Kips Bia Fons rhe ~ geared in the first, a SSS tied at three all. ES gl goals. Collins scored oncé and W.| Ronald twice, while Bell .and McIn- tyre for the Rovers. The Rovers :etarted ines Rev. M. L. Wing, Pastor Sunday, February 20th 10. a.m.—Public~ worebip. ble’ School. Galvary Evangelical’: and had’ the beat Mr ‘the play,’ the goon settled .down and after Frits bad netted his first two goals, The Rovers didn’t have a tz in goal for the L Brien in the other e Wallace baihe baie magyar their renshiuilite games thus the Red Indians’a win by gefanit on : Tuesday. and The Staarne Won oa Points Cc. 4 0 8 R. Indian, 3 1 6 overs 2 2 4 Malcolm's 2 2 4 B.H.-P.K. 1 3 2 mf Ww. be 0 4 0 aptis os Listowel Gets One Goal Lead Rey. Harry W. Jackson, Pastor Sunday, February 20th 10. — a.m.—Bible School and Public q , m—Evening | service. ners | 8 Dp Wed. ‘7.30 a Prayer “service. t Paisley In a fast, clean contest the Listo- wel Seniors gained a one goal marg- in over Paisley, in Paisley. in the —_ game of the second ronnd of he Senior Northern Hockey League pingitis . The score was me $ and indicates the play on the g The Blue,and White jena ie every a the score being 4-1, 6-3 and = United Church Listowel * They held the edge over the ne team for two periods and in that time vited up a "oe sufficient to withstand the withering attack of the homestere in the final 6tanza. with a rush | + * tod ur and Mrs. se ea Se oe tte oi LP. ’ : Red° snatane “= Rove Sunday Feb. 20th, 1927 MORNING Prepare for Easter. Series on he Model Prayer Subject: “OUR FATHER" *| Anthem ‘No, Not Despairingly” Bolo “My Redemer™ Gou nod Miss L. Scott EVENING A serjes on e after here. “18 THERE A FUT- Prepare for Eternity. t L Anthem “Sun of My Soul” ‘Turner Quartette “Messrs. Karges, man, Loree, Hudson. The Church With The Open Door P. F. Hoadley, E, F. Armstrong Organist. Minister. ae TET rene Dr. H. D. Livingstone is. putting a prize for the curlers. in goods vaicnd at $10. Ten teams are com- peting, and the competition started -—~ Tuesday avegite and closes on Sat- urday. (*e oe s TOWN LEAGUE HOCKEY The three big games of the week in Town League were played Thurs- day night, the Piano Factory. Red Indians and the Rovers Reged from Malcolms, B.H.-P.K d Wal- - lace Lambs respectively . All three matches were well handled by Referee J. Peppler and no fistic encounters broke out. Me- Tavish, playing goal for Wallace Limbs, received a cut in the face which forced him to retire from the game, while Finkbeiner has a badly bruised hand. Neither of these in- juries were intentionally, however, and oxeneune enjoyed the evening's hocke The I. P. C. e defeated Malcolms 2-0 in the first game. R. Fritz an Collins scoring for the Greensbirts. ‘this was a enappy battle, with Bak- er and G. Fritz patties: off some fine saves between the posts The Red Indians and ‘the B. H.;P <, hoys locked horns in the second round, the Indians winning hande down by 5-0. Dierlam and Ronalde Finkbeiner and - @ibson in the second period, while +! Melntvre swiped the only goal of the last chukker, from wel Sad The final tilt’ was the moet close- /**. ly contested of the evening and it -took four minutes of overtinte play ‘to declare a winner. The Rovers and Wallace Lambs were tne opposing “forces, the former finally winning Intyre’s team scored first -+when Ingis-went-through alone. Me- Tavish was injured and replaced by Before the perlod Mac- lennen ecored for the farmers. Bel! - one across pads. Before the final ' teams counted one and the sco After about four ‘minutes play Bell scored alone to «twin the game for ee Rovers. e ® Won Loat Points , Malcolm 8 Wallace Lambe © &Ohwwnme homer Oo Pwr h am ay Ys aga ‘alin ‘Lelia Hockey ee two games were played ip ‘the Town League schedule on Tues- ‘day. They resulted in a win for the es. yd aaa Malcolm's. = In th sgtesyeerae Malcolm's igoabied “a acetal m BH.-P. ¢ Winslor evened thes count on a pass from Ronalds ‘another neat combination effort and Ronalds put B.H.-P.K OnE end on a, 4-2 score. a first and peng eae in the lead. Just before the eec- : ~ period ended, Jarvis - went th alone to Lead Best sf) le ae one up. eo 7 Hall- |) merging after a: mane fbattle, on the Creighton, Peppler and _ Kelly Business Comes: a the week- scored in the first period. ‘Miley’ | end at tris home ; getting two. Grant drew firet blood Mr. John Petrie "of oS is when he scored on aeiasion in the| holidaying at the home of his par- firet few ger of p second p pie the goals evenly divided, Feinttoe and Kemp | scoring for Listowel while Paleley | notched the same number The only Listowel basi of the third came from Kelly's bludgeon. while the fierce rally of the home jerew netted them three making the final score 7-6. Johnston in goal, saved the Blue and White from a defeat, espectalty | in the last period when the Paisley | spent the week-énd with ae Leslie Hymers. ed her cousin, last week tallies, Cee unloaded a car of coal in Miss Belle Keith from Mount eirtdhae gener: she spent bea Ses ing with fr Mre.. Jaues es Chapman vis- Albert. Hanmimond, day oe 1 Cummin Tralee, spent the b Satay at the home of . Gra eeere Joni ‘and George. Chap- attended we 0. U.F.O. Danes in Listowel Fri -Mise Pearl niga? ne of twood, bas . Bay days on &th con. this ee. Albert Hammond's gale of stock and implements was well at- tended. Mr. John Huisser * and moved to their new home Thursday last. th’ con. iss family, ’ here aitathatelattatadeidaieedeiala ated’ : DONEGAL : prrererrenrore Sasa Miss Isabelle Marsha'l, of Neu- stadf, is visiting at at home of Mr. and Mrs. 8S. E. Bart Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Petrie = omy spent Sunday with Mr. nd Wm. Williams, at Britton Mr. Jack Cowan. of ” Stratford Anes Petrie. of Listowel. her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Edna Murray tnts. Mrs. Ford of Saskatchewan, visit- Mre. Robt. Buchanan ur cheesemaker, Mr. Gordon ood this week, which was hauled: to the factory by the patrons, as- sisted by some of his neighbors cn the eighth concession, wes Th prices will mean they will b : dollar do the — of two a , Mothers! We are discontinuing to Boys’ Suits. Bloomer pants, sizes 27 $5.00 Only 10 in stock. Reg. to $12.50, your choice handle to 35. one anteed coljrs, all sizes. $1.59, Afor $3.00. better, guar- We eae Arrivals _ Suits- Te ts. Caps Neckwear Collars Shirts will put away any spring suit with a small: deposit. See our new Spring Made to Measure suit samples $26.50 up 7-day service Men! 13 A wonderful buy--sizes 3 piece suits sold regul early Saturday. $1 e ly ou n’s Suits 5, 36, 37 and 38 only. to $27.50. Get here r choice, each 0 Work Shirt Special Big, roomy, double stitched dark blue, in- digo, Friday and Sat- urday $1.39 team held the edge of play. e community was gVieved to L. Rorialds made his debut inj hear on Thursday of the sudden Senior Company and made good. death In Bracepath. Sask., of Will- prdving a very capble —— = Anderson. a former Donegal and well able to stand the pac bo His brother, A. E. Anderson The teams: jot Atwood, left that afternoon for Listowel— goal, Johnston; de- | the West to attend the funeral. fence, Rocher, Kelly; centre. Creigh- The regular monthly meetings of ton; wings, M. Peppler and Kemp; le Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S. were subs, Woods. Ronald. eld on Thursday at the home of Paisley—Goal, J. McArthur; de- ure. Jas. Scott, with a large tence McArthur and M : cen- Mrs. Jas. .Cockwell, H. Grant; wings, G. Gra d and vice- pres. presided over the Ladies’ Marchal: subs. Cothell and Wilson ae and the President of the W. M. Referee—Sandy Little of Guelph The return game in the Lintowel | arena on Friday night will be some | % SIXTH LINE WALLACE + Miss Nelda Mansz spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. feldt, visited Tussday lust with Rev. a Lage L. H. Pletch. and Mrs. John Quanz visited Class will write their exams at the parsonage on Friday ereining. Br Sa ae alee ae ae as ac SO Se ee ee op 4, FOURTH LINE WALLACE + ye + Sa ea at ae ae Se a oe ae a a Sat See Re The weather of the past few weeker makes it look as if spring was ahea of time as the crows and_ robine made their appearance hope this fine weather will continue as it makes !t easier on the coal bin r snd and some indulged ‘un daybreak before going m. an — Koch visited friends up the line on Sunday Mr. Wilfred Fisher, we silty stand, has sold his nice 50 acre farm Earl Vines of the 3rd line. and will take possession April Ist. r. and Mrs. Fisher from here Drawing saw co to the miil at Kurtzville eeems to be the order of the day Mr. Herb Haliman is back again in our neighborhood after spending a few week's holidays. ae Se a a a a i a es ee + e ‘/* MOLESWORTH , + Pe ae a as a ae a e Missionary Soctety a their spuler monthly meeting the hurch on ursday last e Women's Tnetitate held their ‘last at mdance. Mr. James Stewart from ‘the West % vielting friends here this winter Sepeeeh teehee g TOWN LINE EAST Sete hie Josfortordecfesfostacterf® Mr, Mrs. Wim. Hewitt spen Teimaeday” in Millbank with friend. Migs Pesrl Cummings, of Tee - vistting her friend, Miss Georginr opas ties Joan Haddow Listowe rent Wednesday wit her i “tes Moartory - Two sleigh Ioads. from the 2nd tly. iowa ah ¥: a i, 2 = -s™ bebeeeepedorderbeebeieibedeeiedaledook Sibdb | org presided over that meeting. Mrs Wm. the program party. Wilson's group had charge “a Mrs. battle and no true follower of the! mers read the scripture Jesson, ‘aie fastest game in the world will fal} | Plein Johnston gave a reading, Mrs to see it. Let’s pack the nouse, boye! |! E.- Vipond took the study on India, Mrs. 8. E. Barton 6ang 38 5 solo and Rev. C. C. Kaine gave a iain PEE EERE EE EET IEF | talk on conditions in China. The next meeting will be held = the home of Mrs Hymer will be the annual election of offic- Ss PEELE EEE EL ehh bt hl a HESSON 4 +r foofoedeafecferfesTectesqestocfenteetesfesfaclesfectes]oolecfenfe dechebet duscay with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mt .and Mrs. Melvin Hanley spent Heinmiller. unday at the latter’s parents, Mr Quite a number of this line at-; an . Jno. Basler. tended the gale of Mr. Vile Ken- Little Willie Kocher, the eight nedy Monday and Tuesda year old son of Mr. and Mre. Antony Pupils of the Torna Training Kocher. had the misfortune to fall while returning ing. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery BE. C. Knoblauch and Mr. Parker, of Owassa, Mich., are sepnding some time with friends | here returned past few Miss Rosena Vollmer home after spending the months at Stratford. Mr Albert Stemmler was a week- end visitor at Waterloo We are sorry to report that Mrs. Fred Dietrich is at present indispos- A very enjoyable time was epent ed. We hope to see her out again at Mr. Henry Baipe’s on Friday ev- | 9°07: oning last. Leopetessledodeobobepepeeegedeebolobebobebebelobop } } 2nd. LINE ELMA Ae 2 Sebo derfesfocfecfordovfosesle ob feb eds bebe hob imber attended the U . coneart and dance in McDon- *'a hall Friday night. Large crowds attended Mr. Will! -onrer’s sale, Feb. 16 and 17. Mr. Jas, Watt bes installed Jenhone in his We are glad i report that Mr Jward Smith is a nicely, “er hie recent opera " Mra. J. Everitt is nian aftex a ‘laid up with the cold and + the Mes Annie and Mary Thompson Sunday afternoon Mr and Johnston spent ee ie with their daughter. _Mre 90. McCutcheon, 8rd con. Wallace N ohnston, from crelph Hrevital, penta few dayr ‘st week’ with Mrs. Jas Carnochar Miss Aubry and Mr. Mate Fisher sent an evening last week with ‘Mr 2.Mra. Jas. Carpochan Anite a number attended Mr. Ed “eher’a eale Wednesday of last ‘oek. Drawing_gravel is the order of the , Glen chica is slightly | ind‘e- ced at present Ste, an Mm, Jas. Carnochan and owel. Tern “spe Dutte a ¢ numbetrom our line at- ted Mre Kennedy's sale A days, Fe. Mv and 15. MY MR. WORKING ° MAN.-We sell only ependable makes of work goods. You'll find what yq want here. Work Pants Extra Secials | Work Shirts 1.--N.en’s heavy striped cotton- , . a ade, sizes 30 to 44, special Men's Velour Rts 65 ; 3 , Sp Men’s odd caps 65c Kitchen’s plain blue $1.65 ; 5 c Kitchen's Polkadot $1.65 Boys’ Fleece, 2]}ece 49c +| Kitchen’s Khaki $1.50 -2.--Men’s co-r woven, hard | Boys’ Fleece Cebinations 85c Kitchen’s grey stripe $1.65 wearing—-derk tweed pant, , Bradshaw’s:Khaki - 95 Boys’ blouses 6Sc : Ea barton, belt loops,special | , ; . , Bradshaw's blue chambray 95c 5 Boys’ wool mitt 39c | Bradshaw’s hvy.chambray $1. 25 $1.9 Men’s braces 19c ; Soft collars 2 for 25c 3.--Here’s a real one. Grey ; : striped moleskin, wear like a | Men’s Fleece sits 69c Overall Spe cial pig’s nose, special Odd work shirts 75c Mogul in blue-black stripe $3.95 Boy’s toques 48c $1.85 Phone 93 ——_$—<—— — ally Exclusive ynolds n’s Wear. . Listowel may soon be around ag Miss Jennet Hallman 1 ‘near rol ford, spent Friday with Mrs. Alex McCabe Mr and Mrs. Wm. Zurbrigg. Nor- man and Ralph, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Wolf. Mr. and Mrs: Wilford Fisher and Marjorie, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Charles McDowell, 8rd lige, Mrs. Irvin Master spent several re last week with Real daughter, Mrs. Norman Anken Mr. Alvin Bradford vot Prowbridge, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. John Schaefer. Mrs. John Dietz entertained a number of ladies to a quilting on Thursday afternoon urfe Vines, Mrs. Ralpb Rayson and daughters, Alma and Kathleen, and © Mr -and Alex an were guests at the home of Mrs. Ellie vowe on Sunday. Mr. an ~Geo. Ott Sunday at the +~—- of Mr. H. Maplepoint. Mrs. Elden Ankenmun and Glen. spent the past week with relatives in Hespeler Mr. and Mrs: Robert. Bray of near, Listowel,. epent Sunday 2 ae home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kaufm' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell, ” Pearl and Norman, spent Sunday at. the spent Bas eCabe y and Percy MeDermit -gpent Harve Sunday at beni Wm. Zu _Miss- Dietz sosak * Sunday with aber "Hater, Mt A. Bast. rs. x McCabe entertained. @ onsen oe Jadies to a quilting op Thursday afternoon. Miss Mabel Gibson of Harriston spent the = alg with Miss Aud- ey Schae Mr. Earl, ‘Vines has is rchased. the a wn Fish- ar, and M Pio Charlie Lambkin’s rare Bc the -concesaion of How's eee bdeeteteh ee een ‘tend to the bereaved ones deepest sympathy. A large number of logs have al- their * — % INLARGEMENT OF THE: CHATEAU. LAURIER HOTEL ready been brought into the saw mill yard here and are still coming in. Our worthy saw mil! ™ pers Chapman, will soon be getting | busy sawing them into lumber. Miss Jean Sanderson cv. 1-ronto was called home Saturday. on ac count of the death of her grand- mother Mrs. McMillan, whose fun- — service was held ar after- oon inf the United Chu our: , Roy Clyde, of Sask.,' Mr. and Mrs. and rappity, Listowel, Mr. and Mrs Cc. Dafly and family, and Mr Graham tiete: were Sunday visitors at the hom deers nd Mrs. Elva Vine Mr. Roy Clyde, who hae been vis- iting relatives here for the past twe months, returned ~ h’e hofne ip Pleasantdale, Sask., on Monday. Friends of Miss- Edna Smith will be glad to learn that she is improv- ing nicely, following her recent acci- dent when returning from Listowel. While driving home, the horse M | Smith was driving, became pe aghowoll ed at a Joad of straw ond ehe as | thrown from the — and aragred | f . She showed great! pluck ‘in holding onto the reins ana stopping the horse. and thus- "Pleasantdale. Alvin Kritzer ustration has been pre ance of the Chateau sepa tom The, structural addition to the hotel will —— ilable for guests. Was the ch dieaisitdheces tain at Cttawa when en dn ai other echeee vented a Vagemeferl “phe of her font teeth were seripua turned to the Sentict at Listowel and + he-adviser her to. go to Torogto and ;* lace -herself under the care of a dentist. Miss i= to the next day,’ ee ehe is-under}|* the care of a dentist | ‘ 1 a : FOLKS AND ME i “Tt is a funny thing, but t 1 That Sel you dont ike, don't like , injured. She re-! t+% PeEie Foome ded ¢ usefulies bf this ‘tet ana , Rati Railways hotel system, asia ied the C: Canadian aiiaie ti" rte sive @ DOES YOUR LABEL INDICATE? al time for the ma- our subscribers has We invite your at- this.ematter, if you + ; e + VANDRIOK'S SALE REGIS- + oo - mene TER - eee > + ‘ ¢ Taras Ge i Thursday, Fe! 1927—For Sam MeNight, or a 39, con. 3, Minto, posted: head pure-bred and Aberdeen Angus young cat- tle aaa cows, horses, 30 sheep, 10 LEEEEE EEE EEE EEEEEDES a ? OTL : : 4 5 Pa ec “TROWBRIDGE etesteeiioenid Ae tet L Eth | ; é # Steere tre we cea alae Dac ee ae fel hes Hay-j|- ; ; on W after- be, Missionary circle held thedr : on. Preaching he ae Sed ore: on Friday tas" Silla Tatars ese church: [na "cheste~ paizab er cn was iad j lene isd ig re Be a Mina Wa Bo a. of ce La Sis ie gers ano ate. Known sagbetr py . Laenlip myc paver, er Office. : brood so I don't baow why thif“should be 60. if Mg $4 vee ate) Sale at voue gelock, "i eee ld just = ony antes ive = woe. ° help the Publish. am friendly, folks are too; \4 er a. Wednesday, Sometimes I get up in the morn \e tay mitting without de- Cecil Wilson, lot Pe. 28 4, Bima, A-wishin TI was never born; | of lnpel reads “Jan farm stock, hay, and gra Sale make of crosa remarks, afew, 4 97° : at one o'clock. en my family wishes, too | 5 Sergulies that your sub- 7 oper AS ane monet seipa’ BisCe it ist, is Ag ao ne On Th rae March 10, 1927—For ns win ¥ is ie Wm Love ’ + But let me change my little ‘tune,’ guob,'%, Dectms , past Bima, full et iat iat etn eatte And éing emile; then pretty soon Re & . . high testers and deep milkere, and p TyS Sroues we Site ANG. suitlo: Stet cectnpecteteeteetecttetepeter| S11 dairy equipments! Sale at on I guess *twae catchin’ poe coches } SO a Spy See o'cl oe on acount ot “4 Yes, it is a funny: y tne, ‘but | of help... “folks 8 you ‘lik own Bi Tike! 1 j grat or oj, Cam plein. or “print. cg Eee utter,”* | Fae Aun lise eae”