s ss grocer i recom-« ‘mends to you Red Rose Tea, onwhichhemakesless profit than he does on other teas, can be trusted when he re=- commends other goods. _ Why the East Wants Daylight Saving Within a few weeks, the question of as lon of as long—what she wants is a dark- pe eee saving will probably once , ness-saving law. The a ee ‘was complicated, iy Hastern States and @ points at the ter- mini of train dlsparehing districts when train crews are relieved. They changed only at tl ecome the subject of more or lemand for daylight saving, |claim it is hazardous to require trait orn heated ate in wnich business owavent {g most insistent in astern | crews t ngo from one standard men, cil , farmers with cows peueae and the astern States and | operating time to another during to milk, mothers with children of for every si ae serine there is |trick of duty, and impracticable to ‘School age to look after, and last but | usually a re al reason ap- not least, Bd with time tables parently fs chat the fooaned standard to print and trains to run if possible | time in force in the area in question to the sunte. will demand to have | varies considerably from the. mean their say. The advocates for daylight sun time upon which the actual length N Fea PRESENT EXTENT OF y EASTERN TIME ras MERIDIANS SHO! 4 CORRECT SCTENTIFIC ] \. « ? ! cy { { x cy, q bes y y Moun . Y Ty bio i IN | cenrrac \ ssaving will point out that in England | and intensity of daylight is based. “the economy in coal consumption ef-| Standard time me a pea sey artifice ‘fected by daylight sdving during the | established in o: ecure uafform ‘summer months amounted he convenience day the ‘mother ot Seven | of the operation of rallroads and tele- children wishes to goodness that the lee and the transaction of business darkness and the hour for bed time rein pet racts involved definite wice as soon and lasted twice time Linrt icant woo BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health. Ontario p Or. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat: tera through this column, Address him at the Parliament Bldgs, @ Toronto. DAB ADB A Ram Eee Overorowading Ye the friend of dis- ase, The wi Ale world at the present Hine: ibeutiten g from this affliction, the housing Scotia BSREER EERE cupied by twenty- foo families and ten lodgers. Fro urvey made by the Healti Regneaee during the ew weeks these coeaitacs have : soeay ls Fee found existing, ani 0 det eeatinet to 28 per cent, Be rs total inhabitants of New York City are living in a state of of the. ena ma - oe arent of Ee i. in be expected tobe a good} over-crowdin, cittken fhe hag to. rvof over Mis In spite of these terrible canal ions, | t head, or cannot get space to ecrey the infant mortality rate, the what Dahlen Oe the roof he has. It number es deaths of infants under Hed trait pepe crea trains pacar two standards it {8 not Heats para © mand for adoption of daylight saving time by the larger towns and cities Is almost exclusively confined to Eastern this appears: to be due to the fact tl Eastern Standard time which theore- Seas extends only between the 75th eridians, has been carrled tn actual practice a very considerable te: Maan aatose to the sesh Time Zone, and if this time rein- stated there would be itttle 0 or See call for daylight saving now, The rail- vays have carried Bastem time too far east, and the States and Provinces ‘e adopted e of unt- formity are realizing that this does not correspond with natural time. the railways, Eastern stan is carried from Gaspe, in Bi bec, to Fort William, in Ontario, a dis- tance of 25 degrees, or 1,200 miles, in- stead of the 711.70 miles of 15 de- grees, astern stardard time as at pre- sent maintained In New England and bee and the Maritime Province were e adopt Atlante Mette eet which heir natural specific time, they Cea save Sere of oad ands ot dollars all the year round for fuel an light, and incidentally the agitation for daylight saving would be buried in oblivion RICH, RED BLOOD MEANS HEALTH Are a Danger Signal. To be pale {s no longer fe fashion; to be languld is an afflict To-day the most winsome girl ts che mae ae the pink tinge of health in her lips naturally red, and eyes panied with life. Add to this a quick, acti step eryone can tell the girl whose veins are full of the pure, rich blood of health. How different she ap- pears from her ailing sisters, whose octane limbs and weak backs n pale and Mieleete ae Anaemia {s ey tatne ‘of 80 erin: ng to is alm as an Tea and of per 1,000 births,| widely known that Dr. Will ink no government is safe while large suring the past year was only 85,.the| Pills have transformed thousands of number: eople are living} tows n record, This is an extreme-| delicate, anaemic invalids into happy, under conditions that should not be) jy paste state of affairs, when) healthy women. These pills help to allowed even for ani ne realizes that there were 188,000 put rich, red blood into the veins, and have just. ri eames froi babies born in New York City during fis blood oe every part of the York, where arn ss much see the past twelve adit y, giving strength, sige aes and wee. coasts in that city, and ission Copeland, however, reietteebs: a place of w pros the reports are very ridisguicd ing. The| dreads to aurea what the infant | trating ches eMee Cpretenea Health Commissioner, Dr, Copeland, mortality ma: future| state of half-health. Miss Edna BE. state there are 100,000 more, if the pri ill Iementabie cote Weaver, R.R. No. 1, Chippewa, Ont., families living in New York City to-| of overcrowding contin say was very much run down, ay than e are houses to accom-| Do the majority mee thee 183,000) Weak, nervous me troubled with pains modate. I me sections there a new arrivals belo: ong to homes ‘ont:6th c the side. led different medicines half a million people to the squai re | Aver Tae -obsRivera! No, in.| but without a benefit until I began mile, and ten thousand people in one) deed. Over 100,000. Pi ae SRE 8 Hee Dr. Willams’ Pink Pills block! That co iniae. SNOMEWO ar vtenbnientd:.” Movsover there are| Uider se of this medicine I so serious is hardl: vable, and, 1,900,000 children attending the} ed srconste had better ancl yet this state of affairs, exists in’ schools of New York every year, 750,- better and the pain in my si ap. New York to-day: [000 of whom come St tenement! eared. My health has nie ate Dr. Copeland 7 working energetic-, homes, fed xcallalit and I advise any on ally to relieve th ore s of th Sunlege with ana handicapped at every the! and Nation shoul ae the ‘ba. to give Dr. Wi ilifams' Plak Pills necessities of the m Fe- those who are eye to recti sult of a recent survey, ound) ditions such as thes se, and yet compar- Try Dr Sita, Bia or pecans e Boe for human habi-! atively y little can be done through lack cater rheumatism ueuraigia os tation um in the city:|o¢ funds for Public Health purposes.|Petvousness. Build up your blood a “There is oe else ti Roneel tne Gopehondvewhb: etusned recent Tite Haw tie ey and richer blood said Dr. Cope fic “except let people: jy trom the inter-altied conference on| Sshts live on the street.” housing, held recently “in London, | 7 i Brookiyn, ue married coupl 183} states that the house shortage is a a baby were found to be li A iving| serious problem sit over ites world. ieee Teen house) There were 29 countries. represented in Brookiyn was aetually oecapied by and G00 dele han ay aoe fourteen families. The Bronx is lit-| th baie , for two houses there that The Sansa teonitiome prevail ae ‘am ss an 5 ees aves cee gee Ds 5 Re ee 2S oo Ro ame as 2 BH s at this Province. eee is »| deed a world pro! foblent contains six! twenty-four lodgers, while a twelve- fopily 3o house is at present being oc- if ats Dp.” Bee The Elmvale “Lan res: it send sellh eortidarteate'with h him personally. a Its Appeal Grows! Many people start to use INSTANT POSTUM oie oe hea ith teaso of coffee $ pure, yrs pee lities are so tame that adopt Postum, as their 2 eg Sees tine bo beverage. : SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE nil-|ronto and other cities and towns in we a boxes for $2.50, ae eee ong Canadian visi Brita! lating aiLuernenl oe seuieniiine are at onee struck by the sual! size of British locomotives as compared with the Jats machines in Canadian rail- way Their Chaos not xed how ever, soon a eciaaipates by sirens: tion for the excellent running made on the English main lines, but {f one’s itinerary takes him {nto the lakelands and highlands of Cumberland he will pendent little line which is said to’be “the smallest pub- lic Men oe ea the world.” ee as the Eskdale vay, oe is miles in leng of fifteen inches only. London company—Narrow Ratlware, Limited. The passenger working is carried on by midget ex- press engines, built to a scale of one- rdinary British but in other re- ame in construc: ee and nae. a | forests Pale Cheeks and Bloodless Lips| Kee? * @ great Lag ots 2a number of santas and ot cout oificers vit ft Canadian probable wee throughout the past year more boys have spent days and nights in the open than ever before in the history of Canada since the outdoor ac! boys. It is the doors into their homes, nate manatee the open-window campaign erusad A a a is Ze 5 g Z @ time of our great-grandfathers. * * « * * have be taught to care for ts and to fight forest fires. They haye gathered teoranics for numer ous departments of forestry. ‘The have engaged in ‘fights against insect pests and have made notes on differ ent varieties of birds. Boys * . houbent of Canadian boys who year ago or so were absolutely ‘help- less in the open, can now be depended find their way about, to ¢ their own meals, to choose a proper ae ae ae to erect a comfortable sh usands of Canadian boys mo Tomerty La little or nothing re 08 ee of trees cue the name of dozeng of wild mowers can easily re- cognize a e more common birds, and h about aang to avoid being potsoued . As a result of Boy Scout training, the energy of the di Canadian boy hi ‘become a force of great value to the Dominion. More and more are recog: nizing oe evaluse and ate taking ad- vantage it to reduce loss by fire, Sate ey, and to teach the people the laws of safety and sanitation. Many lives are saved by Scouts who, beoause of oes special training, be- i Revoretetee ies The'rood wHIEE | is accomplished by hiss’ of this type, and the good done to the boys themselves shone the activities, ae crits be over ated. The Secret: in charge ot ore Ontario office of the Boy Scout Association it the corner of Bloor and Sherbourne Streets, Toron- to, is always glad to provide ie in! noe mation about Scoutin "sons in ee se formation of local eer WINTER, HAI HARD ON BABY The sage season is a set one on the baby. He ts more or less aie y extiete rooms. It often so stormy that the "mother ee xin get him out in the fresh air ae as she should. He Pea h rack his little ay his stomach "aad bowels get of oniee and he becomes peevish aaa cross. Pen) against aa ae mother shout x of 's Own Tablets { the house. They senile the decmneolt and bowels and break u Dr. Williams’ Medicine Oo., Brockville, nt. eS New Moon Notions. se new moon has always been re- d a bearer of good fortune, tieles which were crescent-s! rn wed Si ober -the radually spread until it included ar- aped. too, has alw ed a similar halo of luck— joao evidently pats, that it was ao essential to commerce and manufacture that tt eee a dis- tinct pies for g ‘Thes o bela a back to the early histor as and ae ans. Gradually they spread ntil they reached the British Teles, where, in those days, the horse w regarded as a beast of good om probably for the same reason that iron was favored, because of its service to mankind. In the “honseshoe we find these three eliefs combined in one ob- a erescent, and oa 4 wht unts the esteem in | ae ES i ¢ FREEZONE, 13 aes 3 13 |] coms Litt off ie i> A " a 8 with Fingers $ Magic! Drop a little Sine Oe on an aching hat corn, instant es urons hurting, BOE “short You lift it ra off with fing: Doesn't hurt a tone druggist ‘sells a tiny bottle of “Freezone” for a few cents, suffictent to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and calluses. —__+ -— he world’s highest “ie be uilt across a river gorge in India,|a 895 feet deep and more tan ,000 feet wide. NEY ORDERS. When pau py ay mail sous a Dominion Expre: v Order A pair of healthy rats will have at the end of two years something like 90,000 descendants. Minard’s Liniment Relieves Colds, etc. their handles to dry. water to run out of them instead of ue the part where the silk arid ribs anus oeiig: the metal to rust and the sill: to ro This allows the AUTO REPAIR PARTS for most makes and models of cars. iat couipiete etenie te lehtly used or new parte We ship ada. Satis pain full our motto. jo Part ‘To: supply, 20, Oa ISSUE No, 10—'21. during 1920 means a seat ce to & 8 | cig! ne vases and two nize different | hi Wet umbrellas should be stood on The Outdoor Life of Bhan Autos Bas. SELLS, cars of all types; Pits au itp 60,200 Sriles, tog @ If you wisn in Ject to: aelty ata un of f your own choice jook them. overs or ask 1s ‘any ear to elty representatte for Very large stock alveys fan nd. Breakey’s Used Car Market onge Sirest, st ‘areata, os of Art, Stolen by Ger- ry, Reappear. Numerous works of art, heirlooms and jewels stolen during the war by the Germans in occupied territory are gradually coming to light, and in many cases finding their way back to their owners, says a London despatch. The Rumanian, papers publish the story of a cache of stolen works 0! the police have found in the Transyl- Vanja home of te father of @ one time Hyhgastan:ofco eee Paintings, Oo onyx cloc! found at the home of a mine ceeineee who said they had been given him by hfs son on his return f The son was an officer in the Hungari- an antilieny ad had fought on the Cambrai The o oats act, wore found to have were returned to their owner. Some he ures, including wi of Joseph Berger, Millet and Van der Helst had been hacked out their frames and badly damaged. DANDERINE Stops Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies. life, vigo brightness, more oe fee abundance. ae we - See “Sta “Stars.” five senses has its Saal set of nerves through which sensations are recorded in the brain. With the exception of the nerves of touch, w! ae xtend to all parts of the body, these perform special functions for ee individual organs—the nerves of sight being connected with w jose of hearing with ‘Whenever the brain receives a sud- den shock, such as would follow a are disturbed in 6} duce the effect of seeing flashes of light, or “stars. ‘The sensitive eye-nerves cannot be jarred without producing this effect of light, while a severe blow will often react in a similar manner upon tho nerves Be hearing, thus leading the person struck to imag! = that 0 is he is stoning to unusual nols ASPIRIN. “‘Bayer”’ is only Genuine in, les u see the name “Bayer” on paieele or on tablets you are not t getting genuine Aspirin at al In ev Bayer package dirt tions tor Colds, parendech Reutalel tetera ™, Toothache, mbago and or pal Handy tin ioe ot trav tablets cost few-cents. Druggists also sell larger packages. Made in Canada. Aspirin is the trade mark. (registered in Canada), of Bayer a Es ace. A Je the first time. is age he replied, “Sixt s he was obviously ae more than with wish boy was sent to school for When mee to state fai he Sebel ie whipped for telling a bare-faced 1 His tewildered father asked him to explain why he had lied to the teacher, au the boy replied, “I thought he would try to beat_me down.” “Cascarets” Aes Be pinecone ree Spas Just thin! harmless Cascaret works wh! 25 01 t boxes. Children love this candy cathartic t Ray Canada has 1 in every Province. They ha under people are in Indians enlisted i war, though did scription Minard’s Lintment for Burns, ete. G00 Indians, found Over 4,000 the they not come within the Con- a = SSS ae ie Real Fresh. Classified Advertisements, ‘The other day, rather early in the Ani WANTED, forenoon, a wom red the village! Fanart TDs SaND DREORER grocers chop and Faved: “Any. TON. Mana ao John J. Black F really fresh eggs to-day?” pitipswn. Halls, Wins “Yes, ma'am,” replied the grocer. A teri gS at ve ‘bs ts. th Uve got some that were only laid this tina “pate the rel He morning.” ay kepada ‘roubles, ts ‘A day or two later, somewhat ear- en extenstr Her in the forenocn than before, the A of wel Sertined “atnoe ie rar tn, 1688, ‘by al distribution ar ook. whic ete, Whereupag. le eemnen said to, his assistant: “Run to the back roo boy, and Wepre ued moENeTES eggs are cool enough to be sold pe es a MOTHER! ble their money. eee rehfent Con Vat St. Montreal. Mention this Paul St. East, “California Syrup of Figs” Child’s Best Laxative DUPUY. a eeRcusen 5642 Cabvierss qui | [America’s Pioneer Dos, Remedies boc ‘DISEASES Feed malted ieee to any Aa: athe Author, -» ENO, ait Went Fist Sicoot ‘ork, U.8.A. COARSE SALT -LAND SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS G. 4. CLIFF + TORONTO ok sine ‘Health fur Accept “California” Syrup of Figs tp nly—look for the Bee Calera on fackage, then you sure zone If there is anything the syernee Arey fs haying tho bee and woman will not stand for, it is t harmless physic for the tite stbmaach, hear her husband praise ker neigh- Hvér and bowels. Chilizen love tts | bor's bread. frulty taste. Full directions on eacl Minard’s Liniment Relieves Distempar bottle. You must say “California.” Courage. Rab hot bran into. f 4 ; ub hot bran into your furs, am Real Courage. you will be surprised to see how raucl be eat ee the battlefield, tet in tony ania viyine | Ct Wil Se removed amed in ¢ population of London to-day ta aig votre ate woodpile. yield, ries eter fitty times — than it was in the nae are tented folds of strife, eats Seldom poet lifts a lay, But the little deeds of lite Call for heroes every day. Cold with Minard’s Lintment for Dandruff. Vast Plains In South America. South America has the greatest un- broken extent of level surface of any region of the globe. The plains close to the Orinoco are so flat that the mo- livers’ can scarcely be de- tected over an-area of two hundred Highly efficient in colds and Catarchal thousand ee mailies affections of the nose and throat BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES His Hoshag Restored. The invisible ear oe invented by A. 0. Leonard, whic miniature chbmaptinne: Atti, tuaidé the" ous sa. tirely out of sight, {s restoring the hearing of hundreds of people in New ‘ork City. Mr, Leonard invented this drum to relieve himself of deafness and head nolses, and it does this 60 successfully that no one could tell he is a deat man. It is effective when deafness {s caused by catarrh or by 00 a tube. THE LEEMING MILES CO, LTD. MONTREAL Agents for Dr. Jules Bengué RELIEVES PAIN ‘OLD STANDBY, FOR ACHES AND PAINS Any man or woman who keeps ‘Stoan's handy will ca you perforated, or wholly destroyed natur- al drums. A request for informatio: pote e Nes , Loonard, Sule 437, 70 Fitth SPECIALLY those frequently Avenue, New York City, will be given E attacked by rheumatic Rei 2 onater tadi A counter-irritant, Sloan's Lins oti afflicted When butter will ats gies easily,| part, soon relieving t cache and pain. turn a bowl pan upsid down over the puree dials fora 260 minutes. This will soften the butter without melting it for reducing and finally eliminating the umbago, neuralgiay stiiness, ‘sprains, o pains and aches of lu muscle Seralk joint st ARM OUTH, N.S. thes Original and Only Genuine are of in poe sold on the MINARD'S. ‘LINIMENT. HIDES-WOOL- “FURS Wich prices tow, ttt ne thet you recelve'e sible for what hides. and. seta you have. Make sure you ‘gee same fies eipne. us your tot whether {t 13 oun hide or a hun dred.” WILLIAM STONE SONS LiMiTED DSTOCK, ONTARIO esraaLiere ta "WHY LOOK OLD? When one applica, of Milton's 2; Bent Deepal to in . “Use TeSseay Mica Axle Grease and * Imperial Eureka Harness Oil.’’—Save your horses, your 88, Your wagons. Imperial Mica Axle Grease lightens loads. It smooths the surface of axles with a coating of mica flakes. It cushions the axles with a layer of long-wearing grease, and materially reduces friction. ‘Use half as,much as you would of ordinary grease. Imperial Eureka Harness Oil apy harness proof dust, sweat and moisture. soft and pliable. Pre- vents cracking and breaking Ba aioe It he longs the life of harne: tly to its appearance. Is easily se aa surprisingly ‘ ss economi - Both are sold in poreaians sizes by dealers everywhere