nee Mie Bes ' . pee : = et es i -- ; & : : =] ee we » : ae >. a : / ' ' eset . -- See - t = » Set : : -- eo ripe Ao ; : = & : : + 6ont 39. I = eaiaet ENGLISH COAST BOMBARDED YRROW BONNE SCOTLAND "*NQ QUARTER" NOW REPLY BS L : . a 7 = = * : j Me : ': o - eae ay ee 4 ae eo ee . 2, _ | NOTES OF INTEREST FROM HER ae act tp (Sa ee 4 ie ~ ani - Pa s Pes anak 28 CUES oy are wo < = ager sy nf ey ee - 'Blectric Sky Sign Floated High in Air Over Whitby BANKS AND BRAES. British Naval Expert Says That German Naval Raid ape ee Ea A . ious : . ere ali oer ais At ESaE Osea oe : # a en Directed by Spies on Coast Se he oe ee Will End Humane Policy of British Admiralty. . oe = i : ~ | What Is Going Onin the Highland: # : : a x oe ies : : betere ie ti blo hee ee ee J its ; > is Ste and Lowlands of Au z ; A despatch from London says: Directed by Spies. es as Scotia. A despatch from' Lendon says: "This is-to our advantage, but. : 'The casualty lists of thé a -p A startling story, indicating that af se ' <{Following is the comment of Fred|from no possible. point, of view has Sore wet e Miaval raid accom oe é: hes eee the German ships were directed by Mr. and Mrs. Peter © Fergis,|. Jane, the foremost naval writer | the German behavior been justified. ss "killed and 122 wounne ae Hi 'tl spies on the coast as to where to Leith, have five sons serving their|in Britain, on the, German naval) Nor can it ever be forgiven. We ress : _ bardment of Scarborougls es strike is furnished to. the Daily caus: Bg oA Oe [raid : chall probably manage to see to it. oe ae pool and Whithy-. : canes! Went Mail by Louis Tracy, the well ~ |=- Lord Eglinton's Spe¢ial Fuad for} _ 'The full story of "the Gorman | that few of the,German cruisers Te- * _ were killed and 14 in iets a ®Stlinown author. His home, "Fair- the town and county of Ayr. now | North Sea raid is clearly in actord} {arn to harbor. If we are wise we * BT aiegee The figures show : lawn,"? at Whitby, was under the Smountstocover $87;650: i with the sens i$ policy which, re-{ shall hang any . prusoners taken. Poms sats oe ee é fire of the German shells, Mr. Tracy : ihe daath hastoccurted cof Mr. | gardiess of "¢ , has during} Then; and then only, shall we ren- Ss Killed Wounded | 20-4. cin . si 1¢. death has occurred of Mr.) aa , ; : Tee te e fee eit 19 said: '"Dhe whole coast was excited Forbes Fadic, for many years sup} Se past few days been advocated in|}der ourselves immune from simular 4 Sa Oee fees a 3 by a riba fe Pc gt 7 erintendent of Greeno wary | the German press, It is a Hoo) Sine : raids in the future. z 5 Vossen ceenrer. over the moors for half an hour. aon epee ON 2 | application the - German- ---lanc ; : hay ats S BR ae _ 'Hartlepool .....:... bes 101 | Tt was an electric lamp fixed to a ean rae Dandaa bobal: |ROUCYs in ium--wholesale de=|, Rap wae saeee eT he Biche Se Ww artlep ' . pie Tage "--¥revenue collected. at. Dundge total: |e oe. oF boo. : legs exact science, he res . z West Hartlepool... 41 4 | kite, and as it floated high in the} : ied aore 209 ie against $260,235 in |StTuction of helpless and moffensive | tains fe r 5 ohaee stations Gan be ee we Pe bests ~-- air, it marked the position of Peet eee eee ee |civilans in an effort to create aj. Ea apa ete aha cust é Total.,.. 104 136 Whit hiv LS. eee peg ore ME iets tak eae gauged beforehand. Germany mus se g oe ! Whitby. tee y ochiwi b School B lare to {2eis0 of terror. <The British navy hee | artactly well ey i: : F "T saw it, and I can name dozens SS pene re "> | has hitherto seemed unduly humane | 24Ve SP" ae Sale Sage ee aS en a Army officers who examined the} yo. bn OEP Our Heat make provision dor the fe 5 RLS ERE OE aE: ares a a : x4 material result could possibly . ; Bis : 5 ea who saw it flaunting over our heads Ss : : i,m thiswar. "We have gone out of} "aid which cher ships ' > _ 'fuins caused by the bombardment) 41 9 39 p.m., felling the German children should distress arise this | our WU: §O eave THe Ep EHR lives Persie from the raid w nich her Sips a ' ¥, i Feo tees) % . - . S558 AY J Sa Hal emy 8s 8. : 73 BRAS adie 7 ES, : -?-estimate that the Germans fires! 200 ships exactly where we were. It winter. 7. 7|We regarded the enemy as a ciyi-| made su Wednesday. E erhaps re "e aed | _---._ «shells, chiefly of the 9-inch and 12-| ty inkled in defiance of our authori- Captain Murray, who was killed yj7¢q foe. Now all this is likely: to side issue, "but the question ora Cae Pe _ inch kind.' Several 12-inch shells | p54, 7 in the recent fighting in France, Was\j56 chanced. 'No quarter' aa tainly arises, ee did the Germans 1: : AR S. : : Shia oases et anged. gual seems to| 2) Ee ty pared aro = : which, had not exploded hin he The raid has had one very impor- for some time 'sergeant instructor!}» the only possible reply to .the get oe ' . -- - Gahiiely pe eo later in the soft earth. pes artle-|¢ant and useful effect. Recruiting at Melrose pute savagery: cf German' actin: oo, which ow She Eos Bee se pools were raked from | ti Be a has been stimulated as never before Orders have been received by seV-| The horrors of naval war will be in- [ h ne eee go ar oO oe ae : j oe gles by the enemy. Lying off the) in the war. The station at Scotland eral of the Langholm woollea mills | creased, but the duration of opera- finds = tas gory & ai pire: peninsula, which the Germans @P-| Vard was crowded all day with men for over 30,000 yards double width } tions will perhaps be shortened ac *8y ey oe een e ena exit." i SS shed fr the south, both y i : : | . ! } cumstances of their easy exit. ae Breen -- ' ~ icewand te whom the news of the raid had khaki cloth. cordingly, ISLANCEE : & y ere Srclied by 'i stat brought home sharply the actual It was stated at a meeting of 'chika te : pose as ; r opines i ae ry peril that England is in and the Paisley School Board that there are -- _ | Be Pe ide frevcver | Pe omnee of the task before her. 15,792 children on the rolls of the \ 4 2 cee POMEES ee Eran ni ove" | It is safe to say that the bombard- oa See * S a the core sength of = es ee ipe | Ment of Hartlepool, Scarborough einen New Bongate Mills and Laidlaw | \ ' As the cruisers made their escape | , Freel L na havwand Ai AY 4 pe ; and Whitby will bring forward not Brothers, Jedburgh, are engaged 'i z -to the north-east they poured a fire}... than 2 y | : oft ers, gh, ngage ; tr heir rear guns tl mrth| f° than 200,000 men who migh é es executing large orders for khaki for yy ide aes ee hi Moan Pes have hung back in a feeling of false A Belgian Christmas. the. War Office ' Fled : "sie of the peninsula, Many °8- | security ees Sree ; a es ee Ee sue -. mer -- , 2 e . troyers were visible beyond the | se > fa eas a ctdcais From the New York Sun-| Among the victims in the disaster Positions Fell One 'fter Another Until Th y: aS 'Germans during the bombardment. PUECHE EACIOCRAS. to the Australian submarine AE1 From Servia in Precipitate Discrder : At first these were believed to be-| An old woman was pi 'ing up | nn A Northern, $1.17 3-4; No. 2 Northern, | W@8 Petty Officer Robert Smail, a : Q long to the hostile squadron, but| coal dropped from cars on the rail-| PRIUED Rt PRODUCTS Fret ee: pertanns, age Gpeetrent Galea S4 mpete servers say tl yer-| way ank vrhen she wais OT Pa ae ee a Sa Bs * feed, Harry Ranken, who was. a competent observers say the Ger way embankment, when she wais 92 1-2. Onta--No. 2 C.W.. 52c: No. 3 G.W. r. tarry a ; : ' es ei er eS eee pet as out ee mans fired both seaward and to-| killed by a shell. An old man and eens ta 49c.; extra No. 1 feed, 49. Barley--No. 3,| captain in the Royal Army Medical A despatch from Paris says: Tele- a Se = tev 7. ibsayaaien > >, Bult sha ckore. 'which seems to in-| his two daughtets were just starting ete rEOM THE LEADING ps te ra - aoee poleces Seti teed, Corps, and well-known in Irvine, graphing from Nish, the correspon- Sgt cash eae ik a : 5g PS -dicate that the Germans slipped be-| breakfast in the kitchen when a Be LENIBE SD OF. AEERICA O.W., $1.28 1-2. Ste ete 7 N° "l has been killed at the front. a dent of the Havas Agency says: coe raat ba ad Whil Nee iseta fete . tween the English flotilla and the! shell burst in the room, killing all Breadstuffs. Owing to the war there is a like-|~ «Fyy] details of the fighting eaten ties 2a eh: ae Sone Beate . -coast during the heavy fog that pre-| three of them. A> young woman] Toronto, Dec. 22.--Flour--Manitoba first Montreal Markets, lihood of all the retiring Glasgow : o S| were crossing in the greates: Pe tcaee . ' ; er ee alooe, «th eee te Ee ars ee ine patents quoted at $6.60, in jute bags; sec- : : ; ' ; Be: Mey around Belgrade have not yet been|the Servians broke the last resis- ; 2 yailed just before the bombard-| went to the house of her aged mo-| Gna patents, $6.10; clrong bakers, $5.90; | » Momtreal, Dec, 22--Corn, American No.| town councillors who seek re-elec-| veceived, but enough is known to| tance, The Austrian columns, which ' ment. ther, intending to conduct her to a| Ontario wheat flour, 90 per cent. patents, 2 yellow, 73 to 74. Oats, Canadian West-| tion being returned unopposed. TASES = weet Sead ee te Steve Sass ee % nditied th | i Bee j | qioted: at s$4:65 to $4.20 ceaboard ern, No. 2, 60 to 60 1-2¢; No. 3, 58 1-2 to 5%; 5. : S show that there also the Austrians] were left to protect the retreat were The shore guns acquitted them-| place of safety . Entering the pas- Wheat---Manitoba 'No.1 Northern, new, | xa No. 1 feed, 59 1-2; No. 2 local white,}' A fine lioness, the gift of a Fel- suffered a defeat of a fatal nature. | thrown into wild disorder and aban- _ .selves creditably and were not in-|sageway she stumbled across her d iat $1.95 1-2: No. - 9. on, | 4c; No. 3 local whfte, 53c; No. 4 Jocal| Jow of the Zoological Society, has} ' é : : ee Ke ae : g*) ' : opie. ; quoted at $1.25 1.2; No. 2 at $1.221-2; On-| white, 5%, Barley. Man. feed, 68 to. 70c;|10W Of the Goological Hociety, Das) After several days of stubborn} doned heavy guns, rifles and other sluned:by the German fire. Persons} mother's body. A shell had pierced | Ot" tits an 2 quoted at $1.10 to $1.12, matting, 76 to Te. Flour, Man Spring| been added to the collection in the fighting the Austrian troops occu- | equipment "throwing come of it in- ' who witnessed the fighting between | the roof and killed her. An elderly} "oate--Ontario quoted at 49 to 50c, out-| Wheat patents, finets, $6.70; seconds. | Zoological Park, Murrayfield. nied a line of positi hyelonedl to! Hs Danubs Ba : he shore guns, and the cruisers say tho -th | h firing | side, and a Ben mE To $6.20; strong bakers', $6; Winter patents, eo aie : 3 sere aa S pied a line of positions echeroned) to the Danube. : te the shore guns, and the cruise Yj} man, who ought the gun firing| side, and at 52 to 53¢ on track, Toronto. Pee Pro ee : News | been received in Green-| ¢> foes aor Te eee . : ; ce es he eruis-| w re or Western Canada, No. 2, quoted 'at 58 1-20, | Choice, $6; straight rollers, $5.50 to $5.60; ews has pee , from the northeast of Obrenovatz, Servian artillery, which was ra- , the smoke stack of one of the cruis-| was that of British ships at prac-|onq@ No 3 at see. : '| straight rollers, bags, $2.65 to $2.75. Roll-| ock of the death of Lance-Corporal | as far as Koviona, to the south-east | pidly brought up to positions com- < ke ers was smashed and that many|tice; sat down unconcernedly to| Barley--Markot "is quiet, with malting | 02'S barrels, $6.40 to $6.50; bags. 90 Ibs..| Wy Cl t: a reservist in the Re ; eae eg 8 ; ra ; = aes ' tithe teedied on. ancther,while thi hreakfast....A. shell. carried a erddea at GF tx: bie OHinIae $3 to $3.10. Bran, $25. Shorts, $27. Mid- m. ement, a reservist in the|of 'Avala (nine miles from Bel-|manning both rivers, shtlled and . oe f eee on oor i ona Maida re she ahs en ast. : ear gees ba Rye--The market ie firm at $1.03 to $1.05, Gling, $30, Monette, "Ss -- ners No. | Black Watch, killed at the front, grade). The latter position was|destroyed several bridges. The ee ig. (Cleric na ing broads ; es pike if ea uling his NG a saa ; ce acacia ok ee "yeh eS A well-known figure in shipping|carried by the Serbs after several) Austrian losses during the latter 8. wo Lttle grandenilaren, Cel ah SLE te Te ep eH om ANOe Be GOONS epais, 15. 1-0 ot", 15 5-80, Burien, sholpest circles has passed away in the per-| bayonet charges. Other positions|days were enormous, and those of ' 'Mav' As ie » Wor Corn--No, 3 new leer 5 creamery, 27 to -2c; seconds, ° Yantai ts T]Hiott . er i Jarvians w Se ) : A despateh from London says: A May"' Astonish the World. 73 Le, AW oil hore eee aed. 84 | 26 1-20. "Eges, fresh; 48 to. 500; selected,| 802 of Captain Wm. Elliott, the/fell one after another, until the} the Servians were also serious. The S show. Hetca 'DatA Wak fought in| On his arrival at Rome, Prince} Buckwheat--No. 2 quoted at 75 to 78, | 2%, No_1 stock, 28 to 29¢;.No. 2 stook, 2 Commodore Commander of the|Austrians were completely beaten | Servians captured about 10,000 pri- \ the fog off the Yorkshire coast be-|von Buelow, the former 'Imperial Wie en <9 Ya set Hoteloes, persbag, 20ar 1otenbio--. 6) in ine, on the last hills to the north of|soners, of whom 67 were officers, 30 . re py ae ages es 5 3 poe, Soe BONG "rat 16 Cugled at 825 REE L 'k Town Council is making|Avala. They were beaten also on| cannon, including eight mortars, 20 . tween a mosquito fleet of British| German Chancellor, and now Am-| a ton, and shorts at $27 to $28. United States Markets. sues a diese i a ' : ea, ; SY t 8 els: a sip ; 'destroyers ek the powerful squad-| bassador to Italy, was informed of Rolled oats--Car lots, per bag of 90 1bs..} yr: sneapolie, Dec. 2%--Whoat--_No. 1 hard, | 22 effort to preserve David Living- | the left flank by Servian columns |machine guns, 239 ammunition wa- g ron of the German high fleet, which| the bombardment of the English ret $1.20; No. 1 l-arthern, $1,16 1-4 to $1.19; No. | Stone's birthplace. Next to Burns' rk bouching Gem agate ee ae peu as ris kitchens, numerous = : posse Opis ee ; : ; . aE 2 Northern. $1.12 34 to $1.17; December, | ott it is held in tk test es- }Austrians retreated precipitately | horses, and a great tity of sup- S | ih ia fal 7 . , . : ; - . AT; , tag in the greatest es ; g quantity: of sup . @ fled from the wrecked cities of Har-} coast by German 'ships, but showed Country. Produce Sete Cannes deni cottage it is he g ) ; J 4 . Oey AS : reat F ce. « bot. -2, --No. yellow, 591-2 to Lowards , ' ~-- cit 5 ARE 4 tlepool, Scarborouhg and Whitby. }no surprise. He said that this} Butter--Choice dairy, 22 to 23c; inferior, ! 00. Oats--No. «3 white, 455-4 to 46 1-4c. teem. : is hs aps Re se and. sass Saen os Many Austrians were drown De. 4 Racing to the coast in response to] achievement had been arranged for bE a pes ae prints, 29 to 30c; do., et 5g bag" tua Pas otis Seven post office officials on the ;Whlen bmdges had previously: been | ed. a | : . * : ; s, . » Far 3' ¢ : P u : ec. .--Wiheat--No. ' ws ae . . < 4 "the dace ent ee id flung prior ie a departure from Berlin. | 56 to d7e. to 2c. Farmers' separator, g1.19 14: No. S Nonlbere, S018 14: Nore ins aa es oo Perth to] == >. 7 'out from the ombarde cities to e added : Egges--New-laid,* selects, dozen," 35 to} Northern, $1.15 1-2; December, $1.18 1-2. nverness had an alarming experi- "whe > re . 009 PS 4 ie : Pgsendy te ; dc yeas x Tana ised suas oS 1 57 4-2 : Sg ane ee : when I go for my country ? Pc , every British warship and depot,| '""Ihis is simply the prelude to 'gs igen alte ape ie at 12 to 13e per pe sence, sere stag pee Ria ence through the postal van taking A BRAVE FRENCH GIRL. Rieventerad thesmainy awe ahons ee < the destroyers encountered the Ger-| what the German fleet is soon to} 1b. f trained. No. 1 1 se * $2.7 fire recently Wat A > > > destroyers en: r- F xern soon t . for strained. No. 1 honeycomb, $2.75 = > TEC v. : sands of francs in her charge, reach- € man battle cruisers before their| undertake, which may astonish the ye hay ch Pas oh ae eS Live Stock Markets. The medical officer of health, | Stirring Incident of the Early] eq Verdun safely Heli bAted the md é * 4 Peat " yultry-- ici 4 "ssed, Cs : . a sic o> ss . Eds ' nearness was realized. In the mist| world. ducks, dressed, lb. 13 to 14¢: fowl, 10 to} Toronto, Dee. 22. -- Perhaps the most| Glasgow, has reported that there Stages of the War. Viev and sécurities: wand Received the 2 that veiled the sea the Twne flotilla lic; geese, 12 to 13c; turkeys, dressed, 16 | SUDpPrising thing this week is the weak- are in the city hospitals and under men i T ot s "ee 5 . ; desepstes hashes: Ch SE tpaaets ia "1 to 20c. ness in canner and cutter stock, and the ; pe Pane The interesting story of a young receipts. he military authorities, < 'came into contact with e er- : ae Be ct eS Cheése--New large, 16 to 1614c; twing,| Price recession in these indicates that| Sanitary supervision at home 6,302 Fala Acbeas an fa A sa are Ne realizing the «increasing danger é mans, and did their best to delay CHRISTMAS FIRES, 16 1-2c. sellers iare ready to take their medicine. | cases of infectious disease. girl's devotion to duty has come toy ad } tn peta e Dhe Ceaae Z the flight untis the British battle ore Beans--Prime, buchel, $2.60 to $2.70;| The bulk of the canners sold at $3.70 to hilec ay at: 1 his | Us from tihe east of France. Berthe BOUT OU: Uy DOM he Ger- nO. TAG a we ee rhe : eas hand-picked, $2:75 to $2.85. $4.15, while most of the cutters brought John Wi son, ave 50, and. nis Tevy. Aged twontietwo. is an "ern 1 ane: were everywhere; no French a cruisers and dreadnoughts sold rhe Commission of Conservation Is- Potgtoog: Ontarios, 65 to 70e~ per bag, 4 es Sh ope last ide WE gered wife, Catherine, aged 47, were " 9. 46 oe did st free ¢ the| Person would be permitted to pass P "Col : y , ogs fr ease 91. Sinbaet e oti out of store, 55c in car lots. New Bruns- |} advanced unti A was reach or ee a ] -,} ployee in the post ome 0 t Nt. Sa . sp sé ate iad | not aersmade i sues a Special Bulletin. icips. che Tote 50-40 ote ud HHS levees. Wye flloraceid, MER sedmis aeeen eth burned to death by a fire that broke Sh kowaak tisiets WUE ee their lines unmolested, and the x oom weds ee og ee ee Sn ot In many Canadian homes every is psciget for the eae age pe out in their house at 23 Balgray- ated just over the birdet from Ger-| Postmaster must reconcile himself ¢ rom the heavy, long range guns 0 : oe +. pines caaree ta : and lambs were about steady, lambs go- ringibur 7 : otiopeg : sch cae les e work the German thd ees 4 but the shade year Ohristmas festivities cause nre- Baled Hay and Straw, ing at recent declines. Calves were un- bank street, Springburn, Glasgow. man Lorraine. to do double work, f 2 hy alweky fight § ) y postee hs grets and in numerous cases loss of rire nei Beg oe are for car rad ae Ed otced ee ead fd ae Mr. Andrew Storrie, aged 61, a The people of Briey, like those of But the young girl shook Ret ae 7 yY Dg e <o z fie sess toe eries pack here :-- zi ogs, $6. o.b. country points, 2 ' rot 9 em . aw , ee es a] eat ae: . ou The light cruiser Patrol and the life among those taking part. Straw is quoted at $7.50 to $8 a ton, in} fed and watered, and _at $7.50 off cars. dye house worker of Hawick, Was other French towns, were going head. $ ga tae ee om as aoe : h Tlluminated effects as Christmas- | C22 lots. of track here. Montreal, Dec. 22.--Prime™beeves, 7 to| fatally burned when the liquid dye | sjone placidly in their usual way all My chief needs my services, See eee eon Were Meee Ole ce -deopseioei' i 'vate homes | Hay ont new bey is quoted at $16.50) 7 1-2, a few Christmas cattle about 8;| which he was watching in an Essex | 5 aaa is coger sirs," she said. "He is counting on P British ships which attacked the|*™ee "decorations in private homes | to $17 on track here; No. 2 at $15 to $15.50, | medium. 5 to Te: common, 4 to Sc, Cows : : ay i July, and if Mademoiselle Levy no- idan sir inaae oi es -) Garman cruisers. Both wave struck |22¢ dangerous, and wherever either | 2nd No. 3 at $13 to $13.50. ay to a0 each sg Sppnsate, $30 B $65,980. dyeing machine boiled over on him. | ticed the news of the murder of the | ™ retinn, and nothing else con- é : } sers, t DB sti el aM a "® S ce ene Jalves, -2 to 8 1-2c; sheep, -2 to 5 1-20; eee = Ma i' E o.} cerns me. " by shells. They lost five men killed fire or hghts ie boo aaveh, ey Provisions. lambs, 7 1-2 to &; hogs, 7 1-2 to 8. : Be Tee : Austrian grand duke and the de- She hadenot proceeded many kil and fifteen wounded. The two ves- ee pase, : se i PO: UNE den "Lond Slearctrieite This nae ms BRITISH WOMEN ENROLLING. claration sa war on eae. by Aus- niathae Lekewe Pts ahteo ett 110- sels mentioned could have only a|S2t©'y. ss irtstimas-tree 15 19) jb. in case lots, Hams--Medium, 17 to etaset th 2 Ze tria on the posters of the news| j) 7: se Laas hil ee '© au- . : : ' PS SRF ae a 26 é ies ' ae . . Cee Oe, .| thorities had been right 'i ots small chance of doing any serious iteelt Ayre a ipflammmabis," but.) Tr tis ide: eestaat bao 7 40 to ibe: Or a Blooming One. Will Be Trained for Signalling and} stands, it probably impressed her} (14 pig oe eh apt ae pees damage to the larger German ships|Wen to this is added decoration®) packs, 21 to 22; boneless backs, 2c. | : ' Despatch Riding. * {no more than it impressed many a Aldea RE hy Shs: hee eee : engaged. of cotton-batting, light paper bails, | Lard "Markey dull at it to 11 i4e for) <'Isn't that English friend of young girl in America, It was only pa tas ae it, then, in any case, she It is assumed here that the Bri-|224 other dangerous material, it is) Baile canbound$ to Se yigr tubs and! ours a bit outspoken? He cer- A despatch from London says: A}when the German troops poured eae , and, Rieti pi her car, i tish destroyers made such fast time |My by the exercise of great care pe tainly calls a spade a spade." meeting was held on Wednesdiay at} forth from Metz that Briey awoke | [00% % @ near-by wood. Here she y \ ; ages : in approaching the Yorkshire coast , that fires cain be 'avoided. Where Winnipeg Grain. "You're wrong there, old chap;|the Mansion House in aid of ithe | to its anger. ay concealed all day, and, under after the wireless had given the bie trees we erected in car-| Winnipeg, Deo. 2--Cash:--Wheat--No. 1 he invariably calls it a 'spide.'" movement ae be see taae of A On August 3rd, the news came Mimosa es on foot. P xd rooms, sheet ti zne yoman's Vv: teer reserve, the Ob-| that German troops, miarching 0; anaging to evade the German pa- > alarm of the bombardment of the|Peted rooms, sheet tin or zinc > woman's volunte ' that German troops, marching on |\" vee hy ace der ti : of whi accor ito the " ; ele atest i RS trols, she reaches ay Dk Coe ce ea eee a 'DANE et of whe, sorting to he Load ram Mein had, bon gen io the| le, the, zene ne, fee 3 selves in the path of the retreat of Cato me «candie drippings. t ayor, who presided, 1s "to pre >|}neighborhood, The postmaster of abt ree edee che le Te- the Germans should be one person's duty to a trained and highly efficient body | Rriey had received this instructions. gs hid for the money and securities > &, ~ Sank Three' Merchant Ships watch the candles, that instant ac- of women whose | services can be} At the first approach of the enemy, deposited in. cafety. ab Verdun. She * --@ a ? aa ; ease tion may be taken if the tree takes See eigen oe offered to the State if required. | he was to send by motor to the town then went quietly back to the work Employing a defensive ie ne? fire. Such women, said the Lord Mayor, | of Verdun, a military post, all the | '™ the office for which she had Pi ; i bg =~ ee ee best Seoned In public halls, Sunday schools, shows an Increase of About Fifteen Million Dollars|could be trained for signaling, de-| cash in the Briey post office. Tt was known herself to be needed. Cy 3, the ehaae . paar fi a ica etc., where numbers of chi!dren are spatch riding, telegraphing, motor-| 4 task that required courage, hon- Py 2 mines in their wake ns 4 ie atc assembled, unusual precautions Over Nov-emiber, 1913 ing and camp cooking, and thus) esty and reliability, as well as ready > to sea in the fog. Three anges should be taken. Fire extinguishers could replace men who might be} wit, A popular society woman an- pectent eee phe sunk by| and pails of water should be in con- AGEIeT: more usefully employed on the fir-| Monsieur the postmaster sent for | nounced a "white elephant" party. 1ese mines, and at least seven men | yanj see ; ! sce fetta She -Peae ae ary = AL SE Pe oe ae far (eae ee enact ent 3 : os and probably more were killed." repay ry con nige Fest C laus era A despatch from Ottawa says: An;eight months ending November was Ol que at et pene eagt © Berthe Levy, told her what was re- ey guest was to bring some- , @he steamer. Elterwater, of 743 umes shou e dipped in a solu-|increase in the total trade of Can-| $447,911,144 as compared with: $446,-|CD@Pun, M.t., explamed thay the) quired of her, and asked if she| thing that she could not find "any a 2 - me. steamer. & WEE» "| tion of four ounces of phosphate of] aaa f | i SG ot hice sec ee A AC ' : me {corps was intended to be employed} would go. use for and yet too good to throw : tons, struck a mine off Flamborough ; ao 'lada for the month over the corres- | 169,481 in 19138. Imports of coin and'. weer e : 5 es Bealge OK o throw tons, & Ammonia to a quart of water. If) ponding period of last year is indi-| bullion in November were $48,398,- | 1" the event of an invasion of this) 'Certainly, monsieur,"? was her| away. The party would have been Head and went to the bottom. | ¢jothi bebidas fre thre | yy | PORGING PEri0@ Of last year. 1S 1 on in er Were 945,029,- |" try. 'by. hordes of German' bar ; . a. : clothing catches fire 'throw the per-j| gated in the trade statement for|727 as compared with $1,81 4 jn | Country y hordes of German bar-| answer; and when he asked her if| a great success but iffor the look- Twelve of her crew escaped, but pata: cate a rade staten pared with »814,404 in : y) : f } ; unlool 2 Ive scaped, son down, and foll him in carpet,| November. Tt a 1 Ae ovember ADI barians."' It was not proposed to} she were afra'd, she looked at him| ed for development which br : a seven-were lost, The Princess Olga, blank . thi ovember, ne total trade was| November, 1913. : ei f pe uated 'i ld o | which broke it : a a co. ster of 438 tons. was Seti 3 rug, blanket, _eoiait or any thing $126,455,299, an increase of about Exports in November, 1914, were sider wee SA ATEN Aa CAN nS ae gs bravely. : "3 up. Eleven of the nineteen women ~~" - Aste ons, P| handy, to smother the flames. The fifte ations fat November + RT4,424,290Mas: cet red with $107,- ed, but "to arm them for their own "Afraid, monsieur,"? she asked, |'brought their husbands x . by a mine off Hartlepool and about ' mie, cen millions over ovember, | $74,424,299 as compared with $107, 4 aa $i) ep : vusbands, yan ) exits should be kept perfectly clear ¢ eee : ; Ben RG .".| defence in the last extremity is very ; w8 Sy 3 : ' : : 1913. Exclusive of the import of | 964,484. Exports of manufactures |'. : Pe Br ls eee (oe six miles from the coast. Members| ¢o avoid danger of panics : : : : : different and entirely justifiable." 5 _ ee . ie Rete Seat ke .. |eoin and bullion, which has largely, have increased, a healthy sign, and| *~ hale Sait ome : pie er Ge arg f the cre f this ship reported g ry ° e crew oO 1s Snly port In business houses electric wiring}; ooh RET igen Aes eA - 2 Four companies of the women's vol- that they saw a Gérman' splayin 1: : , 3 ]increased, both total exports and) were $6,376,500 for the month com- . in Ses th ir t Sa A and gas lighting for special dis- imports showed a decrease, this be-} pared with $4,841,922 in 1913. Ex unteer reserve have already been : ' mines near the point where Ol te hire see catille HRD: Ls pes Sree ei ape A SP eGOSk, Gee IEE . 5a et eae a eis eee ne ee HE Pitniceas O! ie Seed plays should be carefully inspected. ing chiefly due to a falling off in the | ports of animals and their produce formed, with Vecscountess Castle : ee iS Ulsa Was 108t. Do not use paper or muslin shades} ay no, eer c 8 - ~ | reagh as colonel. The third steamer was the Vaar-| close to the lamps, as they may take export of agricultural products. were $8,470,602 compared with $7,- m4 4 be es sae a oe py fect to PS Total imports for November, in-| 795,511. Exports of ricultunal pecan ices i : ' en, A trawler brought to Grimsby | Gre from the he: q '3 } 4s ! , O11. xp agricuitura, ' ¥ Suzeraint of Turke Over the 1 a ned ia Gane fire from the heat. Some one in| cluding ein and bullion, were 879,.| products, however, dropped from| AIR EXCURSIONS patty. |* y y Country is Ter- A i four survivors from this vessel. The! authority should be given the re-|¢ Mf : $ are Abieh pp : i 2 a Vaaren struck a mine in the North| sponsibility of seeing that the fire | 02.' 2 compared with $52,016,-| $33,417,055 in November, 1913, to : awl! minated we e Sea on Wednesday night and 13 per- eenaa Fer i poor oe. 560 in 1913, and the total for the $18,846,286 this year. Allied Aviators Keeving the Ger- : - sons perished. The survivors were | every precaution is taken to pro- mans Busy. : Z found clinging to an upturned boat. | tect 1 a ; : eae apne ; : « ect life and property. Insurance o4% 4 A despatch from Geneva, Switzer-| A despatch from London says:| and will henceforth constit i s : ( . 3 'Spa 3 avant: ° : ; i stitute a Bri- a , ot a the ona may replace the property, but no British Troops Landing at Havre land, says. French and English|The Official Press Bureau issued | tish protectorate. The suzerainty of : ic otted the sea with mines compet-| insurance can replace loss of life. aerial excursions are almost of Thee os ; _{Durkey over Egypt is thus' termi- 3 foll tatement concern yp ermi Z led the Admiralty to Issue.a warn- eee ermen daily occurrence across Alsace into the fo sila J tes pir ior Fake nates, and his Majesty's Govern 2 Sy _ ing to shipping. Navigators and FRENCH WAR COST. Baden and Wuerttemburg, the ob-| ing the making of Egypt a British) ment will adopt all measures neces- is evecaimage pied mformed that traffic = A despatch from Hayre, France, 'to three years, and barracks are be. | ject of the aviators being chiefly the protectorate : ; : ' _*, leary for the defence of Egypt, and between Flamborough Head and) gix Months' Estimate Figures at|Says: Thousands of British troops ing built. Extensive supply depots| destruction of the railroad lines and| "His Britannic Majesty's princi-| the protection of its inhabitants and ae : Newcastle is endangered by mines. $1,185,888,573. are arriving here daily on. trans- have been established here, stations in order to prevent troops | pal Secretary of State for Foreign | interests. The King has been pleas- e . In -London and in all England ; a ports, and are being moved to the ' from reaching the Alsace-Lorraino| Affairs gives notice that in view of] ed to approve the appointment of ef ' rage against the Germans is tem-| A despatch from Paris says: The| north as rapidly as possible. The ey Sdlav. aviators, |a state of war arising out of the ac-} Lieut.-Co i rg ce . 5 7 : ' £ 4) apace ne h an P ; frontier. On Tuesday two aviators, | & ¢ is1Ng 0 I - Bir Arthur Henry Mac- 2 Bee ke pered by grief for the helpless wo-|cost of the war to France for the} British are making the port of; A cross-channel transport would reported to be Englishmen, flew | tion of Turkey, Egypt is placed un-| Mahon to be his Majesty's' High : Se men and children who were struck first six months in 1915 is officially| Havre their main base of supplies. |carry not fewer than 1,000 men, s0j over Zerzburg, on Lake Constance, | der the protection of his Majesty, | Commissioner for Egypt." 8 : 4 : = of life ie cnadenks and ene : age enh oe aiene. Levent See On the average, 15 British trans-| that if the arrivals have continued| and caused a panic at Friedrich- : ere r | majority © e victims at Har- 7999, 01 OF sBNOUt »V0V, ports arrive here daily from South-|at the same rate since the abdve , tal Rea ie = By uk aie Oe oe ee OED ee ; ' : U : ' Pa <a a shafen, the headquarters of - the BES * eo + Fh Send age ce nage ae he see in pas ampton. Large camps have been despatch was written, at least 150,-| Zeppelin balloon works. It was * ° 'a P 'ifteen s joys. were killed by a} to the usual expenditures o €} leased on the heights along the; 000 men must have been landed in naiss: 'a , normous ama e l ' 2 é ; schoo: : es eee ee : more of a reconnaissance than 'any- : 5 * See single' shell, only Te lad in' - mene POE ow lacs ig Seine for periods varying from two] France in the last ten days. thing else. No bombs were drop- a é group escaping. en persons lost| allowe amilies of soldiers, : : h a hae ee ; ped. A German report says that froin lives when a building in which | $4,000,000 to persons out of em- ; : g ' ' : two. French aviators, who' had ' ' t : ' they had taken refuge collapsed un. | ployment, $10,200,000 for the main- Wounded R tl rh to the Firin Line thrown bombs on Frieburg for a| despatch from Paris says: "De-| a single file at a height of 3,000 feet ef der the shock of shells. Seven of cpm of ate driven from ae C ul ee thind time, and also on Neu-Brie.|Spite German denials it is now amidst ® furious -storm. of shall a at : ; ' 4 ; 'mi i , : , ' : nA tes : abe the dead at Hartlepool were volun- | homes by t h nore aiieate ca Fe Pst sach, causing much damage, were | clearly established that the recent] ,"C™ the German guns, threw eigh- © teers of Lord Kitchener's new army, | to various other items directly due taken las . -|teen bombs, of 'which fourteet é . we brought down near olmar last ] ds f Belfor ' i ourteen ' They were sent with their comrades|to the war. The appropriations ares Radar Doth 'man. were killed and gad! decease aod icc ort were) caused enormous damage. Tho st man the trenches in anticipation | committee of the French Parliament A despatch from Paris says: Pig sent. were ae ae hospitals, and Biaiy pe a) eee k thind prowscave of real Seg et : Six] leading aeroplane was struck by a 4 Lg : . i ; , i : as 5 - ry ischar : ra ombs were row! / ere . de of an attempt of the Germans to met to consider the budget, which|fewer than 64 per cent. of e{1% per cent. had been discharged eeaiby excaned! om own on Frieburg,| shell splinter in the left plane, and land an invading force. The Ger- is had the range of the new de- ectly, and this fact is _ evidences _ that information f aggregates for the first six months in 1915 a total of 8,525,264,407 francs ($1,705,052,881). The rate of $200,- 000,000 monthly for next year is about the scale of expenditures for the five months of war in the pre- * 2 French wounded returned to the firing line before December 12, ac- cording to interesting figures sup- plied by the surgical department of the Ministry of War. Of the re- 'mainder 24 per cent. had been given convalescent leave, 17 per from the army. Three and a half per cent. of the wounded died. These statistics demonstrate the re- markable advance made in surgery. and show a lower percentage of deaths from wounds than i any ab aaeRSE Jail Courtesy. Warden--Your wife is here and wants to speak to you. Prisoner--Oh, tell her I've gone preceding war, . ' Baden, on December 4. In order to mislead the Germans the leader of the flotilla, a sergeant-major of Hussars, made a wide detour over the Black Forest, coming back on Freiburg without being molested. On December 9 the flotilla, flying in several bullets grazed the\pasolit reservoir, breaking ioe Oe ie Stays, without, however, impairing the stability of the machine. Th aeroplanes, rzoing bombardment without funther incident." a The. after undergoing ial » returned to Belfonh _ FN ie ~