Monkton Times, 7 Mar 1918, p. 3

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3a sai $ wept nen We a cS z SILER a ae. ee awET RFFE J A. RIVBLY ADVENTURE. 4 > She Often Ha dio "fs mer wangep _ Se al res -- SE wore | ereeeey : ; a A ' ; UA yes Bers" : SE : ! st |B ADIES WANTED TO DO. PLAIN : ae eat : <p = Ne ond A ae LAR OE ee ee eee fe ee ee | pee Ss. } ACureforPimples 3 : bes! & * : j i ; é stance, charges paid, Send stamp for]. - : : ¢ Lees : SE OF EAGRIPPE| oe Lay Off For a Day fixie sgse siscemaine| 7 We HAA 1, ee ae mn cd . | Meghmala Was a big elephant. Shep , Company. Montreal. ee Ret) Geer = 17. Sees as le (f Bo or any other strong mineral to Sens? Sean _|stood nearly eleven feet high and had : Noe aa pee << a Se BAR: ee I) ae a Vis } % cure pimples caused by poor Often Worse Than the Disease|» tail that touched she i ag a! Mrs. Mantle Tells Why She Used Vy wes NEWSPAPER IN, WES'T- oi vey P és mi res ; ae Eshsvs ates 2 ee 'aa : : tuft of black hair at the end. She was : r 1, : ern Ontario. Doing a good busi- : : Hf y ruggist calls it "Mother Seigels Itself--Victims Left Weak, Dedd's Kidney Pills... ness. Death of owner places it on the \, eaF : Write to-day for our hig Soredee Syrup--and your skin wpa new +5 ieee a . Nervous and Worn Out. the central figure in a lively adven- Maret A-grest-charine f Atl ture that_a lady who writes in the > a coer cash, Apply Box 82, Wilson Publishing SE FREE CATALOGUE will clear up as freshas a baby's. J ¢ ------ ~ ad ' ' and Women, Boys and Girls, ° " La Gri car ve ee ae * : ; ] e " YELLE RHQUIPPED NEWSPAPER a z - 'eo regulate our bowels." Get the fluenz es x ay nana by vig Ml oe India, : allowed to take Megh- That She Recommends Them te All AW : 5 I } MOTOR CYCLES ; ' egulate y a iif Sinn Siete narhed SAE obra capi beg ' Sufferers Front Kidney Disease. -- eo are fap on a sdeagiee att SS MOTOR ATTACHMENTS oy . during the Winter and i ths it Our little party consisted of | * F S 1.) , t | Cou ata, Yoronto. "| Bab i NY Tires, Coaster Brakes, Wheels, Inner Tubes, fa St? vinter and spring months. | writer. Our little party cons | St. John, N.B., Feb'y 18th (Special. as 7 i nl : ment and Parts of Bicycles eats Anyone who has felt its pangs is not|the elephant and her driver, 1s erga een tre Mantle, an estimable lady yy! MISCELLANEOUS : MWY 7 | your supplies from usat: wickiaooen ii 7 i E 8 aS : pee es \ Go... Limited, : PA showing i : . | Wield had duing a shooting expedition! Ri cuits, She States, Were Sq Good Sabana asta ee ms Satan! showing our full lines of Bicycle# for Men It will sweeten your stomach and ahd job printing plant in Hastern genume. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. disease prevalent throughout Canada |mala out for a whole day, says the Roun ia / ' | Wilson Publishing Co., ta., Doronto. kf PB / lamps, Bells, Cyclometers, Saddles, Equip: Rs RAPP PRPR OP likely to forget the trouble, La grippe myself and a forest guard, We went ing at 117 King St. East, this city, i) Q(ANCER, TUMGRS, LUMPS, ETC. CH a 7. W. BOYD & SON, starts with a slight cold--and endsjinto-the densest , part of the jungle, PE ik ees Be tees Saye peed RE SA By HIS ! ay ieee . antlers always ready. to tell of the benefit she out pain b I tr 2 r j . : ; re eee Pot ee with a complication, of troubles. It/and had to go very steadily as the | ros Sea from using Dodd's Kid- na perore, too. Jate br. Bellman Medical CU ok Ss iy 3 d oe ty rs Wiis t y AUHUENIRDLERSEEES UT EMTEOOUTERDESECULS CE EET ET D2 ' TO B E : lays a strong man on his back; it/trees were so thick. On the Way) ney Pills , C9-, Limited, 'ollingwood, Ont. : tortures him with fevers and chills, | while crossing a sandy place, we Saw Wes Dodd's Ki Di ; } ; "es, Dodd's Kidney Pills have done ; headaches and backaches, It leaves | some large tracks that the mahout! 4, wonderful lot. of good," Mrs. Doctors Ree ommend him a prey to pneumonia, bronchitis, | told us were made by a wild elephant. | yr tie' told an interviewer. "For j ic Rag and other deadly dis- te an hour of trekking we a 4) three years I was ina worn-out condi- Bon-@ pto {¢ Yr the Kyes eases. In-fact its after effects are more | beautiful sambar, and K---~- took alm ti n. often having to lay off.for a day). Phystet ' serious than the trouble itself. You and got him with his first shot; down need ~ . . scrips' DonsObte. an ABT kg) ee ah can avoid la grippe and winter colds jhe came, and as we dashed up, Megh- "J guffered from drowsiness and yk pane hs 2d bye: IPoBbian and <5 OU can ac by keeping your blood rich and red |mala trumpeted loudly, he beast sharp pains across my back. T had , refund guaranty by all druggists. complish oe the occasional use of Dr. Williams' | was not quite dead, and E---- Sere headaches, and was subject to neural- , Se tt ste ae ink Pills, If you have not done this | down, also the forest guard and . the) |; ' =. j m/ the day if you . 5 ; : ia arid rheumatism. ; , lh oME 4 aR and Ae disease lays you low, you|mahout, in spite of protests from me, & "Dodd's Kidney Pills helped me so} SHORTAGE OF MEDICAL MEN. : hq) ). a ace can banish all its evil after effects by|to hallal the beast--a religious cere-| vouch that I can high! Adiesth : Sf LEH i wees, ghly, recommend | yj; i : an AutoStrop _ this same great blood-building, nerve | mony that must be performed before | tom to anyone suffering from kidney Million Children Handicapped in Eng- oh ge restoring: medicine. This has been|the animal dies, else the natives are | disease," : land as Result, Says Doctor. ; aly Sineasad proved in thousands of cases through- | not allowed to eat the meat. : Dodd's Kidney Pills are purely 'a Dr, Addison, speaking at the prize use your Auto- out Canada by la grippe victims who |- And now occurred an awful thing. kidney remedy. Making the kidneys | distribution at the Charing Cross Hos- : Strop:you realizé have been made well and strong | Meghmala turned round and started [healthy enables them to strain all the pital Medical School, London, said thai what it means to cd ere Should Read Mrs. Monyhan's Letter Published by -Her Permission. . Coma to Torento TO BO a we Your Buying | na 0 Mitchell, Ind.--" Lydia E. Pinkham's ; ey ta ' Vegetable Compound helsed me so much > i: : a E : during the time I was looking forward to the coming of my little one that I am' recommending it to otherexpectant mothers. Before taking it, somedays I suffered with neue ralgia so badly that I thought I could) not live, but after taking three bottles of Lydia E. Pinks, /ham's Vegetable ' Compound | was en-' ' tirely relioved of neuralgia, 1 had gained in strength - and was eble to go , around and do all my housework. My baby when. seven ' months old weighed 19 pounds and J feel better than I have for a long time. never had any medicine do me 80 much good,"--~Mrs. PEARL MONYHAN,| Mitcheil, Ind. . Good health during maternity is a most ppasane factor to both mother and child, and many Jetters have been received by the Teds Kk. Pinkham HMI Dibiaeaiiiihs i iii page isihi through the use ) Hiliame'! Pink (off on her back! The mahout f ng . pees gn oy - ) own a razor that Pills s pie age bs: ¥ 'eee ae called P ainanaed nase did. all in Kis | MPU ities out of the blood, That to-day there was greater need than : is always in per- : 3 "3 Sesser e cured is Miss Irene | tg nianaaer igh t it f 9 | means pure blood and good health. | ever for the best' that any of. them 4 fect condition for Th addition to the outing and ootes, ortsmouth, Ont, who writes: | powér-to stop her, but-it was o S, | Dodd's Kidney Pills are recommended , could do. Statistics showed that the |: Fela cent its blade is sharp change, a shopping trip to Toronto eg sg: much pleasure in recom: | USe, and I realized that she intended') 1,. thousands of women who were once annual wastage of the civil medical As and keen. "{ may save you puich money. The mending Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, be- |to run away. You. an: ag th jean down and worn out. population was between 900 and.1,000. joes The AutoStrop 3 ces cf buying in a large cone hare prove thir worth | fein ted verging om io] N27" TTS fearon he crate tctree | Ruel yar ay he 3 ase, 4as y Fer . é 'an ne I A "é z : : = ¢ z "nS J . i severe attack of la ae Coma it lett glasses, camera, and our coats--and I Ee Be iets, cher es eget eee "ye ks Saha te oe 2 of whi eae nike; : ' C ically He) ch mean a saving in mone me weak. and run down, I had | knew T must try to keep them safe.! It is not the deed but the danger through te ee ee we sosae one matically. = ; ra Utila aoa oleaeara ble tia, ys severe pains in the chest and under Flay full length on the pad-and grasp-| 'That tests the hero's soul; it would only be 519. That was to say, rer en And ail this is doubly enhanced by the arms, palpitation of the heart and cd the side, ropes, 3 kept my a | And the songs of strength are not 80} that for some years to come the medi- Complete Outfit % the fact that you can stay at hs attacks of neuralgia which. left me #8 low as T could. It was an awtul| rare . ; =e = = most home-like end comfortable v ch. le ' , {eal profession would not be recruited $5.09 hotel in Canada, and at moderate with the feeling that life was scarcely Tide. 1 would not have believed that; As the sign of self-control os : : ; nig Pp aeey plea aN As a sufficient measure to overcome) }- 9 AT ALL STORES "toast: atic e your parcels: se worth living. "I'wa¢ taking doctor's 8" elephant eould go at such a pace! A torch, a cheer and a niche of fame / the ordinary civil wastage E a" Peet i oak a Bae core Peer ow is medicine, but it did not help me and I} through thick: jungle; but we flew, and} For the man who met the foe. ' Th ae covident aad Tie ea daieos J Pah Safety 2 no extra charge. ' \ was much discouraged. I was advised | What.trees came in Meghmala's way | But here's to the men who fail or Wi | that there were no fewer' than a mil- : ta ee se ut ' Ty , 7 : é 2 B3.-87 Duke St. 1A/ . & The Walker House SUDEEEDEDEDEDECUIUEREREUEDELEELESYEGEEESEEERERSEE EEE * 3 -to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and be- she merely pushed 'down with no ef-| In a stress we do not know. P par tun ge gan their use only on the principle | fort whatever. { was sick with terror, \ te peceviay tas es eg S ighons who Lagi sm a 5 that I would try anything that might but! managed to keep hold of the gun Some are cheered by a nation's honor Sor 'life oe te diego ; e ae The House of Plenty Medicine ,Go., Lynn, Mass., telling of better my condition. I had only been | 8nd the rifle. And some by a steadfast friend; Pe ACR BONG rae pei _ &T-1-18 TORONTO, ONT. 4 health restored during this trying perio ihe the pills a couple of weeks when| At last I saw a low bough coming, And some by the light of a woman's | Ti" vn ible. When gta ie ; ' (UnANUTAITNATATTEIMIy by the use of Lydia B. Pinkham's Veger the pains began to leave me. Gradual-|2nd I felt that all was up. My topee love : he ee < table Compound. . T ae ant war came they would see the total of ik : ye] an ] étrend hie x ~.. had been swept off some time before Till the strain and strife have end. of | . : y my strength returned, my appetite | ad been swept off some tr ex od after the story is writ and read those who had been lost, and they' ia : . =)) improved, and in' little more than a /ad my hair was. combed straight by | Beats Pie ; ; f month I felt all my old time vigor had 'branches. The bough caught my head! The heart of the world is stirred. million which tay tele ee wt aa SAFETY Dangerous Gas nd A id That returned. I am sincerely glad I was | with an awful blow, but I passed un-| But here's to the man who toiled alone We should spare no ora bis f mnind AZ : ~ Sa cl S ne persuaded to-try Dr, Williams' Pink 'derneath, and on we swept. pre ae ieee ee Wat ete esgae a body to warcichs that eibcies ei H i Th Pills, and I shall always have a good | realized that I must somehow get off,| pore is joy in a fateful struggle-- jin the next generation. ; Saneth* url Qe Stomach---Sour The Food PUUPANUEEUTIUGLERLILIOTEESITLER 7 ' There was a/| word to say for them." as I might not be so lucky another | If the watchers understand vital need that we sh ie\ ee Shee tea g : i Q , f ould achieve Wh $ e 4 ° Dr. Williams Pink Pills' not only | time; so I got ready the BOTS: and There is joy in the lift of another's greater unity of direction, and that | en buying dete Piano Cause D 1S e Sia Indi f chon em iba «saan 34 wae ioe ge meld Re ah Tar Me sd aid bans ig load we should' Haye a sustained and: com insist on having an my y p ¢ ? - gS: x grippe, but are also a specific for all | P88 srass I dropped them ane let My | By a loyal heart or hand prehensive progr eras a6 = mo 99 ' : i a ae . sive gramme of health ef- = SS eee , these troubles due to poor blood, such self slide off behind by her tail. T fell But some things fall to the lot of | fort. : O71 TO HIG =L Recommends a Safe Way to Treat Stomach Trouble At Home as anaemia, rheumatism, indigestion, | With a bump, and got up in.time to life,-- PIANO ACTION | ere < a ' e , Lo -- é i Many stomach sufferers who are, sour, fermenting mass. into the in- 's ai ' Meghmala vartish in the jungle be- : Bong women's ailments, and the gener ally | 8€° oe A a a ee i d 8 ve And ever it must be $0;----- | always full of gas and whose stom- | testines and so relieve the stomach worn out feeling that affects so many | vaca I ties ed and ca ed, and my Joy Some no others can understand, =~ 0-0-0 8-0-0 | SLR achs pues areas ae after age | pain but the acid still remains in the ' | . ' YC ar ss , every meal think these things are 21S ac renerate more gas and people. 'You can get. these pills, When 1 heard an answer te call near-| "4nd some no one can know. PAINT NOT A BIT! f qety Diedt think: these nines Be "ia eredace ame eegee: Laos OE through any dealer in medicine, or by 'ly did for me. The mahout found me LIFT YOUR CORNS ||| reality they are. the CAUSE. SoS ai ee aac mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for | first, and when we found E and | In the long, long run we reckon OR CALLUSES OFF | | tal digestente fon a Sieh 9 i lt te ae ie ne esos Bie. ard . | an . * é ; cis estents such as pepsin, ete., P als } ther aw > ant $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine the forest guard E was shaking | Bach man at his social worth; . | to a stomach full of gas BSE acid ae { tontaad: vat a ew é Pain tablet of Co., Brockville, Ont all over and could not speak, and the! With a partial glance at his cireum- No humbug! Apply few drops it would be for a man who had step- | pure pbisurated magnesia from any = a men were nearly as bad. How we ot! P then Just lit ped on a tack to rub liniment on his j druggist and take two with each Diese capa Page e y as : V got | stance aoe t them away foot without removing the tack. |meal. Bisurated Magnesia does not ENEMY HAS 2,500 PLANES. home I do not know, but we did, and T| And the stars above his birth. with fingers. Sere eee? Pen Bass sag nue digest food peut will neutreline ti ex- = : : a, aoe nd : - re Doge OO sae a ga le = 3 gas and acid. Gas distends the stom-| cessive acid in your stomach Keep @ was put to bed. Mr. C----, E----, a/ But under the breast that stands the -G~ | ach walls, causing a full, bloated op+! the food sweet and will drive the gas | pressive feeling while the acid irri- | and bloat right out of your body. As But Airships Have Proved a Fiasco friend, and thirty coolies with another test This new 4 | ; ; i P i is 5 ates ames ini | Magnesia. is- prepared . i ArioUus Thirty-two Destroyed. glenhent Parnell then started off to| The heart tides ebb and flow. pound Masoternd by ox Soe | On Hands From Salt Rheum stomach. Naturally ce fank revnente : Free be. dure to oe Bisurated 'Mag: ; , rhos by? and sours, digestion is oft delayed | nesia for this 'pose as it is not z Writing from the French front, G vies el mage that tho th Then here's to the one whose duty s ~ chemist. It is cated | At Very Small Cost for } and eeoeiean wiser is the poi dete Taxative and in this refi nee rot tit H. Perri . : SS ka OF ake ms Se SV CUnS ey. | done eae freezone, and can now | d Oj t t Artificial digestents will push this not injure the stomach in any way. oe nee the London Chronicle's spe-|came home with both elephants. Ram-} In a stress we do not know. AES: Ke ateined tas tok ap an intment. ae correspondent, says: kalli had caught up with Meghmala, Charles Poole Cleaves. : tea A Ma a a ee a) 3y the efforts of the past year,/and the mahout had jumped from one + --_--_--- a very llitis cost: from any "T was a great sufferer from salt AS a - ' } c : F ag ee which I recently reported, General von to the other. Everything _except/ LEMON JUICE IS Ro ane wns hea ak es ay ed wie ka aG n iIner y P or S aie | Moeppnet has now brought the \E 's coab and my topee was on the FRECKLE REMOVER i for freezone. Apply a | and it itched terribly and kept spread- strength of the German aviation ser- pad, loose. And my topee and E "$ a ie drop or two éfrectly | ing. I could not use my hands at all New Automatic Valve Type. Complete with supply and exhaust piping, squadrillas, representing a total of my hair. My idea is that Meghmala | to clear and whiten your skin. } callus and fnstantiy the | that] could not bend my fingers. Ao et fiywheel, etc. Will accept $1,200 cash for immediate sale. on about 2,500 machines. They are di-| scented the wild elephant, and that j 5 not describe what I have suffered k ee | oreness disappears. ce vided as follows: e - when she made off with me she was Squeeze the juice of two lemons into Shortly you will find the see Pe Bie Soap and PS Bormbarding squadrillas, 23; chasers, | going in search of it, Had she met! bottle containing three ounces of =(S= the corn or callus so Sisson: Tonly used one cake yd Cuti- - 40; protection squadrillas, 30; patrol /the other elephant I should have been) orchard white, shake well, and you loose that you can lift it | cura Soap and one box of Ointment equadrillas, 80; artillery squadrillas, | killed instantly. |/have a quarter pint of the best freckle Bit ht off, root and all, with | when my hands were healed." (Signed) 100; total, 278. a) WR Mrs. M. L. Aiken, Highwater, Que. To these groups must be added the] -- eee lf . : : j ! Keep your skin clear by daily use of alge ae ' BUDE \fier, at very, very small cost. ily {i} Not a twinge of pain, mae bens = ; Oint- Soka cif Sat Site! pecan thie GUARD THE B ABY | Your grocer has the lemons and any We li soreness or irritation; een Moe rea navy, a dozen or more garrison squad- | drug store or toilet counter will supply Bi Hl not even the slightest For Free Sample Each by Mail ad- -rillas, and about a dozen training 'three ounces of orchard white for a Nii smarting, efther when | dress post-card: "Cuticura, Dept. A, | REAL ESTATES CORPORATION, LTD. AGAINST COLD Boston, U.S. A." Sold everywhere. | : 1 ELECTRIC GENERATOR, 30 K.W., 110-120 Volts D.C. Will accept $425 cash for immediate sale. PULLEYS, Large size. 26x66---$30 ; 12x60---$20; 12)x48--$12; 12x36--$8. 1 BLOWER OR FAN, Buffalo Make. 44 inch discharge--$30. - land tan lotion, and complexion beauti- gull WK the fingers. vices up to rather-more than 200- coat were found; also the comb out of Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion i upon a tender corn or | and the skin would crack and bleed so 1 WHEELOCK ENGINE, 18x42. | | } EFOUPAs:. i 'few cents. Massage this sweetly fra- 1 hil applyin, freezone or . Jes r : I have before me 4 detailed account | prant lotion into the face, neck, arms, | 4 ie a 60 Front St. West. Baitatie of the fate of rather more than 50} ----- and hands each day and see how Pa at a This drug doesn't eat ee ee eee eee Zeppelins, which explains in the most| To guard the baby against colds | freckles and blemishes disappear and i up the corn or callus satisfactory manner why these prodi-| nothing can equal Baby's Own Tab-) how clear, soft and white the skin be- = put shrivels them a0 old pres rs aio peat the |lets. The Tablets are a mild laxative | comes. Yes! It is harmless. they loosen and come right out. It is e world, and so far as land operations | that will keep the little one's stom- | = o------ ' no humbug! It works like a charm. 3 are concerned can no longer be seri-|ach and bowels working regularly. | In Memoriam _ | For a het cents you can get rid of It S a money-saver-- ously counted in the air services,|It is a recognized fact that where the Z | every hard corn, soft corn or corn be- = : Apart from two destroyed before the} stomach and bowels are in good order (Lieut.-Col. John McCrae, author a tween the toes, as well as painful 1 this book we send you free war, the list may be summed up as|that colds will not exist; that the "Ta Flanders' Fields.") | calluses. on bottom of your feet. It follows: health of the little one will _ be good Another cross in the same row | never disappoints and never burns, 5 It's no exaggeration to call this book-- Destroyed in Germany, 10; destroy-|and that he will thrive and be happy Marks thine own place | bites or inflames. If your druggist : 2 ed in neutral.countries or hear -the!and good-natured. The Tablets are In Flanders' Fields--Where poppies | hasn't any freezone yet, tell him to _ What the Farmer can do with Concrete"-- : front, 5; destroyed in England, by the | sold by medicine dealers or by mail grow: | get a little bottle for you from his a money-saver. It makes money by saving money--for every farmer who British Navy, or on their way home|at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- wholesale house. f teads it and who acts on the advice and instructions it contains. How does it from England, 15; others destroyed at | liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. - The age Sears lights us the Way See ea ; : savemoney ? Simply by telling how to build farm improvement of Concrete. sea, 2; out of use, 5; in use as train- : : : Age 3 oe j i ; . BoA cr at Eagerly we grasp it. Th sie yé : irrors i The farmer nowadays realizes that he is under a roof and sanitary. ing schools, 4; in use chiefly in the Sopot fg Sea geet ies Soh is "aK Sete = aes al Sed oka 1 es 4 A terrible handicap in his efforts to make money, if he . In our 100-page book, there are directions which North, Sea, 9; total, 50. Her Knitting Bag Sl nd be ¢ tenes mab bing: ae ee: sores 4 has to be constantly sinking profits in repairs. Only enable the farmer to construct all sorts of improve-" Considering the millions of pounds | She sat in the amber lamplight a. feo oe , ; er aaa Say tia Se | by using Concrete can he have buildings that donot nents of Concrete, in odd times with the help of spent or the unlimited hopes. built} In an old-fashioned rocking chair; iba ; cetcaua'e aibieieid Dosskladast 11 Cues: : ag Pat ered and net tittle A = ree. bie ne 228 oe on fi jor aie qubiesta upon these monsterg, we may regard|Qn her face a look of rare sweetn Ms Rest with the dead. Se | Sete or his building material can he have his farm re- i +. Z = age as one of the most 'con-| 'Neath the white of her pry silky Thy work' has been well done. bs Tactful. ree | proof, waterproof, watertight, repair proof, vermin which are of immediate interest to you. spicuous fiascos in the history of in- hair The poppies bloom upon thy face, She: pavesime ta ais" foe ane SES 3 : dial "once eae COS ER : oH P ee . ; ga ~| b duce thi 186 , dustrial and military science. 3 And long as memory ast day!" y birth-| JB haltding Ronde of Coperets we cet farmers SHSM vial yon_ sph Wloomllon, souk ; 4 And her needles gleamed in the fire- 11 not lose the place ° « eae 1.9 i profits on everything he sells or buys. ; Socal ---- gleamed We shall not lose the place * "How did you. accept it?" 'The wellore of the farm deciande Permancat High Beato vero deta + 2,000 MILES THROUGH ICE. -- light : 2 That marks thy bier. "T told her that its beauty should ways of Concrete. Our farmers need them for the CONCRETE BLOCKS * BARNS SR As her fingers rapidly flew ' ----Anon. be for my eyes alone." hauling of garden-truck, fruits and dairy products into § S bs : town. On Concrete alone can this hauling be done SILOS FERCE POSTS Stars Were the Only Guide to Ice-en-! While her ball of yarn slowly twisted | cee economically. . It provides the only surface that resists the & circled "Endurance." In its bag of wondrous hue. -- Mansonville. June 27,18. RINE Granilated Eyelids; | : wear and tear Of modern traffic. Con- § GARAGES ' ROOT CELLARS ' at / fe Me ¥ "4 PertaetT es To : ee ' <a ¥ one ercte is, in fact, as necessary to success- Although Sir Ernest" ShacKleton's {There was tan like his suit of khaki, | ve Liniihent Co.y: Limited: . . Yarmouth, N.S. 'ship, the Endurance, made a perilous| And blue as bright as his eye, voyage of 2,000 miles through pack | And green as fresh as the parting--\ ice in the Weddell Sea, scientific work Though months had glided by. 'never ceased. After three days' gale | m the ship was held fast, and then she - drifted slowly on the ice to the north- ward. Finally she had to be aban- doned. Z ful road building as it is for successful | d Sore Shes, et aaah faba constrict Concrete ronse, |__| Yaoucnss OS -- : A 3 San, Dust and Wind quic ; like Conerete buildings, pay Gi concrete" Gentlemen,--It affords me great, FOR P relieved by Murine, Try itin | : for themselves inthe saving ff Wha} _the farmer with € * : one \ ; -f0 2 your Byes andin Baby's Eyes. | , of repairs. leasure and must be gratifying to} OU ES 3 ; cote You to know that after using 36] R EVEStisnarion Jat treCenit af The Canada Cement Company Limited, 308 Herald Bldg., Montreal t At Your Druggiat's or by | There Abe seme as deep a& his! Sioa Cigna aa gia 4 ot res say ne oe Cant oF he ie Frew _- eour eee \ aralysis Walc y« was Ct- Ack Marine Eye Remedy Qos bed And purple her king could Wear ed with, I was able to restore him to| --_------ | i : pi & ; rat = With shades of gold intermingled |normal condition. Hoping other suf-| The English Channel has an aver-| = allt ce Mork of the helentifie liabiatncats: Like the lights in his curly hair. Sees nee "6 pear by the use of | age depth of 110 feet. } ae ot ' ul Le ' i : este " eo te your Linimen am, ; ' = : | : y . 2 Sy pe : ji said Lievaenant J. M. Wordie, who had | 0 mother, so silently knitting 3 ; ie. Sinearely yours ounce, Pian Basar pine! ee : : rea : -- Fin charge of the oceanographic work, at} With your yarn of ashen gray, _ GEO. H. HOLMES. _| pice ar glace ta aay coe the Royal Geographical Society, was) 'The thoughts through your mind Pork --: nsiderably hampered by four inches Aitting | eee rime, and the position of the} , Match the roseate hues of diy. tested by the stars. : = € oe 55 : ee the ship was'abandoned amid | Fer you, too, the blue of the loyal, -- Cheap cuts of meat browned, season- Bt @ Barge Syed said: Lienténant Wordie, |, of the heroes bold, « . ed and cooked in a bean pot, in the (3 a € So | took to the boats, but it was | The white of saints tried by fire-- | oven with a little hot water added are aay Me TRADE MARK-REG-U.S-PAT. OF Fe hs before they could find 4} And your, -- that is purest gold. tender and deli¢iou. = i Reduces Bursal Enlargements, | ough the fea-and it -was | ° : Josephine M. Fabricant. | : pea esa { Thickened, Swollen 'Tissues, ae 916, that, infin ten ft Ge MONEY ORDERS. | 4 Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore- adventures, th ve able to land on Minard's Liniment Cures Col i : ; | Pickles are never good unless they A bean, pot is a very rood substi-° 8F° put up w ith the best cider vine-| gar. a \ tute for. the' expensive casserole. :! ds, Ete "|! Send a Dominion Express Money, JY ness from Bruises apnea 4 hant Island. Fe so ae eet eee 'Order. Fivé dollars costs three cents. hy Stops Spavin Lameness, allays pain. geen Wordie spoke of two Pa aeee Sour peiie, Letts 77 od eee Sees & Late oie hort $2.00 ' ae . ait: ed : - Ee o; eV... eat OL " "Rut thats Soria P "There s 27 sete "woh oe Shoe i 2. 'points of land in the Weddell Sea} Peggy. < But ek we a last | : Lheee. are 270 active volcanoes in! at druggists or delivered. Book 1 M free. ;which had been named by their Ger- Bie SF don't know whet. it will ie ee ee - |" ABSORBINE, JR., 'for mankind--an jman discoverers, "Luitpold Barrier" be; I m not married. yet. | Minard's Limiment Cures Distemper. . _gntiseptic liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds, 1: AUNTS oF) pane Ra EU P -- : ; SS ieee = eo + | strains, painful, swollen veins or glands. It | * ' betes Bote oh mas s : ae : Clover seed prices are going up;*/ heals and soothes. $1.00 'a bottle at drug- le names oug be changed to their xd er farmers intending to do full justice gists or postpaid. Will tell you miore if-you English eq ; : . ety oe aah st to their land in seeding down. with , write. aad : <a Spring sown grain should. make sure, ¥. F. YOUNG, P,.0. F., 516 Lymaits Bidg., Montreal; Gan. of a supply of alsike and red clover | _Sbsorbine and Absorbine, Je,, ate made in Caradas + ag soon as Possible. ; : ISSUE No. 8.--18. fer =

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