Monkton Times, 12 Nov 1914, p. 2

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AY FROM MERRY OLD ENGLAND] © ©" HOT" HER Tory cue Gls A on oF ARR. Glimpse Into the Home Tragedy of The Recruits Must Be Able To Use. Oiie of Gur Enemies. -- aot By External Trestment Be ates 1 kA AM rinrt | a Rifle With Skill, The French Red Cross had found | < ee ee ee eae "s PLES ON FAG |, The supreme importance attached the body of a dead German soldier, Mothers Wili Find Nothing So Speed-} = & = Joe |by the British mi: tary authorities )says a London Mail special corre- ily and Reliable as Old-Time Pete vk 1's tunic was already Es pad SRiled ods oe 'The victim's tunic was Be? See -- é hee eae i ae a : Bee es Mark sey rh It's really a shame to upset a young| Irritated, Disfigured for a Time, open, as is the habit with our own eee, Boas : . : Re : ; tees eee: : eq | child's stomach by internal dosing, _ Reigns Supreme in the Com brave Tommies. I unfastened when external treatment will so ee am Sg eee some more buttons. - Mist I spoil promptly break up a cold. _ ge : iercial . orld. this story? Let me out with As all | -- : hen your boy comes in after play -- a art is" on 80.000 members of the }in-truth--a huge rasher of bacon with his feet soaking wet, his throat 1756 Winnipeg St:, Regina, Sask.-- "T° a Roane Aa The pain | ; Close "upon 80,900 members of ents fell from his breast, and as we rais-| hoarse and sore, his little chest tight was troubled with itching pimples on my DOr ar nO HESREY GY es Lancashire and Cheshire Miners Roe ig and congested, just apply Nerviline. faco for over three year why a is nearly always caused by sbomach Federation have commenced to pay ed his shou Iders there Huttered ont Give him a vigorous 'rubbing over his as unsightly. They Paes seat ana trouble for the Bhomach caso their employers a weekly levy in aid | 2 letter--gre asy, with bacon and throat, and put lots of Nerviline on his burning and T used to scratch and frritate are connected by many nerves, and of the National Relief Fund. rapidly taking on another color | chest and rub it right in. To make them. The breaking out disfigured me for Soran the Stomach causes pressure The 3rd Scots Guards are now| from his welling wound. 'May we Nerviline penetrate more quickly. atime. ao on the heart. te ill disap-|&2camped at Sandown Park Race-| look at the letter? The doctor | cover his chest and throat with a hot --_ "I tried many well-advertised treatments; a . vines tncewd oon course, and are accommodated| gives consent. Just an ordinary/ flannel -- bandage. . This treatment suchas Fresetiption, <= ' pear lf you tone up the s ; : EE f : ies ; ae ' 5 WON'T fail. Your boy will be feeling etc., but without-success. A short time ago- eat the right things and don't with sleeping and catering quarters | letter. It ran thus: ! _ I saw the advertisement of Cuticura Soap . ' : better in half an hour, and. you will | worry. -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills|!2 the room under the grand stand. '"My Dearest Heart--When the have. the satisfaction of knowing you% and Ointment in a local paper and after ~~ for Pale People are the best 'sito- I had tried a froe sample I could see a re- VERE PAINS ARUUND THE HEART | SS Are were _| NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOLY 'Are Nearly Always Caused) = gun AND HIS PEOPLE, - = py Stomach Trogbles4 2 _ Don't let a pain in the region of | Qeeurrences tn the Land = That the heart frighten you into think- : ; ing you have heart disease. Just - as a pain in the back seldom indi- cates kidney trouble, so pain near ; ever present | dee 3 3 a rifle' es in the aa g |thorough training which ihe more Itching and Burning. Scratching Gtoned MS ata Be cern ae i {are now receiving. Bome\ 200,000 Used Cuticura Soap and Oint- sites are now yadorgeing gmskolry : : leah ' [instruction at the hands of the Na-| ment. Pimples Disappeared, dual Rite' Aeateigticn a. hods which commands some of the finest civilian riflemen in 'the kingdom, and their training, although neces sarily crammed into a shorter period, will be far more concen- trated than that of regular soldiers in time of peace.. The recruits, in- deed, will practically live in the butts until they become efficient shots, The intense an thorough training the men are receiving is| =: part of Lord Kitchener's policy for the new armies. He is determined -- that the men sent to the front aay x. yw. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Rigi: not only be physically fit enoug! Sgt: ~ to stand the rigors of an arduous 1 YOR WANT 20. gg One winter campaign, but that every ert, te We Dowson, Brampton or one of their number shill be con-| Colborne St. Toranto. eee versant 'with every detail of drill, | Sow, DAWSON, Colhorne St. Toronto. and to be able to use a rifle with oie the skill of a marksman, or as neat to that standard as is individually possible. The extent to which the | 2 abi Ose tes a oe ee ee British Army's wonderful shooting | S2°&_Esher = ; = has been responsible for its success will perhaps never be fully realized nak except by experts. The military _York County. gear ood an $4,000. authorities know what the marks- Coe eee ae Pubuabiay One manship of the troops has achieved ;| pany. 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. _ hence the care they are bestowing MISGELLANEOUS. mal condition of skin and hair health. Cu- | on the musketry training of the re ANGER CEUMOES. LUMPS). Se. ticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout cruits of the new armies, ; with - : 4 es the world. For liberal free sample of each; -- = a : Bnd | 2XiBER iad Ete, Write alarmed me. I was under doctor's . ly all the | their dear father and have gone to! Why the British Have Lost So with 32-p. book, send post-card to "Cutie . oo pefcre. too late.' Dr Bellman Meaimale . mounted on bicycles, nearly a e LATEST FISH STORY us befor = AL . treatment for a long time, but with : ee aken for re-| bed I sit and think of thee, my Heavily. cura, Dept. D, Boston, U. 8, A Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont. -- no benefit. A friend suggested Dr. ee ee beet ener Res love.' I wonder whether the great 2 a 73415 oa 3H Thee ide | Mounts. ; 2 "i : F fo The following account, communi- Back a a8 er han Pills and I decided Notwithstanding the fact that a| War Lord has been cravbtgd in this dated be a Tek 8oe sfeiont FEATS OF ARMS. ack to Land Movement by Pike Highest grade beans kept whole and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength. Flavored with delicious sauce: They have no egial. A fo52 Mr. JR. M. Butler, son of the] little ones have said their prayers | pave warded: ff nerhapd=a© tol or mach tonic. One or two Pills after | Master of Trinity Gollege, Cam-| and-prayed for their dear father | gripe, or illmess that might have laid Ree es ae eer Evade mista eae meal soon produces a healthy | ridge, belongine to the family of|and have gone to bed I sit and think | him up. : neh esa ee sais a teee dee coe appetite, the food does not distress | famous classical Scholars, has ap-/of thee, my love. I think of all the ae eee ee ee nee more Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuti- you, you are no longer troubled | plied for a commission in the Terri-| old days when we were betrothed, bie ane er ae ae Pie tainily aa cura Ointment all the pimples completely with gas, sovr risings in the throat, | torials. : : : and I think of all our happy mar- if cored 3H seks af external aches ana | "sappeared." (Signed) Nicholas Koch, and those misleading pains around] Mr. Richard Lloyd Geonge, old- ried life. Oh! Ludwig, beloved of pains--you 'simply can't beat it. Try | Jue 13.1914. the heart. Strength and energy | est son of the Chancellor of the Ex-| my soul, why should the people|it for earache, toothache, neuralgia, return, and the rich, red blood, |chequer, has enlisted in the Port- fight each other JI cannot think sciatica, lame back, rheumatism, or earries renewed vitality to every] madoc battalion of the Carnarvon- that God would wish it. 2 lJumbago. Wherever there is conges- part of the body. Mrs. Henry Con- shire Territorials for _ active ger- <'T'do not think you need read| tion, inflammation or -- = the nolly, Brookvale, ~P.E.I., says: vice. | * -' | anymore,' said the doctor. joints or muscles, Nerviline wi hs 'For a number of years I was a While playing golf on the Stoke MEG Mis Eo yas eee reel «Tica mighty quick. The large 50c. family great sufferer from indigestion | Poges course, Baron Wurmh, a} 317 z 4 Gelias te s ee a cat size bottle is so economical, oe 'hic spite all the treatment I heh Cheat vas arrested as a| v1 BOY Pelleve it. but, hardened to | it should be in every home. There is which, despite _ 'll NS Eadie thy apa we beeen -ed to the | W@" from my youth, I could only | also a small 25c. size. Dealers any- = jon ig pctieiund ton oa nek nce ; ee pila ghee toy with my rough meal at night, | where sell Nerviline. = though I was smothering, and when Ba - z. and in my slumbers I kept hearing a the trouble came on I would suffer} "4 peculiar sight was witnessed | the supple words. "My dearest from violent palpitation and pains at Lewes recently, when a hunt club heart, when the little ones have around the heart which greatly turned out with the huntsmen all| Said their prayers and prayed for FARMS FOR SALE. Samples Free by Mail A generation of mothers has found no soap 80 well suited for cleansing and purifying the skin and hair of infants and children as CuticuraSoap. Its absolute purity and re- freshing fragrance alone are enough to rec- ommend it above ordinary skin soaps, but there are added to these' qualities delicate yet effective emollient properties, derived from Cuticura Ointment, which render it most valuable in overcoming a tendency to distressing eruptions and promoting a nor- FOR SALE. aS EGISTERED HAMPSHIRE SWINE. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. OOD WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN iN PERILOUS UNIFORMS. felt much better, and by the time I had taken another four boxes I was in the best of health and able to eat all kinds of nourishing food. unteer reserves is quartered for training purposes at the Crystal Palace, the palace will still remain open to the public. : In 'about a. month I large number of Royal Naval vol-| Way recently ?" Will Quickly Cure with General Headquarters, con- tinues the narrative of the move- ments of the British force and the French armies in immediate tuach The French: and British in the Crimea. For desperate fighting the Crimea Near Bassano, Alta. The latest fish story that has been sprung on the public--a story which '"'out-whops" some of the AATENTS OF INVENTIONS PIGEON, PIGEON & DAVIS -- gia St. James St., = Montreal -- Write for information: | get nee : : , most famous of'the Whopper Club Any Sour Stomach with it: yields an impressive record. The series--is that told by . ne Ever since the South African] French and British, so many mes | inspector in the agricultural branch | ~-- BO! Le RS -- War the desirability of rendering | foes, found themselves allied in 20) of the Canadian Pacific, whose ac- troops as invisible as possible has|attack upon Russian territory. Phe] ji vi:t., are confined to the Rose- "When I was working around the| been generally recognized, and this| foe was worthy of their steel, for) mary colony, near Bassano. farm last winter, I had an attack of| was kas thrown much I'ght on the | Several closely contested battles had i eral years since I was : : ees forces Caer felt a symp- The Army Council have accepted 'tom of indigestion since. I take | with an expression of their warm every opportunity of recommend-| appreciation the offer of oe Ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to| Godfrey Phillips, to supply to the friends who are ailing." Expeditionary Force, free of Tf your dealer does not keep|charge, 2,500,000 cigarettes. _ inflammation," writes Mr. H: P. Daw: these Pills you can get them by| Ata meeting of the Joeiey et kins, of Port Richmond. "I was weak a aes h if tt little mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes|it was agreed that in the interests for a long time, but well enough to| t428es the uniliorm matters ? -$2.50 from The Dr. Williams' | of the very large number of per-|work until spring. But something | but at medium ranges the red trou- dicine Co., Brockville, Ont. sons dependent upon i for Saher wrOnE with my bowels, for I sia -- ei seo up -- wk their livelihood, racing should) con- | to use salts or p ysic all the time. My | down, owever, their kepis are not : NIN AU TS. 4 ti Tew 'ket and elsewhere. | Stomach kept sour, and always after | asily s ur own flat-top- | ~ : TRAINING AUSTRALIAN BOYS sp te ee ae € ai luaiins Gat se i Rie Se goa ae cee S eet ae coe See ek says that on the land, or on one 4 -- uh ' 's : i ; ae Sige i get 2s 2 C SS1an; OSE y arti i sh Semarv The Government Is Very Strict In| the Surrey village of Ham, cate: Hon Mune ee eee has been ascertained that at medi-|pattle no fewer than 10,729 killed, eae pines igtetes one Regard to It. Kingston, has 74 men: serving with |. Hamilton's Pills. Instead of hurt-| um ranges both French and British wounded and prisoners."" But! the duchies Sas maori ie Res Australian. lads 'of twelve: years the forces, and at the present time jing Jike other pills, they acted very | officers are very easily distinguish- Inkermann, so far as British annals hours and then turned off. When begin a ke OF ee edlunbesy, taba there awe only about 20 men in the | miidiy, and seemed to heal the bowels. | ed from their men, and that select- | are concerned, at any rate, will not lit had nik gachel seen Gn an of military training. Itis an indul- place eligible for service. : I did not require large doses to get} eq marksmen provided with field-| remain the most noted fight in the = . : As a result of the representations | results with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and 1 ae iallv told off ¢ Crimea. In: popular opinion the ground there were. enough pike 2 Gor ey 8) DENS, | ide by the Noweastla Chamber of| fel #0 clad thet I tate tana pie a pinion of Gomeas naked the Balaclava Valleys | O'M4 to feed thirteen men for one pinbag se Ry emigre : 2 y ere : made by the Newcastie U 'eae he ; s , slatoon erman infantry | struggle in the alaciava Valleys ] 7h } Aner = a pur. aple Syrup goes into effec designed primarily to be of physical m Paes, arenes ail- | yet certain remedy. To-day I am well| ©#¢2 platoon o ; ; : : meal. Since that time a number of on Jan. 1, 1915. Woe betide trans- advantage. When the lads are four- Abas eek pte = elem soars no pain, no sour stomach, a good | t pick off officers. -- ee remain ea eta pone fish have been obtained. In tice: igo ne ater renee Maple teen years old a limited military | ¥2Y IE he b +5 Sy ee is i | appetite, able to digest anything. This| The French officer is betrayed by on 2) ies oer ub me ae aa Bri. there seems to be a serious. sort of ob gate hon eel tabar oe he ee service is severely compulsory, with diers wi "bl Pep gare J ape e ee | is a whole lot of good for one medicine | the greater visible length of his red | %* is a 'L pr ae ne ete hi mania among these fish to get out ers o? Maple Syrup will be greatly penalties for evasion, and fines laid | !or the double journey when pro-'¢, qo, ana I can say Dr. Hamilton's| trousers and by his accoutrements, Bane Vous Pepe | 28 the whole Ris" GF the water at the earliest possible | moe oa ee ---- upon employers and parents who | ceeding on leave. | Pills are the best pills, and my letter, | while the British officer is "given| bry of fighting there is scarcely an moment. | wate 'thelr Mens roves The ome interfere, and thins continies. with Among the passengers on board }I am sure, proves it. aoa he Kis: ee lig open abies episode _thatt, for sheer courage, It appears that many of the irri-| Evaporator built for the best rTe- di edy "4 ial ca the 8.8. Turalena, which arrived at Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamil-|2W4Y Py 21s sword, his : equals it. Originating in a mis- gation ditches are full of fist d| sults is the "Champion'--our pride Pees Ocoee fer gt Rene Plymié th f New Zealand, was/ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut,|¢t with low collar and tie his Sam taken command, it was carried |: ee eee o sn, and | Goiten imitated but never excelled. and rifle practice, for four years, ymOuth Pee en * who {sold in yellow bos 25c. All dealers,| Browne belt, and the absence of a ene ee ERE nin | Ta Some places one of the favorite | Write for free booklet giving full a party of young Englishmen, who Sold in yellow boxes, 2bc. sien SE : d through with a supreme determin recreations is to go out and 'land'? | paxvienlars. ; A wabbrenk:-oRtor The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, pack. The Germans certainly 01 ation and reckless courage that, BOL a flock af fish ear beetetne te : occupation oat employ snipers, and some 'have been long as military annals survive, will | pea] Gunes a KLaSL.----- MOnIE : oo found on chureh towers, up trees, | never be forgotten. 5 , and in houses. .One of them suc- Me THE GRIMM MEC. co., LIMITED ceeded in killing two of our officers The Oldest Man Living 3 58 Wellington St., Montreal, Que. a : ' ' ; mien wi hs A quaint picture of one of theland w ins tw re before obligations--inapt, sullen, frivolous | ager of the Hendon Aerodrome, has ae quaint picture es as -- j and wounding two more before he skh behaviour counts for nothing at all.| died in the Central London' Sick 35 os fe ese Win a a "See | Was accounted for. ee el sie ee, ee Le gee ae pe If the cadet fails to be marked effi- Asylum, as the result of injuries cae ugust Bis eee EA ee The following notification to his pee: i EE ee ee Ho AE cient by his battalion officers he} received while giving a biplane dis- | of the family, who a cones He troops by one of the French army Rig ON ee ae YOUR OWN pRuGGist ; ie 7 side erman "DS Thich cc eC ye ; Aare erm dst 2 = ry Mu 8 luye Remed. a Be aa on : must perform his service all over play recently at Hendon. | German : corps oe Gecupied ss Speedie bears jypon eae as the favorite heastise painiéas and "sure: Eyes and Granulatcd Sy y' kindly, mum: again, In Kalgoorlie, of Western es : ; +ehelmMs, 18 given by a #reneh nurse | methods of warfare. : The Germans Try only "Putnam's," 25c. at all dealers. eatin es re | pive me some washil Australia--a great dust-storm blow- } A GOOD MEDICINE of the Red Cross Society who was|have forced some prisoners of war fe fees sea ine Eye Rei i a in ing that night--we watched a col-|' FOR THE BABY at one of the ho als established | to remain in their trenches. When Merely Coy. pone umn of these "little conscripts" ;in the town. "One day a young of- | the French advanced, under the b bes pe ees a = = =" e . march past with rifles and bugles ficer whose uniform was hanging in impression that the trenches were]. : 'ol du ie? . y 7 were gi rt tic 7 : scars . a ; . : g Ss ht a it : and drums; and they Sei een tC ma ; ive | batters and who was indescribably| in possession of their own side, aaa 'ae aaa : Bic = hed "ts see--brown uniforms, with tricks of | best medicine a mot er. ean hie dirty,"' she says, "stopped me in| they were fired on at close range." ut, he says you scratche his OS gar = green, and wide-brimmed Austra-| her. little ones. hey sweeten the bee wrest AvaE seébe ae Wak ih os hot Pils de setuatic Babe Abts face, blacked his eye and stabbed t Cures Garget in Cows. lian hats caught up at the side in| stomach, regulate the bowels, break} "> * SS ; See era ¢ poate ae ee him with a hatpin." 2 eae : F ] es F Bees, salute. He asked if we could re-| i, fully confirmed by an entry in a se : eZ : Three Ages the Australian way, says a writer in| up colds, promote healthful sleep--| **" 7e in our hospital some wounded ea field Le oe Well, @ girl has to put up a lit- ey ae Harper's Weekly. It is no farcical} in fact they cure all the minor ills | 0° "| z ae t x; a Se a: fo ots ose BN ee as maidenly resistance." "ke new Berlin botanical gardens affair. When we were in Brisbane, | of little ones. The mother may feel |!" whom ef 00 pe Geeta hee Tt runs thus: < fe : are wondemfully beautiful, but te Queensland, a score of truant absolutely safe in giving them to| est. I replied that I no longer 120 "At dawn the shelling began. We small children ties ae & Jorbiddies ' . A 2 Peis Bree nee os 3 . . . tes a 7 are youngsters were packed off to the|her children for they are guaran-| any authority there and that as it retired with the prisoners. My two : ne eae paradise. Boys and girls und > military barracks for ten days offteed by a government analyst to be| was I was hardly able to find prisoners work hard at digging ideal Wincene ee ee ten are not permitted to enter A : * ' fs E 5 Pe : : 3 * . ; i , Z , r Ca tC ne close confinement and drill: and strictly, free from all injurious} enough food for those I was taking | trenches. At midday I got-the or-| ably and conveniently by the Chicago Herr and Frau Mulley . Saal 'ih i . ° er) . . r ". c i si Le] aif n1Is away they went, in a big Cape wa- drugs. The Tablets are sold by|care of already. He thanked me! der to rejoin at the village with| and North Western Ry. _ ee eae ee o ey ? 5 , 2 : #4 : ' Four splendid trains daily from the new| out to their disappointment whe n _ Bon, in charge of a sergeant-major, | medicine dealers or by mail at 25) and went on. I then saw him enter them. I was very glad as I had been | passenger terminal Chicago The Overland | they planned to take their little and under escort of some brilliant | cents a box from The Dr. Williams' a pork butcher's shop. A few min-| ordered' to shoot them as soon ~as regio Ses iit es Paul on a Sunday trip fo viey he artillerymen--a melancholy little | Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. utes later he came out carrying in the enemy advanced. Thank God, | Land of Sunshine, the famous San Fran- f Ses Se See, : - ; tf ! ' ' eautiful gardens nevertheless crew, these truants, then, facing ----------k--___. his arms a creat quantity of sau- ib owas Mob necedsane 2. cisco Limited and the California Mail. i wes Sire : ©1058, ten days of absence from home DYING HIGHLANDER'S BET See Sere wea ree Rates, illustrated matter and particu-| they gave their young hopeful a few : : * a ' ~ sin ---" }sages, It was only later that I lars on application. B. H. Bennett, Gen- | instructi and *starke th ch , . c nee. Reaineiiinrebicee instructions, and started out with six hours of drill on the hot 3 learnt that this ragged officer was : Guat Agent; 16 Sonke St, Bpronto, Ont. At the gate, tl Bhs | a i 5S ih , = z = = a i £ i ne porcer stoppec Caiser." INFORMATION FOR INVENTORS : : Present War. the fourth son of the Kaiser. the young Muller. "How old aré you?' he inquired, Paul answered, Relieves Fullness After Eating. New and Second-hand, for heating and power purposes. Water Flumes, TANKS AND . SMOKE CKS. a ra There is nothing of the piking at- STA It appears that at long] to be fought, the hostilities leading titude about the story but the fish. POLSON 'FON, WORKS TORONTO up to that tremendous fight--Inker- | p,¢ fish were pike. It appears that Engineers and Shipbuilders. man. This fight was so keen and | there has been started among the 80 ferrible that i¢ wae the last 0c-|/fsh of the Bow River a "back te casion on which the Russians ven-| ihe land?' movement, with the irri- tured to meet the British in open gated land preferred. Mr. Jones Worth While Cultivating Your Mapie Grove Now The Government's new protective whereupon these cadets are passed : into the citizen forces. Four whole-| upon hearing of the day drills are required each year, | war, abandoned their and twelve half-day drills, and|and booked for home. twenty-four night drills. A perfunc- Mr. Richard T. Gates, the well- tory attendance upon these grave| known aviator and general man- oY. Stella--Packers say that meat "Please, lidy, will you animalls can't catch up with the} Poor man who : consumers. -Bella--Ever have | the way o' : bull chase you? munce?"" "De can find you s A Prinee in Rags. help a done nothin' in r more'n twelye { About the time the average man "That booby made a bluff at kiss-| learns how to live he quits the game. é Minard's Linime Baby's Own Tablets are the very 'Norah,"' these French have given me' ' ; don't know, ma'am," saix wait- a ht spakin' whit we opened the ee Der. M Ors A WARM WINTER. exactly mect the arises in every f. to open up and Not only are t cases of Consti greatly in bre Grippe by c and purifying t way they relieve or cure Bil Indigestion, Sick Headaches, } atism and other commcn =i In the fullest sense of the ¥ parade ground, under a sergeant-|A Pathetic Little Incident of The major who doubtless know how to c sok Every woman shows bravery improve tthe patriotism of small cul- Messrs. Pigeon; Pigeon & Davis, | when she has a mouse in a trap. The following is told by a ser- i prits. and would do it with a switch. 7 geant of the Seaforth Highlanders. There. were two of our chaps who patent solicitors, Montreal, report that 136 Canadian patents were is- Minard's Linimont Cures Diphtheria. "Six for the electrics ; for the botanical gardens, ten," : 3T really eight: Morse's Indian Root Pills are : A Household Re did nothing else than "chew the sued for the week ending October g rag' over anything and everything, ari Gugeist can obtain an imitation of ee ete 103. of ee Fee The Menu. and thei 'orite w: ; ving | MINARD'S LINIMENT from a. Toronto ranted to Americans, oO Cana- ' ' and themr favorite Way. OF showitig house at a very low price, and have it| 9: aan f Great Bri-| Puzzled diner (to restaurant their faith in their views was to |laheled his own product, dians, 6 to residents of Great oer iter)--What have you got for di make a bet over it. One day they| This greasy imitation is the poorest|tain and Colonies, and 4 to resi-} Waiter nat have you got Lor cin- had a wrangle as to when we would | 0? W¢,have yet seen of the AS tried ti dents of foreign countries. ner 1 : ni i e K every Tom, Dick and Harry hhas tried to : "= Wait ome Roastheeffricasee - reach Berlin. One thought it] introduce. Of the Canadians who received Walter hoastbee#ilricaseed Sua be by Ghmstars hae the| 8s for MINARD'S ana you will get it. patents, 10 were of Ontario, 4 of | chickenstewedlamb hash baked sel other, more patriotic, exis for St. Quebec, 3 of Saskatchewan, 3 of| fried "potatoes jampuddingmilktea Andrew's Day, and was sore be- Alberta, 1 of British Columbia, 1] andcoffee. : cause there wasn't any prospect of of, Nova Scotia, and 1 of New} Puzzled Diner--Give me the third, haggis for the occasion, They made Brunswick. fourth, fifth, sixth, 18th and 19th a bet on it as usual, and it was duly eae syllables. registered by a chum who acted as : a bookmaker on such occasions. Next|, The Fond Mother (to the local| pygny TO THE BATTLEFIELD. day they were in action and one of | butcher)--W ould yer mind welge - -- them was badly hit. His mate|ing my kiddie, Mr. Bittock? Mr.| pord Kitehener, in London, Speaks found him, and saw that he had not Bittock--Yes, mum--with the to Sir Jehn French. 5 long to live. The wounded man was| bones ? A iheciaét <li ane Mavibabie far gone, but he had enough sense f = ao of Pa steer ony Sade left to recognize his chum, and in LP ae aver ok th the' tet a weak voice he said :---"'A'm think- : is more interesting than i: he. fact 7. Woke thag oes fink eo nce "She is an extraordinary woman, | that the authorities in Whitehall sail | ag es aff hie noo. TIt's| you know. She paints, plays, rides are able to speak by telephone sey hard, but the Almichty kens| horseback, boxes, plays football, | direct to General French. Messages beat? A ain avila flickered over| golf, and is an aviator. It is too/| are being received almost from the Sey Uo ; : . If I knew how to darn .my/| battlefield itself without delay, and the pain-twisted face, and the poor} bad 2 : with as much ease as from Glasgow a) fellow had gone to a land where| own socks I would marry her. u Be AS these = wae oe aa -- : to London. Lord Kitchener can, as nere is ne = § nor ta a consequence, sit In his chair at sie eee ees the War Office and speak to Sir setae eerdiz Epuls febe tt We dake ee During a military review at Alder- the British forces in France was shot = orsaad Esageee = -- at Aldershot. This us the first time < i pases ims that science has permitted the Bri oo Sep tolden Hnkes== | =f | ious to several ata foes ty nk. cutee 2 ee Read Fi || ing ridiculous and often impertinent such a. close grip of the _cireum- Niet ih to -- direct questions, At last he caught a Tar- stances of any war in which they 2 inj me ne package. oh pe io an old pee have been enbaged In -the ponte % es Suk ek you owe. it ake eer he sai Ww lar ee ae % epend.| 4 : To secure the Superior office t e Sal s Low. is it, Co onel, African War the War eee dep a heal, Phat's Zancai a < that your bugle-call 'Advance' 'is so ed upon the cable service, and ; Corn Flakes, ask for' very short, while the 'Retreat' ig fortuneaitely throughout the war,| 0c box. All Druggists and Stores. Post Toasties - UIE Superior-- "Surpassing others in great- ness, goodness, extent or value of any quality."--Cen- tury Dictionary. Without A Cold Spot HE hovse that has a Perfection smokeless Oil Heater Needn't have a cold Spot anywhere. That's the definition, and that's why Post Toasties are called the Superior Corn Flakes --the surpassing, del'cate Indian Corn flavour being sealed in by skillful toast- ing with sugar and salt, | Post | Toasties 'are made in_ Deux airy, modern ~factories--cooked, | seasoned, rolled and toasted Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. A Perfection is light and can be carried easily from room. to ro --anvry that extra heat is needed Rigsetl o- - For the "between » : Seasons" of Fall and Spring the Perfection Smokeless Oil Elector ge os the heat you want. oe ks Don't waste time on infer. or salves because they're a few cents cheaper. i have proved Zam-Buk best for Eczema, Piles, Skin i Diseasés, and Injuries. somely desig odorless, Look for the mark, : mokelesg and Triangle trade. : Made in Canada ROYALITE OIL is best for all uses THE IMPERIAL oI, Toronto Quebec Halifax Moxtreal just the reverse ?" 'Because, sir," owing ito the position of the Boers, Seg replied the. old veteran, '"'when a the enemy was unable to dislocate i Ces Ladle by British soldier goes into action it this means of communication. Even Traold by Grocers, mt are oF gs note from a bu- so, the answer to -- could not | Canatian Posts : ste to make him advance anywhere, follow directly after the question, oe ee = Wistier oon Pigeon |but it takes a whole brass band to and could , aae elucidate facts as, & eieenilliensas is make him retire!' readily as a good telephone serviée. | 3,

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