a ' By Agronomist. . P This Department Is for the use of our farm readers who want the advice of an expert on any question regarding soll, seed, crops, etc. If your question is of sufficient general interest, it will be answered through this column. If Stamped and addressed envelope: is enclosed with your jetter, a complete answer will be mailed to you. Address Agronomist, care of Wilson Publishing Co., Ltd., 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. Save the Soil. turns. And when a man has once Never before in the history of | drifted away from live stock it is all Canadian agriculture has there been; the more difficult for him to take up any such a tendency toward the de-| the work where he left off. pletion of soil fertility. Thousands) Another question arises: | What is of farmers in our richest agricultural golng to be the result of the present regions who were at one time growers! generation of farmers drifting away of good cattle, sheep and hogs are be- | from live stock farming on the future coming soil robbers. The high price | generations of farmers? The dif- of grain is tempting them to sell in-| ficulty of teaching, ts coming gener- stead of feed out the crops. One,ation how to care for live stock is may build up his bank account by, sure to hold back the development of | that process for a few*years, only to, the industry for many years. There- find that he has. really been selling | fore, grain must be grown until the his farm by the wagon-load. Every | farmer is affected by reduced fertilit . consideration present and prospective, | and consequent declining yields. Then | points to the importance of maintain-! when the tide does turn, as it even-| ing and increasing the fertility of the tually must turn, there is going to be! land, and this is just the reason why , 4 mighty problem of restoring the, every farmer in Canada whose land, wasted fertility and a mighty hunger will support live stock ought to find for knowledge of live stock feeding some way of utilizing good animals in, and soil management. his system of farming, The farms! One thing is certain, that unless | on which some sort of live stock may, there is a complete change in our, not profitably be maintained are few, methods of farming, grain will never , and far between. be as cheap as it has been in former) years. There -are too many de-; 'mands for it besides feeding it to live' ; stock. In fact, there are only two 'ways of increasing grain production; one by increasing soil fertility; the | other by better methods of culture. | The high price of grain has not; continued long enough to enable any- one to measure its full effects, nor have we any means of determining whether the conditions which are hold- » EBD ay Ts the Western A French armoured car supporting a British attack. on one hundred front.- This French official photograph was taken less than ph was taken ess than one hundredyards from the Germans. nN Woah l e) One of the most important things | "T would like to know how to do in the operation of a dairy is the! good farming without sheep," says cleaning of the dairy utensils. They Mrs. George McKerrow, of Wiscon- must be cleaned and rinsed thor-! sin, one of the best and most widely oughly immediately after being used;, known sheep breeders of American. this will prevent the water in the;"Why?" he continued. "Because my milk from evaporating and the solid| sheep use up the wastes of the farm. matter sticking fast to the utensils.| They clean up the grass, weeds, brush If it is found impossible to wash the; and gleanings, and in so doing turn utensils at once, it will be a good'into cash what otherwise would be plan to rinse them in lukewarm wa-! lost'." ae ter so that the greater part of the) "Sheep," he says, "make the most milk will. be removed before it has! economical gains of any 'kind of live had a change to stick fast to the pail! stock because they c'ean up the o./ds or cow. Hot water should never; and ends. They are partieulariy ing the price of grains to their present level will continue long enough for the full effects to be realized. One ef- fect, however, is plain, that it is checking the movement toward crop rotation, stock feeding and maintain- ing the fertility of the soil. Should this continue for years to come, we fear that this terrific waste of fertil- {ty that is going on will not only con- tinue but actually increase. It is going to take a number of years to measure the effect of this drifting away from live stock on the land. difficulty, even when grain was bringing moderate prices, that farm-' ers could be persuaded to change from growing grain for the market to stock farming. Nor is this to be wonder- ed at; for the growing of cattle, sheep and hogs is an entirely different type of farming. It is an easy matter to develop a profitable system of grain farming on productive land, but it requires exceedingly good judgment | to make live stock yield maximum re- Both of which are educational pro- cesses and necessarily slow. | Live stock raising ig the best in-| ,Surance against an , agriculture. Those who have studied | the problem know that this '¢ true.| therefore require a great amount of | them if they did not have access to- washing before it can all be remov-' , Do not increase your acreage of grain | ;erops, but improve your methods. | Grow fewer acres and more bushels to} water first, as the hot water will improverished | coagulate the casein in the milk so} used. that it sticks to the pail and will ed from the vessel. After thoroughly rinsing the uten-_| It has been with the utmost | {the acre. Do not keep too much sils in the lukewarm water, they | live stock but use better blood and, should be thoroughly washed in hot give them better care. Do not break| water, using some good brand of up good pastures and put them in | alkali washing powder. There are grain because they effer a profitable many good washing powders to be 'robber and a price chaser. The scales| the purpose and make this part of the 'are sure to turn in favor of the live | dairy work easier each day. stock grower, and as live stock can-|or powders that contain grease,as a not be increased rapidly there is sure} part of their composition will not to be some good years ahead. It is make a satisfactory brand of soap or claimed that hogs are an exception to| powder to use in this work and not very rapidly, but, even with hogs, | powder. when the supply of breeding stock; It is a good plan also to have on utensils used daily. 'on a normal footing. s stalled it can be used very effectively Heretofore our preference has been spring setting of strawberry plants over fall set. I could never see what was to be gained by fall setting as ordinarily practiced. Late August and early September is the season usually employed for this. To be sure, when weather and soil condi-! tions are favorable, and good plants | set, quite a fair growth will be made} both in root and crown, growth suf-| ficient to mature a fair crop of ber-| ries if allowed to fruit. But if per-| mitted to fruit the first season an in-| ferior stand of young plants must' necessarily result. The cultural con-| ditions required, in each instance are | altogether incompatible. The object) or purpose sought in each case is wholly unlike. Then, too, I figured that spring set plants make all the growth necessary | under proper cenditions of soil and| culture, hence, what was the use of| endeavoring to establish the new | plantation at a season when favorable | weather conditions were so much'| moré problematical, Another thing, | the labor of creating a fine mellow. root pasturage with plants occupy-| ing the ground, would be greatly aug-| mented. Indeed, I figured that to! place a piece of ground in as excellent | a condition as is possible when larger, | deeper working tools may be used, is| practically out of the question; hence, | sizing the matter up in the light of the experience I then had, I decided that the fall setting of strawberry | plants had nothing to offer us. But for some time back I have been! looking at the proposition in the light of greater experience and can now see how, if fall setting can be made suc-| cessful, the plan offers one very decid- | .ed advantage to us, viz., the setting of | the plants will come at a season when! other work is far less pressing. With a large amount of work of this sort to be done in the spring some of it must necessarily be neglected; hence, any plan or system that promises to | their root system established and be 'injurious results of exposure to win- | be transferred from this busy time to in sterilizing the utensils, Ese this is not always STRAWBERRIES -- pant as a fresh breeze blew the dry | particles into our faces. iz 5 | Just how the experiment will turn! 04 ns ae i a asshot water wa he ges 7 Soph rats dace some make the utensils dry very quickly. Pe vt dl Ad Bertin ER a They should be placed upside down on | : "oe racks S irt wil t | prevent crusting and consequent loss| pase cee ie ee 2 aie est of soil moisture, the weeder has been: 2" ! & t th 1 ; fae used to re-create a loose surface. Be- as aLDON ST Ae: ae mtg # Seite cause of the deficient rainfall it Oar ee aks te ra cia be necessary to reset quite a number to air and sunlight at all times. This a eats Stylo = nae = ati keeps them bright, clean and sanitary. as it becomes clear tha e plants | Ey first set are not starting out vigor- | * : ; Cle ig? ow Poult? rh a a ously. are an excellent 4@ess, as I have described. Never Of course, it is not expected that plants set this late in the season will | make much growth in the short time! before freezing weather sets in. This! ig not expected. Neither is it neces- sary to the success of the plan. All that is required is that the plants get Grass clippings green feed for chickens. tacks sufficient green feed with a consequent reduction of egg and meat | production. With the easy avyail- It will be imperatively necessary to #Dility of lawn SHppings the peu supply winter protection to these fall Man can always have green fee set plants. They wouldn't be worth' through the summer for his chickens. shucks if not fully protected from the The flock can be fed daily as much of the green clippings as they will eat. If any continued bowel trouble shows, the amount should be reduced. The ready to do business next spring. ter's frost and sunshine, and the heav- | ing action upon the soil of "Sugar Weather." One of my helpers said, when I cautioned him against getting the plants: too deep: "But just wait, til] the frost gets in its work." Our| réply was to the effect that it would, never do to let frost get in its work. | The plants must be fully protected | They can be dried and stored in sacks. against such harmful agencies, {These died clippings, moistened and Amounts in excess can be dried for winter use. Whatever may be the outcome it is fed to the flock, are a very fair sub-j | certain that one feature of advantage | stitute for the succulent green feeds | economical to use a higher grade of | will be a success; we will have a start | Of Summer. : of a week with our spring work. Es-| pena ES a tablishing the new strawberry bed | It is time we developed a class of in spring, coming as it does right young men capable of handling some along with so much other similar! of the problems that are driving older work, adds largely to the strenuous | farmers from the best farms in the life of the season. If this job can country. & season more convenient, a very de- cided advantage will be gained. DS After all due care and protection, ' 5 ' spring growth may show up plants| _CUT OUT: AND FOLD GN DOTTED LINES rotation of crops and become a soil; found on the market that will answer | Soaps | this rule, that they can be increased; nearly as good as a genuine alkali; , becomes reduced it requires two or; hand several good stiff brushes that. i three years for production to get back! are adaptable to cleaning the various | If steam is in-| but of | installed | and it is necessary therefore, to fol-| low out the rinsing and washing pro-! | wipe the utensils after washing them} The heat impart-| The back, yard poultry flock of a family often' remainder of the clippings can be al- | lowed to dry and fed moistened dur- ing the time between lawn cuttings. dynamite-was to tackle a big field of temper the judgment with charity, : be used until the milky substances | useful on the farm in the fall of the | have been removed with the lukewarm' year, for they turn into mutton the | things that otherwise would not be 'the feed stuffs that would be given hese other things." After harvest, Mr. McKerrow's sheep are turned into the oat fields for a few hours the first day; an hour or two longer the second day; and the time gradually increased until at the end of a. week they have complete possession of the fields. The lambs are permitted to enter the corn before 'it is cut and they clean up on the weeds and lower corn plant leaves. Lambs do not pull down the lower ears of corn as do the sheep. Roots are grown for the cattle and sheep on Mr. McKerrow's place, and after the larger roots are hauled into storage |for winter use, the sheep are turned into the field and eat the smaller ones that remain. Both the sheep and lambs are turned into the aftermath of the meadows and this brings them into winter quarters in good condi- tion. Another profitable practice on this become weedy after harvest. These i fields are sown to rape and turnips, and later the sheep are turned in. They eat the rape and turnip tops with relish and will later hollow the meat from the turnip, leaving but a | shell, |. Mr. McKerrow has found | frequent change of pasture is bene- | ficial to the sheep. A thirty-six-inch | woven wire fence in twenty-rod | lengths is moved about, thus prevent- |ing the too short cropping of the 'grass, and furthermore reducing the | internal parasite plague to a mini- Paere Water is also an important ; consideration, and ewes particularly | should have water the same as dairy | cows. "T would not go so far as to say that there should be some sheep on every farm," declares Mr. McKerrow, "for peculiar conditions might not make it practical, but I do believe that there should be sheep on the vast ma- jority of farms in this country. They turn waste into cash. The sort of saving that the good housewife is! making in her kitchen can be practic- ed with corresponding effectiveness by the use of sheep on the farm. To Blast Big Stumps. About the"first work I did with stumps. For this I.used a 40 per Dried grass clippings | cent. grade, which is about the proper} and so fulfil the law of Christ--It is are a good green food for winter.! thing to use for stump-blasting, on/|#the law of love which should regulate ordinary. soils. I find that on low, | boggy ground, where the stumps are | | very large and tough, it .is more dynamite, such as 50 or 60 per cent., | Placing it under the stump and firing electrically by a blasting machine. ' All very large tough stumps over three feet in diameter, such as: oaks, 'hickory, and elm, should be blasted | only by this method. The distributed charges will then all go off together, and the combined effect of the several charges so dis- tributed will give a much better blast | thay putting the entire charge in one INTERNATIONAL LESSON AUGUBT 11 => Lesson VI. Christian Helpfulness-- Golden Text, Gal. 6. 2. Luke 10. 30-87 'Verge 30. .A certain man--The im- ial tet 6 is that he was a Jew. From erusalem to Jericho--One of the routes eastward from Jerusalem to the | Jordan, winding down a steep descent of four thousand feet in eighteen miles through a wild region of beetling cliffs and chalky canyons. Fell among robbers--Jesus is calling attention to | a well-known experience of the travel-| ;er of that day on thia lonely poad.| | The same thing has occurred in recent, ; years in this region, inhabited by Arab _ tribes, to obtain protection from whom | /a good fee must be paid for thé pri-' | vilege pf passing unharmed through | i their territory. They do not to-day | | beat travelers but content themselves with stripping and robbing him. } 81. A certain priest was going down! that way--tThe force of priests minis- | tering at the temple services was sev- ,eral thousand, many of whom resided in Jericho. This man was returning home. Right in his read was the wounded traveler, just as in our ordin- ! ary comings and goings appear unfort- unate claimants upon our sympathy and help. We need not go out of our! ;way,to reach them. They lie before us. He passed by on the other side ,--A wounded man, all covered with! grime and blood, arouses in the dainty priest, afraid of ceremonial defilement, not pity but disgust. He passes by, as many another passes by the oppor- Luke 10. 25-37; Gal. 6. 1-10. re if Ry Andrew F. Dr. Currier will enswer all signed Question ts of general {nterest it will Me, es a tierier. MLD. ye oe letters pretaining to Health. If your be answered through these columns; 'iff not, it will be answered personally if stamped, addressed envelope 4 closed. Dr. Currier wi}l not prescribe for individual cases or make diagnosis. Address Dr. Andrew F. Currier, care of Wilson Publishing Co., 73 Adela @ 8t. West, Toronto. Remedies for Nervous Diseases. In no class of diseases are' medi- eines more hopeless and useless, 80 far as cure is concerned, than in those which involve the brain and spinal cord and the nerves proceeding from them. I don't mean that medicines are powerless to relieve some of their symptoms, but I do not know of any that will cure them, when once well established, any more than thef can cure cancer. : Neither do I include in this sweep- ing statement the milder forms of | neuralgia which are often selieved and cured for the time at any rate, by external or internal remedies. In a great many cases it is a waste; of good money to buy medicines, and. to expect them to cure disease will) almost surely be disappointing. Three medicines and perhaps four, the world could not well do without, ' opizm to relieve pain, quinine to cure, malarial poisoning, mercury to cure} syphilis, and salicylic acid to cure rheumatism. i We could manage to get along if most of the others were dumped into the sea. More than thirty thousand different proprietary medicines are made in North America; who would be foolish enough to imagine that they would do what they are advertised to do for the materia] causing them is used up. and then die out. é . This is so for instance, with some of the nervous diseases of childhood and early life, St. Vitus' dance and others. | : as. Medicines ave sometimes given in this disease and sometimes seem help- ful, though I would not recommen "the patent medicines advertised to ~ 'If a child with this dis- ~ ease has good food, plenty of sleep, -- eure it. sunlight and outdoor exercise, is clean in his habits, and is kept free from _ excitement, he will get well in nine cases out of ten without a drop of | : medicine. : Epilepsy may disappear after a few years with good hygienic care, though I am aware that frequently it does -- not. ulation of the diet and habits, and I am free to say there are some power- ful medicines now used' for it which -- are apparently of great value. It may be too early to say wheth-.-- er they will cure it permanently or 1not, they are not likely to cure those eases in which the cause of the dis- ease remains, for instance pressure upon the brain by a depressed por- tion of the skull. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS , EK. P.-Two years ago, my husband, who is forty-five years old, began to It is so benefited by careful reg- At the same time they save | tunity of loving service to a suffering brother. The priest does not even; -- ag buy 'ane a aire tee come over to look at him. the money spent for them were 82. In like manner a Levite--A ser- Used in buying good simple food, how , vant of the official religion, who with much better everybody would be, ex- cold curiosity, looks upon him and con- cept, of course, the patent medicine |tinues his journey with no manifesta- makers. 'tion of interest. The priest and the| Some nervous diseases are self- Levite considered that they had done limited, they burn like a canftle until farm is that of plowing up fields that: that a. their part in the day's religious life in, attending to their round of official tem- | ple duties, and were now going home. | , But outside of prescribed duties lie the countless providential _ opportunities for brotherly service. | 88, 34. A certain Samaritan-- Roundly hated by the Jew as the de-. votee of a mongrel religion; a heretic | of the worst kind, who had defiled the} temple, and whose testimony would | not be accepted in a Jewish court. ! ; Came where he was . . . saw him .! . with compassion . - came to him . bound up his wounds . set him on his own beast . : brought him to an inn--Left undone nothing that compassion and brother- ly kindness could do. We may well fill out the picture in any way we please, remembering that the Samari- ,tan went the whole length of sym- / pathy, self-denial, helpfulness, gener- osity, and persistent kindliness. : 86. Which now of these _ three, | thinkest thou, proved neighbor ?--The 'inference is inevitable. The lawyer finds himself compelled. to give an answer, and only one answer can be given. He that showed mercy on him--The answer is virtually forced from him. We may imagine his very |tones as he says, "i suppose, he that showed mercy on him." He would not defile his lips by: saying "Smari- "working men have epileptic fits, and now he hag at least two every week. We have not yet been able to find any help for him. Answer-----If you will send a stamp- 'ed and addressed envelope, I will be very glad to send you an article on Epilepsy, which you may read. G A RECEPTION FOR OUR FATHERS |!; oaks By Maude Dennie One beautiful night in August we 'gave an informal reception to our: fathers. We had often entertained , our mothers and our brothers and our boy friends; we had given a farewell party for one of the girls who was leaving; and we had had our little, fancywork "meets;" but this event, was unique and we planned most lov- | ingly and hopefully, I believe, for' these silent, kindly, long-neglected fathers of ours. At first some of the fathers scouted the idea when we began talking about it at home. Most of them are hard- and unused to social functions. They were perfectly will-, ing we should have a good time, had no objection to our girls' meetings and tried to accommodate us about a pony to ride or a horse to drive whenever that were possible; but it was a busy season, they were occupi- ed with providing for our material needs--or extravagant tastes, as the case may be--and "running around nights" was to them clearly a waste; tan" but alludes to him as "he." © Go, and do thou likewise--Thus go down all walls of separation between men. Neighborhood is coextensive with hu- manity. No consideration of race or condition or religion must separate from the needy world. BN gaa gee Gal, 6. 1, 2.9. 10 Y ee | As the time drew near, our respec-j Verse 1. If a man be overtaken an tive anxieties were more or less re-| any trespass--Some sin due to the lieved. At noon on the very last day, | frailty of human nature. The weak- I overheard some instructions to the | 'ness of men makes it possible for boys about the nigh' chores, and an' a ee aes caged injunction not to use the best driving. 238 rie See en this 1S horses that day; I saw Father get out the case, what are we to do--cast them : the new buggy and I noticed mother out or lift them up? Ye who ar : ' : 5 P Pits ee hunting his best tie and laying out a spiritual, restore. such a one--Paul : : elsewhere exhorts the church to "ad-| Shirt he seldom' wears! And then when he drove the dashing team up monish the disorderly, encourage the fainthearted, support the weak, be to the door, I felt very proud of my handsome dignified father. | longsuffering toward all." To re- git Be wi 'be cae pg Ragen: I. wonder if girls in the city know /and "cover a multitude of sins."= "Ye! bee, kee IVGET sige i fae cagnyry |who are spiritual" are the proper per- | 2° ike? ere was misty starlight | sons to undertake this restoration,| °VeT the dewy fields, scents of woodsy | Looking to thyself, lest thou alsé be things, sounds of insects in the grass, | tempted--The possibility of a similar and long low shadowy strips of trees temptation and a similar fall may well far-away on the edge of the plains. | And as we drove, we saw a big full. moon slip up from the forked top of an old oak silhouetted against the! [the relations of Christian disciples. Sk¥- Then there was the: unaccustom- | "We that are strong ought to bear ed but pleasant chat with Father him-| the infirmities of the weak, and not. self. to please ourselves" is the injunction | It touches us deeply in one of those | given in the Roman letter (Rom. 15). infrequent hours of comradeship, to ee eecie Hay mutual help realize--and with what startling, [ 9, Let us not be weary in well-do- | rong a Lg shia ge i we do re 'ing--The spirit of helpfulness must! 276 1*--A0w tew and precious those |continue as long as life itself, for as/| heart-to-heart talks fa sie ane cre and understanding 'long as we live we shall be related to| Of our attention | those about us and shall have obliga-| We give to these best of chums, these | tions of service and- mercy, In duej elderly men of experience whose only season we shall reap, if we faint not-- ; thought is for our happiness and well- | Sometimes in unexpected being. ways the. harvest comes. It may be years be-| Jt wag remarkable what splendid indifference these fathers displayed 'fore the fruitage appears. It is our | business to sow the seeds of love and > at first, and how every man invited, | who was physically able, finally found | 2. Bear ye one another's burdens, |mercy and kindness. So then. . . let us work that "Just what is the main object of the club?" someone asked as we were. | getting ready to go. home. "Oh, just to get people acquainted one of the girls began carelessly. "But that isn't all," I protested and felt confusedly that as leader I should be able to verbalize, in a breath, all. our ideals and lofty motives. "That may be a very great and beautiful mission in life, you know-- just getting people acquainted," our philosopher-guest said quietly, And it is, is it not? Popularity. ' : It is possible for a person to be- undeservedly popular. His popular- ity may not be due to good qualities, . but to wealth or other advantages. Many people honor a person for sel+ fish reasons. They think it pays them to have his good will. A humble person may after all have. as many real friends as an honored one. The friends of the former are generally trué, being friendly because of admiration for him and not because they are seek- ing worldly favor. He knows who his true friends are, but the other doesn't. When an apparently popu- lar man fails in a financial or any " , | other way which reduces him to a humble position he soon finds who his true friends are. Unless he is a very bad character, one with only a few friends is pen erally a man of better principle than is one with only a few enemies. The former usually doesn't seek popu- larity, but the later generally does. It 4s easy for anybody to become: popular if he has the advantages. ~ When a person has only a few ene- |, mies they generally have good rea- , sons for being such. It is found that many a popular man will be very generous in his dealings with people he wants for friends but unmerciful when dealing with those whose friend- ship he doesn't desire. One per- son may truthfully say of another © that he may have acted good with nearly everybody else but that he act-.- ed meanly with him. \ Pitta es dp cae Se - The Farmer's Office. Farmers are not slow in recogniz- 'ing the value of an article or method for the improvement of their business, so they are buying typewriters and other office conveniences, and they're using 'em, too. The typewriter is especially useful, as it writes letters in a standard way that indelibly stamps the sender as a business man.' For the sake of the letter alone the typewriter is well , worth owning; but it has other uses which help prove its value. ~ Carbon copies of all letters written can easily and conveniently be made by inserting» a sheet of carbon paper and a "second | hole bored directly under the- stump. , sheet" under each letter written. Car- bon copies are accepted as evidence in the courts. Card index records can be printed by the typewriter; also bills, loose-leaf records, etc. /not starting out with full vigor. These ;May easily be replaced with plants| 'from the propagating bed and a full | stand made secure.--M. N. Edgerton. aS SRO felieve the pressure of work at this ; 10. time is worth a fair trial. As time passed the attractiveness of the plan increased until I decided to try thd plan out. So this fall an acre of new bed has been set as an .experi- | = Mg ee bo P nee hor et | hich is good toward all men--Asg we, his way, half-apologetically, half--in- | mine exca ' , g | have opportunity. And, every day has jdulgently, into the group of other bottom field of his which was very its opporunity. Special times -of apologetic, indulgent men, much subjected to overflow. We| The decorations were all yellow wild In the crisis enlarge the opportunity, | digging of this ditch he encountered ; are not merely to wait until the acca-! flowers, great stalks of sunflowers ment. Conditions of got] and weath- er were not ideal. If the plan is a success this time, it will be possible | to make late fall setting successful under average fall weather conditions, | soit seems tome. -- To begin with, the ground used was in peas this summer. As the rain-! fall has been deficient since pea har- | vest the ground was not moisture- | saturated as may be secured under ordinary spring conditions. For Sev | eral weeks after pea harvest the soil | remained almost dust dry. Then a} shower came to moisten the soil down) about five inches, when the ground | was plowed and floated down with a plank drag.. Other showers follow- ed in a week or so of sufficient mag- nitude to moisten the surface &0 that a fairly good secured. A shower came just as the work of setting was begun; just en- ough to crust the surface when the weeder was used to re-establish the loose surface. This loose surface ~ 'soon dried out so that it bothered some in setting, for additional work was made necessary that none of this dry soil got n xt to the roots. Then, _ too, the job wa more or lesq unpleags- Individual Churns. The cream-gathering truck stopped the weekly or daily churning for us, and-the idea of table butter became a question. The creamery had that fixed before they asked us for our cream... The nice-looking, high-class cream- ery butter wrapped in tissue paper and packed in ice, right to our door every time they came for our cream, was their answer. We tried it. Fresh and clean as it was, it did not fill the want for good country butter. It is out of the question to make a churning each week with the big churn, and pack it down until used. We have a gallon and a half glass 4 Lg idaLLeenaaie ics \v i FLL CO AND BORROW MOTHERS MUFF A THING THE FUR 19 JUST THE STURT - TO MAKE A TALL DRUM MAJOR'S HAT WE HAVE. NO DRUM ~BUT WHAT OF THAT * soil plant bed was! churn which we bought at our hard- | ware store for a small amount two years ago, long enoygh ago to know |that our investment is a guecess and that it is the real way for the farm- er to have butter upon his table. This sterilized glass churn is cap- able of making clean butter, and it is PS eee Corks if steeped in paraffin oil for a few hours will make excellent fire- lighters, operated easily--G. W. B. vf | several large willow stumps which | were at least one hundred years old | but still in a pretty sound state of Knowing that I was |}accustomed to using dynamite, he | called upon me_ to blast out these | stumps standing in water, for it was too wet and boggy to get them other- | wise. | I find that blasting for tree-plant- | preservation. of the most profitable ways of dynamite.--R. jw: * - + ¢fo--- jis one using ; arate "Country of Mine." | Country of mine, that gave. me birth, Land of the maple and the pine, What richer gift has this round earth Than these fair, fruitful fields of thine? Like sheets of gold thy harvests run, Glowing beneath the August sun; Thy white peaks: soar, Thy cataracts roar) Thy forests stretch ffom shore to shore; ? ' Untamed, thy northern prairies lie Under an open, boundless sky; Yet one thing more our hearts im- : plore--= } \ That greatness may not pass thee by! 'Helena Coleman. } ing, either for fruit or shade trees, 'sion occurs; we are to seek occasion 'to do good. | Faas ceca GED Si we massed against the walls and huge ' * pikes jars of golden-rod everywhere we CARE IN CANNERY could find a place for:them. The | pis paper napkins were hand-painted with Canadian Housewives May Thus Avoid! the club name, Kolah, which maans Danger of Poison friend, and a spray of yellow bloom. And there were plenty of good things to eat. However, the feature of the even- | ing proved to be the little contest with which we had planned to tease |them, This is the way it was play- ed: Gradually and unobtrusively we | began to leave the room until not a! girl.remained. Then someone pass- ed slips containing a list of questions, | the answers to be filled in by our father guests. The questions read | thus: : | "Botulism" has an unpleasant ring | j in the ears. In plain' English it| means poisoning from the eating of canned vegetables or fruits. | There is no reason why there! {should be one case of botulism in Canada this year provided. the war garden produce is properly handled No bacterial life exists, or con ex- ist, in successfully canned products. Bacillus botulinus will never be 'found in proprye canned goods, care, found in properly canned goods Cooking canned vegetables for ten minutes at the boiling point after opening the jar for use will remove any danger in cases where complete success has not rewarded the efforts of the amateur canner. -- eo ---- "An easy job will suit.me." "How about winding the clocks every week?" "T might make that do. But what's the matter with tearing the leaves off the calendars every month?" * 'How much daughter? Do you know-~ ms 1. The color and material of the'! dress she is wearing this evening? 8. The size of her gloves? 2. Its style or the way it-is made?! 4. Her style of hairdress? | 5. What ornaments she is wearing ? | 6. Her favorite flowers, books ent music?--and that beside being her Daddy, you are her truest admirer her first friend, and the oh best? = do 'you notice your, | man she lovés| The first cost may be a bugbear to many. This is a needless fear, as a good rebuilt typewriter can be pur- chased for about $25 or $80. The repair expense is usually very. slight if the typewriter is oiled occa- sionally and used with reasonable year, depending on the amount of writing done; but this is a very small item of expense. p setae ten = --- = ae Eoidemie in Swetien. ; Sweden, like Spain, has been strick-. en with a serious malady, "a sort of dropsy caused by food," says one prominent authority. Several thousands of men, women and ~ children have been taken ill during the last few weeks. The epidemic is characterized by decreasing muscular Strengh, slow pulsation and low tem-~ perature. agree with the form of dysentery known as hunger typhus, which has -- been : in evidence {In Germany for some rime. "s Y . : ; : Vv enice is called "The Queen of the -- Adriatic," from its position on that -- sea and its historic ee and artistic dis- tinction, ete It will be necessary to purs © | chase a new ribbon once or twice a insufficiency of Yi These symptoms seem to