= worth of ing 1926, During 1926the motorin, lic throughout the wor chased a salon @ —— ars’ Chrysler prod Three years ago the “Sopie was a new car, ranki in the industry according to 1924 production. Today, with a sales record of more age Rigo ogee cars dur- 250 ad hoe aces, Chrysler occupies fourth place in the in- dustry having passed 23 other cars in volume of world sales. This surpassing sales record— the most phenomenal that the industry has ever known—is See the Chrysler ee “60”, ol and Imperial ‘*80"’ — CHRYSLER MODEL NUMBERS MEAN CHRYSLER ‘SQ — 60 — 7O-IMPERIAL §0' ZURBRIGG & BENDER-Listowel 4 250 MILLIONS IN ONE Unparalleled Public Acceptance Shows a World’s Confidence in Chrysler Standardized Quality pub- ur evidence that eager tribute leadership. ng 27th world has an aggregate of and to $5265, presented. Automobile S men and women Not only America, but all the discovered in sler—“50”, “60”, “70” and Im- 1“80”—an unprecedented soundness of value. For the enique ¢ engineering manufactu Chrysler Gendandicad ‘Quali ity gives a superiority of perform- ance, dependability, long life, economy, safety, handling _ riding, which other cars in Chrysler price range of $1055 ve never before MILES, PER HOUR genni eee te paying to "Sarveles Chry- plan of POTATOES Choice Ontario Whites Reg. 3 Full 15-Ib. peck Cicsn, White Potstecs ec peck c k. 3 Breeside Brand Raisins Thompson Seediess 2 vs. 23¢ Seeded §=615¢ w. “ Th Butte: BUTTER From the vimant Creameries of Ontarle 43¢c Ib. Ise Mayticia Brand 43¢ Ib. TEA 55°. Stores Bulk Blend — bt strong blend—very economical _—— Biend Richmello Et OMe, 19a, Aesawi Pe POU Finest Fresh Milled Rolled Oats 10 iv. 39¢ SHIRRIFF’S New Glass Jar Orange Marmalade 49c PU ie Package of 25 In bulk 3 dozen Lleans 30-ft. Cotten e Clothes Lines 15 $0-ft. Manilla ec Clothes Lines 29 ay $.0.S, Fer pots and pane 156 Cc hoc coving du 9 Corn 2 tins ed tee MEW RICH © st LOAF bona Denie Bnd LO =. Za UU ed = P.6G. White Naptha = - [iste beet oor Sweetheart Chest very gr L s + 1. Jes shag" i 39" Soap 10: cakes cakes AQC : 18° | Demino Brand Suit, Peas Special Blend 43°, Select Blend. $3* ,, Coffee Ne. 1 equare * Delmeonte Asparagus Tips (Es dl seems The Food-Tonic Of Special Value To Mother and Child - SCOTT'S | EMULSION Ts Rich int Omitted A bachelor in sending his weekly bundle of washin to the laundry enclosed a note “Please darn socks and debit.” When the washing was returned the socks were found darned, but underneath the note was written. “Sorry. , We found no debit in your parcel.’ Scotch, of Course | ‘The customer was paying the merchant an account and saree’ him a wad of twenty treasury Carefully the: sneer’ nae = otes on the counter, and we the tip: a on “finger, he Sbented one | jemi noticed,” “remarked the: custo- merchan p03 stiff sentence, A French inventor has devised a camera that will take aa photo- graps a second. e trying strike any kind of a id before a contraption like that! BR scical Carolina Judge fine? 38 g man $100 for aviving while drunk and in ph ea sentenced hir to go to church ey Sunday for the next two years. . That's a pretty There fa a lot of good advice in the following from one of our. ex- changes; “Don’t spend all your time now gadding about to farm saler and thea were to leave your haying next ¢ er te saw wood for din- ner." aa ’ Savatiae played in this pes Ps some ‘they buiged the twine the gave DEFEATED LAST FRIDAY BY 9 TO 2, TAKING ROUND BY 970, 4— A MATCHENER REPORT Launching ® powerful offensive ae Listowel team could that the veteran not withstand, the Twin City inter- mediates Fri night sw Boos northerners out of the O.H.A. ning by a 9 id 2 victory nue the ph anther. thus taking | can pion the P. were mite to 4. was one of the most time, the quick seoring o e first period being the testere:, tn m trifle over -six minutes after the game had started Listowel had longinenel their lead to three goals the locals had cit it down first one and then two and then the visitors made it two again only to have the Pan-| game thers come back with another pair Twin City team got another counter and, for the first time in the series thep hopped out in front. They never lost that lead once it was ob- tained. The conclusion of the firet perigd found the Erb clan goal, the count being 5 to 2 on the game. while in the second they add- ed four more goals making it 9 to 2. The third period was scoreless. The pop, pop, popping in of goals in the first perlod gave the crowd several thrills. The first was uupleasant one when Kelly in 50 aeconds was allowed to tally a count- ey that he should never have had. That gave Listowel three goals on the round and it meant the locals must win by four to keep in t running. The task did not seem to he any too easy of accomplishment! nut the Panthers had thelr on night and they tore in to produce this best neriod of offensive hockey this year. 4 minute and fifteen seconds after Kelly had scored Schmidt and Shirk ‘went right in to tie up the game and 40 seconds later Shirk scored to put the locals one up on the game nnd one down on the round. The two counters came so fast the fans searcely had time to realize that the Panther fortunes had changed al most in the twinkling of an eye. Another Joy Kilier Again things appeared rosy ‘he part of the visitors homesters defence look exusy and to even the ‘eams up oO and restore Listowel's two goal lead on the -ound. This unexpected § reverse however, seemed to act as a spur to the homesters and they !aunched another powerful offensive less than two minutes a two man eombination play, Kuntz, Hamel te Kuntz put the locals one up on the tame and one down. on the — end jess than a minute later %chmidt-White combination put the Panthera two up on the game, and xven on the round. From. that point an there was little doubt as to the Utimate outcome of the round but t was not until four minutes later hat the round deadlock was brok- ‘n, a Hamel to Shirk combination luing the trick. The Panthers won decisively be- "quse they tore in from the first bell nd maintained an offensive that the ‘id timers of Listowel could not cope vith, They pumped shots at the “4gtowel goalie at the rate of one ind a half a minute in the first veriod and the Listowel defence, ‘one too steady from the start, ‘tumbled’ and fell, especially when he visiting forwards were unable to top the combination rushes of the “anthers. e homesters drove in nd swept everything before them “nd made the Listowel goalie, who ‘laved such a great game in hie ‘ome town, look rather ordinary at ‘mes for he persisted in coming out ‘f his cage. The Listowel defence vair also broke together on rushes ‘is being old style in hockey, and it ‘layed right into the bands of the] rey, ‘ast Twin no forward line which "ae not slow to tgke advantage of he opening a counter — seeting an improvised defe’ The winners had it on their rivals lefenasively and offensively ‘ide margin but particularly - “ansively. After the first 30 minutes f the game had ela nd they ‘ad a safe lead. —% Panthers did not nt loose as t had previously | ? “se the score would have been high- ‘tT. It was the best all round offen- “ve game yet of the Erb clan. The *rwards checked back. well tho too “requently a loose wing man was al- “.wed pretty free rein and he caue- “d Zuber no end of trouble. This 7as helped along by the fact that *he Twin City defence was too often ‘rawn after the same man. Bod its Effect However, igs And defence did ap- venr loose & it is a note. ‘vorthy fact iat ‘Listowel ata not ‘core a goal after the first three ninntes of play, tho much of the ‘redit- for thie must go-to Fertile *uber in the nets who again played 1 fine game banat an inner guard ‘vas e@ steaty, ‘clean, hard ody checking of i tn and Kuntz ‘vans no small factor in etopning the ‘istowel attackers. They did not At the pi end of the rink Kelly ‘uil Rocher tried it on the Panthers Sut the latter were mure agile und "Yd not. take peariy 60 men as the ‘tue and white. : Combination tien ug, dition mnve “he Panthers their whee They hid isons fn i ere wise enouzh their as: yeu victory early when the Ica was good, tho had if een. they conld probably “ae won the round ic poe n| dlood on the team. The club one or two more teams before their winter work is done in light A pleasing feature was that tho there were many hard body checks handed out there was not any real rough stuff. The teams fought hard but cleanly and as there was not ‘ng to choose between the two clinbs in weight, the bumping was purels a ease of which clubs could use thelr avoirdupois most effectively. M. Peppler and Fish Kemp were the best of the visitors tho the lut- ter was inclined to be a trifle un- orthodox at times. For the winners Allan Shirk wags best, in fact he was the best all round man on the ice. z e} with Carl Schmidt being a close eec ond Kitchener Comments on Last Friday's Game (Kitchener Reeord) The Listowel team had neat blue and white uniforms, even the parte being blue. >. 7 s Johnson, the Listowel goalie look- ed rather ordinary last night here In fact he showed his inexperience by being drawn out of the net too ily. . . * J. Peppler, one of the Listowel wing men, got in a huff last night over the first period play and took off his skates. He declined to play any further with the result that the visitors had but one 6u thereafter o oo * The Listowel management would be well advised if it got some young will never stand up to a hard checking young team. There comes a day for all veterans and Listowel should realize this. a Lal = The Listowel defence made a bad mistake last night, time and time again breaking together and thue leaving an improvised defence be- hind, It was easy for the Twin City forwards then for the veteran Listo- wel pair could not get back in time to get into the play. ° * . The Listowel team and a fair num- ber of supporters made the trip here by motor. When Kelly sifted thru for a goal in 50 seconds they appear- ed to be eitting pretty but when t Panthers opened up and their, persis- tent hard offensive was too rch ng Listowel. Sherk was the her big offengive wenpon. * * . There is talk around town toda), that the intermediates “Inid dow Listowei. That is ridiculous. The Listowel team played fine hockey up there and their goalie was a star bu! last night they could not etand the hot pace by the Panthers. The Iat- ‘er would have beatepy most inter- mediate teams the way they tore ip fast night. ce they.came from behind after euffering unexpectet erses. 4 e The largest crowd of the interme late season, probably numbering 1,600, turned out mate ~— night for the Listowel game they were electrified in the firet aT ten As the rapid scoring. Six als in six min- utes with the tides of fortune sway- ing firet one way and then another produced real thrills. After White got the first goal In the second ‘per- - Ler py it 6 to 2 on the game and 6 to n the round. the fate of the wines pat definitely scaled. Wire in Clinton Postoffice— 6 broke: out in the postoffice a little before ten o'clock on Tuesday evening, just under the sorting ta- ble, which was piled with letters etc., ready for mailing in the early morning. An alarm was rung in but the fire was got under control by Caretaker Walton, with the aid of s chemical extinguisher and without the aid of water, except some carried ‘n in buecketa..Miss Mahaffy. arrived to attend to the late mail fust as the ilarm was an So Scott, who had been town, vame in on the train and aaa right up. Although the ‘fire was blazin up around the table sufficentlv te blister the varnished ceiling, it is said that not a letter was we A number of Government form éte., on the lower shelf of the table were destroyed. Had the fire oc- curred an hour later much mai! would no doubt have been destroved The mail for the west had just beer Mespatched a short time before. It 's supposed that the origin was in defective wiring. WEDDING INVITATIONS Or ee ae ‘Tue Bicone a can assu a satisf ry job, on tatest styles” of wedding vealonder carry a ear- a stock ieee weddin : rake boxes. The Banner O : e Any land owner in Ontario is en- tied ive a of. 3,500 hame-strap, and Caleb eank down thankfully, for the sun was warm and he had ie pie briskly. “Out with it,” counseled the dea- con, “before you “pust!"” Caleb. had the grace to blush a little gg G8 “Honest, Hyne,” he said, “I ha n't reely shaped in my ee what 1 was goin’ to tell you-—I’m t ofa mind hat it's too mean to tell phe be a neig “Not th at what I've got to tell a- bout Marsh: Baile is eo dre'tful bad," Caleb excused himself hastily, “only when a man’s so plagney meap and close as Marsh is it ought to be a matter for pity, ‘stead of a thing 7, is friends to make a mock ov- # * Get ahead with it,” adjured him callously. “Wal,” Caleb began, by the deacon's attitude, }what Marsh is about hcent? | The deacon nodded. “Three—no, four days ago,” Cal- eb began, “Orrin Beebe. traded 4 swarm of bees with Marsh for t 8 step-ladder that’s stood again arsh's barn over 2 was kind of shackly, but it acre have been any, good to Marsh if It the deacon encouraged “vou know spendin’ a fixes it so he can't get up a etep- ladder. So Marsh figered he'd just the same as made ten dollars. “Orrin offered to hitch up and pring the bees over for a dollar;~bul Mar sh wouldn't listen to That'd take a dollar right }what he was gittin’; so he never ev- en considered it. But Orrin had got the ladder and gone off with it, 89 Marsh ps Laney he'd got to git ome him “That was a oe and the next mornin’ he é6tarted, takin’ a wheel- barrow along; think of a man so fond of money he'd ruther whecl a load of live bees two miles than to nav a dolar to have 'em carted! But the wheelbarrow was Tike lots of ‘hings Marsh owns—bein’ too close .o pay & blacksmith for doin’ a job uf iron-work on it, it was =. P| come apart; and ecto he more'n halfway to Baebe’s the wine ->me off. So he didn’t git the bees chat da’ ay. “Next day Marsh had to figger some other way to git them eee home and yit not lay out money fo} .; and he d'cided that, passin’ be- nu’ brisk along by Orrin’s place, his est holt was to go down there and set, trustin’ to chance that a neigh- paid £0 past that wa'n’t 6cared of oadin’ en few bees ext hone me him. So after break- fast b ut off down to Orrin’s.and ‘ved ound there all day, but no- on » goin’ his way showed up al) long, s0 Marsh made p hits aind he’d got to be gittin’ along home; but fust he arranged with Orrin to be sure and plug the hole after dark, so he'd be sartain he'd have all the bees in the hive thal h’‘longed to him. “Come yest'day mornin’, though,” e eaid, “‘what does Marsh, the d’- mented critter, do, but go aver to Or- rin's with the idea of luge'n’ ‘er iome In his grms—a bunglin’ thing ‘ke a beehive to tote two miles in ‘is arma, ruther’n pay tor i ou know Marsh hd ‘che- at Yrrin to plug the hole in the hive; and Orr done it—but not naviun a cork big ‘nough, he med a wad of paper. Wal, Marsh had elected to gu ‘eross-lots home, and gittin' over that brush fence in es pasture. some way or other go) loose,—ketched in the "trmh, like- ly,—and the bees begun to come out. slow at fust, but comin’ faster all the time. Fust of it Marsh tried to plug the hole with hie fingers, but they ‘stung his hand so he had te quit—and then they did pepper hin! Ae stood it as long as he could, and hen he up and hove the hive and: it struck on a rock and bueted wide spen—and that was the end of ev- erything = . “He Nai the honey," Caleb went on, enumerating the losses, ‘‘and he ‘oat three days, tryin’ Fs git Pn home; he lost the bee for they swarmed and went off fe tind a hive somewhere else; he’s losin’ time In bed, gittin’ ae the stingin’ he got; and he's od to pay five dol- ‘ars, anyway, to Wheelden ~~" And all that,’ nie conetaded. “to save a dollar that he c’d have paid Orrin and Na nine dollars ahead on the tra Stand Still And Decay If you aren't making pro- grees, you're making room for’ somebody who will. There réally is no such thing as standing still any more n. eatisfied with xhat we've done and fool our- Selves inta belfeving that we éun safely rest on our oars. That’s when 7 feliows in the-other boats nm their was solid— that stiff knee of his |’ ; Dobenwend. Peni: Hotel~Queen’s, Listowel On Monday, Feb. 21 HAIR GOODS LADIES AND GENTS ADVICE ON THE SCALP MAKERS OF PATENT STRUCTURE JOHNSTON & KNIGHT Ryrie Birks Building Yonge & Temperance enemy of pain. Sore back, musclés, ligaments or joints all oe to the a of ag F Pz and , haulin" Preserve Thejlife’offyour’clothes by having them. thor- oughly cleaned at reg- ular intervals. Dust cuts into the materials. Cleaning preserves the newness and neatness and keeps the suit al- ways of fresh appear- » ance. Dry Cleaned and Pressea $1.50 ee Joe Lockhart TORONTO. = » ‘ / te ™ , ra On. we KL re Lo > { “4 “a a ts a te rmincert " aod ts "ge: f wots E- = ered ® a us vrs ’ pirautcios 4 Pues ve F it de uci ec bows ‘ 10e tnoverive for apt pre “body ters 21.00 rition and ode Matled C.0.D. or Leadians Dress ‘etm § ‘on parle Franchises — English spokem