Monkton Times, 28 Dec 1916, p. 8

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the Hydro-Electrio Power Commission of Ontario, whatever works may be re- quired for the supply of electric en- ergy or power in addition to such el- ectric energy or power as is already supplied or can be obtained under the existing contract with the Hydro-El- ectric Power Commission of Ontario. Therefore the Council of the Cor- poration of the village of Milverton enacts as follows; 1. That the following question be submitted to the ratepayers of the Municipal Corporation of the village of Milverton entitled to vote on money by-laws: Are you in favor of having the muni- cipality develop or acquire through the | Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, whatever works may be re- quired for the supply of electric en- ergy or power in addition to such electric power as is already obtained un- der the existing contract with the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of | Ontario? 2. That the votes of the said stion | payers shall be taken on this question at the Council Chamber in the Public} Library Building, on Monday, the Ist | day of January, A.D., 1917, beginning | at nine o'clock in the morning and continuing until five o'clock in the afternoon, by W. D. Weir, Returning | Officer and H.C. Hasenpflug, Poll| Clerk. be published in the Milverton Sun newspaper on the 14th, 21st and 28th days of December, 1916, and a true copy of this by-law shall be posted up at the Bank of Hamilton, Bank of Nova Scotia, Office of the Village Clerk and the Public Drug Store in said} village. 4, On the 28th day of December. 1916, at Clerk's office, the village Milverton, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon the Reeve, will, in writing signed by him, appoint two persons to attend at the final sum- ming up of the votes by the Clerk of this Corporation, and son to attend each polling Main street, in plac on behalf of the persons interested in| and desirous of the answering of the said question in the affirmative, and a like number on behalf of the sons interested in and desirous of the answering of the said question in th negative respectively. 5. The 2nd day of January, 1917 at the Clerk's Office Milverton, ten o'clock in the forenoon is hereby appointed for the summing up by th Clerk of this Corporation of the num ber of votes given in affirmative and in the negative respectively. (Corporate Seal) Made, passed and enacted this 12th day of December, 1916. GEO, WwW. J, COXON, D. Reeve, WEIR, Clerk. NOMINATION 3. A true copy of this bylaw set per- | at | Apply at once to C. S. GROSCH, Mil- verton, Ont. | 200 bushels of O.A.C. 72. 200 bushels of Siberian and a quantity of Banner Oats suitable for seed, 200 bushels of and O.A.C. 21 Barley, Manchuria ex- } No. |'T9 do your work as I hev wrote; And, when your job is done, Ken rest if thare is time enuf Or find anuther wun. tra choice. Also car of Western 1 Feed Oats. Apply to W.B. STRUTH- | ERS, Milverton. | Dissolution of Partnership Notice is hereby given that the co- partnership heretofore subsisting be- tween the undersigned as genera! farmers, under the firm name of Wagler and Zehr, at the Township of Mornington, Ontario, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due to said partnership are to} be paid to Gideon Wagler, Ginwood, and all partnership debts to be paid by him. Gideon Wagler, Daniel Zehr. Millbank, Dec. 8th, 1916. | TOWNSHIP OF MORNINGTON S| Notice is hereby given that Nomina ltions for a Reeve and Four Council- lors for 1917 will be held in the Tp. \fiall Newton, on Friday. Dec. 22nd, 11916, at one o'clock in the 1fternoon | | In the event of an election being | l held yoting will take place on Monday. | Jan. ist, 1917, at the following places: | | Division No. 1--In Wm. Orr's House, } | | ] | | | | | | IN Lot 5, Con. 2, J. O. Fleming, D | R.O 1d James Semple, poll-clerk. | Division No. 2--In the Public School | House in 8.8. No. 2, Robert Magwood, | \D.R.O. and Wm. Mayberry, poll-clerk i Division No. 3--In the Township H |Newton, Henry Freeborn, D.R.O. and |} Wm. Jack, poll- clerk. . K| Division No. 4--In the Forester s Hall | one per-|Garthage, Alex. Ross, D.R.O. and Don. | { | Askin, poll-clerk. | Division No, 5--In the Public School | House, 8.8. No. 15, Samuel Loney, D. |R.O. and Wm. McAuley, poll-clerk. Division No. 6--In Ritter's Hall, Mill- bank, Wm. B. Freeborn, D.R.O. Wesley Coulter, poll-clerk. | WILLIAM WADDELL, Returning Officer. W. D. WEIR'S LIST OF Properties For Sale ! +] = | | $900--Will buy a good comfortable | dwelling on Maple St., Milverton. | $1100--Will buy a good frame ling, 1% storey with addition 1 | storey, | soft water, } Milverton. hard and acre, on Maple St., You'll find it easier by far | z and } dwel- | } My wurd and pam is law. } To cotton on to me, And let me do the thinkin part, Then your mind wil be free. Now see wot I hey offered you;-- Thares home! Thare's Thare's bliss ! And if you live a hundred years, You'll git no chans lik this. grubb ! So send me wurd wen you can kum (Never mind your mother), It will save me running roun the toun fo try to fined anuther. | | Sa | The Girl's Reply You pig! I've read your stupid note | And put it in the fire, he Where you would if your four | wiv Could If I'd consent And you You would No Mister nderground ; | | | | | | | i 1 | | plair | The fol thi of 8. 8. } it, Morning th ( hs of Nov-| ember and December { Total £ } Sr. IV Ken- |neth Curtis 407 }sell Schlotzhauer |. Jr. IV--Adelin |Mank 303, Hazel R idd Sr. I1]--Willie Kropf 419, Margaret {Mueller 40: r 379, Edna | Yost 357, Elva Roe | 318 i 2, Earl Hen-} rman 302, iOesch 31f | omon Steckly 212, ent for 2exams 5 g r absent, | Ii--Total 375--Vernal Tanner 278, F.| | Henning 73, Addella Kropf 259, Dave} |Schwartzentruber 215, Reuben Steckly | 2 Robina McWilliam 211,Nettie Cur- | Lay, } 212, Robina MeWilliam 211, Nettic Cur- | itis 176, Vera Zimmerman, Mattie Cross | and Melvin Wittig, absent. | | I--Per Cent.--Lydia Mueller 85, L. | $1000--Will buy a good dwelling, part|Tanner 84, Wilfred Candler 68, Haro 1] NOTICE brick and part frame, splendid | Wagner 65 Reitta Roulston 60, Ethel] | location, Maple st., Milverton, Roe 48, | Take notice the above is a true copy |$1550--Will buy splendid brick house | I. M. DURST, Teacher. | of a by-law passed by the Municipal with hard and soft water, 1-5 acre Specie } Council of the village of Milverton, on| good stabling on Temperance St., ms 4 . eB the 12th day of December, 1916. Milverton.--A Snap. The following is the report And further take notice that at $850--Will buy the cottage on Main | No. 6, Mornington, with the average | the hour, day and places therein fix- St., Milverton, lot 44, Yo acre, marks in recent examinations. Honors | ed for taking the votes of the electors corner lot. ky see : Sek the polls will be held. $5500--Will buy Lot 15, Con. 7, Morn pee LV --Shi don W 1tson 60, Emma } First publication 14th day of De- ington, 84 acres splendid land, Erler 19, Nellie Dowd 75. : | cember, 1916. i close to school, station and Mill-}_ Sr. Ilii--Richard Moore 82, Evelyn | W. D. WEIR, bank, comfortable dwelling, flat Reid 81, Irene Meadows £0, Sheldon | Village Clerk. barn. good stabling, flowing spring mals 77, Alyin Erler 73, Elmer Reid ' : as: ' } ' ' Come and see me if you want to sia rte a Council A hamber, 2th day of De-j puy or sell your dwelling or farm. It } Sr, 1i--Harold Robinson (9. : cember, 1916, will pay you : Jr, 1J--Mildred Erler 80, Grace Gray : 76, !--Dorothy Watson 72. COMMERCIAL Primer--John Gray 78. IE IDA G, CURRIE, Teacher. Wheat, NEW sscssseee cveeseee 1:60 $1 60 et - Barley per bushel... ......++ 90 90 Best in the World ] Oats wy be 12 12 tea AR S Peas a e 200 2 00 : ) é Flour, Jewel per cwt....... 4 7 4 15 Public Opinion, London, Eng, '© Banner perewt....... 5 00 5 00 "Certain standing Scottish -- tradi- * § Jewel per cwt...... 5 25 f 25 | tions, which may be carried across Bran per ton 84 00 34 00 the seas to new lands, are scarcely, : Dec, 80-31 st, 1916 Shorts per ton Ae 00 86.001. ot all. less: valuable than, Bool Single Fare ec: 80-Siet, +016 and eh chp LS TASS ah te BS ltish germ-plasm or racial stuff itself. 'return ur tibjan ond i +4 bo Hay per CON .scsaeeeesseeveeee 10 CO 12 00 lGonsidering quality and cost to for retur itil Jan. 2nd, 1917, fen ' wy : 8 ; y : roi - : aR Rs Hogs liveweight... ++-++++ LL 40 11 40\ccther, Scottish education is prob- Fare and One-Thir phe baht Butcher Cattle .....0. « 6 00 8 O0)ably, as it has lone been, the best in 1916, valid for return until Jan, 3rd, Potatoes per bag........... 9 15 2 15|the world. Scotland is the only 1917. RiG¥G << ine diseelies str'<is 13 18|really educated part of the British : ; Nal lsed ic: cieetea Ad perees 6 g|Isles; one boy in four goes to Uni- Monee seduced fares apply between. at Ml as a ee '6 a Wale oo thn . . tariooein Canada eust of Port Arth- Turkeys Dressed,......0.+ 19 95 |versity. It is 'the only part of the ur and to Detrolt and Port Huron, Ducks " 19 19 British Isles, if not of the Empire, Mich, Buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara c Ae nde : "Ithat really believes in education. Falls and Suspension Bridge, fe Fi Chickens . a8 18 From the days of John Knox and the Tickets now on gale at all Hens 12 16 village school, to the compulsory G.T.R, Tickkt Offices. ig re 2 Wig aere tae ILO 18\continuation schools north of the , ; e , " NiONS, LArge.s..cecseevereees 5 6|Tweed to-day, Scotland has always H.C, BAIRD, Phone No. 1, Local Agent Wubthh Sckicnii. heseicic . 4242 |DeeD a Generation, or' .& convury in | GBS oss chesenccesnnse 40 50 |front of England in this respect, The consequences are to be observed -in For the good will that you have shown us during the past year => thank you every part of the Empire, from Lon- don outwards. where there are places of responsibility and difficulty to fill For the unthinkable responbibilities and difficulties of the Imperial prob- lem to the coming time we cannot have too much of such stuff, so nur- tured. iene eect i teat Begining of Berlin It was Frederick IL, styled the Iron, who constructed the first build- ing on the site of the modern Berlin, This was a eastle which. was the first domicile of the (Brandenburg electors. It was much damaged in the Thirty Years' War, but after this |the town started to loom up around jit. However, its present strength 'dates from the formation of the Ger- | man Empire, and ranks third, after Ponda was ess f 'S, tm population. of {the cities of Europe. ty \ Ea AT THE GLOSE OF THE BEST GHRISTMAS SEASON IN THE HISTORY OF THE FIRM WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNINTY OF THANK: ING YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS PATRONAGE AND WISHING YOU ALL A AND NEW YEAR : . me 2: 2 ine i 2 : a se 5s see oe ; * 2 ; : e A oie rare ae z =-- _ We will have a supply of a A Model Husband's 3 on hand during the fall and winter. -- New Jewelry Store {A carload just received. B, & N. | : Proposal a | oO : ¥ 'Planing Milt Co., Milverton. | pete ee SQ | eas | | ss in Monkton _ $$$ at Annonymous, Millbank oO oO O Oo Oo es oO 8) 4 |My dear, I taik the libbarty 4 .Vocaland Instrumental | To offer you a home, y FRANK has opened with - \'Thares lots of wurk and lots to eat; Striet attention given Prof: W. E. 'Wright, organist' an ; And so I hope you'll come. torepairiue of all kinds. choirmaster of the Listowel Metho | 4 dist Church will be in Milverton on I've lived around here sevral years, i Tuesday of each week. He is prepared And so I am well known; é HANSON'S OLD STAND ; to take a limited number of pupils |And you ken git my karacter = 4 for vocal and piano culture, Studio at| Frotr one in toun. . _ John B, Ritter's. 4-i. : "2 Ot eae ha I've hed four wives--all gone to rest; : Z re I've children, near a skore; 3 VILLAGE OF MILVERTON WANTED But sum of 'em hev gone away oO RAISE: le MSE tors EE -_-- And so I want sum more. 3 BY-LAW N 1 as STONE FOR CRUSHING. Intez-|,, 04, accept, as I expect 0, = 4 @} view Reeve or Councillors of Mil- WOE ROCEDA e Ghpton: Tli-git the paipers drawn, ae oats And tel you all about my wage, To take the vote of the ratepayers of; Purchase will be made of a number And what we ken live on. the Village of Milverton entitled to of good milk cows due to freshen in|,, g : vote om money by-laws on a question the spring. If you have any for sale I've got a list all figgered out Ej to be submitted whether the said rate- drop a card to box "M," Sun Office For what you've got to do; ea ee J payers are in favor of having the muni | yjjlverton, stating number for sale Then you need not hey to worry cipality develop or acquire through and lowest cash price wanted. As how you will pull through. i | . the Hydro-Electric Power Commis- E 3 sion of Ontario, whatever works may} = a = |f{ brake in all my wives miself be required for the supply of electric | Oh! yes! you bet I do! energy or power in addition to; FOR SALE I see that thay all turn out rite. sJectri rer as is alres % Eee Ss ee te F And k , I ken tre ; suehlectrio power ssiselread?, su0-) "x good serviceable driver. Apply to] ON" 0" | oO the existing éontraet saith "thé J. KELTERBORN, Milverton, Ont. I give em propper libbaty, Hydro-Electric Power Commission of 2 1.000 al ; ee tats i (Just wot I think's enutf), Ontario. me wen Sn a ee gaat I smooth em doun in my oun way ------- bark 1 8 soy "a Sane ud Wenair they cut ff. used in the rink. Will be sold at kas gent Be rs Whereas the Municipal Council of|less than half price. R. MILLER, |p ye never struck oo Ga fis ; the Corporation of Milverton deems it | Milverton, Ont. VB gets roa Saini es es advisable to submit to the ratepayers) --------_--- s Pegs And nun of em could truly say | 9 of the said village of Milverton en- For sale at reasonable price. five I tooched her with my boot : | | titled to vote on money by-laws, a | building lots corner of Temperance é rakes : question as to whether the said rate- and Wilfred Streets, suitable for nonce Pe fe oRgies S eae payers are in favor of having the|builder or for retired farmer to build Sees ee cat DEM municipality develop or acquire through | upon and cultivate other lots till sold.| prom eny wun of 'my Pe Re Sk | e PROSPEROUS: Oo Oo Eng "The Store with the Stock'"' eland @ Son MILVERTON O --)o)|}coo4)0 Oo Oo A Labor Party 'Toronto Weekly Sun The Toronto Star wonders why labor tegee not elect more representatives in the legislature and parliament. The explanation is probably that labor does not feel the wrong which the Star dis- covers. In all great matters, such as \the tariff and the public expenditure, its interests are identical with those of its employers who have the capital and the leisure to sit in par- liament, In minor matters, such ag factory legislation, compensation for injuries, strikes, wages, hours and the like; it is best served by the bidding for its favor by the rival parties. Were it to follow the Star's advice and form a labor party it might fare worse than it does now. Powerful forces which are now divided might rally against it. Great Auction Sale On Tuesday, Jan. 2nd, 1917, Messrs. Gabel and Wilson, auctioneers, will offer for sale by public auction for J. G. Bender, at Lot 6, Con. 3, Wal- lace, 4% miles east of Listowel and 1 mile south of Wallaceville, his farm stock, implements,household goods, eto. Sale starts at ten a.m, and will be without reserye as the proprietor is giving up farming. Lunch served at twelve oclock, This will be one of the biggest sales ever held i -- fy. of Wallace, See bills for jarticles for sale. al Has Proved its Loyalty Bishop Williams in his confirmation address at Listowel said; 'In this crisis we have proven our loyalty be- yond all others, Of the 317,000 by the end of September, who have en- listed in this fair Canada in this war 165,000 have come from the Church of England--more than twice as. many as any other institution has sent and more than any three others added to- gether had sent, The proportion that we ought to send out of the 560,000 that the Premier had promised is 70,- Church of England should send ac- cording to our numbers in the pop- ulation of Canada, Before last June over 75,000 members of the Church of England had gone overseas and as I said 165,000 had enlisted before the end of September. This is to say, nearly three times as many as were required according to our numbers." <ciacimcienallphjaatita oni PROFESSIONAL COURTESY The rivalry between the two local dostors was very keen and they never lost. an opportunity of "scoring" off one another. On one occasion they met and Dr, Lancet said to his colleague; "Tt notice that you occasionally take a patient out for a drive." "Yes, was Dr, Endem's reply. think it does them good." "But, my dear sir, it isn't, profes: «y sional. I never do it." "No," was Dr. Endem's retort. oA tice that when your patients go ing the undertaker usually accom- Aes them." a aAr 000, This is the proportion which the} . The. Seasons Greetings and thank them for their patronage during the past year. ROBERT McMANE Furni . ; upniture Dealer Milverton pt ee Rasalan een neces op cemenase @ ctemusins 6 comme eb enasenaoute ; rhe - ee

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