iL R. Vv RB 'ANK has opened with a stock. Strict attention given | 3) repairing of all ed Sat Caos the Malou vil maker, died "in bed at. his: home. in Hampstead, England, on Oct. 28rd. _ He was 8 years old. | Might have liv- ed longer, but probably the poor man : couldn't take hig' own _Medicigie. FOR SALE "Buteliex Gubluées equipment for sale. A splendid open- ing for a good man. Apply JOS. F. _ KERTCHER, Milverton. and complete 'Baled Hay for sale-by the car load, timothy, aE R, wexER, Write ces.--E, Rs "R. No, 4 Cenfield, Ont. ~ x SHR : 'STONE. FOR 'ORUSHING. -- view Inter: eeve or Councillors of Mil- good servant girl to work in mto. Apply to ©, H. CREIGH- Mgr. Stephenson, Blake & Co., 0 Front St., Toronto, Ont. at Se ener yo ee <i eee : obile ~ number © (50,775). Between Donegal and Atwood, Find- er as return to Mr: D. F, EYEE spt cso "Sun Milverton or on the road from EN i to Millbank, on Oct. 24th, a gold brooch with amethyst setting. 'Finder please leave at the Sun Office, AS note of hand made in fayor of Se ed 'Attig, or order and signed by the 'amount of five hundred dollars, bearing interest at 5% per cent per annum, dated the '18t day of April, _ A.D, 1918, and payable twelve months _ after date. All persons are hereby notified not to purchase, demand pay: - ment or negotiate this note except the executrix or executors. authorized so to do. Susan McConaghy . © Bxsoutris of Mary Attié estate: 'Dated at Newton, this 31st day of he ihe HO16: 3-i ~ Notice to | Creditors. ore the matter ay Mary Attig, late of the Village of Newton, in the ~ County. of Perth, widow, deceased. comhcaeee mene, Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Statutes in that behalf, that all _ persons having any claims against - Mary Attig, who died on the 14th day of Bopreabae: 1916, at Newton, Ont., are required on or before. the -lith day of November, 1916, to send by post or deliver to the undersigned executors of the will of the said de- _ eeased, full particulars of their claims; and that after the said last-mention- ed date the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said de- teased among the persons. entitled thereto, having regard only to the - Claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets er any part thereof, to any person of whose claim they 'shall not then have ceived notice, lated at Newton, the 25th day of ' er, 1916, - 'Susan 'MeConaghy, Executrix,. Charles G, Attig, W. J. Attig, "Bxeoutors, FE spate stain WHORE, NEWaessisvors scotececs@ LTD Barley per bushel... Ree ed ae. AES 63 ; 50 4.75 srl CWh.ceres 4 95 5 Jewel per cwt...... 5 20 Bran per Wns. ccirin riers DL 00 é : Shorts. POT CON pcisrctorsays 00 OD f - Hay per ton....... Hogs liveweight... ryaereiey ROC LO: fee eee eee nee > tx mart ees == /in this land most needs, W. 4H. Tanner, of Mornington, to' Se AGE Ey ene ee ee | TO THE BOYS: ee IN THE ARMY The following card was slcsivee Ontal, @ young soldier who was form- erly a resident. of Elma and Atwood, }but now in active service in Pelgiom. Dbsiokiar Oct. Ist. Dear Mr. TE, Hammond} ~ ~ Your 'appreciated and much_ 'wel- come letter is of the sort a soldier The chances of hearing the Word so much needed are very. few. Sunday and Saturday are treated very much alike. But your wish in regard to this note is fulfilled as I will endeavor to keep 'the thought always with me. I have handed it to others who have asked me to thank the sender. Very sincerely yours, P.C. | Think of those in khaki dressed, For King and Home to do their, best In this dreadful war arena. Just write a kind letter ; What could you 'do better? Encourage the ,boys in the Army. Sweet home and friends all left behind So fully 'to the cause resigned 'To aid in the war arena,. \ pd.}They're patiently waiting For letters relating The news' to the Boys in the Army. How oft they think of dear ones left, Of bleeding hearts sorely bereft By this crushing war arena; While comrades are falling In scenes so appalling} Ob, comfort the Boys in the Army. Tell them Jesus the Saviour 'supreme, Died on the Cross, Man to redeem ~ From the fate of sin's arena; Offer souls salvation Free from acceptation To the anxious in the Army. A message send of kind regard, Booklet, leaflet or choice text card To those in the war arena-- Send gospel truth reading They are so much needing, Midst dangers of the Army. Remember those in the battle front, Facing for us the deathly brunt, Unequalled war arena, For 'us they are fighting, All efforts uniting For the conquest of the Army. And while you rest all safe at home, Think of those who in danger roam, Engaged in this dire arena-- Write to them admiring, Their valor inspiring-- In the service of the Army. Kind words may cheer a heart that's faint, When with the fact they are acquaint, In the peril of war arena. For them we are praying And fervently saying; 'God bless the brave Boys in the Army." --THOS, E. HAMMOND, October 30th. 1916. ee he oe WELLESLEY Mrs. J, Eckstein and daughter, Edna were visiting friends in Kitchener last week, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kaufman were to Kitchener and Hamburg on Thurs- day last, » and: Mrs. J. Wiederhold, of North Easthope, were visiting at Mr. Henry Alteman's on Sunday. Hallowe'en passed off very quietly here, only a few gates being removed and some other minor offences com- mitted. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fleischhauer, Mr, and Mrs. Leppard and Mr, and Mrs, Alex, Stahle, of Kitchener, spent Sunday here among friends, There died last Thursday, Moses Gascho, at the home of Mrs. Gascho, at the age of 34 years, The funeral was hheld on Thursday afternoon, in- Elma, Yterment taking place im the Amish Mennonnite cemetery. an ean en en 9p ee eae im me Bev. A. Mahatfy Resigns The sipewentie of the North Hill Presbyterian Church last night accept- ed, with regret, the resignation of Rev. A, Mahaffy. Many of the mem- |bers of the congregation were of the 5}fopinion that he might continue his study of law/ as he announced on Sun- day thatthe intended to do, and retain his pastorate. However, Mr. Mahaffy declined to entertain this suggestion. and made his resignation unqualified. ae --Calgary Albertan, Oct. 31st. Rey. A. Mahaffy is a brother of Rev. F. SW. Mahaffy, how ofB ucking- ham, P,Q, You are sure of good photographs if you go to Lee, Listowel. 2% Panta PostestectentectocleclectoolectectoclocToo!. CR (had Sar bar Dae Diet baat Sad er ba i it eet bt a a at at a a tae Are You Insured di CANADIAN ORDER OF FORBSTERS offers proted- tection for wife and family at minimum cost. Investigate it C.Spencer,C.R, : N. Zimmermann, R.S Pool. Soak sTooteooctocec?. uc) Cae bid ae Dt a a a) "These are ooh wed for oe times' ~and will tend to help: people keep down -- the cost of living. Take advantage of | Jase reigns. ttiey last. $6.00 ies Bilston ¥,. 7,00 Mattresses, for. .00 Springs, for........, 'Dresser and Stand. . t be replaced for the money 0 00 Dresser, for......... 15.00 ets Baie. for. a oe Peas or Corn, 2 cans for... ...25c Maple Leaf Salmon, a can... Unicorn Salmon, a can. Caledona Salmon, per can. or 2 cans for. 30c¢ Pickles, for . l5e sf oS eee 30e Honey, ree. eS - 20c Baking Bates: for -20c Jam, for . + 25¢ Coffee, for.. ; - Cow Brand 'Soda. . 80¢ Fancy Soap Waxes forv.. ee ea Eee So Sant Glycerene and "Taylors s Mayflower. Le Sala and Black Tea. pan Ae: |held in the afternoon. 'teaching school. * " GLEN ALLAN "Mr, Alex. Runstedler is at present : visiting friends in Kitchener. Mrs. Pem Kitely, of Drayton, spent Sunday under the parental roof. Miss Evelyn Mewhinney spent Sua- day at her home on the town line. . Mr. and Mrs. 8. Hisey were the guests of Mrs, Rebecea Cookman on Sunday. . Mr, A. B. Snyder visited with his| mother in Kitchener for a 'couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Maynard and Mr. Brigham motored to Alian-Gar- dens on Thursday - Mrs. Emerson Rennie," of Drayton, is at present visiting with her moth- er, Mrs. G, Porter. Mr. W. R. Lundy, of Toronto, is spending his vacation with his mother-. in-law, Mrs. Rebecca Cookman. Mr. and Mrs, Archie McKee and Mrs. C. Gunther, of Hamilton, called on friends in the Glen on Friday. Quite a number attended the meet- ing of the Methodist Ladies' Aid held at the home of Mrs. E, Strangway, on Friday afternoon. The Women's Institute of Glenallan| contributed $107.15 to the Red Cross Fund and- the beef-ring of the 3rd] and 4th line contributed $7.41. Mr. John Linseman and daughter, of |} Dorking, and Mr, and Mrs. A. Ruggle, of Floradale, and Mr. E. Dietrich, of Goderich, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A, B. Snyder on Sunday. | There will be no service in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening owing to the children's service to be Service will be held in the Olivet Church Sunday jJevening, A meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs, A. B, Snyder, on Saturday afternoon, the llth of Nov, Miss Weber will: give a paper on; 'Success From Different Standpoints." -------- -- f---- HESSON Blacksmith wanted. Apply Joseph Helm, Hesson. Wedding bells are ringing merrily around our burg. Mr. George Lantz, of Kitchener, is spending a few days at his home here. Mr. Joseph Kocher is expecting a carload of apples some day this week Mr, Joseph Kocher made a business trip to Walkerton one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Karley, of Lin- wood, spent Sunday with Mrs. Henry Voll. Mr. and Mrs. Sunday with Mr, Dennis Hanley spent and Mrs, Eugene Helm. Mrs. George Logel, of Dorking, spent Sunday with relatives around our burg, Miss P. Foerster, of Linwood, is at present spending a few weeks at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. George Isley and son, Theodore, spent Sunday with Mrs. Is- ley's mother, Mrs, G. Vollmer. Misses L. Hanley and A. Mittleholz left for Toronto on Monday ast, where they have both received pos- itions. Mr. Wm. Girodat is still very ill with a serious attack of rheumatism. We all join is wishing him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Schnarr daughter, Margaret, motored to burg on Sunday and spent the with Mr. and Mrs. J, Stemmler. Mr, George Isley shot an owl one day last week which measured five feet across the wings. This is very likely the thief that has been raiding some of the neighboring farm yards lately. and our day ----- NORTH MORNINGTON Miss Mary Reid has returned to her home at Newton. Mr. and Mrs, Sam Corry, of Elma, spent Sunday on the line. Miss Vera Watson spent days last week with friends towel. Miss Armstrong, of Listowel, visited her friend, Miss Jessie Watson re- cently, Mrs. Wm. Gray and Mrs. Gray, of Tilsonburg, spent Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Robert Dowd. Misses Eva Alexander and Vera Watson spent Sunday at "Dellson Brae," the home of Mr. Wm. Waddell. Mr. and Mrs. Neilson and family accompanied by Miss Lettie Corry, of Btratford, motored up and spent Sunday with friends here. The Burns Auxiliary of the Wo- men's Missionary Society will hold its monthly meeting lat the home of Mrs. Hugh Davidson, on Thursday after- noon of this week, HAMPSTEAD Word has been received here from London, England, of the marriage of Capt. Hugh Hart, C.A.M.C., elder son of Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Hart to Miss Frances Mabel, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar William Beckinsale. of Reading, England. The young couple met in the Canadian West, where the groom was practticing his profession of :medisine and the bride On Capt. Hart's en- listment, she preceded him overseas to her home, where on Capt, Hart's recent injuries occasioning his sojourn in England; they were quietly _mar- ried. The many friends of the groom in this locality will extend con- gratulations : spared to return with his bride home in Canada, a few in Lis- te BRUNNER Mrs. C. Doerr spent Sunday with friends in New Hamburg. Mrs. H, Zulauf, of Milverton, spent Tuesday with friends here. Miss A, Doerr is at present visit- ing friends in New Hamburg. Mr. C. Stoek left on Thursday for Stratford, where he has found em- ployment, Miss Margaret Anderson spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Grif- fin, at Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowland, of Monkton, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Maddess and Mr. and Mrs. G. Schweitzer, of Newton visited on Sunday at the home of Mrs, C. Doerr, a NOVEMBER. ROD AND GUN » November Rod and Gun contains a list of good things for the sportsman reader, "Budd,* by Jean Stevinson, tells of a narrow escape from a pack of pursuing wolves. 'Moose Meat for Morrison's Mine,".describes an adven- ture with a too zealous informer. "Highways of the North," pictures 'the beauties of some of our northern |rivers and describes their methods of transportation. - "Hunting Big Game iin the Selkirks," is a story -of billy 'goats and bear in B.C. 'Bear Hunt- ing, where Old Louis Lives," is a tale of Northern Quebec. "The Crevice in 'Che Barn," is a story of the adven- | fii tures of a weasil family. There are be-| sides other stories and articles just as interesting as those mentioned, and. 'iin addition the regular departments. The-magazine is published by W. J. Taylor, 'Limited, Woodstock, Ont., and and hope he may be}. West Drain, is a worthy exponent x Canadian our! door life. we es o 115 We Have Ever Shown. Ma BE GZ TWEED COATS. ZIBELINE COATS PLUSH COATS * Wonderful values in tweed and zibe- line coats at $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 up to $20.00. --Beautiful Plush Coats. in stunning flared, gathered, yoked and _ belted A Choice Lot of Coats at $4.99 and $7.50 55c INSTEAD OF $1.65 The 'Designer' For One Year 12 Copies at 10c (Fashion Book) 15c or 20c One Standard Quarterly Qne Pattern ...... The Three for 55c $1.20 .20 .20 91.65 Cw) 8 SSeS SSS SSS] SSSI NHI O Engeland @ Son '"'The Store with the Stock'"' MILV a ool aoa asa aS Haan aSsSa la So aS Ssls[llsalarrs 3 ERTON oa C222) a (SS Oo Oo oOo = LOGAN COUNCIL Council met October 30th. The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed and signed. a following resolutions were car- ried ;-- That John Gaffney be paid $237.50 for cement culvert, side road 25 and 26 ,Con. 14, Logan, said amount being contract price, less $7.50 contractor's share for inspection of said work. _ That the Reeve and Clerk issue a cheque in favor of John Curtin, as per order of Wm. Connolly, contract- or, amounting to $250.00, for work done on the Healey Drain, as per En- gineer's tertificate. That the Reeve and Clerk issue an order in favor of W. A. Stevenson, as per order. of James Ruston, con- tractor, amounting to $180.00, said amount being sixty per cent. -of estimate of work done on the Me- Naught Drain, as pice Engineer's cer- tificate, f That A; Hamilton, contractor, be paid the sum of $720.00, for work done on the lower portion. of the North as per Sees Ss cer- &: tificate. That in regard to donimuniéation: from Chas. Mickel, re water, Con. 8 and 9, resolved _ that: said letter - be filed, "That the Gears and Clerk issue a cheque in favor of John Curtin, as per order of Wm. Connolly, for '$126, said amount being $121:00 balance of contract and $5.00 extras for culvert on Healy Drain as per Engineer' s eer- tificate. That Jacob Gloor Be paid |. $63.50 for work ear? a the tees and | The Fonthill Nurseries ge Read Drain, said amount i be charg- ed to said drain area. That John Rudolph«be paid $24.00 for inspecting bridge Lot 11, Con. 4 and 5, $4.50 of said amount to ba de- ducted from contractor's account. That P. Healy, Lot N% 5, Con. 13, be paid $15.00 for farm bridge on Healey Drain. That cheques be issued in favor of the Reeve for $3.00, the Assessor $3.00 and the Clerk $1.00, for services sel- ecting jurors. That this Council grant the sum of $500:00 in aid of the British' Red Cross Fund and the Clerk be author- ized to draft a by-law instructing the Treasurer to pay said amount to said Society. That by-law No. 531 of the Town- ship of Logan, granting the sum of $500.00 aid to the British Red Cross A REPRESEN TATIVE WANTED at once for yon istrict for "CANADA? S GREATES SERIES." Spring 1917 Planting Lis el ready. Splendid list of Hardy Canadian Grown Fruit and Ornamental Stock, inclnd- ing McIntosh Red Apple, St. Regis Everbear- jing Raspberry and many other leaders. New illustrated catalogue sent on application. Start now at best eenine ---- Libern pro- ee ae STONE & WELLINGTON Established 1837 peed ---- : 3 Heckman--In "Fullarton, Fund, as now: duly read, be finally passed, the Reeve and Clerk to sign and seal ¢thd same. - Accounts amounting to $3,633,96 were ordered paid he! meeting ad- journed to- meet agdin on November 27th at the usual time and jplace. --MARVIN LEAKE, Clerk. Stree Sa ee Tp Ne Births, Marriages and Deaths. --os BIRTHS. Mulholland--In Logan, on Saturday, October 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry "Mulholland (nee Miss Lily Saunders) a son, Wagner--At Mornington, on Friday, Nov. 3rd, to Pte. John and Mrs. ~ Wagner, a son, Crowley--In' Ellice, on Monday, Oc- tober 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. M. ~ Crowley, a son. Ahrens--In Logan, on Wednesday, November ist, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred W,. Ahrens, a son. MARRIAGES. MacLaren--Robins--At Toronto, on Thursday, November 2nd, py Rev. Dr. Neil, Mr. Kenneth Ferguson MacLaren, only son of Mr. A. F. MacLaren, ex-M.P., to Miss Mar- garet Adelaide, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Robins, of Toronto. On their return from their honeymoon, they will reside at "Strathrobyne," the home of the -bride's parents. -- _ _ DEATHS. "81st, Harry Edward, son of eo and Mrs. Wm. Heckman, oar years and , months, -- ee sare only daughter of| on October Fowl Supper and Iilustrat~« ed Lecture es oe Modern Babylon," or "A Visit to Lon-_ Presbyterian church, Crosshill, on Thursday, Nov. 9th, 'at 8.00 p.m., by. |the Rev. W..Moffat. The lecture 'will be illustrated with 180 beautiful col- ored views. Fowl supper will be serv- ed from (Six to eight p.m. in the base- ment. Admission; adults 28, chil- dren i5c, GRAND TRUN HIGHLANDS __ _OF ONTARIO CANADA The Home Red Deer and Moose OPEN SEASONS Deer--*°x ember 1st to sig he 15th inclusive. -- 3 Noveniber i Ast to eoseut : ~~ber 15th inclusive, In some -- of the Northern Districts _ of Ontario, including Tim- -agami, the' Open season is | trom November ist to Nov ~ember 30th inclusive. Moose-- pe er : Write for copy of ' 'Playgrounds--T ee Haunts, of Fish and Game,' giving -- Game Laws, pgs 3 oS ages Z sete; to C. E, HORNING, . z Union Station, ; peas: hs ae illustrated lecture - entitled--"A me don, England," will be given in the ~