MILLBANK NEWS '* Mr. Chas. Raby has been transfer- red by the C.P.R. from the B. and B. gang to the Interlocking Company, at Speedville. He commenced his ~ new duties on Monday, Dec. 17th. The Farmers' Club, of Millbank, will hold their annaul meeting on Sat- urday, Dec. 29th, at 2 p.m. All mem- bers are requested to be present. Mrs. Thomas Gray, of Tilsonburg, spent a few days last week with Mrs. R. Patterson. > Miss Hazel Love visited friends in Lebanon during the past week. Mrs. Andrew Picken and Miss Jean Pieken, from near Durham, spent Sunday at Mrs. H. Stewart's. Mr. Andrew and Miss Jane Bigam attended the sliver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Bell at Listowel on Wednes- day evening. The ladies' aid of Knox church met at the home of Mrs. A. Bigam one last week and presented Miss Lizzie Bigam with an address and a handsome tray. Among those who spent Christmas in the village we noticed: Sergt. C. P. ~~ Mulcahy, of Montreal, at his home; Pees Little Janie Coxon is spending a Mr. James and Miss Lizzie Lowrie, ~ of Toronto, at their home; Dr. Henry McFaddin, of Thorndale, Miss Flor- ence McFaddin, of Toronto, with their pearnts;Mr. and Mrs. David Me- Faddin, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Demert, of Kingwood, at Mr. A. Demert's; Mrs. Barton, of Howick, Miss Jessie Bar- ton, of Toronto, and Mrs: McEwen, and family, of Goderich, at Mr. Geo. Edward's; Misses Annie and Emma McCardle, of Kitchener, Miss Maggie McCardle, of Stratford, with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. McCardle; Mr. and Mrs. J. Moodie and family, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morrow, of Stratford, Miss Lizzie Fink at Mr. J. Nuhn's; Mr. Donald Ross, of Windsor, at Mr. Hugh Ross'; Misses Edna and Elsie Coulter, Tor- onto, at Mr. W. C. Coulter's; Miss Alice Wray, Arthur, at Mrs. George Wray's; Miss Eva Rutherford, of Stratford Normal, at Mr. James Rutherford's; Mrs. Young and Mr. Harold Aikens at Mrs. J. J. McFad- din's; Mr. J. Pender, of Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Vogan, of London, at Mr. C. Pender's; Mrs. Butler and children, of Toronto, at Mr. W. Har- grave's; Trooper Earl Freeborn at Mr. W. Freeborn's; Mr. and Mrs. W. Hamilton and family, of Wellesley, at Mr. W. Hamilton's. Among those who spent Christmas out of town were: Miss Sarah Ham- mond with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Helm at Port Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and family at Tralee; Mrs. R. Patterson and Mrs. H. Stewart at Mr. J. Klockman's, Burns; Mrs. Hester Tanner and Miss Bhima and Mr, Aus- tin Tanner at Mr. Thomas Crook- shank's, Linwood; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Love. at Lebanon; Mr. N. Ruby at New Hamburg; Mr. David and Misses J. and R. McCormick and Miss A. Gillespie at Palmerston. Following is the report of the Mill- bank public school for the fall term. Names are given in order of merit. Those marked with an (*) were ab- sent for one or more examinations. Sr. 4th--Jessie Fewings, Chalmers Moffat, Bella McLennan, Thomas Mce- Faddin, Adeline Edwards, George _ Knox*, Latham O'Grady*. Jr. 4th--Barbara Suitter, Gladys MeLennan, Robert Brownlee, Roy Hawthorne, Irene Coulter, Grace - Nuhn*. Sr. 8rd--Donald Jack, Cecil Me- Faddin, Jessie Edwards, Luella Die- mert, David Moffat, Alex. Jack, Leuise Pierce, Max McLennan Bertha Lewrie,* Charles Mank*, Jacob Wag- ler*, Olive Lowrie. Marjory Craw- ford*, Eugene O'Grady*, Mary Wag- ler*. Jv. 38rd--Fergus O'Grady, Lillian MeLennan, James Everett, Norman Bond, Roy McArdle, Mary Crawford, Jehn Knox, Ruby Raby, Florence Raby, Helen Jack, Marion Coghlin*. ; --Geo. A,pSmith, Principal. Junie Division 2nd book--Eva Hoffmeyer91, Cora Winkler 88, Myrtle McLennan 84, Rebert Moffat 76, Edwin Hoffmeyer 74, Cecil Martin 72, Harry Edwards 64, Winnifred Knox 60, Stanley Gor- don 33. : ist book--Olive Pierce 95, Helen -O'Grady 90, Robert Crawford 88, Vera Fewings 79, Harold Suitter 73, Mildred Henderson 70, Daisy Lowrie 61, Johnnie Wagler 60, Barton Ed- wards 14. Primer--Hazel Crawford, Eva Crawford, Mildred Smith, Jack Mc- Kee, Emanuel Nafziger, James Raby. -----S. Hammond, Teacher. BAECHLERVILLE Phe heartfelt sympathy of the com- munity goes out to Mrs. Levi Cook and family in the sad loss of husband and father. Mr. Ernest White spent Tuesday last in Stratford. The pupils of S.S. No. 9, gave their - closing concert' on Thursday after- Master George Posliff was the capable chairman. The programme consisted of choruses, recitations group exercises and violin solos. Special mention must be made of noon. - The Soldiers' Drill by the primary boys and the violin solos by Edna and Herman Debus, who show wonderful talent. At the close of the children's program Miss Delilah Atkin gave two instrumental solos and Miss Bertha Debus gave a violin selection, which were greatly appreciated. Miss Bertha Parkinson is spending the holiday season ins Sebringville. Mr. Ed. Smith moved to his new farm last week. The best wishes of _. the neighbors for his future pros- ~~ perity go with him. 'here, ae : # LISBON. Christmas pased away very quiet- ly in our burg this year. Mr. Wm. Becker is busy cutting wood these days with his brother-in- law, Mr, John Schmidt, at Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. John Hohl spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Kaufman, Wellesley. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weitzel and daughter were the guests. of Mr. and Mrs. John Hurst at Avonhead on Sun- day. ' Mr. Edward Lantz and son, of Philipsburg, made a short call at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Glebe on Thursday. Mr. George Streicher is spending a few days with friends at Bright and Haysville. Miss Ella Snider, who has been working for Mr. John Jacobs, Milver- ton, during the summer, is spending a few weeks at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Koch and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Koch, Ratzsburg. Mr. Wm. Yager, of Kitchener, is spending a few days at his home. The Lisbon Methodist church Xmas entertainment was very well attend- ed. Mr. Seifert Snider has secured a position with Mr. Henry Wettlaufer, saw miller at Amulree for the' com- ing summer, Mrs. Peter Grey, of Kitchener, who has been attending the bedside of her sister, Mrs: Fred Rehberg, for the past few weeks, returned home on Saturday. Mr. Walter Koch was a business visitor to New Hamburg on Monday. CROSSHILL Miss Freda Lather, who has been spending the past few weeks in Wat- erloo, is spending the holiday season at her home here. Miss Margaret Rennie, of Kitchen- er, spent Christmas under the parent- al roof. At the close of the Sunday School last Sunday, the superintendent, Mr. G. Barbour, and the Bible class teach- er, Mrs. Elias Playford, were taken by surprise when Mrs. Lorne Rennie, on behalf of the school, read a very appropriate address and Miss Ruth Hammond presented Mr. Barbour with a handsome leather purse, and Miss Ellen Playford presented Mrs. Playford with a cold meat fork, in appreciation of services rendered during the year now drawing to a close. \ The school concert held last Fri- day evening was a decided success. The school room being crowded and the programme of songs, recitations dialogues and drills were applauded by all. The only dull feature of the evening being the departure of Mr. Sloman, who has charge of the school during the past year, and who by the Military Service Act, has been drafted for active service. At the close of the concert, the chairman ask ed Mr. Sloman to come to the plat- form when Miss Helen Barbour read a very laudatory address and Miss Lizzie Lodge presented him with a handsome dressing case. WARTBURG Miss Beatrice Richardson, of New Hamburg, is spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. George Rich- ardson. Misses Kate Armstrong and Ad- die Krug, who have been attending the Stratford Business College, are spending the holidays at their homes here. "Mr. Robert McMane, of Milverton, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. John Henry. Miss Irene Miller, teacher at Gads- hill, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller. Mr. George Richardson, from near St. Marys, is a holiday visitor in this locality. Ellice Star L.O.L. No. 1320 held their annaul meeting in their hall on Wednesday evening. The officers were all elected by acclamation. We are glad to report that Miss Kathleen Marshall, who has been in the Stratford General Hospital for the past two months, has so far re- covered as to be removed to her home. We all hope she may soon be able to resume her studies at school. IRISHTOWN Hurrah for Union Government. Wedding bells are ringing along with Christmas bells in this vicinity. Mr. Russell Riley, of Poole, at- tended the box social here on Wed- nesday evening. Miss Hahn is visiting her friend Miss Maggie Reid. The many friends of Mr. George Johnston are glad to see out again. A large number attended the box social held in 8.8. No. 5, on Wednes- day evening. "All report an enjoy- abie time. ; Mr. Nelson Merrick purchased Mr. S. J. Scott's driver last. week and in- tends taking it to the West. TRALEE (Intended for last week.) Mr. Thomas McKay has returned home from Chippewa. Mrs. Chas. Linseman and Mrs. F. Dietrich and little son spent a few days last week in Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hammar visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Vol- Imer at Hesson. : Mrs. Isaac Musselman, of Kitchen- er, spent a few days last week with friends here. : The hay presses are busy around Es 'ent. '|journed until Jan. 22nd, 1918. FERNBANK Miss Emma Reid, of Paris, is vis- Miss Mary Diamond, of Guelph, was home over the holiday. Mrs. Andrew Corry and son, Alex. and Miss Nellie Neilson were visitors in Stratford on Monday. Miss Carrie Robinson, of Hamil- ton, was a holiday visitor at her home here. Se Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hymer spent Sunday with friends in Elma, . Miss Maud Mason, of Newton, spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Neilson. . Miss Marie Crawford returned last week from Hamilton, after a pleas- ant visit with friends there. Mr. and Mrs. John Weir and fam- ily, of Stratford, were visitors at the home of Mr. H. B. Kerr this week. Visitors at the home of Mr. John Klockman on Christmas were: Mrs. Andrew Picken and Miss Jean Picken of Durham, and Mrs. Helen Stewart and mother of Millbank, Miss Dorothy Stewart, who has been teaching at Cut Knife, Sask., is spending a couple of months at her home here. Miss Mary Vogan, of Campbellford is at~present visiting under the par- ental roof. Mr. W. H. Reid and the Misses Jennie and Alice Reid spent Christ- mas Day at Mr. Reid Allingham's. The following is the report of the "Willing War Workers," Fernbank, for the year 1917:Goods made, 12 hospital shirts, 15 pyjamas, 72 flan- nel shirts, 180 pair of socks, 1 quilt, for convalescent home; packed 21 boxes for boys overseas. Total val- ued at $375. Signed Miss N. Neilson President and Miss B. Reid, Sec.- Treas. ELMA COUNCIL The Municipal Council of the Tp. of Elma met in the Agricultural hall Atwood, on Saturday, Dec. 15th, 1917. Members present Reeve W. Scott, Deputy-reeve Samuel Smith, and Councillors Wm. Coates, John Ilman and Chas. Vallance. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed by the Reeve and Clerk. Moved by Mr. Vallance and sec- onded by Mr. Smith, that By-law No. 696, appointing a time and place for holding the nomination for Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and Councillors for 1918 and appointing Deputy Return- ing Officers and Poll Clerks to con- duct the same as now raed a third time be finally passed. Moved by Mr. Coates seconded by Mr. Illman, that the Collector's time for returning the roll be extended till the first meeting of council for 1918. Revs. W. D. McDonald, H. J. Fair and Mr. Hugh Richmond addressed the Council in aid of the sufferers of Halifax and after some discussion was left over for further consider- ation. Moved by Mr. Vallance, seconded by. Mr. Illman, that the Reeve and Clerk issue orders for the payment of a number of accounts. These will appear in the Financial Statement. Moved by Mr. Illman, seconded by Mr. Coates that the council do now adjourn sine die. --Geo. Lochhead, Clerk. DIRECTORS' MEETING The directors of the Elma Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company met in the Agricultural hall, Atwood, on Tuesday, Dec. 18th, 1917. All pres- The president presided. The minutes of the last meeting were read confirmed and signed. The following claims were paid: Samuel Smith, El- ma, horse damaged by lightning $115 S. G. Sangster, Grey, horse damaged by lightning, $75; Walter Ingles, Sec- retary S. S. No. 2, Elma, loss of wood shed and contents by fire, $173; Jas. Nichol estate, Elma, damage to barn by lightning, $8; the following ac- counts were paid: E. H. Swing, print- ing, $12.50; S. J. Love, meeting, mile- age and adjusting claims $26.30; D. B. Grieve, do. $25.90; James Moffat, do. $36.00; John Denstedt, do. $28.- 50; George Cleland, do. $26.20; J. K. Baker, do, $29.20; T. E. Shearer, do. $29.40; J. S. Cowan, do. $26.80; Ivy D. Smith, do. $22.20; T. G. Rat- cliffe, use of hall for meetings, $10. Applications were accepted amount- ing to $169,000.00. The meeting ad- (An- nual meeting).--J. R. Hammond, Seoretary. WELLESLEY Now that the election is a thing of the past, everyone is settling dowr to their ordinary routine business. Nomination day for municipal of ficers is nearing and will likely see : contest in our township. Mr. and Mrs. L. Becker and family Myr. and Mrs. John Welz and family of Preston, are spending their Christ- mas holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Koehler. Miss Irma Peppler. of Kitchener, is spending the holidays at her home here.. z The executors of the late John B. Lichty estate disposed of the fine Lichty for $7,800, to Mr. Fred Smith of Nithburg. Mr. P. A. Wagner has turned his barroom into a finely equipped gar- age, and is now ready to serve the public in that line. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. West, of Elm- vale, are spending a few days here among friends and relatives. Mrs. C. F. Ottmann, who has been on the sick list for several weeks, is, we are glad to say, able to be around _ jagain. iting her parents over the holidays. farm at present occupied by Mr. G.|- To all our Customers = We take great pleasure in thanking you for the very liberal i 7 ' patronage you have given us during the pre business has increased by a very big margin © mer years. We will try our utmost to give you the same , V3 ; treatment for 1918. Our finances are right which en- -- | . ables us to buy right and allows us to sell right. Wishing : you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. a: ' sent year. Our ver all for- WM. K. LOTH, - Milverton # | ATWOOD. Mr. and Mrs. John Dickson, of Winnipeg, are visiting with friends in the village and vicinity. Mss Ruth Oliver is spending the holiday at her home in Palmerston. Sergt. H. Wilkinson, of the Royal Flying Corps., Toronto, spent the week-end with Dr. Kidd and Mrs. Wilkinson. l Mrs. (Dr.) Lyman and Miss Irene Johnston, of Detroit, are visiting with | Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Johnston. j Pte. Johnston Peebles, of the R.F. C., Toronto, spent the holiday at his! home. Mr. Dave Ovans, of Dakota, is vis- iting with Mr. and Mrs. John Ovans. Mrs. A. Morrison and Misses Mar- garet, Jean and Mina Morrison, of Toronto, spent the holiday with friends in the village. Pte. J. Peachey, of Toronto, is vis- iting at his home. Miss Alma Wynn, of Alma is holi- daying at her home. Mr. Eric McBain, of Toronto, is visiting his parents. Mr. Stanley Grey, of Stratford, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Simpson, of Detroit, are visiting with friends in the village and vicinity. Miss Olive Robb, of Listowel, vis- ited her friend, Miss Annie Jolly over the holiday. Mr. Max Morrison, of Cayley, av! berta, is visiting friends in the vil-| lage. Mr. Earl Switzer, of Toronto, spent the week-end at his home. Mr. William Brown, of Kitchener, is holidaying at his home. Mr. and Mrs, A, Porter and Miss Alice Porter, spent the holiday in Brussels. Pte. Norman Cunningham, of Lon don, is visiting at his home. Misses Minnie and Edith Campbell of Toronto, are holidaying with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Camp- bell. Miss Helen Lochhead, of Stratford, is spending the holidays at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Hedley R. May, of Toronto, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. Leslie. ' Miss Leona Hammond, of Toronto, spent the holiday at her home in the village. ; Mrs. D. Hodge and daughter, Mary are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fea- therstone, Listowel. i Pte. Frank Wilson, of.London, is spending the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. James Brown. Mrs. C. Ballantyne is visiting with friends in Hensall. Misses Beatrice Graham and May Wikon, of Toronto, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James Brown. Miss Beatrice Gordon, of Palmer- ston, spent the holiday at her home in the village. Mr. John Pelton, of Wyandotte, Mich., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Pelton. Mrs. G. Rome and son, Gordon, of Palmerston, visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon over the holiday. Miss Lillian Richmond, of Strat- ford, spent the holiday at. her home. Mr. D. J. Faulkner spent the week- end at his home in Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Robinson and daughter, Ruth, are visiting with friends in Wingham and Teeswater. Miss Ruby McKay of Walton, is visiting at her home. DONEGAL Miss Emma Barton, of Toronto, is spendin' her holidays at her home here. Mr. A. H. Cockwell, of the 12th line, is spending a week with friends at Guelph and Milton. Miss Minnie Cowan is spending her holidays under the parental roof. Miss Tillie Heard, of Union, spent. a few days last week the guest of her friend, Miss Muriel Petrie. Mr. Elgin Vipond, of Toronto, is holidaying at Mr. S. Vipond's. - | Wishing You the Compliments of the Season We are Offering Our Entire Stock at Prices Away Below the =} Wholesale Price of To-day |, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OFFER FOR THE BALANCE OF THIS YEAR 'ONLY hand Wood and Coal Heaters. A GREAT SNAP IN STOVES Happy Thought (Steel) 6 hole, reg. $75, for $68.00 Happy Thought (Cast) 6 hole, reg. $73, for $66.00 Happy Thought (Cast) 4 hole, reg. $68, for $58.00 Britannia (Steel) 6 hole a snap reg. $60, for $49.00 Northern (Steel) 6 hole, a snap, reg. $58, for $46.00 Base Burner, large size, reg. $48 Oak Heater, reg. $22.00, Tors. . 5 Empire Quebec Heater, reg. $20.00, for... .$16.00 for... $38.00 a Fees $17.00 We also have on hand second-hand Wood, and Wood and Coal Cook Stoves. A COMPLETE SACRIFICE IN LANTERNS Tin Lanterns, short globe, reg. $1.10, sale.. 89¢e A Copper Lanterns, short globe, reg. $1.60 sale $1.39 §f The regular prices of these lanterns are be- -- low the wholesale prices of to-day. Take advantage of these prices. * pare Gawhes p FEED BASKETS ie Long handle Stable Shovels, reg. 95c, sale....79 D handle Stable Shovels, reg. 96c, sale = 2 Snow Shovels, reg. 60c, sale.... Large size, reg. $1.25, sale price..,.....<% -99c ; Call and see these bargains while they last. Small Size, reg. 75c; sale price... ...5...5 006 49c te Clothes Baskets, reg. $1.75, sale price...... $1.39 e. Clothes Pins, 42 doren for. oe5.5 55 3. 0s 6 ee 15¢ os STABLE AND SNOW SHOVELS a SKATES OF ALL SIZES HOCKEY STICKS, AXE HANDLES (Rock Elm) MITTS and GLOVES, COAL SCUTTLES, GAL- VANIZED PAILS, MILK PAILS, in fact, the com- plete stock at 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT. cease ee ¢ 79c ROSS 39c (Nickle Plated) e Reg. $6.50 sale $5.79. - Reg. $6.00, sale $5.49. Reg. $5.50, sale $4.99. Reg. $4.50, sale poe ot Reg. $3.50, sale $2.99. Reg. $4.00, sale $3.49. Reg. $2.75, sale $2.19. Reg $2.50, sale $1.99. -- Reg. $2.00, sale $1.49. Reg. $1.75, sale $1.29. Reg. $1.50, sale $1.29. Reg. $1.25, sale $ .99.. ROP COUL, BRIG DTICOH VA oss ee oe ea $ .79. TAKE THESE PRICES AND COMPARE THEM WITH THE REGULAR PRICES AND THEN _ These prices are good for the balance of the year--BUT ARE FOR CASH ONLY FIGURE YOUR SAVING. \ Finkbeiner Hardware GLENALLAN Misses Elizabeth Hammar and El- len Stroh, of the Hamilton Normal School, have returned home to spend the Christmas holidays. The Glenallan Women's Institute recently packed the folowing Red Cross supplies: 19 day shirts, 101 personal property bags, 28 stretcher caps, 105 patient towels, 38 pillow cases, 815 face cloths, cheese cloth handkerchiefs, 7 pair bed socks, 9 sets of pyjamas. Miss H. Scott teacher of our school is spending her vacation at her home in Newmarket. Mrs. Mewhinney, who has been re- newing old acquaintances in these townline. We are sorry to report that Mr. Rufus Black is under the doctor's eare, suffering from heart trouble. GLENALLAN (Intended for last week.) Mr. R. McCofmick spent a few days last wek in Guelph. Mr. James Hammar has returned home, after spending the summer in Saskatchewan. Miss Vera Mewhinney, spent the wek-end at her home on the town tinge \ parts, returned to her home on the | BY The Compliments of | i the Season ... | --= and Embaimer