Monkton Times, 16 Nov 1916, p. 4

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Som, -- The Sun Main Street "~ - | Fall Suits and _ | Overcoats-- ~ The Milverton Sun and Monkton Times ARE PUBLISHED > EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Printing Office MILVERTON, ONT. + es Subscription rates:--One year, $1.50 ; six months, 75c, in advance. Subscribers in ar- _ Years will be liable to pay $2.00 per year, Advertising rates on application, Advertisements without specific directions will be inserted until forbid and charged ac- cordingly. : : Changes for contract advertisements must be in the office by noon Monday, MALCOLM MACBETH, Publisher and Proprietor. BusinessCards Dr. M. C. Tindale, L.D.S. ~ Honor graduate Toronto University. CROWN and BRIDGE WORK a specialty' *Phone No. 88. : Office: Over Bank of Nova Scotia, ey Medical, Dr. P. L. Tye Office: Punnic DRuG STORE, MILVERTON Hours: 10 to12 a.m., 2 to 4 Bin and 7 to 8 p.m, Legal H. B. Morphy, K.C. Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton, LISTOWEL, MILVERTON, ATWOOD ; Offices: Listowel, Milverton, Money to Loan, F. R. Blewett, K.C. Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto. Office ; Gordon Block STRATFORD, ONTARIO Harding, Owens & Goodwin Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Gordon Block, - STRATFORD, ONT. Money to Loan, R, T. HARDING W.G, OWENS W. E. GooDWIN Veterinary. J. W. Barr, V.S. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, Treais all diséases of domesticated animals All calls promptly attended to. Societies. Milverton Lodge No. 478 A.F. & A.M., G.R.C. Meets every Monday evening on or before full moon every month in their hall in J, RB. Weir's block, Visiting brethren always welcome G, A. Barth, W.M, W, J. Zoeger, Secy. Silver Star Lodge No. 202 5.O. 03 -F: Meets every Friday night at 7.30 in their hall over Bank of Hamilton. Visiting brethren always welcome W. Henry, W.K.Loth, G. A. Barth, 2G Fin,-Secy. Rec,-Secy. Notary Public. W. D. Weir, - Notary Public Auctioneer for the Counties of Perth and Waterloo. Conveyancer, deeds, wills, mortgages drawn : and affidavits made. Village clerk, Officé: Weir block, over Bank of Nova Scotia A. Chalmers, - Notary Public . Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses J.P. for the County of Perth. Real estate bought and sold. A few choice farms for immediate sale. MONKTON, ONTARIO Nelson Merrick, - Auctioneer for Waterloo, Wellington and Perth Counties. Estimates given on sales of farms and farm stocks. Office, next to Bank of Nova Scotia, Linwood Hotels _ The Queens Hotel Best accommodation for eommercial trav- ellers and others. Two large Sample Rooms. GEO. F,. PAULI, Prop., - Milverton, Ont, ba 2 g ro e STRATFORD, ONT. ~ Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Departments. : Students may enter at any time. We : oe graduatesin positions. During uly and August we received applica- tions for over 200 office assistants we - could not supply. Write for our free Catalogue at once. J D. A. McLACHLAN, ~~ Principal Important news for all _ who are concerned about. buying a New Fall Suit - or Overcoat. _ We selected the most ser- __viceable fabrics we could - find at a small advance _ in price, therefor, we can _ give you the best value "for your mone vie - Our motto is honest busi--- ness, fair dealing toevery | one, good goods at as low a price as possible. ATWOOD Mr. George Anderson, who has spent the summer in the West, returned for the winter. : -The dance, which was held in the -|Musio Hall, on Friday night, was fair- \ly well attended and a very enjoy- able time was spent by all. Mrs. H. Wilkinson, who has been in the West for about three months, has returned home... Shea Mrs, Margaret Switzer announces the engagement of her daughter, An- nie Gordon to Mr. Norman Gould. The wedding to take place quietly the lat- ter part of this month. | " Mr R, A, Thompson has purchased a seven passenger Studebaker car, Miss Alice McMane, of Milverton, spent Sunday with friends here. We are sorry ta report the serious illness of Mr. Thos. for him a speedy recovery. Mr. D. Faulkner, of Atwood, spent the week-end at his home in Tees- water. Word 'has been received by Mr. John Leonard that his son, Gordon, who was in the 7ist Battalion, is missing. Mrs, Chas. Wynn and daughter, Annie, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Chas. Roe. The W.M.S. held their Thankoffer- ing meeting in the basement of the Presbyterian church on Wednesday night. A very large crowd was pres- ant and enjoyed the address by Mr. Dayfoot as well as the rest of the splendid program, The reports read from the different Branch -Societies show a decided progress both in of- ferings and membership, The offering for the evening amounted to $45.00. Rev. Mr. Fair and Miss Fair re- turned home from London on Tues- day, where they were attending the funeral of the late Mrs, (Rev.) Fair. Miss Jessie Anderson spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Jas. Buchanan. A number from here attended the Anniversary services held at Done- gal on Sunday. Mr. Robert Forrest spent part of last week visiting his daughter, Mrs. Edgar, of Howick. Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Porter, of Grey. are visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Alex Porter. Word has been received from Corp. Lloyd Vallance, who is in a hospitai in England, that his wounds are heal- ing fairly well, although the shoulder is worse than they first thought as the bone had been touched by. the shrapnel. The cards and kind letters which he received were indeed very welcome. Mr. Wm. Lambe has purchased the store which he now occupies from Mr. George Lochhead. Miss Gladys Moffatt, of Carmunock, is spending a few days with Mrs. W. H. Jolly. Mrs. Horace Williams and children, of Landis, Sask., are visiting with Mrs. Williams' parents, Mr. and Mrs Wm, Gilmer. Mrs. John Inglis, of New. York, spent last week visiting at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. W. G. Inglis. Mr. Chester Little spent the week- end with his sister, Mrs George Doug- las, of Palmerston. Miss Sarah Boyd has returned aft- er visiting with friends in Niagara for some time. Miss Rebecca McFarlane, of Mil- verton, is visiting with*Mr. and Mrs. Thos, McFarlane. -------- 4----- WARTBURG The shooting match held at the Orange hall here was a grand suc- cess. There were 18 men who shot as follows; Ed Graver, captain, 40, Stanley Henry 45, Fred Middleditch 39, George Dungey 36, Henry Schaub- er 42, Jack Heimpel 41, David Graver 37, M. V. Henry 43, Roy Henry 21: total 344. Wm..Riechl, captain, 49, Ed Fischer 33, Albert Middleditch 21, Robert. Henry 30, Norman Fischer 32, Bert Middleditch 87, Jack Henry 40, George Heimpel 46, Andrew Eghoetz 45; total 883. Mrs. Albert Middle- ditch provided the with a free supper. Mr. Stanley R. Henry and Miss Vera L. Henry left last Wednesday to attend a wedding at Kelvin. Mr. and Mrs. C. Leahman spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Har- loff. : Mr. and Mrs, Robert Henry and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hanna, of Mornington. The ball which was held by Orangemen 'was a_ grand _ success, there being about fifty couple in at- tendance, Messrs. John Henry and Wm. Rus- ton attended a big sale of thorough- bred Durham cattle at London last Wednesday. There were some 80 head offered and sold from $150 up to $400 per head. Miss Priscilla MeMane, of Milverton, is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Henry of Fruithill, Miss Sadie Henry is spending the week-end with friends in Hickson. Mr, Alf Middleditch and Mrs. R. Henderson spent a few days last week visiting their sister, Mrs. Wilson, of Hamilton, who is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Moore Henry and Miss Myrtle spent Sunday at Mr, and Mrs. Wanna's, Mornington. ------}----- LISBON Mr. and Mrs. Henry Witzel spent Saturday and Sunday at the latter's home in Listowel. Mr. John and Silvia Streicher spent Saturday in Stratford. Messrs. Heniy Koch and Alfred Kneisel visited friends in Kitchener on Sunday, ' Mr, John Baltzer attended the Strat shooters the |ford market on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pfaff spent Sun- day at the home of Mrs, Fred Reh- berg. Mr. George Streicher has the con- tract of hauling brick to the Welles- ley cheese factory. - Mr, Herman Ruchig De at present working on the GTR. near Pal- | merston, = Mr. and Mrs. Eph Koch and fam- ily spent Sunday with Mrs, Koch's parents in Amulree, 2 Mr, and Mrs. George Neumeister were the guests of Mr. Jacob Seftel, near Phillipsburg, on Sunday. Mr, John Broderecht, of New Ham- }burg, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, Wm. Becker, : Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Wegenest, of Stratford, spent Sunday with the lat- i|ter's parents here. : | Butchering is the order of the day.| Mr. John Hohl, brick and tile mfgr.,|. - H|has still got some first-class brick on]~ ee ct: PONEWPON 3 = \ Mr. and Mrs. z hand. -- : ited over the week-end with friends here. : ans as day at Mr. C. 'Yost's. ' Miss Florence Wagner, who is at- tending the Stratford Normal School, I| visited over the week-end with her parents, here. == =. 'Mr. Jim Omond, Mr. and Mrs. Mel- n Hammond and Miss McGregor, of age called on Mr. and Abel and wish) | R. Middleton spent | }| part of last week at the home ci Mr. ]. Chas. Donley. ~-- : eee Mrs. Jas. Lockie, of Waterloo, vis-| -- Mr. and Mrs. Irving Seigner and| -- 'and family, of Stratford, speat Sun- LINWOOD TOPICS The Women's Institute met at the home of Miss Fish. on Wednesday, Nov. 8th. The meeting was well at- tend and an excellent paper was giv- en by Mrs. Schnurr. Anyone desiring to do sewing for the Red Cross may get a supply from Miss Fish at her office. . tes aS at A number from here attended the Presbyterian Church Anniversary Ser- vices held at Hawkesville on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. C. Montach and family of Petersburg, spent Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. C. Boegel. The meeting held in Schnurr's halt on Wednesday evening last was 4 decided success. The program render- éd was very interesting. A number of young people took in the fowl supper at Crosshill, on Thurs- day evening last. Mr. and Mrs. John Dunnington and daughter, Ivy, spent the week-end with friends in Stratford. Miss Behima Tanner, of Millbank, spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Marie Crawford. * Miss Ruby Goetz left on Tuesday for Wallenstein where she will spend seme time with her sister, Mrs. Mar- tinson. Mrs. Herb Allemang and children, at present visiting her mother, Mrs Milner. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Crookshanks spent Friday in Kitchener. The property and household offeects of the late Mrs. Goetz will be sold on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Evans, of Ham ilton, are visiting at the home of Mr. Wesley Evans. Rev. Maynard, of Waterloo, will oceupy the pulpit of the Methodist Church next Sunday morning. Mr. Wm. Coulter, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. Robert Cathcart. On Wednesday. Nov, 8th, Rev. Fr. Weider celebrated the 12th Anniver- sary of his ordination to Priesthood. Miss Rosie Meyer returned home on Thursday last after spending the millinery season in Toronto. Mr. Herb Schlegel, of Waterloo, spent a few days last week with his brother, Norman of this place. The friends of Mr. John McKenty will be pleased to jhear that he is im- proving. at A number of our young ladies en- joyed a fowl supper in the parlors be- longing to Miss Libby Milner, on Thursday evening. Mr. Wesley Cathcart, of Kitchener, spent the week-end at his home here. Wedding bells are ringing around our burg. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Farrell and Mr. Albert Gibbons motored Ito Water- loo on Sunday. a Messrs. Bert Heinbuch, Henry Kar- ley, Alex. Jacobs, and Mr. Devitt, of Kitchener, called on Linwood friends while on their way to Milverton to see Mr. Jacobs' father, who is very ill. Mr. Moses Stever left on Monday for Toronto to attend the telegraphy school. Miss Mary Clarke spent the week- end with her brother in Guelph. their homes here. ; : Mr. F. H. Schummer is wearmg &% broad smile these days--its a little '| baby . girl. Miss Edna McKay left on Saturday to spend a few days in London. Z Messrs Jacob and John Wilker, o! Tavistock, spent Sunday with their brother here. Misses Rosie Meyer Flachs spent Sunday with the ter's father, Mr. Flachs, at St. eph's hospital. An interesting event took place at nine o'clock on Wednesday morning, Noy. 9th, at St. Joseph's Church Macton, when Miss Lizzie Weidner, of Macton, was united in marriage to Mr. Wm. Kettel, also of Macton The marriage was performed "by Rev Father W. J. Weidner, brother of the bride and was assisted by the Rev. Frs, Arnold, of Drayton, Wey, of St. Clements, Dantzer, of Hesson, Engel- hardt, of Hamilton. The bridesmaid was Miss Emma Kittel, sister of the groom, while the groomsman was Mr, Charles Leis, of Elmira. The bride was dressed in a navy blue suit with frat to match and the bridesmaid was was dressed in blue with picture hat to match. Only the immediate friends of the contracting parties were pres- ent, The happy couple left on Thurs- day morning for Erie, Fa., and other points. On their return in about a month they will take up residence on the groom's farm near Macton. --_-------- LISTOWEL Mr. and Mrs. James Hawthorne, of Newton, spent Sunday with the for- mer's sister, Mrs, Wm. Loughran. Miss Margaret McCracken, of Ver- non, B.C., is spending a couple of weeks with Mrs, Jos. McCracken. Mr. Harvy Seeheaver spent Sunday with friends at Donegal. Mr. Colonel Laughran and friend spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kincade's. Rey. and Mrs. Ball are spending, a few days with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hymers, Mr. and Mrs, D. F. Hymers and Miss Dina Hymers, of Elma, spent a day last week visiting friends on the third line. : Mr. Fred Manning, of Petawawa, and Floyd, of Guelph, spent a few days last week visiting their parents, Mr and Mrs. Wm. Manning. Mr. Jim Burnett, of Tralee, spent Sunday evening at Mr. Wm. Me- Cartney's. Mr. Feick, of Ayton, is spending a few weeks with his daughter, Mrs. George Bender. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Walker, of Lis- towel, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walker. Mr. Emerson Salter and the Misses Gertie and Edna Salter were the guests of Miss Ida and Mr. Austin Faulkner over Sunday. Mr. Dave McCrackin and Archie Livingstone took in the Patriotic fowl supper at Mr. Henry Nesbitt's last Thursday evening. lat- Jos- Margaret and Billie, of Toronto, are | Ptes, George Dunnington, Alf Hack-} ett, Chris Beckner and R. Lutz, of the | 118th, London, spent the week-end at) and Luella! WELLESLEY COUNCIL Council met in Township hall, Cross- hill, Nov. 6th. Members all present and J. Reidel in chair. . the hall appeared before the Council introduced by Dr. D. McEachren, of Linwood, asking for a grant of $1,509 or $1,000 for the British Red Cross. Among the speakers who addressed the Council were; Rev. J. Reble, .Dr, Glaister, Dr. McHachren and Messrs. G. Hueffner, G. A. Barbour, R. Hooey, | Henry Hostettler, H, Kelly, F. Ber- deaux, Wm, Calder and N, Roe. . The Reeve replied to the deputation stating that he was in full sympathy of the cause but the rate for the pres- ent year had been struck and the rolls made out. The other members of the Council also expressed themselves in sympathy with the proposition where- upon it was moved by J. T. Petch anz seconded by J. L. McKay that the ; Township of Wellesley grant one | thousand dollars to the British Red 'Cross Fund, cheque to be forwardea |and made payable to Hon, T. W rr eae Provincial Treasurer.--Car- ried. | The by-law compensating owners of sheep killed by dogs was amended by making it optional on the part of the | Council as to the necessity of paying two thirds of damages caused by dogs Meyer--Petch that all road-lists ;must be sent to the Clerk on or be- 'fore the 15th day of Noy. in order \that the County Clerk may approx- imate the amount of work done or County roads. | George N. Huehn was given $10.00 compensation for sheep killed by dogs. | Meyer--Petch that this Council hold 'a special meeting at St, Clements on Monday, Nov. 20th, for the purpose of grouping 1 ists for all parties hav- ing_to ~perform statute labor on County roads in this Municipality.-- Carried. | McKay--Petch that the Reeve is- 'sue his order in payment of the fol lowing accounts.--Carried. Peter F. Lichty culvert and gravel- ling on townline, half pay, 'Mrs, C. L. Jantzi gravel account, halt pay, $24.90; Moses Steinman rep. cul- vert, half pay, $5.00; Wm. Rutherford gravel, $25.90; D. K. Roth rep. bridge and filling in approach, $5.45; Joel 'Jantzi, gravel to pathmasters, $35.00 Christ. Bier rep. culvert, $8.50; M. Schmidt rep. culvert, half pay, $1.25; Herman Mittlcholz gravelling, $49.12, \C. Parsill Div. Court att., $10.00; W. F. Holling, rep. culvert and teaming plank, $2.00; Wm. Axt rep, culvert, $2.00; 'Thost {Hackett drawing posts and plank, $3.00; P. Ament large bolts for bridge, $2.00; Thos, Adam gravel. $26.86; Mrs. C. Boegel lumber acc't., $11.71; Val, Schneider tile, half pay, $5.00; E. C. Knoblauch tile, half pay, $2.97; Louis Baechler gravel acc't.. $100.00; Josiah W. Martin gravel, $5.25; Menno F. Martin, gravel, $44.- 70; Christ Fry gravel, $12.80 W. H. Shaner work on road, $4.00; A. K. Meyer irons for bridge, $3.25; George A. Tilt gravel, $22.20; Jonas Sheffner | work on road machine, $13.30; Chas Logel gravelling, $40.00 5 Adam /Schmidt, shovelling gravel, $6.55; F. Foerster spreading gravel, 75c; HF Gascho teaming and posts, $2.00; Mal- colm MacBeth ad. to tenders, $3.50; | Wilmot Tp, Council work on road, $7.60; Mrs. Coote gravel account, $56.- /20; Robert Johnson gravel contract. half pay, $52.82; Jos. Cassell, oversee- jing gravel contract, $5.00; Jas. Birm- iingham payment in full and nis share lye No.6 drain, $761.12; Sam Hieron- imus gravel, $53.45; Alfred Ograni 'stone ete., $15.00; V. Heric Treas. annual salary, $1225.00; Jos. Ament |work on bridge, 32.40; Isaac Hewitt fshovelling gravel, $4.00; Jos. Ertel | putting in sewers, $8.00; August Her- 'zog rep. bridge, $1.00; A. B. Robert- /son paid insurance hall, $1.26; aN Ke | Leighton work on road machine, 1.35. Moved by J. L. McKay seconded by 'J. T. Petch that this Council do now jadjourn to mect again on Monday. 'the 4th day of December, 1916, at ten o'clock in the forenoon at the Township hall, Crosshill.--Carried. he GADSHIL Mrs. Wm. Stewart visite with her daughter, Mrs. F. Hender- son, at Sebringville. Mr. and Mrs. S. Headon spent Thursday of last week with the for- mer's father, Mr. Tom Headon, of Brunner. Mrs. C. Ropp visited one day last week with her mother, Mrs, J. Ropp. at Poole. Miss A. Goforth end with her sister. at Stratford. Miss Margaret Stewart, of Brun- ner, visited last week with her aunt, Mrs C. Quipp. A number of neople from Gadshili attended the dance ziven in Strat- ford on Friday n'zht. Mr, T. Eliiott and daughter, Laura visited on Sunday with Mr. R Henderson, of Sebringville. Mr. and Mrs, A. Kipfer and. chil- dren, of New Homburg, visited Sunday at the home of his brother, Mr. 8. Kipfer. Miss J. Nichols spent the week-end with friends in Stratford. Mrs. 8. Kipfer and daughter, Flor- ence, made a business trip to Strat- ford on Saturday. week- Smith, the PS apent ALES; ee ae ee MACTON Miss Minnie Nurse returned home from Glenallan on Saturday night. Quite a number from here attended the Women's Institute held at the tome of Mrs. A. B. Snyder, at Glen- allan on Saturday afternoon. Miss Edna Newton spent Saturday with her cousin, Miss Ruth Holt, of Glenallan. _ Miss Vera Mewhinney intends spend ing some time in Glenallan. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ernst spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs George Beggs. : Wedding bells are ringing around our burg. Quite a number from here attend- ed the Rally Day Service which was held in the Methodist Sunday School pat Glenallan, Ask Your "3 Z Gin Pills had done for me. The first box Eight boxes were entirely and to bring Isadore Thomas.'? Your druggist sells Gin Pills--50c. a box, -- Sample free if you mee cee | AV AAAS Ginpills My case was ver. daily expected. than I had to endure. my letter so that people may know what . _ relieved me a great deal, _ sufficient to cure me me back to perfect or 6 boxes for $2.50. write to- : Tilley Road, N.B. es res : : May ist, 1915. "My trouble was gravel in the bladder. serious and my death was o suffering could be worse I beg you to publish 'NATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL -€0O. OF CANADA, LIMITED 2 Toronto, Ont. 52 U. 8. Address--Na-Dru-Co, Inc, 202 Main St, Buffalo, Gore A large deputation that nearly filled | $104.00; , d last week |#. Clarke $7.00, John on} AS Ey So 3 re UNDERWEAR: _ The weather man says colder weather is comin ~-- Our Stock of Woollen PERFECT : FITTING Goods has Never Been Khaki Flannel at ........ ssereterrerees Military Flannel at.......--sesseesseste tes Red Blannel at ccdvcex osseeoeeite soe Benes Grey Flannel at......+2:s0sesseectrrerres g. Are you prepared for this forecast ? Better Priced -- 45 and 55c yard sven 40C yard 55¢ yard © 25 to 35¢ yard -- Navy Blue Flannel at ....-- -ss0 + Flannelettes Our big' stock of Flannelettes is great value. All bought be- fore the advance in price. Dress Goods Our large range of Serges at.... 95c is a wonder. Wholesale price of these Serges is $1.15 yard. Silks! Silks! We have our stock in fine shape. Our black silks are get. ting us Big Business. Prices range from $1.00 Stocked at Loth's Made from pure worsted yarn Come in and see them. underwear with other ma the heavy and the $1.50 to 2.00 per garment. ; » shi t has come to hand. es POE thet kes. We have Stanfield's in both lighter weights. Stanfield's Usshrinkable Underwear Compare this -- Ranging price from Fancy Pea d ackets These coats are made of the choicest wool and are very warm. Worth to-day, $5 $8.00 ; our price Overcoats Our stock of Men's and Boy's Overcoats is now complete. All made of good, heavy wool Hawe's Hats These celebrated hats are now in stock. Colors grey, fawn, steel and navy. Peabody's Overalls -- Our stock is going down, still selling at $1.50. Price must advance soon to $1.75. Now is the time to stock up. See our big special line of Mc- oe os a Grocery Specials Blue Bird Cornflakes, 3 for.25¢ Steel Cut Coffee, per lb .. .35¢ Peanut Butter, per jar....15¢ -- Butcher's Pepper, per lb. .35e Whole Pepper, choice alb.35c -- Ladies driving to our store will have their horse taken care of. CHICKS 15 to 16c. FOWL 14 to 15c. Must be nicely cleaned. No thin fowl wanted. Bring them not later than Thursday evening. Prices this week are as follows: GEESE 14 to 15c. We Make a Specialty of Dressed Poultry. . - - Bring us Yours DUCKS 15 to 16c. LARD 18c. _ K WM. K. LOTH, 'The Square Deal Store" MILVERTON MORNINGTON COUNCIL The Council met in the Township hall, Newton, on Monday, Nov. 6th. at 10.00 o'clock, with ali the members present, The Clerk read the minutes of the regular meeting heid on Oct. 8rd, which were adopted and signed by the Reeve and Clerk. A by-law numbered 493 tor the Lang ford Drain Repairs was read and pro- visionally adopted. Orders were issued for the follow- ing amounts; Wm, Saylor $22.80, rep. bridge and gravel contract; John Kuepfer $13.00, R. Cherry $6.50, M Vollmex $1.00, W. i. Shearer $45.80, Al. Wray $8.55, Thomas Lannin $33.50 Mrsi H. Diamond $28.00, W. F. Ruth- erford $104.00, Mrs. H. Voll 50c, A. Yost $48.40, W. B. Struthers 97,00, J. L. Ropp $6.80, Roy Fleming $1.75, gravel to pathmasters; H. Miltleholz $49.10 gravel contract. t.l..n, half cost; E. D. Bolton $1.00.00, account for Langford Drain and the Hanley Award Drain; Arch Maynard $54.88, gravel contract Con, 7, Lots i5 and i6; Women's In- stitute $25.00, grant; Thomas Dewar $3.00, selecting jurors; Ed Murr $12 assisting in survey of Langford Drain: Henry Klockman 50c, stone to path- master; Wm. Reinwald $4.00, stone ta :pathmasters and work on grader sideroad 15 and 16; David Davidson $10.50, gravel contract, Con. 7; Wm. Waddell $25.00, preparing by-law Langford Drain, $4.00 selecting jur- ors, $5.00 Clerk's fees Hanley Award Drain; Jas. Smith $8.00, ditching on Con. 6, Lots 9 and 10; Ed Gallop $15.00g farm bridge on Hymer Drain; A. Wood $1.00, overseeing work on t.l.n. half cost; F. Mittleholz $3.50 rep. bridge, Con .11; J. Gilbert $16. ditching boundary west; Ed Bier $3.00 shovelling snow t.l.,e. half cost; Chas. Pinder $5.00, repairing road, Con. 6. 'The Council adjourned to meet again on Dec. 4th, at ten o'clock in 'the forenoon --WM. WADDELL, Clerk. << KINGWOOD Mr. 'and Mrs.' Ben Yost; of Poole, visited Mrs. Wm. R. Yost, on Fri- day last. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Dewar and little dawehter. Mary, visited at Mr. John Fleming's, of Poole, on Thurs- day last. Mrs. Wm. Yost, and son, Clarence, spent Monday at Mr. Sam Jacobs' Gravelridge. Mrs. Archie Seigner has returned home after spending a week at the home of her parents, near Shakes- peare. Master Morris Yost, and Mrs. John Yost, is recovering slowly from his illness. We hope he will soon be his usual self. Miss Sadie Hammond spent a few days last week with friends in Wel- lesley and Crosshill. A number from here attended the fowl supper in Crosshill last Thursday evening and report having had a good time. The lecture being very profit- able. : mo Miss Maude Freeborn spent Sun- day at her home here. The Ladies' Aid of Zion Church are holding a Patriotic Tea at the home of Miss Kyle, on Thursday of this week, : : son of Mr. a DONEGAL Miss Ella Harrow was the guest of a friend, Miss S. Cooper, on Sunday ast, : : Mr. George Hammond and sister, Miss Mabel, of Maitland, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cockwell. 2 "Miss Willa Barr spent Sunday at the home of Mr. J, 8. Cowan. : The Anniversary Services held here on Sunday last were largely attended, Miss Bessie Smith, of Brussels, is _jwisiting her friend, Miss Florence Cockwell, -- eed | Midland, rr O78. quirements. have the first call-- il ES MM or-- "MADE IN CANADA"' The 1917 Ford Runabout -- $475.00 FORD, ONTARIO oe hee nets ; If you fancy a light car for everyday service, the new model Ford Runabout will fit your re- ' Smooth running and easy to handle, the Run- about is always ready for action, winter or sum- mer, over all kinds of roads, and it gives high mileage on low gasoline cost. i : You ought to see the new model at once if you want one this season. Orders given now f= MILVERTON GARAGE i E. H. GROPP, Proprietor WELLESLEY The Messrs, J. W and i ~ oe Wy C. Fi - hauer spent Sunday with their ae er, George, in Woodstock, Fie cece B. ere Spent a few days = in Elmira with her daugh- We understand Faber received one be installed in his cg future, r. F. Bivour h i shipment = bers Reig ecs another r. Charlie Wagner. h : the electrical fixtures of Rock'n sue a of Berlin, and is taken Wisin ie oe ee te 2 supervision : A rs. : E wae jae -- : B. West, 'of Elm- te and Mrs, L. Schaub that Mr. Henr of his motors ' grist mill in the Mr. John Leopk employ of Mr. C last 8 years, and-is leavin near future --------4--.- : Se ane - CARTHAGE r. and Mrs, J, K_ 1 ' rig ee oad Fe, Mayburry and ae oe r. Ralph Schneider." Mich., is visiti the father, Mr. Chas. he oi ees Kerr, 0 a few da week: Avitk fe ys ee week Jwith friends Mr. Sam John with his. Ses a e, who was in the Severed his connection & for Kitchener jin the Dr, r, Johnston, of Mrs .Walter Murray. Bee aT last week Mrs. John Martin, 'Mr. and Mrs, K d family, of few days at the home | : and Mrs. M. Schaub isit- | ing friends in Sebringville test. wee: : - Hammer for the}: ay with friends in| = | SATISFACTION GUARANTEED pent last week | BY thee Muscles Strengthened E eadaches Cured, Cross -- Eyes in Many cases Straightened : when glasses are fitted b Y thi advanced system. Children's accurately examined withou asking questions : E P. H. BASTENDOR! Parents, Mr. and Mrs, G. Lines. ae and Mrs. A, Walker, of en Spent the week:end at the ho on r. John Herron, ie: al iss Wilson, of Atwood, spent Mc : he home of her uncle,

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