Monkton Times, 12 Nov 1914, p. 1

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ILVERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, NOV. 12.1914. 3 ~ M See i ug oo Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Proprictor frede choke fonfocdneGesdoede ede cfoefeofeedesfestonde oleedoebeeberberdeedeeds. | ° cy Co Fresh eggs 826 dozen at Mohr's,|_ We way 27 cents forgood dairy bat. | gr SO special grocery prices ter at Mohr's, = is week. 4 : © Leave your orders at The § bi On { { 2 6 deta eaie lb.: fresh eggs 30c. pex | fice for butter parchment. eee s Pence en ee Mr. and Mrs. Ben Johnston -- speni x vhotograph ; Tuesday .with friends in Listowel. Burns Church Ladies' Aid will hold if you go to Lee, Listowel. Mrs. Thos. Atkin spent a few days a bazaar in Pfaff's store. Dec 12th -- Miss Alice ,Hamilton. of Stratford. last week with Mrs. M: Taylor. Brun- spent the week-end at her home here mer. Mrs. E. Zang of Poole. spent last: Miss Margaret Kerr. of Ellice. spending a week with her week with her daughter : - kin. ; ef. Mrs, Ate | Ruby. Atkin. Mrs. John Krugal. of eke | ~VoL-NO 11 Metropolitan Bank ==>, ~ The ; which will be amalgamated on November 14th with c--- The Bank of Nova Sco he Bank will then have a Paid- up Capital of $6,500,000, and a Reserve Fund of $11,750,000, and branches throughout Canada and in the principal cities of the United States as well as in New- foundland and the West Indies. LOCAL NEWS f of- IB sfecfeobosfeode de Lesfeoloobysloobesfeabeedeed checks doeechecbeeh ob Mr..J. Kalbfleisch spent a few days this week in: Newtcn. Rey. and Mirs. R. "H. Barnby. Lueam. spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. John Coulter. Mrs: Ralph Lederman. of 'Regina fask.. was the guest of Mrs. P. T Tye for several days this week. : Rev. Wm. Cooper. B.A.. of Mount Forest. will conduct the anniversary services in Burns church Nov. 29th. Mirs. S. H. Pugh weregret to re- tia of and is The greatly increased resour- ¢ cousin Miss ces and wide distribution of branches will enable us to offer unexcelled facilities in every department of Banking. | SAVE, because--- The Milverton Publie school will visited her brother Mr. Wm. Holl , ; ar, oe. latz = 3 a Better retrenchment now than privation later. hold a box ~ social in Zimmermann's on Wednesday of dast week. hall on Friday. Noy. 27th.. Odell daughter of Mr. and Mrs. . Mrs. Frank Engeland and family have returned home after spending a John Zimmermann had the misfor- tune on Tuesday to fall down stairs vort has been confined to her room/month with friends at Toronto. = past = days through an at- Parties haying wire stretchers be- ack of neuralgia, | longing to me are requested to re- Mr. Bert. Lucas om Monday of this! turn same before: Ncy.:15th. Geo. J. ee a = ee "ir, and Mrs. Wm. Johnston.of Car- thage. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gray a Mr. Milton Gray of Stratford. spent week was in receipt of a cabliegram | Coxon. stating that his youngest brother had Mrs. Henry Fischer. of Logan, visit- baer eee in ee war. ed a week with her parents Mr. and eee h Miss Laura Kerr will repregent| Mrs. W. Hollatz and 'Mrs, ©. Sch-| 20% Oe ee ME soe CBG Pie d Fens soo tea ston. : eae ee : rose ide an PE REL acres that : Mr. Neil Yellowlees. piano tuner -- ---- ee : 2 | will visit Milverton during the sec eee Se ee week of Noyember. Orders a ' The Sun office will receive prompt | | Your account solicited. HEAD OFFICE: Corner King and Bay Streets. Toronto GENERAL MANAGER: A, H. WALKER MONKTON BRANCH: F. W. ARMSTRONG, Manager MILVERTON BRANCH: D. C. BROWN, Manager I py SnD GD GREED UP GETS ES SE a J "The New Millinery Shop" = emai ww . e e e | Millinery Bargains! HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BUY MILLINERY AT REDUCED PRICES: 26 95 $3.00 | All large velvet shapes going | B18 | at Greatly Reduced Prices. MISS L. MEYER MONKT Db.. The Perth County Teachers' Con-/1915 may easily add $15,000,000 tothe yention will be held at Stratford on| mcomes of farmers. : {Thursday and Friday next and as Mr. Wm. Burgmann is prepared to fcomsequence no school will be do all kinds of repairing of shoes at those days. his house Main street. Shoes left Mrs. Maleolm MacBeth on Wednes-| there will be mended promptly at a day afternoon of last week entertain-| low pirice. ed informally a number of herfriends} Rev. George Mason late of Pinker- in the village at a "thimble tea" in| tom and Cargill was on Thursday last homor of her guest Mrs. J. W. Stew-| inducted by the Presbytery of Sau- a geen into the pastoral charge of Knox church. Harriston. The British Government is refitting and refurnishing Napoleon's old quar- ters. Longwood. at- St. Helena. where 700 Boer prisoners were landed after|ed the 37th Haldimand Rifles at C the South African war. _ juga for active service. The Brantfond re n . 3 ord : L The employees of the G.T.R. shops} Armenians to the number of forty-fi the 5th line. were "at home" to | Stratford. were on Monday put on /are traiming also Ss number of young people of the neigh-| short time working from 8 a.m' till It was atatad at Ruthyv h borhood and the village on Friday|5 pm. This has been the custom fol-| far nearly 5.000 hogs h ae ee ee evenine of last week. All voted Mr.} lowed for several years. im Essex. a eave ahh eps Sain f aod Mrs. Sanderson hospitable enter-| In the next twelve months Britain | cholera outbreak. This is the eat ; Bg oe ee re : } can have complete fon service more} loss that has ever been caused, by a Race ik ines | Mr: Ww. D. Weir is celebrating his| than double the number of great war- disease in the history of that distri 2 . Shoe Store | 60th birthday to-day (Tharsday) by aj) ships that Germany cari produce.|| The Massey-Harris Com auagale MILVERTON, ~ ONT. | family reunion. Mr. Weir was born| while:in cruisers our strength will be | Bramtford. which at the Caeaes = | in Milverton where Mr. J. E. Coultes | three or four times as great. ithe war released twelve h Seas a | DOW resides. He has been an auction-| Mr. A. M. Smith. recording stew- | will start again in a few a ae nae leer for 33 years and has been village jard of Listowel Methodist church, has | ployine eight hundred men = =n _tglerk for 32 years |received a letter from' Rev. J. Edwin} a week. giving apres me anes liad ee A. Sheaves of Regina.| Millyard. pastor of the Hyatt-ave. | felrence. : = eet ees was t e choice of the onseryatives of | Methodist church. London. intimating| Rey. A: D. Gi ilies SES Re ae the Federal constituency of Regina at/ his acceptance of the call to raetoatl cee Badd Ea pe a convention held in Regina last week} The St. Thomas railroad men the| London will give a report Shed = Four names were put im nomination|"Board of Trade. and the City Coun-|'vention in the Evangelic , h eS but the three others withdrew leay-| cil protesting to the Dominion | Sunday evening next ae: wee re ime Mr. Westman the choice. Government against the embargo pre- | workers are invited to come Baa guy Amy citizen of the village that has! venting dressed meats. hay, straw i 7 of the villag at has! ess ats. y. straw.ete | how to get had an opportunity of viewing i - = Se SO eee Buttermakers ! J erton on Thursday and Friday. will be deyoted to wheat in Ontario in jand carefal attention We stop the press while Mr. "Cal." Broughton rises to-remark that ifthe good people of this vicinity continue to see aeroplanes and flying machines at:the "bewitching hour" that another visit from Phippen is due. Orders for butter parchment -- left with J. T. Gill will receive prompt at- 'tention. It is of great advantage to farmers to have their mames and ad- dresses primted on wrappers as it fre- guently brings them into direct touch with city consumers. : : It is our duty this week to record the third death ini Logani that~ has followed an attack of measles during the past two weeks. This*time the victim of the malady was Mr, John 'Miueller, aged 22 years. son of " Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mueller. Logan road He was ill for only a short time but death resulted despite all that could be dome. He was married about a year ago to Miss Kate Gloor. daugh- fer of Mr. John Gloor, of Brodhagen. The fumeral took place to Brodhagen Lutheram cemetery #n Saturday. The young heart-broken wife has the sym- pathy of a wide circle of friends. : : 'A yery sad death todk place in Lo- DIAN gan on Friday evening when Mrs. 'Aagust Greve passed away after a The Globe brief illness with typhoid fever and The German scare is subsiding rap. pneumonia. Deceased was a daughter idly. Camadians begin to understand of Mr. Hemry Lease. of Ellice. and be- a there are tens of thousands of Sides alia wae she leaves four has | vent re i its. raw ¥ | Germans in the Dominion to whom little chi ren. the youngest about si deplomable condition of main street oye ries: oo cur toe pees oh ee Bes ee Feasueam ids an heaters | eal from ina Bn LOOT AO ab ste SOUACAT Geate a oe Gea : amy time during the past three weeks} states : emi seta a ag Se ets operation contin-|the Fatherland is even more repulsive Severe Dlow to Diy. ii we think will be quite-willing to ha ey Prof. R. Davidson of Knox College fern ete 3 se Fe Atay eS = Becokte say of British descent negro Ss eee ee oe i tionds, 6 bars Comfort Soap | 6 bars Castile Soap the council make a generous expen | will conduct the morning service par without fire Set ior ae Bers Seceesonc' ti e rrone the mt ey »b y of subscribers have. een vlaaet on Keen's Mustard | Golden West Bak. Powder 14c diture in the way of materially im-| Burns church next Sunday. Noy. 15th. | all householders to see that theese = 'The lett 3 f Mr. * H Miller, ex, th Tist ot 'Times. Tt any 'should Jello, assorted flavors |; Vanilla Extract :.-.-/2.-.. --...9C oroving the state of the road. | Prof. Davidson comes in the interest|no defects in flues or chimneys Pipes Psy mene = at ae re "getting their' paver promutly Baker's Cocoa, regular 25c for The frosts of Monday! and Tuesday} of the Laymen's -- Missionary Move-;should all be clean and a ak Tee ae |P. on "Our Own , German Scare." not be ee Pao Saves promony Sweetheart Soap, Venus brand .... eS Mornings are practically the first of| ment. He will be at Zion Wellesley |safe disposal of ashes) made. A Wxie | ee i. ere" ire Hod eto oe American Coal Oi1,5 gallon lots..............scs-secceesseeseeceeeecenees here e Bo = -- | in the or eeaeaae and at Wellesley yvil-! attention to these erations wii bs | Ae ihe oe nie ee The ioloaie new books hia I ee etables. As esa e|lage in the evening. loreat i yeni "even hi | na hnot | | i onl blie Library mpeda which have beer in a bad con-| The German erated ieeniecbenelabio Wier ae ee | snaps yes so gee os. othe | the Vi nished 'Mess Neer. 'Opven. aaa will be much improved after the | has been discovered by the British) A dispatch to Reuter's Telegram Co ree 6K the oe ds a the ee ie ee thi iin The We rid Set Free ea ruts are worn level with the general) cruiser Chatham in hiding in shoal jfrom Amsterdam says that advices ré- | still th nets rae gerghy ble Beoret of = = 2 man War Off fot oped age away oa Bs hie ees Pps German| oeived there from Berlin are to the oe ae an this Sy ae mates a Cornyn Pan conchae. in Caner oring wi e resumed. mast Africa. wing to heavier draft| effect th: to J 5 , the |p : ife |W A ives : Anal During the past week considerable ithe Chatham could mot reach her but TED BEN arent ne eat ne eee de abe Pe euite sibs polio ae nis a pole: The Com. progress was made on the new public/ jmprisoned her by sinking several | vitals held the following prisoners ;-- ee gto sate 7 ie she ee wan Be thas he. eegtores -- oe a ee the CX hulks of vessels in the channel. Firemch--3.138 officers. and 188.618 | cide of Britain 'the EAs ead bonds) Me i chic. ows our new 2 -| pane rl aie ees its -- ---- to be ae: ae even- | men. * Russians--3.121 officers and Aitintiud raw. ioe into sympathy has moved into te veces ea te |engaged in putting on the roof. Af-| Onpien 'of ee Worn A jeatinale (cl anicos 907 inen eevee officers with the sorrow and suffering through up residence in Mr. Kelly's house. We eset roof sc epee oe and | worthy .of the patronage of everv cit-|and 15.730 men. The rege ee Sr ee oaaue cot ewe Sager Pagan: windows can be put in and the inter- adds that t clin toh say barges i i trip t pokton oh Monday. -- 'or work finished at leisure. ja piano for the public library. Every tvanie it ee ag = etbbadea bee ee ery miss ahd ne ris or wei es m Mr. George Pauli who left a week' lady in the village is requested --to| emaalmped. Sry "tthe, diwau! tueipeiey Ok Geik nr tamed home aft isiting ttre, 'N \ago Friday with the Milverton Hunt/ bring a box and every gentleman is; The London Globe urges. that yee ad ep Eon ee eo re thee hoon An dae pest & race pec 1 \ -- interesting race took place | Club for the Parry Sound district re-| requested to be present and buy one. |ain's best defence : yt tt | Camadians of this locality are thor- turned on Friday evening last suffer-| No gentleman, however, will be per-| th sat eto See eet eee iS' oughly loyal. and. though | full of|this week when Messrs. W. Stricker ' the immediate official announ 2 é i 3 jime from an attack of pleurisy and) mitted to pay more than $1 for one. {of the heaviest reprisals upon Gecoran Smet foe Oe ie hee sae hee reer Meee Smtract of tbreeke pneumonia and is at present in a very A petition has been' circulated ask-|property im Britain. also bank balan- Bae tak orcene ne ue ae Oe et ee for Mn We dain which Ma. at. serious condition. His friends. how-| img the council to submit a vote at e : . ; of, ihe, Kalack Wns Ae Keg ee ee we Pee cites ake Kania ie ces here. for attacks on unfortified 4 : iser' ever. hope that with the nursing and the next municipal election for the re-| tow: d the ie cerely desire the Kaiser's defeat andjlam won.--Measle cards are gradually | D | towns and the slaughter of peaceful the maintenance of Britain's power." | disappearing from our burg but the | gare that he is receiving he will pull! peal of local option. We. learn signa-| citizens from the ai vy mine \ ¥e poe ' R through and be restored again to his! tures have been secured of more than|isuggests that 'all = gan omnsit His further remark that "we nde epidemic Be spreading farther north. erensted fee itts = | the 25 per cent. required by law. Our, throughout the British ioies Rake (@ very few townsmen who talk dis- Miss Salkeld's school on the 16th has The regular November meeting of| personal belief is that the effort will|am inventory of German property | loyalty and wan spoe le: arrested | been closed on account of the disease. |the Women's Institute will be held) be fruitless. Local option in Dwrham! within the Empire. the value of whieb | OD confined until the war is over. | Knox church has decided to hold Thur?ay November 19th. at the| may not be all the people desire. but! js believed to reach fwenty-tive han, | mdicates that Mr. Miller is not gloss- | their amniversary services on Sunday home of Mirs, P. L. Tye. The roll call) 60 per cent. of the electors are not) dred million dollars. the: Kaiser's £e.| De Phe OE bat, is telling: the| Noy 29th. and to hold a monster | will be responded to with quotations| 'willing to sez it repealed.-- Durham | ported possessions in British Columbia | rath as he sees it. Canada will not| fowl supper the following Monday. l from Scott. Miss Laura Kerr will) Chronicle. a | saolinded. "For every pound of -prop- vemalize or make life difficult for | Remember the dates. More partie- | give a report of the recent Women's) The forty-fourth annual report of/erty belonging to the alliés which | ousands of the most industrious and | ulars later,--Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw lTastitute Convention held in London. | births. deaths and marriages issued by | Germany can confiscate. the allies can | desimable of her citizens beeause of |of Toronto, visited the former's broth- 'A paper will be given by Mrs. J., 8.| the Ontario registrar has been receiv-| eonfiscate 'probably ten pounds' | the disloyal talk of a few firebrands jer here last week.--Mr. Robt. White Tockie on "What are you doing to! ed.from which the following figures | worth." (A German scare in Canada would be} of Linwood. called om his brother 'help our institute?" All members are! have been taken for Perth for 1913:| GirtmbmdCanadians of Berlin. give | ome of the follies which are -- worse | John who accompanied him back 'to asked to bring inexpensive Christmas) Estimated population 50.510: births! no oredence to the sensational stories (eee cr mes: Limwoed.--Srorament of the Lord's awifts and explain the making of such | 950. rate per thousand 18.8; marriages! of a possible invasion of Canada by | : Supper whs dispensed in Knox chitych When a young man first makes his | airtictes. All ladies are cordially 'in-| 372. rate per thousand 7.3; deaths | Garmam-Americans. There are bons) eke Ae SALE RFGISTER. jon Sunday a large number partaking alliance with a financial institution by | vited to be present. 1532. nate per thousand 10.5. Durine | q@reds of German descendants. former | mergers theneof.--Mr. W. 5. Merryfield has ' Savi i - t. he should ; | A meeting of the Stratford Presby-| the vast' ten years 1904--1913 inclus-|mesidents in this vicinity who have| Thursday Nov. 12th--Carload severed his connection with the L.O.F, opening a Savings Account. | ive in Perth. there heve been 10.015! grossed the border. whose letters to | Cattle at Queens Hotel Stables and may take up farming again. -- | day morning to deal with a call given | births. 3.301 marriages and 5.436! ¢riends there indicate that they are | verton. for R. R. Long. ROY. A. E. Doan was a speaker at the Cow | catertaimment and fowl supper held |at Donegal last Tuesday evening. -- a oe The Williams-Trow. Limi str ford. has secured hoe fluence of Mr. H. B, Morphy M.P., an|| | order for making 3.000 sweater co ve See Department. a) Mr. F. LL. Crawford has Mr. Edward Gaul's house ea avenue and will take possession when it is completed which will be about the beginning. of the New Year. | \ Borty-five Indians from the Six Nation Reserve, Brantford, have join- | "THE DAIRY COMMISSIONER OF : the Department of Agriculture at | Ottawa, suggests the following forms re for the printing of Butter Wrappers, Mr, Vialentine Gerth and family who have for a number of years been resi-| dents of Milverton intend = leaving shortly for Elmira. Mr. Henry Reis and family will occupy. the house va- cated by Mr. Gerth. (Mir. amd Mrs. Thos. Sanderson. -- of CHOICE DAIRY BUTTER Made by MRS. JOHN DOE 'Rose Bank Farm" DOEVILLE, ONTARIO 12 ladies' plush and velvet trim'd hats 12 Children's Hats on sale at or CHOICE DAIRY BUTTER Made from Separator Cream by MRS. JOHN DOE "Rosé Bank Farm'? DOEViLLE, ONTARIO 18 Girls Hats, plush and velvet on sale at \ To i |GERMAN-CANADIANS ARE LOYAL Hi are Grocery "Specials" at Mohr's THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS itt Hi I i wt \izem as the object of it is to parchase J. G. HAMILTON Sole Agent for Coal PORTLAND CEMENT ST MARYS LIME Bee. SCRANTON STANDARD ANTHRICITE oe : ' Bank of Hamilton | Capital Authorized......$5,000,000 Capital Paid-up .. 3,000,000 Surplus. 3 750.000 'AN IMPORTANT ALLIANCE of Mil- Thutsday evening. -- \November 12th. commencing at 8 lytclock. The program: wilh consist of -- stereopticon views bearing y look ahéad to the time when his | tery was held in Burns church Tues hank book will aid his advancement. BS 'ens death r ; : Le idan. Nay Aten Hedkes A growing bank balance assures an |by the North Mornington congregat-|Geatns., e | anxious to see the allies crush Prus-| Saturday Moy. ffl) Mts iver mployer that a young man has mas- | ion to Rev. A. C. Stewart. M.A. of| Detroit Ma Deis. ath carrying! a rom-j sian militarism. Alderman J. H., and household effects at ilverton. t vered the principle of economical man- Grafton. in the Peterboro Presbytery | antic story cf Captain Allan Punce:| ett, who returned & few days ago | for Mr. Valentine Gerth. | The trustees have had the school gar- nt i If the call is sustained by. the Peter-|.of Windsor. who arrived in London.! from a trip to the west. via Chicago | Tuesday -.Nov. 17th--Farm -- stock,) den ploughed and a bountiful harvest Eke - boro presbytery the induction will Ont..last Monday in tommand of the} gnd St. Paul. stated that he visited | implements and effects on Lot 18, Con | may be looked for next year as' the _ "MILVERTON BRANCH: take place at North Mornington onj| 'Windsor volunteers for the -- second' seyeral German clubs. the members of 6. Mornington, about half a mile east) soil will better shape. Much Pp. J. FASKEN, Manager Thursday - Dec. 3rd. Rev. A. C. New- | 'contingent. In order to gain _his svhich are strongly opposed to Ger- | of Millbank. for W. F. Gioruac sen feed. ass is grown and the boys s : ton. of Harrington. will preach. Rey | wile's permission to enlist in the Wind | mamy's military. party's aims. .and de-| Thursday November 19th-- orses. and girls receive a rural education of 2 w. A. Amos. of Atwood. will address | sor company Captain Punce. who is| glared if they were permitted hod,- | Cattle and Implements on Lot iG. Con: areat value.--The Women's Patriotic the minister while Rev. T. J. Robin- a prominent young man in W indsor dreds of thousands in the Vaderland | 9. Iv. of Mornington. 2% miles north | Society of West Monkton and vitinity son of Milverton. will address thr | society consented to being married in| would emigrate to America. While | of Millbank. for Mrs. Hattie Diamond. | are giving an entertainment in Ers- congregation. The call was signed by | the Catholic church after being mar-|in St. Paul Alderman Hett questioned | Monday November 23rd -- Farm) kime's hall on fee es ase a oe eagle ; ried five years ago im the Anglican.! several leading Germans on the point | stock and implements for Alex. Koch- ev. R. H. Barmby.of Lucan, who At the time of the first marriage.| of a possible invasion and the idea er at Hesson. -- -- ---- - te SPECIAL MILLINERY ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THIS WEEK Felt Hats (Trimmed) Untrimmed Felt Hats -- -fatest styles ranging from $1.50 to $3.00 75c to $1.25 We have a Fine Line of Odd Mounts At Real Bargains COME EARLY and HAVE FIRST CHOICE MRS. i HA K, SPOULE, - Milverton My conducted anniversary services in, the Methodist church here on Sunday last ions both morning and evening, anum per being unable to gain admittance at the evening service. M. Barnby dreached two very able and helpful sermons. He was given a most kind- lv welcome by his old pairishioners and ions who have a-very. fond recollect- ion of this big open-hearted man. The choir was very ably assisted by Miss Norma Hermiston. of Listowel, and Dr McDowell. of Milverton. and Mr. Sid Spencer. of Stratford. A very successful birthday -- social was held on Thursday evening Jast in Cook's hall under the auspices of the Evangelical church Ladies' Aid. The fldmission fee was paid by handing in for every éar of age. The program was a long and varied one which cap- e piano solo by \Miss duet by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grosch. hoop drill by sixteen girls. solo by Mrs. Norman Honderich. reading by Mrs. B. Lucas. solo by Mr. Grant Roe. male quartette and solo by Mr. W. H. Grosch. Rev. A.D. Gischler pastor of i%ie Evangelical church presided. At tuous supper was served by the ladies on smal] tables beauti : ecasion. The proceed was greeted with bumper congregat-| at the door a bao containing .a cent tivated the. audience and consisted of Frieda Pauli.) the comclusion of the program a sump ully decorated also by miembers of sister congregat-| | Mrs. Punte. who was Miss Florence Reaume. and a daughter of Hon. a ©. Reaume. late Mimister of Public fWorks for Ontario. left the Catholic and joined the Anglican church. Last Mionday she returned to the Catholie Church. The second marriage was kept a secret until Saturday when the news leaked out. The busy Embden the German cruis- er in command of Captain Karl Muel- ier which has been the terror of mer- chantmen in eastern Pacific waters has at last been run down and des- troyed. the honor of the feat going to the Australian cruiser Sydney. Since early in August the Emden has been preying on shipping mostlv -- British 4nd for sheer audacity and success of Ciccomiplishments thas few parallels per most notable and daring feat he- ing her appearance at Penang on Ma- lacea Straits. A fourth smokestaok was rigged'on her deck and a Japan- ge flag run up, Thus disguised she steamed boldly into the harbor. pass- ing unchallenged under the British euns of the fort and fired torpedos sinking a Russian cruiser and a French 'destroyer. Then she took to her heels and escaped unscathed through the Straits. She destroyed all told 24 ves- sels. Her captain. however. saved the crews on board the vessels he destroy- ed when he could and conveyed them to the ne ort, The British p led nu was laughed at. | The price of Turs. which has been; steadily climbing for the last 10 years | 'with the general prosperity of the lamd the universal demand for such luxuries and the ever-decreasing sup- ply has had a big slump. The finan- cial stringency of the past year hada somewhat lowering effect. but the war has sent prices tumbling to al- most zero. Fur buyers alll over the country usually so keenl to pick up veltries: have this fall instead of the usual printed offer to buy all kinds of furs at the highest prices. sent broad- east warnings to country storekeepers trappers "Don't trap anything this winter.' advise the circulars. "for there will be mo fur buyers." The war has killed the market." As um- cured pelts do mot keep particularly well. there will be little trapping in fmticipation of what next year will bring forth. Eyen after hostilities Ihave ceased. it is doubtful if people will have superfluous cash to spend on furs. so that the outlook for hundreds of Indians. trappers and hosts of sett- lers in back townships who have al- ways found a cash market for all the fur they could secure is very gloomy. Also there will be no more large div- jaends for fox farmers. who will have to content themselves with stocking up. A silver lining to the 'cloud. how- ever. is that furbearing animals geta lrest and thereby restore their deplet- bers. aera Pe ae ma One of the provincial departments | which suffer most heavily because of the financial depression is that of the lands. forests and mines. The lumber business is one which first feels the pinch in the tightness of commercial conditions and lumber sales have fall- en off an appreciable degree. Slow- ness of payments. which also must be reckoned with, is also being experien- ced. 'Premier Hearst suggested that there would be a considerable deficit perhaps reaching half a million. The revenue estimate of last session was $2.800.000. NORMA \HERMISTON, L.T.CLM. Graduate of Toronto Conservatory of Music. Teacher of Vocal and all ranches of Theory of Music. Spec- jal attention given to examination pupils. Wiallace Street. Listowel *Phone 90.. Miss Hermiston will be at the resj- dence of Mr. F. L. Crawford. Milver- ton. on Thursday. Nov. 19th. from 2to 5 p.m. Anyone wishing to make ar- ramgements for lessons is cordicly invited to call and see her, | A. C. Stewa rincipally om the war also vocal and instrument- al music, The program promises t be entertaining and instructive. Ad mission 15 cents--Mr. Alex. © Chal--- mers last week conducted a very -- successful sale for Mr. Archie Hol-~ mes of the 16th. the proceeds amount- ing to $2700. The cows averaged over $70 apiece one bringing $100; Horses and other stock sold corres- vondingly well--Mrs. Findlay Me Ewan we regret to hear is at p t seriously ill--Mr. Wm. Scott « of a carload of oats to a Toron containing 1200 bushels.--Dr. Medical Health Officer. was in th | village on Tuesday liberating 'a num+ ber of those under quarantine for fieasles.--Mr. J> A. Hanson 'and Mrs. N. Ross spent Sunday at the home of > their father. Mr. Thos. Hanson -- of Mount Plehsant.--Gill's the leading -- fruit store will have oranges and ban--- nanas this week. Mrs. Gill. sr.. is at present in a very precarious condit-. yon and owing to her advanced age very slight hbpes are entertained for her recovery.--Rey. J. D. Fergusson nttended'a meeting of the Stratford Piresbytery at Milverton on Tuesday moming relating to the call of Rev rt to North Morningto et Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Crawford wish to thank the 'many friends who so indly remembered and helped them the time of their sad bereavement. The German fortress Tsing Tau s' wondered to the Japanese and British forces on Friday last after th weeks' bombardment of the KR : ao B:

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