i ea RR RN Pn ee ee a \ Happy and Prosperous New Year is Our Wish to Al! 3 a 8 s SY | EVERY COLOR! EVERY STYLE! ; <> | EVERY MATERIAL! cn EVERY PRICE! a YS \ a! SR SIE SE - ! y 6 Our Ma sign, material and workmanship of The splendid quality of these becoming s are such as you find in the new- coats will appeal to the most discriminating s, and for serviceability and value shoppers They are fashioned of Whitney appeal to the woman who is cloths, blanket cloths, Chinchillas and ing for something worth wl hile. They tweeds. They have plain collars of self; fashioned of Winter weight Whitney i and plush collars, made in the three-way in navy and tweed, and in black cur! style, with fancy belts, an 1d patch pockets; They have the popular convertible button trimmed. All sizes. Regular from pockets; are be elte d and half-line rd. $30.00 up to $32.50. $21.50 to $25.00. For....$16.50 | Your Choice for ............ cc $25.50 { e miecclababevii ce sae New J ecient, le * i * a ¢ fh Ps beg FR fe L eS 2? ésad © 8 ie YN 4 Decidedly smart looking coats made ind decidedly smai ' and Misses' styli made The delightful style and excellent & of Blanket Cloths, Kerseys, Whitney looking Coats, fashioned of rich looking Velour C Half- quality of these Ladies' and Misses ys § ind dweed cloths. Button close to lo oki ig velo coming conver- lined withf ancy silk lining. Plain Heavy Velour Coats are especially W < ineck, Have large collars; belts and en tible collar, s, and button and crushed plush colfars. Fancy attractive. Large three-way collar, &> a | button trimmed. Patch and set-in trimmed. They are half-lined and atch pockets, belted/ pleated and Fancy deep belt, natty cuffs, high ED ; pockets. All h ul f-Lit ied. . Colors-- in colors wn, navy, Bur- pie backs. They come in all the waist model, button trimmed, pleat- > > % kre, Rigo z ee Be . ~ 4 * Pigensaowagn Mo aera a ' et a ' pi eer as ay aS black, brown, grey, green and heath ; Regular price newest sha 1des--green, navy, brown ed back. Colors are-- re i er mixture. A nic e assortment of | urgundy. Regular $39.50 up brown and taupe. G styles. Regular $25.50 up to $31.50 | 2 o $42 up to $45.00. SS ie our Choice for: PAP as sec Styt Bat Wee $22.50. i Soe cee $29.50. 1 | You "Cheice £ fA ee $32.50. Your Choice for ........:.. \¥4 * PLGLET> Sok ae Roe Sa ARR og, Tea Ree BPE SEE ER PRR a Be RES a cea erie ere omcaonermcoee" an, Se - i ae ea oot NEES. i S / mw a ' i =) : aa 39.50 | \ KO an. ' : Sale Hark 11t Plus ae + . AN Ladies' and Misses' Heavy Velour Coats-- to vai e | | Ladies' Sa black Esquimalt Plush Coat-- Wre _ : . : ~OATS i | ere is an eleca ay 'ichness ¢ : G4 aw self collar, buttoned close to neck, deep : lere is an elegance and richness about ava & cuffs, box pleated backs, belted, fancy Ladies' and $13.99 | s coa tthat will delight the Dees ay ete ASS @ ; : Tres wales vil _ athes | A eI - . 1+ rit hlack W \ patch pockets. Colors--taupe, green, navy Eaates' wack Misses! Comts for. conc $12.99 | an. i is Hine srogetout wi Snee BY & green, brown and Burgundy. Regularly Ladies' and Misses' Coats for $ 9.99 ian lining, be lted, a8 has i RS riced at from $48.50 $A9.5 *e : oe F heguiar price p05.0VU. WY We priced at from $48.50 to $49.50. ee 0 Ladies' and Misses' Coats for $ 8.99 | net : C58, 50 Ne QS Your Choice for ...... ic SS AREA Ses $39.50. L Pi Yours (On. soo ss $58. S + Ne. ee | J a > <> N/R ro sf ¢ : . < LARGE AND WELL SELECTED GIF IN ') UPAR By ks Z EC] as x "Y eae DRC Se PCS RE BRST SS A area bs 3 age mops: - GA i ¢ ' : op ; i FS g 2 => eS : tock"' Canada Food Board License No. 8--9799. ate MEE NEN BINS YN BINS EY OK JOYE LSSASSASSMASS AER sna aad CRARRREES t a iE ae | : | ee m 5 5 INISTER ARRESTED 11815 to 1855. Then came kerosene |it is obvious the whole number can- te aga j Ey fees gave more light at the same/not reach Canada before demobiliza- (Stratford Herald. ) x sy i aE Ge RVR a, conned I Jean- Ridge and|loved, the-"Parable of the vine and} cost. To-day in ig average city|tion of the army. Striking scenes ar ERIS Mi { OBITUARY | : 3 ; lage of scripture -awieleh she dearly | | he Branches," where Jesus said "He favistock and Sebastapol are agog ture of standard cloth will; home, $24 will give 200,000 candle |witnessed daily nowadays at British Jean Johnston, Messrs. Erne imetiar > | the residence of his father, Mr. Louis . xe {o'clock FUNERAL OF J. W. PFEFFER | Davie, Charles Wilk John | that abideth in Me, and I in him, the | °V® a eadbac of auth Otto. St ock- ted in Denmark. Enough | power hours of light. Compare that Ke 'olumbia House, where Canadian-~ The funeral of the late John W. | Goldner, n Couch, Hugh Spaces {same bringeth forth much fruit.' ee oe pean m Sone 4 bes es suits can be produced atj with 9,000 a century ago. |military authorities have opened a Pfeffer, of Listowel, took place on|Art Peffers and Mr. Freeborn, Lis-| And so it is that the naire aE Sy ia ae sae es ' : : os : Rey. Dr. Henderson, of Montreal, |Special bureau for women and child- Friday afternoon, Dec. 20th, from | towel. which her life afforded to so many; |~ = se ats ae Ic 3. eh eee Foca Riise ee of the| pits it in these terse words: "I see e|ren to secure passages. The crush ef eo will be perpetuated beyond that|™orning of last week about eleven) Grand Duchy of Baden have passed|behind me tonight the grave of the|is so great whenever sailing is im- 1 . 7 hry * atin nl hae oii Tt Png» toh w ve 1c dy two plain ciotnes men, ne | wn Pfeffer to Greenwood cemetery where | MRS. RATCLIFFE hich we call death, and the mes Sneath gas as are bese 3 : NANO. & ChiEt vhich she leaves us is the challenge | report that reached Stratford was the remains were intcxred. Services which sne leaves us 1S tne e SURES 7 ; * : t Mr. Stockman had been arrested ; of. the -apostl d, "Wherefore, | that rere ¢ stec "4 Jn Wednesday, Dec. 11th, at the|of the apostle of old, : a3 were conducted at.the house by Rev. On Wec y ae doc senna ullev Gd taadltiona ase Gr Se. : fant are nyt y be 2d brethren, be ye steadfast, | y B astor of ranevelic-|family residence, Atwood, Ontario, | ™) beloved bre € € Stee >| Bs 5 5 EB. H. Bean, pastor of the Evangelic é J , , é ' terance, and it was said his arrest was effected by members of tite Dom- al church." The members of Court|there passed away from this life,|immovable, always abounding in the PE Oe rapier 4 > a . e which | Mareraet Grahs 71 as|iwork of the Lord, inasmuch as ye ; Milverton No. 99, C.O.F., of which | Margraet Graham, wife of Thomas " eee eee ear an oss inion: poliées Ac tglaphosie snoseage he late Mr. Pfeffer was a member,|G. Ratcliffe, and daughter of Mr. know that your labour is not in vain} Rect Hindicioaks Hae hase AEA 7 . a "qj 2? jLlron avistocK Says, over, € arched in a body and conducted the|and Mrs. John Graham. Death was|in the Lord. th t was made by plain clothes * : : . a e arrest was 1aGe DJ alr otThnes % rites at the graveside. Floral|due to pneumonia, following influen- os oe Sees aed Und Mee cick bmi aias take . 7 1en, an ALE ee CKMe a ak- 'ibutes "oe: "Gates-a-jar," Mrs za, 4 r life was compar- MRS. HARRON. ; se 3 ributes were: "Gates-a-jar," Mrs. J. | za Thotgh her' life sw P en to Toronto. Inquiries made in Ww sing their desire to|past, and*- before the cradle of the |minent that many are compelled to become united to Switzerland. \future. In that grave of the dead|Wwait hours in queues. Most of these For the first time in the history of ipast is the wreckage of dynasties and | Will travel with their wldier husbands the Republic, a President has left the ones, shattered tyranny and the|Many of these wives will see Canada boundaries of his country. How all | dead remains of old autocracies. And | for the first time, for during recent these customs were ever established 'in the cradle of the future--do I see | months Canadian soldiers have been. nobody knows, and nobody cares how/the demon of Bolshevism or the angel }marrying English women at the rate soon the useless scraping before cus-|of democracy? With all my soul I|/of 300 weekly. These special sp' tom is smashed. The country is not| believe the latter. jings for women and children wil apt to go to the bow-wows in the ab- | The Canadian Press learns from ; suspended directly demobilization \ tl W. Pfeffer; Pillow, Parents and sis- atively short in years, as she was but Wha death of Mrs. Williai A; Har-| Toronto for 'The: Herald failed' to sence of the ee do ia reliable estimate that fifty thous- | gins. & ters; Wreaths, John Pfeffer and fam-|in her 48th year, yet it was rich in|.) from influenza in her 38rd year,|throw any further light on the ar-|, [he Proletariat of Germany seems|and women and children dependents | Pie ee : ly, Grosch Felt Shoe Co., A. E. Ratz, |all that goes to make life truly great. Gecurred at: Beulah, Max 2on Waanoe| vats s ee See to be up against it under the Socialist of Canadian soldiers are in England. | There was a young workmen whose \ Tavistock; Darrech family, Listowel;| With a personality at once strong, | day, December 11th, Sache weninine| r, Pa ee Reick of Pavisiacke who regime, as they were under the ruler- | Roughly speaking they can be trans- | atest! Pe Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher, Employees of |sweet and magnetic, she was a born! ..". taken to Brandon for interment. |is said to be an as of Mr. Seales ship.of the Hohenzollerns. Socialism | ported at the rate of five hundred | Was wholly untainted by greed; or feffer Milling Co., Listowel; Staff|leader and took a prominent part in| nants church, knew nothing whatever is learning that it will have to fight| each sailing. How many sailings will! More work for more pay of Bank of Hamilton, Milverton; Mr.}every worthy enterprise in the com- | Besides the sorrowing husband, five PRISE : : | 3 Wied > ; Y : ismall children are left to mourn the|as to reasons for the arrest. He said oY recognition now, as it should have | be available in the near future it is | He considered fair play, and Mrs. Norman. Honderich, Evan- | munity. During the years of war she bask ae a aing mother. The late |effort had been:made by telephone done in the days when half of the impossible to say, but, in any case, |But nobody followed his lead. gelical Sunday School; Evangelical entered into patriotic work with char-| 11,5. Harron was a daughter-in-law of and in every other conceivable way Empire: almost was» indentsiied with * P | - r : in eS . te ee th iacteristic e roy. € anv as a4 <ais " a z arty Marx r r fz : Ladies' Aid, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Barth 'acteristic energy, and many a sold-/| 5 M. BE. Harron, Listowel. Her | ie hiadss Sha achat tenhon Mh", Shack: the party of Marx. They failed then Cc. O. F., Milverton; Listowel Club; jier boy's heart was gladdened, not ES Kate ee OS REOOREL. lman had been apprehended, but he to oppose militarism, and fail now | Anchor, Pfeffer Milling Co.; Spray, only by the comforts that her hands Seen |had be baer seaable Nc ada Bs light to to measure up to the stature of stat- | Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith; Mr. and had made but by encouraging and TO APPEAL AT ONCE PRES ages Sy ae wae thet | esmen able to rule. . ; Mrs. Cecil Hamilton, Listowel; Mr. | thoughtful messages prompted by a | Mr. eae = Taina eet Leave it to the Kilties to make a| und Mrs. Chas. Livingston, Stratford. loving heart. Into homes where) Tom Bown, counsel for Arthur |taxen to Toronto. |hit in the German city of Cologne. | ree in S ' 7h ; j | * sorrow or tr sla or LOC 1: " e | ees ica o + : 2 edn Among the friends from a distance |there was sorrow or trouble or need,| Skidmore, of Stratford, who was con-| Mr Stockman ts said to be about Say, when the inhabitants got over 134 years of age. He is said to be a ifully ordained minister and therefore the first daze, on hearing the skirl of the pipes, and after a shy peep from the windows at the soldiers in skirts, who attended the funeral were :-- |she came as a very angel of comfort} victed and sentenced to 30 days in Messrs. H. B. Sproat, James Thomp-|and helpfulness. But with the single | jail and ordered to pay a fine of $500 som, James Cullen, Woodstock; Mr. | exception of the home, it was in the| or serve six months in jail, for having | Inot subject to the provisions of the A. E. Ratz, Tavistock; Mr. and Mrs. }church that her most splendid service] in his possession copies of the Cana-| WMaliture Gervicé Ack they rushed to the streets and attem- | Conrad Pfeffer, Stratford; Mr. John | was rendered. It is in the church] dian Forward, announced that an ap- | = Mr. iSemicnisn telephoned his wife pted to give an imitation of the High- | Ladgutan, London; Miss Emma Pfef- | that her loving and helpful ministry] peal against the decision of the court | Souk Toponko Ou hb dae bE sar. land Fli Before night they were er, Tavistock; Mr, and Mrs. Wm. j will be most keenly missed, more es-| would be immediately entered, and | pest MEG Ha conse bolic taken gene attempting to sing, "It's a braw,'| Sattler, Mrs. Daniel Sararus, Zurich; I pecially as president of the W. M. S.,| the case would probably come up for prisoner to' the military detention | Pricht moonlicht nicht, the nicht," on | as S. S. teacher and as a member of /hearing at Toronto next week. camb at Kapuskasing, situated on the|the banks of the River Rhine. I greet you right merrily 2 - ---- ae | " o. T3417 ' in Cetin sak rz . : STs : Crk - : ' : | a MMERCIAL |the eink Rees splendid sales It is the intention to make a test | Transcontinental Railway, about 70 Owing to the closing of many mun- |} For Christmas is here: | " o 4 ened " ++3 : + ~ ~ COMMERC! |yielded in complete consecration to|case out of the Skidmore appeal, and| |miles west of Cochrane. A good deal ition plants in Ontario, the hydro-| " ' lthe Master whom she so dearly loved. |if successful it is possible that appeals | o¢ f Spring Wheat; per bus ..$ 2 06 $2 06/she The day we love best Of all days in the year. mystery surrounds the arrest, but| Power system has been definitely re-| Fall Wheat, exerted an influence for good|wi]] also be entered on behalf of Er- | itis believed that it was due to ad-|lieved. During the coming year -s nya <7 - ; mont Daw ry} Sa Mae ok 3 a: ' : - : Barley Les Sak x 90 b, {Which oniy the Judgment Day will | yest er and Harry Cook, both made by Mr. Stockman to|branch lines will be projected in Gata Ata ate 68 gg |fully reveal, of hor paid their fines of $100 and };., ninion policemen who inter-|many directions throughout Western | bo _ bo ir Ty in . bey ietscke net . ' 4s : Var Flour, spring, cwt. 5 75 5 75} Only those of the immediate home} $300, res} ely 1 the meantime | -;ewed him a couple of weeks ago. There is no reason why the War Flour, blended cwt, 5 ee 5 60 eirele realize to the full: how Sondey |Skiduis has entered 'on his 30-day | BAe -s of Newton and Millbank may So many Christmas wishes 4° 7} j 7 . 5 5 } 2 = g War Flour, winter, cwt, 5 40 © 45 )and loving, and unselfish was her] sentence. J IN TREE supplied with power and light <a O° . am DOr tON si iesssssesees 4900 43-00}, : : ata HONEY IN A TREE. re F ' Flying near and far, 38 00 38 00} ministry there, and to the husband, It is und rstood that the Soci sc : S i : eek gk aD ee Ap | S08 and daughter, the aged father | here = oqiand mother, and other relatives, sole ' ] desire it. The surplus on in Milverton should assure us- antial reduction in price I hope the best will find you No matter where you are. Keller, living a tance ith of Greencastle, big bee tree on Sie earns day, he was almost en- honey. He filled all. avail- Toronto, together y labor epee a ae When Eugene = ers a Si this year. Of all the necessaries of life there probably but one that annually 00 | 00 | 'deepest sympathy of the whole com-!}1 00 munity goes out. it 50 | But the univergal sorrow is not as}1 Sage liveweight....... Butcher Cattle Pe) sheep Ceeeee wee venues Lambs... { Potatocs WAG sucvcctees 00|the sorrow that is without hope. ' he|3 hpans, paiis and kitchen u $s each Le gaan no more to-day | Pend 2 eer Ae 30 | approac h of death which she herself |a he may form |sils. The honey he saved weig 2 : 12) clearly recognized, could' in no wise kc : : to Ottawa. | more 100 pounds. Mr. Kel oe The average Amer- | -- - I af lim her hope or quench her faith. | ------ isaid the tree w the home of one}|ic in 1815 used sperm oil | (BER ig If Christ had in very deed and Meg War order cancellations in the }of the ae rest Swa eandles that cost $22 aj Pe broken for her the bands of death | ited mos since the armisti $22 purchased 25 candle} 2 Mi Funerai Director Lr ,q and the grave. isigned have been estimated a teste 2@ caYr- jt ni or 9,000 can-! swice and Embaimer ret ngular aptness her own life | 000,000,000. } . VK 62 With | annum, from! | | 1