. -} Mr. Russel Shaw spent Sunday at -|Guelph. ' * Mr. August Daumier spent Monday at New Hamburg. | : Mrs. Dr. Knocker, spent Sunday here. "Mr, Ed Sergent, of Listowel, spent Monday in Linwood. ; Mr. R. J. Faulkner, of Moorefield, was a-visitor here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Welker and fumily spent Sunday at Elmira. Mr. Chas. Schafer ,of New Ham- burg, visited friends here Sunday. Mr. Eugene Shearer, of Hawkesyville, spent Sunday evening in Linwood. Miss Evelyn Crawford, of Belmore, spent Saturday with friends here. Mr. John Rafferty, of Waterloc. spent a few days last week in town. Mr. J. W. Bundy, of Toronto, spent. the week-end with his mother here. - Miss Ruby Goetz spent Monday and Tuesday at Wallenstein with her sis- ter. Bee Mr. George Love ,of Millbank, was a business visitor in Linwood on Mon- ATWOOD _ ~ Mr. E. G. Cox has had the 'phone 'placed in his store. a ANY MORE" Mr .Gordon Stockford, of Hensall, is visiting at his home. | "Feel Like a New Person," says Mrs. Hamilton. Milverton Sun and Monkton Times | ARE PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Sun Main Street 'The -- The weather man says colder weather is coming. Are you ~ : Our Stock of Woollen Goods has Never Been Better Priced | (ee eee Khaki Flannel at sssee++ (serre cenrese 49 amd S5¢ yard) Military Flannel At geiis nih ee Red Flannel at .....+- eeeeeererereeee ..55¢ yard Grey Flannel Bice sscheasibersseeresiee™ to 35c yard Navy Blue Flannel at .....- cesertereers eee BOC yar x Mr. J A. 'urnbull is at Toronto, undergoing radium treatment. -- | Mr. Robert Harris during last week 'had a well dug on his premises. Mr. Alvin Mitchell, of London. spent the week-end at his home. Mr. Ronald Inglis has returned from the West, where he spent the summer. mae Mr. C. Harvey left last Tuesday visit his sister in Winnipeg, who very ill. . ' Mr. Will Goghlin, of Alberta, visiting friends and acquaintances this vicinity. ' Mr. John Bell, who is in the sta- tion at Southampton, spent the week-. end at his home here. Mrs. Andrew Terry and son, Jim, spent a few days last week with with friends in Stratford. The Jocal nimrods left this morn- ing, Oct. 30th for the happy hunting grounds in Northern Ontario. Miss Annie Lochhead spent Thurs- day and Friday in Stratford, attend- ing the Teachers' Convention. We are sorry to report the illness of Kitchener, re _MILVERTON, ONT. prepared for this foreca Subscription rates:--One year, $1.50; six months, 75c, in advance, Subscribers in ar- rears will be liable to pay $2.00 per year. _ Advertising rates on application. Advertisements without specific directions will be inserted until forbid and charged ac- cordingly, : " Changes for contract advertisements must be in the office by noon Monday, MALCOLM MAcBETH, ~ Publisher and Proprietor. New Castle, Ind.--"From the time " I was eleven years old until I was seven- teen I suffered each month so I had to be in bed. I had head- ache, backache and such pains I would cramp double every month. I did not know what it was to be easy a minute. My health was ail 1 run down and the | doctors did not do : . me any good. A neighbor told my mother about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and is in wt BusinessCards Silks! Silks! We have our stock in fine shape. Our black silks are get ting us Big Business. Prices be range from... ...$1.00 to 2.00 'Flannelettes Our big stock of Flannelettes is great value. All bought be- - fore the advance in price. Dr.-M,.C. Tindale. L.D:S. Honor graduate Toronto University. _ CROWN and BRIDGE WORK a specialty 'Phone No. 388. - day. : Mr. Albert Dechert, of Kitchener, was a Sunday visitor with his parents Dress Goods Office; Over Bank of Nova Scotia, © here. J Medcical. spent Sunday a Dr. P. L. Tye -- Office; PuBLic DRUG STORE, MILYERTON Hours: 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 4 p.m, and 7 to 8 p.m, Tralee. Miss Greta Ward is spending Crosshill. Mr. KE, A. Koehler, C. Lantz. Legal Miss V. Voelker, H.B. Morphy, K.C. _ Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton. LISTOWEL. MILVERTON, _ Offices: Listowel, Milverton. ATWOOD Heinbuch, Mr. D. W. Wray, of lett, here. O.oW.-Parsill, Misses Irene and Jean Carnochan with their sister at a two weeks' vacation at her home near of Wellesley, spent Thursday with his sister, Mrs, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with Miss Vera Stratford, spent Sunday with Mrs. H. E. Bar- Miss Emma Parsill, of Mildmay, is at present visiting her brother, Mr. I took it, and now I feel like a new person. I don't suffer any more and I am regular every month."--Mrs, HAZEL HAMILTON, 822 South 15th St. When a remedy has lived for forty. years, steadily growing in popularity and influence, and thousands upon thousands of women declare they owe their health to it, is it not reasona- ble to believe that it is an article of great merit? If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and of Mr. Ralph Love with measles and wish for him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Cruden are moving into Mr. George Gordon's house, Main Street, which they have rented. Rev. R. Marshall spent part of last week at Hamilton where he was at- tending the Baptist Convention. Mrs. Michael Little spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. George Douglas, of Palmerston. Mr, and Mrs. A, M .Robinson and daughter, Ruth, and Miss Stewart motored to Fergus and spent Sunday with friends there. Mr. and Mrs. John Graham return- ed on Tuesday from Stratford, where they have been visiting their daugh- ter, Mrs W. D. Angus. eh Our large ra Serges at.. ; is a wonder. Wholesale price of these Serges is $1.15 yard. Best Knit Sweaters Stocked at Loth's = Made from pure worsted yarn. Come in and see them. - underwear with o $1.50 to 2.00 per garment. ast » shipment has come to hand. y 5 fee ean ey ther-makes. We have Stanfield's in both -- the heavy and the lighter Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear | Sompare this | weights. Ranging price from -- a nscietaan yrcunae This week the ladics of the Pat- riotie League sent over 35 Christmas parcels to the boys at the front. Each parcel valued at about $4.00. Mrs. J. MeBain, Mr. and Mrs. Ab. McBain and Mr. Shera motored to Hamilton on Saturday and spent the week-end with friends there. The public school was closed and the children enjoy holidays Thursday and Friday as both Miss Oliver and Mr. Ratcliffe attended Teachers' Con- vention at Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Nesbitt Hamilton and 'children spent most of last week and y art of this week at their farm in Martie Township, near Brussels, fin- PERFECT : FITTIN Mr. Ed Crooks arrived home on Sat- | held in strict confidence. urday after spending several months at Stouton, Sask. Mr. .and Mrs. P. W. . Rennie, Listowel, spent Saturday with latter's mother here. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Farrell ,of To- ledo, Ohio, spent a few days last week with his parents here. Mr .and Mrs .George Ruler spent Sunday with their daughter, ;Mrs, George Herron at Newton. Quarterly~ Services will be held on Sunday in the Methodist church con- ducted by Rev. Culp, of Elmira. Mr .and Mrs. D. Williams and son, Kenneth .spent Sunday in Newton with her father, Mr. P. McDonald. Mr. Peter Roth and family have moved their household effects into he house bolonging to Mr. Sutter. The friends of Mrs. John Clark (nee Mary Farrell), will be sorry to hear of her illness at St. Joseph's Hospital, Guelph. ' Mr. and Mrs. Schlegel and Mr, Sam Spahr spent Sunday with Mr. Wm. Flachs at St. Joseph's Hospital, in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roe and baby, of Hanover, spent a few days this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Roe. The Farmers' Club have received a few car load of Western Oats also car of potatoes and are now being unloaded at the O.P.R. tracks. The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Instituute will be held at the home of Miss Fish, on Wednesday, Nov. 8th, at 2.30 pm. Mrs. A. O. Schnurr will give a paper on "The Patron Saint of Scotland.' The Roll Call will be Scottish Quotations. Mem bers please come prepared, Ladies are cordially invited to attend. An entertainment will be held in Schnurr's hall, on Wednesday, Nov. 8th, commencing at eight o'clock. A good programme will be rendered, consisting of musical selections and readings also a short lecture on the extension of the franchise. A silver collection will be taken in aid of the equal franchise movement to de- fray expenses. Don't forget the concert in the 7th line, school west section, on Friday avening, November 3rd, An interest- ing programme has been arranged onveyancer, Me 2 and a good time is in store for all = ewe wise sche who attend. Addresses will be given SEO I te Cone tate eae by Rev. W. Moffat and Rey. Pherrill, ~ Real estate bought and sold. A few choice {of Millbank, and Rey. Miller, of Mil- pet famine tor latmediate §ale. i verton. Mrs. Wray and Misses Flor- MONKTON, - onrARIO|rie Freeborn and Jene Reid will sing: There will also be solos by popular young gentlemen, Miss Free born, of Crosshill ,has been engaged as elocutionist; Dialogues, recitations and choruses will be given by the school children. Come and enjoy a pleasant evening. ete Peabody's Overalls Our stock is going down, still selling at $1.50. Price must advance soon to $1.75. Now is the time to stock up. Fancy Pea Jackets These coats are made of the choicest wool and are very warm. Worth to-day, 5 $8.00 ; our price F. R. Blewett, K.C. Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto, DONEGAL Miss Minnie Hales spent Sunday at the home of Mr D. F.. Hymers. Miss Kitchen, of Kitchener. spent a few days last week with her friend, Miss Hannah Scott. Misses Marjorie and Maggie Wilson of Gotham, spent last week at the home of Mrs. Cooper. Mrs. 8S. Burnett, of the 8th Con., was th guest of her daughter, Mrs. R. McCourt last week. Miss A. Harrow, of Dorking, is spending afew days at the home of her uncle, Mr. R. Harrow. Services will be held in the Metho- dist church here on Sunday, Novem- ber 5th, commencing at 7.00 p.m. Miss Enid McCourt, of Milverton, and Miss Willa Barr spent Sunday with their friends, Miss D, Hymers. Miss Amos, teacher, -of Donegal, attended the Convention on Thurs- day and Friday of last week at Strat- ford. Messrs. D. Reid, Thomas and J. C. Hymers and the Misses Barton spent an evening last week at the home of Mr. Wm. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs .R Mayberry and daughters, of Britton, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Barnhardt, of Wallace, spent | Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seelhoff. The ladies of the Patriotic Society of Donegal met at thhe home of Mr. J. 8. Cowan on Monday evening of last week and filled fourteen Christ- mas stockings and two boxes for the soldier boys. The congregation of the Methodist church here will hold their anniver- sary services on November 12th. Rey. Mr. Moorehouse, of Trowbridge, will conduct the services morning and eve- ning. On Monday evening a_ fowl supper will be served. ------ ee DORKING Miss Martha Moser visited with her aunt, Mrs. Alex. Moser, of Hesson, on Sunday. Mr. George Whitney, of West Mont- rose, spent Sunday with a friend on the line. Mrs. John Snelling, of Linwood, spent Sunday with her brother, Mr. M. Ranahan,. : Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Querin, of Tralee, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. John Linseman, Mr. and Mrs. H. Runstedler, of Lin- wood, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. John Basler. Miss Louisa Kocher, of Hesson, was the guest of her cousin Miss Amelia Linseman, on Sunday. Messrs. Ed Heinbecker and Walter Smith, of Listowel, spent Sunday with their uncle, Mr. Anthory Moser. Quite a number from here attended Mr. N. Kocher's sale on Monday and report everything selling at reason able prices. Mr. and Mrs. John Cookman and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gowing and family. of Glenallan, spent Sunday <«f the home of Mr. J. R. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Kalph Busch, of Wat- erloo, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ertel, of St. Clements, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dietrich, of Carthage, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Linseman. of the See our big special line of Me- Kay's Overalls, fast 1 25 Sinats e Es colors, at Grocery Specials 3pkgs Corn Flakes Choice Beans per tin Auto Salmon : Office : Gordon Block STRATFORD, ONTARIO Overcoats Our stock of Men's and Boy's Overcoats is now complete. All made of good, heavy wool - Harding, Owens & Goodwin _ Barristers, Solicitors, &c. ~~ Gordon Block, - STRATFORD, ONT. Money to Loan, Hawe's Hats These celebrated hats'are now in stock. Colors grey, fawn, steel and navy. R, T. HARDING W. 6, OWENS W. E. GOODWIN ishing up the fall work. On Thursday afternoon about four o'clock the citizens of the village were much startled by the ringing of the fire bell. The fire which had start- ed in the laft of Mr. R. A. Thompson's barn ,quickly gained headway, but through the good work of the fire brigade was got under control in time to save the garage. The barn was nearly all destroyed, however. -------- Oe CARTHAGE Mrs: John Turnbull ,of Milverton, visited last week with Mrs. A. Ross. Miss Ella Kerr spent a few days last week with friends in Stratford. Mr, and Mrs. W. Black and fam- ily purpose moving to New Hamburg next week, Mrs. John Herron jhome after spending friends in Toronto. Mr. John Glenn returned home last Thursday after a two months' visit with friends in the West. Our teacher, Miss Stettler, attend- ed the Teachers' Convention in Strat- ford last Thursday and Friday. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Gray, of Strat- ford, spent the week-end with the latter's parents, Mr .and Mrs. Wm. Johnston. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society will be held at the home of Mrs, D. Kerr on Thursday, Nov. 2nd, at 2.30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bender and daugh- ter, and Misses Clara and Eva Askin, of Listowel, motored down and spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs. James Askin. Ladies driving to our store Veteri a erinary will have their horse taken care of. J. W.. Barr, VS. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto. We Make a Specialty of Dressed Poultry. . - - Bring us Yours Prices this week are as follows: : FOWL 14 to 16c. GEESE 15 to 16c. DUCKS 15 to 16c. No thin fowl wanted. Bring them not later than Thursday evening. Treais all diseases of domesticated animals CHICKS 15 to 17c. Must be nicely cleaned. q WM. K. LOTH, All calls promptly attended to. Societies. Milverton Lodge No. 478 A.F, & A.M., G.R.C. Meets every Monday evening on or before full moon every month in their hall in J, BR, Weir's block, Visiting brethren always welcome GA. Barth, W.M, W, J. Zoeger, Secy. " The Square Deal Store" MILVERTON has" a returned week with Susi ws -- WELLESLEY Miss Lucinda Allbrecht visited her brother, John, in Toronto for a week Mr. and Mrs. G. Koehler are spend- ing a few days in Preston with their daughters. Mr, A. B. Robertson is at laid up but we hope that soon recover, Mr, Mose Gasch is on the sick list his wife of Pigeon, Mich., is here attending his bedside. Mr. D.-Forge left last Wednesday for Highgate, where he is working at a similar job to the one he had here. Mr. G. Wiowade, who has been vis- iting his son and daughters, in Cleve- land and Detroit for the past two weeks has returned home. Mr. R. J. Milne V.S. has enlisted in the British Marine Service. He sold out to Mr. Kraft, of Tavistock, who comes highly recommended as a Vet. Mr. Milne leaves on Thursday. The hydro power was turned on at Baden last Monday afternoon about four o'clock .and Mr. J. G. Reiner had the honor of turning it om here in the evening about eight o'clock. It was quite a pleasant surprise to many especially so, to those who had their fixtures in their houses and ready equipped, when all of a sudden th: houses were lit up by. electricity Short speeches were made by N, $ Fleischhauer and J. G. Reiner and the band rendered a number of sel ections. The street lights did not work satisfactory at first, but Mi Forge, who is an expert in this line of work, soon managed to get things into proper shape so that our little village was nicely lit up which made a vast improvement in its appearance, ---- IRISHTOWN Wedding bells are ringing. Mr. Merton Scott is still seen in the =| 58 | burg. : =| Bia Mr, Dooley Scott is busy ditching \i [these days. i Ploughing is the order of the day in this locality. | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKay spent Sunday at Wallace. Mr. G. Hawthorne is busy complet- is ing his new driving shed. | Mr. David Munro and Mr. Schneid- | er spent a day at Guelph. Mr. Kerr, of Milverton, called on friends one night last week. Mr. J. H. Reid spent Sunday with & z (pa the Misses Scott, of Donegal. | = } ---- \7) Mr. Tommy Reid arrived home Tues SUPERFLUOUS HAI Moles, Warts, Biemishes, Etc., perm ently removed by electric needle. MRS. W. COWAN will be in Milverton at : Crand Cental Hotel, Tuesday, Nov. 1 The nut crop. like most everything | this season, has proven a failure. But- | ternut, walnut and beech trees Bases { Silver Star Lodge No. 202 ty OL OCk, Meets every Friday night at 7.30 in their hall over Bank of Hamilton. Visiting brethren always welcome N. McGuire, W.K.Loth, J. H. Brown, ; N.G, : Fin.-Secy. Rece,-Secy. nothing whatever on them in the shape of nuts this year. The old ad-| age has it that where there are no| nuts for squirrels it is a sure sign for an open winter. We would, however, advise the good house provider not to | neglect his coal bin. | present Notary Public. - ae he may D. Weir, - Notary Public Auctioneer for the Counties of Perth : and Waterloo, Conveyancer, deeds, wills, mortgages drawn ; and affidavits made. Village clerk, Office: Weir block, over Bank of Nova Scotia Many women with disfigured complexions never seem to think that they need an occasional cleansin| inside as well as outside. Yet neglect of this interna bathing shows itself in spotty, and sallow complexions--as wellas in dreadful headachesand biliousness. It's because the liver becomes sluggish, and waste matter accumulates which Nature cannot remove without assistance. The best ~ CHAMBERIAIN'S TABLETS remedy is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, which stimulate theliver to healthy activity, remove fermentation, gently cleanse the stomach and bowels and tone the whole digestive system. Sure, safe and reliable. Take one at night and you feel bright and sunny in the morning. Get Chamberlain's today--druggists 25c., or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto A Chalmers, - Notary Public GinDills MARTYR TO PAINS IN THE BACK Halifax, N.S., Jan. 15, 1916. About eight months ago I read your advertisement in one of the Halifax papers offering a free sample of Gin Pills for the Kid- neys. I had been a martyr for years to iptense pains across the back and decided to try Gin Pills, Before I had finished the third box I found myself for the first time in years perfectly free from pain. Nelson Merrick, - Auctioneer for Waterloo, Wellington and Perth Counties. Estimates given on sales of farms and farm stocks, | Office, next to Bank of Nova Scotia, Linwood Hotels The Queens Hotel Best accommodation for eommercial trav- ellers and others, Wedding bells are ringing merrily in our burg. - Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Allingham spent Saturday in Linwood. ' : Miss Ruth Holt spent Sunday with her cousin, Miss Edna Newton. Mr. Milton Allingham spent Sat- urday with friends in the vicinity, Mrs. Wm. Holt and son, Harry, spent Sunday with friends ot Tralee. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Falkner spent |Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Nurse. Mr. and Mrs. John Schleuter and family spent Sundsy at the home of Mr. John Voll. . : Mr. and Mrs. W. Mewhinney spent Sunday with the former's brother, Mr. Robert Mewhinney. Coon hunting is the order of the day in this vicinity. Mr. MacMahon caught two one night last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Burnett, of Linwood, spent one day last week with the former's sister, Mrs. Wm. Nurse, : Yours sincerely, Mrs. (Jane) Percy, All druggists sell Gin Pills at 60c. a box, or 6 boxes for $2.50 Sample free if you write to NATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED 68 Two large Sample Rooms, | GEO. F, PAULI, Prop., - Milverton, Ont, es If you are interested in RINGS come in and look over our large assortment. Itis specially varied" and rich now;-gems of every de- cription and at tempting prices -- for the best goods sold to you without misrepresentation. Our stock of Jewelry, Silverware and Cut Glass is very attractive. Toronto, Ont, CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. 'Commercial, Shorthand and. Telegraphy Departments. - Students may enter at any time. We place graduates in positions. During © : pie and August we received applica- tions for over 200 office assistants we could not supply. Write for our free ~ - catalogue at once. D, A. McLACHLAN, ~~ Principal FURNITURI We have a beautiful ran very attractive designs in Jaco ITURE ge of Diningroom Furniture. Some bean, fumed and golden polished finish _ See our display of Parlor Suites, Couches and Rockers. -----4---- LISBON Mr. Charles Hohl spent Tuesday last in Stratford. -- Mr. 8. Koch ,of Poole, spent Sun- day at his home here. Mr. Jacob Streicher, of Kitchener, spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. andMrs. Henry Clausser spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Andrew Streicher. : : ; ; Mr. Harry Lenard spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. George Streicher. ne : _ Mrs, George Foerster and son, Wm. were the guests of Mr, Conrad Kneis- | tel.on Sundays. s¢-2 2 ; Mr. and Mrs. P, Lindenbach, of Gadshill, spent Sunday at the home | -- of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rehberg. |.. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Kneisel spent }last Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs .George Schmidt, near Philips- | burg. a ep re Mrs. Henry Zinn and Mrs. John Wepler, of Listowel, spent Sunday 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weitzel here. -- day evening and is looking fine, Miss M. Broughton returned home after spending a week on the line, Mrs. Jim Bell, of Lebanon, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. G. Haw- thorne. Mr. J. West is leaving on Wednes- day for Toronto. No doubt he will be greatly missed. Mr. Melvin Scott and sister, Bella. spent Tuesday evening with the Misses Reid and Broughton. -- Mrs. Wm. Loney and daughter, Ida, spent a day last week at the home of Mr. Wm. Reid, 8th line. Mr. Jas .Boyd, of Listowel, is spend- ing the latter part of the week with his uncle, Mr. Robert Scott, --_---- fe PEFFERS. Mr. Jas. Holmes, of Stratford, spen* a day here this week. : " Miss Susie Torrance spent a day this week with friends here. Z "| Mr. Henry Kenny made a business trip to Stratford on Monday. Word has been received from Mr. W. J. Hurst, who is in Winnipeg undergoing treatment for his eyes, to the effect that he is progressing favorably. "Messrs. C. E. Barrett and W. R. Freeman have arrived home after spending a couple of months in the "MADE IN CANADA" The 1917 Ford Touring Car $499.00 | F.0.B. FORD, ONTARIO. - | Fall Suits and 'Important news for all who are concerned about - buying a New Fall Suit or Overcoat. : , 'We selected the most ser- | viceable fabrics we could | find at a small advance in price, therefor, we can give you the best value for your money.. > ¢ ' We have a large assort: g i aes: Mahogagin Walngbe toe eae anes: Oak, popular prices. y a Never-spread or Puritan -- A nice new stock of Brass Beds have misivead at If you want a comfortable bed bu You don't need extravagant claims to justify Felt Mattress. We have them. your choice when you buy a Ford. 'ee Also all the new ideas in Springs, The new model five-passenger Touring Car at $495.00 is standard automobile value. I don't need to make "claims" in offering you this car, -- I show you the car, itself, and give reasons. -- If you need anything in the Rug li = : ce % in town and look over our stock ot Wiltoa dr ircosg 7 ton, Axminister, Velve Brussells and Tapestry Squares. Th ill | eethree ee hundred to choose nee "3 aes was comes? you. Over a -- 4 : : ee We also have Stair and Bod : The quality, the price and the service it gives ita bean aes aie make satifaction sure. You can always depend on the Ford. - oy se aes ec : We make Rugs to order any size. ness, fair dealing toevery one, good goods at as low a price as possible. -- Our stock of Rugs and Carpets will speak for itself. ; SALE REGISTER Friday November 3rd, 1916--Farm 'Stock and Implements for Thomas 'A Cassel, Lot 1, Townline Peel, 4 mile west of Macton. N.C. Merrick. Let me show you the new model to-day-- Congolium Squares look nice. We have them. MILVERTON GARAGE : E. H. GROPP, Proprietor Linoleum always on hand. 10 or 12 pieces to nies toca? : \West. They report very unfavorable r Furnit ealer Milv pices ca. ame liver weather conditions there and a good) _ 5) eee m1 : be ton 'deal of threshing remains to be done.) S ll = Ea Ga Rae a * auctioneer, te Funeral Director andEmbaimer | 4 ||Saturday, November 1 | Property, at Schlegel's Hot: : errick, Au xecutor.