Listowel Banner, 10 Mar 1927, p. 7

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OUALITY COUNTS. tomobile vahte in the low-price field. many ne- mare been regarded heretofore as marks of distinction fruit. and cheese may de utilized in the concoction of the biecuite are different. Minced hard-bolied ‘eggs ahd mayonaisse make another good filli sd First we ‘will give a good etand- Hor ie, wien nits that’ are New Gasoline Gauge gc . the shortening. may be butter, z tine i dripping ‘or vegetable fat, though type Lamps butter, or butter and lard m is visi Lakes Seoetni Weeel eagle Matches tei. i° Oe ea. ee pg Parca ann Yet; ee to the economies of volume production, occasioned ‘by the phenomenal oe. steady: slowly rising oven for. the ity of Chevrolet, the Most Beautiful Chevrolet i in ot History is now selling at-ncw baking. , Twenty to 25 minutes fe aud EVEN LOWER prices, the lowest for which Chevrolet has ever been sold in Capes the general baking tim NEW LOWER PRICES a rarony 2Oe . : OF inner F ing, $655.00 2 * §Peas.-::*:..| JAM ‘quick ‘bicat Evan ee ee em McTAVISH & McMICHAEL eee] tina 23¢ Qu dau Sed Le : | Sid. jar Raspberry is Sift gooey! two' ete —s - Mesias Delors 9853.00 Coma Chasis $490.00 E : ‘ our, a ieve easpoontu oO Sait. my fest $44 P Pasa Cote Cee vk ik ee Cee four level teaspoonfuls of baking powder, two tablespoonfuls of short- vee ening and about a cupful of milk, OLY REL E mS AE Aha aS depending upon the sort of flour us- caaaanaaaasataneanatene | . Knead lightly, rol! out three-| + cuarters of an inch thick and cut ip “4 1. §. S. NO. 3 WALLACE : Listowel E i sieabbaial Society | | any desired gize, For use as filled Fa: cut them a little larger than Veesteeeeeeeeeeseeeeseeets| { ' i Co io sich Garret Standard 2 tins 23< r Tomatoes | 49¢ Bib. jar ¢ Bayside Choice Largetin 2 tins 29¢ qerna a — Large tin 2 tins 27¢ Pi 35 3b. for plain serving, about the size of | GLOXINIAS FOR WINDOW GARD- froze. It is possible, however, =4 . a ya x. a tunrbler top. The mag ge is-the report for U ENS make a hotbed ‘on top of the ground loxinas are among the most ty setting it. over a heivy bed of Wallace, for, the month _ ‘ Pure Orange Pas - we ‘ he mo R : ay) f February. Those under 60% have LARD dar Marmalade 3 2 Ham Biscuit of Feb ~~ beautiful plans for porch or indoor fresh horse manure. It is not nec- | ; e. ly ag ee bistuit dough to a half- Sr _—Jéan Campbell 87.28%, | window gardens, especially in early oe to dead ie yap for} neh thickness and cut in the right| w 2 Kenneth |3ummer. They keep in bloom for a making a hothed, as they are con- $2.99 This is Syrup Season = lsize. Allow a level tablespoonful .of Waldon Schade vend: long time and are not at all diffi--tained in many bulletins and cata- —————————T 8 minced cold boiled ham for each Dis- Ir IV—Ethel Young $4.42, Andy|cut to handle. The tubers should, logues;---A free bulletin, to be ob- & ; Society Pure Quebec Quart 63c o. cuit. To six tablespoonfuls of the| polmes 83 be started in pote or boxes of earth | tained pan the Department of as . : nad Mix ham allow in reparation, two tea- Ill-—Bobbie Wright 90.71, Helen|!n February or March, using a ricb/riculture at Washington, 6 partic- Minard’s is the enemy of Biscuit Maple Syrup Pint 35¢ = spoonfuls of sugar, a little red pep-|Gampbell 87.85, ne hie Smith 85.-|50!l which contains a liberal amount ularly exhaustive. Hotbeds should all sheusatic troubles. s _@ per, a teaspoon of melted butter and}57 Florence Hamilton 75.14, Clare | 0! leaf mould and sand. Best re-| be started by the first of March. It Rub it in thoroughly arid A fine assortment | Crownor Beehive 2-Ib.tin 17¢ oe just enough cream to soften the] igqwe 71.85, Howard Beyer 68.33. |sults are obtained by etarting the | ig customary for market gardeners ean. o b. pail mj jmass. Spread the biscuit, half the] yj Walter Boyer 90.23, Jennie| tubers in individual pots and trane- | ‘to gow the seed of tomatoes . ® 23C tb. Corn Syrup 5-1b. pa 37¢ * number cut, with the ham, and] garnott 89.66, Billie Campbell 76.-| Planting to larger pots when partly | | Washington's Birthday. Tt eases the pain, supples 0 EE cegoeaaemeapanenan cis M&S | press the other half on top. Lay in|o9. pearl Wright 71.33, Bert Elliott|stown. As soon as potted up they: Garden makers who do their own the joints, puts new life 'e s ie. the baking pan and bake as usual |¢9 33, Ralph Schade 54.66. should be set in a light window. It) work will find coldframes more. sat- into the tissues - Prick the upper biscuit with a stee) Pr.—Donald Campbell, Gourley{is mot necessary or ‘adv visable to/ factory, on the whole, than hotbeds Rub it in fork McIntosh. Helen Smith, George Mc-|Place them in a dark plhce after the/ unless attention can be given the Ls) a ee eo Cracken. manner followed when etarting Tul-| beds all day, for it is imperative to senseambeanianbiintaitdeniiistitassiniinitarinsiinalinis Shepherd's Pie M. BR Hi, teacher, ‘ips or Narcissi. Some sunlight is\open and close the sash, according A R FE): Two cups minced cocked meat. { desirable, especially during the | to the temperature and the amount salt gr papper. ; teaspoon grated Ieleteeeete pep eeperhbb piled pig artes Pn too nig tet a eunshine onton, cup eft-over gravy or + score the owers when they Coldframes depend wholly upon rr) stock, 3 cups mashed potatoes, 1 & 8. 8. NO, 2, WALLACE + appear lthe heat of the sun, having no man- KING OF PAIN : ge. ; ; eo When the ehift is made from the ‘ure in them, and the danger from x Method. 1. Mix meat. seasonings | garg pepeeceqbbeb-bebeedebotebbebebedeieie? first pot to the pots in which the! damping off and similar trouvles is and gravy; heat. ‘ 5 plants are to ecco the addition of) jess when they are used. Of course, 2. Worcestershire sauce, tomato Report of S. S. No 2, Wallace walkrotted manure or of pulverized | they cannot be started so early. Ity 4, ‘ catsup or parsley may be added, but] for February. Those marked * have|sheep manure to the soil will be ben-jj¢ hardly worth while planting the do not add enough t6 make the mix-} missed one or more examinations. |eficial, and the flowers can be !m-/geed in frames, until S soat ures ee M ture too moist. Sr. IV—Harold Reid 82, ar-| proved by working a little plant food| weeks before the date when seed 3. Warm left-over potatoes, beat guerite Reid 64, Marion Campbelljinto the earth the bude start./can be sown outside. This three well, add egg a seasonings; add/47, *Roy Ludwig, *Lester Bowman. A moderate amount of water must| weeks of time makes a very great milk if neceesa Jr. 1V—Charles MacIntosh 57,/be given, but care. should be taken] difference, -however. The early 4. Butter a baking “wr put in a} Helen Reid 48, Grace Perrin 44,!/to avold over-watering. If, after) started plants are well under way b) layer of potato, then layer of|*Earl Hallman 40, Merle MacIntosh!the Gloxinas have bloomed, the!the time the hot weather comes, and meat; repeat having cobato on top.| 36 stems are cut off close to the base,,;are not set back like those etarted Prick through the potato, using a Sr. lil—Lenore Reid 68, *Ruth|the tubers can be kept over for an-/| late fork, to form a vent for the escape|Perrin 61, Tom Ash 58, Franklin| other’ year, just enough water bets | Most of the annyal flowers may “also Lof..theeteam . Bowman 67, Greta Bowman 49, Har-|given to keep the plants from dry ; 5. Bake in a hot oven until Pog old aes 39. ing out entirely. - i grein re yo = P. tatoes are browned. Jr. UI—Etleen Hallman 92, Lyls The range of colors to be oBtain- Sea pi ch sony bo adage B nin ‘ Mason 91, Marjorie Bowman 77,/ed in the Gloxina rtins through Tey ieniuta Cranuiaen acd Steines : Browned Hash Norris Ash 46. white, Mlac and purple to a rich, It iho : vs to start a limited One eup minced cooked meat, 2 li—James Reid 83, Vera Macin-/éoft velvety red. Gloxinas may also Sometimes Daye . ee cups mashed potatoes, salt and pep- oon 82, John Harkes 56, Vietta Ash|be raised from eeed, which should — ie: ace A ae ‘Kone per, 1 teaspoon grated onion, 1 tea-|55,/ Gordon Weber 50. be sown under glass this mont § . Frames are also a_ great help spoon finely chopped parsley, 1 egg, Primer—Dorethy Hallman, Doro-|This-plan is most feasible when 8 when plants which have been start- étock, gravy or ip tomato, %]|thy Bowman, Billy Campbell, Har-; greenhouse is available. With pro- ablespoon. fat, for old Fullarton, Cecil Ludwig, Harold! per care flowers will be obtained in|©2 != boxes of earth in the house are Method: 1. Mix oo thor-| Mason. , one year to be hardened off. They get just oughly. V..E. Camphbll, teacher. * 2¢ » me — of outdoor = air bere P 2. Heat an omelet pan; put in fat. ; . . . they need to make them strong an 3. Spread mixture evenly jin pan; —-- HOTBEDS AND COLDFRAMES j sturdy. The standard elze for tot reserve racaee god sais er sohofesfes It is a great convenience to have} bed and coldframe sash is 3’ 7 Cook alowiy eo thet mixture] * eleineininieniebieiebeiniiniinbiinr |e little glaas in the garden, although| but sash of this size are rather ae The life of your Clothes . Ps it be confined to a few coldframes | VY for women to handle: Several ? Proved safe ‘by millions and prescribed by physicians for | ,,.4,..0°erent 5. Fold .. + a or t 8. S. NO. 5, ELMA hi gpriepe which are cared for by|70ncerns make smaller saslr which by having them thor- re i 1's gt d i tisfactory. elp it feasible and desir gter and equally satisfactory oughly cleaned at reg-" Lumbago Neuritis W 6. Garnish with parsley; S€TVO) fo sis naguteteefetepeetnte beteteteieteiedetetes | @ Head : Toothach A R N | N G | with tomato catsup or hot tomato|“**** tenis biti ed to pare P etvots, which are! There are substitutes for glass , ache Toothache sauce. Report S. S. No, 5, Elma, for ul indeed for starting early} vhich are also being used by many|} ular intervals. Dust Cold N Ij Beware of Counterfeits Note: The mixture may be shaped Seance and February. ‘Those mark-|J0Wers and vegetables. garden makers with sash. They are ‘ A ‘ i ‘Colds euralgia rh ; into round flat cakes and browned. ed with an asterisk missed one or BR Re properly hare cheaper later, and less likely to be|{ Cuts into the materials. * . ere is only ane nuine \ more examinations. ed and placed s roken, although they may not ad- 3 Pain Rheumatism “ASPIRIN” tablet. If a tab- f Thimbaies Sr. IV *—Annie Bissett 79%, ition last autumn before the ground'mit quite as much eunlight. Cleaning preserves the let is offered as “ASPIRIN” To cups mined cooked meat, salt}*jJean Hume 71% newness and neatness . . d pepper, % teaspoon celery salt, io Sig Bedwell 7 ° DOES NOT AFFECT and salle stamped with the % teaspoon ted jon, 1 tb = * . ‘Bayer Cross’-refmse eae chopped parsiey, ic ‘bread crumbs. ar. seclene 10 Ee owniead, $1 NEW C. N. R. LINES FOR ALBERTA and keeps the suit al._ Annie McMane 79.5; ways of fresh appear-— » THE HEART contempt-itisnot"ASPERIN™ 1 egg, % cup strained tomatoes or|74, Howard Smith 74, Marjorie Gfi- at all! Don’t take chances! gravy. mer 72 *Blanche Struthers 69, ance ; ae AS Miz meat with season- *Duncan Tisden 59 . . “ ings, & ten ess. Mix bread; jr —Helen McMane $3, Ell : Accept only Bayer” package crumbs with tomato, let stand five] Hume a "% Albert Ducklow 79, Wil ws contains proven directions. ae en ami thorough-| fred Acheson 73, *Winnie Acheson | Dry Cleaned and Pressea . small greased molds with|go, * Robb ' py BP pe I oe gh of 12 tablets the mixture cover with greased pap- 5 oe gp ~ sane ret Graham! ~™ . Aths ke ; 100—Druggists. \ Jer. Steam thi 7 ] 50 2 : rty minutes, or oveD/79, Robert Tindall 77, Margaret . } . I'S iAgntrin in the trod= mark in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetic- poach twenty minutes in a moderate/Leslie 74, Ross Bissett 69, Norman - a er ot ee fon id ideal satteriic nett, “Ao A. ). While it is well known oven. Unmold, garnish with pars-| antick 67, E. Da brook 51. irin means Raye ; against imitations,the Tablets le a nticknap BOOS: 187 he stamped with their genatal trade mark, the “Raver Cree" y and serve with tomato sauce. First clase—Vera gies 88, sore tanley Acheson 79, . Gordon Dan- ; HIM “WELL DONE’ hori 71, Lealie Bedwell 73, *Chas. TELL It isn’t enough to eay in our hearte|McMane 47. ° that we Iike a man for his ways. i a ca Dorothy Tind- It isn’t enough that we fill ourlal, Ross. Danbroo . Good, Eva minds with peans of silent praise. ! Bolton, Robert Leslie: a , bie enough that we honor map,| Best Attendance—Annie. Bissett, ne confidence upward mounts,|Ross Bissett, Stanley Acheson, Rob- t's «going + right up to the man him-j/ort Tindall, Marjorie Gilmer, Helen - an ~ telling a that counte. | wceMane. oan oes a work you really ad- mire, "gon't leave a kind word un- R.<O. Pureyp, teeter. & —_—— ed sai In fear that to do so might mak e him vain, and cause him to “ NOTICE TO CREDITORS E have stocked a complete . his head;” we NOTICE IS uEReee GIVEN, abe : carn a iin Wal dome. ane out ion Or the Revised Btat oper tari, ¥ , es an oshes ‘ m, “Well done,” und see how | of the Rev tatutes of Onta as reer Se for See, be sd : 2 his- gratitude swells. “> that all. persons having lai “we ; : It isn’t the flowers we strew on the|gainst the "Estate of David F. Stew 7 ee : grave—it’s the week: to the Hving|art, deceased, “who died on or ¥ Anti ss Rs that tells. bout the eighth day of January, A. | } apira ode wu © vstidsctiean D...4927, at, the Township of Wal- - ; Overine \ lace in the Province-ef Ontario, are @eache pow- required to send by post, prepaid, or | ' > ~~ gs ab rga $2.00) to deliver to he patch cu- + Inodorine toe excess per eusd ; trix, or Cameron E. wart, execu- CROEB «65-0 00--- ge aie ee - The Tonic That tor of the said Estate,‘on or before Hemaruke | Mailed C.0.D. er Leading Dregeiats | Ss Looks them over—you'll ; tae eighth day of April, A.D. 1927. : lom parle Feamenist English spokes ire like them, ° Ve their names and addresses, with full { ——— 1 ey og ra in writing of their claims , ~ and the nature of the securities. (if i= J. P. WALTERS al al ard ena £ x peavalists laration SS AND FURTHER TARR NOTICE - Va fe | , s Cook's Regulating Compound LISTOWEL’S LEADING SHOE STORE - eiieeisiiie {acm sk 9 8 pear Hh gefa | B bas id New Linen coma evs y

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