Monkton Times, 1 Feb 1917, p. 5

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-- AT THE FRONT. © a BUYS oo" =. DOMINION OF CANADA THREE-YEAR | War Savines CErtiFICATES $25.00 FOR $21.50 eCriecy tt 43.00 [4DO.OG 86.00 «INDIVIDUAL PURCHASES LIMITED TO $156). 46 ® FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY AT ANY BANK OR ANY MONEY ORDER POST OFFICE oth JAN. 9, 1917 NANCE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA i of settlers' effects. ZIMMERMANN'S HALL, MILVERTON FRIDAY EV'G., FEB. 2 The Avenger Strand War Series Face in the Barroom Floor Night Herders ADMISSION: Adults 15c; Children 10c ; Show will Commence at 8 p.m. Sharp. THE ONTARIO MOVING PICTURE CO. And 1 Gent War Tax Uae" Never lose sight of quality. You have a reputation to sustain, so have we. When you want the best value purchase nothing but the best goods. ° Our prices are low considering the quality and workmanship. FURNITURE For the parlor, dining-room, den, living-room, bedroom hall and library. Right in style and finish. ge PICTURES, RUGS and LINOLEUM ROBERT McMANE Milverton Funeral Director Furniture Dealer and Embalmer "MADE IN CANADA" 7 Ford Touring Car $495.00 F.0..B-7.F 0. RID ONTARIO The 191 a Bota standard automobile value of the world for high quality, mod- erate price and satisfactory service. The reasons for Ford superiority are worth knowing and you ought to know 'them. Ask the Ford dealer to dem- onstrate the new model. ' , ® = ~ Ny MILVERTON GARAGE E. H. GROPP, Proprietor A #- t uM f Bettger & Go. MONKTON BRIEFS Mr. Jas. Mantle, section foreman leg broken and was otherwise injured -|some time ago, we are glad to hear is recovering rapidly and will soon be. _|able to resume work again.--Mr..G.|inmates were absent, the house of Mr.} 3H : - et | ' $ Aye 34 McKay left on Saturday last for Mc- Cool in New Ontario, with a carload. [ --Mr. Dalton Ban- nerman left last eek for New On- tarié-and will make McCool his des- tiration.--The cheapest way to buy butter paper is by the package at one dollar. Ordinarily retailed by the " pound this quality would be worth a valuable clyde mare last week through indigestion.--Messrs. James and Draper Battin, of J.ogan, last week disposed of a car load of stock cattle to Mr. J. Walker, of Mitchell. --Mr. James Wilson spent a couple of days this week in Stratford on business.--The .services in the Mon- crief church wilt be held on Sunday next at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. and not at 11.00 a.m. as announced last week. --On Wednesday, Jan. 31st, by Rev. R. A. Lundy at the residence of the bride's parents, Miss Pearl] Emmaline May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mar- shall Harrison, of Moncrieff, to Mr. John Alexander Mann,--Mr. Norman Ross, who has successfully conducted the Monkton shoe store for the past four years, has disposed of his busi- ness to Mr. A. Holmes, who is now engaged in the fruit and confection- ery and grocery business. le is rurcered that Mr. Holmes is negotia- ting with Mr. F. Ronnenberg for the disposal of his grocery business.--Rev. J. D. Fergusson who will have com- pleted on July ist twelve years as pastor of Knox church, Monkton and St. Pauls Logan, announced on Sun- day last that at the end of the twelve year pastorate he intended resign- ing his charge. What Mr. Fergus- son's future plans are he did not dis- close. The announcement was re- ceived with general regret by his people as a bond of union such as is only effected by a long pastoral has bound pastor and people very closely to-gether.--Monkton Methodist Circuit, Sunday, Feb. 4th. Services at Monkton at 11.00 a.m., Willow Grove 3,00 p.m. and Bethesda 7.00 p.m. The men's choir will sing at Monk- ton and the Sacrament of the Lord's Sc.pper will be given at Monkton and Wiltow Grove. The pastor willspeak on "Leading them across." You will be welcome to these services.--A plea- sant gathering took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Francis on Tuesday evening when the choir and pastor of Bethesda church gathered to say farewell to them before their departure to Stratford in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Francis have been faithful workers in the choir for many years. During the evening an address was read by Rev. Mr. Doan and Miss Florence Adair made the presentation on behalf of the' choir. To Mrs. Francis a beautiful large brush brass jardinier, and to Mr. Francis a splendid shaving set. We regret their departure from our midst but wish them good success in their new home in Stratford.--Rev. H. Bau- man and Mr, C. Sutter were at Mitch- ell over Sunday, where the former cor.ducted services in English,--Cheese Factory Meeting--Mr. John Schade having purchased the Monkton Cheese patrons on Monday, Feb. 5th, at two o'clock to arrange the business for the coming season, A large attend- ance is requested. W. J. Holman, secretary.--Mr. and Mrs. M. E, Bett- ger spent from Friday to Monday in New Hamburg.--On Monday last a slight accident befel Mr. Wilbert Me- Pherson, of Logan, which might have had more serious consequences. He and his brother, Archie, were en- gaged in scorehacking timber which was frozen when the axe of- the latter glanced coming in contact with Wil- bert just above the eye. Dr. Carleton was at once summoned and dressed and stitched the wound, which for- tunately was not avery long one having been made with a corner of the axe.--An important meeting of the Men's Patriotic League will be held in Erskine's hall on Friday eve- Constipation -- the bane of old age is not to be cured by harsh purga- tives; they rather aggravate the trouble. For a gentle, but sure laxative, use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They. stir up the liver, tone the nerves and freshen the stomach and bowels just like an internal bath. CHAMBERLAIN . TABLETS . Woman's best friend. From girlhood to old age, _-- ttle red a re- storers are an unfailin; guide to anactiveliver and a clean, healthy, normal ake a Chamberlain's Stomach Tablet at night and the ® sour stomach and fer- mentation, "and the headache, have al! gone by morning. All druggists, 25c., or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto 12 Notice! --We sent out our accounts some time ago. Some of our customers have responded and paid up their account. Now, remember, all ac- counts must be settled by Feb. Ist either by cash or note. We have | to pay for the goods we buy in 30 days, why can't the farmers settle their account at least once a year? --Wehavea large stock of all kinds of Stock Foods on hand, such as _ Dr. Hess', Royal Purple & Pratts. Remember, we sell all these on trial. You may take home enough to feed your stock till spring and if by that time you say it has not paid for itself, we will refund your money. Try a pail or package. _--A full line of wood choppers tools on hand, such as Cross Cut Saws, Axes and Saw Setts. Come | in and see our line, we are satis- ; fied that they-will suit you. '- f 7 --Thanking you for past favors, we are, yours truly ; ill's, where you get 400 sheets for! sample, was soon disposed of Factory wishes to call a meeting of. ber is requested to be present.--The| anniversary services at Union last. 'evening, considering the unfavorable at McNaught, who recently had his|condition of the weather, was_ very | well attended and some $200 was] realized but it is to be regretted that during the entertainment while its Wm. Nickel, 12th Con. of Grey, was known, insurance some $1300.--Mr. Herbert Rowland, of Kindersley, Sask brought a car load of grain, oats and barley, to Monkton station' last week and as the grain was of a good clean "and many of the farmers were badly dis- appointed not being able to secure about $1.40.--Mr. Robert Murray lost!some of the 2,000 bushels to hand Graham, of the Monkton elevator is expecting a couple of car loads in a few days which will supply a little of the apparently large demand.--Mr. 'C. L. Riach, of New Ontario, is at present spending a while with friends on the 14th Con. of Elma.--Mr. Thos. Parker has. purchased the residence on King St., Atwood, formerly own- ed by Mr. D, Barton,--The Robert Burns Anniversary Atwood last Thursday evening was largely at- tended and the kith and kin certainly spent an enjoyable night to-gether.-- Mr. J. T. Gill, who has acted in the capacity of Recording 'Secretary of Court Rosewood, No. 72, L.O.F., was at the last regular meeting night resented with a beautiful ring, the gift of the high court to faithful members. An address was read. Mr. Gill made a very suitable reply and expressed his appreciation at receiv- ing such a beautiful memento of the order. Lunch was served and a splendid time was had by all,--Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hanna, of Ellice, spent Sunday at Mr, Sam Smith's--Mr. and Mrs. George Peebles, of Atwood, spent Sunday at Mr. 8. Stewart's.--Mr. and Mrs. R. Byers, of Mitchell, spent Sun- day with Mrs. Sherwin.--Mrs. Miles H. Brown and daughters, Marion and Media, and son, John, of Kamsack, Sask., who are visiting with friends in Ontario spent a few days last week at the homes of Messrs. J. T. Gill and David Murray. The cheapest way to buy butter parchment is by the package. J. T. Gill will supply you with a package of 400 sheets for $1.00. He will also supply you is smaller quantities. ee a he ee MILLBANK Mr. Henry Reinwald, of Stratford, spent the past two weeks at his home here.---Mr. George Love spent last week at Lebanon and Tralee.--Mr. Voll, of United States, formerly of Hesson, made a short call on Mr. and Mrs. D. McCloy last week.-- Messrs, Simon Fewings and Gordor Grieve and Misses Martha Hoffmeyer and Hazel Love attended the Normal "at home" at Stratford, on Friday last.--Mr. R. G. Grieve, of Edmonton visited a few days during the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Grieve.--Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Miss Lila Donley, of Newton, were visitors at Mr. Thos. Hawthorn's on Sunday.--Quite a number are at present laid up with the cold.--Mr. Thos. Fordier is improving after being confined to his bed for the past two weeks.--Mrs. Thos. Hawthorne, who was taken suddenly and seriously ill last week is able to be around again. Mr. David McCormick is at present under the doctor's._care.--Rev. W. Moffat attended the meeting of the Stratford Presbytery held at Milver- ton on Monday.--A very enjoyable eve ning was spent by those who attend- ed the social given by the Junior Auxiliary of the Anglican church on Friday night.--Rev. W. Moffat had charge of the Y.P.8. of Knox church on Monday p.m, and gave some very helpful thoughts from the topic ;-- "Bruits of the tree of Life.' Mr. Roy Fleming will take the topic 'Visions and Tasks" on Monday next, Feb. 4th.--The Communion of the Lord's Supper was observed in the Methodist church on Sunday last.--Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and family were visitors at Tralee on Sunday. ve WARTBURG Misses Myrtle and Sadie Henry and and Irene Miller attended the Normal 'at home' at Stratford on Friday evening.--Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middle- ditch and son, Stanley, spent Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Henry. --A number of young people of «this vicinity attended the dance in the Gadshill hall on Tuesday evening.-- Mr. and Mrs. Moses Werner attend- ed 'the golden anniversary of the wed- ding of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Werner, of Sebring- ville, on Wednesday, Jan. 24th.--Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Schneider were Vis- itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henry on Sunday,--Courier, Mr. John Phill'ps forwarded the No- tional Serv:ce Cards, which he dis- tributed some time ago to the, pa- trons of the route, to Headquarters on Saturday. 186 cards were distrib- ted, 164 of these were returned to the courier in finality. Se GRAVELRIDGE Miss L. White and Miss Hileen Rosa mond spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Murr.--Mr. and Mrs. W. Orr, of Milverton, Mr, and Mrs. H, Ben- nett and daughter, of Spencerville, spent a day last week with Miss H. Westman.--Mr. and Mrs, J. Patter- son, of Hampstead, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. 8. Jacobs.--Mr. John and Miss Jean Chalmers visited with friends in Poole last Wednesday. --Messrs. J. Gatcke and L. Jacobs spent Sunday on the Ridge.--Mr, G. Jacobs, of Toronto, is spending a few days with his parents here.--Mrs. Ww. Byers and family, of Sask., are visit- ing with th. former's mother, Mrs. W. White. . ee ee ROSTOCK Miss Bthel Schlotzhauer, of . Mil- verton, spent a few days with friends here.--Mrs. Grieve, of Stratford, vis- ited at the home of Mr. Wm. Leasa. --Miss Ella Kreuter returned home after spending a few weeks with friends in Milverton,--Mr, Albert Mal- cho is wearing a broad smile these days--it's a girl.--A load ~of young people took in the carnival at Mil- verton on Friday night.--Miss Clara Eggert, of Stretford, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Eggert.--Mr. Norman Knechtel, of Stratford, spent Sunday at his home here.--Mrs. Herlich, of South Easthope, spent a few days with her mother, Mrs, Messerschmidt. pe 1 ; _HESSON "Mr. -F. J. Kieffer again demon- strated that he has the goods fin Rhode Island Reds (both combs). Last week at the Listowel Poultry Show he was successful in winning ist and 2nd cockerel, 1st and 2nd pullet, in Rosecombs; also ist cockerel, single comb, These birds are from the best Bean's strain noted for their show and laying qualities, EASES Lie sear ARTERENT cy ms Advertise in the Sunt Bee ning at eight o'clock, Every member |' Surday and the fowl supper Monday |. _ And paiper from the staor, And tuk a tonick, (pork and beans); | totally destroyed by fire, cause un-}: 'blood lines in America, being de Wad a = - WBentinewd) _ Annonymous. Millbank = _ Deer Sur, I've got 'new pens and ink - And now ken rita sum moar. _ I've red most all thot hes bin sed In favor or agen, . : : And kant see enny reezin why ~ _ All wimmen shud bé men. -- © Why kant thay settel doun, And dignefy the goun. A shoutin' til thare bloo-- "If only we kud 'get the voat, We'd sho you wot sve'd do. Taik Lizbeth Fry and Florence N,, And Kathrin Booth and noat The everlastin' good thay did, Without the wimmens: voat. Now, turn to t'other side, and ask The meedyum and the best; From Mrs. Pankcurst, over east, To Nelly, in the west é Thet is--I mean--well--I shud say but we understand that Mr. James And do thare choars as Skripture tells || Not trapes aroun from krowd to krowd | If thay had got the rite to voat,. Kud thay enspire thare secks To do sitch self-denying deeds Fur enny femail wrex As those three noble wimmen did, (Whose oaims apeer abuv)? Thay didn't try to rip the men, Thay did thare wurk for luv. I don't blaim femail wimmen mutch, Altho I think thare wrong. Tis wimmen of the other seks Who are being draged along. The dounward kourse from manhood's hite, Behind the pettycoats, Insted of stannin up like men Thay act like silly goats. Let wimmen rool in every house, (The proper plaic for wives), But men shud-leed outside, and not Be dri-nursed all thair lives. Konsult the wimmen in all things; Taik thare advise, wen good; Stan up and fite for all yur wurth Fur child and mutherhood. Let them akwip you fur the fite, Then go out to the feeld, And not giv in til you hey won; Fite fare, but never yeeld. But let me say, if men wunt play Thare riteful part, why then The kentry issen wurth a kuss Thet han't got propper men Don't thro your manhood overbord Becos a pettycote Kums to: you with a smile and sez; "Give me the rite to veat." fay: 'No maam !t No! You bet I wu at As long as I hev life ! I'll tite fur everything thets just. fuc you as fur my wife. "Pll se you darned fust, heel and toe, Wun fut as wel as t'other, Before I'd put aside the you The tranin' of my muther. If I did that she's day "You skunk ! I thot you ware a man ! If I kud trane you up afresh I'd try sum other plan. If men let wimmen taik thare plaice-- In puverty or riches, Thare's nuthing else fur them to do But hand them ore thare britches. Bach secks has got its choars to do-- There's womans and there's man's-- And you wunt help God enny by Upsettin' all His planns. I must stop now to mopp my face; J'm swetin like a bull, Or like a henpecked kuss who's wop- Becos he wudn't rool. {ped. ek FERNBANK Mr. and Mrs .Samuel Loney enter- tained the W.W.W. Club and their brothers on Thursday evening of last wee,--Miss Mary Diamond, of Guelph, spent the week-end at her home here. --Messrs. Allan Reid and Charlie Vo- gan took in the carnival at Linwood on Thursday Jast.--We regret to re- port that Mr. David Harron is on the sick list. We hope for his speedy recoyery.--Mr. and Mrs. W Neilson entertained a few friends to a birth- day tea on Friday \evening.--Another of our boys has joined the ranks of benedicts in the person of Dr, Rus- sell Beggs, of Youngstown, Alberta, who was married last week to Miss M. Stricker, of Linwood. The best wishes. of the community go with them for along and happy wedded life. ' DONEGAL Misses A. ahd L. Struthers spent a day last week with Mrs. W. Cockwell --Mr, and Mrs. John Schoal spent the week-end with friends here,--Miss Ruby Barton spent Sunday evening with her friend, Miss Mary Cowan.-- Mrs. J. Cockwell spent a day last week with friends in Listowel. } Watch © 4 -This Space Next -- .. Week ... You Know This Box-- This box is familiar to thous- ands upon thousands not only throughout Canada but in the United States as well. There is Mr. Charles Collins, of Staten Is- land, N.¥., who says he found Gin Pills the best medicine he had ever taken for Kidney and Bladder troubles. His daughter heard of Gin Pills while travelling in Can- ada and sent him a box. He writes asking where they can be pur- chased in New York City as he be- lieves in taking them, off and on, to aes ¢ him in good condition, ll druggists sell Gin Pills at 50c. a box, or 6 boxes for $2.50. Anyone mie a yteg Pills without risking money. Free sample will be mailed on National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited Toronto, Ont. U. S. Address--Na-Dru-Co, Inc., 202 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y, PRVEDBRLOSF FREE! Address a postcard to us now and receive by return mail a copy of our new illustrated 80- page catalogue of Garden, Flower and Field Seeds, Root Seeds, Grains, Bulbs, Small Fruits, Garden Tools, ete. SPECIAL.--We will also send you free a packet (value 1 5c) of our choice Giant Flowering Carnation This carnation is a great favor- ite; the flowers are large and fragrant and the plants do well outdoors. 'Fransplanted into pot 'si "the 8 in 1 early fall they bloém profusely from October till the end of May Extra plants are easily propogated from them by cuttings, 'pipings" or layerin Giant Flowering Carnation Send for our catalogue and learn of our other valuable premiums, is LONDON Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Limited, ne PBOVLGOGHPHHHHP GB BELHVBEGSR® @ ® @ @ &® @ - TO INVESTORS © DOMINI ~ ~ For Finance, Gi A comm THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR ON OF GANADA DEBENTURE. STOCK | IN SUMS OF $500, OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. Interest payable half-yearly, 'Ist April and 1st October by cheque (free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchase. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and acerued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in pay- ment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than anvissue of Treasury Bills or other like short. . date security: Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. ission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed _ to recognized bond and stock brokers on allotments made in _ respect of applications for this stock which bear their stamp. plication forms apply itawa. : i to the Deputy Minister of _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA | ; OCTOBER 7th, 1916. mol fer

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