- , ton, Goulding ~ world's champion walker. will compete with at Stratford Old Boys' Re- 1-8. George 1 to 3 mile five others union. Aug. THE ARMY- WORM } On account of the erops in some | districts. being badly attacked by this 'pest. it #sadvisable for every farmer ito be on the lookout and feombat it if it comes his way. ; The army worm is about one and 'one-half inches long when full grown ; and is striped with black. yellow and green, of a dingy appearance and times she waited | much resembling the cutworm, When ted. she broke into' F < : or detected. all éfforts should be centred 'on keeping the worms out of crops 'not yet attacked. A deep furrow. (several furrows are better) ploughed | around the fields with the _ ve! 'or steep side of the furro it: ready: to } he crop, to be protec | Harrier to prevent the march of the } + | worms. 'as they will not be able t ight side of rawl up-the stra. koe to crawl along > get out, th f the wi iting | a} ted. serves as GRAN DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE WAY to} the fur- | be dug} should furrow «ver catch the worn f y | IMPORTANT CE NOW IN ERFRECT SERV! crop i th Paris poiso e rate of fifty t pound Paris green wi es and en it) large numb d so poisoned mu eee sw ( tured until Wh \%OSOPSSSOOS IOSD SCSOH OS SSSHS SOS OO SOSS OO OSE water to sv C V VE ALSO HAVE A igars, Pipes and Tobaccos -: POSHE RE SHOOSESEEOD WEIR'S RESTAURANT, SSSSSSSSSOHS HS SSS HSS ODS OSG FGFS SHHSHGHFHSSO9OSO9OO08 Milverton «| Toronto=Chicago -|Toronto- Montreal PEOOODOHODO SSO SHO OHOCOO IOS Your New Suit-- _S. N. SMITH, Ghe up Mate Tailor ' Before placing your order, come in let us show ~ you our new Jines of suitings. We guarantee to -- please you in both fit and price. ee MILVERTON, ONT, , We sell the Gerhard Heintzman Pianos. . The "Home Trade" Player Piano at $327.50. "Home Trade" Piano at $185.00. See our | line of Baby _ - Carriages: and Collap- -- sible -- Go-Carts | ay "Prestolene" Piano Gloss Makes Furniture Look New See the Cadillac Vacuum Sweeper Furniture De 4 @ and Undert @ Milverton