CREAM WANTED ¢ The ane is at hand when the 0 ajcnucted peta en atronize a Co-operative Creamery, that there are no leaks between the producer and © th the most u} ipped’ Witl employ ur glee ea! and fe the best walling connections, Ph pith this és or th ieee it d e highes' itp an Rocates itable for him, rt yee ed in a pro! co cans eaves usa trial, farmer should realize that it is usiness is -to-date machinery, we ripley Aes of producer patronize a creamery. we best pi for marketing ~ ite Limited ° ON TOO gE O; LeNo. 45, Milverton FERNBANK Meets every Wednesday on or be-| | While getting some work done hall above ‘ore full moon. in ‘their Petrie’s Dru: Visiting brethern ‘always welcome. eo, J, Coxon, Abe Ati ridge, Master. Secretary, Linwood Farmers’ Co-Operative Co., Ltd. is FLOUR - FEED - COAL - CEMENT GRASS SEEDS - SALT - SUGAR FEEDING MOLASSES - WIRE LUMBER and SHINGLES Get our prices on first-class B. C.|'S Lum a ih. Helm’s Planing Mill at Hesson a ago Mr. W1 Hit itor, to Toronto last week,—| Mr. Charles Fi ming, of the Soo, is visiting Mrs. Ae Stewart, a and_oth- er ld friends here— lex. Cuth: fonkton, was a business oa rectory.—Mrs. ir were visitors at Mil- she is recovering fr tack of diphtheria—Mrs Sage a Mrs. Blair, of Milverton, visited at s eck.—Mr, Perey Hoffmeyer, of the elph, Visited over Mr, and Mrs. A. J. J. MeFaddin pur chased a house in Stratford this past r. R. B. Hamilton w: LINWOOD TOPICS Mrs. Ernie Harron, of To- sinwood,—Mr. Dresdi i visite relatives’ here. oe jack ewe spent Sunday in Elmira. it pelnete the Ms Mr lois oebel. A. one suitable address was ad by Mr. Alex. Koebel, ening was pleasantly Bpen Ys in game elit on Friday The it | night was iy anges success. programme was enjoyed. immen Mr. Glenn Wray, of Stratford, spending a fe few days with hie mo tee iss i illic ‘Wolfe of Stratford, is visiting at Mr. C. ntz’s,—Mr. vil Watts of Brandon, ras and Mr. Kerr, of Mill? bank, aa Fa E fheghome of Mz b —Mr . Schum fe nto hase ments, is assist- m. Neilson had|°",Fewings has purchas ; ter’s empty store adjoining the ‘hard-|ing at F. H. Schummer’s store for a the eat one ast 2 a ce oe ANd Sans and intend cin; couple of we e ar ‘y to pe ine wing i contact with the planer |dWelling house—A very interesting report that Miss G.J. Hall is at preg. ty oe no ae th Mate but | meeting of the Woplents Rnsttuie was|ent ill and the school is closed. ih ree very e ts {held at the home of Mrs. David Me-| Miss "Tucker, of Durham. spent ja See eiat hh Rig Kern who has (addin. on Monday. ers | Sunday with Annie Burnett. fee tt, ft Ae ot vet torte 0 uite {Answered the roll call by quotations|Mr. Art Saunders, of Waterloo, was rip gw Sy a ed Sears, is quite |rrom Longfellow and the study of the a visitor here over Sunday.—Mrg, fatty en Pisiouable evening | PCe™, “Evangeline” was given , of Oakville, visited her daughter, Bee se theh enjo vue, Glee ev. J. FP. Knight, after which luneh Mis (Dr.) McEachren_ ove was 1k Se sg mah dig] Was, served. | There was a good at-| day.—Mr. fen Williains, of Dor- pnie hae ter supree in| tendance and all felt they had spent|king, spent Sunday in the village — were treat te aul oyster er, Bay Ba a very profitable time. earty vote Yungblut, who is relieving at the friends ls * qs hoipin ain ff thanks was tendered Mr, Knight | Dorking C.P.R. station spent Tuesday friends last ‘fall’ in rhein dm ae for his presence and assistance.—|here——Mr, Will Dunnington left on Fs ae pate torn. Mr. ana | Miss Olive Grieve returned home af-|Monday for Alberta where he will stroved by. Rick donceveteneate is ar ter spending t st year at Edmon- | spend several months. r. and Mrs, pas eb Seltray hes fet tis, | ton, Vancouver and other points in| Allan McLaughlin, Mrs. Clarence Me- sab manner ae ive ma ena ei the’ Wi TS. ewart attend-| Laughlin and baby, Elva, of Tralee, ed their, frien MR Stee: (cd, the funeral of the late Mrs. A tthe week-end at the home of and bat ON bi vy are, Se AS St Sart | Ada Macton last Kk. y. and m. Carnochan.—Mrs. rs lately.—-Bliss, Marjorie stewart |and . Fewings, Mr. m. Car and Miss Irene Car- 2 Jessie attended the funeral of the see eNQEi of Mill Street, wemne South of Mill Street, 10 e’clo Afternoon Kat th of Mill Street, 4° *cloc South of ai. Street, 4.30-0 *pléck Bir as +300 "clock ~~ Special Sale of Towellings for Linen Towelling, regular 50c and 60c, d for Linen Towelling, regular 65¢ for 48c. Towelling, regular 25c for 19c. Towelling, regular 35 cents and 40 cents 10 doz. White Butter Towelling: Senne $1.25 per dozen, for 7c each. while they last $14.79. $12.00, for $7. for this week we Will*resell. SPECIAL LADIES’ SKIRT SALE 6 Ladies’ Pleated Skirts, regular : $22.00, 6 Ladies’ Sa in Poplins, reg. $10.00 to Get your eis Kalender. a not called ji sto! BATH TOWELS ‘ All reduced in price from 20 to 40 per cent. NEW VOILES ‘, special shipment of Voiles are now in complete. $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00. D. & A: CORSETS Our stock of D. & A. Corsets is now 1 Try our Goddess Corsets at $2.50, $4.50, GROCERY SPECIALS This will be the last week for ae ‘or 1c Salmon at®....--e+eseeeeee ee Icing Sugar, per Ib. RS Saur Krout, large tin ...--- SE towel.—Prayer meeting at Sam Lon-|j,¢0 Hymer at Donegal on Sun-|E. McDermott, of Palmerston, spent GET YOUR GERMAN ‘KALENDER--If nt called forthis week, we will resé i Qyis ext Thursday evening ie tary |day-—There are quite a number on|Sunday with Miss D. ‘ay.—Lin- Stever, as disposed of his farm lthe’ sick list here at present.—The | wood won. from St, Clements in a intends holding a'sale about the mid-| any friends here of Mrs. Sam Gilles-|fast but, rough game of hockey here i dle of Ma Between forty and fif-|)i0 were sorry to learn of her death | last Tuesday 6-2, -winning the A no ‘ ‘ H ty friends of Mr. and Mrs, John Gor-|fast week at the Brandon hospital. |round b 9-8. Mr. J.'W. Collins re- Live Fat Hens Wanted=-Ring up or price F Saencae don assembled at the, lovely home of | Mrs. Gillespie was a daughter of the reed the’ ka é teams lined up * en . ‘ Mr, Wm. Neilson, and.presented him |ja¢ Reid the old Scotch |as follows: Linwood, goal Koebel; de- : bon MILI IONS IN and his bride with address, two | Sottlement{.and was well-known in|fence, Hasenpflug and Klein; centre, * leather rockers and a table. “The ad-) Mornington and: Millbank. She was|0; Schummer; wings, Fillmore and fer 7 sl tea dress was read . Wm. Neilson |ield in the highest esteem by all who | Beggs; subs., Friedman and Lenhard. : 4 on 8 aay and the chairs \ were presented. new her-— Mr, George: Mel ‘ee was a| St. Clements, goal, Boegel; defence, i isa WE * Agr rs, Reid Allingham and Jack Craw- Visto to Stratford on Monday. Mtr [O” Weber and Pat Weber, centre, 1 ver on are being paid to the ford and the table by. Miss Lottie |} poder of na oni Peaked his| Stump; winks, Schumer and Hing - . 9 Bate st Northern Ontario's. rr. After the presentation Mr. Eee Mr. and Mrs. has. Pender, | berger; s Lobsinger. — Rev. $ 7 » old Mines, jordon made a very” suitable reply pr Tuesday. Reble spent ‘Tuesday in ‘Kitchener on Are you setting your a |] jon behalf of himself a Cao Be business.— . C. Barlett is mov- a i nearincs felina tte i ltd Ped tnctaereg a i ean ee | ased from Mr. ‘ayes beside the = ve connection on their departure for their distant HAMPSTEAD barber shop. rv. Wess Cathcart a se6 raings rales ya home in the West. After that, ca members of the Lisbon chureh | Milverton dncMonny tekaah LISTOWEL THE ISLAND _ F. BEACH to patticipate in these aplen- a lengthy programme consisting of | The members of the Lisbon chu e business regarding the farm he| Misses Mary and Lizzié Schmidt, of] Dealer in Coal Wood, Ford id profits, recitations, music and speech-making, Pfaff and presented Miss Ida peat purchased 1 in Elma.—Mrs, George Ru-|_ The biggest Reo waey.. = the year on | Kitchener, are visiting under the par-| Power Attachm mente Boinee Boe Ca Crristcks uh The address by our worthy chairman, With a miusie cabinet and piano bench ages present at Newton with her|Friday, March Mr, and Mrs.| ental roof at present.—Mr, and Mrs. | cylar Saw: mer Mill and Williant mmplete information on Request Mr. Robert Allingham was a special eae ee ia or- |dauehter, Mrs. David: Harron, who ig | John Betch returned h home on Thurs-|Osear Robe: and family accom-| Streets, Milverton, Ontar: feature of the evening, ES bei en sesh i on 1.—-Born-—--In ‘Moraneeer to Mr, and|day after a three months’ visit with|panied by the Misses Kerr Sundayed HOMER L. GIBSON i of ie Haid, on Monday, ‘Feb. |friends near ae ene—Mr. Art| with friends near Gadshill.—Mr. John son.—Rev, chork- naric. as a business r in} Buddenhagen, o: rnholm, spent ie & CO. dove Spent Monday. with |London on Saturday.—Mr, Axt Wind: |past week, with his brother; Henry.—| ©» O- GINGERICH D.C. 703-4-5 Bank of Hamilton Bldg. | Mr. Wm. Cornell, of|sor who is in charge of the exhibit of|Mr, and M Dan Schneider enter- CHIROPRACTOR TORONTO | ata Syrah household effects |the Perfect Wheels Limited, Listowel |tained a number of their friends 0: in Pfaff’s Bloc Office Ra | on Monday to the farm he ‘recently |at the Winnipeg auto show returned |Tuesday evening.—A few from here|hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thu ta at H purchased from Mrs. } arley. —|home on Fri last. iss Pearl| attended the dances held. a’ a yy and Saturday afternoons and’ spe ‘onto few days ago| fhe score at the hockey’ match on Goddard who spent a week with Wal-|Smith’s on Thuredes night and Mr. | every ing. ‘onsultation and jiting relatives.— a week “f . alone suing between the Midgets and|kerville friends returned hom Geor undt’s on Monday. Dian ae spinal analysis free. Llewellyn Loney put, in a few days Dey that tae te s Was 5: the ay Marjorie Oliver | repo: Can —Mr. Bddi : consoling his "anele at Meadowbroo ‘ % Midgets. Miss ry Sun | spent t! home near |j]] accompanied by ‘Miss Ruth anes i ome her Py Cs with i ‘Sel ae. ei iS twood. Ns pees of canwedds and Lizzie Schmidt took in the Bae : . rr a v eip is Event ing a_weel riends | spent ‘ew days wit riends in Lis- | ner-New! jockey mat on- Service = Quality ort a ee og [at Hawkes eM and ‘Mrs: A. towel Tast week . Campbell |day evening in the Milverton arena.| { s DORKING WEST o not <I Daummier and Mr. and Mrs. -Menno of Blenheim was a visitor in town last eumatism and Price co r f ee ra quite ‘equal to | Schleutter attended the funeral ity Be J. Nicol aeupied the mh Ber gt i Mis Hai sya of embank, | Y n{the late Anthony Holt at Fordwich of ie Presbyterian ;oburel in GLENALLAN Neuritis, Sciatica, Neuralgia. spent a few days last week with iday last — Mrs, ~ In his absence e the three words pean in| friend, Miss Wanda McLaughlin.— | Shi re Toronto ha ave nour rr from knox chsh pulpit here he| Mrs. Allan MeMane, of Milverton, ete aaintta just now, rhaps it | Mr. M . Lytle, and Mr. N. eautiful Rae n arith ee 3 (sued was occupied by spent a few s at the home of Mrs T let 2, best describes the salient features of | Lyile have ‘or. the ‘West where | beautiful sur aHould material ae Vess pred alto, spuke GE atte Herre Mateos teagrcl empieten's the new clothes, ‘ thay intend, d Spending. some time wath fect Mean valnede Coutde we ant de er “work E sheing done bys oe mis-|Foell s mueni sl Sunday at Hesson.—The Rheumatic y hernia ts ” si it country Yr. e|concert and tea given in the hall on Important news for all who are cons | in Alber firs iley spent the| some teal live “boosting” and let our | ¢- ing, from Hamilton, Who has been sending | Tuesday we ary rned about buying a iyeekwend inTorontosvisitiis herd urban neighbors know about Te we the Wintel: Bt Hig homie sins wowrarlefeltioy. Hanan apentesaaiae a Tae: Capsules : ae i er, Mrs, G Griffith — Regina on Saturday, . and |son. — ompson, of London, ‘ Margaret Basler and Mr. Joe Isley rs. George Murray, of Moi aorefiel Yisited a few weeks at the home of| Have bro! pring uit or ent Sunday evening at the home of E were visitors in Listowel on Monday. |Mrs. L, W. Brigham.—Mr. Mrs. heatth: to One BORE ton Mr, ‘Thomas O'Grady, Tralee.—Mr. J. Pe mere emer. abine Ingul: fr twood, was John, Armstrong have moved Bagh tere’ Jones spent a Sieg st_ week with A in Lilt: A Baa el hl a_ visi Fo Glen aga Overcoat Ms, BW: Seoit-—Ip M Raleigh has |°™ “pa ot ie Mr. Soh x Maybury, ees rented Mr, Gillespie's 1 = deep re; was a business visitor mn Ahealthful, money-saying remedy, th line—Mr. and Mrs. Mewhin- E, Brownlee, of Millbank called oni{Monday.—=Mrs, i well known, , for Altean years, pres Owing to cloth reaching such ajney spent a day last week with Mr. WARTBURG friends in Linwood one day last week. | ter Bison 2 scri = .d by doctoré, sold by ‘drut Pe hig rear I decided not to|and Mrs. H. Diamond, Fernbank—| Mrs, George Kelly and son, Karl, with friends in Se ton fe agente ai Norm: Li ot oat spent last week ‘at the Lottie fanaa spent the wee Se eduetae ay alps ape ige= -thome of Mrs. Tr —Rev. under the parental roo: ; ae Mis. Fre ort Reve POOLE “Brock i Templetons, 142 Wing ronte . vere recent visitors wit social evening was spent at the of weeks with friends at Ne ini friends ir this local yon Monday.— |home of Mx, and ties. John. Flaming: s. Allan, munity is extended to the bereaved Weber & Wats es eeeed a onan nry and John Henry |'The meeting was called to order with m the C.P.R. r/husband and little ee Jessie. —— JM. FLEISHHAUER|: ison, Miler stlended the ne Hd Hoimeles Im the chat, who heage, but who miraculously Mrs. Ja , a roduced the s; yeni a y is vi ig at postma: = — - Merchant Tailor abo tans east Ape iene v day =n Geo. | Mn W, Shearer, of Tistoweh connie me.—Mr. Al — ‘ani Miss vi ic ras a Visi MILVERTON, < - onTamolq.Net ad © terns Mate EBC RE Ta Di rhage wae eet! FREE FREE in after a serious attac! pneumonia, re The coming Referendum Vote and Vote “Yes!” on April 18 voted by an overw! HE Ontario Temperance Act’ as a time measure was an unqualified dudes On October 25, pe the @-people of Ontario rwheli the permanent contintiance of the a majority in favor of Ontario Tem- perance Act, beverages. The “Decémber 31, 1920, Federal Ordenin-c export of intoxicating bev tion provinces to import liqu a Bene 3 thus Ever, applies e the te of Lee “Hence * another Refere 29 Bootlegger Must Go came the repeal uncil—which was also a war-time measu! jure—prohibiting imnoteation, ‘hus it became aaa for, peciignals in prohibi- the Thootlegger” is. spies eaF0, offer the sale contrary to law, and, thu: erie aft the people in this province is Being: defeated. Importation Must Cease ii ‘ing that applied in the last vote against the Bale of atone bexarnicen within Mich dipaisvalna' warteonetied: arose reco for further ee and * “of the manufacture and ‘s for consumption in the expressed them, and wokee winging. of intoxicati. into the Pi = ~ Shalt” the Importation and fie ing Liquor: rovince be Prohibited ie ynship aaa has been in the neighborhood the ew days.— Mr. Hibbert MeCullough was a re- 1 with friends in this lo- iss Mabel Henry was a re- t ie of her aunt, Mrs, Tom Henry, at Stratford—The 1 syndicate held was a visitor at Lon- ROSTOCK —Mrs. .. Fri ba’ and. daughter, Velma of Minnesota, are visiting witl Mrs. Jim Dungey. Say Eee _ HESSGH Mr. Brenner, of Melaval, Sas da few days with friends oe Yelatives here. very successful sale last Wednesday, i, A. Moser will take possession ef the ley left, for atone ee Sovereign, fter having spent a few mon- ths with Bis BoA. dederigtion of March ‘ “prings breezes, ran pu alii, Stire the devicine def SSIs, ers. was duly transacted the yemainder of the evening was spen ig and daneing until the mall hourg of thalcmomin Dewar and Chalmers orchestra supplied the mus- ic to the delight of all present. A vote of. thanks ladies for the exe even- Robert Rowe spent the week- i procuring music les- he with friends in Stratford.—Mrs. | son: the lin from Miss Ve Wm. Shifi it dacuetor os , of | Wismer, of od who'has a last Waterloo, are at present visiting at |in Milverton on Saturdays.—Miss the h of Mr. and Mrs, J. Kreuter. Ge Bonn is the guest of her aunt Mrs. —Mi ie Wingefelder and F. . T, Chalmers, this week. Robert Steven, .of Toront mas Steven.—Miss Anna Precbom is visitin; ertends at Thor- Mr, W. struction, conducted in this neig! bse eV. Nicholson have heen well sttended by all denomjna- ms. At of the meeting Teer haceday aperiess We tenes Imes’ Rev. Nicholson was pres. ented a donation /by those present. The ardor of 8.8, No, 5 Community Club is continuing strong. A. joll; good time was spel it Mr. iday evening last & 8 8 Es Es 3 8 ts 3. 30 sg fe =e ¢ s c Fy 8 E 5 ge 8 of ing of this wee a CARD OF THANKS arid ‘D, F. Hymers and family desire to extend to friends and neighbors who so kin nly offered their assistance and sympatl during the illness and after oe lath of their loving son and. broth play- | ed s was tendered to the |t are w visited have Inge weak tenia broth PB e elbe killed in tite Great their many | tha: of Britton, ae Ss a ae visitor here on Tuesday.—The nd oe, was well known here, ean been a val- ued member Me the Hockey anaes a finer Fai G. Savage, Capt. A. B, Windsor, R. M.C., Britton—The death occurred in Mount Forest on Sunday of Mr Gilbert ho was a resident of Listowel until last fall_ when he removed to Mount Forest. "He let wife and two small children to whom is extended deepest. sympa mpbell, Astowel boy to CARD OF THANKS Mrs, John Rock and family, wish, te shown them through the illness ‘and death of their dear husband and father. FREE | We show you all Farms on our list Free of Charge. Give Us an Opportunity. WRITE FOR FREE FARM CATALOGUE. 150 aoe > PILKINGTON Twp. . WELLINGTON COUNTY. acres workable, arent vas Se frame owe, bush ae jpesture; small orchard; good 11-2 si bank barn ms; 3 diving h at ae peat T horses n 20 “heed of cattle; wate acer feo uilless Sent anaes nee ah, S00d road; school half miles 3 telephone; terms arrang 135 ACRES WILMOT Twpe. 5 acres workable, balance bush and WATERLOO COUNTY lowing done, house, 2 stories, ER ei ued 2 ’ Sie os ae S Fide are a be ct ae i came 80 head of f catte, stern, tank Barn oe Ren nouvel: Hy fee ean es tables, 2 silos, convenient, a hog pes 168 ACRES WATERLOO Twp. . WATERLOO COUNTY. mele set, workabl, ov brik noe and pasture; Jorge bank b mn with bathroom complete; large mo. saekenies it oe nes al oe running into ‘our: 7 room oi irr a PE es a ples, pears arid small fruits; lev el'laid fous Ae eto we enced, mostly wire; convenient to. Gi healt ng gpresiau on leading road; owner an i health; €5 acres pl Blowed ready for'ctop; rural 1 maall; cclepren Terms arrangennc’ % buy stock and implementy wie" 11 £ : 4 — 4 “Fratosa TWP. - WELLINGTON COUNTY. ‘ workable, balance ‘ gia for ant Toca as Beton aid ington farce 3 this is a aot of Rockwood and'5 miles from thar agit Stores = rom the town a and one halt svien Wont, ot Gath, Goat ha gh yeaee a augue wi etm eG < bathroom} cistern ogee fawn surrounded with 9 and shade ieccsr pont cisterns” beautital hone? eee Pan; ben house; sheep house; gsei “aat nyo. dng 3 re mail; ae Willow h vanby, Farm Agency, Guelph ‘esentative, Elmira, Ont,