ees gent soi ah - : eS eee eS ne we ap tee EE # tee ats <-- --. 5 aes igs rs Rares ie ici an aor errr _|H. Ronnenberg. Rhode Island _Green- : nor : Rese siben™. 4 ed ree es }|Mrs. Trachel, Thos. Attridge. Blen-| {heim Pippin--J. Baumbach. Wealthy .|--S. H. Pugh, Geo. Kerr. Northern |Spy=W. Chalmers, H. Ronnenberg. | American Golden Russet--J. Baum-} bach, Thos. Attridge. Alexander--|~ Wm. Chalmers. King of Tompkins CREAN es Vigtgey WANTED. Apple--J. Baumbach, H. Ronnen- |berg. Collection of "Apples shipping --Mrs. Trachel. Collection of apples for home use--Mrs. Trachel. Crab apples--C. S. Grosch,J. Baumbach. | Trachel, H. Ronnenberg. Burre E'- Anjou--M. MacBeth, C. S. Grosch. Louise Bon de Jersey--Mrs. Duval, Mrs. Trachel. Bartlett--J. Rothaer- mel, C. S. Grosch. A.O.V. Winter - ee ae Saamenbery. Be Fey & & See ye Sage eo az : Eo ay : eee pee Sse Ea ee os Pia. is oe ak wait "tees ei ta ae ra : Taman, Sweet Ht Ronnenberg, J. a Sse: : : (MONDAY, OCTOBER 8TH) ee ee eee 7 PDR GS Fates Se PA Soe rato igh gob gah ee 9 da Pe ae Baumbach. Maiden's Blush--John : 4 ees ee : ts ; Se oe ; Beer eer ter Eeamish oe ge vai - STORE CLOSED ALL DAY | seg Siemens alee we clgn ts Fae est wee |Mann--Wm. Chalmers, Mrs, 'Trachel oo ee eee 7 Ao poems eS. i eg be given. We supply cans and pay A.0.V. Winter Apple--Thos. Attrid- es ee eg : ai Jae ee: ye : the express. Ship your cream to 5 |ge, A. Reibling & Son. A.O.V. Fall Lee as i GS EM CANS GEES CEP En eg Ahn ex ¥ Another Lot of No. 1 CRAWFORD and ELBERTA PEACHES-- -- Last Chance ! (Leno covered) this week. We will also have GRAPES this _week e Pearl Creamery ; | ee MILVERTON and ELMIRA oe " pn + % ~ Flannelette Blankets These are scarce goods and have Men's and Boys' Clothing es pan nh ; e ear--C. S. .Grosch, Mrs. Duval. : é 4 An¢ : e cS, Seman eT : = Goodall--C. S. Grosch. Sekel--C. S. Fas Shpeahdses a as 'pea we have taken another jump in_ price. We : : A ; O y Cc. S8 ° seas © new pinch ill sell at the old price while | Miller. Sow pig--J. S. Cowan, J. §.|Grosch. | A.O.V. Fall | Pear--C. S. backs in young men's suits and over- will sell ours 9.50 ee re A RECORD BREAKER Cowan. - : ne 8 yous gavin Collection: Pears coats are very natty. Have a try on. they last. $1.95 to $2.50. Zs --C. §. Grosch. Yorkshire--Boar, aged--S. J.. Mil- ler, A. Stevenson. Brood sow--A. Stevenson, S. J. Miller. Boar pig-- A. Stevenson 1 and 2. Sow pig-- A. Stevenson, 1 and 2. Tamworth--Brood sow--S. J. Mil- Plums--Lombard -- W. D. Weir. Green Gage--S. Whaley, C. R. Hon- derich. Yellow Egg--C. R. Honder- ich, Mrs. Trachel. Pond's Seedling-- Mrs. J. E. Boeckner, C. R. Honderich Fall Caps Our new range of the well-known Cooper caps are with us again, rang- ing in price from 75c to $2.00. : ATTENDANCE. THE EXHIBITS UP TO FORMER Ladies' and Misses' Coats The new plush coats are made up of Salts. Esquinnette Plush with a EARS.--REIN-DRIVE TRACT- ee 3 Burbank--Mrs. H. C. Hasenpfiug, good quality Italian lining. Collar : Rs " ; N ler. Boar pig--S. J. Miller. Sow|y7-, Duval. Abundant--Mrs. F re in the new pointed shape, and will : ae OR A GREAT ATTRACTION. pig---S.- J. ller. u ges ; Best pair of bacon ho A. St Hasenpflug, M. MacBeth. A:0.V. also fasten up close at neck. Sleeve Sweaters : 4 : als P gs--A. Stev- | biums--Mrs. J. E. Boeckner, M. Mac with cuff. Very dressy garments. : The Milverton fair opened on Fri-|¢nsen. POULTRY Beth. Sizes 86, 38 and 40. Very special Our assortment of sweaters is ex- -- day under threatening skies, but the Grapes--Red--C. § Grosch. Black at $30.00. tra large. Men's grey sweaters at = weather man behaved himself ad- mirably. No rain fell until after five o'clock, when most of the judg- ing had been done. One or two of the races, however, had not been fin- ished. The attendance exceeded that of any previous year, the gate re- ceipts being $516, with a member- ship of 615, which meant that over 1200 passed through whose passage was not recorded in the ticket office. Great preparations had been made beforehand for a successful fair and the directors were not disappointed with the results. While there was a good exhibit in|Gatcke, Black. R. C. Bantams--P. |ilton, Mrs. Hymmen. I tock- before the big advance which is sure some departments there was a fall-| Neumeister, C. Gateke. A.O.V. Ban-|ings,. eeeie se We eyincens to come. We have been lucky in se- Corn Flakes, 3 packages for... .2be ing off in some others. Very little/tams--C. Gatcke 1 and 2. Geese,|Mrs. E. Hamilton. Woollen Socks, curing a special line of Fine Cash- Crisco for shortening.......... 45¢ grain was exhibited, while the dairy| Toulouse--H. Ronnenberg. A.O.V.|hand-made, suitable for soldiers -- mere Rib Hose in seconds. They are Sunkist Pineapple........+++- 25¢ and cookery department never was|Geese--Mrs. Trachel. Ducks, Pekin | Mrs. Haist, Mrs. Savage. Man's Shirt really worth $1 per pair to-day, we 2 Ibs of Ginger Snaps........-. 25¢ better. Art and ladies' work was|}_-H. Ronnenberg, Mrs. 'Trachel.|coarse--Mrs. F. Weiderhold, Mrs. A are offering them to you at 75c pair. 2 bottles Malt Vinegar........ 250 i Ge - Pata Brazil Coffee, whole or ground, 30¢ -- well represented, as was fruit and roots and vegetables. The horse show was not up to that of -some previous years. In cattle, Holsteins predominated. .The races were nev- er any better. The classes were well filled and each driver went out to win. One of the most interesting exhi- Buff Orpingtons--H. Ronnenberg, G. A. Barth. White Orpingtons-- H. Schwindt. S. C, White Leghorns ---H. Schwindt 1 and 2. S. C. Brown Leghorns -- A. Aikens, H. Ronnen- burg. Barred Rocks--C. S. Grosch 1 and 2, Games--D. McLellan 1 and 2. Wyandottes, golden or silver-- H. Ronnenberg 1 and 2. Wyandot- tes, white--J. Crichton, H. Ronnen- berg. Wyandottes, partridge --H. Ronnenberg 1 and 2. §S. C. Minor- cas--P. Neumeister 1 and 2. Bra- hmas--H. Ronnenberg 1 and 2. Co- chin Bantams--E. Woolner, Chris. A.O.V. Ducks--H. Ronnenberge 1 and 2. 1917 Chicks--Dorkings--D. Mc- Lellan 1 and 2. Buff Orpingtons-- H. Ronnenberg, G. A. Barth. Orp- ingtons, blue or black--Geo. Pfaff. White Orpingtons -- H. Schwindt. 8S. C. White Leghorns--H. Schwindt, Jno. Schneider. Black Leghorns-- C.*S. Grosch. E. Hamilton, Mrs. W. D. Weir. DOMESTIC domestic wove--Mrs. Trachel, er. coat,--Miss M. Livingston, ston, Mrs. Calvert. DAIRY PRODUCTS --Mrs. H. C. Hasenpflug, J. Baum- bach. White or green--J. Baumbach, Collection of canned fruits--Mrs. E. Hamliton, Mrs. H. C. Hasenpfilug. Collection of canned pickles--Mrs. All-wool blankets -- H. Ronnen- berg, Mrs. M. MacBeth. ouenpate rs. M. MacBeth. Woollen Mitts, fine pair --Mrs. Trachel, Mrs. Salvage. Wool- len mitts, coarse pair--Mrs. E. Ham- Haist. Man's Pyjamas--Mrs. F. Weid erhold. Rag mat, clipped--Mrs. Tra- chel. Wool mat--Mrs..Trachel. Sweat Mrs. Haist. Stencil work--Mrs. Haist, Mrs Savage. Motor bonnet--Miss Living- design at $12.00 up. New Fall Skirts new designs. Hoseiry For women and day. White Flannelette Silk Dresses Also other coats of the same new New fall skirts are in stock. All children. stock is the largest in our history-- over 2000 pair of hose in stock to- Why not get your hosiery now 1200 yards of Mill Ends, White Flannelette, worth 15 to 20c per yd. fair day price 12%c yard. Our women, New Blouses Stanfield's Underwear We are sole agents for Stanfield's celebrated underwear--for men and $1.75 to $4.50. We also have the Listowel Sweat- ers at all prices. Fruit We expect to handle baskets of fruit on fair day, consist- ing of Plums, Tomatoes and Peaches Now is the time to put in your Craw- fords for canning. Grocery Specials - Eddy's Sulphur Matches, 2 boxes 25c Thanksgiving Day Poultry We will have special prices for Dressed Poultry next week. Must be delivered not later than Thursday Oct. 4th. about 500 bits on the grounds was the "rein-|H. Ronnenberg 1 and 2. Barred| Factory cheese--H. W. Hamilton. Try this store for your next silk Our new blouses are here--will be drive" tractor, which had been ex-|Rocks--C. S. Grosch 1 and 2. Gam-|Creamery butter--H. W. Hamilton. dress. We carry the largest stock open for your inspection on fair day. hibited this year at only two fairsjes--D. McLellan 1 and 2. Silver|Tub butter--Mrs. Geo. Kerr, Mrs. in town. Anything you want in. the See these new creations. $2 to $7.50 S ° | N . ! namely, Toronto and Milverton. It|/Wyandottes--H. Ronnenberg 1 and] Andrew Coxon, Mrs. Trachel. Roll silk line. pecia otice ! was driven by the man who invented it, a young farmer from North Da- kota. Plenty of music was provided by the Milverton band and the London Harpers, who played alternately in front of the grandstand all after- . noon. the 2 : Below is given the prize-winners: | vi a colle degay Pgy daa os Zens Miller. Collection of pastry--Mrs. J. , se -- Brood __|common--Mrs. Trachel. Geese A.O.|/H. Sim, Mrs. E. Hamilton. Tarts-- ; Woo tde Wee. miahercy, Fosl-= V.--Mrs. Trachel. Ducks, Pekin--|Mrs. D. Gowing, Mrs. J. Klockman. : H. Ronnenberg 1 and 2. Ducks A.|Fried cakes--Mrs. Trachel. Loaf of Wray Hyde. 38-year-old filly or geld- ing--Jas. Mayberry, Andrew Chalm- ers, E. Phair. 2-year-old filly or geld- ing--Wray Hyde, D. G. McLellan, F. 2. White Wyandottes--Jno. Crich- ton 1 and 2. Partridge--H. Ron- nenberg 1 and 2. S. C. Reds--G. Mohr, H. Ronnenberg. R. C. Reds --Amos Peppler. S. C. Black Min- orcas--P. Neumeister 1 and 2. R. C. Black Minorcas--H. Ronnenberg 1 and 2. Brahmas--H. Ronnenberg-- Cochin Bantams--C. Gatcke. R. C. Black Bantams--P. Neumeister. Tur 0O.V.--H. Ronnenberg 1 and 2. Pig- eons, -- J. Eich, Mrs. J. Boeckner. Rabbits--P. Neumeister 1 and 2. Mrs. Trachel, Mrs. Fruit cake--Myrtle Orr, Mrs. ies--Mrs. J. Klockman, Hasenpflug. Hop bread home-made--Mrs. Hugh McTavish, Mrs. Ben Westman. Loaf Graham bread, home-made--Mrs. J. Rothaermel, Mrs. J Klockman. Scon- itter. 1-year-old colt--S, J. Miller, Recess Rredk. Span--Wray Hyde, ROOTS es--Mrs. Wm. Chalmers, Mrs. J. D. Schweitzer. Potatoes--Beauty of Hebron--j|Klockman. Chocolate cake--Mrs. J. Agricultural--Brood mare--Geo. Kerr, Harper Hammond. Foal--Thos. Attridge, H. Hammond, W. C. May- berry. 38-year-old filly or gelding--jtion of Potatoes--Mrs. Trachel. Tavish, W. D. Weir. Home-made wan Pawtte, 2 year-old filly or| Swede Turnips--Mrs. Trachel, H.|soap--Mrs. A. Eydt, Mrs. J. Klock- FINE ARTS "gr a eae es gelding---And. Chalmers, Jno. Chalm | McTavish. A.O.V. Turnips--Mrs.|man. Maple Syrup--Wm. Taylor, W. : oe es ao p gs--A. Steven- ere reenter en Scie 4 Nk eR ee L sgtaahtee ine Met Se Dich Mia a Best pair Cochin Bantams -- E PROPE RTI ES F S Scott, H. Hammond. rots, white--Mrs. Trachel. Red car- LADIES' FANCY WORK Barth. . Peintne See Ge cose bob ae ( yi r A : E Heavy Draught--Brood mare--A. Chalmers, Thos. Attridge, H. Ham- mond. Foal--W. C. Mayberry, D. De- colt--Wilson Scott. Span--Andrew Chalmers, Owen Fleming. Carriage -- Brood mare--W. C. Mayberry, S. W. Coulter & Son, D. Dewar. Foal--W. C. Mayberry, S.W. Coulter, J. Patterson. 3-yr.-old filly Mrs.: Trachel. Rural New Yorkers-- Mrs. Trachel. A.O.V. Potatoes-- W. J. Spencer, Geo. Miller. Collec- rots, table 'use--Mrs. Trachel, Aug. Eydt. Short carrots, table use--Jno. Baumbach, S. H. Pugh. Mangels, Wm. Chalmers. Beets, turnip--Sam Noll, Jno. Dobson. Beets, sugar field --S. H: Pugh, 8. Bauman. Winter Radishes--Mrs. Trachel, Wm. Chal- mers, GRAIN Klockman, Mrs. E. Hamilton. Marble cake---Mrs. Ben Westman, Mrs. C. Schneuker. Strained honey--H. Mc- Drawn thread work, fine -- Mrs. Trachel, Mrs. W. Rudow. Embroid- ered cross-stitch--Mrs. Savage, Miss Askin. Night gown with crochet or tatted yoke--Miss C. Honderich, Mrs W. Rudow. Emb. centrepiece, Walla- chian---Mrs. Hymmen, Miss L. Askin. Emb. centrepiece in punch work -- Mrs. G. A. Barth, Mrs. Hymmen. Emb. 5 o'clock tea cloth in hardang- butter--Mrs. Geo. Miller, Mrs. Tra- chel. Basket butter--Mrs. Geo. Kerr, Andrew eat Hamilton. Buns with fruit--Mrs. 8. H. Pugh, Mrs. Wm. Chalmers. Cook- Mrs. H. C. Pumpkin pie--Mrs. E. Hamilton, Mrs. J. Klockman. Apple Pie--Mrs. J. Klockman, Mrs. George Rain Coats October Fashion Sheets Free _ For men and women in grey, spec- ial for fair day, $4.88. cepting Saturday. This store will close at 7 p.m. every day after October Ist, ex- THE STORE WITH THE NEW STOCK WAM. K. LOTH, - Milverton \ Mending on woollen or cotton--Mrs. KE. Hamilton, Mrs. Hymmen. Mrs. E. Hamilton. Painting any sub- ject--Mrs. G. A. Barth, Miss Living- ston. Monochrome--Mrs. Calvert, or marine--Mrs. P. G. Powell, Mrs. Savage, Painting fruit or flowers-- Mrs. Haist, Mrs. Calvert. Painting any subject--Mrs. G. A. Barth, Miss Livingston. Sepia, any subject--Mrs. Calvert, Mrs. Haist. Best collection fine art by school children--James man. Best Holstein bull--Harper Ham- W. D. WEIR'S LIST OF Best dozen white eggs--Mrs. Tra- chel. Best pair Black R. C. Bantams-- Meredith Pugh, David Roe, Gordon McLellan. Banker's Special for best two bac- no a gs Saas Pugh, Glen Turn- ull, - Brown Bros.' Special for best bus. 30 Acres--In northwest part ef Lot 1 dwelling, a dozen rooms, bath room, house, large stable, cement floor, l properties quit work owing: to ill-helth. $1800--For quick sale--Boot and 'S the village of Newton. Doing hall. These 0, concession 6, Mornington (New- -- war, Jas. Patterson. 3-year-old filly|long--Mrs. Trachel. Mangels, globe |£"°° z 2 3 soe Waa aistar Pari : , Wm. A.|--Mrs. Trachel. Mangels, intermed- Livingston. Emb. Rambler Rose--/Mrs. Haist. Pastel--Mrs. Haist, Miss | ¥- ae iat ton)good comfortable dwelling, bank Saab et: ee oie meee : Melting Bi oa ee Ghalmeres Ss. Whaley. --_ L. ge ae E. ea "a ge pea ; a eg : hae pair Orpingtons--H. Ronnen- neath, hard and soft water. ing, bank barn, good: stabling under. x € $ "so & ; ra y " ice n ¢ . 2 . *s _ --Owen Fleming. 1-year-old filly or|Beets, long blooded--Mrs. Trachel,|M8nt sown hrs. Mymmen Z Bee: CO ee eee Banker's Special for best calf--|18® Donley Hotel Property--In Newton, 1 acre of land, brick veneered hard and soft water in the t two large driving sheds and will be sold cheap as the proprietor must Apply to proprietor or W. D. Wei = hoe store business and dwelling in a good business, in an ity A1 locality or gelding--Fred A, Wood, W. Gal- eee h : : n Se te N oe ) 1 f ae, ; pring wheat--S. W. Coulter &]er--Mrs, W. Rudow, Mrs. Hymmen.|Hamilton, S. H. Pugh, Rosie Smith. |of apples--Christ Yost. © opposition, an up-to-date stock at invoice pri Meclory, re Or ier duck: foeanela Son. Peas, large--Fred Ritter. Peas,|Emb. Bedspread-Mrs. Hymmen, Mrs.| Painting on china, ete.--Painting pare es ae $7000--Will buy that splendid 100 acres, lot 32 seta aw Rei colt--John Semple Span--Robert small--H. Ronnenberg. Oats, white|Savage. Emb. Table Napkins with}on china-- Miss Honderich, Mrs. Fisid "Corn Coinpetition der cultivation, comfortable dwelling bricked inside, 2 be al ie re md : --S. H. Pugh, Thos. Attridge. Tim-|monogram--Mrs. Hymmen, Miss A.|Hymmen. Painting on glass--Mrs. J. ' 2 drilled wells, 1 in stable, never-fajline: land in' rei barns, -- Roadster---Brood mare---L. Brun- othy seed--S. W. Coulter & Son. | Haist. Coronation braid work--Mrs. | Hamilton, Miss Askin. Painting on Mitchell Recorder. well drained, : 83 in good locality. Si. Valine WwW Y Giimer White Beans--Wm, Holmes. Field|H. Ronnenberg, Mrs. -E. Hamilton. | plaque or panel--Mrs. E. Hamilton, . . A $11000--Will buy 188 acres of 1 : : : 2 Behe ree on ay he ; |Corn--A. Eydt, W. D. Weir. Golden | Shirt waist, modern--Mrs. Savage, |Miss Livingston. The judging of the field corn com- acres of land lying at Linwood, in Wellesley T Foal--L. Brunner, W. Y. Gilmer, J. Patterson. 38-year-old filly or gelding Cowan, A. McNeeland. Buggy Horses--Single Roadster--|chel, A. Eydt. Cauliflower--Sam ae ; ; 5 : 77%; Norman Malcolm, Logan, 74.| $1800; ; : Chas. Welker, A. Simpson, Charles | Noll. Onions, red--Mrs. Trachel, W. aa ne os Saag ge rr Mriatcne bear ar pine. Puck The prize money, $72, 'was divided eee athe: eau con. 14, Ellice, 100 acres frame house, flat ba mae ee penrtnes te he D, Weir. Onions, yellow--J. Roth-|\iss Livingston. | Work bag--Mrs.|Rosy Smith. Collection of pictures-- |®™0ne these. James Scott, S. C. Mil- = ee ainsi Pe ak ns " - aermel, H. Ronnenberg. Onions, | Wy). Holmes, Miss Askin. Fancy tea|Mrs. E. Hamilton, Mrs. Calvert. Am- |S"; W. Milson and Norman Heal,} Come and see me if you want to buy or sell Beer ; oe atthews, La ver--Mrs, 8. J.|white--A. Eydt. Squash, field-- apron, modern--Mrs. Hymmen, Mrs. | ateur photos--Mrs. HN. Hamilton. were only a few points below these. will pay you. your dwelling or farm, It Miller, Mrs. J. Welker, Mrs. Eward|Mrs. Trachel, W. D. Weir. Squash | fiaist. Kitchen apron and cap--Miss sae? Hamilton, CATTLE garden--W. D. Weir, -C. S. Grosch. Livingston, Mrs. B, Hamilton. Fancy TAXIDERMY Ss ee --__--_------- eae : oe B. Grieve, W. D.|praid work--Mrs. Haist, Mrs. Sav-; Case of stuffed birds--C, S. Grosch er Shorthorns--Bull, 2 years old and| Weir. Celery, winter--D. B. Grieve. |4oe, Irish crochet work--Mrs. Hym-|1 and 2. Collection of' stuffed ani- | upwards -- John C offman. Bull ealf,under 1 year--S, H. Pugh. Milk " cow,in calf or giving milk -- S. H Pugh, 1st 2nd and 3rd. ___2-year-old va > heifer--S. H. Pugh. 1-year-old heif- <3 " ne ol Dd. G. MeLellan, ilton, 1 and 2 _year--S, H. er--S. H. Pugh. Heifer calf under 1 year--S. H. Pugh. olsteins--Bull, 2 years old and ~ upwards--D. G. McLellan. Bull, one year old--H. Hammond, Geo. Roe. ilk cow, in calf or giving milk-- H. Hammond, S, W. Coulter & Son, H Hammond, Heifer, two years old-- S. W. Coulter & Son, Jno. BE. Whit- R. T. Carson, 'Heifer, one year --D. G. MeLellan, H. Hammond, J. E. Whitney. Heifer Calf under one -year--H. Hammond, H. Hammond, . E. Whitney. Bull calf, under one coe tage R. T. Carson, Herd, 4 females and bull, all over 1 year--H. Ham- "mond, D. G. McLellan, Geo. Roe. _, Jerse Milk cow, in calf or giv- ing. milk--Geo. Roe, S. Grosch. Heifer calf, under 1 year--Geo. Roe. 1 and 2. Heifer 2 years old--S. H. Pugh. Heifer 1 year old--Jas, Ham- Heifer calf, under 1 Pugh. Steer 1 year old --dJas. Hamilton, S. H. Pugh. Fat Cattle--Cow--James Haiil- D Ram lambs--J. 8S. Cowan, S, H. Pugh Oxford and Shropshire Downs-- Pair aged Sr Turnbull. Ewe lambs--J. Tu¥nbull. Fat Sheep--John S, Cowan. # see Corn--M. MacBeth, A. Eydt. Fod- der Corn--S. H. Pugh, Wm. Chalm- Trachel. Savoy cabbage--Mrs. Tra- Tomatoes, red--Mrs. C. Schneuker, John Dobson. Tomatoes, preserving --A, Eydt 1 and 2. Citrons--D. B. Grieve, Wm. Chalmers. Watermelon --Mrs. Trachel. Muskmelon--Mrs. H. C. Hasenpflug, Mrs. Trachel. Pumpkin, yellow field--C. S. Grosch, W. Bundscho. Parsnips--Mrs. Tra- chel, John Dobson. Kohl Rabi--S. Noll, F. Weiderhold, Red Pepper-- Mrs. Duval, A. Eydt. CoHection of vegetables---A. Eydt, Mrs. H. Hasen- pflug. | FLOWERS Geraniums, single--J. Rothaermel A. Eydt. Geraniums, double--Aug. Eydt, J. Rothaermel. Geraniums, ivy leaved--Mrs. Trachel, Mrs. C. Schneuker. Geraniums, new varie- ties--Mrs. Trachel. Begonias, single' --F, Weiderhold, Jno. Rothaermel. Begonias, double--Jno. Rothaermel, F. Weiderhold. Cacti--C. S. Grosch, Mrs. H. C. Hasenpflug. Fucias, single --Mrs. Trachel. Fucias double--Mrs. Weiderhold. Collection of house lants--John Rothaermel,. Mrs. C. chneuker. J Cut flowers--Asters--A. Mantz, Grieve, Balsams--J. Rothaer- Rothaermel. Cut flowers in basket-- J. Rothaermel, Mrs. H. 'C. Hasen- pflug. Carnations--A. Eydt, J. Roth-| aermel. Stocks--J. Rothaermel, J. Crichton, -- 8, ' |J. E. Boeckner, Miss Haist. Towels with crochet lace --Mrs. Hymmen, Mrs. W. Rudow. --Miss Livingston, Miss Honderich. men, Mrs. J. Rothaermel. Tatted work--Miss L. Askin 1 and 2. Croch- et woollen shawl--Mrs. Haist, Mrs. Savage. "Collection of ladies' fancy work--Miss Askin, Miss Livingston. Child's crochet or embroidered bon- net--Mrs. Calvert, Miss Livingston. Emb. bead work--Mrs. E. Hamilton, Mrs. Haist. Crochet work in cotton --Mrs. Hymmen, Mrs. Savage. Cro- chet work in wool--Mrs. Haist, Miss Livingston. Emb. tray ¢loth, white-- Mrs. G. A. Barth, Mrs. Hymmen. Emb. centrepiece and 6 doilies--Mrs Hymmen, Mrs. Haist. Emb. centre- piece, white--Miss Honderich, Miss Livingston. Linen sideboard scarf-- Miss Honderich 1 and 2. Emb. linen doylies--Mrs. Haist, Miss Hondenich. Emb. 5 o'clock tea cloth, white -- Mrs. Hymmen, Mrs Haist. Emb. tow- els with monogram--Mrs. Hymmen, Mrs. Haist. Emb. pillow cases--Miss Honderich, Mrs. Hymmen. Sheet and pillow cases, crochet or embroidered --Mrs. Haist, Mrs. Hymmen. Baby Cut work--Mrs. Haist, Mrs. Savage. Slippers, knitted or crochet--Mrs, A. Haist, Miss Livingston. Tea Cosy-- Mrs. Hymmen, Miss Livingston. A.O. V. tea cosy--Mrs. Hymmen, Miss Livingston. Bath towel with crochet Livingston, Mrs. Trachel. Quilt, pat- chwork or piecework--Mrs. F. Weid- chwork or cottage: Hides cotton--Mrs. irs. J. Rothaermel. Quilt, log cabin--Mrs. F. Weiderhold erhold, Mrs. E. Hamilton. Quilt, pat- |. Crayon--Landscape or . marine-- Mrs. Calvert, Mrs. Haist. Portrait or Mrs. Calvert. Pen and ink sketeh-- mals--W. D. Weir, C. S. Grosch. THE HORSE RACES Farmer's Race-- Steve McLellan .... Wm. Galbraith A. Hueston A. Simpson +. Ed. Smith ... Green Race-- River Hal, Forsyth Commadore A., Easson.... Kelley Todd, Fisher....... Linwood Bars, Manser.... Classified Race-- Ethel McKee, Grosch Rosie »Winters, Fisher....... SPECIAL PRIZES Beardmore special for Standard bred sucking colt--W. H. Grosch. Breithaupt special for one-year- old standard bred roadster sired by Widower Peter--John Semple. ee ee ee OTC DO CORN CR Ce oe mr pogo wie Cove pra ee noe ne W. H. Grosch. eee Pfeffer Milling Co. special for best loaf of bread made of 'Five Jewel" flour--Mrs. Hugh MeTavish. -- Pfeffer Milling Co. special for the best loaf of bread made of "Jewel" and cockerel--J. ake Nay "Best cock bird--H. Ronnenberg. Neumeister. _ Best Reds--Gordon Mohr. Best S. C. Black Minorcas--Peter | petition for this district has been finished. There were fourteen en- Fullarton, 80; John Elliott, Logan, All under cultivation, comfortable d@ i cae ae welling, bank barn, stabling, be built for less than $1600.--Terms easy. --Russell Johnston, Jas, Atkin, A. | 4). é fi tries and seven pri J $6500--Will buy th th : : . Sofa pillow (washable)---Mrs. John |figure--Mrs. Haist, Mrs. Calvert. prizes were awarded. y the south % of lot 7, con. 12, and 1 st. Brevensori. 2-year-old fil Re fee VEGETABLES Rethenranes tee Hyena vette: Any subject -- Mrs. Savage, Ms. |The names of Tae em G: ied eat bee acres, brick house, kitenen and wood. _-- +y oko : = : ies : : EB. ist: F $3 G. ? x60, drivin d, i * . Serge _ old ae As Dalene, aiaes ca Fall cabbage--D. Gowing. W. D. Reohon. Enk Fico kira eas ap oes Drawing, ete.--Landscape Krauskopf, Logan, 84; Robt. Hod- fencing. A clean farm. Pcnede aeuled weil, Sind Soe wre i: Saddle hors Shis, 'Dacbrook 4 Ss. Weir. Winter cabbage--D. Gowing! cover and pin cushion--Mrs. Hym-|or marine--Mrs. Calvert, Miss Liv-|Sins, Hibbert, 82%; Russell Scott, |$1200--Will buy a splendid solid brick house with ood stable, hard an Sage yon » 7, %-|Mrs. Trachel. Red cabbage--Mrs.) men, Mrs. Ronnenberg. Boudoir cap|ingston. Any subject--Mrs. Haist, Hibbert, 80%; Henry Greenwood, soft water, 1% acres of land, in Newton. a stable eae The house could n ceme the line isin use. If have been found to greatly improv to listen or interrupt your ___ The Bell Telephone Co-oper ation ° Each Sheil Boe hoi co- 1s Before calling, find out whether it is, hang . Up your receiver promptly, > e party-line service: neighbor's the line is in use. hear your ring. Co. of Canada conversation wh An advertisement by The Bell Telephone Co, of Canada to improve | PARTY-LINE SERVICE Shorthorn Grades--Best milk cow |y7%chel. Petunias--C. R. Honderich. carriage robe--Miss Honderich, Mrs.| Coates, Burns & Wanless special to better the servi is ] operate in ealf or giving milk--Jas Hamilton iin eee Hecaek Haist. Crochet. baskets--Miss Askin. |for best standard bred brood mare-- : vice on his line. The practices suggested bel ' , 1, Mrs. H,. C. Hasenpfiug. Pansies F : ; ton, S, H. Pugh. Heifer, under 3 yrs,|™°r Ng lace--Mrs. Hymmen, Miss Askin. |flour--Mrs. Ben Westman, . . "s - --Jas, Hamilton. TRE Ny ito Ra iss gd Fancy handkerchiefs--Miss Honder-| Best S. C. White Leghorn cock, 2. Emergencies will arise. If a ~ 4, Make your calls as brief ag __ a SHEEP benas---J. Rothaermel, Mes Duval, | ich, Mrs. Hymmen. Collection of cro-|hen, cockerel, pullet---H. Schwindt. party-line subscriber desires to. possible. Short talks will k. Ne : or Hollyhocks --'F. Weiderhold, Mrs. | Pet work--Miss Livingston, Mrs.) Best Barred Rock cock, hen, cock- make an emergency call, the the line open and lene ale Leicester--Pair aged ewes--John| ny) Gladiolas--Mrs. Duval, G, R_| Calvert. Collection of knitting--Mrs. erel--C. 8. Groch. -- Jaa persons using it should give u service of make the © Cowan, . Pugh. Shearling Houdetich. Gweet!Pens---0- 8 Grouch Calvert. Cashmere or fine woollen} Best Barred Rock pullet--W. J. the line tem} ril ; Pp most value to every- _ ewes--J. S. Cowan, 8. H. Pugh. Ewe |7 i). Atkin. Ferns--J Rothaermel F quilt--Mrs. M. MacBeth, Mrs. Fred|Spencer. : emporariy. one. ah = ee '-lambe--J, 8, Cowan, "8, H. Pugh. ye fhony (one: Poliawe- Tonk Weiderhold. Quilt, silk, fancy--Miss}| Best White Wyandotte hen, pullet 3. Do not allow children or others -- 5 é Answer promptly when you OW en oe eee | Best Cow, any breed -- Harper NS MC ese SWINE ee ee eam poh -|Mrs. Duval: Quilt or counterpane, | Hammond. | 7 e Pot A dod wervlen soe ess row 3 5 ~~ Berkshire--Boar, aged--I. 8. Cow} A n | knitted--Mrs, Trachel. Quilt or coun! Best two heavy horses--Albrecht.| | ee mae ete j0ur trug intent"... an. Brood sow--J. S. Cowan, S. J Rib |terpane, crochet -- Mr | Best som Whitey See ; ae see Re he 'Miller. Boar pig--J. 8. Cowan, 8. J White quil' - 'bull--J. 0, Hoff is ee