i a ae FOR SALE eee house 8x12. Apply at Sun ' = VICTORY BONDS Victory bonds bought and sold.-- George Roe, R. R. No. 1, Newton. SF FOUND A wrist watch. Owner may have same by paying expe lauf, Milverton : penses, Henry Zu. FOR SALE - 2 brood sows with litters for sale. Apply to John W. Hastings lot 5, con. 11, Morstinutor eit es WANTED Wanted to buy, from 10 to 30 acres of land with suitable buildings to same. Apply at Sun office, . NOTICE We will ship hogs at G. T. R. yards | Milverton and Brunner, on Saturday, _ August 16th.--F. Zimmerman & Son. LOST ? Square gold brooch at Millbank o Peace Day. Finder please pees Bh - -eate with Mrs, Robt. Stewart, Brit- ~ water. ton, ee FOR SALE _ A good red brick veneered dwell- ing, situated on King street, Milver- ton, 7 rooms, large lot, hard and soft Apply to Art Ratz, Milverton, HOG FOR SERVICE A splendid Yorkshire hog for ser- ~ vice at the rate of $1.00; also have a fine young Durham bull for sale (fit for service). J. Stever, R. R .No, 1, Britton. FOR SALE a 5-roomed house with woodshed and splendid garden. Opposite skating rink, Linwood. JEasy terms. For further particulars apply to George -.verton and G Fink, Linwood, Ont. LOST About two weeks ago in Milverton a lady's wrist watch with black rib- bon attached. Finder will kindly leave with Miss Gertrude Pauli, Queen's hotel, Milverton. FOR SALE = A quantity of inch and two inch lumber. Also building timber and ~ long posts of the finest quality. Lin- asbestos (similar to Beaver board) for lining buildings. Will be sold guickly and will not be replaced--so call at once.--I. D. ATKIN Milverton. FOR SALE Solid brick house with three rooms upstairs and three rooms down stairs and two halls, good well; well situat- ed on Mill street. For further par- "tieulars apply to Mrs. Ida Capling, Milverton, 4-t. NOTICE The price of lightning rods has tak- en another advance. Anyone leaving their order within the next fifteen days will have them installed at the old price. Material and workmanship guaranteed, --- JAS. W. SCHMIDT, Milverton. Notice to Farmers The undersigned will ship hogs in future as follows:-- : Friday, Aug. 15th, at C. P. R., Mil- . T. R. Brunner. Other dates will be announced weekly. Highest prices guaranteed. Kindly deliver hogs at C.P.R., Mil- verton, before 10.30, a.m. MILLER, ATKIN & SCHNEIDER. ------ CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POST- ING OF VOTERS' LIST . Voters' List, 1919 Municipality of the Village of Mil- : Sestun; County of Perth. Notice is hereby given that 1 have transmitted or delivered to the per- song mentioned in section 9 of the -. Ontario Voters' Lists Act, the copies transmitted or deliv Assessment Roll of _ eording to 1 ce: lity at elections for members > August, 1919, an i b aid sections to be so ane le ered of fhe made pursuant to said-Act, of all per- aring by the last Revised cake T ? the said Municipal- to be entitled to vote in the said of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that the said List was first pnts o ras Roe Mi on the Four "Sage hey d remains there for 'inspection. St And T hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- aw. : Dated this Second day of August, -- _D. WEIR, - eg Glerk of Milverton. COMMERCIAL Spring Wheat, per bus...$ 2 06 $2 06 3 + 1 gee 3 Nae" BS 8S Fall Wheat, 120 120 95 95 "555 (8 60 5 60 45 5 45 00 51 00 00 50 00 00 13 00 00 23 50 8 00 6 00 12 00 -1 95 25 oe o ray Oats oS oe War Flour, spring, cwt. War Flour, blended cwt. War Flour, winter, cwt. Shorts por toM....ercerrereer Bran $i. 5 68 : Hagen Sh ike 'Hogs liveweight... .+.1++ Butcher Cattle... Sheep... + eee we wee eenee Tallow ....0s Chickens, dr' oa OS } THE WESTERN CROPS ' ; \ It is estimated that about 15,000 men will be required to work as farm laborers to assist in haxvesting the crops in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. : The Canadian Pacific has arranged and is advertising usual special fare of $12 to Winnipeg, and will run special trains from Toronto, Tuesday Renee 12th, and Thursday, August Our subscription list has been cor- rected up to date and if the date on your label does not correspond with MONKTON BRIEFS Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rowland, of Stratford, spent Monday at Mr.| R. Rowland's. On Saturday afternoon about 5.30 an aeroplane landed in Wm, Bettger's field and caused great excitement among the villagers. He was on his way to Detroit and ran short of gaso- line. It stayed here till Sunday mor. ning, leaving at nine o'clock. Mr. Con Heller was watchman during the (night. It is believed to have been ithe same plane that landed on the {auto at London on Sunday afternoon. | Mr. Jacob Weber was at Toronto 'that on your receipt, let us hear from | 5, Monday on. business 08 | {elaim notice you at once--that correction may be made, -- FOR SALE Young pigs. Apply to I. D. Atkin, | Milverton, FOR SALE Good frame barn about 20x30 ft. Only up a few years. Apply to Mrs. Cook, Pacific Ave., Milverton. FOR SALE _Four young Yorkshire sows, due to pig in from four to six weeks, Apply to Fred Roessing, lot 12, con. 4, Mornington. 2 2 Notice to Contractors. Tenders for the construction of the Peffers drain extension and repairing the Peffers drain will be received by the undersigned and will be opened in*council at two o'clock on the first Monday in September, Plans, profile and_ specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office any Friday or at the township hall, New- ton on the first Monday in September at two o'clock. WM. WADDELL, Clerk of Mornington. Britton R. R. No. 1. Auction Sale ! of Household Effects in Milverton, on SATURDAY, AUG, 9TH, the follow- ing:-- Sewing machine, steel range (new), steel range (old), sideboard, sink, 2 small tables, 2 dressers, wash stand, bed (complete), large arm chair, toilet sets, etc., stiff tooth cultivators, 2 farm wagons, set single harness, washing machine, and a host of other articles too numerous to mention. Sale commences at 2 0'- clock sharp.. Terms--aAII sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 6 month's credit will be given on fur- nishing approved joint notes. A dis- count of 6 per cent. per annum allow- ed off on credit amounts. F. ZIM- MERMAN & SON, Proprietors. W. D. WEIR, Auctioneer. 2 a GIRLS WANTED. Clean, airy, sunlit workrooms. Short hours--a 47-hour week, y-ith Saturday half-holiday. Valuable rk for the 1 1g i agreeable rperienced. A good living wage to beginners yehich mat lly increases with 1alhy experience and proficiency. Write or call-- MERCURY MILLS LIMITED Hamilton Ontario CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POST- ING OF VOTERS' LIST Voters' List, 1919 Municipality of the Township Mornington, County of Perth. of Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in section 9 of the Ontario Voters' Lists Act, the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the List, made pursuant to said Act, of all per- sons appearing by the last Revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipal- ity to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that the said List was first posted up at my office at Mornington, on the First day of August, 1919, and remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law. Dated this Thirty-first day of July, 1919. WM. WADDELL, Clerk of Mornington. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of Gilbert Robinson, late of the Township of Mornington, in the County of Perth farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 56 of the Trustee Act R.S. O, 1914, Cap. 121 that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the said Gilbert Robinson, who died on or about the 16th day of iq Fe Y A.D. 1918 are required on or before the 25th day of August A.D. 1919 to send by post pre paid or deliver to William Henry Rob- inson, of the Township of Morning- ton, Newton Post Office, the Ad- ministrator of the estate of the de- ceased their christian names and sur- names escrip' the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. AX And take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Administrat- or will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the deceased among the par- ties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice and that the said Administrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof [ to a efson or persons of whose "geet shall not have been re- ceived by him at the time of such dis- tri . ion cas : 3 - : istrator addresses and descriptions, | [ Mr. and Mrs, Robert White, of Lin- | wood, spent Tuesday at Monkton | with his brother, John White. | Mr, and Mrs. G, Weber and fam- ily spent civic holiday_at Grimsby | Beach, : | Mrs. G, Weber has received word \that the oldest daughter of Rev, and |Mrs, Johnson is at present very ill | with typhoid fever. Rev. D. J. and Mrs. Ridout, of To- |ronto, spent a few days at the home ;of Mr, Wim, Bettger. Mrs. Ridout is | staying for several weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Near, of | Stratford, spent Sunday here, Mr, Norman Illman, of London, | spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oppenhauser ispent Sunday near Listowel. | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sales and daughter, Lois, of Toronto, are visit- jing at Mr. H. Ronnenberg's. t. | The Quarterly Board of the Metho- dist church met on Monday evening, lat Willow Grove with a full attend- ance. The salary was raised to $1,- ;/400.. After the meeting the Willow Grove men served ice cream and cake. | Mr, Otto Bettger, of New Ham- | burg, visited his son, Mr. M. 3B. | Bettger, over the holiday. Mr. John S. Ellacott spent Sunday at Waterloo. Miss Irene Shine, of Donegal, was 'a Sunday visitor at her home here. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Wilford and Mrs Gosbig, of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Mell. Wilford and son, of the West, and Mrs. Neil Wilford, of Palmerston, were visitors at Mr. Wm. Merryfield's }on Monday. | Mr. Norman McNaught, of Beams- ville, was home for civic holiday. Mr. Frank Terry left for the West on Tuesday where he will spend a month, _ MrT. Nurr, who has-been work- ing for Mr. James Graham for some time, has secured another position in | Elmira, _The Presbyterin Sunday school pic- nic proved a great success. The chil- dren enjoyed themselves to the ut- {most: The older girls' class won in ; baseball and the boys of Mr. Merry- | field's Methodist 8.8. class came off Ses lees in another game of base- all. bes Mr. John White and family left on | Tuesday for the West. The best wish- es of the community go with them. ie Mr. and Mrs. Fred.Terry and son, | Prank, left for their home in Western ; Canada last Friday afternoon. Dr. R. Robertson, Mrs. Robertson and family, of Collingwood, visited his mother over the week-end, | Miss Annie Sherwin, of Mitchell, - | spent the holiday visiting her mother. | Myr, Will Staffen, of Mitchell, will | continue the business of Mr. John White during the latter's absence. _ Mr. and Mrs. W. Elliott and fam- ily, of Molesworth, spent Sunday at Mr. Jas, Terry's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wood, of Hib- bert, visited the former's sister, Mrs. R. Rowland, on Sunday last. _Mrs. W. G. Kruspe is at present visiting her daughter, Mrs. F: W. Armstrong. Messrs. Orval and Stan, Strahan jand Miss Jean Strahan and Miss Zu- lauf spent Monday at Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Johnston's. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. F. Rowland and Mrs, Archie Holmes motored to Owen Sound on Saturday and spent Sunday there. _Mr, and Mrs, Ed Bettger, Mrs. D. Ridout, of Toronto, and Mrs. Jas: Stewart, of Stratford, spent civic holiday at Milverton. Mitchell Corr. to Stratford Herald Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dunsmore and three sons motored over from Pe- trolia and are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Drummond, Quebec St. and other members of the family in Logan. Mr. Drummond's former home,--Rev. Dean Downey, of Wind- sor, visited his brother, Mr. J. L. Downey, Mitchell, on Wednesday. Dean Downey was formerly parish priest at Kennicott and Mitchell. He attended the lawn social at Kenni- cott that evening, where he met most of his people. Mr. and Mrs. James Nimick, of Stratford, spent Sunday at Mr. John Davidson's. Mr. Charles Fletcher, of Toronto, ryfield's. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hobbs, of Welland, arrived in town on Friday to take up their residence here. A number of young people from Monkton attended the Tattoo at Wa- terloo on Friday night. Mr. John Quipp, of Maitland, has erected the frame of a fine implement and drive shed. Mr, August Krugal has greatly im- proved his barn by building a bent to the south end. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hammond and son, Vernon, of Bluevale, visited their friends at Maitland last Saturday. Mr, Frederick Phelke had a very successful raising last Friday in the erection of the frame of a fine straw shed on a good cement foundation. Mr. Valentine Schade was the framer. Artesian well driller, Alexander, of Listowel, was successful in secur- ing a good supply of water for Mr. the Smith on his farm on the 12th Ine. ) Mr. Hartwell Spuran, of Grey, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Hammond last Sunday. ~ The Monkton school board have been successful in securing Mr. Pringle, of Mount Forest, as principal for their school for the ensuing term. In the absence of Rev. Mr. Sut- cliffe last Sunday Thos. E. Ham- mond, of Elma, occupied the pul- pits on the Atwood circuit and next Sunday the Rev. Mr. Conway, of Kin- tore, will be the supply. The haying is again a matter of the past and the yield was not so heavy as was at first expected from the appear- weather is causing the pastures to dry up very badly and the spring crop in many places is going to be very short and so much so ag to be unfit to be handled by the regular binder. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bettger attend- (ed the Tattoo at Waterloo on Friday ! évening: ; 'spent the holiday with his son, Mr. /M.E. Bettger. b> Mr. George Wells, of Walkerton, -spent a few days at Mr. A. Chalmers' 'this week. . Sees : Mr. and Mrs. Roy Golightly and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross, Mt. Pleasant. oe | 'Try Th 'job ) i Sun office for up-to-date spent the holiday at Mr. W. S. Mer-! ance of the crop. The continuous dry } |. Mr. O. Bettger, of New Hamburg, ' i HYMENEAL ? D | _ - KENNICOTT iG 'The lawn social at St. Bridget's | | church, Logan, on Wednesday night Ct was a great success. People came. from far and near and the crowd was. so large that it was called the World's , 5 Fair by'10 p.m. It was made known, Wellesley Maple Leaf that Miss Nora Nicholson came first} A quiet wedding took place at the in the contest for selling the largest home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. West number of tickets. Miss Mary Regan' jn Petetanguishene, on "Thursday, won the 2nd place and Miss Margaret July 24th oh : : Regan third. The first prize was a latte Fs te Mi nile, Ween the gold wrist watch, See and third | second deneieed ~~ agli ie Pad prizes were lavaliers and each of the Louis Schaub, of Wellesley, was sounk este = bes Say Pty 'united to Mr. Edward Key, of Detroit, bap ~ <R ' inet ' Pp tson of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Key, of The cae tout neted $1 162 ely ¥.t- Guelph, formerly oe pe eteniey ae , A,lo2, . / ceremony was performe y Rev. In the drawing of pies thefsstprze, Doualas of Penelanguishene, the wi gan, of Chicago, which created much! West. vy oeeaeen sie nig: Sees merriment as to how the $18 pig was| After the ceremony the young to be delivered. The price of the pig' couple left on a honeymoon tour of es Bagel wants: ciety a | the Thirty Thousand Isles and Geor- MA abet ao oF r eiO i in 2 ago \gian Bay. On their return they mo- the second prize, $ Rees es itored through Toronto, Hamilton and Or hae Gag ee |Laren, of Mitchell; a rocking chair, Ra The tenshe ae ee leave or Sa- by Miss J: A. Nicholson, Monkton; ajturday for Detroit where they will mantle clock, Anna Doyle, Ailsa Craig | make their future home. The many sixth, by N. a Hera, enter a perehin friends of the bride here will join the ee ieaiee ~ Sbeat yee i peuple Leaf in ae ge them a long d a ' a a a es Kinkora; the eighth was 6 pounds of | a ee di seaifet ohe tea, which went to Mrs, Barney pes Ce er | | at KEY--SCHAUB tin, Gadshill. Ina bean guessing con- ~ oT eat test, Jerry O'Hara, of McKillop, won COOPER--JOHNSTON the $5. : | .The beautiful country residence of The many booths were well patron-| Mr, J. W. Johnston, Britton, was the ized and every thing was disposed of |scene of a very happy event on the even to the edibles. The Douglas Bros. | evening of July 16th, when his daugh- furnished the music. for the dancing |ter, Nettie, was happily married to which was popular with the many|Mr, Stanley Cooper by. Rev. W. D. young people. The platform was on | McDonald, of Atwood. Precisely at the north lawn, while the Brodhagen'}9 p.m. as the wedding march was be- brass band dispensed music on the jne played by Mis Pearl Barton, of southern part of the lawn. Many Donegal, the bride, escorted by her booths and tables occupied the space | father, took her place in the drawing between the orchestras and every-|room under a beautiful arch decorat- one was made happy by the wheel of | ed with maple leaves, ferns, roses and fortune on which most of the articles flags. After hearty congratulations were raffled. A half a@ dozen sil-|¢he guests, numbering about fifty, ver knives and forks fell to Gladstewe | took their places in the spacious din- Perry, of the Bank of Hamilton, Mit-|ing room, which was neatly decora- |chell; a quilt was won by Miss Mary |ted for the occasion. The tables pre- | Brown, Kinkora ; handmade lace by | sented a very inviting appearance as Miss Annie McConnell, Dubliny tea | all the delicacies of the season were kettle, Mrs. Hishon, Kinkora; slippers | served. The bride was. beautifully Frank McConnell; $2 worth of sugar, |and neafly attired in a pretty little Rey. Father McCardle. Among the/dress of white silk and carried the clergy from a distance were Mon- | customary bouquet of roses and ferns signor McGee, Capt. Lowry, Major | Later in the evening she appeared in McCarthy, M.C., of | Stratford and ja very becoming evening dress of blue Capt. White of St. Columbian, Rev. | silk, The presents were very costly McCardle, of Dublin, Fathers Gaffney |as well as numerous, and included sev- and Logan and Deacons John White |eral very substantial bank notes. and Patrick Harrigan of Kinkora. Guests were present from St. Thomas Peter Smith of Downie manipulated | St. Marys, Atwood, Milverton, Tralee the Delco lights, which proved a use- | and Listowel. ful derinnee a to many of eee ee ee present. To the committee, viz Mrs. "5 . ee Dennis Mahoney, Miss Nellie Connol-. GODDARD--WINGROVE ly, Messrs. Wm. Connolly, Tom Con- Wes sors i Ste ers s ae rig &: Niaholcon and Retve Hae 4a, Gust wedding tack plabegn Mon: arty the highest praise is due. Each tate Church Horonto ae Reena Mabelle and everyone looked to the welfare of Perry daughter of Mrs. J C. Win- the strangers and were very helpful) .ove'was united in marriage to Mr in rendering advice and assistance to | 7.01. Goddard, of Coventry, Wa cland: the good people of the parish who). Rey, E. C. Bracken officiated. work so faithfully together. |The bride, who wag unattended, wore jher travelling suit of navy tricolet. The bridal couple left for a trip to the Sault, after which they will reside in Smith's Falls. Mr. Goddard is well known in this vicinity, having spent three years with Mr. J. J. Riddell, Mornington, prior to enlisting in the R.F.A. some three years ago. THE ISLAND Mr. and Mrs. Dan Neubaur and little daughter, Irene, Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schneider. Mr. and Mrs. John Dahiner and family were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Wm. Dahlner. Mr. Henry Schmidt and sister, Liz- zie, attended a dance given at Mr, Pelke's, in Elma, on Friday night. Dr. A. and Mrs. Drummond and son, Ross, of Petrolia, Mrs. A. Drum- mond and daughter, Leila, of Mitchell were cuests at the home of Mr. J. E. Kerr on Monday. Mr. Fred Schneider shipped a car load of fat cattle on Monday and spent a couple of days in Toronto. Mrs. Henry Buddenhagen, Mrs. di Buddenhagen and. daughters, were Thursday visitors at the homeo f Mr. Dan Schneider. Little Miss Mabel Graul, of Kuhry- |p ville, spent a few, days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kerr. Misses Margaret, Lulu and Laura Kerr spent Sunday with Mrs. Dan Schneider. : Mr. D. Schneider accompanied by Mr. Fred Denstedt and children, Dal- ton, Nelson and Vera, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Wm. Denstedt, near Dorking. The sky is becoming quite interest- ine--three aeroplanes passed over us during the past week. LIST OF FALL FAIRS Following is a partial list of Fall (Fair dates issued by the Agricultural | Societies Branch of the Department jot Agricultural, Toronto: | Acton | Arthur , Blyth | Chesley | Drayton Drumbo Dungannon +t. 8 and 4. . 22 and 23 Oct. 8 and 9 Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 Sept: 23 and 24 Oct. 2 and 3 Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 Sept. 19 and 20 Sept. 15 and 16 Sept. 18 and 19 Sept. 15 to 17 Oct. 4 Sept. 25 and 26 Sept. 25 and 26 Sept. 23 and 24 Kincardine Sept. 18 and 19 Listowel Sept. 18 and 19 London (Western Fair) ..Sept. 6-13 Lucknow Sept, 25 and 26 | Mildmay Sept. 15 and 16 | MILVERTON Sept. 25 and 26 | Mount Forest Sept. 17 and 1& |New Hamburg ......Sept. 11 and 12 Ottawa (Central Canada) Sept. 6-15 Paisley Sept. 23 and 24 Palmerston Oct. 7 and & Port Elgin Oct. 2 and 3 St. Marys Sept. 18 and 19 Seaforth Oct. 18 and 19 Stratford Sept. 15 to 17 Toronto (Canadian National) Aug 23 to Sept. 6 Wingham . S-and 9 Woodstock Goderich Gorrie Hanover Harriston Holstein In Memoriam. August 4th, 1919. Just one year ago today Brother Samuel Boyle passed away, He is gone, it is God's will | : But in our hearts we miss him still. | --Mrs, John Keillor, (nee Rachael { Boyle). Notice to Electors of - North Perth Pica ee eee The Enumerators appointed to | The number of French soldiers and make up the Voters' Lists to be used in this County at the coming Refer- endum, and also at the next Provin- cial Election are now at work. I would ask that every man and woman 21 years and over, who is a British subject by birth or naturaliza- tion, to see that their names are put on these lists now being prepared. The Enumerators will call at your | home, be prepared to give them the pagermaties they require to have 'your name entered on the Voters' \list. We are desirous of having a 'good up-to-date list. Remember that he Enumerator has only ten days lafter he is sworn in to complete his 'ist. " Your hearty co-operation is requir- d. e SHERIFF MAGWOOD, Chief Enumerator North Perth. has been officially placed at_a little over a million and a third. There is no longer any chance of the "miss- ing" men being still alive, and there- fore the above figure may be taken as approximately correct. The men thus sacrificed for the freedom of their country from German rule were, of course, the very flower of the nation's manhood, and such destruc- tion of life, force and efficiency looks as if it might be irreparable. It should be borne in mind, more- over, that such a loss is likely to be felt more keenly in France than in Germany, because in the former the inerease of population has been for many years so slow as to be almost stationary, while in Germany it has been moderately rapid. If the popu- jations of France remains stationary for a number of years, while the new Slav states show even a moderate rate of increase, nothing can save France from increasing decrepitude and ultimate extinction. The more enlightened and far-see- ing statesmen of France perceive clearly the danger to their country, and are extremely desirous of count- eracting it. The world is likely to hear much discussion of this subject dur- ing the next few years, and thought- ful well-wishers of France will cher- ish the hope that her people may be able to solve the problem for them- selves without the application of facti tious remedies. acking's Rfeart & serve Remedy =A Complete Tonic This preparation will shorten the period of Convalescence from Grippe, Influenza, Pneumonia or other Sick- ness. It is a Complete Remedy, be- cause it strengthens all parts of the body--Heart, Nerves, Brain, Stomach CARD OF THANKS. sailors killed and missing in the war]: Kidneys and Liver--and it does this by Vitalizing the Blood Stream and by adding Strength and Vigor to the lit- tle Nerves that permeate everywhere ' from the fingertips to the toes. Don't | worry about your sickness, buy a few 'boxes of Hacking's Heart and Nerve | Remedy today and you will soon be ;on your road to recovery. Price 50c 'a box, 6 for $2.50. For sale by S.b | Petrie, Milvert Weber & Bettger, ' 0 Mr. James Squire and family wish to express their sincere thanks to the many returned soldiers who attended the funeral of the late Pte. William Squire, and also desire to thank their many friends and neighbors for kind- ness extended them in their recent bereavement. / Monkton, and Coghlin, A Read The Sun advertisements, PEFFERS Mr. Dan Ross and son, of Stratford spent a day.with Mrs. H, Freeborn last week. ees Mrs. A. Morphy and three children of Toronto, visited for a- few days last week with her brother, Mr, J, J Carson. Mrs. C. E. Barrett and daughter, os visited in Stratford last week. Miss Leila Ludlow; of Alliston, is holidaying with her friend, Miss Em- ma Freeman. : Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cook spent Sunday at Mr. Thomas Capling's, 8th ine, Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Carson and friends spent Saturday in Listowel. Miss Kate Holmes had the misfor- tune to fall on Friday last, sustaining somewhat severe injuries and is at present under the care of Dr, Tye. Miss Inez Johnston, of Britton, spent a few days at Mr. J. Barton's last week. pest Misg Pearl Barton and friend, Miss Inez Johnston visited friends in New- | ton Friday last. Mr. Jas. Peffers is busy erecting a new. woodshed. . Mrs, Montgomery, of Toronto, and Mrs. Seres, of Listowel, spent last week visiting at the home of, Mr. J. Hurst, Mrs. Wm. Dick, of Windsor, is vis- iting at the parental home here. Messrs. James and Alfred. Holmes and J. Dempsey, of Stratford, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Holmes: on Sunday. : The funeral of the late Pte. William Squire was very largely attended on Saturday last. Deceased succumbed to wounds received while on the bat- tlefield in France. He was 4 very highly respected young man and his pathy of all. ; v Mr. Alex, Martin, of Milverton, vis-- ited at Mr. J. M. Carson's recently. _ The entrance class sent up from S. |S. No, 5 all passed with a goodly mar-- gin and, considering the loss of time -- through sickness, reflected much cred it on their teacher, Miss Estelle Squire, who, we regret, has tendered her resignation, Mrs. Alex. Peffers, we are sorry te, report is at present under the doctor's. care. WELLESLEY A number from here attended mis- burg on Sunday last. : Our band supplied the music at the» garden party at Tavistock last, Thurs day. Mr, Kneisel and several others: from Tavistock were visitors heye Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ottman and | Albert Ottman of Kitchener, spent » 'few days with their parents, | Mr. and Mrs: M. Schaub spent @ -- 'few days last week with relatives tm Elmira and Kitchener. | Mr, and Mrs. Theo Becker, Mr, amd |Mrs. C. Longmate, of Preston, spent. a few days here visiting friends. , The contractors commenced works on the pavement here on Main street. last week. ; Mr, Charlie Woiwade who was: i 'the army for some time returned fasic Friday night. Miss Schultz, of Neustadt, is visit- ing with Mrs. C. F, Ottman for @ few days this week, 4 ANNOUNCEMENT! AVING purchased the Boot and Shoe business of the late A. H. Holmes es- tate, I beg to announce that the store will be re-opened for business on Wednesday evening, August 6th, and take this oppor- tunity of soliciting the patronage of the people of Monkton and vicinity. On Friday and Saturday, August 8th and 9th (only) we will hold a sale of all Odd Lines of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes atereduced prices -- for cash only. 2 ES Butter Loos cash paid for same. and Eggs will be taken in trade, or Cc. W. HOBBS, Monkton "Hot Weather Goods ! That Bec Cool and Look Well © A Beautiful Line of White Voiles just to hand embroidered in white and colors, some of them with scalloped edge--these are extremely handsome and we offer them at a low price to sell quickly, 44 inches wide at 75c, 90c and $1.00 Summer Only one more week per yard. Millinery for Summer Millinery-- beginning Friday, June 20th we will offer all trimmed hats and shapes at Half Price. Get in on these seas- onable goods at two hats for the price of one. | WEBER & AS SS BETTGER Remember the supply early. Goal Bin The Fuel Controller is asking everybody to take their coal We have coal coming right along and we would ask you to place your order EARLY. THE PAINTING SEASON IS HERE We have Sherwin Williams and Martin Senour brands. These are the best that money can buy. We also have a full supply of Builders' Supplies on hand, in- eluding-- ST. MARYS CEMENT and LIME Our rices are RIGHT--call and see. M.E£. BET Monkton, TGER & CO. ._ Ontario relatives here have the sincere sym- sionary services at Poole and Peters. ee om! |