Monkton Times, 14 Mar 1918, p. 7

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Secs Cor sit PR SECON ee ("Ms 3 a Sea rest Hew Fi es dering reat and distinguished ser- : : "of the Creat Lakes! wis is essay cone Ricans cae suge scene meri "a Se nt "Uite GY and present to you his-wishes the "Write or send by Express to _ rigadier General Arthur Asquith, is ee pn Lagf Wiget sincere. Ma Rerenbe: join: with!) Ah Mi Rs SRN Sere pimites reported to have been seriously} me in sending their best compliments 30 Gulkewe Sineoh, eerato, ont, | Wounded in France, having received a : Sate on nUS 98 and 30 Collere Street, Toronto, Ont, | VOUNded In nee, having received for the New Year, and in thanking ee ------ {compound fracture of the ankle while you for your great kindness. I thank NEW BRITISH SLOGAN. reconnoitring a German position. He -|you all, dear good ladies, for the nice : et ne has been wounded on two previous oc- \things you have put in with the|Win War in the Kitchen--Bones Are J. Vale Talks of Dodd's Kidney Pills. = -- Mrs. W.. ~ be nnatory sm and rheumatic fever are hames for practically the ' Tt comes on with hardly warning. The pain tis 'ekerucitt- a Xe" R and there is a tendency of the to attack the veart, when 'it & ve fatal results, pan 'who has suffered 'from an ko nflammatory rheumatism oy actory. / ixternal ap- cations 61 hot 'cloths and liniments internal doses of salicylates to re- lieve' he pain are not enough, for they. ed drive the pajson from the blood, and the sufferer is lable to renewed a ck whenever exposed to cold or dampness. - To cure rheumatism so that it will w cured the rheumatic poison in the, ood must be driven out, and the lood made rich and red. When. the 'Lilood is pure there can be no rheu- | matism. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills bui p the blood, make it rich, ted and ure and in this way cure the most obstinate cases of rheumatism. Mr, George Harbottle, R.R, No, 1, Fever- sham, Ont., is one whose cure through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is most striking. His mother gives the ap rticulars of his attack and cure as lows:--Some years ago while my was working as a blacksmith in a chigan lumber camp he was attackN ed with rheumatic fever. He was at once taken to a hospital at Marsenett, and was there under medical treat- ment for four months with but little or no relief. He then decided to go to Mount Clemmens, where he took the baths for three weeks, but did not find any benefit from them. By this time he felt that his case was hope- - less and decided to return home. When he reached home he could only move around by the use of a crutch -and a cane, One knee was 'so stiff that he could not bend it, and most of ses his joints were swollen out of shape. ~, He could neither dress nor undress himself and had to be helped like a child. I urged him to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and finally he-consented to "do so. He had only been taking the pills a few weeks when he could limp about, without the crutch, and his ap- petite greatly improved.. This gave him new cdurage and as he continued the use of the pills he showed con- stant improvement, and was able to walk about outside. He continued to use the pills for some four months, by which time every symptom of the trouble had disappeared, and he went |}. to his work in Michigan a cured man. His case was well known to the neigh- bors around here and his cure was looked upon as marvelous, for every- one thought that at the best he was doomed to be a rheumatic cripple. It is because they have made such wonderful cures as Mr. that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have a world wide reputation, and are the only medicine used in thousands and _ thousands of homes. You can get - Pipinese pills through any medicine deal- er or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, a -|She Also Tells How Her 'Dyspepsia e Usual treatnient ts | Harbottle's ; Wik | . Was. Cured By Using Dodd's Dys- | pepsia Tablets, 4 ake Pandora} Alta., Feb. 25th--(Special) /--"We are never wthout a box of Dodd's. Kidney Pills in the house." That's what Mrs, W. J. Vale, a well- known and highly respected resident of this place has to say-of'the great Canadian kidney remedy. "My hus- band suffers from lumbago, and they always help him," is the reagon that she gives. : : i "Tt must also tell you," Mrs, -Vale continued, "what Dodd's Dyspepsia TabletS did for me, They cured me of a very bad attack of dyspepsia. I. have also derived great benefit from | the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills." 1 Dress Yhe small lad in a middy suit , and he will be prefectly happy. Me- Call Pattern No. 7776, Boy's Middy or Sailor Suit, In 4 sizes, 2 to 8 years. Price, 15 cents. that the Dodd's remedies have gained a permanent place in the family medi- cine chests of the West. Dodd's Kid- ney Pills are ~ particularly popular, The success with which been used to treat all kinds of kidney ills from backache to rheumatism"and Bright's disease have earned for them the gratitude of thousands of people on this side of a Great Lakes. WHY A CAT'S EYES SHINE. Invisible Rays Striking Retina Said to Undergo Chemical Change. Not satisfied with the old explan- ation that a cat's eyes glow in the _|trate every little glimmer of light that nay be about, scientific'men have been making experiments recently to make some other explanation for the eye glow when there is no light at all. This is true of, most nocturnal crea- tures. : i The first man to point to what seems to be the true reason was Prof. Bugniou, of Switzerland, who in 1913 suggested that perhaps invisible rays --such as the ultra-violet or infra-red --were transformed by some chemical action into visible rays atthe instant of reflection from the eyes. Now tome two Costa Rican profes- sors, G. Michaud and J. I. Tristant, reporting their experiments from the effect of ultra-violet rays on the eyes of men and animals. They filtered a ray of sunlight through a special. fil- ter composed of a cell of Uviol glass containing a solution of copper: sul- phate and a film of nitrosodimethylan- ilin, thus cutting off all the rays and allowing none but the in- visible ultra-violet to enter a perfectly dark room. In the room these rays were allow- ed to fall upon the eyes of a dog ora Sinmple and effective is this attrac- tive dress. McCall Pattern No. 7537, | Ladies? Dress. In 6 sizes, 34 to 44) man who had been in the dark for fit- i bust. Price, 15 cents. ; teen minutes. The pupil immediate- These patterns may be obtained | ]y became sharply defined in luminous ifrom your local McCall dealer, oF) green agalnst the violet black back- from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St.,| ground of the iris. 3 Toronto, Dept. W. This startling effect, they believe, is Ey ae 3 | caused by the pigmented iris absorb- 'ing the ultra-violet rays while one of STORMY WEATHE \the tissues inside the eyeball, perhaps ithe purple of the retina, fluoresces when they enter. | God to spr ,have so generously sent _North of France not long ago, and they have | dark because they catch and concen- |} visible | clothing addressed to my dear Papa. Every' eyehing in my prayers I ask d fiis blessing over you. 'Receive again Madame la Presidente | and all the ladies, the best wishes of | your little protege.--Charles . Opde- beck." J an Ma ceived in Torontd, by the President of what interest it will have for many | people in every part of Canada, who help to the hospitals and refugees. | Charles and , his mother were repatriated from the | find themselves with little or nothing | to live on. During their captivity the | ,mother was struck by a shell, artd lost | 4 'ja leg. It is evidence like this that proves | The father is an ambulance- driver for a hospital in Calais, and this is what he says: "Dear and Good Ladies:--I thank. you so much for the parce] that has just come. It, contained 4 pairs of socks, a flannel | shirt, chocolate, sugar, soap, cocoa | and soup, Jf: you knew how happy | we are to have these things, for now it is so hard to live that my poor wife can never get anything nice. She is so happy to be near me at Calais, but unfortunately the "cochons de Boche" come often to bombard us. On Monday they threw a dozen bombs, there was only material damage hap- pily, but since my wife was struck, she has such a terrible fear. We hope that the Bocheg will soon have finish- ed their crimes, and we can be happy again in our dear country. God watches over us and will protect us. Receive, good ladies, my affection and thanks the most sincere. Le Soldat Arthur Opdebeck. The "Friends of France" heard of this family through one of the hospi« tals that they help near Calais, which is visited daily\by scores of refugecs. The nurse in her last letter says: "Without Canadian and American help we could not exist. Many haspitals have had to shut down. - The cost of | living is so high and the government | ean give us so little. Many of our wounded are very ill, and need nourishing food. One egg costs 13 cents and butter and meat are $1.00 a pound. Just now enormous num- bers of refugees are arriving from the | North of France, ina state of exhaus- tion of which you ean truly form no idea. It is speeislly at the begin- ning that these families need help, when they are so weakened and de- 'moralized. It is a question of. ma- terial help to revive their morale, be- cause after a time they pick up won- derfully, and in aefew months gather | together a little home less sad. All\the | | second-hand clothing you send, which lis so good, finds owners immedi-! hittely." | The "Friends of France" is an in-j corporated society under the War) | Charities Act, Its headquarters are | | 216 Poplar Plains Rd., Toronto, and| | the President, Mrs. Wells, will gladly |receive and acknowledge gifts my money or kiud, such as clothing, food | or nag and has a 'splendid military re a Turned Into Munitions. Save that old bone, it may kill a German. ' : ; i This is the' thought < that, flashes | through the mind of the English house- | cerine and then 'be incorporated into | bombs and shells for the army in France. "The movement has the ap- proval of the Ministry of Munitions. The-appeal to the housewife says that bones will produce grease, which yigids glycerine for explosives; glue for the making of aeroplanes and bone meal, a fertilizer which increases food 'crops and thus aids in the battle}. against the German submarines. _ For the bones-which were formerly | thrown away or burned the housewife | will receive one cent a pound from her butcher or margarine dealer, who in| turn will receive a profit of one cent a pound in turning them over to the genera?' collector, to whom a fair pro- fit also is allowed. * From the enthusiastic response from the women in England it begins to} Took as if the plan to "Win the war in the kitchen" will prove popular with those unable to go to the front or otherwise offer their services to ths Government. - ¢ 0 0--0---0--+-0+--0--*0->---0---U----0---- 0+ 0-0 «0 WOMEN! "IT IS MAGIC! LIFT OUT ANY CORN Apply a few drops then corns!or calluses off with fingers--no pain. 0---a#---0----- 0---0----0----0---~- 0+ -0---- 0-0-9) Just think! You can lift off any corn or cal- lus without pain or sore- ness. . lift A Cincinnati man dis: covered this ether com- pound and named it freezone. Any drug-| gist will sell a tiny bot- tle of freezone, like here shown, for very Jittle| Nees cost. You apply a few) drops directly upon 2} tender corn or callus. j Instantly the soreness, most of the facilities you have on, disappears, then short- | ly you will find the corn | or eallus so loose that| you can lift it right off. | Freezone is wonder- ful. It dries instantly. Tt doesn't eat away the | corn or callus, but) shrivels it up bape eisige: even irritating the surrounding skin. Hard, soft or corns between the toes, 1 | } las well as painful calluses, lift right off. There is no pain before or after- | wards. If your druggist hasr' | freezone, tell him to order a small bot- | tle for you from his wholesale drug} house. } SNe abneae Solar oe A Word For The Peanut. ord. At an early stage of the war he joined the Royal Naval Diyisiom] and as a sub-liéutenant in the Anson : | Brigade participated in the defenée of | Antwerp. He , won his 'DS.0., to which he vs recently awarded 4 bar. ; ce jwife these days following an appeal His high military aptitude is betoken- | This little letter has just been re- made to her to conserve all the old eq by his rapid promotion. One of his. bones from the kitchen that they may prothers, Cyril, has also been recently the "Friends of France," who knows jP@ Used in the manufactute of' gly-! wounded. Raymond, the ex-Premier's | eldest son, fell in action more than. a!" year ago. Ale had a very promising |= career at the Bar and in politics. * en >. WHITEN SKIN GIRLS! me WITH LEMON JUICE ees yd Make a beauty joson for a few cents | @st and the season ends up in Quebee ed to remove tan, freckles, sallowness. | he hed Your grocer has the lemons and any drugstore or toilet counter will sup- ply you with three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle, then put in the orchard white and shake well. This makes a quarter pint of the very best lemon skin whitener and complexion beautifier known. Massage this fragrant, creamy lotion daily into the face, neck, arms and hands and just. see how freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and rough- ness disappear and how smooth, soft and clear the skin. becomes. Yes! It is harmless, and the beautiful results will surprise you. ~~ fe Store the Ice. By storing all the natural ice that it is possible to harvest, ice companies, farmers, creamery owners and others will help materially in saving am- monia this year. Even at the pre- sent time there is an absolute short- age of ammonia in the United States of 60,000,000 pounds per annum for war and commercial purposes. : Minard's Giniment Cures Colds, Etc. Get Out Your Sap Buckets. . \ Farmers and others who have maple sugar outfits, even if they have not | been in use for years, should put them to work this year. There is.a sugar shortage, and Canadian maple trees | should be made to produce to the maximum. So even if you haven't the most up-to-date equipment, tap all the trees you can and make the hand. "There'll be a good market for all the maple sugar and® syrup pro- duced. MONEY ORDERS Pay your out of town accounts by |! Dominion Express "Money Five dollars costs three cents, Orders. Every shovelful of coal you waste lowers the efficiency of the man on the firing line, lowers the temperature of the cantonments, reduces the speed : of the submarine diminishes the force of the projectile | and slackens the speed of the muni- & tion plant. Squeeze the destroyers, | ; ~, me fe , en ere and hospital supplies. | | PEERLESS STARTER The peanut is a substantial food, a Vegetable fats and natural flower extracts give BABY'S OWN SOAP its wonderfully softening and, aromatic lather. Sold everywhieré, f Albert Soaps Limited, Mire. Montreal . Sap Running Begins Soon. The first run of Canadian' maple sap begins down in Essex County, On- tario, generally about March 20. Gra- dually tHe warm weather works north BS when the leaves breuk thesbuds, | pacers awonrce Shes Minard's Liniment Cures Gargot in Cogvsa Newton had just discovered why the apple fell. "But," cried the anxious office-seeker, "why doesn't the plum fall?" " FOR SALE * V REKLY NEWSPAPER IN WEST- ern Ontario, Doing a good busl- ness. Death of dwner™places it on the market. A great chance for a man with eash, . Apply Box 82, Wilson Publishing . Co.. Limited, Toronto. 4 BLL EQUIPPED NEWSPAPER and job printing plant in Bastern Ontario. Insurance carried $1,500.% Will go for $1,200 on quick sale. Box 69, Wilson Publishing Co., Ltd., Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS \NANCER,. TUMORS, "LUMPS, ETC., i / internal and external, cured with- | out pain by our home treatment. Whit | us before.too late. "Dr, Bellman Medic | Cox. Timited, Collingwood, Ont, Dectors Recommend -Opto for the Eyes Bon | Physicians and eye specialists pre- | scribe Bon-Opto as a safe home remedy dn the treatment of eye troubles and to |'strengthen eyesight. Sold under money | refund guaranty by all druggists. UDELL ECE CEE EE ve ie there was just one " WALKER HOUSE In towns along my route, Then "drumming" would' be joyous, And I wouldn'f give a hoot For all the inconveni- ence of # The trains that poke so slow, If there was just one WALKER HOUSE In every town I go. I'd hustle like the dickens, And take orders by the ton. 11; Say, trav'ling then would be | ts Ioat one big round of solid fun. 's I wouldn't mind the rain or sleet, iis Or mud, or frost or snow, |! If there was just one WALKER | HOUSE : In every town I go. The Walker House The House of Plenty Toronto Geo. Wright & Co., Proprietors AATUHEAUENUEAUEAUEALAETSEAA EAE TEAL | | ] | | Perri riririvirer iit | | / a SNNDEEECUD E20) FOSUSLSD2SUS 509900 SUNBREESLNLS ABRASASPATARADLASSRPLEREEDENAITES bag m - = I -- oe = = 7 = 5 pas | A Guaranteed Starting System for) LOOKING AT THE NIGHT SKY. HARD ON BABY Crows and Foxes. | wholesome, palatable food, declare the | Ford Cars. Sells for $22.50. "LINES'--TO A BEAR. _ How the Drawing of Two Simple eta Lines Altered the Picture. A feat once. performed by Bret Harte, to the warm applause of brother writer, might, after all, be os The stormy, blustery weather which we have ring February and March is extremely hard on children. Con- ditions make it necessary for the mot- iher to keep them in the house. They Although crows build their nests in trees where no fox can climb, and al- \though they can escape from any fox | by flying, they, for some reason, seem Y to have a mortal antipathy to foxes, are often confined to overheated, bad- | and every time they see one they lose 'ly ventilated rooms and catch Colds , no opportunity to harrass it. j i : -- / Light Froni Our Nearest Star Reaches | Us in Four and Half Years. A theory gaining scientific accept- | ance is that in the void of interstellar | space there is a substance which veils | from our view the stars beyond a cer- | people who know. Six ounces of shell-| ed peanuts equal 2 1-3 ounces of | beefsteak, 5 ounces of codfish, 1 ounce} rice, 4.2 ounces rye bread, 35 ounces) of spinach, 5 ounces of apple, or 6) ounces of bacon. AGENTS WANTED THE MORGAN SALES CO. 415 YONGE STREET, TORONTO The Soul of a Plano is the Action. Insist on the | | Mansonville, June 27, '13. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Yarmouth, N. 8. Gentlemen,--It affords me _ great tances are sufficiently great. pemmire ae mur hed gratifying ce lyou to know that after using 36 In other. words, if we were far |) tles of Reis eres endugh away from the sun there would | 20°V'°S ee fete ee : Sepa ares, paralysis which my father was afflict- | be enough of these particles between | j e { pa ae and that ORS to render | ed with, I hs able to restos Bien cae Re era ele ko a: normal condition. Hoping other suf- ; Dr. C. G. Abbot, of the Smithsonian pierers hs be benefited by the yse ob, Institution, says that the. estimated | YOU" woge I ee ee j density of this "substance" is one) ' meet ay HOLMES trillionth of that of the air we breathe. | BAS Bee ae Pretty thin, one might say. And yet | a sphere (in space) whose radius was | At Last. ithe distance from the earth to the star| He had been going from church to nearest to our solar system would con- | church trying to find a congenial con- which rack their whole system. TO} --Aceording to an experienced hunt- guard against this a box of Baby's ey and naturalist of Bangor, Maine, Own Tablets should be kept in the the pest time to observe the malice of house and an occasional dose glV@)/ the crow against the fox is on a cold the baby to keep his stomach and) qv in early winter, when the hounds powels working regularly. This will) .o) follow a trail without touching not fail to break up colds and keep their noses to the ground. If there the health of-the baby in good condi- are any crows about, they can be re- tion till the brighter days come along. |4;.4 upon to show aS aa The Tablets are sold by medicine | 1 inning. = : dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box | On such occasiofis, says the hunter, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, 'T have seen crows watch for running Brockville, Ont. | foxes for hours. As soon as fa fox EES ee I emerged from the thick woods every SAVED BY HIS FRENCH. bird would. hover over the running beast and peck at it with every evi- dence of bitter hatred. Several fox hunters that I know make a practice considered as the legitimate and pro- per work of a poet; certainly it gives | evidence of a very ready and very feli- | citous imagination. Harte was the rst editor of the Overland Monthly, nd the story of the origin of that aoe, : Magazine's famous cover is thus told in Mr. H. C. Merwin's Life of Bret tain limit of distance. Consisting | presumably of microscopic and widely scattered particles, it nevertheless makes a barrier to vision when dis- "OTTO HIGEL:' PIANO ACTION tA Cure for Bad Breath "Bad breath is a sign of decayed teeth, foul stomach or unclean bowel." If your teeth are good, look to your digestive organs at once. Get Seigel's Curative Syrup at druggists. 15 to 30 drops after meals, clean up your food { passage and stop the bad breath | odor. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. ay | "Dandruff and Itching The Cause of Falling Hair Rub spots of dandruff and itching with Cuticura Ointment, next morning sham- 00 with Cuticura Soap and Zot water. Rinse with tepid water, Trial free. These fragrant, super-creamy emollients clear the complexion of pimples, redness and The cover of the Overland' was rned with the historic grizzly bear laid railway track, with half-turned body and lowered head, seems prepar- ed to dispute the right of way with locomotive that might shortly be xpected to come screaming down the ack, There was originally no rail- Ability to Speak a Strange Tongue Saved Colonel's Life. SOFIE | 'way track in the picture; merely the year. How the deficiency was sup- ed Mark Twain explains in a letter to Thomas Bailey Aldrich: Do you know the prettiest fancy and the neatest\that ever shot through . e's brain? It was this: "Whoastiep Were trying to decide a sient for the cover of the land a grizzly was ghosen, and ; printed cr 4 him on it. was a success--he was a Nectless bear--a bear that hily\in particular--simply re Styling over his shoulder | ; and | was painfully h and ill-natured \page. All" hands ive him up, and \have him there 4 point to him, pencil and der his feet, eat: he a "*yolvof Califor. | jan savagery snarling" the hing type of Mg\nq ress | civilization, the firey, Brom eS| ae ha feeb : el. I think fas nothing | "Cannon That Real. - workmen p.).- 475 year. Petro- | stantial Often to Occidental minds the course of justice in China seems very strange, The appalling frequency of executions of following the crows when foxes are roaming"the back lots. tain a quantity of the substance equal| gregation, and finally on Christmas | to 1000 times the mass of the sun! \Bve he stepped into a little church) It takes eight minutes for a ray of | just as the congregation read with the | and the ingenious forms of torture are alike horrible. But in Through the | Chinese Revolution, Mr. Fernand Far- | jenel tells the story of a young Chi- nese whose life was saved by means that in any other country would have been impossible. We had decided to travel second~ class, in order to have a better oppor- tunity to study the amusing crowd of Chinese passengers, says Mr. Far- jenel, and we were well rewarded. We made the acquaintance of a young col- onel of engineers who wore a beautiful new uniform. He spoke French ex- eellently, and we could not have hit upon a more entertaining companion. He was one of the revolutionaries who threw a bomb at Yuan Shib-kai. They made the attempt in one of the prin- cipal streets of Peking. The bomb killed an officer, a few soldiers, a Cereal Food Different from the "usual run of toasted or steam- ap- | \the warder, who understood nothing | | of what was being said to him, but im-| J yevolutionary times, that the stranger trelease. So the colonel departed, and => were behedded. putin». Shur-Gain in feedi LLNS Shur Gain cooked cereals, ' _is baked in giant ovens-- baked for nearly twenty _ hours under accurate con- ditions of heat, so that the "whole wheat and malted - barley flours may develop their full, rich sweetness. | horse and some of the passers-by, but Yuan Shih-kai was uninjured, é Several of the bomb throwers were | arrested, imprisoned and beheaded, | and our young friend, too, would have} paid the, extreme penalty had he not} been a member of 2 French club in, Peking. One of our countrymen hear- ing of his arrest, went to the' prison where he was lying under sentence of death, and talked voluble French to) ' agined, amid the confusion of those had the right to demand the prisoner's e following morning his accomplicés; | You don't need sugar on Saks Grape-Nuts. ing cattle this mr use a ee oe : : t roughage and a mini- 6h cen' 6 oe concentrates. -- dn a time} ~\ There's a Reason igh finish may not"be most} Qe i Just a wee thing with a dainty air, '| With eyes so Soft and wistful, too, -} That they bruise and hurt the heart of | ~) Cuddling'there like a 'bird in its nest, _| Fragrant lips as cool and sweet - light to travel 93,000,000 miles from! the sun to the earth. But the time! required for a light ray from the star | nearest to the solar system (Alpha | Gentaurs) to reach us is four and a half years. A vast majority of the | stars (every one of whichis a glowing | sun) are so far off that it takes thou- | sands of years for light from them to. Doctor Abbot says that at least one} of four of all,the stars are double or | "multiple" --meaning that they are ar- ranged in pairs, bunches that compose systems of suns. of | The Role star probably consists three distinct suns, but' it is so far' away that astronomers are not quite | certain. eet Alpha Centauri, our nearest stellar neighbor, is unquestionably a "double" | --that is to say, two. stars, each of! which is about the same size as our} sun. But the two are more_ than | twenty-three times as far apart as the} 'sun and the earth. P | eRe SRE : Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. . =. a" Baby of Mine. i And a shining mop of golden hair, | H you. j x Warm little hands that seek and cling And make you Jove this baby thingy Dear little head against your breast ae As a budding rose in' the summer heat-- = Se But 1 open my eyes--and sfhile--hnd sigh-- { = eee : > Baby of mine--the dream's gone by! _ Fe Elinor Maxwell. = t get here. in triplets or --in | Yo e! OUR | Marine Eye Remedy {ing cream. minister: "We have ieft undone those things | which we ought to have done, and we have done those thihgs which we | ought not to have done." : | The man-dropped into the nearest | pew with a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness," he said, "I've found my crowd at last." | NE: Granulated Eyelids, | | Sasi Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by } 3. Sun, Dust and Wind quickly | SF relieved by Murine. Try it in | aC your Hyesandin Baby's Eyes. | No Smarting, Just EyeComfort | At Your Druggist's or by: mail, 50eper bottle. Murine | Eye Salve, in Tubes 2ic. For Book of the { Bye -- Free, | Ack Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago) The Ship of State. In spite of rock and tempest's roar, In spite of false-lights on the shore, Sail on, nor fear to breast the sea! Our hearts, our hopes, are all with thee, . ; Our hearts, our hopes, our prayers, ! our tears, { Our faith triumphant o'er our fears,| Are all with thee,--are all with thee! Minard's Giniment Cures Diphtherla. Qn the farm the automobile js dis- tinctly a business necessity, for & farmer, unlike the city man, can not jump on a trolley when he wants to see & customer or buy a tube of shay- _ He doesn't} buy a car merely for _the sake of seeing the wheels go 'tound--he-really needs it} | in his everyday farming life, FERTILIZER, "ONTARIO FERTILIZERS, LIMITED | "WEST TORONTO ¢ CANADA Do not buy substitutes. Get the genuine. 6 ERIS VSSE DUTIES SOHO PAPER HANGERS and others Make Good Incomes | with our INVINCIBLE Sample Books We Prepay Express Charges Consumers Walipaper Co. Established 1890 WINDSOR ONT. SOLVE THIS PUZZLE And Win a Phonograph No Entrance | [--] _ One Fees Simple ' Condition Serd : : Your Count the Answer Squares sd NOW & Real Phonograph wil he given to evexy person who counts the nan ber f # in this diagram COR- Sud LY and fulfile one simple con- dition. his. condition f Gount the squares very carefully and -send your answer to ; is easy. 3 roughness, cleanse the scalp, prevent falling hair and soften the hands, The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Oint- ment to soothe and heal. : For Samples address post-card: "Outicura, Dept, N, Boston, U.8. A."' Sold throughout the world. 'HOW MRS, BOY AVOIDED AN OPERATION Canton, Ohio.--"I suffered from # | female trouble which caused me much suffering, and tw: doctors decide that I would have to go through an operation before I { could get well. 4 { '*My mother, who | had been helped by Lydia. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, advised me to try it before sub- Hone Weselbeoeduxe tion. Itrelievedme from my troubles, difficulty. 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