EVERYBODY'S COLUMN Ten cents a line Bhi firet wi inimum | With theCharches FOR SALE Good cedar posts for sale. Apply Ed: “Ward, Gowanstown, ‘phone 630-11 R SALE Two good Yorkshire sows due in April; terms to suit. i to a Robertson, Lot 2, Con. § FOR SALE Piano, walnut full plate, nearly new. Newest style: Owner going to Engtand. Sacrifice $250. App -}. Oke, phone 125. FERTILIZER ON HAND mixed home- eall Richard Johnston, ‘phone 601-11. Will also buy a num- ber of fertilizer drills. FOR SALB Baby carriage, basket weave with coffee shade body, old ivory gear, ooden wheels, reversible body. Buggy good as new. Apply Phone 168. FOR SALE OR TO RENT street, session April “Lst. “Phone or write C. V.. Blatchford, Simcoe, 3-24 FARM FOR SALE One hundred acres, lot 6, con. 1, from Listowel. town ‘line east; formerly owned by James Rennie. For information ap- ply to J. Rennie, 11 Home Street, Guelph. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS Beaver Brand Carbon Papér and Typewriter Ribbons do not smudge d are guaranteed to give twice the length of-service. Ribbons 75c each. Buy your*ribbons and carbon; paper at The Banner office. tf} HAVE BYES EXAMINED If your eyes are showing signs of distress, we aré “competent to a you after: examination. No to advise you—we are not transients —and our work is guaranteed. W. A. Johnetone, Optometrist. E FISH! FISH! FISH “Choice Red Salmon, Pickerel, Mackerel, Smeits, Mallibut, White- Herring, Haddock, Ciscoes. Fillets, Salt Cod, Labrador Herring, Oysters. Special Finnan Had $1.- 65 box, 15 bs, 2 Ibs. for 2 -F Clark, "Phone 410. GET YOUR SEED CLEANED last year’s crop I am clean grain.foF seed. Oats and bar- léy 10c per bushel. Small and light seed taken out and a goed job mado of removing weed seeds and other impurities. Best to sow good heary seed. J. W. Sangster, Listowel. DR. G. W. TUPPER, B.A. @steopathic Physician Main St. East, latewd, Ont. Defective Vision im young and middle-aged people SUCCESSFUL- ‘LY TRBATED without the use of glassea Diseases of the eyes, ears throat, heart, lungs, stomach, invee, «xidneys, intestines, male and female orgins nerves, 6kin, blood, including ruptures and fallen "arches a suUC RSSFULLY TREATED. “y Osteopathy j30u haven't given yourself a fair heal f day evening in the Public Library to T 8@,! spent, but —_— Galvary Evangelical Rev. M. L. Wing, Pastor pm. Monday 8 p.m.—B5 B.* and Teacher Training Class. Ww m.—Prayer meet ed. Dm ing. Friday 8 p.m.—Cholr Practice. Baptist Rev. Harry W. Jackson, Pastor Sunday, March 27th 10. a a.m.—Btble School and Public rship . pem—Bvening | service. Monday 8 p.m. Wed. 7.30 p.m. "Prayer “service. United Chureh Lis Sunday Mar. nh 1927 MORNING Series op Prepare for Haster. The Model Prayer. “Yourself and Others N. L. Scott is spending a tour" "days this week with friends in 4 ° . G.Shiell was in Wingham wenaiay ‘on professional duties. and Mre. B. McAlister and daughter, Ruth, of Winnipeg, who e been spending a few weeks in Lissowal with Mrs. Henry Zilliax, left Wednesday for Chicago, where ree will make an extended... visit. They were accompanied by Mra. H. Zilliax and daughter, Marjorie, who will make an ‘extended visit with friends in the U.S.A. 215 Sam -Caruso. of Walkertony visited —— at his home in town. Messr F. M. Porteous and J. Robbie pie a few days the latter part of last week in Toronto: Miss Pratt of Petrolia, who has been visiting her brother, Dr.. W.-C Pratt for the past week, is leaving on Monday on a trip to Californis. Mr. Chas. Duff, blind musician of Niagara Falle, called on Mrs. James “Moore to-day, enroute to Brussels where he is putting on a] concert. ee - At the morning service on Sunday next in the Evangelical chureh, sev- membership. with the church. *. J = Subject: “THE LARGER FOR- GIVENESS" Anthem “Send Out Thy Light’ Gounod Male Quartette Messrs. Zurbrigg. ©. Finkbeiner, Blackmore, E Finicbeiner EVENING Prepare for Eternity. A series on ISSUE Anthem “Savior Thy Children Keep” Sullivan Solo “Fear Not O Israel” Lyle Kidd ae Church With The Open Door *, Hoadley, E. F. Minister. Organist. New Books Released at 8 o’clock— The books mentioned in _ last week's iasue will be released on Fri- day evening at the Public. Library at eight o'clock. Tonsils Remov Mrs. Chester Adams, of Trow- bridge, had her tonsils removed on Tuesday of last. week at the Listowel Memorial Hospital. Will Organize Soft A meeting will be held next Tues- re-organize the town soft bal) league for the approaching season. Underwent Oper@tion— iea ark, an employee of the Bell Telephone staff, underwent an operation at istowel Memoria! Hospital, on Monday, and fs doing as well as can be expected. County Receives Road Cheque— The County of Perth eae received a cheque for $41,940 from the Pre- vincial Government as the grant | to- credits to come off from the year be- fore and one bridge, which was not Improving Slow Friends of Mice Thelma Rennie will be glad to hear that there is im- | Thank You n her condition, follow- ing her serious illness. Miss Rennie and her brother returned Monday ev- an from Toronto, where they vis- ted fr'-o's, the former having tak- stead of sending gel by ‘ which in each case wo cents postage, The Banner os this moré convenient meth ursday, March 24th, 1927 a. H. Porterfield, Edmonton ch, Alta me. Jas. Banbury, Mt. Elgin. 3, J A. Williams,* Union. r. Peter Heinbecker, Toronto. “"r. N. Kitchen, Kawende, Man. "rs. R. Barr, Glendale, Cal. ? Branch Women’s Institate— The March tee of the Listo- West Branch Women's Inetituto | held at the pine of Mrs. Jemes Thursday afternoon Hag ‘by Alf. Chapm nm the tite of St. “Patrick oe Mrs = sr Brisbin; EN a The remainder of the time t in singing Irieh etess seryed a dainty luncheon. vires|in attendance, and we are glad to “i Have You Join ed ?2— ew} Memberships in the Horticultural] In :-The roll call was res; : jokes, and the program ae at effects of Ross are a keeping with th a ,j/ town line east, to W. Gri oe “ -f tiesto m4 The 64 acre farm of Chas. W. aties, of ean | inst gt = Del betel abate, x gh time was enjoyed. The 80 a eer.ously ill while motoring home. Miss . Benneweis is nurse report Miss Rennie is now on the men Vv serge are coming any cases such societies plane sare ates made to brighten up their constituency with flowers in connec- tion “with the celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of the Dominion. It is at the local society will contribute its share to this good work~provided it receives the neces- Bary support from its.membership. Property Changes— The following. properties have changed hands within the - Paste week: The 50 acre farm ‘of E. B. Smith, inside fhe town Limits to C. . Smith. The 49 acre farm togeth- er with stock, implements, feed and Moore, every case to ibe Sivek april “lat: "Deals by di he fecroot iy le Hoad'9: 97, Jean Helmka 96, completed, will not figure in tho “}grant until next year. es There will be the weekly service of prayer in Christ Church at five o'clock on Friday afternoon. Holy communion on Sunday morning at 8 o'clock . os agreement,has been entered into between the Mission Boards of the Presbyterian church in Canada and the United church, under which he former body will administer al the Indian work an property in Manitoba, which they formerly held. “Miss Charfotte Schwass led the meeting in the Evangelical church Monday evening, and the scripture lesson was read by Miss Irene Rass- man. The topic on “How Can we Improve our Minds,"' was given by Miss Lilian Bender. Rev. M. L.. Wing then continued his study on the Teacher Training | Work. n Tuesday evening, the annual at the parsonage. The/officers elect- ed for the coming year are as fol- tows: President, Miss Jennings: vice-president, Mises Myrtle Fields; treasurer, Misa Arnetta sagem e; secretary, Mies Mae Hill; sec., Miss Emily Askett; sesantat, Mits Mildred Greenslade; superin- tendent of Needle Work, Miss Arch- er and counsellor, Mrs. H. W Jackson. After the business, a dainty luncheon was served. Considerable interest is being ev- idenced at Young People's League of.the ‘United €burch owing to the contest which has been. going on for several weeks between the “Reds” and the “Blues.”’ This com petition’ closes next Mondaf evening. Las sane a duet and Mre. Large and her daughter Betty gave a piano duet. . ¢ ¢« ; An interesting meeting of Knox church Guild was held Monday eyv- ening. The topic “Scotland” was taken by Miss Isa Austin, who used antern views to illustrate her talk Many beautiful scenes and historic castles were shown and Miss Austin gave an added interest by relating her pereonal experience on her rec- ent trip to the Old Country. A play four girle Doris Wheeler, Dor- Florence Walker ernie entitled nion,” Was very well acted and aadayed by the mem- bers. Robert Symons had charge of the meeting G4 = Me ] laa =a @ 4 val = Sa i se The Baptist Young People’e Un- fon met on Monday 14th es interest was given by the visit and short address of Mr. Grif, presideut of oe Sound Association of B. Y P..U. On Monday 2tst, the meeting was held at the home and Mrs Oakes, the topic being. eninaatly led by Miss Oram and interestingly car- tied on ‘by five other speakers, 4 number of younger members haying assisted Miss Oram in the settinx forth of the subject. A visitor from Toronto gave a stirring and ew talk on her Christian experienc s ° Ld The Baptist “Blue Bird’’ Miasion Band met at the ee oneee on Thurs day-afternoon last, Donald Oakes, the retiring president, prontaing. ‘art of the programme was the election of enguing yeu. m- ‘ration and election was by ballot throughout, and the result was ae follows.;—President, Douglas Flem- ing; Secretary, Mise Margaret Grora: ary Bennet,; Con- Programme Miss Isabel Ross. ° Mrs. Jackson, who is Directreas, gave. 0 vere interesting account of the Incase South America in connection .witb Baptist Missions in Bolivia. A col- lection was taken and three dollare BORN i +? eral members will be received intolg | Mes- srs Lester Loree and Wilbert Karges Mrs é . the week-end visiting Mr. and Committeés + H These oats are of wigintiobdlly high quality. Have been re-cleaned un- der a SPECIAL PROCESS, making them free from all seeds, weeds, and dust. We recommend them very highly. Get your supply at 75c bus. ‘ Pfeffer Milling Co. Phone 53 Listowel Many pecple "puated’ themselves into thinking they can get thing for nothing, especially if they buy cheap tea and think they wil get satisfaction . Ha | B a Aeletetetetctet KURTZVILIM + - REESE EEE EET ESET TE ESF Mr. John Schaefer nad. the mie-] fortune to have: his 6 ar .camp os also stepped on a nail and was con-| fined to the house for several days with a very sore foot. | Mrs. J. Dietz and Mrs gif-| man spent several days last week at} the home of their sister, Mrs. : Bray, near Listowel. Mr. Smith. Vines is nicely aftér ‘being confined house for several months Messrs. Henry and Charlie Shaef- er of Fordwich. spent Sunday with their brotirer, Mr. John Schaefer. Miss Viclet Jacques spent the week-end with relatives in Listowel. improving | to tho Mr. : Fe Sunday with thé: Mr. and Mrs. H. Diet Seakea Serle ote D ponies PPD 4 SIXTH LINE WALLACE + + *4 on a hele dete tet tnt | See head a Miss Lorena Bender of Ayton’ spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M.° Bender. * ra, ._N.. Forsyth returned to. her home in Toronto on Saturday | after a week's visit with her sister, Mr. d Mrs. Dan Kaufman rant Santas | a at.the home Mr Michael Walter. Measrs. Morgan Pletch and Ezra Krotz of Kurteville, visited Sunday on this line. Sa ee ee ee a ee Ne te te ed > ‘THIRD LINE WABRLACH ¢ + es es a es es ee ee ee Charles Coultes had a wood bee on Wednesday of last week. The even- ‘ng was apent in cards and dancing. Mies Martha Campbell, of Ripley. 3pent a few days with her sister, Miss Victoria Campbell, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Weber. M eon Damm of Listowel, visited at the home of Mr. J. Bend- er on ay. M d Mrs. Bd. Chamney spent Harold Hall and Miss Mary Cliate. ney, in K' | Fries ‘+. Clarence Bender ill b in that. he is im- proving, tolic .ug his recent. iliness. / Measre. S: S. Good. and Henry Iorne, of Listowel, are busily ei- vaged at the home of Mr, and Mrs. ohn Bender thie week. Mr. and ‘ra. Bender are having some im- “ovements and alterations made to yelr home. PLEA PELE EE SE PEELED ES -WALLACE COUNCIL ° , SpE EEE EE EE EEE LEE ESET on—-The Cowncil met +: & ““areh sess! ort _ diy raat and the clerk war ‘ytructed to prepare a by-law re the “me, pact the 21, at 1.30 pm. was ye day set.by resolution of the taryboro Twp. n the Scott Drain. travel 1226, ahs 35; ‘an, work on roa “Meher, ¢l, ui ditch. |J@hnston, shov. gravel, $4.00; Gord- - orge Met-; GETTING i. FOR , NOTH- CES Hundreds of New Bargains Awaiting Y ou--- [N Men's F senisliee: Suits, Odd Pants and Footwear. See our Men's Shoes on sale at . Men's $2 and $2.50 Shirts $2.48 $1.25 $1.00 ties for 35c Hats at. half price Rubber Boots $3.95 LadiesshoeS to clear out, 98c Ladies’ Carpet Slippers at [9c Underwear, all selling at a big discount. W alter’ s : Men's Fine-Gloves, Belts, Sox, - ‘rare Power Fart: Comterends A { ' 5 On the Subject of Profitabie Farming Programme = DAT) vente -lnlbatigieh usedof the Fordson. ; ae - the Fordsen. FILMS Probl Fer Farming. —its advan- TALK = Powe | Sats pays. FILM — Solving ihe Preble 3.30—4 TALK — The Preperation of the Bed and Seed the ees of No Charge for Admission 4—4,30 FILM—Preparing the Seed Bed 4,30—4.40 ANNOUNCEMENTS—Affecting Me- chanical Course next day 440—5 FILM—Reclaiming the Sumas Prairie 35 Fordson tractors cultivate 5 reclaimed lake bed near wack, B.C Chilli- 5 {SECOND DAT] 4 Mechanical Course on the operation of Fordson tractors, agricultural im- plements and equipments. ARRANGED BY THE POWER FARMING DIV:SION OF a4 FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED PRINCESS THEATRE, MARCH 29th J. A. McINTYRE’S GARAGE, MARCH 30th