apis ee 7 & MILEBANK NEWS «8%. e LINWOOD TOPICS |forreoncne é Bae yuite a number from this district | : : : 23 if siete aed ae ea = : Me Gee Riee Wad We wonens Tastiote Gare fo a eee STORE CLOSED EVERY Mr, A, W. Hall, of Aylmer, was vis-|den party in Millbank on Friday eve.) _ ; iting his brother, Capt. Hall, last |ning although the night was chilly ev- Week. 22% Meee. Seibeds reports a geed time... - Mr. and Mrs. Jennert, of Elmira,| "The farmers have been complain- '|motored up to Millbank last week ing a good deal about the short crop -- spent "the day with Capt. and|owing to the scareity of moisture, rs. Hall. AES ae /. Mrs. J;. Brunner and_ daughter, |but if it continues to keep dry they bru a a' will be- confronted with a problem Helen, are visiting her father, Mr. G. Hamilton, at. Stratford. % ; far more serious--a shortage of food .«.}for.their stock this. fall. There is Mrs. Patterson, gf London, 'visited | practically nothing to eat now, what last week at Mr. D. MeCormick's. | will be the situation in two months) Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Voll'and My. and Mr. and Mrs, Joe Lochart, of Lis-| hence? Sy eae .. (Mrs, John Kreswetter, of St. Agatha, towel, visited over Sunday with Mr.| Miss Nellie Neilson is at present|spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex McLennan. _--_ visiting with her. brother, Tom, in|John Voll. -- : ~ Mrs. J. Pender, of Mitchell, visited Stratford. : ies ere Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. ,over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Chas.| Mrs, P, Loney, of. Stratford, visit- | Peter Lenhard were: Misses Vera and | Pender. - x . F ed for a few days with Mr. and Mrs.| Louisa Huber, of Waterloo, and Miss Mrs. Suves, of Listowel, and Mrs.' Sam _ Loney. : Catherine Meyer, of Hamilton. ~ J. Montgomery, of \Toronto, visited; Misses Shirley -and Isabel Scott} Mr. Alex Koebel and family vis- at Mr. A, Crookshanks during the! and Emma Loney spent Sunday af-/ited at St. Clements on Sunday. past. week, | igh Ses ternoon at Meadowbrook. me Mr. Anthony Heric, of St..Clem- Miss Marion Rutherford has return-| Mr, Herb Hymers has sold his 200\ents, spent last Wednesday in our ed home after a visit with friends in'acre farm to Gideon Wagler. Mr. |burg. « < Guelph. ; : ; Wagler will take possession about Mr. Jacob Ament and Mrs. E. Miss E. MeKee 'and Mrs. DeLon 'the first of the month. Brock, of Listowel, spent a few days and children, of Toronto, visited with| Mr, and Mrs. Herman Ebel and/|this week at the home. of Mr, and Mr, and Mrs. J, Strong at Bloom- ingdale last week. : Mr. and Mrs, bern spent Sunday parr J. Ament.' : es ae d ' : with Mr. Robert. Stewart. ; r. and Mrs. Norman Ament, of pW ingeteisee. eta vtini! £ Mil hdd "Miss Alice Clark spent part of last! Mrs, Rachael McAulay received|New Hamburg, spent Sunday with fete: 6 Ce ed ork aah aoe . he 'ty 'ON, week with friends at Stratford. a telegram that her brother-in-law, |the former's parents here. = ; Saar Velma Wickie is. gene st her' ¢ eae pares Hughes fie opaicl ge Mr. Maize, of London, was dead.| Mr. Henry Pommer spent a 'few : re visiting a ae sea Bane . thi en Gi holidays with friends.in Pullarton, (A Milers The funeral will be held on Monday |days this week in Kitchener. We congratulate Harvey Maurer) 'yjiss Mary Gammoch, who has erlang ie ' Se on ve pea ie our oe business men is iy i : ~- Miss Kathleen Loney, of Toronto,|in need of an alarm clock. and Anthony Druar in successfully | jyst returned from a visit to Eng- | a ot ae f passing their entrance examination. | tea land, is visiting with Miss Alice Wrest 1 pba, ehe the Polabve - her| Me Pie G sBinty revinied homie : . and, ray 'holidays with her uncle, Sam Loney.|on Friday after spending a couple of Be aera Rarer pester gare Pt _, Mr. and Mrs, T. Hawthorn and fam- Mrs, Ed Loney, of Listowel, called | weeks at Barrie. : Ca ba ited * the home of Mr, John Ba. ly spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.! on her relatives on this line be-|| Mr. Bert Letzon, of West Mont- laut Mond ise C, Donley, Kitchener. ~ . }fore leaving for Toronto, where she|burg. : Miss icceeet Gartung and Beu- Miss Edna Coulter, of Toronto, has' will reside in the future with her} Miss T. Robinson returned home lah cae ' ys Kitchener: spent A' returned from a trip to Montreal and | : on Saturday last after spending some er ee rrp ith Ma and Mrs. J. (13, Visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. time in Toronto. oe ee Leeks St ate Hingiien "and family "ot Sire ee oe : se hee ey. F. K. Hughes and family, o x Me UN ik ee beter vistors Sandwich South, we? : eres at th he als, ; : jhome o r. Alex. Miller. ahem Miss daphne 377 of Stratford, | Mrs. Jas. and Miss Eva Rutherford Ne: BOEROIDE Fist RONGAYE.. have returned home after a month's x OA ree eee Peete pi. Se je Beh Bo Nast oe onan. - betes ea ee a fs iss ary ontei an iss - for Kitchener, where she will remain youngs, of Stratford, called on Miss for some time. : | ; es ; 2 " Mr. and Mrs. George Krajaefski, of Lottie Kerr on Monday while on a Boost, and the world boosts with you; -... Knock, and you're on the shelf; For. the. world gets sick of the one era SWNOCKIOKE, Sh. see cate oo} And wishes he'd kick himself. -- ON DURING JULY and AUC = ) = E 2 WEDNESDAY AFTERNO |. Early Friday morning Myr. Oscar (Open Every Tuesday epee Lantz was in the driving shed fixing - : eee ------ the threshing separator using a lan- 'tern which he had inside of the sep- arator and when going in the house for breakfast forgot to extinguish it. When he came out the shed was a mass of flames which completely destroyed it and all contents, con- sisting of separator, car and buggy. The lantern apparaently eocdor : tS, x Boost when the sun is shining, -- Boost then it starts to rain; 'happen to fall, don't lie ther : -and bawl, ~ e ' F But get up and boost again. -Boost. for your town's advancement, Boost for the things sublime; For the worker that's found on the east . topmost round, -- eds If you the booster every time. « LT HATS--Regular $4.50 to special this week ......- | PANAMA HATS--Regular $4.50 and $5 -- special this week.......-+ Soa ot PANAMA HATS--Regular $3.50 and $4 g my / special this week.......ccesee ese "Se oe SENNET STRAW HATS--Reg. $3.51 ; special this week oe SENNET STRAW HATS--Worth $1 special this week BERLIN SHIRTS--With collar and tie to' match, size 163 only, worth $2.50, for... GROCERIES Pork and Beans Tomato Catsup Spaghetti 5 Sauce 25c Chow Chow 25c Mustard. Sauce.........: 25¢ Libby's Salad Dressing.......... 25c Sunkist Seedless Raisins 20c __ ROSTOCK : $e Mr. Carl Maurer returned to his home in Kitchener on Friday after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. enry Maurer, : Pte .Wm. Yundt arrived home from overseas on Friday. tee Mr. and Mrs. C._ Wagner, of Jos- ephsbure, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zulauf and son, Edward, of Stratford, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Mary 800: yards Silk Poplin, worth to-day $2.00 per yard, in the following shades only navy, Alice blue, green and Nigger brown, at per yard $1.59 200'yards of Black Silk Poplin, worth to $2.25 per yard, at only $1.79 SPECIAL TOWELLING SALE 6 pieces Linen Towel- ling--price to-day 45c per yard--our price for this week only 3a2C 75. HESSON : Mr, and Mrs. A. Straighter, Mr. atld Mrs. J. Straighter and Mrs. Bru- der, of Walkerton, made a visit with friends here. Jos, Mickus, of Chicago, spent a week: ' A ot igual with their father and left for eset Milverton, spent Sunday at the home | oor Poy. Pratt bag Rat me oe Ene accompanied by Mr. d Mrs. Justus Kreuter. abd maa 4 : Meck eee A pense of Mr. an : | was a visitor here on Monday. | Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Moser and fam- : | Mrs. Copus, of Alma, spent Sun- 'ily ,Mr. Joseph and Albert Helm and ' i S pees with her mother, Mrs. D. Mc-| Mrs, Berappine Stemmler spent Sun- | Cloy. ~ ; day at. Waterloo. - WARTBURG | Mr. Donald' Ross, Misses Alice Mrs. M .Vollmer and Miss Barbara Miss Violet Henry ,of Stratford, is Wray and Bhima Tanner are visiting | Vollmer spent a few days in Kit- 'at present visiting relatives in this|at their respective homes after com- | chener. vicinity~. : 'pleting their summer course at the} Miss Frances Hergott, of Waterloo, "Mr. and Mrs. Adam Armstrong, of }0.A.C., Guelph. % is spending her holidays here . 3 Shakespeare, were visitors at the) Mr. P. Lavery, of Dorking, was a} Miss Kate Scheibel is visiting in home of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Arm-| business visitor here last week. Toronto and Waterloo for a few strong, on Tuesday. -- | Mrs. Wm. G. McKee and a num-! weeks. f Miss Myrtle Henry returned home jber of others motored to Mono Road| Miss L. Jacobs, of Milverton, has from Guelph on Thursday, where she | 0n. Saturday and visited with Mrs.|returned home after visiting relatives had been attending the O.A.C. J. McKee. ! here. | Miss Eleanor Murr, of Kitchener,| _Mr..George Helm, of London, call~| Mr. Herbert Helm left last week is holidaying at the home of her par-| ed on friends here on Monday. -|for Ottawa, where he intends to ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murr. Mr¢. Wm. Campbell visited on |spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Henry spent | Monday, with Mrs. Glenn, Milverton.| Messos. A. Bisch and A. Shaff, of Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs,| Mrs. D, McCloy has sold her pro-/ Elmira, spent the week-end with Mr. Sam Henry, of Stratford. . perty here to Mr, A. Hall, of Aylmer. }and Mrs, Jos» .Cassel. : Messrs, Bert Middelditch, Alfred; | Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and} Mr. John Isley, of Iowa, is spend- -Heimpel, William Scott and William | family spent Sunday at Mr. James jing a few days with relatives here. Pease and Mrs. James Dungey andj Carnochan's, Elma. Mr. Joseph Dantzer, of Dublin, is Mr. and Mrs. George Dungey and|_ Rey. and Mrs. Thom, formerly of |spending a few weeks here. : daughter, Miss Dorothy, spent Sun- Hawkesville and Linwood, visited this Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Farenkopf and day at Grand Bend. week at. Mr. D. McCormick's, Mr. A. Brener spent a day with Mrs. M Ed. Helm. : : Mr. and Mrs. Henry Neuert spent Saturday in Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. V. M.. Berlet and family, ofKitchener, spent Sunday at Mr. Andrew Spahr's, Miss Carrie Gibbs, of' Listowel, | # and Mrs. F. Hall, of Brooklyn, N.Y.,- Suen Monday with Mrs, H. C. Bar- ett. Messrst Harry Lutz and Simon Friedman spent Sunday in Elmira. Mryand Mrs. Leo Boppre, of Wa- terloo, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Charles Lagel. Miss Winnifred Beggs spent a few |. days at Moorefield last week. Mr. John Bisch had a successful sale on Saturday. Mr. George Stewart spent t end at Listowel. 5 Mr. Milton Seifert is at present ill with an attack of tonsilitis. Mrs. d. Seifert spent a few days last week at Kitchener. Messrs F. H. Schummer and W. H. Hyde enjoyed a fishing trip on Mon- ay. Rev. L. W..Thom and. Mrs. Thom, of Barrie, are at present visiting at | the home of Mrs. A. Beggs and other | friends here. Mrs. A. Beggs and Mrs. spent Saturday at Elmira. Mr. D. Beggs spent Thursday at Conestogo. Mr. W. O. Bundy is at present look- ing after the restaurant business for Mr. A. George, at Listowel. Mr. George is on a two weeks' vacation. Mrs. A. Beggs is spending a couple 25c : 40c 25¢ Heintz " _ Not More Than~ .12 to Customer | . SPECIAL PRICES on LIVE POULT Not Later Than 12 o'clock FRIDAY (noon) AUGUST 15t iad OV he week Young Ducks 24e per Ib Chicks 30c per lb. pe 24c per lb Fowl 5 Ibs. aud over, 25c 1b.; under 5 lbs., Thom Monday. a . Mr. Austin Schweitzer and family visited. at Mr. C. Gernhelder's, Mil- iss E Henry, of Stratford, spent; Mrs. Hooey, of Milverton, visited verton. TAKE the week-end at the home of Mr. V. Henry. Mr. Stanley Weiss, of Windsor, is a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ed Weiss. Mrs. Sam street, Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Weiss and family, | of Walkerton, recently visited with | relatives in this vicinity. Miss Ruby Atkins, Bidt, of Shakespeare. * Henry-and Mrs. M .V. Henry spent the week-end at the home of Mrs, W. J. Henry, Elizabeth of Gadshill, | spent Sunday with Miss Kate Ehgoetz - Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weiss_were | visitors at the home of Mr. Lorne M.ion Monday with her mother, Mrs. J. Hammond, é The memorial public library was opened for the first time on Satur- day night with Mrs. H. Kelly as lib- rarian, Rev, F. K. Hughees will preach at the morning service in Grace church on Sunday. ' At the nomination for elders at Knox church on Sunday Messrs. John |/Munro, John Weir, D. McCormick, Wm. Kerr and Wm. Neilson were the ones nominated and will be voted on in the near future--two will be chos- ren from the five. 5 One of the most successful garden parties of the season was held last Friday evening on the school grounds = FALL TERM FROM SEPT. 2nd CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. - WESTERN ONTARIO'S . LARGEST ' AND BEST COMMERCIAL : SCHOOL We have Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Departments--Have experienced instructors, give thor- ough courses and we assist graduates Write for free catalog. D. A. McLACHLAN Principal. to positions. under the auspices of the Women's Institute. Twelve small tables were set in the centre of the tea room which was artistically decorated with evergreens, bunting and flags. These were kept well filled until 9.30, when a splendid programme was rendered by the Munro family and Miss Alice Dunbar. Mr. P. Smith, of Sebring- ville, had the grounds well lit up with his Delco lights. Although the eve- ning was chilly the crowd was large. The receipts for the evening amount- ed to $258. The ladies of the Insti- tute wish to thank all those who so kindly assisted in the work. - Subscribers to 'the library: John Gael $3.00, J. T, Reid $5.00, Cecil Tanner 50c, Cedric Crookshanks 1.00 Austin Tanner 50c, Henry Kelly 1.00 ae McLennan 50c, Alvin Dunbar LISTOWEL Our Tailoring Tells the story of _ Lasting Satisfaction io measure. - : : Quality, Excellent Ma- terials and Workman- ship, Tasteful Styles, We will be pleased to have oo ee ou call and make selec- a sa ns and let us take your Miss Olive Robb spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Robb, Atwood. at his home in Atwood. Staff Major Merritt and Mrs. Price Master David and Mrs. Price Sr., of Toronto, were the guests last week of Mr. arid Mrs. G. E. Harron. ~ Mr, John Squires was a visitor in Stratford on Monday. Miss Jessie Coghlin spent Monday with friends in Stratford. -- Liskeard, is. visiting friends in town and vicinity. _ Mr. David Orr and 'family, of 'Whitehall, N.Y., have arrived in our burg and taken up their residence here. Mr. Orr is working for the Perfect-Knit Mills, Limited. Mr. Ed Koch left for Midland this week where he has secured a lucra- tive position. : Monday, Aug. 11th was Listowel's Civie Holiday. A public meeting was held in Mc- oo' YOU WILL LIKE OUR WORK -Donald's music en last week to dis- cuss the possibility of erecting a dg. M. FLEISHHAUER _ ° Ladies' and Men's Tailor _ LVERTON, - So ower es sys 7 6,800--Will buy lot 32, con. 11 ma, 100 acres; a splendid ing house; 2 bank barns; in and daughter cannot work the land immediate possession. _ ises or to W. D. Weir. } 3, in-the |, concession of Mornington, con- taining 50 acres. On the premises is erected a good comfortable brick house with kitchen and_ woodshed. | Mrilled well, windmill, bank barn, pig and driving shed. Also the north ly forty acres of lot 3, in the 1d the south easterly | the 8th conces- ther in block or in, _ ONTARIO -/It will be erected on the site of the farm; all der cultivation; comfortable dwel- ; good ocality; reasons for selling, widow | Apply on new skating and hockey rink for Lis- towel. Over $5,000 was subscribed at the meeting by citizens and an- other $5,000 is promised this week which means that Listowe] will have for this coming winter the*most mod- ern rink that canbe built having fia floor space of probably 170x70 and: seating accomodation for 1,500. old rink in the rink park. The members of Diamond Royal Black Preceptory, No. 761 attended Divine Service in Christ Church on Sunday morning last. Sir Knight Rev. W. H. Dunbar and deputy-grand chaplain of Ontario west preached at the service. e = Forest team in the latter town in the Wellington County League on Fri- day evening last. aa? Listowel junior W.F.A. champions played an exhibition football match at Wingham on Saturday evening, Aug. 9th against a picked team of Great War Veterans from Wingham, Brussels and Wroxeter. Score 2-2 Kelly and Orr played a strong game. _ According 'to sigtieics made pub- ilie by the German Society for the 'study of Social Consequences of the Mrs. George S. Tatham, of New) Listowel baseball team beat the | ,000,000 | 6,000,- | Mr. Anthony Brener and Mr. Rosenblatt, of St. Clements, Sunday here. by Mrs. Windsor accompanied DeCon and son ,Walter. NEWTON Annie and Jessie Jack. Mitchell made a Hamilton last week. Miss Hazel Riddell spent a wee with Miss Hthel Wagner. Miss Louisa Zoeger is spending few days with reratives in Mitchell. Mr. Fred Thorpe spent a day i London last week. Mr. George Tanner, of London, is visiting in our burg. Mrs. Wm. Sharpe spent a day with 'Mrs. R. Schrenk, Milverton. ton, is visiting in Newton. in this vicinity. mer's home here. Miss Robb, of Listowel, spent th Mr. Arthur Hawke returned hom tives in Galt. Miss Carman Mitchell, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell. Mrs. Robt. Hymers. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. L. Lockie, Mr. Mr. Gordon Barton spent Sunday Jack Donley and Mr. Lorne Barr, of i Kitchener, spent Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Johnson Barr. _ Miss Della McDonald and Mis verton. Mr. : Monday evening in Brodhagen, TRALEE ing with Mr. and Mrs. H. Wright. around here. at Linwood. Hollen, are at present visiting and Mrs: George Carey. _ Mrs. Wm. Burnett, o Mr. and Mrs. S. Burnett. weeks with her mother, Mrs. Jame O'Grady. week with relatives at St. Thomas. relatives around here. : of Mr, Ed Connolly. : IN MEMORIAM John Kelly Hammond,, ealed, But they little know the sorrow Far beyond this world of sorrow, | Far beyond this world of care, We shall meet our loving father In our Father's mansion, fair. spent Mr. Chas. Stemmler returned from Stemmler and family and Mrs. J. Miss Bessie Everts, of Stratford, is spending her yacation with Misses Messrs. Ed Campbell and William business trip to Miss Anna Krajaefski, of Milver- Mrs. Harry Warburton and babe, of London, are visiting. with friends Miss Pearl Hymers and friend, of Stratford, are holidaying at the for- week-end with Miss Nellie Davidson. after visiting two weeks with rela- of Toronto, Wm. Miss Jennie Hymers is visiting at Mable. Whaley spent Sunday in Mil- and Mrs. F. Elligson spent Mrs. D. Wright and children, of Glenallan, spent a day last week visit- Mrs. Jas. O'Grady and family and Miss Lessie Quinn, of Toronto, spent a few days last week with friends Mrs. M. Hanley visited for a few days recently with Mrs. Jas. Kennedy Mrs. Mason Carey and Pieoeen of ne f Milverton, spent a couple of days last week with Mrs. Jos. Mulpueen has returned to Detroit after. spending a couple of Mr. and Mrs. John Linseman and children spent a couple of days last Mr, and Mrs. P. Healey and fam- ily, of Monkton; visited last week with Master George Gray, of Toronto, is spending a few weeks at the home HAMMOND--In loving memory of; beloved husband of Ann Reynolds, who de- parted this life August 16th, 1918. More and more eachday we miss him Friends may think the wound is _ Lies beneath our hearts concealed, - rett last. '--Wife and family. ton of weeks at Glenallan, Goshen and Drayton. Mr, and Mrs. George Ruler spent Saturday at Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Milner and Mr, and Mrs.°D .Beggs spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Howard Walker, at Lebanon. = Mr. Earle Carnochan spent a féw days last week at Carthage. Miss Jean Carnochan is at pres- ent ill with an attack of tonsilitis. Mr. David Fletcher left for Chic- ago on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Calder and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hayes attendéd the Old Boys' Re-union at Arthur last week, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Seip, Messrs. A Saunders and W. H. Eydt and Miss Jean Carnochan spent Thursday at Stratford. Miss Mabel Gohl] is at present spending her holidays at Elmira and Kitchener. Rev. H, Watts is at present visit- ing his mother at her summer home near North Bay. Mrs, Watts is with her parents at Strathroy. Born--Petch, at Linwood, on Wed- nesday, July 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Peteh, a daughter. Dr, D. McEachren, Mrs. McEach- ren and daughter, Helen, spent a few days last week at Harriston ,Mount Forest and Holstein. Mr. Art Saunders. spent the week- end at Waterloo and. Stratford. Mr. Harvey Beggs, of Linwood, spent Saturday in Milverton. On Friday evening the Ladies of the Linwood Chapel gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bisch and presented them with an address and prayer book prior to their departure for Guelph, where they will reside in future with their daughter, Mrs. Wagathan. Mr. and Mrs. Bisch have ,resided in Linwood for years and it is with regret we see them leave us. The remainder of the evening was pleasantly spent and lunch served, Rev. Father. McGeoy, of Hamilton, is at present visiting his father, Mr. John McGeoy. : Mr. and Mrs. Ed Arnold, of Ehnira called at Mrs. John Hayes' on Sun- day. Mrs. Wm. O'Neil, of Elmira, is at present visiting her aunt, Mrs. John McGeoy. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bauer, of Waterloo, are at present visiting at Mr, Joseph Hayes' and other friends here. . Mrs. Robert Thompson and family of Toronto, returned home on Mon- day after spending a month at Mrs. Mary Kennedy's. k a n e e Ss & PEFFERS Miss K .Cook, of Stratford, visit- ed over Sunday at the home of her pr Mr. Phil. Cook. | Miss L. Ludlow, of Alliston, has returned to her home after visiting 'here for a few weeks. | . Mrs, P. McDonald, of Detroit, is feo oa her brother, Mr. Robert Bar- | rett. Mr. J. J. Carson and Mr. M. Dob- son spent Tuesday in Stratford. Rev. H. L. Nicholson and Miss M. Ss in eur burg one day last week. 3 ' Miss Odessa Holmes, of Stratford, and Mrs. J. Holmes. ' Miss Annie Freeborn and Mrs. P. Cook spent a day in Listowel last 'week, ; Miss Muriel Hurst and cousin, Miss | Evelyn Reid are at present holiday- ing in Listowel. : Among the week-end visitors at Mr. Phil. Gook's were: Mr. and Mrs. Jutzie, of Tavistock; Mr. and Mrs. -Pines and Mr. and Mrs. R. Becker, of Hamburg. - é ' : Mr. and Mrs. Gus Gunn and family and Mr. Alex. Hartung, of Gadshill, spent Sunday at Mr. D. Mc- Gregor's. ~ ee eel j Miss Ada Long, of Uniwnville, vis- ited at the home of Mr. C, E. Bar- week, eae : Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Jack, of New- visited at Mrs. Freeborn's on Quite a number from here attended the special service in the Listowel An- glican church Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. D. Reid, of Fernbank, were visitors at Mr. J. Barton's on Monday. Miss Edith Dunbar, of Toronto, spent a few days with her cousin, Miss Lizzie Stever. Chapman, of Milverton, were visitors} . is visiting with her grandparents, Mr. | Dr. D. McKenzie and family visit- jed at Mr. Tom Peffers last week. | Messrs. Bob and Charles Stever 'and friends motored to Seaforth on |Sunday where they spent the day | with relatives. | The harvest is well advanced in {this community, most of the cutting being completed. | | | PAY FOR RURAL MAIL CARRIERS | An appeal has been made to the government on behalf of the rural mail carriers for increased remunera- 'tion for their services. They ask for ia straight payment of $60 per mile 'per year on the routes. That is a- 'bout 19 cents a mile for the trip, or 'on a trip of 20 miles $3.80 per trip. That seems reasonable enough at the present rate of wages, horse-keep, and keeping up of rigs. But have 'the carriers not this matter largely in their own hands. For the per- |formance of public services is there a better way than by tender? To set the salary and to appoint opens the door for favoritism, patronage and graft. i 'in the province of Ontario owns a Hacking's Heart & Nerve Remedy Here is your opportunity to insur against embarrassing errors in spelling, pronunciation and poor choice of words. Know the meaning of puzzling -- 5 war terms. Increase your efficiency, }§ which results in power and success. WEBSTERS if NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY is an all-know- ing teacher, a universal question answerer, made to meet your | needs. It is in daily use by hundreds of thousands of suc- cessful men and women the world over. 400,000 Words. 2700 Pages. 6000 II- lustrations. 12,000 Biographical En-_ tries. 30,000 Geographical Subjects. GRAND PRIZE, (Highest Award) Panama-Pacific Exposition. é REGULAR and INDIA-PAPER Editions. WRITE for Specimen Pages. FREE Pocket Maps if you name this paper. G. & C. MERRIAM CO., Springfield, Mass., U.S. A. N GOOD HEALTH KNOWS NO: ACHES OR PAINS, every organ in the body must be strong, healthy and full of life if you wish to enjoy per- fect health--and every organ in the body depends upon a healthy condi- tion of the nerves. Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy is recommended and guaranteed for Anaemia, Neuras- thenia, High Blood Preessure, Ner- vous Dyspepsia, Blood Disorders, Neuritis, Paralysis, Stomach and Bowel Spasms, Convulsions, Neur- algia, Epilepsy, Hysterical Affections Nervous Disorders, Chronic Heart Disease, Nervous Headache, _ Sleep- lessness, and all Diseases of the Heart, Nerves, Brain and Body. You should not be discouraged because ether medicines have failed to help you, many people are being helped daily by the use of Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy, and it will cure you too. Price 50c a box, 6 boxes for $2.50. For sale by S. Petrie; Milver- ton; Weber & Bettger, Monkton, and E. C. Coghlin, Atwood. : caaane Peete =asaunem One person in every twenty-five motor car. Al ways Baking In Sigh a a HE clear glass door isonly oneof the modern features of this dependable range. Its baking qualities you knowy The cooking top will take the boiler either across or lengthwise, making it easy to cook the regular dinner on wash-day. Grates work smoothly. Hot water reservoir is enamel, and may be removed for cleaning. A dependable ther- mometer takes all guess-work out of baking. No other -- Tange will quite satisfy you once you see the Pandora. Farm Laborers Wanted | "Going Trip West'--$12 to WINNIPEG. Cent per mile Winnipeg te destination. For HARVESTING | Tn Western Canada -- GOING DATES August 12, : and August 19. From stations in Ontario, Smith's Fall: i i i i eT tee Pee os alls to and including Toronto on Lake Ontario Shore Line From stations Kingston to Renfrew Junction, inclusive. From stations on Toronto-Sudbury direct line. From stations Bethany Junction to Port McNicoll and Burketon to Bobcaygeon, inclusive TERRITORY August 14, and August 21. From stations South and West From stations on Owen Sound, Port Burwell and St. Thomas branches. From stations Toronto and North to Bolton, inclusive. of Toronto to and including Hamilton and Wind u sor, Ont. Walkerton, Teeswater, Wingham, Elora, Listowel, Goderich, St. Mary's SPECIAL THROUGH TRAINS FROM T ®ull particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents. . Speak W. B. HOWARD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto