: "RVERY THURSDAY MORNINO eg Beneeee tie rere Orie sit 81. aha becribers in ar: 00 pet yeaty peer directions : mera': ato jor id and charged a ingly ans for contract eaintncnsente must oe eet nia ae AcRBTIt, M o1 ee ba! nd Lec ea io Jase Pu "AHN 2 ; wee pees) sete ay BT 8 PL: TyB is -omee: Pentre DRvO STORE, MN.VRRTON "Hours: 10 to12 a.m., 3 to 4 p.m, ' and 7 to 8 p.m . ol \ "DR. F. J, R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate "in "medicine, University 'Toronto. Late assistant New York Ophthal. mic and Aural Institute, Mcorefiald's Bye and Golde Square Throat Hoa , London, Eng. +2 to 6\p.m aS dail Evenings--7 to 8, Wednesday and Sei samniay only; or by appointment a (Phone 267.) 8 Waterloo St. Su STRATFORD ANSON B. KILBOURNE ; CHIROPRACTOR Office at the Grand Central Hotel. Everv Tuesday and Friday. Office Hours: 9 a, m, to 4 p. m. Consultation and Esamination Free DENTIST. da. F SEBBEN, D.D.S., L.D.S. Windsor Block, Opp. City Hall, - STRATFORD ~ Phone 993. Open evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock Logml! H. B. Morphy, _K.C. Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton. LISTOWKL, MILVERTON, ATWOOD Offices: Listowel, Milverton. Money to Loan, Harding, Owens & Goodwin Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Gordon Block, - STRATFORD, ONT, Money to Loan. Bit 1 ead Aa se W. BE. GOODWIN roperrays * Public. --W.D. Weir, - Notary Public Auctioneer for the Counties of Perth and Waterloo. Conveyancer, deeds, wills, mort gages drawn and aflidavits made. Village clerk. Office: Weir block, over Bank of Nova Scotia - A. Chalmers, - Notary Public Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage License J.P. for the County of Perth. " Real estate bought and sold. A few choice farms for immediate sale. MONKTON, 4 ONTARIO Vetert nary. R. E. Beggs, V.S. VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office: Barr's old stand _ Hotels The Queens Hotel " Best accommodation for commercial trav- ellers and others. Two large Sample Rooms. GRO. F. PAULI, Prop., - Milverton, Ont Societies. "Milverton Lodge No. 478 AB. & A.M, G.R.C. Meets every Monday evening on or before full sala every month in their hall : in J, RK. Weir's block, Visiting brethren always welcome : AL 'auld wW.M, H, L. Nicholson, Secy. Silver Star Lodge No. 202 E0.: 02.8. Meets every Friday night at 7,30 in their hall over Bank of Hami ifton, ON, 'Visiting brethren always welcome Ww. Henry, W.K. Loth,) G. A. Barth, N.G, Fin.-Segy. : Ree,-Secy, < "He Leeks Into the Eve" Y THIS M ) impossible all work is done by lookin the eve, thereby locating t - fect right at its source. HOD, it {s almost . o make an error, as into de- 'eraniswaicihe Strengthened Headaches Cured, Cross | - Eyes in many cases | straightened : sses. are fitted b : peky Rovanded pete Gtudtestecres 4 ace me ratel reseoniaed without : asking questions, : , ATISFACTION suAperene ! P.H. a a Se Evesight Specialiet" aie =P ain ot diz2zy-- _) dragged- = down? === With dull headache, backache --~ rac ing with pain here days each month, \) when in other cir- cumstances she would go to bed, she must still be at the desk or counter, or struggle through the day as best she may with her housework or her family cares, Usually she who feels those drag- ging-down or dizzy symptoms, and other pains caused by womanly disease, can be cured by Dr. Pitree's Favorite Prescription. It | cures " cause of these pains. d Faded, ed, tired, overworked, weak, Chet icate women are helped to strength and health by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It makes weak women strong and sick womenwell. Inliquidortablets. Cuatuam, ONT.--"Being a nurse I have had occasion to use 'Favorite Prescription' quite a lot. I recommend it to my patients and it has been a wonderful help to many of them, I never knew of a case where it failed. I have a patient who {s using it now and is doing fine. I have taken it myself and got the very best results, I ccnsider it the best medicine there is for women who are ailing."--Mns. Borru Moorx, 80 Deage Streot. ---- Counter Check Books... W's are agents for the Appleford Counter "Check Book Co, \ This firm turns out only high-grade work at very reasonable prices. See our samples and get our prices before ordering. The Sun Office: Ct Lita ES or there = poor } woman, she's one. of many. On those, INTERNATIONAL LESSON JUNE. 22 Laison Xi. lave apy ia: Gol. den Text, I. Cor. 13: 13. better translated "'love," as in the Revised Version. Without love the other gifts are vain--speaking with tongues, prophesy, knowledge, faith, self-sacrifice, Love gives reality and power to them all, makes them sig- nificant, great and beautiful. Teach- ing, preaching, poor, giving life itself--all are of lit- 'tle account and profit ourselves and others nothing without love. Harnack says that this passage is "the great- est, strongest, deepest. thing Paul ever wrote." And let us remember that he was writing to the Corinthian Christians who had split up into fac- tions, and were at strife and enmity pes each other. See chapters I and They needed, and we need to-day, this fundamental lesson in Christian ethics. If we, after strenuous years of united and heroic effort, fall back into old ways of party strife, of inter- national and racial hatred, and of class division and jecalousy and*self- seeking, the sacrifices and achieve- ments of war will, for us at least, have been in vain. It is love that will unite the warring races, recon- cile classes, rebuild the shattered na- tions, and bring in the reign of peace and good will. 4-7. Love "suffereth long.' Love is very patient and kind and gentle. Love does not enyy those who have better or greater gifts; but rejoices in their joy. Love is not self-conceited or boastful, but is courteous, mindful of the feelings and desires of others, preserves an even temper, and does -8. Charity. The Greek word is healing; giving to the\ "SPECIALIST SAID | HE MUST OPERATE She Took "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Instead, And Is Now in Perfect Health. MME. F. GAREAU (158 Papineau Ave., Montreal. "Yor three years, I suffered great pain in the lower part of my body, with swelling or bloating. I saw a specialist, who carefully examined me and gaye me several tonics to take, which did not help me. Then he told me I must undergo an oper- ation. This, I refused to permit, I heard about 'frudt-e-tives' and. the wonderful resultsiit was giving because ¢his medicine 1s made from Sruit Juices, go decided to try it. The first box gave greatrelief ; and I continued the treatment, taking six boxes more. Now, my health is excellent --I am free of pain and swelling--and I give 'Fruit-a-tives' my warmest thanks". Mux. F, GAREAU, 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At all deaiers or sent by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, -- - A SIMPLE METHOD TO REMEDY RHEUMATISM AGE DOES NOT INTERFERE LF TREATMENT IS PROPERLY i FOLLOWED Many persons contend that there is" ho sure remedy for Rheumatism, Sciat- ica, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Neuritis, or their kindred diseases, but don't be biased:. draw your own conclusions from the proof submitted. Over two years ago, William Nesbitt, of 113 John St., Toronto, Ontario, was attacked by Rheumatism. Mr. Nesbitt was 53 years of age at the time and he feared the worst. After trying many remedies and prescriptions without ob- taining relief he took a friend's advice and used Templeton's Rheumatic Cap- sules. Result--to-day Mr. Nesbitt says, "He hasn't lost a day's work since nor fears Rheumatism any more." Mr, Nesbitt gives th; entire credit for his recovery to T.R.C.'S. Profit by his experience. Try them. §. PETRIE, Druggist, Sole Agent for Milverton. Mail $1.04 to this address or to Templeton's, 142 King St. W., Toronto, and T.R.C's. will be sent postpaid. engagements. He bein "QO aaa O. DUFFIE Is the one who gives careful attention to his clothes. To him his business suit is of as much consequence as the clothes he wears for social realizes the importance of well dressed at all times. He requires ALITY" besides style, finish and correct tailoring. Try us for your hext suit. THE TAILOR, MONKTON s ; Most if we to do In June W-S.S. Cost $4.05 $5.00 now. Ne Wear Savings Stamps ' ot those people you are envying Ee much have ba ak so that are" we ys : ean be bought wher. : ever this sign is a : ee: "we You say to your employer: I want you to hold back five per cent. of my ee Se wages and invest them in War Savings ree : ie Stamps. When you have bought a War = Savings Stamp with my money, put it in my Pay envelope. Go on doing that for a year." "You will never miss that five per cent, which you had previously frittered away. But at the end of a year you will have a little pack- age of Stamps which, in 1924, will be worth What About That Wasted Five per cent? of us fritter away at least five per cent. of our weekly wages in frifles, stopped to reckon it up, we would find it hard to remember where the money went. If we could make that money earn more money without troubling to think out a plan or attend to details, we would consider that we had doze a good stroke of business. The Gcvernment hzs made it possible for us that- Here is the plan: _ "Every week for orety bis 60 odd you pay fen them The guarantee of ere behind the War Savings Stamps i is the whole Dominion of - Canada, == '4 4 = Make ne Savings Sane You. and ~ Serve Your Countsy--lavest, 'Then 2 =e ee not: bear grudges. It "thinketh no evil," that is, "does not keep account of evil done, so as to remember it and get even for it at some future time. Love is purely optimistic, bears the present indignity or injury, is ready to believe the best and to hope for the best, and in spite of dis- covragement and disappointment will keep on believing and hoping. And this is not the weakness but the great strength of love. "Love, an everlasting crown receiy- eth, For she is Hope, and Fortitude, and Faith, Who all things hopeth, beareth, and believeth?" --Ruskin. 8-13. Love "never faileth." Other gifts and virtues fail, but love like God is eternal. Other graces and attainments are parts of the 'perfect life, but love is the perfect life, itself in the glory of full manhood. In other ways we see, but see dimiy; love sees face to face with God and truth. When we love we know God even as He knows us, and we become like Him... "The greatest" is love, "The Greatest Thing in the World." John Wesley, in his Journal, warns Methodists against "an unloving, un- holy faith." Is not that warning still necessary? From press, from pulpit, and from platform, too often from the popular evangelist, we hear words of bitterness, hatred, and railing ac- susation, directed against church, or :chool, or college, or any and all of hose who may hold different views rbout something. The large-hearted visdom, gentleness, and patient love sf Christ is always best, and always trongest to accomplish a good work vnd to advante the cause of truth. Let us beware of unloving and un- 'ovely zeal, and unloving, unholy faith. ate. r The Beginning of Wisdom, Anyhow, It was at the Boy Scout week-end samp. The boys had grown tired of 'epairing the cabin. So the wise ;coutmaster suggested that they have in impromptu concert. One boy sang; ~nother danced. Then there was a pause, ; "Come, Billy," said the scoutmaster 'o a member of the troop, "you know How doth the little busy bee'?" "I don't!" said Billy, examining a fiery patch on his hand. "I only know he doth it." Boe In South America two dainties are lizards and baked centipedes. Stallion For Service BOLD CLYDE 4133 (Enrolled on Form 1 No. 5342) will stand in his own stable, Poole, for the season. Terms $10. ar nobert Fleming. 2m. WOOL! NEWTON WOOLLEN MILLS - ABSOLUTELY _ PURE WOOL Blankets, Yarns, Finitiicls," Tweeds, . Sheetings and E gy Wool Batts. Ses nat ane LEY LIVE PRICBS" H.C. WAGNER NEWTON, | ONTARIO: Nov. 1 ies | hens' eggs, and geese eggs © _ | poses. (| purposes of cookery, | \ who Hein on light | tes may be pro- fitably kept-for three seasons; those it is not sufficiently concentrated. It is impossible for fowls to drink enough of it to take the place of meat. When fed with animal food, milk performs excellent service. Turkey eggs are nearly as. re pre- ferable to either for all culinary pur- Duck eggs have a rich flavor, not so desirable to eat alone. they are excellent for all but are However, Killing poultry by stabbing in the mouth is the most humane method, notwithstanding that there are folks believe the method an act of cruelty. When a fowl is stabbed-in the mouth the brain is penetrated and the bird at once becomes insen- 'sible to p This. conclusion has been ie ae authorities from the fact that there is less struggling than when the "head is cut off. Hens that are laying are not likely to accumulate fat; it is when they are not laying that they do so. Keep- ing hens in good conditien does not mean that they must be heavy. Fat- tiness alone is desirable when they are being made ready for market. Good layers are bred up and not fed up. All the feeding in the world can not induce a naturally non-pro- ductive hen to change her nature. A close record should be kept of the preduct of each hen on the place, and the non-productive hens should be sent to market or to the pot. Seme hens are giluttons, and in their greediness will seize food to prevent other hens from securing of the heavy breeds for two seasons. | . Milk is no substitute for meat, for' ood BS] sik gael on its merits. 'The safe, sure and speedy (for all hipaa: ies vom we their share. Those are the hens that become overfat and finally quit lay-| ing. When food is given in a way} that permits the hens to eat without' 'having to scratch, there is sure to! be an unequal distribution of the! food among the fowls of the flock.! The proper way is. to-scatter the! grain over a large surface, so that | each hen will be compelled to work, | and all will fare alike. \ | Mixed grain for poultry has this, advantage: Each fowl can pick out; the grain most needed. This was'| called to the attention of the writer| by seeing a hen that was out of con-| dition. She would not eat corn read-' ily, but would pick out the grain she was in need of. Corn seems to be, the grain most desired by poultry, but too much has a tendency to put/ on fat rather than produce eggs. | Therefore, if the hens are given a) mixed-grain ration, after consuming! the corn in the mixture they will select from the other grains those best suited to their needs. REESE Re fs White pepper is less irritating to the lining of the stomach than black. "When all other roads to happiness have been tried and failed, these three--self-control, intelligent work, and the constant development of one's best. faculties--will bring as lasting content as life affords."--Turner, "SMOOTHER THAN VELVET" ™~ > HE ever-recurting problem, what to serve, is so easily solved with Ice Cream--Silverwood' S. Frozen cream--a delicately famine: dainty ----velvety smooth and rich." Silverwood's is always thoroughly enjoyed. Sold in all flavors in Bricks or Bulk. SILVERWOOD'S LIMITED, LONDON, ONT. Pook for the Silverwood's it should be done. They have seventy years of experience to guide them, and their services cost you nothing. Swe sell this furnace it is a guaranteed heating sys- tem. When installation is planned by our engineers, we Adopt their plan and you are assured of a comfortably heated home; and a deliver exactly what you want-- Comfort in your home. If you are going to installa furnace; let McClary's engineers show you how durable economical heating plant. , Let us tell you more about this proposition. il FOR SALE BY iM. E. BETTGER & GO. Ask ebout the LITTLE DRAFT- MAN that turns on the drafts and regulates them automatically. scribers: ~ 'May 25th. Milverton to Stratford : Rates for Telephone HE new rates for Long Distance Service, effective May 25th and based upon air-line mileage, correct inequalities in the old schedule and embody both increased and de- creased charges. Following is a comparison 'ah old and new rates for a 3-minute talk to points most ea SnEy. Sage by ee subs Old Rate tha Rate $ .15 $ .15 15 615 -50 55 25 .20 -30 35 es -30 .o5 15 15 Listowel Toronto Kitchener London .. Brantford . Atwood .... £294 So ee swe The hours during which 'educea "ong Distance rates (night rates) n effect are now : From 8.30 p.m. to 11.30 p.m., 60 per cent of day rate From 11.30 p.m. to 6 a.m., 40 per cent of day rate Night rates are based on Standard Time ' LOCAL SERVICE Rates for local service to present subscriber s will be incre per cent, effective from July 1st next. peep: Applicants for service will be charged at the increas ed rates, a 4 Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station