Listowel _ Binh of ae [STOWE Bra Imperial Bank of Canada was opened in 1899, i the years we have acted as ‘finan ak ead Ce eibinces ean and the farmer in this district. We have leamed that industry, supported by. capable a ment should give a sponte: return of , but as busi- ness itions continually fluc- tuate the advice and assistance of our Manager may be of the greatest value to you. IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA M. R. Hay, Manager STERN . Capital and Reserve a $14,500,000.00 Total Assets $124,870,318.11 Listowel Branch ed | premium but a single serious acci- ;dent might make the town liable for | ee times the premium if such. in- isurance were not carried. | At the last council mecting in the itown of Mitchell a policy was taken ‘out relieving the town of one hund- ‘red per cent of its Hability to the public on its highways, lgtreets, parks and playgrounds. The lecat, accordilig to the Mitchell Ad- vocate, was $144.48. This matter suggested by the mayor should be fully considered iand protection eecured for the mun- icipality. . HOTEL MEN PROTEST Premier Ferguson's attempt to |solve Ontario's liquor troubles by |,the government control policy has ‘certainly not met with the approval of the people. Dryas, wets and mod- es ¢ as ch as ever in the The Listotvel castid cnt of the cr yall. i ae The Atmood Ber alling of bootleggers is gen- vexariied as a wise precaut- ! ton, but the question of-whetner or (Amalgamated Oct., Ist.. 1923.) { not bootlegging will be eliminated Published Thursday of each peek. | !depends upon the strictness with Bight to sixteen pages, seve col-! which the law is enforced, and the t umns bed ben Mes All * PS E:~ home-print. | attitude of the control board. | } i 1 inted he are becription rate $2.00 T Su script ol ra’ a year, strictly in advance: otherwise $2.50. jin net being allowed to sell “beer by six months $1.00; three: months 60c.|the glass, and they are making a f, Fo subserivers in a a States! ivigorons protest against the clauses} a onal for pos r t e Banner and Bee hes the etre of the bill which permit = a saith Deoeonparadel hundreds more | bring intoxicating liquors into ho- than its aye ann excels a8;tels and drink in their rooms. One an i igen ediu i hotel man says, do Job printing. of ali Kinds. ihas given the hotel man the booby E. 8. HUDSON, prize in. his government control > Editor and Proprietor. bill.” ¢ Member —¥r Weekly . Newspa-; This protest is fully justified. ;The allowing drinking in guest rooms of hotels is bound to lead to | att kinds of abuees. It will bring i discredit on the hotel and is an im- j Position on the hotel man. The bill | should prohibit all bringing of, or | keeping of, or drinking of intoxi- {cating liquors on hotel premises. Thursday, March 17th, 1927 Editorial Give a little, Hve a little, try a; little mirth; sing a — bring a} Httle happiness to ear Pra: little, play a little, be a iis ela [Prices of Liquor Not rest a little, jest a little, if the hea Expected To Vary is sad. Spend a little, send a ha One of the chief ta topica of street to another's door; give a little, live Ne little, love a little more. conversation following the intro- aa duction of the new Ontario liquor "= | control act, is how much the con- Housecleaning time is drawing sumer is going to have to pay for mear, and the woman with the mop his favorite eepnds when me on { i gets underway though the glean gehen -illpseledg mote leaves this matter of price tothe dis- than the men with the hoe. Rem- cration of the commission; it is gen- ember Byron's famouw# lines on the erally believed that there will be Maid of Saragossa? The French un- little variation from present retail fe Y lead Marshal Soult were beseiging | rely ae gricee. sepich are approx- ' that city, and the men folk were in- Imported Scotch Whiskeye--From ¢lined to give up; but just then @}$5.60 per imperial quart for such ‘: woman with a broom came along} brands ag King George. and old and drove the marshal and his|Label to $5.40 for Old Parr and i Frenchmen off, and they never Queen Ann and down to $5.1 seame back either. They'd had a » Canadian Scotch—$4.50 for such brands as Argyle and Royal George. 5 ‘plenty. The lady got into history as Pach Rye—From $3.00 to : - Maid of Sardgossa, and Byron's] **-°°?- ‘ _ Be. lines have immortalized her. But — SRE FEES tO : after all, it was just a case of a wo- aint Srone $3.40 to. $4.50 man with a broom. Brandy—From $4 me: te 35. 75 ve Rum—From $3.70 to $3,;80. B rr dos. Dom 50 “pe OWN SHOULD HAVE PROTECT- quarts and $2.15 per doz. pints. Imported beer, ales, egress od to : At the last meeting of the coun- $5.00 and $6.00 per doz. quarts His Gold We 1 Ephriam had put on a clean col al and his best coat, and was walk- Watson made the atutement| Mayor lt dann ge up and’ down the “hat he thought the municipality ‘phould take out Insurance to pro- - tect the town in such claims. The je a good one, and money spent; °S such s = would be well colden ar Pathe oo aA = $0--yeurs" ago)” E would ae good. business on ‘the! teas? . e part of the Council to take a pol-{ ‘Yes. sul. ‘ey that would protect pu sen “‘ien’t et wife ae: soem from actions for Set "with accidents ell, why pe oe. tn alebeess My bridges, | to D “Premier Ferguson “aren't you working ‘Soars Eph:}, raim?” asked one of his acquaintan-: THOSE NECKTIES bd (Kingston Whig-Standard) — for general rejoic- There use ing in "the news that eilk a et asl 1- throughout the world gns for men's ag i monies afforded » the necktie for brightening up the universe have been neglected for years. , : Possibly it is merely the reaction of a couple urers are offering its wardrobe incomplete without the drawer contained coupl of dozen, of ties,.no ow many holes appeared in t . Poss: ly also some secpnkainiticy rerolyes on those maiden aunte who mit the érime of Buying, without. ow advice, presentation tles Be that as it may, men have fall-|¢ at purple dinner jackets and other adventurous suggestions, but by all means let us capitulate to the aee ing crater ay vedge which used to encircle our necks s0 becomingly, and whe should be al- lowed to do so again THE TERRORS OF HANSARD (Meaford Mirror} The Editor of the Tweed writes that he papered his hen house with copies of Hansard con- taining the debates in the House of News is so full of the constitutional quest- jon that he can't sit on the home roost. Qne of the Tweed Editor's hens ate two pages containing a small portion of a speech by Tommy Church and now all utterance to a hopeless jery, discon- nected cackle, interspersed with something that sounds like “‘Toron- It is to be hoped that the Tweed Editor watches hie flock closely One of these days he will have a bil. ingual hen which will cackle in both English and French, the-one which gets full of Liberalism, Conservative- ism, Progressiveism an ism all at once will surely have a terri- ble dose of political colic. Yes, what the hens of this country need is high protection; . protection from such experiments as carried on by the Editor of the Tweed News. The horrors of Hansard dietsare too hor- ible to contemplate. GOD BLESS OUR ENEMIES {Canadian Police Bulletin) Quiet people, who might be hap- py if they lived in a cemetery, want their neighbors summoned to court for keeping children who think they own the street and can torment _citi- zeng with their hoydenish shrieks. Folks who delight in pure afr com- plain that men who kee autom biles ought to be fined for polluting b-] It is it does is give 1¢ Mr. ky ping was Agee ism, he gested that he was Fags oid jo of that ter. On ihe oo comments made in all Bsus Bg of the province have ehown an almost uni- Seenal disposition. to make the best of the new order of things and to help in making the Hqvor control; Than law and the csntate for its adminis- tration as good es ble The government “control “pur wii have to be examined more minutely than has yet been poseible before a final verdict is giver on its merits- too soon to say exactly to whet election pledges. Any fears fears continue in that regard with “be due to very wide diseretionary Be ers given to the Hquor board, w frersonnel, enjoying “public confi- dence as soe now, = will ‘change with the The definite ‘provisions of the bili warrant the hope that Ontario ié to sie ps a system of government con- rol that will keep the proviiice clear az some of the most serious abuses that have developed in other gov- ernment control provinces. The law, as framed, will not teach the com- munity to drink as the Quebec sys- tem does. It will not allow the brewerles to run wild as they do in Manitoba. It will not enable doot- leggere to buy from t iittle The ntrary, | cordial I find t little: -inetill me Saget & vga cheer my frowns. And; too, it seeds Te DOO Ie there ony folks Some | The: netle vada ee its. thrills — Bat theta. of a ie Bok the place that fills They tind th their fun in simple things, With And And some amight say, boob!” And maybe But, “rue,” or ek ra be “of content To gt gulet fun, ae atte Fr rent, The alr: isn’t, what it used to de true As those who've “tried it know. ;}Pehaps you say that I'm a “rabe” To feel th ithin will goon be obliged Ps alsen with the window closed. E ready. for Spring pees ae : Src ‘tigate od friendly atmosphere e er by} sock Al oor me — OF : who rush and toar, . fttle thrill to find, litle pomp and show piness it brings @ way I de— Crnat guy's a ‘that is some little po toe . Kinnison. without. the quantities of. their pur- chases being endorsed on the backs of. permits, as in Saskatchewan. dt will not sanction the sale of beer by the glass as in the beer parlors an:l canteens of Alberta. And it will not io will be the only government con- tol province which ns the public advertising of liquor. This unique eature, which 6 Star ventured to commend to. Mr. Ferguson's consid- eration, increases faith in the prem- ler’s assurance that his purpose is to ment sale systam will ‘‘give the least possible ecmengt and do the mini- mum of ha If Mother Eve had known half ae much as some of our flappers today, — a fool tie would have tnade of the serpent. Frjendship? People Fpilic a cow when she is fresh and sell her for beef when she goes The hairs on your head and motor cars are all numbered, but that does not prevent either from-coing fast.— Brandon Sun NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the atmosphere with gasoline. Men} ~ who work at night and cleep in pursuant to Section “$8, Chap. 121, oon, dcmand that carly-rising|? tho Revised Statutes. of Ontario, roosterr, or their owners. should that-dll persons having: aime oll have thoir heads chopped off, Peo- sainst book Estate of David F. Stew- ple who regan pal dancing as an inven- plese who Cied on. OF" tion of the de ask bey can’t bout ec “eighth day of January, A. eummon Ds to court for}D*29 t the Township of Wal- “ehacing the glowing hours with lace fa the Province of Ontario, are flv ing feet.” Citizene. with sensitive required to send by post, prepaid, or osee, ould like the manaze: of a] %%_Seliver to Janet Stewart, execu- ea: enan factory thrust into maa trix, or Cameron E. Stewart, execu- city’s de sepent dungeon fcr exuding tor. of, the: Souk’ matats, OR OF erin anything legs aromatic than laven- the eighth day of April, A.D. 1927, der. their namies and addresses, with full Disciples of Voltaire ask for the suppression of church bells, and people who hate dogs the man next door who owns a pup, fined a sum which would keep hie family poor unto the third and fourth generation Let him who thinks that the out- side world is in love and charity with him, have a care e@ may walk through lifé as cireumspectly as-an early saint, and commit no greater sin than that of ‘aeaaise a Dipe on the verandah. Yet at that softly into a police ie to eee oT; the rigors of the law n’t make hit change the brand of h his tobacco. It is disappointing.t6 know that we are hemmed in-by enemies; that’ the rs Listowel P.O. z. particulars in writing of their claime and, the nature of the securities” (if any) held by them duly verified by a statutory declaration. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the said Eighth day of April, 1927, the.said executors will proceed to distribute the ts ot the said Hatate among the pee entitled thereto, having regard o to the claim which they oui then have had notice, and the a executors shall not be liable for the eaid ¥. any. part thereof to ny persons whose claim they shatl not chai: have received notice. ATED-at Lisowel this eighth day of been A.D. 1987, Janet dwelling, and to, lay itation, simply* because ‘our rooster gets up too eurly: GOVERNMENT CONTROL TARIO IN ON- Toronto Sta 4 The tone of the speeas with which roduced his Premier Ferguson int government control measure in the tegislature yesterday was admirable. The speech, it ie true,’ might be more accuately- described &latement which, having ‘been care- fully prepared, was the fippancy -and caustic réferetices Mr. mr = Sep ie “After taking Adlerike I can eat anything and sleep like a iB I had e stomach coul as on dnt Pp food “ee nor dent (signed) c Miller. ONE spoonful Adiler- relief to the atomach. wa inated feeling: ‘Often brings old ogy a ter you never enone was in your system... Excel- lent for chronic constipation. E. M. OREIGHTON, Druggist. ika removes GAS and often brings that}: Jor B—, a merchant in Vancouver, be first train’ to Tororto to secure a big order. o-oo @ new bodies by Fisher—lower, fonger, fin- , his rival Na Van- ished in striking new Duco combinations with couver, called the Tor- windows smartly recessed: . , . Here is onto customer by ‘. Distance and sold h ever the telephone be- «+ + Here are: all the ‘advantages of fore B’s..train had numerous lari a narrowed rcached Calgary. body pillars, tilting-beam headlights with foot a 2 a control, new. transmission and. brake detest, The safest move, al- ~ and the like. . . . And, most important of ways, is et the all; here i the exceptional value‘ created ty ~ prospect on the tele- phone atvonee:, If you Product offered. . .: . The success of the Pontiac Six can’t sell him over the of has gone into history, probably never to b- elephong, make an-ap- Ganaoes équalled by a new make of car! “But already” * pel wait £ T en ore we ae he: new and finer Pontiac Six is striding away wil wait ior you ° 4 piecing his order. Limited to new and more impressive ‘records—for .it Many subs ceribers who used to think they had to Person: calls now find that they reach the person they: want with Station- to- Station calls: “They are’ quick- er and cheaper. OUTSPEED-~— oo , OMPETITORS~ THs moment you see ‘the new and finer : ; 2 Pontiac Six, you will realize that General Motors have taken extraordinaty measurcs to- insure the continuance of Pontiac value leadership in the field of low-priced sixes, Here is the commanding beauty of took the *_ « * ‘the substantial appearance of deeper radiator and new crown fenders of impressive grace. the new low prices at which all body types are constitutes the greatest value ever-offered-in a 8 8 : a low-priced six. ‘ Pr-1429 AT NEW LOW PRICES make Person-to- Wm. Stricker & Son Listowel, Ont. Dealer for Pontiac whem the commenda ) ol ohnet Mele a tone teak “hive Come and we are studious ou Re § \ E have ‘earned ab Pith daeies* a” aoe faithful to our trast _ BANKING REQUIREMENTS a nee a ap ae em ee oy et oe «wee? partic- dia insite be which they uk copages. ae Whatever your baniing requirements may bé you ‘ . will find the Bank of Montreal prepared to give. the particular form of service you need. 1K OF MONTREAL rOrAik sent sprN EXCESS OF $789,000,000 . Ba ed