i = MO? semen MONKTON BRIEFS Miss Reba Strome, of Wallenstein, is assisting Mrs. A. N. Ring in the : millinery parlors for the spring sea-| Misses 'Pearl and Lillian Stewart son.--Miss Laurene Barr spent the|left on Monday for Toronto, where week-end at her home in Milverton. |they will visit for some time.--Mr. ; --Call at David Boges' for Frost Wire|Con. Heller had the misfortune to ; . Fence. Prices right.--Mr. W. Eydt|lose one of his horses on Sunday night s i e . : | oes SUN bas _ + j|spent. the week-end at his "home in|--The "Tin Lizzies" are beginning to ilverton.--Messrs. Wesley Cathcart |make their appearance around Monk- and W. J. Wray made a business trip |ton again--Hx-Reeve Mr. John Ham- to Toronto on Monday.--Mr. and Mrs..ilton and daughter, Edna, of Elma, * "SUBSCRIPTION RATE Three months........$ -40 = Ror - ; lal 8 oi A ee . : ess, of Minnesota, are spend-|spent Sunda with Reeve William wits, Coats and) = |_| Wall weehcssc conn: es Pet ing a narle of days at the home of pattie, Walker, sf Wetnaei res UR SPRING AND EASTER OPENING OF NORTHWAY GARMENTS, consisting of z S, . ae aie Year ....+++: Pewetae Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Carnochan.--Miss |turned home on. Thursday, after Skirts will take place on Thursday, March 28th. At no former opening have styles een mo ba bea re In advance." "ot so paid, #]|Grace Freeman spent the week-end |spending a week with her sisters, Mrs. tiful. To all women we extend a most cordial invitation to attend the formal opening of spring dis- =| with Miss Winnifred Stricker,--Mr.|Bannermann and | Mrs. McEwen.-- oy * eae Bs Wallacevile, ds The regelat spacting "3 DH LDS, plays and learn from personal observations just how fittingly the new designs and creations mee Seer ert Crooks Miss Mabel Gohl |Teressa Adair on Friday, March 29th vidual taste in matters of dress. spent a few days last week with|at 7.30 p.m. All members are re- t your indi- $2.00 per annum. OUTSIDE CANADA (In Advance Only) Great Britain $1.50 ae at aves ey rg TEP gassed aac! gt pa o cer tian < : & csgeik SES r. Norman McLaughlin, of Dorking |business is to be discussed.--- usi- United States ........ 2.00 spent Sunday in town.--We are glad | ness places will be closed on Good NEW COATS FOR SPRING e tener Greece and other Mir to re ort ae iss Irene, Carnochan Eriday; aie the chopping i ote NEW SUITS FOR SPRING a SVE MEL © 88 Ct is able to out again after a siege | Emmanue ickmeier spen e week- é: a a : of the mumps.--Mr. R. Y. Fish is _un- end with his mother.--Messrs. Wm. NEW SKIRTS FOR SPRING tel 5 ERA loading a car of coal.--Mr. J, G. Jon- |Scott and Samuel Smith are attend- bs NEW WAISTS FOR SPRING ms . ---- --__---- es, the watchmaker, will be in the vil-|ing special county council meetings a ft eae for ' ston ge Pada Sy seks 4 Biperort Fiip Raheem ai H. W. te and see him as he does expert work. amilton, 0 ilverton, is at pres- = Notice to Contractors. --The Womens Kenda olrele wa ent visiting, her daughter, Mrs. John SILK WAISTS-- NEW SILKS-- i ------ meet at the home 0 rs. Wm. Car-|Bettger----Mrs. Eickmeier, who re- ae : : ; ' : eres to fenders will be received by H. B./nochan on Thursday evening.--The | cently underwent an operation in Our big display of Silk Waists will be open on We are again leaders in this line. Have a look 1= Kerr, Reeve os Mornington, for es ladies, of Tinwosd me Boon be wear- piratsord hospital. pepienad hone EA ll morning. Be sure you see these New through our big assortment. es « construction of concrete abutmen ing their spring hats, as they are now ast week, e wish her a speedy re- . . for the Millbank bridge, up till two |ready at Bundy's.--Misses Fannie and |covery.--An Easter rally will be held P Pree 1 SERCH Ae to rhe ss Pogaie Py 79 -- o'clock on April 10th. Plans for this |'Tillie Diebold of Waterloo, are spend-|in the Presbyterian church on Sun- ALLWOOL SERGE oplin, reg. $2.00,-while 1 "gy PPE: TOES "inte * large aeructure ey Ot sr . ie ing abi ri soa wee A eae ey Ui a et of bt hc Sab- peg. Reeve's office, or at John Roger's 0t-/are p eased to repo at Norma, the | ba chool. n interesting program P ace i fice, Mitchell, The contract will be |little daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Ber-|of choruses, recitations etc., has been Now is your bees to get 10; fight Bue goons EXTRA SP ECIALS IN GROCERY DEPT let at Millbank on Wednesday, April |ley, who is still at Toronto, is making | prepared, also an address by the pas- pride 'eat & O eten: ealers tell us they will be 0 For THURSDAY and SATURDAY 10th, at two o'clock. progress towards recovery.--Miss Ed- |tor, Rev. E. A. Thompson) All adults GUnAar Key SION. BERT Si Je 4a18 gecnd for 25e ~ B-t. William Waddell, Clerk. |na MeKay who recently underwent alare specially urged to be present.-- L pac shoe White K eae FY Seedy es O5c ' ~ slight operation at London last week |The chopping mill at Moncrieff which BOYS, LOOK HERE ' crates es ' : s nig! om Jaen =. : has returned to her home here.--Mr. | was recently purchased by Mr. Frank ' ® a oe pee eee pe Seg ee teres x g DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Alf. Ogram, who delivered a carload Harrison, was completely destroyed NEW SPRING CAPS-- 90 ib Maes oF aes eee $2.00 : eo N d Throat of horses out West a few weeks ago, |by fire on Tuesday morning. The AST I L blocks of Maple S 12c 2 Eye, Ear, Nose an ate returned home on Wednesday to at-|cause of the fire, which started about NEW. EASTER TIES-- yay oe 5.0 Seeker be een, Sony one are E tend the funeral of his sister, Mrs.|one o'clock in the morning, is un- NEW EASTER SHIRTS-- pples for pies--basket or barre'. Graduate in medicine, University |Roy Calder.--Mr. Joseph Hayes was |known.--Mrs. F. W. Armstrong is at NEW EASTER GLOVES-- of Toronto. a business visitor to Toronto on Mon-|present visiting her mother at Seb- NEW EASTER HOSE-- ; _\day.--The Linwood hockey club are |ringville.--Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Me- 3 : Sry ear eg Rabnurbget Ae ei volog to entertain their friends at a\Kenzie left for their home in Sarnia NEW EASTER BRACES-- Ba Bye and Golden Square Throat Hos-|dance in Schnurr's hall on Easter jafter spending the winter with Mrs. We extend an invitation to you to call and see our g B ges : : Monday night.--Messrs. Joseph Len- 'McKenzie's mother, Mrs. Alex. Stew- Seas ' pitals, London, Eng. Te Pee | hardt and Henry Karley spent the jart.--Mrs. George L. Adair returned up-to-date stock for spring. Hours--10 to 12 re Wod mae week-end in Kitchener.--Pte. T. Cun-|home on Saturday, after spending a daily. Evenings--7 to 8, states md ningham, of Toronto, spent the week- | few weeks in Belfast, N.Y., visiting and Saturday only; or by appointment | end' with his cousin, Mr, John E. jher sister.--Mr. William Buttery, of (Phone 267.) Strome.--Mr, and Mrs. Frank Mc-jthe 12th con. of Grey, has sold his ' Cardle and daughter, Mary, intend |farm to Mr. Mitchell, of Ethel, for 53 Waterloo St. S., STRATFORD. | poing to London to attend the ordin-|the sum of $6,000.--Mrs. Murray ---- sores i a ation of their son, F. A. McCardle,|Patterson spent the week-end at Au- --_ 7 to the priesthood on Saturday.--Mr. |burn.--Mr. George Tarr left on Tues- MILLBANK a apres Recent lady graduates |\7;..4, Hazel and Pearl Hymers, of |great success on Friday and Saturday |Sta™m were visitors at Linwood last 0 at Sait The tat a iee Peffers, spent Sunday with friends |ast--Messrs William Scott and Sam- week,--Miss E. Crookshanks spent tion we received from an office man with some experience offered initial salary of $1800 per annum. Students ALL NO. 9 COILED WIRE 3 % 25 use aan, Pret won S ri Term Fr m A ril 2nd and Mrs. Anthony Busch left on Fri-|day for Roleau, Sask., where he will Coli pell, f ust Oe eee eae aoscaenceanenanawanene ett p ng 0 p od ad ad vaste: Bask, where they |spend the sumger--Mr. Milton Hol: Hal ins Le age West, cated is = a n od - as 4 intend making their future home.--j|man spent a few days in Stratfor ' : mT 4 r vin ipment oO: oe CENTRAL Messrs. Albion Koebel and Harry |this week.--The annual meeting of |Mr. John os ag ae ease, ac- | we Ai Sd ain gl P ~ E Lutz spent Sunday in Kitchener. Confederation Park Association will Segue See in McK wee a Adwout = ; { 7 ; be held in the library building on Fri-|°@™ 20 CHT ACH Ce, th h WOO0C; | Oa : { o day evening, April 5th, at 8 o'clock, |SPent 8 day ee ee eh ee ae wa STRATFORD, ONT. DONEGAL All members are asked to attend this a ae 9 '4 cote -- "A ve Pi 3 afin al i Mr. Stephen McLell ie hate ne ee ie eet CEE erent Mise Bhima Tan- | ae : < : ' ¥; ephen McLellan spe 9 t ted.-- illi - , : ; |S . Commereial life offers the great day with friends on the 12th line.-- thoy Pat. Waker & teary acre & ner,_Mr, Andrew and Miss Jane Bi- as é wat Ty ga on the line--The ladies' patriotic lea-! ye] Smith attended the funeral of the part of last week with friends at Lin- gue met at the home oi Mrs. W. J. i na ion Dastdacn at Stratford | Wo0d--Messts. Wray 3 Neilsg Cockwell, 12th line, on Thursday |jast week.--Golightly Bros. have en- shipped another carload o lg a A very successful meeting was |oaged Mr. Ed. Litt, of Dublin, to look the West on Saturday.--Mrs. vonn We know that we are lower on Fencing than anybody else. Why not see our stock Bae he may enter our classes at any time. last. res ; ae e : . : spare da Yaoed: itt Soelticna Com. | held.--Messrs._ H. McCourt and F.|after the repairing in their garage.-- ig a ene epee =~ PSs ss before buying. Price talks in this case. eee ~ mercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Byers Bee brs we Sane aa Oe Mr. John pane : pan be to Ln ports tie "Mine Gillespie Matt ket crack [eee near onkton.--Miss e --\ 3 A departments. Get our free catnlee |hag returned home from, visiting with he recently purchased from Me J0nT |to spend a few weeks with her nicce, Bg OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING STYLES. : LLIOTT, President friends in Toronto.--Misses Mary |Maple Leaf Loyal Orange Lodge No. Mrs. A. Capling, at ay graeme am w. J. ELLIOTT, ag pe 1 Cowan and D. Hymers spent. Thurs-|1999 at their regular meeting, put on Robert Patterson returne Oe wil. |e 6 wires, 38 inches high, 24 inch stays, 5, 6%, 734, 9, 10 inch spacing, per TOD sos os 45 cents | Pte mais ee a ee ee hist Lane niuatod. three tet pence binge tac pes Te nnd |™ 7 wires, 48 inches high, 24 inch stays, 5, 6, 7, 8 8, 9 inch spacing, per rod...:..+-++-- 49 cents ---- a - Ze ee, eg & i A } a i. : n 8 : ' i i ; : Re ihe et friend, Mr. A. TL Cockwell, 12th line. ag a Bia Rea ge OE Sata Mrs. Ed. O'Grady and family, who ae 8 wires, 47 inches high, 24 inch stays, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9 inch spacing, per rod.....-..-+- 56 cents | : DINK RAlLWwa ton, Atwood, Donegal and Etheh A {Dave Bees lume Millbank for| 5 wires, (Hog Fence) 20 in. high, 12 in. stays, 8, 3%, 4, 4%, 5, 5% in. spacing, per rod. ..38 cents eeu . \ ANL KUNI SvSTEM i HRS 2 dainty lunch was served by members re past Uae = aca ia intent ro | a oe ms 3 Eggs for Hatching precy Se and sagen a Sei siding in future.--Capt. Jas. oore,| we ie ee THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE wood, No. 72, 1.0.F., will meet on of epee he peg Hi e LA be | im POULTRY FENCING ; lyeiog ie ara aaah AF cara i : 2 . Reid, on | as wh * Between For: increased egg production, try phim | nists a ieee ie SS Friday last. Quite a rushing. busi- | MB 18 wires, 48 inches high, 8 stays, 1% spacing at bottom to 5 inch at top. ae a pets of a sa heeiae Leghrne Pe edaaa will pie a the meet. |ness has been done in Mr. Ritter's im 20 wires, 60 inches high, 8 stays, 1% spacing at bottom to 6 inch at top. MONTREAL, - TORONTO |°" ite Wyandottes, direct' Ces: |: koe City Dairy ice |general store during the past week. | mms : i cendants from Guild's laying strains, ing.--Gill will have City Dairy ice |\" umber of extra clerks having been | #& DETROIT and CHICAGO Begs: $1.25 per setting or $7.00 pas roe fs a Sag apie Lge engaged.--Mr. Wm. Zoeger, of New- | - -- i 4 Jall in and try a dish. 4 ; ee ego : 100---P. & H, Coulter, Milverton. 4] Call in-and Oy @ te ora sina dish, [SR has beet a ser fir, Biter' | aa BRACE, BARB and BLACK WIRE ALWAYS ON HAND. : a | ma ----Miss Florance Johnston spent a 'Unexcelled Dining Car Service. e few days in Stratford last week.--|°._; 4 : | Be : : Day-Old Chicks Gill will have fresh lettuce, celery, vochag- gs ae Mr, eee ee Ot we EF a Sleeping cars on night trains and bananas, pbs MR and ey a ----- Keo chureh held a very successful | fim Fi kb e WH d Mil om ' P at r rices.--Invitations ee 5 os alvin carson ig 6 204) arose, SC, Whi Levtora| eesti th ay fb ha ec dese Woanwiy har wee BN einer Hardware, - Milverton | dred. Expect to have the first hatch a sae hall on Tuesday evening; | "the Epworth League will meet at| . Full information from any Grand |of about the end of April. Leave eval of the late John Mc- the home of Mr. George Coghlin 0" | Bia tuSa0800 0000000058 080858 PTrtiti titi tri tet Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horning |Your orders now for this and the fol- phone. Te Slantkban:. tale Since on |Thursday, March 29th, at 8 p.m., ow- | CO OTT SS EEE EEE CEE CEE CECE CECE ert Peete District Passenger "Agent, Toronto, lowing hatches. Will also do a lim- \ Friday last from his late residence to ing to Friday being a holiday.--The | store.--Mr. Love, Sr., of Lebanon, | KINDLY GIVE US A TRIAL. Ont.~ ited amount of custom hatching at| po pvéy' rs g losing side in the knitting contest of | S \Harvey's cemetery. Services were ; et = - Se he aah Ae. S) uiiverion. (sl #t Miiox church, of which tecee he ea eget all, on. Frid WARTBURG » R.R. No. 2, Milverton. ed was a devoted member. The ser- ial evening in Fewings' hall, on | day night. A very enjoyable and pro- eee eseane a ---------------- | vices were conducted by the pastor, : WwW -|. Mr. and Mrs, John Henry visited W W ] T Rev. E. A. Thompson, who was as- fitable time was spent. eee ee 'Milverton friends recentl Mins El- ° D. EIR S LIS O Unreserved : & f th Moffat occupied the chair. Rev. Jac- | y.--Muiss | | sisted by Rev. A. E. Doan, of the ques and Rev. R, A. Miller gave eanor Murr, of Stratford, is visiting : : fy e Methodist church, and Rev. W. D. ¢ y oehe her parents, Mr. he a er Pp OPE TI i ; SHADO W TEST uction Sale McDonald, of Atwood. The church saree Chin gaeeiaage ing ati cy. | Murr.--Mr. Henry Arthur, of Otter- OR SAL : H. C. BAIRD, 'Phone 1, Local Agent aoe was crowded to its utmost capacity |t oy osti ae ; ville spent the week-end with relatives : : ' {teresting talk on various subjects |} p e , FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS HAY oe toot were UAT eee. hess concerning the war and our soldiers in this locality.-- Misses Laura and} $12,000--Buys lot 4, concession 8, Wellesley, (Western Section) ; 4 a a . . S and also spoke on the work of the wo- | Carrie Nicholas, of Tavistock, spent frame houses, bank barn, straw shed, driving shed, hog pens, di : ; = : "ti me | cocks. Others who took part in the |~ ay ee ee Sat? i acres good hardwood bush; wel ined; i iti W. D. Weir & Son have received | graveside. Among the relatives from programme were Mr. Herb Nicklin, | Ypslanti, spent the past week with School %4 mile. parol. deninted ; land i a = instructions from William Hawthorne |? distance were : Hon. W. K. Me- Mr. Walker, Misses Bhima Tanner | relatives in the burg.--Mrs. Jack Me- | to sell by public auction on Lot ' Con, |Naught and Mr. Thomas McNaught, |. 4 wiorence Coulter, Mrs. E. Phair. 'Lachlin and family, of Regina, are 7, Wellesley, (2 miles west, of Oross-|ProinerGh vistian Rock, a well-known [At tne Coe rasp programme, Pte. vie ee es neiviss Laura Kuchna 1918, the following stock and effects: |and respected resident of the ninth bree Sy Big chong bane the of Sebringville, spent a few days res ro Brood mare in foal, horse 12 years |concession of Logan, near Brodhage | citizens of Millbank, | Mr. Geo. Smith 'cently with Mrs. W. F. Kruspe.-- . ; ~ old, horse 4 years old, aged horse, a | died Saturday in his 76th year. His i little Miss Helen |Rev. Louis Higenell, of Fort Wayne, "He Looks Into the Eye" 'good worker; gelding rising 3 years lwife predeceased him some years ago. Tea address and csentation. Pte, recently visited friends in this vicin- : =i \old, gelding rising 2 years old, filly |Three sons and three daughters sur-| 7) "0° made a very suitable regly, |ity---Miss Kate Armstrong, af Strat. =a Saee seey METHOD, it is almost rising 2 years old, 4 fresh milkers, 3 | Vive: John Rock, Fred Rock and Chas. thanking the Women's Institute and ford, spent the week-end with her i H Ree ee atoob ita Vato cows in calf, 2 heifers in calf, farrow Rock, all of Logan; Mrs. John Gloor other friends who so kindly remem- 'parents, Reeve and Mrs. Robert Arm- the eye thereby locating We de. cow, 6 cattle rising 1 year old, 3 and Mrs. Wm. Grube, Logan, and bered him while overseas. A light strong.--Messrs. Robert and Stanley fect right at its source. spring calves, 2 brood sows with lit- Mrs. Wittig, Sduth Basthope. The|) ch was then served by the mem-(|Henry visited friends near Stratford ee . ters, 6 store pigs, 2 geese, gander, 2|funeral was held on Tuesday after- |). of the Women's Institute. The 0M Sunday.--Mr. Wm. and Miss Car- i 5 -- Weak Muscles Strengthened ducks and drake, 60 barred rock hens. |noon from the home of his son, Mr. proceeds amounted to about $30.00. rie Harloff spent Sunday with rela- \ " - Headaches Cured, Cross _ McCormick binder, new; McCorm-|Charles Rock, 9th con. Logan, to the Pe Kearty vote of thanks was tendered tives in Stratford.--Mr. and Mrs. J. v. "i Eyes in many cases ick mower, hay rake, McCormick hay | Brodhagen Lutheran cemetery, where |(. 5+ Moore and all those who took Henry and daughters, Misses Ada and e \ straightened loader, McCormick disc. drill, Bissell jinterment took place. part in the programme.--The Wo- Florence, spent Sunday with Mr. and _ 'Straig , _ |roller, Bissell disc, cultivator, set of Mrs. Thomas Ready has sold the men's Institute will have a quilting in Mrs. L. F. Brunner, near Stratford. when glasses are fitted by this slings, Cutaway disc, set iron harrows farm, east of her farm, formerly be- ' ll on Tuesday, --Miss Pearl Grieve, of Stratford, is ponte pba pe pls A daly 2 Wilkinson plows, 2 Fleury plows, longing to Mr. David Ready, 12th pehngn aks ae All ladies a ¥2 | spending 'a few days at her home.-- asking questions, gang plows, 2 lumber wagons, set of jcon., Logan, containing 65 acres, t0|\o1.ome, whether members or not. 'Mrs. George Stuart and son, Lloyd, sloop sleighs, new; set weigh scales Mr. H. Eickmeyer, Jr. The farm is a lof Gadshill, spent the past week with The Thrift Car SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! capacity 2000 Ibs., Clinton fanning good one with a fine brick house, bank A 10¢ tea will be served. {the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. nr : mill, extension ladder, 40 ft. long;jbarn and other out buildings. The es Robert Scott. Pp, H. BASTENDORFFE be led Lea he bea hay ee was in the neighborhood of $5,- BRUNNER | | : ; : ek, churn, cooking stove and pipes : : SS SS ee : : _ * Byesight Specialist' 2 sets team harness, set single io Mrs. Thomas Hicks announces the NORTH MORNINGTON Canadians are speeding up-- " | MILVERTON, - = - ONTARIO |ness, cream separator, roll of fence lengagement of her daughter, Lila E.,| Mr. and Mrs. James Clarke and ae 3 wire, scuffler, 15 tons of hay, 200|to Mr, Reginald Drummond, of Lo-|daughter, Daisy, of Stratford, spent; Stoker Simon Loney left last week Overlooking nothing that will save bushels of grain. Everything to began. The marriage will take place in, the week-end here.--Cadet C. Chris-|to report at Halifax.--Mr. and Mrs. time by making time. ae =I == = E ==I]]] |sold without reserve as the farm is April. tie, of the Royal Flying Corps, Tor- James Waddell spent a few d i = AMET m9 =U =i S|EI sold. Pte. Jordan, who has been invalided onto, spent a few days with Mr. and | Mr, and Mrs. T. Re lWaddell, Pals A motor car is essentially a ti A te" : : Sale at 12.30 p.m. sharp. asl to Canada, arrived in Mitchell on | Mrs. James Hanna.-- Pte. A. R. Whit- | yecently.--Mrs. William Heal, of Bue- age p OEY ee INES P55 W Use Onl G S Terms--8 months' credit on sums the morning train Thursday and was |ney left on Wednesday en route for jah, Man., spent a few days with her : pags e y enuine over $10 on furnishing approved joint |met at the station by members of the | overseas.--Mr. and Mrs. N. Lannin |fyiend, Miss Vera Watson.--Mr. John Whatev 3 ss + aes e ' notes, that amount and under, cash; | patriotic committee and a number of |spent Saturday in Stratford. Burnett, of Stratford, is spending a : ever your occupation, you and Reliable Cloths Ss 6 i pa per annum pends, Pte, Jordan's home is at Kin- \few weeks at the home of Mr. W. G. will find this Overland Model 90 a ee See i . cash over ' ora. an? 7d,--Pte. Elmer Watson, of Lon- i 3 is oe et neers ; advertisements. OM e 2 on: 00 y . : in Making Suits W. D. Weir & Son, Auctioneers.| Dairy butter wrappers for sate at| ead The Sun's don, has returned home for the sum- | | & a ee ceunent---the little time- ' ; W. Hawthorne, Proprietor. Gill's in large and smal! vackages. SS months.--Miss Ida Currie spent saving thrift car that has doubled oe d 0 = PGR eee tae a ae ' the week-end with Miss Gladys Kemp) 4 its sales in Canad Sar, -- «an : vercoats. Be ton a TRY THEM TO-D AY Listowel.--Flight Lieut. Percy Wad- anada during the past: ve EY ste / COMMERCIAL : : jdell has returned from England. We year. se PS ceegs want ee 5 tse CROSSHILL VY 00 Beve read letters recom [ener pleased to see Sam home Again | ¥ : : j ee terass 2 Gin Pills. our : : ' We have a stock of blues of Bauley. Ais pe ' 1 a . = Mr. and Mrs. James Richardson, of Seaten pte rio ee Why Eo eld Jools 80 Brett a Indigo dye in Worsteds of ex-| Oats Y Lae 88 88 Macton, spent Sunday with Mr. and ee aie | dae Renta tems 5 cellent wearing quality --the| p ay ere ot Mrs. George Richardson.--Mrs. A. Iumbago, Gravel, Brick Dust De- ROSTOCK Appearance « Re - ' GENUINE and RELIABLE|{°* ' . ss 300 3 50/Gremm, of Wellesley, spent the week- noc hy ge Seven egg iy Performance : ' goods. Also the best Trim- War Flour, spring, ewt. 6 00 6 00)end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. fe fetuedy, Josh Binet Miss Frieda Yundt is spendi Comfort ming on the market. | War Flour, blended ewt. 5 85 5 85|T. Playford.--Mrs. George Helm, of SE BAAL week in Milverton with a ae # Service ; War Flour. winter, ewt. 5 65 5 65\London, spent a few days last week Be igo Boe werd Price : ' e : : \Mrs, Ed. Gaul.--Mr. George Eggert _ Im_ addition we have other] Shorts per tom..........4 40 00 40 00 with her, brother and sisters in this sienna lof Mildmay, is spending a ee ae te goods to choose from. Bee Fe 35 00 35 Oo /vicinity~The box social held last lwith his parents, Mr. and as ig cats ON Wea bone tans eee Fr cross See (with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. August WM. ZIMMERMANN, D Order now arid be assured of | Hay. 'to! ecwssivenseer 10 00-10 0015 oy Sy Ee eey Ree ----- \Eggert.--Miss Clara Stevenson, of | » Dealer . ee eg Hove livewsight 18 00 90 00 ae Cirele was a decided success. A 'Alisa Craig, has charge of Mr. I.| ' ee | the BEST. "| Hogs liveweight... ......6 20 60 |sood programme of songs, recitations Paeader- ee A Milverton, Ont. i ae : eat eee Butch 1 | j ss |Druar's millinery -rooms this year.-- ee utcher Cattle........... 8 90 10 00 land Pte. G. A m- eae i : : and music was given. Pte. G. A. Ham iM d Mrs. Henry: Reibl | 3 23 ; Potatoes per bag 150 2 00!mond gave a very interesting account Mis sed Mis. ete g eee ee Willys-Overiand, Li Se = a TS 2 g yi £ n led the funeral of the late Mrs. M. | tys-Overiand, Limited he cea An ere ae Gard Soe isc es 23 30 |of his trip from Halifax to France F Willys Knight and o a : JM . FLEISCHH AUER Bellod char ciatn Ge 10... 10 Suid nla explained some of IES Ce ee Re nee Pes Comsiersial Wapene e ee | ee as | Chickens, live... ES 1 99 |toms of the French people; w ich was| =; | . : : fee ae ce and Works, West Tor < ones: 5 PRIS eer Pa = e *) - 20 thoroughly enjoyed by those present. | - es a few days at her home | Se orks, West Toronto, Ontario Next door to E. H, Gropp's Garage. 'Hens MILVERTON Ee ae 10.18. After the programme was finished, eS : a3 the lunch boxes were sold realizing rea 0 8 12 |the sum of nearly $48.00.--Making 44 'maple syrup, holding auction sales} _ gS ving are the order of the day. ' ce Le Mrs. Joseph Leatham spent a day a il) ee: = et week with her sister, Mrs. Peter. = 3 Vo é ea ok < Sa e va Prue a Saece