4 EVERYBODY'S COLUMN Ten cents a line, for first insertion, with . minim charge of 50c. Subseque at “{nsertions five cents a line with minimum ‘charge of 25c. WANTED FOR RENT Small house housekeeping ~yooma in private dwelling by mer a - - “by April ist. Box 652, Listowel. ALE Number of brood sows. Yorkshire, for sale. Apply to G. G. Jackson, phone 631 r 21. FERTILIZER on, HAND Several brands of mixed home- stead fertilizer on hand at C. P. station, or call Ricnecd: Johnston. *phone 601-11 24 FOR SALE EOR RENT Brick residence for sale or rent, with garage. Price reasona le p- ply to Mr. B. Welsh, Wallace street, r "phone --... FOR SALE OR TO R Fine brick residence on woivieion street, with all conveniences. Pos- seasion April Ist. "Phone or write C. V. Blatchford, Simcoe 3-24 . PIANO FOR SALE Beautiful upright Piano ' bought from Gerhard Heintzsman Co., cost $600, will bé sold for about half rice Terms will be given to reé- Apply before March onsible party. pon Pp Apsty P. 20th, owner moivng away. O. Box 488, Listowel. HAVE EYES EXAMINED If your eyes are showing signs of digtress, we are competent to ad- vise you after examination. No chance work. We are here every day to advise you—we are not transients —and our work ts guaranteed. W. A. Johnstone, Optometrist. } t HOUSE FOR RENT Cheap house for rent. Six house- keeping rooms, fruit and garden space, also use of electric stove and Attended: Funeral— Mr. Delbert Philp, of the Pharm- THE SKULE NOOZE | Listowel ol High igh School . bk de @ hi POC. acy School, Toronto, attended the rae of his pee yan r.) Philp, on, Wednes Attended tage in Wat eee Mrs. (Rey.) -B. Geelhaa' in Waterloo this ates attending ‘the funeral of a cousin’. Patient at. Hospital— Mrs. W. F. Schnock js a patient at the “Memorial Hospital for a wee where she is undergoing a spec treatment. Buys Chovrolet Coach— san L. O. Whitfield has pur- ased .a Chevrolet coach from the abe — Messrs. McMichael & McTav erry Friends— Mr. and Mrs. L. ad —— en- their which was pleasantly in checker playing. epent —, Choir Concert Mr « B. Hoadley gnd Miss Win- nifred sade rson were in Stratford on Friday attending the concert giv- en by the ‘choir of Westminster AD- by, and Windsor Castle. Will Fumigate School— High School students will enjoy a nolida to-morrow (Friday). It is the intention to fumigate the schoo aS a Milverton pupil in attendances here has contracted scarlet fever Passed Music Exam— Congratulationr are being extend- week to ‘Miss Dorothy eceived word on Tues- day that she had been 6uc essful ip winning first class honere in her counterpoint exam at the Toronto Conservatory of Music. Card of Thanks— Mr. Wm. Filsinger and Mrs. Mary Misner take Qhis means of ex- pressing their thanks and apprecia- tion for kindness of friends and reighbors at the time of their rec- ent sad bereavement; also for flor- uI tributes receive Win Hot Water Bottles— N. ean’s rink of curlers won the special prize offed by Liv ingston. Ten rinks competed, ’ the winning rink beating by five shots n exchange with|The winners were Jas. Mills, Ed Sten sereiee ip ae use: or middie} och, Art Vandrick and N. L. Bean #ged lady for teh. housework: Two|and the prizes were hot water bot- or three in family. Call , F. | tles Schnock, Central Meat | eae. Sat ’ b: i nfant Son Dies—- weoas Ss The death of Thomas Nelson, 1n- Sh ERR ee nt son of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas FISH! FISH! _ Rellinger, aged one month and Choice Salm Pickerel.}wenty days, occurred on Tuesday. Mackerel, Smelts, Halibut, White-|\M®arch 8th. The funeral was hetd fish Herring, Hadd Ciscoes.|from the family residence Union Fillets, Salt Cod, prot ee T Clark, ‘Phone 410. ee OF INTEREST TO THF PUBLIC Dry —_ wood 90% maple, one or more cords $4.75. After April Lr will sell at regular price of $5 We have still a few cords of cee dry slabs $4.00. If you require 8 few cords for spring you will make a nice saving by ordering now. Yours respectfully, R. T. Kemp & Son. ee GET YOUR SEED CLEANED Owing to the inferior quality ef last year’s crop I am offering to clean grain for seed. Oats and bar- lev 10c per bushel. Small and light seed taken out and a good job miadc of removing weed seeds and erga imnurities . Best to sow good heer eeed. Sangster, cistopel.” AUCTION SALE of thirty Horses, ages from 3 to 10 weighing 1200 to 1600 Ibs. Samuel F.. Smith, auctioneer, has received anstru etions from J. D. Dill, to sell by public auction o FRIDAY, —" 18th Barn, Erie Street, horses are all at Cole's Livery Stratford. first-class Canadian sree. Sale starts gt 1.30 C. Dill, to sell Owner itp instructions irom. I. uctioneer. SPECIALIST COMING Optometrist, ‘ig eyes, (also feeling like sand in syes) granulated eye lids, inflam- ‘med eyes, pain in eye balls, pain a- cross forehead, pain in back of neck, dizziness and’ twitching + ae Ke re- ifeved threugh properly ‘.¢' see RN eeha bia. u~ Sariafac ears, nose, omach, liver, end female ans 0 ekin, ort Being nd tures ape fallen uC- T a Mre C.. Fothergif Fented the venue nce-of Mr. “A. “Gosens on Werll..> treet, and get é ion March 2ath. and Mr. _Cosens are moying — ) naar Palmerston & to them fin the near. street, terment was mate in Fairview cem- etery. wil = New Reflecters— The re, Water and Light Com- mittee be the Town Council met Mr. R Hanna, superintendent of the Public Utilities Commission 02 Tuesday evening and it was decided © purchase one hundr new type reflecters, which will be = on the vrincipal streets of the t Successful Baking Sale— A yery successful bazaar and bak- ing sale was held on Friday after- 1roon last, in the U.F.O. rooms, un- .er auspices of the Ladies’ of ‘he Evangelical church. The baking y were well patronized, and candy table. The proceeds tot- alled close to $160. Attended Funeral— Am those from a distance at- tending the funeral on Wednesday of Mrs. were Mre. Vhillp Reist, Berlett Miss Viola Berlett and olls, of Kitchener; u, Mrs. (Rev.) H. Alsfeldt; Mre. J Preston, Mr. Henry Filsinger, of At- t'ca, N.Y. and Mrs. Andrew Filsing- er. of Ayton. Honored Bride-to-bho— Thursday evening of last week the lady members of Christ Church choir gathered at the hame of Mr. and Mrs n Watson and present- ed one of their members, Miss Lor- raine Loree, the bride elect, with several pieces of Colpert Tadigs tree China. Miss Loreo was com _| pletely taken by surprise and thank- b-|ed the choir in a few well chosen words for their kind gifts. During the evening several young ladies also called and a very pleasant time was spent by all aoe present. dainty lunch was served). / Honoured Recent Bride— The following ts taken from the Stamford News in the Niagara Fal Review, and will be of interest to several here as the brida mentioned was formerly Miss Mabel Hallman, con. Young Veople’s Society of the Stamford United Church gave a_miscellaneons} shower for Mré. George Robins, nes ae Hallman, at the home of Mrs: py. ‘airlee, Tuesday night. The bride received many useful gifts and a‘pleasant evening was spent by the many young ladies who attend- ad. rs Ison Staats -held a miscellaneous eave. on Wednesti. evening for George whose Sensi took place two aS, Robins Was the recipient handsome bout polars triends of the maager" wadanen ent and they n enjéyable! prehing at cards and exces” ay ciate: * | os around the sun. j}me_what — around the earth?” As we look back to september ts when we co ool, think= ing the term would oe end, and now look forward to’ June 20, when we commence our final exams, we think it has not beén so long as ex- pected. Just sixty more days. It doesn't seem far away, does it? Miss Bliie—*'Now, the earth tray- Can anyone tell J. Thom — re, tramps!” Wise sata ne our Fifth Pe sege, Gordon Switzer:—"‘Some peo- ple boast aboht getting England, etc. cn their radios, but I get Hungary every night without a radio. Miss Thombs —_ did — you get on, with that arithmetic examin- ution * Bender—"Very- well, thank ty Miss Thompéson— ‘How many 6ums ‘did you have wrong? ‘G. Bender—“Only Migs Thowunan--“Epsendia, and the other _— were all fight?” r—"‘Oh no, I didn’t do them." * . a We may expect to hear of some future as r Ellis Bros, | ee for engagemen t rings. Mr. Hempuill—""Whe re will I vet a two-foot rule?’ F. McIntyre—‘'The best two-foot rule I know of is not to wear tight shoes. c P ” Why not plan to attend the High Schoo! Oratorical Contest on Thurs- Mar. 17, fn McDonald's Music . Gootl program mill be provid- Admission, silver cohection. The winner will compete at. Toronto in the Provincigl - eiainlaaiaaaiels Don't {fail to hear this . We are sorry to lereat the illnese f one.of Freed worthy staff in the Miss Thompson, who ie at Listowel We all hope for and complete recovery. person of } present confined in orial Hospital. -peedy ir. Layman of Tiflsonburg, rend- ered a delightful solo in the United Chureh last Sunday evening. The selection was ‘“‘Rock of Ages" by Johnson. . . es According to a despatch in the Toronto Globe Tuesday, Rev. James Semple, pastor of Palmer- -|ston United Church, had accepted a eall to Smith's Falls. * = s The regular meeting of the Young People’s Society of the Lutheran church was held Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vai. Kritzer. After the business part of the meeting, a social time was en- joyed anda dainty luncheon served The Baptist jou "People's Union at et on Feb. 28th the home of a. Sidney Sracantate, Mr. L.A Fleming taking the topic, and on Monday, March 7, at t ome of Mre. Carl Ross, Mr. Albert Baker _—- on the subject selected. Both gatheringe were bright and protitable, and $7.0 was voted to wniss s s s A few weeks ago the Finance Committee of the Baptist Church. finding that an extra $128 would be needed to meet outstanding ac- counts by the end of February, ask- ed for special contributions from the congregation. On the firet Sunday ‘jin March it was announced that the required amount had .been met ex- actly, and the Pastor asked the con- gregation to rise and sing “Praise Tl God fro oe Whom All Blessings Flow a > . M'ss Jean Savage gave a very in- terésting description cf New Zeaj- and at the regular meeting of Knox church Guild on Monday evéning. Other numbers on the program were 2 solo “My k” by Miss ree Hey an “Mocking “Bira” y Mr Brookes, ad a récitation, Tne Pase- ing of the woe Swan,” Mr. David Savage s Miss Roxie Elils was in charge of the meeting of the Epworth Leagu gram consisted of ja piano solo by Miss Dorothy McDon- auld; _ vocal selection by Miss Lydia MeCorm ick, and a reading by Mice Pauline Vines, The topic was takep by Cam Gadaions. An_ Inter- esting contest was held at the close of the meeting. Lenten services” of a special char- acter are being held im- Christ Church. On Wednesday evenings at 7.46 o'clock there ia as servi and meditation on Tem as farm DOWD’S SALE LIST CEEEED PEPE EOREEEEE ELSE EE Monday, Marqh 14-——-For W. McNeil, lot 3, con. 7, Bima, 20 purebred +o4 Fes ' Bale ons o'clock hes without reserve, | and Mr. Mar rkus Bender of Waterios: spent a conple of days with rie on this | Mrs. Clarence Wenzel on ren returned to the field, oe a i Miss Violet Bender, 3rd con. spent the week-end ai ps me of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Walte Mr. and Mre Ed. Schneider vis- ited last week with. frisuda in Kitch- ener. Miss Sal ma Bender of Listowel, spent Sunday on this li Mr. and Mrs. John Wolf, Gowan- at the cp i last Friday and grade Holstein eows, fresh f Mr. and Mrs. rf H. and forward springérs we Santas ougars at the’ home of Mr. * oe Dan Kau Thank You Mr. oy Erwir Marguerite Pletch, Ping Quanz and Nelda Manez and Mr, Clinton Dip- re is Instead of sending mail, which tn each cease requires two cents postage, The Banner takes this more convenient method of acknowledging receipt of the fol- lowing new subscriptions or _ renew- als, received during the ry few days, and for which pra A -paeaies wil) please accept our ¢t receipts by Thursday, March 10th, 1927 Mr. John C. Flood, Stratford. Mr. John Forrest, Angusyille, Man Miss Haze] Rassman, Stratford. Mr. Wm. Graham, Gorrie Miss Hazel Lowry, Brooklyn n, N.Y. Mr. John Gee. Monkton Mrs erry, ‘Toronto. Miss Marie ‘Berlett, Toronto Miss Dora Rea, Herschel, Sask. With ibe Gharches | 6alvary Evangelical’: Rev. M. L. Wing, Pastor Sunday, March 13th 10 a.m.—Public worship. il a.m.—Bible School. 7 pm. al ie wen. Monda L.C.B: Tecane raining Olas Ss. Wed. —Prayer meeting. Baptist Rev. Harry W. Jacksow, Pastor Sunday, March 13th 10.80 a.m.—Bible School and Public worshi Dp. Sree ie Vonday 8 p.m : Wed. 7.30 p.m. pit, bd ‘service. and United Church Listowel Sunday Mar. 13th, 1927 MORNING Prepare for Easter. The nme Prayer. Subjec “GO: THE SECRET OF ADVANCEMENT” Anthem: “Oh For a Closer bso Series on Foste Duet “What Is Thy W'll For Me" Mrs. Fletcher and Miss Mc- ick EVENING Prepare for Eternity. A series on the life after here: ye ag SLFTING, —IS A RECKONING?" PP mons b spit Immortal” Verdi Male Chorus The Church With The Open Door P. F..Hoadiey, E. F. Armstrong] Organist. Minister. Mr. Roy Nickel of Waterloo, spending sometime wit! his parente Mr, s and Mrs. Rueben Nickel Si a Me he De ihe A Oe os te a ee + ‘THIRD LINE WALLACE i + Be a a ea ed and Mrs. D. Campbell and family of the Wallace Road;-moved lv near Harriston last week and Mr and Mre. Greer from there moved in the Campbell farm will now be Martin = ig visiting from Hershall, Sask Miss Victoria Camphbe}l was visit- ing at her home in Ripley over Snuday. Mrs. Will Mason, Mrs. Melvin Mason. and Mre Will Kincade were ot London a few days Inst week where Mrs. Will Mason visited a pecialist and had an Xray taken. Mr C. Rassman and Fimerson were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. I. Hallman KURTZVILLE tote oe ee fe sforo So Je f-foafer) Mr. Harold Currie hae accepted a position as clerk with Mr. George Wolfe, in the general store ‘here Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ankenmap and Mr. and Mrs. Adam . Kroft spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mra. Oscar Dippel, sixth line. ; Mr. and Mrs. John Bartman vis- ited with Mr. Bas! "ie Wm. Zur- brigg on Wed The Ladies" aid ra the Mayne Un ited Church met at the home 0 Mre. Wm enry Lynn on —— day afternoon with a good déten ane Mr. Herb. McCabe ‘of spent some time last week heme of his brother, Mr. Toronta, at. the Alex Mc- Miss Minnie Mahnke wuite fll for the past week. lor a speedy recovery. Mr. Geo. Vines arid mother, hus been We hope Mrs Skkhhihi ied diiiiaid bite ate ’ BORN + S ‘ ES e+ hike heeenes MiLGOLM.-At the Memorial Hoa- pital, rere on eg i Marcb 7th. to rs. W.. F. Mal- eolm; of Seadunce: a son (Duncan MacKenzie). , LOREE—In Listowel, ‘on .Wednes- day, March $tt, 1927, to. Mr> and Mrs. Bert Loree, a Son. HOUZE—In Mitchell, on Wednes- oe March Sth, 1927, to Dr. _ Mrs vB uze, a son, ( Houze was sformerly ee Mae Dick t of Listowel. } Prereeetereeewesrsrrc oS oo.) beets HESSON : | pewacisot netaneaape be Messrs. Mich and Jobnny Connol- y of Logan, spent the “week-end with friénds ‘here. Mr. Boss eg A. on * - spent a couple of days a r daughter, Mrs. Wm. “Hawksbee of wie: eoret Marie ore apent ‘Satur at Listowel Cpt. 2 peat gs tte be) ee Was tg of Littensl. Was silane opiiol 2 Ellie Vines, spent Sundey _ home of Mr. and fo a? Mrs. letch, H ed Mr. on and | McDowell, Mr and Mrs. George ts at the home of Wilford Fisher op the inet day. Miss Norma Schmidt week with her rein ag Kell, 4th line How Mr. and Mrs, omy McCabe spent Sunday atsthe home of the former's brother, Mr. John McCabe. Mr. and Mrs. m. Zurbrig¢ spent Sunday al ey latter's sjs- ter, Mrs. Levi») Mrs. Dan Berlett, ‘3rd line, spent several days last week with Mrs, M. Jacques Mr. and Mrs. Elden Ankenman Sunday at the ‘ Mrs. Ira Schaefer. Miss Edna Vines spent last week with her cousin, Miss Pearl Karges 6pent lect Miss Arnetto ote Eepe PEEPS Mobb ited Att, DORKING ‘ $40340044-406058$0eE008e044 Nearly ‘all the farmers from. this district attended the.March Fair in Elmira on Monday. Thé demand for small.pigs was goo Mr. and +o gh: Ro bert Crookes spent. Monday at the home of their daughter, beh ts wey Calder. Newton ‘has on stalled a Padi regan eet R.:M. Allingham and O. Wolte ar ‘Kitchener, spent the week- with the mer’s- parents, Mr. sna Mrs. J. M. and Mr. and bona spent Sunday with Mr. and rs 3 The seven cent. socikl held in the a decided success oo 28©« © @ @- @ @ * & @ ‘ Ll . © ENGAGEMENTS 7 . . . ese &© 2» 0 © @ B&@ © @& Toronto Globe—Mr. xhd Mrs. Ed- win €. Thornton,: Woodstock, On- rio, announce the engegement of their daughter, Edith Marie, to ae Clifford L. Mullett, son of Mr. Listowel girl <— ell known here. Mr. sad ee ¢. i Pais a yes thelr a ter, sac errr lemem in Moore: “| visit -_" Greer’s farm as they have trad- ed. Mrs. Henry Campbell is at New Hamburg nursing her aunt, Miss Elliott, who ie sic , Mr. and Mrs! N W. Bowman vis-j ited on Wednesday of last week with Mrs on the second of Grey, where Mrs. Will G arilles emen-- When n you are ‘ooking eronet for your new spring suit, don’ t forget your local: tailor a We have a nice stock “bei wadlanh ranging trom ee $29 to $55.00 and our range from So to $45.00 tote aeiigats- i tio Employ local workmen and keep your money in Listowel. pene required with every order, balance on delivery. er April ist and during eons summer months we will be aE 6 make up Sasicsdamblie wn goods. Ys > 4 a hoy @ o oag Over Adolph's Hardware Phone 327 Business Opportunity Local representative wanted by large House. Excellen of) standing in.the sormuanlty to make a earaaaceent eamedion No experience required. Toronto es ‘ood Apply BOX 390 “A” Banner New Spring Suits $20 and Topcoats. Special value at Ten days only, F ree P ants--- with suits made to order. 500 samples---imported Ser- ges, Tweeds and Worsteds. Fit guar- anteed---two pair pants at these prices. $22.50 $27.50 ~$32.50 $37.50 > Qs With Boys’ Suits--- pants. New spring styles and materials. Extra spec- ial $7.95 ee Simms, the Clothier “The Long Store ak the Short Price” Phone 150 basement of the United Church was} * ne Sydney ns vi pgp of Onitia.{ e place quietly ie Math The pride. 1s.a form itera n of Mr. and Mt ¥ OR solid comfort in CF luxurio’ riding — 3 Moun an Engine Vibrationless Be- Bel ¢ Mountings on Bog meas Springs, Low Tires—are responsible for the sense of absolute ease and comfort’ that accompanies a ride in McLaughlin- Buick. Add to these soureek gr ani ea its an the knowledge that ct Buick Service facilities cover the continent. DR. H.W. ioe PALMERSTON, CNT. ae -BUICK Soromoniers ARE % wits omar SI Se cea car aera ta Basie. nee ii