MILVERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JAN. 7 1915. PRACTICE SEL CTE TET A LLL ETT TITS ; | ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Bowlers sale for cash or produce | | B Aiisiea Engeland's great clearing cant favor wi account, Enge-| : a RESIST zs ---- aN 5.000 Ibs. of fish in stock. Engeland , 6 bars Comfort Soap on Saturday | i. (Byerybody gets j what we ad- ar i It you have a sitak at your home, are | & Sons. i 'at Mohr's. . | Vertise. 'Engeland & Sons, -- 2 going out of town for a visit, or - Dried Cod Fish 7 pow ids for $i. 00 | Boy's fleeced underwear 27e. Enge-| Oysters. Beacon brand 'per ae 60 § i gg PS er og 4 iggy mare aia at Mohr's. ' lamd. & Sons. 'cents always fresh at Mohr's. -- N : We' alwave apbreciais." Leave your orders for coarse cattle | You are sure of a good photograph Miss Pauline Berger. of Hanover. i NX : E such fayors. salt at Engelandls. 'if you go to Lee. Listowel. spending a few holidays at her home| s Fs = i Sen 'Mr. Clayton Loth spent a few days Skates 'thollow-proumd. Called for here. -- = F OF ANADA (Mr. J. Kalbfleisch spent a few] last week with friends in Stratford. amd delivered. P. Neumeister. is Mrs. W. Mewhinney of Dorking. is ai FEM: gSSSRIEEETURE EET ga ETT RE Fee Siimaaannes i days this week at Newton. Men's Suits and Overcoats at the; Mrs. Fred. Keller. of Elmira.spent visiting her daughter. Mes? 8. SS a S (Mrs. S.J. Grosch is at rede vis- | great clearing sale. Engeland & Sons er god en any rye eens pa . = a Snes . iting friends at Grasmere. Mic: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoffman spent | arry eimri [e erlin ress Goods. House Dresses. a' ; TEACH YOUR: CHILDREN TO i. Mr. Ed. Diesenroth visited friends| New Year's with friends in New Ham svemt New Year's at Mr. S. Sachs'. Underskirts at big reductions. Enge- | S N 9297 SS at Waterloo and Berlin last week. | barg. Mrs. Chas. Talmage spent the New land & Sons. AVE, because--- 0. KY | The Misses Heinbuch of Tavistock.| Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobs attended} Year's holidays in Berlim and Elmira | We will pav 10c. Ib. for good chick- : '"Y are at present visiting Miss Lizzie | the funeral of the late John Fetter Miss Rubv Engel. of Waterloo. is , DS alive. 13¢. per lb. for geese. En- ' . ! ' Roese. of Stratford. 'at present visiting at Mr. Geo. Bund- 'geland & Sons. Cents saved attain dollar power. ,<: | Mr, Allan Stone. of 'Tavistock.spent} Miss Decima Zimmermann. of Wat-| scho's. ' (Mr. Jacob Wilhelm. of Toronto. is: if ;@ few days this week at Mr. J. N.|erloo. spent a few days at Mr. Fred. | Now is the time to get your necds| at present visiting his brother, Mr.| -- : (| Bdward's. Zimmermann's, | supplied at big reductions. Engeland | Geo, Wilhelm. HEAD OFFICE: Corner King and Bay Streets. Toronto "<: | Miss Grey of Listowel. spent afew| Miss Emilv Burgmann returned to & Sons. Mr. Willie Coutts returned to VOVvVa 'ta. N \\.| days last week with her sister. Mrs.|Simcoe on Wednesday after spending| Miss Belva Stone. of Stratford | Brantford after spending a week at WS GENERAL MANAGER: A. H. W ALKER : . F. L. Crawford. a week at her home here. |spent a dav last week with Mrs. W.| 'his home here - The business of the Metropolitan \j MONKTON BRANGH: F. W. ARMSTRONG, Manager {4% | piss Lillian Morley returned to} Mr. and Mrs. Knowison Elliott. of J. Smith. |, Sheriff Magwood. of Stratford. was| Bank will be conducted as formerly N 'Stratford on Monday to resume her| Calgary spent a week at the home| Miss Alvina Grosch. of Elmira spent |in the village on Tuesday and paid and it will receive the advantages duties at Harmony. of the former's varents. Mr. and Mrs. week at the home of Mr J. N,; The Sun a call. due to the larger and older estab- ieee | Dr, and Mrs. P: L. Tye spent New| J. J. Elliott. | PJeischhauer. Miss Amna Uttley of Port Huron. akinadit ofthe Hatkot Nove se: meh 5 -- a peared. 6a aes EF PRE BBO. i sth following with| Miss Emma Heda of Elmira.| 'Mr. Henrv Kaufman of Tavistock. agg a with her cousin. ble mer igsbyls agg tibated rs Hi iy 'friends at New Hamburg. ~ and Mr, Edgar Miller. of Berlin. spent Christmas with his 'friend. Mr. | owl and has ranches distribu! iy a i Cn sm A ([ "atr. Jobn Campbell. of Stratford.| pent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, Henry Hoelscher. | fis Loaise Carson returned to Tor-| throughout Canada, Newfoundland -- == attended the funeral of little M&arjor-| Henry Hoelscher. | (Miss Florence Mank spent a ~ few , onto last week after spending the hol- and the West Indies. ie Turnbull on Monday last. Miss Emmeline Schmidt was the) days with her cousins. Misses Cora, 'idays at her home. Paid-up Capital - § 6,500,000 'Mr. amd Mrs. Fred. Seelhoff and|successful competitor in. Mr. W. K. Schneider and Sadie Hopf. | Mrs. Otto Kreuger and children, of Reserve Fund ~- -- 11,900,000 . = daughter Fern spent a week at the |iLoth's kitchen cabinet contest. She| J. G. Hamilton requests a settle-| Berlin, spent New Year's with her Total Resources over 90,000,000 home of Mr. T. Smith, Newry. secured over 20.000 votes. ment of all outstanding accounts either sister. Mrs. D. Gowing. We invite every description of ; r Dr. Geo. Pugh accompanied by his} Mr. John Yost is at present har-| bv eash or mote before Jan. 15th. |' Mr. LS. K. 'Weber. of Winnipeg banking business. mother. Mrs. David) Pugh left on! vesting his ice crop and is putting in| Messrs. Llwellyn andj Iloyd Neuert brother of Mrs. Gischler. spent New . eer 'Miondav for his home im Kenosha.|Mr. Chas. Ritter's supply which will' of Glemallan spent New Year's Day, Year's at the parsonage, MILVERTON AND ; Wis. likelv number over 70 loads. | at the home of Mr. W. J. Dobson, | Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burgmann, of MILLBANK BRANCHES Misco Frozen Herring per d0Z ......:s+ssse00 35¢ Mr. and Mrs} Geo. Hopf and daugh-! All iaccounts not settled by Feb.| Mr. W. Sachs and his mother, Mrs. (Wingham. spent New Year's at the D. C. Brown, Manager F White Fish per 1b {5c ter Edma and son David spent afew 1st will be placed in other hands for |Sachs. of Hamover. visited at the home of Mr. Wm. Burgmann. ' eat ote bank Seo days with Mr. and Mrs. W. Fink. of! collection. Accounts mav be paid to| home of Mr. S. Sachs for a few days Mr. Gordon Gropp of Stratford Col- 13 MOHR S Frozen B. C. Salmon .......... a Rey? 15c Linwood. John Rehberg.--Bert. Kriesel. ilast week. legiate Institute entertained about) asus The Ladies' 'Aid of the Evangelica'; The annual mecting cf the Morn-| The County of Perth has been ask- thirty of his friends at his home on ' = Frozen B. C. 'Halibut 15c church = mo tig aie ets enter-| imgton Agricultural Society will bejed to contribute another 150 men for ee ae ioemh the oe = - = ; : taimed the choir and a few friends at\ held in the Milverton Pablic Librarv| the two new infantry battalions fo. ».-« Pn : : pas iP am i i oe ; : "8 Fresh Water Herring dozen ............ 30c a fowl supper. | on Tuesday afternoon. Jan. 18, at 1 cone seas service. week in London and attended the < Relies oe pire ey as gt : Finnan Haddie 1b 15c Miss Ruby Kerr who has _ . been! o'clock, | Mr, Henry L, Orr who has been marriage of her niece Miss Elsie Fox | yr John Carson. Ms pe ee ee eee spending her holidays at her home} The Grand Trunk and Canadian, spending the holidays at his home re-, to Mr, Morris Abbot, : W. D. Morgan a U.S. banker. was E Drisd: Herring DOx oi ccdicnnarcss en chan 25c¢ here left Tuesday to resume fier} Pacific will reduce their expenses by! turned to-day (Thursday) to resume Mrs. 8. H. Pugh 'left on Tuesday! sontenced to five years in prison for for Fresh Eggs studies at Stratford Normal school. | gutting off twenty trains in their On-| his studies at Toronto University. ,evening for Stratford on receipt of! failing to account for bonds _ worth and Butter, 6 bars Comfort Soap (Saturday) ...... 25¢ Mr Jack Brown accountant of the} tario division. cight of 'them at Tor-| Fresh fish. beef by quarter 11 and the intelligence of the death of her) ¢53 900 belonging to women 4 Bank of Haimilton left on Saturday} onto terminas. :12K%c. cow beef 10 and 12¢.. inferior aunt. Mrs. A. McDonald. Inspired by a patriotic speech Qaltva j morning for his home at Simcoe on The public school board shall meet 'beef 2c. per Ib. less. ide. cash fox Rey. A. D. Gischler commenced al ered by Hon, W. T. White at King- : HH HA HT HAA HT l f= receipt of the intelligence of his fath-| for reorganization in the council hides. Fresh summer sausage 27c, Ib, Series of evangelistic meetings in the! ston twelye men left the baleony at -- ae WLLL A Mu HL WM UNE eps death, chiatn'ber- of fhe pable library onthe | J. SRSA Rostock Eva angelical church. Rey. E. the Armouries and, went straight to A jarge number of young people|evening of Wednesday Jan. 20th. at! Myr, and. Mrs. Earl Edwards of Cul- D- Becker. of Crediton will assist next 'the orderly room of the 14th Regi- from Brunner and surrounding dis-| the hour of seven o'¢lock. 'ross. Mam.. arrived home Christmas Wee: iment and enlisted, ae 4 trict were pleasantly entertained at} On Fridav evening of. this week D.) morning and will spend a month or The friends of Mr. Robert Henry | * According to returns up to date the home of Mr. Jas. W. Schmidt on!(D.G.M, Hahn of New Hamburg. will! so visiting the former's parents. Mr. will regret to hear that for some! local option which was voted, on in Monday evening. o | imstall the officers of Silver Star!and Mrs. J. N. Edwards. weeks he has not (been enjoying his | 31 municipalities. carried: fh be was Messrs. Charlie Hoelscher and Ed.! Qodge I.0.0.F, A eordial invitation It is rumored that the contest for asual robust health and iis now con- | sustained in repeal contests in 9. was Lantz accompanied by. Misses Be rthaj is extended to local members . and ¢yardenship this year will be between fined to the house. -| defeated bv the. three-fifths clause in Hoelscher and Hlla Sochner. of El-| brethren of neighboring lodges to 'be; Reeye Beggs of Mornington and| The Junior Y.P.A. of the Evangel-|7. and defeated by a straight majority mira. spent New Year's with Mr. | present, Reeve Scott. of Elma. both gentlemen ical church under the supervision of|in 3 with 7 mamicipalities still to hear f. and Mrs. Henry Hoelscher The North Perth Farmer's Institute being so highly thought of in their re- Mrs. Gischler.. Miss Clara Honderich|from. There are in the Province of | aw Capital Beier ised:...$5 090; 000 Word. reached Milyerton that ty i meetings Atwood on Mcn-' spective municipalities as to be re- and Mrs. H. Hasenpflug@ meets every Ontario 842 municipalitics 535 of ' ee CapitalPaidmp... ' ones Beatrice Massey. for a year or two. 12th. in afternoon and' turned unopposed, Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. | which are without bars. ¥ = 7 Supls iss ceracnge, cote tigre ee id vesdent af Tua eters hy a d KSI sto rel : z. On Toes-| Mr, H. B Monphv's latest order. for The GTR. is again at its old game | : SP eae iat : j AN IMPORTANT ALLIANCE tuberculosis Lae oy & fs | day. Jan. 1 Hhank in the af- the constraction of 7.000 munition box- | of trying to pay dividends out of the W. D. Weir's Sale Register : tum at Gravemhurst om ilo ; ternoon and at d in the even es brings the amount of orders that j|wages of its employees. Not satisfied decile Be iy When a young man first makes his Mrs. Samuel Miller while s > On We op Saay Jan. 14th. atihe has secured for manufacturers in} with demoralizing the public carry-| Tuesday Jan. 12th--Stock. ete. on | > alliance with a financial institution by | down from the house 'to 1 the sum ord in pie Pgh peas and at this county up to about $100,000. 'The | ing service it mow proposes to cut | lot 42. con, 3 Elma. for executors late -- opening a Savings Account. he should kitchen. accidentally slipped pe parce the evening he at-| various orders include 57.900 pairs of | the wages of its employees. It is like-! Jas, Brock. HES : , look ahead to the time when his In putting out her hand to r-tarnoon meetings will commen at gloves.20.000 Balaclava . caps, 6,000) \y that the men will justly resent the | Tuesday Jan, 19th--Farm' stock and 4 d hank book will aid his advancement. self she broke one ior two small bones | 4 0 slock and the eve ' sweater coats of one quality. 6.000 attempt of the company to lower | {mplements on Lot 33. Con. 12. Elma. A growing bank balance assures. an in her hand. 0) o'clock.. The awerlter cnahs. Siig chtly different 100-! their standard of living. or John Ritter. saan WEN 4 employer that a young man has mas- |° (Mrs.. Malcolm MacBeth left on} d by ae W 4 §00 muffler caps and 7,000 shell boxes, ent ald tered the principle of economical man- Wiondiav for Stratford to visit her | and -W.. €. Good of | Mr. W. G. W eichel - M.P., for North ERTS E MM gaa RR ENS ESE CNS OTR BC Pir VA ys TS ea RS : Sn ey ee eae os ih! agyment. aunt. Mrs. Archibald re ag pe who| Dr. Barbour of Listowel delivered | Waterloo. ae pease a land for the 1%. by iH veins ts seriousty the Stratford Gen- lin Cook's hall-on Eaésday ecyening un-| lL, MceBrime C of Berlin. an army : ey : WAT MILVERTON BRANCH: 'eral hospital. Later: Mrs. McDona der the auspices of the: Evangelical order which totals well onto $100,000 Ladi Ss Felt G it i *si'so ) for $1 00 a E: Hil P. J. FASKEN, Manager died at the hospital on Mondav nig ht lchurch his lecture "Our Escape from im value. The Russian Government e al e S $1.50 2 | « ; | Mrs. David Barr. of Baldur. Man.,|Gernmany" The address was imter-|has placed a large order for army R 1 rats < : = lis at present spending a few weels esting throughout and at times thrill- saddles in Canada using 'the good of- Men' S Felt Gaiters ( aft ) for $1 50 FE | with friends in Milverton and Morn-|ing. He described the pleasant) fices of the Canadian 'Government in $ Piet e 'ington. It is twenty-three years since | weeks enjoyed in the beautiful Ger-, placing them. The firm mamed has see eta SE 5 | Mrs. Barr left here,and she saysthat | man cities until the anxious days| been awarded the contract of supply- 'manv changes have taken vlace since | came following the outbreak of the | = 1.300 army oo at a cost of .y she left. war. His description of the trip he $72.50 each. to the Russian Govern- 7AM * QTINT TS 5 '. z Laie, _ | On Saturday last Mr. and Mrs. John|made om a local train'to Cologne was ment. This. means a total of $94,250. WATCH THE SUN FOR PARTICULARS ae ; 3 Turnbull. of Mornington were called|touching indeed. He described the! ! nM teerg et ide as Mrs. S. -N. ABOUT THE BIG CARNIVAL ON WED a " 'ypon to mourn the loss of theirj|sad scenes witnessed at stations and, Smith was skating at the rink she TT ee + we : J G sececctoimag fe Lanee daughter. Marjorie Elizabeth | crossroads as soldiers entrained leav-, was ran imto and knocked down bv NESDAY EV ENING, JANUARY 2oth, i: ' i e ® 'aged mine and a half years. For |ing behind ee weeping cee 8 ecru Fares Se was oo ' 4 some time past she had mot been in| wives, sisters and sweethearts who} around at a reckless pace. She was P| 3 Sole Agent for good health but during the last three|might never see them again. The |rendered unconscious for a time and Band at the Rink Thursday Ev Ss Jan. 7th PORTLAND 'weeks she nrapidly declined antil | German officers he described as the| {has been confined to her bed sinee D. L. @ W. | death relieved her of her suffering. | finest type of meni that he had seen} with the injuries she received. There SKATING TICKETS FOR SALE AT THIS STORE SCRANTON CEMENT The funeral which was yery largely|anywhere without exception. Thejhas of late been a little too much : 4 STANDARD Ou ST MARYS ©» | attended took place from the family|curse of Germany however. he de-|recklessness and disregard of other R MILLER SHOE 'a ANTHRICITE LIME DS | residence on Monday afternoon to | clared. was militarism. The soldier | people's comfort and safety displayed e 9 MERCHANT 2 : _ Greenwood cemetery where interment oreidominates everywhere and espec- by certain young men on the rink.and 3 | took place. Rev T. J. Robinson con-| iallv in time of war whem a civilian|it would be wellif the management 14c Ib, for Beef Hides and Highest Prices for Horse Hides fv soot a Rca | ducted the services. has practically no rights. would call a halt to such capers, se ae aan e-Organization Sale at Milverton +g STOCK-TAKING= | WK, Loth Says: Smash Go Prices | "7 Si a lbs, ginger snaps... <3. 53.5. 200 to read this advertisement era Large sized lamp glasses...... 5c | you come to the store and see . 5 boxes ftatches: «0.006. .0066.1 62064 f lf that ill reall e ° Rio roasted coffee 20, 25, 30, 38 or yoursell that we will really Complete Re-Organization. Tarats a. corn ne pear... 0c sell you goods as advertised -- .10¢ h | big saving to 2-qt. bottiés tom. catsup.-on. In vay Boe tai esis : 2 This business will be thoroughly re-organized. Many lines will be discontinued and other lines will be added. We propose ia. 17 in Met this a store for the masses and classes--one in which every loyal citizen may point with pride. é teas ratricia's We Believe in Living and Letting Others Live. Boy's Overcoats is"; At HALF PRICE. dion by $7.00°Coats for...:... 5.00 ab pate Children's Coats " Regular $7.00 for... ....... $3.50 © 8.00 for, 298 Sale Starts on F riday, January rad - BOO IGE sia inc essa eee » ~ $18.00 Coats for... .. ae 3 2 4 1e¢ a eal. 15,00 . ++ 864) PD punish- 13.00 as Man Lons+ © 10.00 ff vee Re atnot hut" . witson guard ng pie ong, M ey err : ae ackina weteated BiG iE, WAYS | In red and blue oe oe eae KES? PRICES thing for skating! sett wing. The 'riority of the -- : $6 to $8, going ai "> Portuguese | gina was en--- #od there te : Don't stay at home and wonder why, -- eee eames) Ladies' Coats As these tremendous bargains may pass you by. Look Here ' Cut out this coupon and brs it to our store : > 3 2 hy de You make the price---we wrap the goods, - ® with 10c and secure 'one 2 our Hand no $25.00 for .,....... $14.78 Wall Pictures. This offer is good during this sale only -- so don't 18.00 for ..... ... 11.98 W. K. Loth don't care. : : 16.00 Nah a 10.89 ee black: < 3.6... 2:79 Our Motto: "BLIND AS A mere W. K. LOTH "THE SQUARE DEAL STORE" ; P4 hagen | dale» ACE, Was SeN- RR REA RRR RNR w »> il = © ie < es Fe) 4 ms, pe Z He ie-) eS cal he] A Lap | EGY i . li > oa FINEST FRESH WATER HERRING $4.95 PER 100 LB. KEG. Store Opens ...824097.4.;7 2m. Stdre closeS iii... et PM Open Saturday until. .. .10 p.m.