_|| THE SECOND WEEK 2 BIG SPRING DRIVE | has won a TREMENDOUS VICTORY OVER HIGH PRICES WHEN IT COMES SHOW DOWN TO A- es bots Giving Knechtel & Co., of Stratford, deliver the goods. No amount of advertising talk could prove this store more effec- E e y an just these Facts and Figures. The facts as they are stated here, and the figures as they are stated below -- 25 years of -- Z reg ncreasing Business have established the fact that the Knechtel Shoe Store has lived up to its mame. Another fact easily established is at never in its history has the Knechtel Shoe Store been stocked up so well. Mainly through extensive buying in anticipation of a higher mar- ket--which brings us face to face with t more shoes left on hand than we expected --and Here's where we Come To Figures. : Study the above facts and study the figures below. It will help you to answer an important question: How Much Will You Pay For Your Next Pair ? Good shoes will become pretty scarce and prices will be higher than ever. you can buy two or more pair for the price of one. YOU WILL FIND THESE FACTS AND FIGURES TALLY WHEN IT COMES TO A SHOW DOWN. MISSES' SHOES MISSES' FINE SHOES--Lace, good soles, and heels, sizes 11 to 2. Special LOOK, MOTHERS! You can buy the best School or Dress Boots in Patent or Gun- metal for the growing girl or for your- self, regular value $5.50. Special WOMEN'S SHOES WOMEN'S FINE KID SHOES--Plain toes, Louis heeis, all sizes. Special LADIES' FINE KID AND GUNMETAL HIGH TOP SHOES--Louis heels, very dressy, regular $8 value. Special MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S CLASSIC SHOES--Patent leather with white buck tops, very pretty, sure to please the wee folks at 2.50 to 4.00 MISSES' BROWN SHOES-- High tops. Special at CHILDREN'S SHOES CHILDREN'S SHOES, VERY SPECIAL-- Strong and vada 2 Sar shoes, sizes 4to 7%. Regular $1.50. To go at 15¢c CHILDRENS FINE SHOES--Button styles good fitters, sizes 8% to 10. To go at Children's Gun Metal 1.49 CHILDREN'S HIGH TOP SHOES--Dressy smart and serviceable are these boots and yet the price within the reach of al. Regular $3.50. 2.50 Special value LOOK! HERE'S ECONOMY--Misses' But- ton Shoes, sizes 11 to 2. Special LOOK MOTHERS! and kid shoes, button and laee styles, $2.00 value for CHILDREN'S CASHMERE STOCKINGS-- Sizes 4 to 8; reg. value 75c. Special while they last .... 50c INFANTS' SOFT SOLED SHOES -- Large assortment, reg. 50c value 39c Special per pair DON'T TUMBLE to this Sale when it's half over--Do it NOW ! JUVENILE BOOK CASES, 12, 14, 16-inch all going at one 94c WE GUARANTEE EVERY PRICE AND EVERY STATEMENT--lIt's up to You: STYLISH,. NEAT AND ALL ROUND WEAR, rounding toes and medium heels, go at SPECIAL ATTENTION--Latest up-to-the- minute style, black, high kid, laced, full Louis heel, plain receding toe. Special BEATS THEM ALL--Something neat, black kid button Shoe, plain toe. Sale price ATTRACTIVE PRICES on Pumps, Patent Colonial. Very new in 2 98 HURRY FOR THESE--Women's Kid three Strap Slippers, $3.50 value for PEARL GREY SHOES--Goodyear welts, Louis heels, very dressy. Pair 13.00 to 15.00 WOMEN'S PEARL GREY SHOES--Loiuis heels, Hi-Cut, a great favorite With the ladies: acta.) es ees 9 .00 READ CAREFULLY WOMEN'S BLACK HOSE--AIl sizes, 're- gular 50¢ value. Special GET RID OF THOSE CORNS--Dr. Scholl's Absorbo Corn Pads, Fixo Corn Plaster and Pedico Corn Salve will do the trick. Come in and let us tell you. } TRY FOOT DOC--For scalding, perspiring feet, per package. . 25c SHOE POLISHES, CREAMS, for all kinds of leathers. ' LACES, SHOE FINDINGS of all sorts. We have the largest assortment in the city. ARE YOU TIRED? Have you that all gone feeling? These are symptoms of weak feet. Let us correct your foot trouble. There is a Dr. Scholl appliance for every kind of foot trouble. OUR PRICES HAVE BEEN REDUCED - and our customers are assured of receiv- ing the best values for their money. he fact that even after a period of fast selling during the past few months -- we find that we have - HENCE THIS BIG 10-DAY DRIVE. We have decided to make their way out Easier and Quicker Look Ahead ! You will find that by looking ahead and stocking up now Look! Look! Men and Women of $5.00 and over. to the Belgian Relief Work. in -Footwear. Bring along your old shoes--any old shoes--shoes that you have discarded--shoes that you will never wear again; whether they are fit for wear or not, we will allow you 50c a pair on every purchase All shoes which can be repaired with a reasonable amount of work and expense will be put in serviceable condition free of charge in our Modern Shoe Repairing Department and will be handed over This is an opportunity to do a kindness to the needy, suffering Belgians and at the same time secure a substantial discount from the wonderfully low prices already fixed for this Great Spring Drive We are not leaving a stone unturned to help you-- THIS IS THE YEAR FOR ECONOMY We have a MODERN REPAIR Department in connection with our store. We can do your repairing neatly and very promptly, whether the shoes were bought here or not. There is nothing beyond us when it comes to good shoe repairing. IF YOU HAVE Weak Ankles, Broken Down Arches, Crowded | Toe, Ingrown Toe Nails | Inflamed Joints, Chil- blains, Callouses, Bun- ions, Pains and Cramps in the toes and fore Trade part of the feet, Pains way Mark in the heels. ~" Reg. WECAN HELP YOU There is a Dr. Scholl's Application For every Foot Trouble. Come in. We will give you free examin- ation and advice at any time. This is a Dr. Scholl Foot Comfort Station If you have Foot Trouble of any kind do not neglect it. TRUNKS, CLUB BAGS and SUIT CASES We carry a large stock of Trunks, Suit Cas- es, Club Bags, greatly reduced during this big TEN DAY DRIVE. * MEN'S SHOES MEN'S MAHOGANY SHOES--Round toes double soles, select calf skin 47 95 cy Astoria make, $9.00 value. . AND THEN-- PRICES--Our shoes have been lower in price than any other stores ever since the rise in prices and are still the lowest, but highest in quality. BOYS' SHOES BOY'S SOLID SCHOOL SHOES -- Good heavy soles, black, will stand the hard knocks. | Special MEN'S LEATHER HIGH BOOTS--Select cowhide, pegged soles, hand- 4 oO s BOY'S TAN SHOES--The strongest school boot made, See these at sewn. Special MEN'S TAN GRAIN WORK SHOES--Re- gular $5.00 value. Special ages Pibae oe eer ae toes suitable for farm or foundry 2.98 work. Special MEN'S FINE BLACK SOX--AIl sizes. Special35c pair; 3 for.. 1 .00 MEN, LOOK AT THIS ONE--Gunmetal Calf Shoes, leather lined, Neolin Soles, Wingfoot rubber heels. Sale price BOY'S TAN MILITARY SHOES plain toes. Special DRESSY, NEAT AND BEST MAKE, To- bacco brown, Neolin sole, new receding toe. Special SOMETHING SPECIAL--A durable Wat- erproof that will outstand any hard knocks. $5.00 value. To go at BOY'S RUBBER BOOTS-- MEN'S MILITARY SHOES for dress or parade, best of leathers and workman- ship. Our prices 7.00 to 8.00 TRENCH BOOTS FOR OVERSEAS, made of best waterproof material, high laced, made specially for trench work. Special 15.00 to 20.00 MEN'S BLACK CALF SHOES, receding Wee Gores 4.50 LOOK MEN! KoKo Brown Shoes, cham- pagne ors, tinah gat soles, rubber eels, regular .00 value. 8.50 Special SEE THESE MEN !--Patent leather lace and button Shoes, round or receding toes choicest of leathers, regular 6 45 $9.00 value. Special oa De YOUNG MEN, you will sure want a pair of Dancing Pumps, $5.00 value. Special LOOK HERE, MEN--If you wear size 7 or 7%. Don't miss the Sample Shoe Sale, all styles, all colors and leathers. Values up to $10.00. 9.99, 6.45, 6.95 ri MEN'S DARK BROWN ENGLISH WALK. ING SHOES--Acme soles and_ heels, regular $7.50. Special MEN'S GUNMETAL SHOES--Round toes Goodyear welts, all sizes. Sure to appeal to well dressed men, reg. $6.50. Special A GOOD APPEARANCE IN MEN'S GUN. METAL SHOES, rounding toes, Good- year welt, $6.50 value. Sale price YOUTHS' SHOES YOUTHS' TAN MILITARY SHOES, sizes 11, 12 and 18. A real bargain at YOUTHS' SCHOOL SHOES, just the kind you want, sizes 11, 12 and 13 $3.50 value, to go at YOUTHS' BOX KIP BLUCHER SHOES-- Good solid soles. To go at MEN'S SHOES ; MEN'S FINE SHOES, dress wear, fine shapes and styles, in patent jleather reggular $8.00 and $9.00 4 6.45 value, go at a KID COMFORT SHOES--Plain oes. 3.98 "A big bargain at. , SOUNDS REASONABLE -- Men's Heavy Storm Calf, double sole, Viscolized, worth $10, for 7.95 SPECIAL OFFER TO DRESSY YOUNG MEN--AIl our new and best $9.00 shoes during this big Ten-Day Drive ANOTHER BIG SHIPMENT of MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS at THE SHOES THAT STAND THE TEST. The Shoe Store that Guarantees Abso- lute Satisfaction. PROFITS SURRENDERED to the women of Perth County. -- Women's Champagne Ox- fords and Bronze Pumps. $5.00 value. go at this Ten-Day/Sale at KNECHTEL & COMPAN To EVERYBODY SAYS: "Meet me at Knechtel's" and get a pair of Women's Patent Button Shoes, with leather tops, Cuban heels, worth $6.00. Sale_price 8-10 DOWNIE STREET, STRATFORD