om . . and Monkton' Times -- ARE PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING" re Xa = sqgetedh Bageces : x The Sun Printing Office Main Street ~ MILVERTON, ONT. ~The Milverton Sun +: Cee : Subscription rates:--One year, $1.50; six months, 75c, in advance, Subscribers in ar- rears will be liable to pay $2.00 per year. Advertising rates on application. -- Advertisements without specific directions will be inserted until forbid and charged ac- cordingly. -- : Changes for contract advertisements must be in the office by noon Monday, eS ~ "MALCOLM MacBETH, ; Publisher and Proprietor, ' BusinessCards ' Medctical. Dr. P. L. Tye Office: Pusiic Drug STQRE, MILVERTON Hours: 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to # p.m, and 7 to 8 p.m. x ANSON B. KILBOURNE CHIROPRACTOR Office above Bank of Nova Scotia _ Every Tuesday and Friday. Office Hours: 9 a, m. to 2 p.m. -- Consultation and Examination Free. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in medicine, University of Toronto. Late assistant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye and Golden Square Throat Hos- pitals, London, Eng. Hours--10 to 12 a.m.; 2 to 5 p.m. daily. Evenings--7 to 8, Wednesday and Saturday only; or by appointment (Phone 267.) 63 Waterloo St. S.. STRATFORD, Legal H. B. Morphy, K.C. Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton, LISTOWEL, MILVERTON, ATWOOD Bfices: Listowel, Milverton.' Money to Loan, Harding, Owens & Goodwin Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Gordon Block, - STRATFORD, ONT. Money to Loan. R, T. HARDING W.G,OWENS W. E. GOODWIN Veterinary. J. W. Barr, V.S. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, Treats all diseases of domesticated animals All calls promptly attended to. Societies. Milverton Lodge No. 478 A.F. & A.M., G.R.C. Meets every Monday evening on or before full moon every month in their hall in J, R. Weir's block, Visiting brethren always welcome Geo. Roe, W.M, W, J. Zoeger, Secy. Silver Star Lodge No. 202 1,0, 0, F. Meets every Friday night at 7.30 in their hall over Bank of Hamilton. Visiting Brethren always welcome W. Henry, W.K.WLoth, G.A. Barth, N.G, Fin.-Secy. Rec,-Secy. Notary Public. W. D. Weir, - Notary Public Auctioneer for the Counties of Perth and Waterloo. Conveyancer, deeds, wills, mortgages drawn and affidavits made. Village clerk, Office: Weir bleck, over Bank of Nova Scotia A. Chalmers, - Notary Public Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses J.P. for the County of Perth. Real estate bought and sold. A few choice farms for immediate sale, MONKTON, ONTARIO Hotels The Queens Hotel CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO, 10--622 _ Best accommodation for commercial trav- ellers and others. Two large Sample Rooms, GBO. FP, PAULI, Prop., - Milverton, Ont oe . -- -- NEWTON WOOLLEN MILLS 'WOOL! Don't ship your wool away--we need it--and will any the highest market price, according to quali y: H.C. WAGNER, - Newton, Ont. Are You Insured yHe CANADIAN ORDBR OF FORGSTERS offers protec- tection for wife and family at | minimum cost. Investigate it C,Spencer,C.R, x N, Zimmermann, RS ~_ FALL TERM FROM SEPT. 3rd ee CENTRAL _ STRATFORD, ONT. x. . "The call for trained help is greater 'now than ever beforé in the history of Canada. Our graduates are se- mee a curing splendid posi ons. We have Commercial, "Shorthand and | Telegraphy Departments. you purpose ta business col- e course during _| Jean, Mr. and Mrs. E. Phair, of London, are Viisting at Mr. W. B. Freeborn's. - Mr. and Mrs. Higgins and Miss El- eda Hoffmeyer, of Stratford, were |viistors at Mr. A. Hoffmeyer's Mon- Paice oot ~The Women's Institute packed and shipped a bale last week consisting of 110 pairs of socks, 7 stretcher caps and 2 quilts, leaving still about 30 pairs of socks on hand to send to the Millbank boys overseas. The school teachers, who are mem- bers of the Methodist League pro- vided a very interesting and instruc- tive program at she Leagas meeting on Friday evening last. The program consisted af a talk on short sketches of various Canadian authors. The teachers present were Mr. Edgar Rutherford, Misses A. Gray, Edna Coulter, Elsie Coulter, Eva Ruther- ford and Bhima Tanner. A contest of hidden poems was also part of the program, after which a treat of pea- nuts and apples was served. Rev. by singing the National Anthem. Rev. Graham, of Stratford, preach- j|ed anniversary services in the Meth- odist church on Sunday last and gave two very able discourses to a crowd- ed church. At the evening service, a number were unable to gain admit- tance. ' ; j School re-opened on Monday with a fairly good attendance. The teachers who have been spend- ing their holidays at their respective homes here left for their various places of duty. Mr. Donald Ross to Windsor, Misses Edna and _ Elsie Coulter, Alice Wray and Florence McFaddin and Ethel McKee all to To- ronto; Miss Bhima Tanner to North Easthope, Miss Eva Rutherford to Crosshill and Miss Alice Clark to Yatton. Miss H. Woods, of Toronto, visit- ed with Mr. Austin Tanner. Misses Alice Clark and Martha Hoffmeyer visited with friends at Stratford last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Vogan visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vogan at London. Mr, A. Hoffmeyer visited friends at Sebringville during the past week. Mr. J. Brunner and Miss Helen vis- ited last week with friends at Strat- ford and Sebringville. Master Tom McFaddin, who has been working on the farm during the enmmer, had the misfortune to break his arm @ Week ago. He had put th five months all but one day when the accident happened. : Pte. Simon Fewings has been laid up with the mumps during the past week. Dr. and Mrs. Kennedy and child- ren and Miss Mitchell, of Arthur, spent Sunday with Miss Alice Wray. Mr. John Weir, of Stratford, has moved into the residence which he recently purchased from Mr. D. B. Grieve. Mr. Grieve has moved into Mr. James Ratz's house for a time. Mr. Wesley Lowrie, of Toronto, is spending a few weeks with his par- ents here, convalescing after an oper- ation which he recently underwent. Miss Beatrice Lyons, of Galt, visit- ed over Sunday at Rev. W. Moffat's. Miss Aggie Ashelby, of Mitchell, visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Charles Pender. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Nicholls and Mrs. Sarah Nicholls, of Brantford, visited friends here this week. Miss Yeager, of Hamilton, visited her sister, Mrs. Chas. Raby, during the past week. Miss Annie Ross returned to her home at Toronto on Saturday after spending a couple of weeks with friends in this vicinity. Mrs. H. Stewart attended the mem- orial service on Sunday at Elora of her nephew, the late Pte. Geo. Stew- art Dobberthier. Mr. Henry Reinwald, of Stratford, visited' over Sunday with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Reinwald. Mr. Hugh Ross, Jr., of Toronto, visited over Sunday with his father, Mr. Hugh Ross, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, of Glenal- lan, were visitors at Mrs. Geo. Wray's on Sunday. Mrs. John Thompson and child- ren returned to her home after spend- ge ere weeks with her father, Mr. oss. LOGAN COUNCIL Council met.on August 26th, with all the members present. Minutes of last meeting read and signed. The assessment for payment of debenture No. 4, against the ratepayers inthe area*of the McNaught drain, by-law 518, for the year 1918, was cancelled and the same is to be paid by town- ship treasurer out of surplus funds of said drain when due, amounting to, 685.56. By-law 548, for levying various tax rates of the township for current year was passed. The sum of $9,000 is to be collected from all the assessed real property within the township as township rate for 1918. The clerk was instructed to advertise for tenders on the Ritz drain, tenders to be opened at township hall on Sept 9th. The reeve and clerk were auth- orized to sell debentures to raise mon- ey to construct Ritz drain. The Fin- ance Minister is to be asked for per- mission to sell Ritz drain debentures. The treasurer was instructed to pay McKillop and Grey townships their portion of surplus money due on Mc- Naught drain refund. Chas. Wolfe was paid $11 for filling approach to highway bridge on McNaught drain. The reeve was appointed as a dele- gate to attend the convention of municipal officers to be held in To- ronto on Sept. 4th and 5th. Accounts amounting to $206.24 were ordered paid. Meeting then adjourned to meet again on Sept. 80th at the us- ual time and place.--L. G. ROCK, Clerk. MACTON Mr, Anthony Holt, of Fordwich, has returned home after spending a week with Mr. William Newton and other rerlatives in this vicinity. A little soldier boy has come to make his home.with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Beggs. Congratulations... Threshing is the order of the day in this 'neighborhood. ' Everybody 'says the grain is turning out splendid rand, if the weatherman gives us a 'couple of weeks dry weather, it will wind up the harvest for another year. Mrs. Wm. Allingham and daughter cert Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Leslie Beggs. 5 Mr. an ; ae William Kraemer is wearing a broad smile these days--its a baby Seay boy, Mr. Emerson Nurse has returned home after helping Mr. Samuel Miller of the 9th line Wellesley, with the harvest. ist me ae es Some of the sports of this vicinity took in the Toronto exhibition and report it the best ist one yet. Mr. William Newton, Sr., and Mr. | Anthony Holt spent a day last week with the former's sister, Mrs. Thos. Holt, of G ee CME Ss enal 'all or Winter ur free cat lan. nthony Newto1 Knight then recited a selection from C Drummond and the meeting closed |~ ee Mr. Wm. Thompson has returned home from Harriston. He purposes attending Listowel high school. = Mr. Norman Cunningham, of To- ronto, is. sae at his home here. _ Mr. Roy McConville, of Toronto, is spending the holiday with his mother, Mrs. Forrest. i : Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Greensides, Mr. and Mrs, George Rep onsises 2) fam- ily spent Sunday at Brussels..- Mr. George Gordon attended the Toronto exhibition this week, ; Miss Mina Morrison has returned to her home in Toronto. yy Mrs. George Ellacott is in Toronto attending the exhibition. -- Mr. and Mrs. James Gray, of Strat- ford, called on friends in town on Labor Day. ' Miss Collins, of Stratford, who has beer engaged as teacher of the Jun- ior room of S.S. No. 10, has- arrived to commence her duties. to, spent the week-end at his home. Miss Annie Wynn has returned to pega after visiting her aunt, Mrs. . Roe. : Ewart and Melvyn Angus, of Strat eed spent the past week with friends ere. Miss Muriel Roe, of Toronto, is spending the holiday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Roe. Mr. Lorne Blackwell and Mr. Geo. ares spent Labor Day in Wing- am. week-end at his home. Mrs, Wm. Shera and daughter vis- ited last week in Stratford. sa. Mrs. James W. Dickson is visiting her brother in Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Terry and fam- ily spent Labor Day in Monkton. Mr. Wm. Danbrook received the sad news that his son, Stanley, had been killed in action. He was a mem- ber of the 110th Perth Battalion, but was transferred to the Army Medical Corps. in France. Word has also been received that Pte. Albert Hammond son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hammond, had paid the supreme sacrifice. He was also a member of the 110th Perth Battalion. The sympathy of the people of this village is extended to the bereaved parents. , ROSTOCK " oe --_ ister: Eli Nila and fam- ily, o alkerton, called on fri¢ here recentlv cia. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Maurer and son, Harvey, are spending several days at Toronto exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zulauf, of Stratford, spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. Mary Wingefelder. Mr, and Mrs. Justus Kreuter re- ceived word last week that their son Pte. Alfred Kreuter, had been kill- ed in action on Aug. 9th. Pte. Kreut- er enlisted with the 251st Battalion at Winnipeg and went overseas about a year ago. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereav- ed family. Misses Marie Wingefelder and An- nie Kreuter spent Thursday with friends at Stratford. M. Levern Zulauf, of Stratford, visited several days at his home here. Mr. Papke and daughter, Bella and son Alex., of Detroit, returned home last Saturday after spending several weeks at the home of Mr. Henry Yundt, Ptes. Edward Schmidt and Edward Knechtel, Misses Mabel Armstrong and Ida Knechtel attended the Y.P.A. Convention at Hanover recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nickel and fam- ily, of Stratford, are at present vis- iting at the home of the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yundt. Miss Rosa Kern, Miss Olive and Mr. Harold Elligson, of Stratford, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Maurer. Miss Etta Wingefelder has return- ed to Josephbure. to resume her dut- ies as teacher there. Mr, and Mrs. Matin, of Bridgeport spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.- Eli Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schlotzhauer and family, of Stratford, spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. John Knechtel Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wickie, Misses Lizzie and Gertie Wickie, Mrs. John Harvey and family, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Wickie and daughter, Dorothy, and Mr. Wilson, of Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Langford, of Hamilton spent Sunday with relatives here. WINNERS AT TORONTO For the benefit of breeders who wish to know who is at the top this year we publish the following win- ners at Toronto Exhibition. White Wyandottes--John S. Mar- tin, Port Dover, again an exhibitor, takes all firsts. Barred Rocks--J. C. Evans, Guelph Ist cock, 1st pullet; J. A. Nash, Lon- don, 1st cockerel; A. Hockin, London 1ist-hen; J. A. Betzner, Burlington, lst pens, Black Minorecas--G. .C. Cook, To- ronto, 3 firsts; Harlow, Toronto, two firsts. . White Leghorns--Linscott, Brant- ford, 1st pullet; Hodge, Florence, 1st cockerel; Cotterill, London, ist hen; Beamer Bros., Ist cock. Walter Rose Ferguson and_ other' well-known breeders not exhibiting, Holstein Cattle--Chief winners, A. EK. Hulet, Norwich; Dyment Bros., Dundas, and Haley, Springford, beat- ing old-time competitors. E. Snyder, Burgessville, won 1st Junior bull calf. Jerseys--B. Bull, Brampton, still strong. _. Shorthorns -- Principal winners. : Gerrie Bros., Elora; John Gardhouse, J. J. Elliott and J. G. Barron. BRUNNER Mrs. T. J. Whitney is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. McBride, at Toronto. Ptes. O. Yost, D. Ferguson and the Misses Vera and Oliva Doerr motored to Niagara Falls on Sunday. Miss Mabel Henry is, visiting her aunt, Mrs. Atcheson, Donegal. Mr. and Mrs. J. Reis, Miss Frieda rig Mr. and Mrs. H. Pauli motore to Kitchener on Wednesday. : Mr. A. Kress, Miss Vera and Mr. Kenneth Kress spent the week-end at Clarkeston. \ Mrs. Scott and Mr. Willard Scott returned to their home in Chicago, after spending a few months here. . W. Anderson. received a cable from his son, Pte. James, saying he had arrived safely at Frensham Pond Surrey, England. ee eo ee : Jahn Campbell, a full blooded Me- Kenzie Indian, has arrived at Dawson Yukon Territory, from Fort Yukon, travelling 3000 miles by trail, canoe and river steamer, to Vancouver, to started from the Artic coast near Herschel Island and walked across Portage to the head of on, he age pany hl thence to Fort Yukon, where he worked s il mo et mon is Van |spent the week-end with relatives in -jof Walkerton, were recent visitors at grand | w loff attended the convention at Rhine} | A pleasant evening. was spent at| Cadet Randolph Erskine, of Toron-' Mr. Eric McBain is spending the Miss Emma Becker, of Stratford, | 'his: locality. (fee 3S 3 Mr, and Mrs. Eli Weiss and family | the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rev. E. Bruar and' Mr. Fred Har- Land last week. the home of Mrs. George Richardson Friday when a number of neighbors of this locality gathered to. bid adieu| to her eldest son, George, who has joined the Royal Air Force and had to report for duty on Sept. 3rd. Mr./|# Moore V. Henry read an address of |€ appeciation while Mr. Andrew Miller|® presented George with a pocket testa- ment and wrist watch. -- Ae Mrs. Samuel Henry, Sr., is at pres- ent visiting relatives in Stratford. ; Mr. and Mrs. J. Puschelburg, of Logan, spent Sunday with friends in this locality. - : Mr. and Mrs. Welsh, of Toronto, and Mr. George Marshall, of Wood- stock, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Mes- serschmidt. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Smith and Miss- es Margaret, Annis and Pearl, of Kuhryville, were visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Henry Sunday. _Mr. and Mrs. Stock, of Tavistock, visited at the home of' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ehgoetz on Sunday. : Mrs. Gouldner and two children, of Belmont, Mich., are at present visit- ing relatives in this vicinity. Mr. John Chalmers, of Gravelridge was a visitor at the home of Mr. W. F. Kruspe on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Buuck, of Ros- tock, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Harloff. Mr. Henry Chisner recently visited friends in Detroit. Mr. Henry Harloff and daughter, Miss Elsie, of Shakespeare, visited re- latives in this locality recently. (Intended for last week.) Miss Kate Armstrong, of Stratford spent the.week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Schenk and Miss Doreren. and Emerson and Edwin were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henry, on Wednesday. _ . Miss Kate Ehgoetz is at present visiting relatives in Detroit. 'Mr, Allan MecMane, of Milverton, svent a few days recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Henry. Misses Meryl and Vera Shannon, of Wingham, spent the week-end at the home of Reeve Armstrong. Misses Beatrice Richardson, Myrtle and Sadie Henry and Mr. Hamitage Richardson spent Friday at Grand Bend. Miss Mary McEwan, of Kingsville and Miss Ada McMane, of Milverton, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Henry. Born--On Monday, August 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Doell, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henry, Mr. Stanley and Misses Mabel and Vera Henry spent a day at Lakeside re- cently. Mrs. Todd and Miss Bileen and Mr. Gordon Todd, of Winnipeg, are visiting relatives in this locality. Mr. and Mrs. James Hanna, of Brunner, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Moore V. Henry. Rev. and Mrs. George Brown and daughter, Miss Miranda, of Elmira, recently visited relatives here. Mr. James Verner, of Stratford, spent Tuesday with friends in this vicinity. Masters Wilfrid and Alfred Weiss are under the care of Drs. Rankin, of Stratford, having had a rather severe attack of quinsy. Mrs. John Henry visited friends at Milverton recently. Mrs. Fred Middleditch and Master Stanley returned home on Tuesday from the General hospital, Stratford and are getting along as well as can be expected. Mrs. Robert Henry spent a few days at the home of his sister, Mrs. Charles E. Moore, Stratford, recent- te, --t TO ARRIVE | THIS WEEK--GET YOU R _ SUPPLY BEFORE WE ARE SOLD OUr GREAT MIDDY SALE a Regular 59c Middies for.............49¢ Regular $1.00 Middies for...... Regular $1.25 Middies for... Se bT Regular $1.50 Middies for.........$1.19 Regular $2.00 Middies for $1.59 Regular $2.50 Middies for.........$1.98 Regular. $3.00 Middies for.........$2.39 eee Cuff on, nicely made, regular price i $2.50 per pair, on sale at....... $1.98 Regular $3.50 for.......-+.+. '$2.9 PALM BEACH SHIRTS Palm Beach linen Shirts, col- -- lar attached, worth to-day $1.50 out they go at..... ates WHITE SKIRTS Only a few left. These prices should get them going. ; SILK DEP ARTMENT ee ..98c| This department is still in Always adding something new. get us when you want silks. fine shape Don't for Regular $1.25 onsale at.......... Regular $1.75 on sale at... ...6....$1.39 Regular $2.25 on sale at..........~$1.79 Regular $2.50 on sale at.......... $1.98 Regular $3.00 on sale at...........$2.39 Regular $3.75 on sale at...........$3.19 MEN'S STRAW HATS Remember, the' Big Reductions are still good. All Straws 20 per cent. off. : ranging in price from $2.50 to $3 to clear the lot out your choice.. 95 SPECIALS ey, . ~- » for - - - Thursday, Friday and Saturday Gold Soap Sunny Monday Fairy Soap Sunlight Drudge Mouse Traps Tomatoes Seda Biscuits Griffin & Skelly Seeded Raisins .. Klim Re Palm Olive Soap Dalley's Pure Baking Powder.... __ LADIES' WAISTS "We have a job lot of Waists oe y- at MEN'S SHIRTS TO CLEAR About 4 dozen, regular price up to $1.25, all going at.. 69c MEN'S SUMMER TROUSERS 5.98 Men's Fine Wool Cream Pants with hairline stripe, reg. $5.00. while they last oe RR RA SG MEN'S AND BOY'S CAPS All Silk and Wool Caps 20 PER CENT. OFF THIS WEEK. : OVERSEAS BOXES 8 and 10c each BRING US YOUR PRODUCE WE-PAY HIGHEST PRICES Canada Food Board License No. 8--18314 W. K. LOTH, Milverton ly. Mr. Martin Bruar, of Hanover, spent the week-end with friends in this locality. Elmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. And- bananas MORNINGTON COUNCIL The council met in the township enlist in the Canadian army. He| rew Wickie is in a rather serious con- dition of health at present. Miss Myrtle Henry spent Tuesday ae friends at Brunner and Kuhry- ville. WELLESLEY Rev. H. Battenberg attended Sy- nodical session at Rhineland for sey- eral days last week. Mr. Edward Dieb is at present laid up with a bad case of quinsy. Mr. and Mrs. W. Forler and fam- ily spent a few days with relatives in Kitchener. One rink of bowlers went to Kit- chener and another rink went to Plattsville on Monday morning. School re-opened on Tuesday morn ing with three new teachers on the staff, Don't fail to attend our fall fair on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Judging of live stock will be commenced at 12.30 sharp. Messrs. Walt Battenberg, E, Faul- hafer, W. Martin and J. Gingerich and the Misses Sippel, of Kitchener, spent a few days with friends here. Mr. Herb Battenberg, of Elmira, spent several days at his home here. Mrs. C. F Ottman is spending a few days with friends in Waterloo and Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fleischhauver, of Kitchener, spent a few days here amongst relatives. a Mrs. P. A. Wagner and daughter, Rosie, are spending a week with friends in Michigan. : Mrs. Gallmeyer, of Elmira, is the guest of the Misses Berdux for a week. Ph a _HESSON ; Quite a number from here are tak- ing in the Toronto fair. : Miss Barbara Vollmer, of Toronto, is spending a few days with her moth- er, Mrs. M. Vollmer, © : : : Wedding bells are ringing in this vicinity. i A few of our young os spent Sunday night at Hawkesville. Miss Adeline Lantz left last week for Toledo, where she intends spend- ing a few days. Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Isley and Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Helm motored to Kitchener on Sunday. '2 Miss T. and Pte. Roy Seiling, of Monkton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Kocher. ; ; Mr. George and Herbert Hergott and Alf. Reinhard, of Hespeler, mot- friends. : Mr. and Mrs. George Stemmler and family left on Tuesday for Toronto. Miss Mary and Master Joseph Mc- Ginnis left on Monday after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. D. Hanley. Miss Emmaline Haid has returned after spending a week with friends lee ener, Preston, Galt and Wat- erloo. Alo Ge es ee Mr. Joseph Haid had the misfor- tune to have a valuable cow killed by tning on W sday last, several ored here and spent Sunday with be hall, Newton, on Monday, Sept. 2nd, at ten o'clock with all the members present. The minutes of the last re- gular meeting were read and adopt- ed. Moved by R. H. Coulter, seconded by R. S. Gamble, that the collector's bonds be fixed at $8000 each and that the bonds be delivered to the clerk be fore issuing the rolls.--Carried. Moved by W. T. Shearer, seconded by D. Hanley, that By-law No. 514, known as the "Freeman Drain Re- pairs By-law 1918" be provisionally adopted as read the first time and the Court of Revision on said By-law be held at Newton on Monday, Oct. 7th, at two o'cloeck.---Carried. A deputation from the North Morn ington Patriotic League presented a report of the work done by the Lea- gue during the past year and asked fora grant to carry on the work, Their case was presented by Mrs. R. Dowd, president, and Miss Ida Loney secretary, and a grant of $70.00 was made by the council. James Hill, contractor of Mitchell, reported the progress made on the steel bridge at Millbank. Jim takes a pardonable pride in the two steel bridges built by the firm at Millbank and declares them to be two of the very best bridges in the County of Perth. ' Orders were issued for the follow- ing amounts: D. McGregor, $1.50, re- pairing bridge, con. 9; Mrs. C. Gies $75, hall rent for 1918; A. Moser, $2 repairing culvert\sideroad 15 and 16; A. Lintick, 50c, repairing culvert; T. Hanley, $1, repairing culvert; J. Al- brecht, $22.40, gravel contract; A. Nicklin, $1, hauling iron for bridge; Miss Ida Loney, .$70, grant to North Mornington Patriotic League; R. Welsh, $1.50, repairing ditch; Wm. Waddell, $60, preparing By-law for the Freeman Drain as per engineer's estimate; Geo. Tanner, $14.70, grav- el to pathmasters; Wm. Mitchell, $18 wire fencing; A. Hill & Co., $4500, part payment on Millbank bridge; J. Neumeister, $1, repairing road t.l.e. Thé council adjourned to meet again on the first Monday in October at ten o'clock for general business the assessment made for the Freeman Drain. Repairs at two o'¢lock. WM. WADDELL, Clerk. GLENALLAN Miss Alice Bellington, of London, returned home after spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. M. E. Wit- eS Miss Ellen Stroh has gone. to Bloomingdale to resume her duties as teacher for the coming term. , Mrs. C. Foell and sons, Emmanuel and Freddie, motored to Toronto to attend the: exhibition on Monday. Misses Helen and Mary Kew, of Brantford, are spending a few weeks. with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hammar. Se LESS ES ee x nting. SPEND YOUR HOLIDAYS IN STRATFORD] -- attending -- PERTH COUNTY'S BIC FAIR Many new and interesting attractions, such as batic Performances, Highland Dancing, Monster Midway, Etc. Acro- _. The management are offering liberal purses for trials of speed and all other departments, and extend a hearty welcome to the people of the surounding | country to attend the Fair. Don't miss it. SEPT. 16th I7th and 18th, A card to the Secretary, DR. J. W. ORR. Stratford, will obtain a Prize List. Bt. The Pandora Range is your real friend on wash day. Change the top around, set the boil- er on the far side and use the three nearest holes-- you and to hold the Court of Revision on | se Try The Sun office for up-to-date sa) Hob printing tO o-date