Monkton Times, 10 Jan 1908, p. 8

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"Protestant | Flats" | Welcome to 1908. _~ S: tt Bas : 'ars, 'Edward Taylor and family ofp ie 'intense Benne. ' Physician and and Surgeon : : eS nee |Birtle, Man., is visiting her Sister, The - -days, weeks and years 'slip J ; : : "| Mrs. Sarg Laer te ; = Sea away like water in a running |: W. -% GAMERON : Ofti hou So ae as possible, from : ee Mrs. Rober dington of Michigan |stream. (Time's great clock never | ito i ™, ro in Cas ee 5 |yisited her aunt, Mrs. Attridge last |loses a moment. Relentlessly, surely Jeweler and Optician of Mitchell 3 : week. |the moments pass, and our eager A number of the young people at-|hands are not able to detain them. = We will, for the next: thirty tended the party at Mr. William | We cannot keep back the flying years, Honor graduate of the To days only offer for sale 3 Ranney's. : but we can and should keep the bles- ronto Ophtalimic College will DR. } R. LEDERMAN y b a Hi Can, for Mr. Bassett, teacher, returned |sings they bring. Hold fast to the|be at the Hotel, Monkton on DENTIST 7 Dars ee ive P front his home in Listowel to resume | lessons they have taught. Keep the Ses of Dental Surgery and }}25 cents. -- fhis duties as teacher for the coming meee of iheir joys. Enrich every ; 1 year. ay of life with the garnered wealth+ FRIDAY JAN | t epee at Orin. Nieic tgiaauste Small Pork Sausages 10€ lb, Our councillor, Mr. Gropp, has been |of the days behind. 'The years pass, j fs of 'Toronto University, Crown and ; Bologna. ...........10¢ Pe Ib. |busy all last week. Cheer up George |but they leave their treasure with us| re Bridge work a specialty. Hours 9 a. Cheese, 15¢ rsleighing is very good at present. if our hands and hearts are open to ; next an m, and5 p. m, -Officefabove the Sov-- pbesenedercte y : receive them, so as with one hand we : --_--- & . Fe k, Mil ton, Paes Pita ht c : shake farewell to 1907, let us stretch | ft (| = is eee OE " Rolled Shoulder a 66 SAE HESs : out the other hand to w. varmly great ll very econ Fl ay: : - - ----~ Bacon : 18c. Skating is one of the leading sports and welcome 1908. 7 s SHPPESoSeSOTe Veet eselee ys |. 2 Ibs. Raisins. for;..25 cents. ee ae eee ; _ Big Dairy Returns. thereafter for the scientific ac returned after two 3 Jno. ral 'Eckmeier mother in S25 Ser justment of spectacles, to cor- . Eeckm ae PRSLEE IN. weeks holidays with her 5 Currants per .-.. 20 centsi;' The aggregate value of Canadian rect any errors of the eyesight. EVERY THING IN THE HAR- Salt in b er cwt fdas ee ' F cheese and butier* exports for the ait in ags... .-50Cc Pp . Make Nellie tegetae!? of jt eae season 1907 was $20,186,398, as Eyes tested Pes or charge weal I am adding to my stock | visited for the past week with her 2 h $25,999 aa NESS LINE. : : sister, Mrs. W. Simpson. compared with $25,999,034 for 1906, | every pair of spectacles fitted Ready-made Clothing, such as a a eps -onort that Mae. |s0-tnat the returns to. the dairy eady-made 1g, I We are pleased to report that Mas- |° : ] ad, Vie : Mi Ge ARM OMAR" Rama : farmer from this season's exports to | are pos.tive y guarantee Overalls Caps, Mitts, Working ter Robbie Martin is recovering af-| i) ae Sire nest ee : Gloves fi eo ten aed bove ibs er a very serious illness under the | 275 Por ete Gs Phe vathine wemee Make a note of the date, Fri- ' oves 10 ys, skilful treatment of Dr. W. Pratt. at ee te he principal dif- day, January roth, 1908. If}; iery for women and men, Flan-| Mr. T. J. Johnston retyned on rca Si : wand Collace. 'to. |lerenee was in the butter exports, re bothering you, nelettes, prints, underwear, etc. Zabaee to the Medical College, To the returns from which were $3,882,- YORE LY ES 016 ef - es 400 less than last year. This, is, don't delay. Delays are e dang- Cured Meats always on hand {ars Semen, Camason Sele vone ace of course, simply healing with 'the erous. at lewest prices. before leaving for Kingston, where export movement, the decreased re- ' : = _|turns from which were largely made a Our stock of Groceries is al- tae goured 8 school for the com= |. iy the home consumption. Al- way fresh. Mr <A> Jounston ® ainda. Dachey ae for 7 cheese a go for- R. J, SHINE, Veterinary jis oat p) seer: tee ae a : nee ey | Wee we have a 'tota in round Guenther's Bread for sale. sp Bh BOnAny. with Mr. J, G, Hamil-| hors of auiproximately. $23,000, Monkton Rint: : Sugar $5 per hundred. eiate 7 sais ae 3 38 ; ,_. |900 as the returns to the Canadian Honcr Graduate, Qntario Veter- B 'sC h Mixt di = Bie i iagton Sin Bas Se teyaee farmer for the year's exports as|inary College, treats all diseases of arton s oug 1x ure an Sa ep e his studies at Listowe agains a yeturn forthe whole of |domesticated animnls. scientifically Syrup of Linseed, Licorice anc | Pei nosenedk. last year's make in round numbers| Horse dentistry a speciality. Calls Ce ai SS Sage i of $29,000,000. by telephone or otherwise promptly Anas Fl | penrasks Greens : = attended to. Office at residence. 4 liverton our -giways OF Mr. and Mrs. Jones Jacobs spent hand. Sunday visiting friends in Poole. 3 et f Rees A F . k : k Mr. David Taylor spemt Sunday at ant John Murnbull. of Winnipeg i A. CHALMERS FEPHHEEHEEHPH HOH GOH o ed oo urniture kept in stock. Che hondé: et Mer fends Titeobe. visiting at the home of Mr. J. W. ; ' a Ma te ae wy | Chalmers." MONKTON, ONT. Store open every night. Messrs. Chas. Schmidt and Albert Tee Misdes «Marine and: Plesscs % We keep no books, but buy Dahms went to Stratford on Saturday Chalmers have returned to . their Notary Public, Conveyancer, Issuer of on business. Wome an: EWE Phar: varie ee oe Ee a Sere J.P. for the Count and sell for cash. Mrs Aiox Bisith sped. & few dayne ee eee ee eee : E Fa i C Ph t . aA Sci peg i 1YS8 |erandmother, Mrs. J. Chalmers, Sr. |of Perth, Real Estate bought and sold. mi y roup 0 0s with her mother, Mrs. John May-|" My. Oliver Large returned Satur-|A few choice farms for immediate sale. S Rate: Charles Schmidt visited friends to resume his scudies at Toronto Me- i : ee fe Bid FPIONAS dice) Co) ler, ca John Tr. Gill on Rostock on Sunday. : Miss Ida Felter of Baden visited MONKTON LIVERY ! ; Mr. Robert Taylor spent Saturday |yys Wicke last week. BURCESS STUDIO, MITCHELL. Main Street - - Monkton |in Stratford. Mis--Walléce i B ; Donaldson ef Strat- . : Mr. Sam Ropp, who is working for | ¢orq apant. New "Year's vacation <at First-class horses and rigs. ---- D: MeTavish, spent Sunday at home. > ° s Myr. Alex. Ballintine of Topping "Bee iVilla" "with "his unele,~ Mr. Commercial and local business ' his tc a wood: time techav our t sore Nee riaetags rn eee >panes | David Chalmers. catered for. f ' f I k 5 oo : n 1sep 1¢ spent Sunday under the parental) wr. Howard Magwood has secured amy group photo taken when the roof here. a luerative position as traveller a Prompt attention given to all family are beg home. In -- a or . tego w oe zone pe tay through Western Canada fox the orders by telephone or otherwise. more are absent, we can place them in B b Sh in the dance hetd in Wartburg hall, | Gjopa-Wernicke firr of Stratford. the group for you if you ae a photo ar er 0 and report a good time. His field exterds '6 the ear. We JOHN BUCHAN, Proprietor of them. We make photos from the fs 3 Intended for last week wish him every success in bis new smallest to life size but we make only Everything up-to-date. Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor were the {line of work. one grade, the BEST. Steriliz ad towels. Rnti- guests of Mr. Alex. Smith on Chrisi- BRUNNER W M. HOLMAN mas. a . xi oi Miss Ida Harloff of Stratford vis- ee - septic brushes & sooth- jed for a few days at the home of| The St. Marys cream patrons re- [In our Art Store you can buy Fram- ing lotions used. Mr, A. Dahms. caved. for the: month of -Nevember Ss ed Pictures, Post Ooed ites Stat. 8 Mtssrs. George Schmidt and Rob|clear of all expenses 801-2 cts. for LICENSED AUCTIONEER , ' ' Tayor spent Christmas eve in Brun-|buiter fats and was pleased to have i 5 $ danir P. ent £ € 5 si 2 for the counties of Perth and Huron. Price? pene! and Souvenir Post Cards. Also Pool Room ner. the opportunity of showing our Sum- | moderate, and best satisfaction guaranteed. a large stock ot Picture Moulding. Miss Milie Dahms and Miss Ida |mer tests to Mr. Fred Dean, one of | P: arties in Monkton tater ae Were age Bk pe pe Bae ee ee a See tf .¢ | orders and particulars with ] N WHI You can save money by having your i : - Harloff were visitors at the home |the Provincial Creamery Inspectors, | jarber. Mankie. Picture Framing done by us. in connection. :: Prices|of Mr. Chas. Schmidt one day last }aud instrustor in the Dairy Scvovl ai reales. Guelph,, who with his estimable wife, : > vt . es pase right. Games strictly Messrs. Charles Schmidt and Albert |has been paying a friendly visit to - > Dahms made a trip to Sebringville on |Our burg. The average test in June B ; { f i di for amusement. Friday. was a fraction higher than 84, while ur ess Ar S ° Mr. and Mrs.. Menno Snider spent |the remaining summer months were : s - 0 J: WHITE, Proprietor Sunday at the home of Mr. Jacob|88 per cent. He was agreeably sur- "<We make the brick that i ; Aikens. prised, and made the remark that made Monkton famous, $4 $O$$$$9O4OS9S HE FHLELELID THERE SEDY ILL LS SI EL GLI G DY Mitchell x Ontario MONKTON Mr. and Mrs. Albort Dahms left on | We had the most carefrl skimmers he ae : Sunday to spend a few days with | knew of in any territory on his trav- SgNo building material shows friends and relatives in Wartburg. |°ls, There is always a tendency to off a building like our celebrat- 66 i improve the standard of eream where ed Terra Cotta brick Duf ie e aj op" -- -------- }confidenca and choice work together, i irrespective of the price of cheese. : eis ; ica- Lax-ets 5 Cc Sweet to Eat Denmark would never have been so Se etolatons gives. 08 ADPD EE A Cand Bowel Laxative, rominent in the dairy m: i tion to pr [ airy markets of . MAKES. NOBBY SUITS -------- | ii world today if it had not been! yar Ty PB ADNHARDT co-operative system which demanded ; . careful handling by each individual Monkton, Sees Ontario ~ x rc . : : e \no BY es ; in order to make a uniform and E HAS the soods out ot which } Rov sf: | marketable article, and it is encour- Se cy c ea Gi a c ' aging to know that this neighbor- bata Rah Sd ae to make them. He cuarantees -- emer s hood is becoming a model on that o Blankets, line. Thanking you for the space in Robes, Rugs a fit. He gives satisfaction, hence C. P, Re time Tae 2 [be teests" peneee aod WaTenae and WINTER GOODS clude, wishing you and your bg wets now in stock, isrageenetnears 'a's and Boys Winter Laps < X Men's heavy winter caps, sie price soc and 75¢: This week FOF Nine vtnaserees : Horse icnki: Whips, Rugs, Plush Rugs, Team and single Harness, Collars, Bells, International Stock Food. Boys' heavy winter caps, regular ats 50C, ef IG, WEI APE aos gadis cas ei neesae hte Hubber t received a large shipment of Canadian Rubbers the quality of which is exclusively the best and the a $ + + * + > $ 3 Leather Braces made to order. 3 Repairing especially attended to. + $ + + + +> + + a + + + + + $ + Harness Oil at 65 cts. gallon lots. Regular price 75 cts. CALL AND SEE OUR GOODS me AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR HARNESS, John G. Eickmeier O-1Tj-17 BRODHAGEN SEEEEEEEFSH HEE HESEE HEHEHE HEHE PES HH HH HHH OF prices are no higher than the others. Buy them > now when you need them, not after this changeable weather is passed and you and your shoes have caught a cold. Salt For Sale in Barrels or Sacks -- LSON General Merchant, MONKTON, ONT. | NEWRY P. O. sss STS T THTaT aoe efs abe efs feats ofe efe Grohe oho oho oho oho ahs of * | ase nage . é ae | ~ Westbound Eastbound 1. Happy New Year, us success in business. Give him PoM. ALM, eres R. F. PETERS. t ' | | b 2 | A | 822 1033 Wallenstein 49 : pute ieaeee pho ey . : se 832 10438 Linwood 840° 62 a. Flal and be convinced. spien 349 1054 Millbank 830°. 6 Ned Hanlan Dead 5 - . _ . 850 1103 ,Milvert 8 21 5. Of cid did asso! tment of goods recently 904 2118 West Nee eee: 807 55 Edward Hanlan the world's great~ Le, 914 1128 MeNaught 757 545{est oarsman, died at his home in To- arrived to choose from. 925 1189 - Walton 746 % ronta on Thursday last, after an ill- nesa of about ten days' duration from pneumonia. ' : No country on earth where aquatic The Tailor, CG. T. R. Time Table sport was at all known but bowed 2 b Monkton Trains leave Atwood Station, North|the head to Ned Hanlan's prowess, $ and South as follows ; and pretty nearly every Jand saw Going South Going North him at work in match races, regattas = 3 Soo . Ae . y or exhibitions: No man ever began axpress 30 a, m, Express 9,35 a, m 5 : terferteederde nde efooteafecteofe ote eleetecteafecte te ofee sh sfoafesbentecteotecteofeotecfeetecte ofeofectestert eke of Express Pro S Whas ERT rac ee te LOPE OW 21Gb ES : wane foot foot foskecfecfocfertecfe sfonde cfootofente foots cfeofeateatecfente foots ofeofeet 3 | Express 11.53 a.m, Express 8.26 p, m, I let alone win even a fraction Express 3.30 p.m, Express 1.21 p, m of the events that Ned Hanlan came >< "Mitchell ohie SReheC a 55 = y os through victorious, and nearly al- aK yay gs aa : ways by so large a margin as to en- $e ote cteeteste starts ate 2 oe ehe leche} * 2 efoefe sh tha la she sfe chooks ole alo ede chooks cfe be ofe ets efe che egy ole 4 " oh : * fobs Sooty Pee We ' shoots Se ele ete ate ete . * he cdects <n. ch 4 ote ot oer ar eae) +. " 2. . efesbesfooboofefesfoetecfook ofetesfeclecbetesfeobecleclefeeteebeols 5 Heavy Team Harness A SPECIALTY +. * shy 5 < eetesteste +. +9, os" , - ro ofe fe ctect eSoodoctes +02. '. 2, he i ae oe aes '. ci +. % + ROSS Le atectectestectostecte ote s! vac Pe yy ie ie 5 4 thee' ah - * sheet ' ere 8.16 ¢ 3,52. p, pice i) ' 4 8.16 cd a he ae Eee 1 ee Pp. ™- | tirely outelass all competitors. going west, 10.44 a, m.. 14.25 p.m. He was head and shoulders over Bae 84 . . : 5.55 p. m,, 10,34 p. m. any one that ever sat in a boat be- fore or since. Ned . Hanlan in his prime never had an! equall as an oars COMMERCIAL, man either among his contemporar- ies, his predecessors or his fellow- ers. In Hanlan's day there were more Fall wheat per bush ' 90 firstrelass scullers than: at any oth- Barley per bush PS 55 | OF period in the history of rowing. Oate ck rv ' 48 It was the climax of seulling, and not all for vol kind patronage Gee aa gp] regatia in America but could gath- | 3 in the past, and beg for a Flour, per go] together from fifteers to twenty | seageegortertentertortontortertonterteoteotefeaterterteeteateeteateeteetest . - . Bran, per ton vv .cce scccsn O01 ie silts Takeedaky oatoh continuance of the same. Shorts, por' ton Ho] Ripa ap of aspen wae seg] Se nes Sve ee er ewe ts It has been our custom in aap Soe ts tee ee ot aes $|%, ©. the past 'to send out' all Oni Clubbing Raton None ever beat him, and he met them ' accounts at this time of the year, but as Iam unable to attend to du-. ties on account of illness, all of the accounts will probably not be sent out, but we beg of those who have, not already done so, to kindly call at our store 3 and settle, either by cash. oo or note, where a: legal.<® receipt will | be given. 2,44 teal 7. +. Call and see us . +, .¢ bo ehe eee} - . * ote! '* fe ake ade obs cfs foals ofe efeadeafe cteadeate obo afeateteafeate ofeets JOHN GERTH HARNESSMAKER Monkton,') -- Ontario + I wish my customers a happy ae prosperous New Ye: I thank you whe ete ake ote he i She 3a t, Socks ct * . " fo sfoofeots 5 Cn Its = ya a hg Le YY oe ALCH acs fet +, ~ Ce Re AR ON ME Ee 5 foots 3 fs +. 2235s foetecfoo! In BES . Oe. foefeofoes +t ooh hehe cendesfeceefoebecfeceeteeteofecbetectocfetestece What could be more appropriate than a pair of our - FANCY SLIPPERS? rt Seeke ote +208 pepe SP Fe lo So FO LO re oh fe eet -, We have a full line in men's women's and children's in ote + * leather and felt goods. See our oe ee == wane --_ encom = Jefoote ot Sooke e! a FELT JULIET SLIPPERS : This yoar we Srey exceptionally HAMPSTEAD favorable clubbing arrangements pra etre with the leading newspapers of Can- (intended for last week.) ada and below will be found the] yfagters Allie and Anderson Dewar prices for the respective combinations of Wellesley are holiday visitors We will send' any one of the follow-| with their editors: Mr. and ing combinations to ¢: any address _in}yrs. Arch'd McGillawee. Canney from. now until Jan. 9 Ist,| apres. Hugh McTavish, accompanied 1999 -- by her son, Fraser, are holidaying The Monkton Times & Family Her-j with the former's parents at Wroxe- ald and Weekly Star «$1.65 | ter. The Monkton Times & Weekly Globe} At the annual 'achool meeting, Mr. and Canada Farmer $1.25 |James Stewart was appointed trustee, iM ce Seon - Waal Mr. John McDonald retiring. Mrs. ea rama salen as tig ee Geo. Seiftle received the contract for , oy Os Ra et ., |the earetaking of the school for the The Monkton Times & Montreal Wit- year at, a salary of- $64: i aoa Sige aa a gets cen i en $1-60|" | ease of smallpox has developed |The Monkton Times & Western Ad- in this. vicinity. It is however, a vertiser -«$1.60| very mild type, and precautions are The Monkton Times & Farmer's Ad-]being taken against the spread of vocate $2,.25|the disease, and no particular alarm he Times & Hamilton|is felt. by Peres oak tg Ae ee at S175 Mr. Jas. Omond of Topping, who Be for the past few months has 'been The Monkton Times & Toronto W ; visiting = the West, returned home. ly Sun BETS He was accompanied by his sister, The Monkton Tiines & Toronto Daily| Mrs. Manley and her four children, World ' $2.50) who will visit with friends in age The Monkton Times & Toronto Daily East. . + Star .#p2.20| Mrs. Wesley Bowers (nee Miss ate |The Monkton anes & "Toronto Daily | Forest) of Bancroft is at present vis- A News 2 R225 Hee oat her mother, Mrs. Wm. = Forres kaye tard & To: nig "Riek 'The Misses Signor of Wallace 'are ; isiting at their unels'As Mr, John | The Monkton Times x Toronto Eee Ort Oman'. by eee se) ail, and ee ote ane +. (us oe 9 . +t... eae aie) foofee ahs ae 9 BUTCHER Special Offer on Beef Beef by the Quarter from 4 to 6 cents per pound by the cwt. In brown and red for women ; also Misses and children +. + toate. in red. IN CHILDREN'S SHOES : : : . Se . We have just received a consignment from the well- : . 4 ¢ Bate ote ctostecte. of et . eet feet . > *. * known firm of Getty & Scott, who make a specialty of children's fine shoes. Thes® goods are unexcelled for style and quality--a trial will convince you. . feeb ebb be het bee ee eet c teefecte feeds tee Seasonable goods in all the staple lines always in stock, Te ee +9, At the close of another year we desire to thank our many customers for their patronage, and wish one and all a Merry Xmas and a happy and prosperous New Year. Bologna,...........10 cents Sausage... sci... 124 ot RUE TR PRC 5 0 Na ent Carved Hanky, 53 55 * Se 5teet "este atee' 1. ie) acy eee ney 5 EE RE a ae ae + ere ot Pots ale ctecteck ae ae Nad ae ae) * These prices will continue until urther notice, WM. FLOOD, Monkton teeeeeereneneneseoeoeees T. Hardware Merchant -- : West Monkton < te efeahitbente ofeedeefeetoegeate s. * CHALMERS, & ULGHTLY od apes Sieg Mes | Monkton, Ont. Seete- Te SSeS E SEES ese SSESECIESES Soe a te8, ys + 5 + + a + + + + + : b + + 3 + ~ > + PS +> + * be p< > + + * Da ; + + : 3 PS + + 4 + |. ae eo Por se ira FE peptopsebdeptobdtes

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