Monkton Times, 8 Oct 1914, p. 8

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» Lost a black ies yellow éouta: jane ' ee short tail. Answers to the name 'of 'What.' The above reward will be paid for his return to E, F.FINK- _ BEINER. Milverton, Ont. - AUCTION SALE -- of HORSES and > 45 - HEAD OF CATTLE: ~ 45 Wer D. Weir has received instructions from > Messrs. Atkin & Barr to sell by public auc- . tion. on SHOW GROUNDS, MILVERTON ~ -- ON ---- ~ SATURDAY, OCT. 10th, 1914 THE FOLLOWING: 11 Cows 6 years old, supposed to He th calf; 1 duein November, 2due in March and the rest are duein April, 2-year-old Heifer due to calve in Pebruary, 3 Spring Calves steers, 1 Yearling Steer, 3 3 Ve arling Heifers, 16 Cat- tle rising 3 years old--the very best quality-- 2 three-year-olds, pair of Steers 5 and 5 yrs. old weighing 3700 Ihbs.; 5 Heifers 2 years old Percheron Filly rising 3 years old, Heavy Colt rising 2 years old, Light. Colt rising 2 years old. Sale Commences at Two o'clock 'TERMS--6 month's credit will be given and a discount of 6 per cent. per annum off for cash, W.D. WEIR, ATKIN & BARR, - Auctioneer. Proprietor Assignee' ES Sale in Ellice Township There will be offered for sale by Auction upon the premises, Farm Lot No, 20 in the 15th Concession of the "Township of Ellice in the County of Perth on Monday, the 19th day of October A.D., 1914, at 2 p.m. the said Farm Lot (subject to the sale conditions thereof.) And also the Farm Stock, imple- ments and grain. situate upon the said Farm Lot, comprising the estate of Robert Hanna, the Younger, of the said Township of Ellice, Farmer and Drover. Insolvent. Fuller particulars of the personal property to be offered for sale will be given by Sale Bills and the terms and conditions of sale will be announced at the time of the said sale. (Dated at Stratford this 30th dav of Sentember. A.D. 1914. 'Thos. Magwood. - Assignee PF. R. Blewett. Assignee's Solicitor. 5!J. MILLER. R.R. No. 1.inwood. 2 | List OWEL ES Miss Isabel Gies. of Newton. visited with friends in town last week. was a visitor in town on Sunday. "Miss Irene Coulter and Miss Struth--- ers. of Newry were- visitors in town! on Saturday. : Messrs. Harry Roos. of Listowel. | Tanonto on Monday to attend' the. Dental College. An informal -dance was given in the former's honor -- on Friday evening in the. Music hall and! he was also' presented: with a patele! by the young,men in town on ine same evening. Mr, Richard Paul..Jr. left for Tor-; onto to take uv the Forestry course in the Toronto University. Mr. Vietor Smith. of Palmerston. | visited with friends in town over the ; waek-end. 'Mr. HE. Sargent returned) home on! Monday after a few days visit in the city. Miss E. Kerr. of Carthage.was a week-end visitor in town. - Miss M. Albrecht. of Fordwich, was| a visitor in town on Monday. The local company of the 28th regi- ment numbering 36 volunteers held a church parade to Christ church on Sunday evening last where an inspir- ing and fervent sermon on the Eur- opean war was given by Mr. Doherty B.A... of Toronto, The church was paicked to the doors and the boys in khaki created a deep impression on the congregation. The service was imterspersed with an anthem by the choir. a duet by the Misses Maloney and Winslow and a solo by Miss Mar- ion Kopp. ' A sham battle and army ,manoeuyv- res are to be held in Stratford on Thanksgiving Day and the. local com- pany will take part in full strength, They will leave here on the 8.58 a.m. train and return on the 7.20 p.m. The boys are looking forward with much pleasure to the outing. CATTLE FOR SALE TERBORN. Milverton, FOR SALE House and Lot for further partic- ulars apply to GEO. DENSTEDT. Brunner. P.O. 824-41. LOST. A gold locket and chain on Fair May. Finder please return to Sun affice, CSTs pia On Fair Day a tan colored purse containing two dolars. Finder please leave at Sun office and receive reward ! FOR SALE 3 pure bred Yorkshire boars. 15. 8 and 5 months old> 1 Tamworth sow due to farrow in November; 1 large (Yorkshire sow due to farrow, Jan. ist..also ten pigs ten weeks old. S. TENDERS FOR DRAIN. Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned for the construction of the Hymérs Drain up to 3 o'clock p.m. on Monday, October 19th. 1914. A marked check to the amount of $50 must ac- campany each tender as a guarantee jof good faith. The lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted, Plans and specifications may ,be seen at the office of the Clerk near Burns. ALEX. BEGGS. COMMERCIAL. Fall Wheat, teh ieee Uwe 00 Barley per bushel... ig ae 60 Oats aM PROMO Sui Gee 40 45 Peas °*' Mee hie do ke we 0 Flour, Jewel per cwt....... woe eae werd " -Banner percwi...... «0.00 3-30 *- § Jewel per cwt...... 3 55 3 55 Bran per ton..................25 00 25 00 OVC POL TON vo iis ciccecses .20 00 27200 Hay. per ton..: 6... .0ss0000.14 00 14 00 Hogs liveweight............ 815 8 15 Potatoes per bag............ 75 1.10 RIRONG, PTO ori secs isns ars 2 2 Turkeys... ay aes oh Velaes 20 22 Ducks, Live . ereevasaetoed 8 10 Chickens " : : 18 18 Hens iB aiyad ey Bet Pe 9 10 PIASGs. Vii akeiviage seritakoceene a4 15 MAIO Ws Case carckk (ober rk eek 6 6 Gb Oe es ea iicicaa ee vediaae ns 26 26 WGC O iva cium reas fovea 27 Reeve of Mornington. R.R. No. 1. Linwood, Oct, 6th. 1914, 2 FREE EYE TESTING DEMONSTRATION -- 2 tas li Ee Tee -- -- = a 2 an by Wie "He Looks In As I have decided to take the most advanced course in Optical Science, I am pleased to announce that I have engaged the noted "Shadow Test'? Expert Mr. F. A. Graham, of Montreal to The Eye" Wejurge every man, woman and work-is done by artificial light. P.H. BAST! Who will give a Series of Free Demonstrations of Eye Testing by the new "'Shadow Test" method of looking into the eye. Demonstration Starts Thursday Oct. 15th, and Ends on Saturday October 24th, 1914. eyes to come while the specialist is with us and learn the true condition of their eyes, Demonstrations conducted each day from 9 a.m, to 8:30 p.m. Evenings are as good as daytime, as all Examinations Are 'Absolutely Free. _ Glasses Supplied Only When 'Necessary. child who needs help for the ps ENDORFF IAs the streets were pav'd with gold. and Melvin Robb. of Atwood, left. for Singing songs of Piccadilly : Strand. 40 stockers. Apply to JACOB KEL-) rad Gies at St. Clements list Tuesday. | ---------- Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Scherrer NOTES OF rat Berlin. ter Annie. .of St. Clements. spent Sun- day at Hesson. qualdrenniam with an inerease of 161 Threshing 'ploughing and apple] jn the number of schools. butter making is the order of the day | q@ay School force totals 459.037, which includes those attending union schools Mir. and Mrs. Henry -Islty, Jr. and] the increase being 81.373. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Girodat spent} ber who have signed the pledge from 1910 to 1914 5 441,000,000 was raised in the ; { years for Sunday school purposes, the N _WTON. j @ctual amounts being $961,074; ached fnissionary work. $209,836; .and Miss Mabel Robinson. of Wellesley | all purposes $1462 428, and Miss Laura Bean of New Ham-|- burg spent a day last week with the fcrmer's uncle Mr. Geo, Johnston. on | | 'the ninth concession. -- spent last week visiting friends on: the 9th line and in Carthage. Geo. Hawthorne's on Oct. 8th, a A -}tism will also be dispensed. 1 "MARCHING SONG <5 oh It's ¢ a Long Way to Pipperaty? has | : ; | beoiome the marching song of the % Mr. Clarence Muleahy of Millbank. British army be runs thus: ' Sie 78 <Pee Up to sddchty pe came an irigh: ei man one day. Sure ev *ryone was gay, and Leicester Square. Till Paddy got excited then he shout- ed to them | there: Chorus. 'It's a long way to Tipperary. It's a long way to go: , it's a long way to Tipperary |To the sweetest girl I know Good-by Piccadilly.: farewell Leices- ster Square. | it's a long way to Tipperary. But my heart's right there. Piaddy wrote a letter to his Irish Molly O a Saying; "Should you not receive jt write and let me know: If I make mistakes im spelling, Molly deat.' said he. "Remember it's. the pen that's bad. don't lay the blame on me." Chorus, Molly wrote a neat reply to Irish Paddy O' Saying Mike Maloney wants to marry me and so Leave the Strand and Picadilly. or vou'll be to blame. Fore love has fairly drove me silly hoping you're the same." MORNINGTON COUNCIL. Aen cme The. council met in Donley's hall. Newton. on Monday- October 5th. at 10 am. The minutes of the last reg- ular meeting and of a special meeting held on Sept. 21st were read and (pidoptied. A grant of $200 to the Red Cross Society was voted. Mrs. A. Beggs' tender for the purchase at five per cent. of the Mueller--Schaef- er drainage debentures was accepted. The Court of Revisiow on the Hy- mer Drainage By-law was held at 3 p.m. There was only one appeal filed | by S. Hymer. After dealing with this | appeal the court closed and the coun- cil resumed general business. By-law No. 471 for the Hymer drain was read the third time nd finally passed, Orders were issued as follows; -- C. Kerr. 33,00. gravel contract | con. 13. lot 6: I, Askin. 26.95. gravel to} @malthmasters: Wm. Taylor. 4.00, ditto T. Lamnin 14,40. ditto. E. O'Grady 5.00. ditto.; -C. Connell 40.40 ditto.: M. Whitney 142.70. gravel to contract- ors: G. Lintick,. 2.50. culvert on t.l.e, half cost: ©. Fetter, 130.60, 3 gravel contracts on boundary south. hf, cost: Woah Ruby 17.75. tile to council; A. Keobel. 61.69. gravel contract t.le. hf. cost: A. Lintick. 1.65. ditching t.l.e. hf cost: Geo. Wells. 11.25. gravel con- tract t.le. hf. cost: Geo. Wells, 2.50 ditto.: B. & N. Planing Mill Co. 23,26 lumber and cement: ©, Yost. 2.50. work with grader s.r. 9 and 10: G. Wells. 13.00. gravel contract. t.le. M. Linmseman, 50c. overseeing gravel Wonitinact tin. hf, cost: W. Calder. 1.25 overseeing culvert t.le. hf cost: John Kohn. 25.00. culvert t.ln. half cost: John Roessing._ 37.00. gravel ooutract lot il. con. 4; Treasurer of Blma. 361.50. Mornington's contribut- jon to the Ellice-Miaitland Relief drain: J. S. Reid. 3.00, repairing bridge and searching for gravel: W. (Waddell, 10.00. clerk's fees on Me Mymer drain; G. Wells, 3.65, grading t.ln. hf. cost; John Donegan. 7.50. digging township's portion of the W.| H. Moore award drain; A. Reibling 50; cents repairing road; C. Schwindt 68.40. gnave!l contract con. ,5. lot 15: W. Taylor. 45.95. gravel contract on narrow guage; W. Taylor. 94.85. grav- el contract con. 9, lots 4and 8. E. D. Bolton. 15,00, engineer's fees for the Schrenk award drain: H. BE. Ratz &/| Co. 262.50. plank and lumber supplied | to council; John Tarnbull, 3.25, grav- elling road s.r. 7 and 7. con. 7; M. Henry 50c. repairs to grader. The council adjourned to meet peain on Monday Oct. 19th. at 3 p.m. to receive tenders for the Hymer drain and to read the engineer's re- port on the Stewart drain and for general business. W.. Waddell. Clerk. HAWKESVILLE. Mrs. Oswald Sugden and Miss Flor- ence Sugden spent Friday at Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony. Meyer. ~ of St, Clements. were visitors at the home of Mr. Louis Huber's on -- Sun- Way. Mrs. George Forwell spent Mon- day in Berlin. Among those that spent. Sunday at the home of Mr. Albert Ludwig were; Mr. ahd Mrs. George Schenk. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ament, of Berlin. Mr. John Schlitt and daughter Valiera. and Miss Bessie Smith. of St. Jacobs. Miss Hilda Moeser spent Sunday at her home near Heidelberg. Mr. Albert Lehmen. of Weisenberg moved his household effects into the tavern he recently purchased from Mr. Edward Martin. - Quite a number from bere attend- ed the funeral of the Jate Mrs. Con- spent Friday at St. Jacobs, Mr. Louis Dietrich. of St. Agatha. visited his brother here on Sunday. Mrs. C. Bulmer is visiting relatives oe 4HESSON family left on Wednesday for their home in Toronto. Mr. Eugene Stemmler, of Walker- ton. has purchased Mr. Henry Holz- schuh's farm located at Dorking. Mr. A, Helm made a business trip to Linwood on Saturday. ' 'Mr. and Mrs. 8. Koebel and daugh- Wedding bells are ringing. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Isley. ; sibidamat eailcebrotscesl Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boyd. of Listowel Prayer meeting will be held at Mr. Mr. Huston J ee = ne Wunwesncoee ---- PI The doint 4 we must emphasize i is that, awhile our Sreeat collections are perhaps the most complete in Milverton, Wwe can promise no definite for the future and can only urge you to purchase ee the materials you will need for the coming season, for the prices a can certainly go no lower and varieties will hardly be SO broad. Se Garbardine, Poplins, Granites, Cheviots, Cordes, Per- mos, Queen' s Cloth, full range of colors,'50c to $1.50 English and French Serges, in black and navy, suit- able for dresses, suits or coats.............50¢ to $2.50 Imported Broadcloths, black and colors...$1.25 to $4 Ladies' New Coats 3 $1000.00's worth of the newest ideas in Ladies' Fall and Winter Coats. Dozens of them--no two alike-- made by the best firms. We iuvite you to see them, even if you do not intend to purchase a coat for some time. First choice is often best. Children's Coats We are prepared to supply the children's needs in "a winter coats. Never before was our stock so complete and the Children's Coats so neat and stylish. Fall Weather and Fall Underwear Go together. The weather is sure to come. We can supply the underwear. We wish to impress upon aa minds that our stock is complete. Underskirt Special Made of good Egyptian, with deep flounce very. speciak af S005 ee ae oie ee 49c Nightgowns Made of good quality flannelette, in plaln white, our Price TANQe: .. is o6c.c ase, cvs aka ss OUR FO AR ee Sweater Coats In women's, misses' and children's sizes. A splendid selection to choose from. Ladies' Sweaters $1 to $4. Children's Sweaters,.......c...scscesssseacees 500 tO $2.25 Ladies' Rain Coats $3.99 Men's and Boy's Suits We invite you to call and see our splendid stock of clothing for men and boys. We are prepared to Suit you at whatever price you should choose to pay. Men's suits $5.39 to $20. Over 200 suits to select from. Boy's suits ...., ...+. 2.50 to $10 Men's and Boy's Sweater Coats.........50c to $5 Fall Neckwear, all latest styles at...... ........50¢ Latest: Fitwell Stiff Hats: .340. so cts See Soft Hats in new colors ees = and $2.50 Young Men's Soft Hats, new colors .........$1.25 Boy's Soft Hats, new colors....... sft and $1 ----~ "now, all ENGELAND @ SON. '"'The Store With the Stock'"' METHODIST GENERAL CONFERENCE ing to proceed to the consummation a eas yay a basis to be mutual- Vv accepte e proposed that a joint |\ifairs, Rev. Dr. ') church union committee be caine by er oe cor the eae to be called into actiy- iyt when deemed expedient, The Rey. ted Superintendent Emeritus ¢ Dr. Chown then outlined the prin-|be retained in an inc stop, noua ciples which have been outlined for|for the next four years at the the basis of union. The report of the Committee on| The Memorial committee o Evangelism quoted figures to show | ence recommended; .That te pate that there had been good progress in |(Oxford version of the Bible be the growth of membership. '"Never-|by ministers and students in the Meth theless". the committee pointed out.|odist Church in preference to the "it is impossible ta be blind to the authorized version. fact that our Church is not showi ing the aggressively evangelizing power i : ini we might reasonably expect of a body sao lfatubi asks ahh Mr Sens so strong. so well organized and of miendation of the 'Superannuation such traditions. In common with al] the Chapones cot ; Gheiatenaun: the Committee to increase the annua! al- Midthodist Church is failing' to meet }i the demands of the age with that all- aria tht Sbelig te Fedo Si past Shey conquering enthusiasm which has con ee te nee swept her onwartl in the great per- : DONEGAL. iods of advance in the past. . For the past four years a special committee has been preparing a new: humn book, The work is mow com- plete and the report is ready to be pubgniitted. The new book will have most of the old favorites in.the -- six (thunidred hymns it will contain this number being taken from 7,000 hymns examined. The new book was plan- ned in collaboration with a special committee of the Presbyterian chureh so that several hymns used by the] Wrtadbyterians are embodied in the} book in question. Rev. Dr. W. S. Griffin. still vigor- ous and virile at 88. was again ap-| Sun and Daily 'World ..0.. ec 3.25 pointed as Treasurer of the Superan-| Sun and Daily News .... nuation Fund. He has held the of-| Sun and Daily Star ........ fice since 1892. He was given a big} Sun and Daily Advertiser ..... cay bik va when che arose to' ex-| Sun and Daily 'Spectator , Ae . Albert Moore again elected secretary of the confer- ence polling 170 out of 234 votes. It was announced that 71 ministers of the Methodist church have volun- : teered for service witht the Canadian Mr, and Mrs. George Stemmler and} ¢roops as chaplains. fn the last four years been an inerease of 28.901 in the mem bership of the church. the total mem- bership being 368.312 with the num- ber of ministers at 2.069 and number of probationers at 77 Sunday Schools Dominion with a membership of 409 632. an increase of ? raised for miss- since the last Quadrennial Con- ence has been 2$.909,800 drease of $878,523. or over 43 » Mrs. Joseph Martin. of Milverton | cent. as compared with the preceding meturned home after spending a{|quadnennium., couple of weeks with her daughter Mrs. Wm. Scott. 9th line. The total amount io The Rev. G, D. Chown, one of the of the conference, said in his address at the afternoon: session that Canadian Methodism is|° looking with great expectancy to this conference for somé definite deliver- n the question of church union ts od hashes and soa ede ; superintendents Chown said is ready to re- 1d Pri Vs apuntatanaant and will assume the | principal direction of the church's af. the past thirty years has been Gen- eral Superintendent has been appoint- capacity salary that has hitherto been paid him. ° The rejection of the proposal to ac- lowance to superinnuated ministers beneficiary was in the active ministry, The farmers in this vicinity are taking advantage of the fine weath- er and are busy digging potatoes. which are an excellent crop this year, Mr. George Scott and Mr. Leslie ymer were guests at the Carnochan week. A number of young people attend- ed the ball at Carthage last Friday evening. ae -- SUN. CLUBBING RATE Suh and Daily Globe per year .....$3.75 Sun and Daily Mail and eee 3.75 'cas BRB Vokes i | | Sun and 'Daily Free Press ae: on ee Council met stpteniber 28t An members were present. the ] oresged. The minutes of the meeting were read. confirmed Moved by F. A, Wood, seconde. John Mogk,. that in respect to. tnunication. from John Fitanor. trap on sideroad between, | 26 in the 5th concession of ship. Resolved that this co struct the olerk to notify Mr, Bach to have said drain put. dition that the award called { loved 'by F. A. 'Wood, yy to hate the Collectors' rol bé extended t used _The Conference adopted the recom-| November ist. me) Loved by J, Mogk. seconded A, Wood. that councillor Ga inted to haye the Collect duly 'signed eens returried "Moved by 2 B Gill, A. Wood, that J $400 for work done o: {Maitland Drain as tifieate. Qarried. -- loved by F. 5 ie J, Mogk, that T, Ly be net paid $6.00 dogs as per v port. N cau by John Mogk. s ' that Dennis Malong oil $162. for. work done on an Road Extension dra nieer's certificate --MecLaughlin wedding at Tralee last | p were: ordered -vald.

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