eae & gly es .. At a Reduction Pe tt poe So te oe First quality largest Flannelette Blankets, pair $3.99 Cotton Cashmere, all colors per yard Children's Stockings, 3 pair for 10 cent Hair Nets, 2 for Vleet Git COA ies i 5 eee Ladies' Navy Wool Serge Suits, ecu $20 for. Grey Scotch Fingering Yarn, per lb. 39c . $9.99 Salmon, 3 cans for ; Pork and Beans, 2 largecansfor...... Tomatoes, 2 cans for Rice, 3 Ibs. for .... Tapioca, 2 lbs. Baking Powder, | 1-2 lb. jar for .... GROCERY SPECIALS for ENGELAND & SON have dissolved partnership, Mr. John Engeland severing his con- ~ it nection with the business to take effect in January. by the 1st of January it is necessary to reduce our steck and demand payment of all out- afanding accounts, hence the reductions coming at a time when you need the goods. A 20% Reduction on all Your Purchases in Dry Goods, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Ladies' Ready- «tos wear, China, Crockery, in fact everything except Groceries "ff and the merchandise listed below at In order to make a cash settlement Jelly. Powder, 2. for Flasoring "Extracte. 2. tots oss Se a es 25c Spick and Span, 3 for Blk. Tea, Currants, Wash Boards, each. . Swift's Laundry Soap, 3 for .. see ee 7 (e323 fe 6 6 Oe ea See special reductions. + 25 eo 8 e & ee © 8 ee eh Jee Sux Sik MA MOA Wee oe ee oe ey? .25¢ .49c .19¢ ..29¢ .25¢. Pres ey Tae ct fem Wee eee at ak Wee ye ban OR ee Se et ie ae per: potind 35.382, per pound . 1] Floor Oil Cloths and Table Oil Cloths at regular prices only. $70,000.00 Stock to Select From Save 20c on every dollar These prices to take effect Thursday 44 v7, * These Prices are for Cash or Produce ENGELAND & SON, M ILVERTO POPOL OPD PRPPLIP PIPL OL DD LP LL GL LOL ILO IL ID? licit your support. Avail yourself of the substantial savings. lam going to continue the business the same as formerly after January Ist and I need the support of all purchasers so that I may be able to make a settlement. The same service, with merchandise popularly priced and the high prices paid for produce and the aim to make this even a larger business than heretofore, we so- HARRY ENGELAND statutes of Ontario the sing of the father are literally visited upon the voor child, It labors under the handi- eap of illegitimacy, all it's life andy earries the stigma to it's grave. A movement is on foot to improve of the worst years they have ever had, They have so much fruit they can hardly give it away, and with freight rates and prices of containers at a high level there is little or no profit in shipping it, " eee govering of paint; if it isn't, painted painted building. tike new, \ el ee IT PAYS TO PAINT = We sell the Sherwin-Williams pean Be sure that your woodwork is protected with a suitable it will depreciate more in one year than it will cost to paint it twice and in the end it will have to be Compare the appearance of the painted and the un- It is most important to every property owner that he keeps furniture, floors, doors, and all woodwork looking BUY YOUR PAINTS AND VARNISHES AT THE-- ' SCHRENK & ORR, Hardware POOPPPIOODOODS ae pei of Cork, passed away on Monday at|' Brixton prison, England, in the 73rd day of his hunger strike, after being unconscious for several days, Me- Sweney w his B.A, versity Moral Science. degree from the Royal Uni- of Ireland in Mental amd nical Instructor the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instructor (Ireland.) "Later | he became violently anti-British, At the general election of 1918 he was) returned as Sinn Fein candidate for, Mid-Cork, and like all the other Sinn Fein candidates was pledged not to! take his seat in the English Parliment | and to work for the separation of | Ireland from England, He has served | many terms for sedition since 1916 and for some time latterly had evaded | arrest, but on August 12th he was. after which he went on, the| hunger strike which resulted in eet taken death, ca games IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Mary Ann Broughton, who died on October, 30th, 1918, What would I give her hand to clasp} Her dear face to see, To hear her voice, to see her smile, That meant so much to me, That memory is just as dear to-day, As in the hour she passed away, When days are dark and friends are ew, Dear Mary how I long for you, --Father, Mother and Brothers. vas born in1880 and received | could not even stay in~the house alo in the day-time an tried every kind o! meédicine I heard of but got no result. He started his eareer | in a country house and became Tech- | in Commerce under | One of my friends advised me to take 'Favorite Prescrip- "e tion,' said that it would cure me, and it did. After taking four bottles I felt like @ new woman and it is also the very best medicine for a | woman bringing up a family. I will recom- mend 'Favorite Prescription' to any one ering like I did.'--MRS, JOSEPH BEAUDRY, R. R. 2. WEAK AND NERVOUS | Tillsonburg, Ont.--"I found Dr. Pierce's) Favorite Prescription an excellent medicine for the ailments of women. I had become very weak and nervous. I was just miser- able when I began taking the 'Favorite cription' and it proved most beneficial. | It so completely restored me to health that | T have never had 'any return of this ailment. es do advise the use of 'Favorite Prescription' | by women who suffer with womanly troub- | le"---MRS. GEO. WALKER, P. O. Box - 490. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is | made of lady's slipper root, black 'cohosh root, unicorn root, blue cohosh root and | Oregon grape root. Dr. Pierce knew, when he first; made this standard medicine, | that whiskey and morphine were injurious, and so he has always kept them out of his remedics. Women who take this standard , remedy know that in Dr. Pierce's Favorite | Prescription they are getting a safe woman's ' tonie so good that druggists everywhere sell it. in liauid or tablet fort LETS SOP ASA EA Se AS RIES -- | a eae ny -- MEePERERaS ees ket = = space ae SE ee a me - -- comumencns oO iiLeGrTiMAres| both. t the child's legal status and so Mrs, Frederick Zimmermann and Mr, Wm, Stevens, Sic neleeer of the AT THE ASSIZES The Scuting season for moose : LAW CRUEL T cial welfare. Here are some of the|family desire to thank friends and|C.P.R. stables, takes much pride in oo and deer commences on November COMMERCIAL recommendations: The state must as-| neighbors for kindness and sympathy his drivers. He has one pony whose The Fall sittings of the Assize 5th, but indications are said to be Bg A great effort to alleviate the lot} .me full responsibility for establish-| extended them in their late bereave- only weakness is the love of tobaceo.| Court of Perth were concluded at that the sport will not be up to the|Fall Wheat .......... $1.90 $1.90 af illegitimate children, those unfor-| jing paternity, supervise all adoptions] ment of husband and father. They |If a stranger shows any affection for | Stratford on Thursday last, Mr, Just-|®verage this year on account of the|Barley .............. 95. 395 tunate little ones responsibility for marriage of the parents should auto-| desire to especially acknowledge the|her by patting or 'pe tting and he at-|ice Lennox presided, The docket |@xceptionally fine weather which has Oats Sra t es eet ene 55 55 whose fate rests with erring fathers matically legalize the child. The|kindness of the Ladies' Aid of the} tempts to leave the stall without| was not a heavy one. Among the prevailed this season, One Indian Flour, 5 Jewel ........ 6.75 6.75 and mothers, is being made by the} child shoult be entitled to the name} Lutheran Church and of Mr, and Mrs.| treating her to a chew, she at once| cases disposed of were an action guide, an old timer, near Cobalt, fam.|Flour,-Banner ........ 6.75 6.75 3 National Council of Women In| of the father and the parents should| Charles Ritter, resents the oversight, and he finds it | brought by Alfred E, F, Jones against iliar with the bush and its ways, says|Flour, Jewel ......... 6.25 6,25 this connection a deputation recently be required to support it exactly as sents | ersight, James Freeman, all of Stratford, con- there will be no snow before Christ-|Shorts ...........00. 2.452.456 ° ga fy (eer ur nen an d if it were legitimate. The child : A Western paper asks: a whgs ies utterly impossible to rennet sca heels cerning certain property agreements |S, which will militate against suc- ane pas 5 + a 2.45 2.45 7 rue ntario laws passed years! .jould have the same right 'of in-| become of the old-fashioned churchj unless he produces the tobacco, or|and rent His 'Lofiship deserved {cess in. the chase, "Vy Der toni Aves 20.00 20:00 age tg a Tong public or heritance weet if the father is mar-| supper, oe some nase got ae some one ea to the rescue.--St. ae coraehG is Loge Gomerver : poet liver ciket Sonraee ayes 19.25 meee illegitimacy as inevitable ried and has a family. If several} with a dollar's worth of foo OY ae | % : e178 cs eS Butcher Cattle ....... 8.00 10.00 die law sought to protect the father| en are implicated the financial re-| twenty-five cents and at the same Marys Journal. ian Sen ee fer X iage os R Bheen inna sees ews: 6.00 9,00 ' and gave scant consideration to/.,onsibility should be borne by all|time felt serene in the belief that) === =| sienation of his <-wife's atactinnn CARD OF THANKS Laribas vous es.) : 10.00 12.00 aod sh = cng gy hg ook ay The expenses of child birth should| they were a great help to the Lord?" brought against Mrs Emma Leake The brothers and _ sist f th Pe fee Per PAS iw ge FARR St: 4 virtu make parians 2 4 2 a: - : ee . ers and sister Se REP eee a ip anitdvess born out Of wadieak: Under |e: Porm by the father. Seeeeae Ma eatoniion ct cake W omen of Canada ait the execdtony of ber husband'ses- |late Douglas GC. Reid denteg to theme PRO We al oye bas iste the harsh law of to-day, no _illegiti- parative values. Now they eat two 4 ate, was dismissed Without costs, {the many kind friends and neighbors | Young Chickens, alive . <0 320 mate child hag any legal claim on dollar's worth for fifty cents. And Testify | The foregoing action was tried with | for their extreme sympathy during|Hens, alive .......... (187 e : the estate of a parent. And a child : s) |feel, of course, that they're helping the one brought by Mrs, Wm. Stinson | their recent sad bereavement. They Ducks, dressed ....... Oe Be ve dorn out of wedlock cannot be legiti-| In spite of (or partly because of) just twice as much." Dacre; Ont.:--"I am more than pleased [2gainst her husband for alimony, also wish to thank the young people | Geese, dressed ........ 20 ete matized by the subsequent marriage| the immense crop of fruit this year, | * with Dr. Pierco's Favorite Prescription. I |Which was also dismissed without] of Millbank for their beautiful floral eis St aed see ane Bb 55 ef it's father and mother. By the Niagara growers say it has been one Lord Mayor Terence McSweney, was run-d . ant costs, tribute, FIGROT Netix cack ee ea .60 60. 4 so nervous a The action of Martha Jane Simpson vs- Thomas Simpson, all of Morning- ton, for alimony, was_ settled by mutual agreement out of court, HONEST CHINESE Honesty is a prevailing virtue am- ong most Chinamen. Some of them in their native towns and cities leave their places of biiSiness unguarded while they go off for half an hour or more. Should customers arrive in {the meantime they find the prices of |} goods plainly marked, select what they want and leave the money for them, While we in Canada have been re- shine for many weeks, we ought to give a sympathetic thought to our friends over in England where they have had one of the worst seasons on record, both in the amount of rainfall 'and in the absence of sunlight. On August 80th the official temperature jat Kew was fifty-three degrees; while on the same day and hour it was , Seventy-two degrees in Northern Ice. | land, CARD OF THANKS Mrs, Charles Spencer and family | desire to thank friends and neighbors for kindness and sympathy extended them in their late bereavement, They also desire to thank those who sent flowers and those who kindly placed their automobiles at their disposal on the day of the funeral, : ------_= joicing in almost uninterrupted sun- | Having purchased goods before the recent increase in prices we are still in a position to quote below present wholesale priceson most of our stock, \ See Our Stock of FURNITURE RUGS, LINOLEUMS, OIL CLOTHS and CONGOLEUM SQUARES, ™~ Come in and see our disply. We consider it a pleasure to show you our goods, \ McMane & Walker Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors, MILVERTON and WALKERTON R, McMane, Milverton. Phone 28, Residence 78w. ek, Walker, Manager Walkerton Store.