THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE parlor cars on principal day trains. Pull information from any Grand District Passenger Agent, Toronto, f In the matter of the estate of Robert a Henry, late of the Village of Mil- - ecutors will proceed to administer the gets of the said deceased .among ae - Notice to Creditors Section 56 of the Trustees Act R.S.0. - 1914, Chapter 121, that all creditors and deseriptions, LVERTON | SUBSCRIPTION RATES "Three months.......-$ .40 ao Half: "Yoats si cess eta te Year .iccccesseeeees 150 oi In advance. If not so paid, fit $2.00 per annum. OUTSIDE CANADA (In Advance Only) = Great Britain ........$1.50 United States ........ 2.00 France, Greece and other war fronta .. cedicnk deeb Gee 8 PINK RAILWA ANL RUN SYSTEM Ae ¢ Between } _ MONTREAL, . - TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO -------- --Unexcelled Dining Car Sebulec, Sleeping cars on night trains and - Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horning Ont. : : pee H.C. BAIRD, 'Phone 1, Local Agent = Notice to Creditors verton, in the County of Perth, gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1914, _ Chap. 121, that all creditors and oth- ers having cla) me agatngt the estate of said Robert Henry who digd on or about the 14th day of January 1918, sare required on or before March 23rd 1918, to send by post prepaid or de- liver to the undersigned executors or to their solicitor, their christian and surnames, addresses and descri tions the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. : iting with Mr Roger's brother in De- '|children have returned to i {some time with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jmonth at their home on ese, Tas = AEWOOD, °° Mr. and Mrs. John Roger are vis- troit. 3 ¥ s Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Peebles and 1 their home in Hosier, Sask., after visiting for Peebles. _ Mr, and Mrs. Walter Bell and fam- ily have moved into the house owned a Mrs, John Graham on King-st. r. Bell intends going West shortly. | Miss Minnie ampbell left last week for Toronto. : Mrs. (Dr.) BE. D. Dowds (nee Miss Agnes Ballantyne) is visiting with her mother. --~ Mr. and Mrs. William Inglis and daughter, Agnes, of Stratford, are ae with Mr. and Mrs. Murray ngs, | : ~ Miss Pearl Struthers, of Newry, is NM oea, the millinery with Miss An- nie Jol e : ae Mrs. Robert Leslie is visiting her 'son in Palmerston. | Messrs. Robert Ducklow and Or- oe Ree left last week for the est. Mrs. C. Ballantyne has eturned, after spending the wintenwrith her father and mother in Hensall. Norman Cunningham has re urned home from London, having rec ived his discharge from the army. : Miss Dorcas McCourt, R. N., of White Plains, N. Y., and Miss Enid McCourt, of Greenwich, Conn., have arrived in the village to spend a ~ Mrs. David Alair and daughter, Ef- fie, of Port Colborne, visited last weex With Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Peebles. ae : Mr, Albert Coghlin spent the week- end in Woodstock. Mrs. Robt. Henry and daughter, Mrs. Blair, of Milverton, visited with friends in the village last week. The last literary meeting for this season was held in he Music hall on Friday night. Every available seat was filled to listen to the excellent programme which had been prepared, The crowning event of the evening! was a "Breach of Promise" case by sixteen of the gentlemen of the vil- lage and vicinity. The collection for the evening amounted to over $56. Eggs for Hatching For increased egg production, try a setting of our S. C. White Leghorns or White Wyandottes, direct des- cendants from Guild's laying strains. Eggs: $1.25 per setting or $7.00 per 100.--P, & R. Coulter, Milverton. 4 Unreserved Auction Sale pee. FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, HAY GRAIN and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. W. D. Weir & Son have received instructions from William Hawthorne to sell by public auction on Lot * Con. 7, Wellesley, (2 miles west of Cross- 4~-< turther take notice that after such last mentioned date the said ex- hill), on THURSDAY, MARCH 4th, Mr. Hugh Ross is visiting his-son, |Mr. Donald Ross and daughter, Mrs. J. Thompson, at Windsor. © Mrs. F. Pierce was a visitor at Guelph on Saturday. Miss Mary Aikens, who has been clerking in Mr. Ritter's store for the ast few months, left this week for 'oronto, where she will train for a nurse at the Cottage Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas rookshanks, of Linwood, spent Saturday with friends here. 4 Mr. Alex. Walker, of Carthage, Mrs. A, Stewart and Mrs. W.. T. Reid are visiting Mrs. W. Livingston at Port Rowan. Mrs. George Helm and daughter, of London, are visiting at Mr. i Hane mond's. Miss E. Crookshanks is visiting this week with her sister, Mrs. R. Kerr, at London. "g Mr. George Love shipped four car loads of oats from the C.P.R, station here during the past week. Mr. J. Ritter has disposed of his residence te Mr. Hugh Kerr. Mr. Ritter has also sold his general store svack to Mr, S. J. Morse, of Leaming- ws anes Mr. George Wray had the misfor- tune to lose a valuable horse last week. hime Earle Freeborn is in Roch- ester, N.Y., this week consulting a specialist. Rev. and Mrs. Moffat were visitors at Stratford on Tuesday. _ The social to be given by the losing side of the knitting contest for the Women's Institute will be held in Mr. Fewings' hall on Friday, March 22nd, A programme of music, speeches, etc., will be given. Capt. Jas. Moore, of London, will be one of the speakers. Lunch will also be served. Every- body welcome. Proceeds to be used for elem purposes. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. John Hammond, on Tuesday, March 26th, at 2.380 p.m. Roll call, Irish quotations. Subject-- Irish poets--Miss A. Harron. Song -----Irish members. All ladies: welcome whether members or not. The Epworth League will meet at the home of Mrs. H. Stewart this week on Thursday, March 21st, at 8 p.m., instead of Friday, owing to the woman & Institute social on Friday night. CARTHAGE Mr. and Mrs. A. Martin and family left on Tuesday for the West, after spending the winter with friends here. Mrs, E. Lines and little son have returned home after spending a week with Mrs. H. McCourt, Monkton. Mrs. John Herron it at present vis- iting friends in Toronto. Mr, A. Simpson spent Sunday un- spent Monday at Mr. W. Freeborn's. | witht riends in Kitchener and Water- 00. ae * Our second shipment of Northway Suits _ in and see these new styles. We want to show you these new creations. sidering the price of materials. ; ae » Get our catalogue of NORTHWAY GARMENTS--It's Free ! and Special Coats arrived this week. We ask you to come : a0 5 The prices are very moderate con--- eke oe dressy wear. for this spring. NEW SPRING SKIRTS--For the street, sport and res The assortment of skirts designed upon straight lines, which fashion has created et NEW SERGES-----Our new Serges aks now in stock. Our advice is buy now. These goods will like- ly be off the market before fall. , NEW SWEATERS--A shipment of, the celebrated "Perfect Knit" Sweaters for spring and summer are here. These sweaters are very nice for the cool evenings in spring and summer. a Boys' Sweaters in grey only at 59c each. SIMMER'S GARDEN -SEEDS--We have in stock Simmer's celebrated Garden Seeds. 5c per -- package or 7 for 25 cents. gcse BOYS !--Pick out your Easter Tie now. - the nifty goods for Easter, We have 4 NEW SPRING HATS--We carry the celebrated Hawes' Hats. Try us for your spring hat. Try a 1% Ib. Dalley's Steel Cut Coffee, special at 25c _ i Datiey's Pure Vanilla Flavoring, 2 0z. bottle 25¢ | White Knight Soap per cake..... (es 4:00 er Limit--only 5 cakes to a customer. ata S 3 Ib. pail of Easifirst Shortening for... 4.900 ee 2 packages Green Peas for. . sia > uk eRe eae 3 packages Senator Tobacco forces. oy ODO: BRING US YOUR BUTTER AND EGGS--We pay the Highest Prices. WM. K. LOTH, - Milverton as 4a pts Yi ahae ee LINWOOD TOPICS Found--aA pair of home-made mitts and leather pull-overs. Owner may have same by_ paying for this advt. and calling at W. QO, Bundy's store, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lenhardt spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Voll, Macton. Misses Minnie and Annie. Lenhardt are at present spending a few days der the parental roof. Thursday night was _ well attend- * considering the condition of *" aed, . Sea ee .« tne roads Miss Clara Askin. vt Listowel, vis- ited last week o¢ ees ~" St the home of her parents, Mr" and Mrs. James Askin. 1918, the following stock and effects: Brood mare in foal, horse 12 yee, WSsets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which, they shall then have notice and that they will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or per- sons of whose elaims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. -- Dated at Milverton, 4th day of March, 1918. Catharine Henry, Executrix. Isaac P. Henry and Chas. A. Bar- rett, Executors. _ #. B, Morphy, K.C., Solicitor. = Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of William H. Yost, late of the Township of Mornington, in the County of Perth farmer, deceased, Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 56 of the Trustees Act R.S.O. 1914, Chapter 121, that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the said William H. Yost, who died on or about the 29th day of December, 1917, at the - Township of Mornington are requir- ed on or before the ist day of April, A.D., 1918, to send by post, | gh ae or deliver to the undersigned execu- tors, their christian names and sur- names, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars in writing of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the security, if any held by them. And take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Execu- tors will proceed to distribute the a e parties entitled thereto, having regard _ only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and that the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any oawet or persons of whose claim no- ce shall not have been received by the time of such distribution. - Dated at Milverton, this 5th day of March, A.D., 1918. John Schneider, ; John Jacobs, Executors. W. D. Weir, agent for executors. os os ----_--__ =-- In the matter of the estate of Abner Westman, late of the Township of Mornington, in the County of Perth farmer deceased. © : Notice is hereby given pursuant t and others having claims or demands against the estate of the said Abner estman, who died on or about the 29th day of December, 1917, at the Township of Mornington are: requir- ed on or before the ist day of April, A.D., 1918, to send by post, repaid, or deliver to the undersigned execu- names and_ surnames, addresses the full par- ticulars in writing of their gui, a statement of their accounts nd the nature of the security, if any eiG be Cheha eS And take notice that after such ast mentioned date the said Execu- ors will proceed to distribute the as- = of th Foy aes able among < arties entitled thereto, havifig regar only to the claims of which they shall be have notice and that the said xecutors will not be liable for the, aid assets or any part thereof to any 'son or persons of whose claim no- not e been received by i stribution, -- : this 5th da tor or executrix, their christian; ~ | Chickens, live.. et Heng => 3°: old, horse 4 years old, aged "orse, a good worker; geldin® rising 3 years old, gelding "ising % years old, filly rising 2 years old, 4 fresh milkers, 3 cows in calf, 2 heifers in calf, farrow cow, 6 cattle rising 1 year old, 3 spring calves, 2 brood sows with lit- ters, 6 store pigs, 2 geese, gander, 2 ducks and drake, 60 barred rock hens. MeCormick binder, new; McCorm- ick mower, hay rake, McCormick hay loader, McCormick disc drill, Bissell roller, Bissell disc, cultivator, set of slings, Cutaway disc, set iron harrows 2 Wilkinson plows, 2 Fleury plows, gang plows, 2 lumber wagons, set of sloop sleighs, new; set weigh scales capacity 2000 Ibs., Clinton fanning mill, extension. ladder, 40 ft. long; buggy, root pulper, grindstone, hay rack, churn, cooking stove and pipes, 2 sets team harness, set single har- ness, cream separator, roll of fence wire, scuffler, 15 tons of hay, 200 bushels of grain. Everything to be sold without reserve as the farm is sold. Sale at 12.30 p.m. sharp. Terms--8 months' credit on sums over $10 on furnishing approved joint notes, that amount and under, cash; a discount of 6 per cent. per annum off for cash over $10. W. D. Weir & Son, Auctioneers. W. Hawthorne, Proprietor. HORSES WANTED ~ Two carloads of horses from four "yy us Will buy all kinds. If you ave a horse to sell bring it to the Grand 'Central Hotel MILVERTON on FRIDAY or SATURDAY |March 22nd and 93rd | -- I pay the highest prices. Buyer, MARTIN CROFTON. Reference: Bank of Nova Scotia, Mil- verton. : 2-t. 7 ard: canst: 28" 80 Tallow. «: ited ences DO 10 Sere tee dt Ele a 2 Ducks Goes COMMERCIAL Wheat, per bushel......... € 2 12 $2-12 Barley " OS, cas oye 20 1580 Oats - Wee ate 88 88 Peas ADS a eae OS Se 3°00 = 3:60 War Flour, spring, ewt. 6 00 6 00 War Flour, blended cwt. 5 85 5 85 War Flour, winter, cwt, 5 65 5 65 | Shorts per ton............ 40 00 4000 Ug) tbe a sane aero Ae 35 00 35 00 Hay tM sevudeages 10 00 10 00 Hogs liveweight............ 18 00 18 60 'Butcher Cattle......0.0. 7 00 10 00) Potatoes per bag.........° 150 2 00 | Messrs. Dan Steinman and Norman > of Huras spent Saturday last in London. |to make maple syrup. to'gee Mr. Zettel home | | Mr. John eCa i Becerra Stewart, of Elmira, visited ¥"cently at the home of Mr. C. Kerr. (By Another Correspondent.) Our popular cheese man, Mr. John Herron, has been busy a few days re- cently unloading coal. He has also about 100 cords of wood on_hand, and most of the other supplies for the factory for the coming season. The farmers of this vicinity appre- ciate very much Mr. Herron's fore- sight in placing his orderrs for sup- plies last fall thereby enabling him to manufacture almost at the old price. He has recently let a number of milk hauling contracts and expects to have the factory in operation by the first of April. Mr. Alex. Ross has purchased a new McLaughlin car. We'll expect some rides this year, Alex. Our local merchants are busy un- packing new spring goods. Don't send that Eaton order, ladies, until you call here. Mrs. A. Ross spent the week-end with her niece, Mrs. W. Lawless, of Rothsay. NEWTON A number of our sports spent Sat- urday night at the Milverton rink. Mr. George Kirkland intends leav- ing for the West shortly. Miss Olive Robb, of Listowel, was a week-end visitor at the home of Miss Susie Kirkland. Mr. Oscar. Fatom visited friends in Milverton on Saturday night. Mr. Ed. Campbell received two cars of coal during the past week and ex- pects several cars more. ; The Newton Knitting Circle will meet at the home of Mr. H. L. Al- brecht on Friday evening, when the members will pack boxes for the boys overseas. Anyone caring to contri- bute, please leave donation with Mrs. Albrecht on or before that day. Mr. Clarence Miller, of Stratford, is visiting his parents for a few days. Mr. Wm. Jack has rented his un- cle's farm. Mr. Albert Gies intends leaving for the West in a few weeks, where he has secured a position railroading. Mr. Hugh McDonald has received word that his third son in uniform had arrived safely in England. Mr. Clarence Hasenpflug and moth- er were visitors at Mr. W. Reinwald's on Sunday. BRUNNER Miss Alice Whitney, of Stratford, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. Russell Kress left last week for the West. Pte. A. R. Whitney, of C.O.R., re- turned to Exhibition camp, Toronto, on Tuesday, afte? spending a few days sick leave, having been confined t » base hospital for a number of weeks, vies : ..s8 Williams, of Milverton, spent Sunday with her brother, Mr. E, Wil- liams. Pte. James Anderson, of the W.O. R., London, is spending his leave at his home here. Saturday at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Peter Jacobs, a son. Miss Belle Struthers visited with her sister, Mrs. T. Tanner, at Dork- ing. WELLESLEY Now that the sun is getting higher " snow melts away very fast these ays. - Messrs. P. A. Wagner, N.:Fleisch- hauer and H. Faber were business visitors in Kitchener on Monday. Miss L. Szember spent a week in London on business. Mr. H. Luft was in Baden for a week looking after the business he re- cently purchased there. s Mr. Wm. Huras held a very success- ful auction sale of farm stock and im- plements last Wednesday. 'are glad The patriotic concert held here on _..Mr. John Strome spent Sunday in Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Whitney spent] Born--On Friday, March 15th, to Kitchener. The Knitting Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Wm. Carnochan on Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Mr. H. B. Duering conudcted a very , successful sale for Mr. Henry Ham- mer on Monday last. . Mr. Henry Deckert purchased the farm for the sum of $3,350. Mr. Ezra Fink was a business vis- itor in Milverton on Monday. Mr. Warren Brownlee, of Millbank | was a visitor at Linwood on Monday. Mrs. Thomas Calder returned home on Friday, after spending a week in Guelph with friends. Mr. Wess Cathcart spent a few days with friends at Newry. : Miss Edith Miller, of Millbank, is at present visiting friends in Lin- wood. Mr. Alex. Walker, of Listowel, was | a visitor in Linwood on Monday. | Messrs. J. G. Seip and S. Spahr motored to Kitchener on Saturday. The ladies' Knitting Circle will meet at the home of Miss Fish on The friends and neighbors met at the home of Mrs. Baker on Friday night and presented her with an ad- dress and purse of money prior to her leaving for Toronto, where she in- tends making her home in the future. Mr. Clayton Heimler, of New York spent the week-end with his brother, Edwin' Rey. and Mrs. Burley and baby left for Toronto on Monday, where they will have the baby, who is in a pre- carious condition, treated by a spec- jalist. : Miss Dolly McKay is spending a few days with her sister at London. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Beggs, of Glen- allan, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Beggs. Mr. and. Mrs. Wilmer Freeman, of Olivett, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Levi Stricker. 2 Mr. N. Roe spent a few days with friends at Milverton. at her home in Milverton. ~~ Messrs. Clarence Coghlin and Harry Fallis, of Listowel, spent the week-end at theh ome of Mr. Robert Crooks. : Messrs. Harry Lutz and_ Albion Koebel spent Sunday with friends in Kitchener. Mr. Wray Beggs spent the week- end at Kitchener. ee ; Miss Ballantyne, of Michigan, 1s spending a week. with Mrs. Jean Se- cord. - Mr. Herb Hymer spent Monday in Toronto on business. : : Mrs. Wm. Grookshanks is spending a couple of days with friends at Mil- verton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Faulkner, of Moorefield, spent Friday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David eggs. 2 Miss Dolly McKay spent a few days in London visiting her sister, Miss Edna McKay, who is ill at Victoria hospital. ' We are sorry to report the death of Mrs. Roy Calder (nee Minnie Og- ram) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ogram, which took place at Dorking on Friday, March 15th. Aged 26 years, 6 months and 22 days. The funeral will take place on Thursday to Hawkesville cemetery. GOTHAM Mr. and Mrs. William Reid spent Tuesday in Milverton. Miss Lottie.Corry spent the week- end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Corry. Mrs. McCauley has returned home after spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. W. Lawless, Rothsay. Mr. T. R. Alexander and family at- tended the Patriotic concert at Carth- age last Thursday night. Mrs. James Carnochan spent an afternoon with Mrs. Wm. Karges last week. : The weather at present makes us think of spring. on our line one day last week. : Mr. and Mrs. J. Hone spent Sunday at Mr. Wm. Wilson's, on the 8th. | 'Some of the farmers are preparing ifr. John McCauley disposed 9 jteam to Thursday night at 8 o'clock. } { | Miss L. Barr spent the week-end |. Rev. and Mrs. A. C. Stewart visited _ Miss Isabel Struthers spent a week visiting her sister, Mrs, T, Tanner, at Dorking, Mrs. John A. Chalmers is spending a few days with her brothers, Messrs. T. & R, Burnett, of Listowel. Miss Margaret Mayberry, of Van- couver, is visiting her brother, Mr. Stewart Mayberry, who we are glad to report is improving. Mr. ©. Kropf has disposed of his property at Musselburg to Mr. Val. Seigner, of Detroit. Mrs. J. E. Whitney had the misfor- tune one evening last week, tq- fall and break her collar bone. We wish her a speedy recovery. The threatened <oal shortage will not hurt our Villagers next winter, as everyone is laying in a double supply of wood at present. Mrs. Thomas Tanner, of Dorking, spent a week visiting her relatives here and at Stratford. Miss Annie Chalmers, of Toronto, spent a few days with her mother, \Mrs. Margaret Chalmers. The many friends of Mr. Stewart Mayberry will be pleased to learn that he is improving. Mr. Bert Burrows has returned home after spending a few weeks at the home of Mr. W. C. Mayberry. Mr. James Dewar returned home on Friday, after spending a week at Shakespeare and Stratford, visiting his sisters, Mrs. McTavish and Mrs. McMillan. PEFFERS Mr. Henry Peffers attended the Holstein Breeders' Consignment Sale at Stratford last week and purchased a high-class male animal. The snow is disappearing fast, and we don't hear any regrets. Mr. William Freeborn left for his home in the West on Monday. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Hurst, Sr., is quite ill at present. Miss Anna Freeborn has been en- gaged in Listowel during the past couple of weeks. Mr. Allan Koch visited at Strat- ford last week. Miss E. Henry is spending a few days here. W. D. WEIR'S LIST OF -- A PROPERTIES FOR SALE! 28 Bis $12,006--Buys lot 4, concession 8, Wellesley, (Western Section); two frame houses, bank barn, straw shed, driving shed, hog pens, d: ed well, wind mill, cement silo stables all cemented throughout. 2 acres good hardwood bush; well drained; land in fine conditio1 School % mile. ; Ss * ae . SNR HER HER 2 ma Buying Up Now at the Queen's Hotel All kinds of METAL, JUNK, BAGS, | RAGS, HIDES of all kinds, WOOL © and POULTRY. Highest Market | Prices Will be Paid. We intend resid- -- : ing in Milverton and take this oppor- tunity of soliciting your trade. Keep your stuff and the rigs will call on you in a few days. Look for the name on the wagon. -Moskovitch Bros. Ps = P Pe Pe Pes Pe Pes Pe Pas * * Ps es Pe x oe oe i patetateteren a neem neetr errr oe nerships must. and the amounts, and io Inspector of Taxation. Income Tax Forms Are now available a Returns must be filed on or before 31st March HE Dominion Income War Tax Act requires you to fill cine or more of the five special Forms provided before 3ist March, 1918. assist the public to understand just what is required of th i i on each Form is given below. _ oe Bee form that fits your case and fill them in. accurately. For making false statements, a penalty of $1 i , imprisonment, or both, is provided. : -- -- Individuals.--All persons unmarried; and all wi i i ; aes widows i aa income is aed a year or more; must fill in mame An. ioe tron ote 90 or more, use the same Form. Where any income is derivéd from divi i He brigse from Canadian and Foreign securities separarely. Fill in pages 1, con ee 'Do ae mark on page 4. Partnerships; as such need not file returns, but the individuals Bening the pate Cerporations and Joint Steck Companies, no matter how created or or normal tax on income exceeding $3000. Use I--givi i attach a financial statement. Se a ee: particu and Canadian Red Cross or other approved War Funds, Trustees, Executors; Administrators of Estates issignees rticulars . . . * . and i é of the distribution of income from all estates handled at pogret agin "ae rats Yai un! ; distributed. A separate Form must be filled in for each estate. see cae edad . ae Employers must use Form T4 to gi ; E give names and other remuneration paid to all. employees during 1017 where 5 eueties, aggregate to $1000 or over. rere such rem Corporation Lists of Shareholders.--On wiiceeS x bonuses, and dividends paid to Sharcholders residing in Caroda ae tea ea eeatement of ll Figures in every case are to cover 1917 inco j past neglect, a fine of $100 for each day of italien ge ea In the case of Forms.T1 and T2, keep on , Ft the Inspector of Taxation for your District. aye he oe arte the other two, with the Commissioner of Taxation, Dept. of Forms may be obtained from the Di: : masters at all leading centres. Postage must be paid on all leiiers ocuments forwarded by mail ree Ra In order to Be Read carefully, then get three copies of the Answer all questions fully and Ae i a . All other persons whose income is | ganized, shall pay the | i . ars of i me. if a - Under Deductions, show in detail amounts paid to Patriotic ug "s bonuses, commissions and , i uneration amounted in the ers residing in Canada during 1917 stating to whom paid; _ ust be filed by 31st March, For posed, ; ARE orm and file the other two with ase of T3, T4 and T5, keep one copy and file ance, Ottawa. : strict Inspectors of Taxation and-from the Poste 6 ' _ Department of Finance, i | ee Ottawa, Canada -- rey