"Safety First" _ Prepare for the cold and wet November weather: by laying ina yood supply of the celebrated Stanfield's Un- derwear for ladies and men. Absolutely unshrinkable, No advance in price, Our stock of cold weather ' goods is now complete. We were very fortunate in having a large stock in before the sf L1S10 WEL Mr. Morton Scott and Mr, Page. of | Toronto. are yisiting with the former's ; varents Mr, and Mrs, J. W. Scott for 3 School Reports Report of S.S. No. 6. Mornington. for October :-- = Sr. 4th--Eiuma --_ Erler, Reid. | : : Jr. I1V--Muriel Meadows. Sheldon Watson. Cecil Watson. Sr. IlI--Nellie Dowd. Richard Moore. © : ; has been managing a drug store. in Timmins. New Ontario. has returned to town.--Mr. Jas. Lockie of Newton. was a spectator at the football match on Saturday.--Mr. Clarence Muleahy of Millbank. visited friends in town on : pooddey Mise: Aidith Hammond. --_ of : oe : : 4 wood. was a visitor in town on Sat- ows Alvin Elen, Blumer Reid) | uéday--Miss Mae Daly of 'Trowbridge Jr. I1--Sheldon Henry. | who has been spending a few days Primer--Harold | Robinson. "Number: on roll 13. average 10. % . Miss Mary M. Little. Teacher Warren on Monday on aceount of the seridus ilmess of her father.--Miss Helen Ham ilton. of Atwood. was a visitor in town on Mondaly.--Miss Tena Holmes. of 'Monkton. who has been the guest of Miss Viola Doadt fora few-days re- turned home,--Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Hube and family motored to St. Cath- avines.on Saturday last. Mr. Hube's mother-is seriously ill---Miss Vena Rob ertson..of.Carthage. spent the week. end under the parental roof.--Miss TI. Scott. daughter of Postmaster Scott won the diploma in the amateur sing: ing comtest: inthe Methodist church on Monday. evening.--Mr. and = Mrs. Wesley Snelling. of Glenallan. 'spent Sunday with friends in town:-- The Hough Cup medals won by the Listo- wel High school team and the Hough cup are on exhibioni in J. M' Schin- bein & Son's winHow.--The last game of football for the Hough Cup for the 1914 season| was plityed on Saturday when the locals defeated the fast Berlin eleven by a score of 1-0. The home team were minus the sger- vices of two star men McLachlan and Hiles névertheless they outplayed the wisitors and were able to put across the mecessary goal. The line-up was; Schell. McBane. P. Waddell. . Gray. October report of S.S, No. 1. Morn- ington ;-- ; : Jr. IV--G. Mueller 80. M. Roe 77. G. Zimmermann 77. E. Henning 56. D. Ebersol 51..M. Steckley. 39. Sr. HI--F, Oesch 89. L. Mueller 78. &. Curtis 64. H.-Riddell 52. Jr. II--A. Yost 85. M. Gaines 65. I. Wittig 61. E. Hanham 58. 1. Lath- er 51. G. Schaefer 47, ~ IT Class--M. Mueller 68. E. Hen- ning 68. F. Candler 67. J. Curtis 67. J. Lather 64. M. Candler 61.-E. Yost 59. E. Rioe 58, G. Camdiler 55, Henri- etta. Wittig. 52. J. Gaines 52. J. Sch-- aefer 48. E. Schwartzentruber 43. R. Steckley 34. A. Wiagner 30. S. Steck. ley 30. Sr, I--I. Oeseh. R. Zimmermann ex- cellent. Honor list in spelling--G. Schaefer. F. Oesch. L. Mueller. F. Candler. M. Candler. I. Wittig E. Roe. H. Rid- dell. M. Roe. M. Mueller. E. Yost, eseee8 ' 'Report of S.S. No. 19. Wellesley: ; for October. Names in order of mer- iti-- Jr, IV--Gerda Langford, Martha Grummer. Grace Bigam. Albert Me- | Andle and-Alex. Roe. equal. Russel : Gibson. Sr. [1l--Margaret McF addin. Abbie Ridktundson. Tom McFaddin. 'Frieda Swint. Reynolds Hooey. equal. Sr. Ii--Annie Gale. Wilma. Lang- Rutherford. A large and enthusiastic crowd witnessed the game. Bev. Bam ford refereed in his uswal efficient miamner. FOR SALE prices began to soar upw were bought ahead and Prices, so we are giving ards, and goods that arrived lately filled by the manufacturers at Old our customers the benefit. Come and see our assortment of Ladies' and Child- ren's Coats, Men's and Boy's Suits and Overcoats, Coat Sweaters for all. No obligations to buy. a In groceries we have not kept pace with the advances in the wholesale market and can save you money. Bring us your Farm Produce, highest market prices paid at all times. WEBER & BETTGER "'Monkton's Popuiar Store"' FOLOTOTOL OS OF OOF O85 OFS 1058 1S O5O-4 SEOEPTOLOLSLOFOLOLO FLOUR! WHOLESALE and RETAIL WE HANDLE: "Three Stars" and "Purity" Two of the best on the market Cash or Trade for Wholesale BREAD and Retail EGGS A. HAYES, Baker Wedding Cakes a specialty MONKTON, ONT e * ; + e xh ¢ + e og © nS ¢ * + * e * A : @ + cy e + e <3 e + LOEOLOL OF OFOF OF OF OLOFOSHbO EOL OO Ow + OF@ DOO OOOO OOF OFT OF OL O5O 1059595 O1O5O5O56562046 | SP ali i a ie ee BIG GLEARING SALE To make room for spring goods, we are offering goods at following prices Mantle Clocks, regular $12.00, nOW coc... ces cesecs cee cassve dis spnece cer' " 10,00 © 8.00 Kitchen Clocks, different designs, regular $3.70, now ......-..... Alarm Clocks, reg. $2.25 for Reg. $1.50 for 1 Watches; reg, $20.00, for $15.00............. Reg. $16.50 for......12. 5 14.00, for 10.00 8,00 for. reg, $12.50, for $8.50 10.00 for..... 7.00 = OO tor 2-0 0035 3. <3, 4.60: for... 2625 Everything is going to go at same reduction, don't miss this chance ee es se oe ee ts ee ee ay se es ray ray Brooches, oe We also have a good line of Silver Polish reg. 25c which we are going to clear out at ldc. "The Jeweler" ag A. HANSON, Monkton, = Ont. hebsdeobesbooboobeofoofoofeofooboofoodeofosboofoofoobeateofendeobestoede ofocbecbocbocbeobecbecbecbebedosdoede steed obeefoobooboofecfecbsfeceadead Cote Recdesdesdecdesdecdococbo cde hoods cbecbocfocteobeodeatecds ofooboafecoofeete foobeafuofecfesfeafecteedsfoefenfefeofo foots rae ose + + = + x + + SEOOSHSHSOSSOSHSOSHHPISPOSS SHSHHOEOSOOS OHO HOODEO DOOEOSD The Cold Weather will soon be with us WE HAVE A FINE LINE OF Ranges and Heaters OF ALL KINDS IN STOCK Kindly give us a call before buying elsewhere. We are satisfied that we can save you some money. COC CCC CC COCCOOCCCCSCCSCCeS We are having a sale of Graniteware this week at Greatly. Reduced Prices ~ COME IN AND SECURE A BARGAIN WHILE THEY LAST oe am Rif OOo COOS OOOOH OOOO OOO OOOESOROOOOO COOSOSOCOLOEECO ODO COCF9O88 Fs E. Bettger @ Co. } ants, MONKTON x See | busimess as rather dull in the city. jother smal] structures jbuilding: from molestation during the * '| came -and released them. but pot bo- ford. Dorothy Knight. Ceci) Gibson. t« Jr. Il--Cecil McFaddin. Willie | Gale Lorne Bigam. Willie Richard- | |son. Osear Swint, | ist--Edward Gibsori. Sr. Pr.--Mayetta | Orummer.. | Jr. Primer--Myrtle Knight. Harry Langford. ses%es 100 Barred Rock Cockerels quality. Apply at once. GROSCH., 'Milverton. Ont. choicest 8. FOR SALE McArdle 'Bobbie Roy Swint, Choice White Wyandotte als. Apply to I. D. ATKIN, ton. Cocker- Milyer- Harry TOWN OF GODERICH DEBEN- TURES FOR SALE The following shows the standing of | the pupils of No. 9. Ellice for the month of October. Those marked 'x' were absent from one or more exami- nitions ;-- Total 400 im all classes. Sr: [V--E. Armstrong 171, J: Kreuter 67x. | Jr. IV--A. Baumbach 328. E. Baum- i bach 316 R. Schenck 289. 'fT. McDon- ; nell 274. C. Maleha 251. E. Schmidt | 226 x. J. Armstrong 162x. I. Mialcho Six. Sr. III--C. Wingefelder 317. M. Me- Donnell 287. G. Baumbach; 279. F.} Knechtel 267. R. Schlotzhauer 102 x. | EH. Maleho 416. Li. Zilauf 44x. UL. Mal- cho 34 x. i Jr. II--M, Dahmer 308. F. Debus . F. Baumbach 290. M. Diehl . Maurer 252. G. Knechtel 230. ruar 216. J. McDonnell 198 x. Foley 176. F. Crowley 162. M. 1154. J. Cole 100. A-- Weitzel 82. | Riehl 62x. A. Bunck 42 x, 38 x. $968.47 due December ist 1917 $1067.74 due December 1st 1919 $1121.12 due December ist 1929 finest security. ually. Apply at_omce for all or any part at SUN OFFICE. Milverton. Interest payable an- DEBENTURES FOR SALE Tenders for the sale of the deben- | tures the Hymer Dnain will be re- ceived up to the hour of 2 6 lock in the afternoon at Newton. These de- or the amount of $1¢80- and cOver a period o* scurityis gilt edged eh superior to a farm mort: ark all tenders "Tender for Jrain Debentures," ALEXANDER BEGGS. Reeve. 276 Junior Room | Il Class--Percent iven ! Wickie 81. R. Bunck 80x. E. Bunck x | 7 First Class--Now 'promoted to Ii i book. pass 60 per cemt.R. Rehberg 98. ]C. Schneider 95. M. Foley 94, A. | Druar 90. F. Baumbach 82. J. Debus | 66. A, Wickie 61. G. Bunckx. Ruth | Sdhenck x. Sr. Primary Class--M. Diehl | M. Schneider 87. E. Krug 85. M. Mos- jer 77. J. Foley 76. I. Kreuter 72. fF. | Bunck 51. F. Mialcho x. G. Malcho x. Jr. Primary Class--M, Wick -- 85. . Baumbach 85. C. Crowley 80. L. , Mornington. Nov. 3rd.1914. NOTICE! _ |. This is to certify that Mr. P. H. 87.' Bastendorff. Jeweller of Milverton. | has just completed a course in ~ the "Shadow Test" system of eyesight | testing and I find him proficient and 'capable of accurately correcting even L | the most complicated cases' of errors Yundt 75. H. Leasa 72. G. Yundt 70./in refraction. by the latest methods L. Wickie 64. H. Bunck x. |kmown to science. Baby Class--M. Malcho. M. Wick.! F. A. GRAHAM. J. Druar. M. Bunek. Inspector im Optometry Se Se i 304 Coristine Bld'g | ace ONE: Montreal Most of -the fiairnmers have finished | their fall ploughing and are busy tak- |} ing up their turnips which are a good | erop this year. . (Pall Whent, oa Owing to the disagreeable weather | air on the 5th the ball held by the Orange | ee per WISHEl 5a: lodge was not as well attended as: ~*" ; usual, : Peas : Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fisher intend Flour, Jewel per cwt....... ! moving jnto their heuse which they! '! Banner percwt....... { recently purchased from Mr. Fred. | 5 Jewel per ewt : Bedker. We welcome them to our) Bran per.ton..,.4....¢:0008:20 | Shorts-per-totes <4 s burg. | Hay pertons; ae.) ais, | Milverton. Oct. 24th. 1914. COMMERCIAL. -$1 05 $1 05 60 60 44 48 18 110 320 38 20 30 3 30 5-3 50 00. 25 00 00 26 00 ry Mr. Valentine Ruhl and family are moving into Mir. Sam Moore's house | a ae e on the fifty acres at the corner of | Hogs oer J aoe the village, ' Butcher Cattle ...... Our school reopened last. .week after 'Potatoes per bag .....e... being closed for three weeks owing to Onions, Largese- esses ee the. measles being prevalent in this! Turkeys...............06. +++ section. | Ducks, Sle Our cheesemaker Mr. Louis Sehncj:- Chickens *' er. intends finishing up the -- season's' Hens ae et Aa make this week. He intends making [ard.................... butter during the winter months. ee tiow Pn Mr. Fnamk Harloff returned home Batter pee ee last Wednesday from Stratford where E Bee ee ee ee he spent the summer in the employ , BBS has 1Aiiaee cna nse sce saress ets a few days.--Mr. Bert Hacking who| with friends in town returned home| Kelly Yule. W. Waddell. Kemp Jolly | --ivig stable. cement stabling through- ~|all under To yield "the investor 6 per -cent.--| .¢|8hip of Elma. County of Perth. 5 : | property at terms to suit purchaser. Churns, Washing Machines, Roofing, Glass, X-Cut Saws, Axes HAVE YOU SEEN OUR LARGE STOCK OF | Stoves, Ranges and Heaters 4 2292999999? _ d.G. SEIP, - Linwood Shelf Cutlery, Aluminumware and Royal Purple Stock Food FOR SALE ---- 10 pigs six weeks old. C. Newton. COURT OF REVISION ON VOTERS" ; ' LIST 1914. a | will be held pursuant to the Ontario | Voters' Lists A:t by Hs Honour <he' Judge of the County Court of the County of Perth at Newton on the 13th dav of November. at 12 o'clock in the forenoon to hear and deter- mine complaints of errors and omis- sion in the Voters' List of the Muni- cipality of Mornington for 1914. WM. WADDELL Clerk of Mornington. Dated this 19th day of October. 1914.) Farms For Sale $8.000 buys one of the best farmsin | Elma. 100 acres. Lot 21 Con. 3. 2-stor- (ey .brick cottage-roofed house.* Bank | barn with straw shed: driving shed 'out with water where needed. close to | school. corner farm. 3 miles from Lis- | tawel. Enough down to secure loan-- balance «may remain on mortgage. Apvly quickly. $5250 will buy the West half of Lot 2. Con. 10. Mornington. 190 acres cultivation. . comfortable |dwelling house. bank barn: cement |stabling drilled well, large orchard jsonvenient to church. school railroads 'and markets. A rare bargain. $2.000 |down balance at 5 per cent. 'W. D. WEIR. MILVERTON. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'In the matter of the estate of John- | ston J. McFaddin. 'late of the Town- ship of Wellesley farmer. deceased. | Notice is hereby given that all per- | sons having elaims or demands against the estate of Johnston. Mc- Faddin. who died on or about. the Ist day of September. 1914. are requested to deliver to Edna McFaddir. Execa- trix or Andrew Tillie. Executor of the said estate. on or before Tuesday. ; November 17th. 1914. full particulars 'of their claims and the nature of the| security Gf any) held by them duly verified. Take notice further that after the 17th day of November the executrix and executor will pree2ed"to d'stribute the assets of the said deceased amongst , the parties entitled thereto. having} |} regard only to the claims of which | thev shall then have had notice.. Dated this 24th day of October. 1914! Edna McFaddin. Executrix. Millbank. R.R. No. 1. Andrew Tillie. Executor. Crossifill. P. O. | | - FARM FOR SALE. | The undersigned offers for sale his | 200-acre farm being lots 24 and 25 [om the 12th concession of the town- There Notice is hereby given that a Court | 1is erected on the farm a 2-storey i brick house. 26x36. with kitchen and | wood house 20x40. adjo/ning. Build- | ing and verandahs roofed with slate. | A 'barn 64x84 erected) in 1898 with | straw shed 36x50 attached. First- | class stabling in good repair for 60 |eattle and 10 horses. with 3 box stalls and good root ceJlar. Power mill in finst-chass working order. Driving shed 28x50. Pig house 30x50. nearly new with concrete floors and trough, having a capacity of 80 in addition to other useful buildings. Hard and soft water at the house. This farm is fair ly well fenced. well underdrained with tile. No pumping required as there is an overflowing drilled well at the barn which supplies water inside and out the year round. 10 acres of fall wheat sowed on good summer fallow preparing between 60 and 70 acres for spring crop. 50 acres of meadow land and plenty of pasturage also a quantity of standing timber. Con- venient to towns. schools and church-. es. 'Phone in house and also conven- ience of rural mail delivery. Persons desiring such a property are wel- come to come and see for themselves. Will take .one-third of the purchase money balance can remain secured by For further particulars apply to ALLAN McMANE, R.R, No. 2. Atwood s24-3m of his brother Henry. He reports a The home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nowack was made 'happy last week! f by the arrival of a young daughter. | Mr. Stephen Weiss spent last. week | | Your New Suit-- > with friends in the city. | Mr. S. Henry of Stratford. spent. last week with his son Roy. j Mr. Simen Brickman. of Sebring | ville has been busy completing Mr.: George Beécker's new house which he | intends moving into in the near fut- ure. : Mr. George Shellenberger had the | misfortune to lose a valuable horse ' _last week. if Mr. and Mrs. D. Balsam. of Strat-| ford. spent Thursday with friends | here. ; please you in both Before placing your order, come in Jet us show SY you our new lines of suitings. We guarantee to _S.N. SMITH, & fit and price. -date Tailor MILVERTON, ONT iMrs. S. Henry Sr.. is visiting-with | her daughter. Mrs. D. J. Smith. of | Kubryville. An energetic and resourceful band of youths did up the town on Hallow- e'en but without much damage to fproperty so far as we have heard. The town hall premises came in for the usual attention. an outbuilding be-, ing dumped into the 'river. Many } ; | about town) were overthrown or removed. giving | annoying inconvenience to owners. One of the boldest pnanks was the schackling of a couple of young men who had been employed by a con- tractor to guard the néw _-- school Be Clean! Inside and Outside or by inactivity of the li = (in Tablet or Cleanses the system--and more. It health that. it Brig a the blo digest food so that it makes g: strengthen all the organs. You may avail yourself of its bottle or a box of tablets trial box. "Address as night. The pair were overpowered in a jiffy "sacks pulled down! over their heads. their arms 'pinioned- tied secir- 'ely in a standing position against tree trunks and 'left there to holler for | Hliberty which they most Iustily did. | until someone who heard the outcry | . FREE "Dr Pierce's Common fosé the pranksters had disappeared | Ses You can no more afford to neglect it : than the outside. ant that the system be cleansed of the poisonous impurities caused by weakness of the digestive organs Feg SR RIERCE'S Golden Medical Discovery blood-~rich, red blood to nourish and tonic, revivifying influence by from your medicine dealer--or send Sense Medical ipt of Si roe, Be eNek oe to If you would be healthy, strong and happy. Baths keep the skin clean and in good condition. But what about the inside of the body? It is just as import- ver. Liquid Form) puts the liver in such a condition of it should. It helps the stomach etting a Soc for a ith hota book of Fesoih cloth b ae bs ° Adviser" --a cover mailing charges. Business is Waiting --Telephone ior it. Business may be quieter than two years ago, yet there is no cause for depression. Crops are good and already business is waking up. Call your customers by long dis- tance telephone. Dispel their gloom by the hearty spoken word. Keep both yourself and them posted on prices and general conditions, and there will be no slowing up in your business. The economy of telephone selling makes it a welcome aid to business just now. The long distance telephone is the proven ally of economical business. Evéry Bell Telephone is a Léng Distance Station. The Bell Telephone Co. OF CANADA. POSS OOS OES. $040 995 0O000FOS G2 0400 Have You Tried our Ice Cream ? We sell it by the DISH, CONE or BULK. SOOCSEOOSSOES OS OOO OSES SLOSS OOS WE ALSO HAVE A NICE LINE OF Cigars, Pipes and Tobaccos -: Chocolates, Fruits, Etc. WEIR'S RESTAURANT, -- Milverton ? = SOS 09O0000$O65000000005000 9SSSSOO0S040000060060006 b4 G99SSSOOSSHSHHH98H9H POOESOEOODOOCOH COED Mobilized! The finest collection of Rubber Footwear ever assembled in men's, women's and children's, ® Ad e @ e bd e e @ @ e A 4 A 4 e ¢ @ ¢ e e @ @ @ ¢ ¢ ¢ @ @ ° e ; @ 2 ® @ ca ® t ® A @ + @ 2 @ ¢ ¢ ¢ ® Recruits Wanted To join the army who wear our Rubbers that stand The Siege Of hard wear and tear. A Long March Can be made in comfort with our rubbers. your daily march. Try them on Competition Hastily Retreats Before our prices, N. ROSS, s.com. Monkton 90S 090960500 O60090000000 pm abaaadaiiriy y COSCO CO ODE® é SSOFO 099000 009O00908 060050000000090006000090006 SSOSOS OOS SOSSSSOSOOS VOPOGS POOP OER SOO OOO HOS OOOd ¢ 1a Dr RV from the'seéne.--Paisley Advocate. | zion £ " ; < Se & $ soeeeooorse 900008 0CSS OC O806 0009000056080 000808E0988008 tc SOCoSCCSCeceeCoeseoscocesc Onecesoeeoosceooo2eceesTsS It Pays to Dress Well 'Nothing gives a man more prestige than to be Well Attired" You can have this done at the minimum cost at This Shop <-¢4 a "THERE has just been plac- ed on the shelves a splen- did line of Scotch Tweeds of a new pattern for fall and win- ter wear, that will make and wear well. Call and see eur stock, We guarantee youa fit. The Up-to-date Tailor, 0. DUFFIELD fe,insiegai eeccccorececosocceooress ccoseeccececesces: ee wee <2 Ns